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Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona • Page 1

Tucson, Arizona
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JOIN THE, NAVY JOIN THE RED JOIN THE ARMY Today's Theatrical Offerings OV'KRA HOUSE Annette Kellerman. BROADWAY William 8. Hurt. PIMA "The Shielding Hhadow." i Mn'' Vonr Daughter." Weather Forecast tor May Aril. Saturday, clearing, warmer In went.

Now Mex. Saturday generally cloudy. "TUCSON IHINII" VOL. LXXVII. NO.

119 On Trains and at Newsstands, So per copy By Mall or Carrier, 60o per month TUCSON, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1917 Mi 1 ARDSTOLEAVEF Entire Nation Must Become Liberty Army iu on ID Fill FITS; KM IS Of 1Y 1 ays Procla mat io All iT BILL IDE i Tried, Trained, Seasoned Troops to be Rushed to France at the Earliest Date Possible; Mobilization Already Started (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, May ,18. President Wilson tonight ordered that a division of regular troops, commanded by Major General John J. Pershing be sent to France at the earliest practicable date. Geenral Pershing is to precede the troops. This is the answer of America to France's, plea that the Stars and Stripes be carried to the fighting front without delay to hearte nthe soldiers battling there with concrete evidence that a powerful ally has come to their support State Troops Called Into Federal Service as Wilson Signs Measure to Raise Greatest Army America Has Known; 1,000,000 Trained, Equipped Men to Be Ready in Year, Backed by Reserves and 500,000 More In Training Registration Jnne 5 (By Atioclated Press.) WASHINGTON, May 18.

The war army bill, as passed by congress and finally reviewed at the war depart-. Miont, went back to the White House tonight and was signed by President Wilson. The president's signature set in motion immediately, machinery designed to produce within a year's time a national army of more than 1,000,000 trained and equipped men, backed yadequate reserves of men and supplies and by an additional 500,000 soldiers under training against German aggression. May 18. President Wilson's proc-' lamation, putting into effect the selective draft provision of, the war army signed tonight, follows: "A Proclamation by the President of the United States.

"Whereas, congress has enacted and the president on the 18th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, approved a law which contains the following provisions: "Section 5. That all male persons between the ages 21 and 30, both inclusive, shall be subject to registration in army regulations to be by the president, and upon proclamation by the president or other public notice given by him or his direction stating the time and iplace of such registration it shall be the duty of all persons of the designated ages, except oficers and enlisted men of the regular army, the-navy and the national guard which are in -the service of the United States, to present themselves for and subject to registration under the provisions of this act, and every such person shall be 'deemed to have notice of the requirement of act the publication of such proclamation notice as aforesaid givefi by the president or by his direction; and any person who shall wilfully fail or refuse to present himself for. registration or submit thereto as hereinto approved, shall be guilty 'of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, and shall thereupon be duly provided that in the call of the dock procedure shall be given in courts trying the same, to the trial of criminal proceedings under this act: Provided further," that persona shall be subject to registration as herein provided who shall have attained' their twenty-first birthday and who shall not have attained their thirty-first birthday on or before the day set for the registration and all person so registered shall be and remain subject to draft into the forces hereby authorized, unless exempted or excused therefrom as in this act provided 'Provided further, that in the case of temporary absence from actual place of legal residence of any person liable to registration as iprovided herein such registration may be made by mail under regulations to be prescribed by the president. "Section 6. That the president is hereby authorized to utilize the service of an yor all agents oe any and all officers of the United States, territories and the District of Columbia, and subdivisions thereof in the execution of this act, and all ofifcers and agents of-the several states, territories and subdivisions thereof, and of the District of Columbia, and all.

persons appointed by the president whether such appointments are made by the president himself or by the governor or other officers of any state or territory to perform any duty in the execution of this act are hereby required to perform such duty as the president shal lorder, and all sue hof fleers, agents and sons so designated shall hereby have full authority for all acts done by them in the execution of this act by the directio nof the president. "Correspondence in the execution of this act may be carried in penalty envelopes bearing the frank of the war department "Any person charged as herein provided with the duty of carrying into effect any of the jpvlaions of this act or regulations made or direction given thereunder who shall fail or neglect to perform such duty; and any persons charged with such duty or having qnd exercising any authority under said act, regula-tionc, or directions, who ahall knowingly make or be a party to the making of any false or incorrect registration, physical examination, exemption, enlistment, enrollment, or muster; and any person who shall make or be a party to the making of any false statement or certificate as to the fitness or liability of htmielf or any other person for service under the provisions of this act or of said regulations, or who, in any manner, shall fail or neglect fully to perform any duty required of him in the execution of this act shall, if not subject to military law, be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction therefore be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or, if subject to military law, shall be tried by court martial and suffer such punishment as a court martial may direct. "Now, therefore, Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, do call upon the governor of each of the several states and territories, the boird of commissioners oc the District of Columbia, and all officers and agents of the several states and territories, of the District of Columbia and of the counties and municipalities therein to perform certain duties' in the execution of the' oregoiDg law, which duties will be communicated to them directly in regulations of even date herewith. "And I do further proclaim and give notice to all persons subject to registration in the several states and in the District of Columbia, that the time and place of such registration shall be between 7 a. m.

and 9 p. m. on the fifth day of June, 1917, at the registration places in the precinct wherein they have their permanent homes. Those who shall have attained their twenty-first birthday and who shall not have attained their thirty-first birthday nor before the day here named are requied to egiste, excepting only officers and enlisted me nin the regular army, the navy, the marine corps, and the national guard, and (Continued on Page Two) The war bill was carefully gone over COL. ROOSEVELT BRAZIL WILL during the day by General Crowder, the prsvost marBhal general.

The war department Is pushing vigorously its preparation to mobilize the national guard, which, wlt! the regulars, form the first It was announced today that all regl-mnniu nt thp cruArils will hp called into DENIED RIGHT 10 RAISE 1 Announcement of the order followed signing of the selective draft war army bill by the president, and the issuing of a statement that under advice of military experts on both sides of the water, the president could not employ volunteers nor avail himself fthe "fine vigor and enthusiasm" of former President Roosevelt for the expedition. The army law provides for an ultimate force dt approximately 2,000,000 men to back up the first troops to go to the front. When the bill had been signed the president affixed his name to a proclamation calling upon all men in the country between the Hges of 21 and 30, Inclusive, to register themselves for military service on June 5 next. The proclamation sett In motion Immediately machinery that will enroll and sift 1,000,000 men and pave the way for the selection of the 600,000 young men without crippling the Industries or commerce of the nation or bringing hardship on those at home. Even before the bill was signed the war department announced that the full strength of the national guard would be drafted Into the United States army be AT FRONT service by August and officials estimate that with a month to six weeks' intensive training these troops will be ready to oo forward for final preparation behind the fighting lines In Europe for the fighting that Is before them.

GUARDSMEN CALLED TO FEDERAL SERVICE Regular army regiments are In motion northward from the border, preparatoiy to the expansion of the regular service to Expert Advice From Both Rio Janeiro Dispatch Fore Sides of Water Is Against It, President Says; T. R. May Help in pther Ways casts Revocation of Ncu trality Decree as U. S. Or ders Troops to France WASHINGTON, May 18.

Colonel Rbesevelt will not be permitted to raise fBv Associated Press) RIO JANK3IO, May 17. (Delayed.) It is believed that Brazil will shortyl re voke the decre (neutrality as affecting full war strength. Of the 183,898 men necessary to bring the regulars up to the 29,000 mark. 143,913 already have been recruited and the remainder are expected lo come hi before June 15. The national guardsmen will be drafted into the federal service in three Increments on July 15, July 25 and August 5.

As a order Is issued by the president drafting specific regiments, the force will cease to be militia and become part of the United States army. 'They will ho relieved of the limitations on the militia and will be available for service In any part of the world. State authorities were authorized today fill part regiments or other units up to full war strength, making a firce of approximately 829.951 men and 9,817 officers. No new national guard organiza-tions will be accepted by the federal government until this is done and reserve battalions for each regiment organized. the war between the nited States and German.

ginning July 15 and concluding August S. Orders to bring the regiments to full war strength Immediately, accompanied the notification sent to all governors. A minimum of 329,000 fighting men will be brought lo the colors under these orders, supplementing' the 203,000 regulars who will he under arms by June 15, It Is from these forces that the first armies to join General Pershing at the front will be drawn, to be followed within a few monthi by recurring waves from the selective draft armies, the first his expedition to carry the American flag against the Germans In France. On signing the war army bill tonight. President Wilson Issued a statement ay-lng that acting under expert advice from both sides of the water, he would be unable to avail himself at file present stage of the war of the authorization to organize volunteer divisions.

There was the report In army circles that a way would be found to use the former president's service In another BR 1 SH- TILIAII UNREASONABLE MIISPOF ITS The Brazilian government severed dip- lomatie relations with Germany April 11, and April 20 a proclamation of neutrality in respect to the war between the United States and Germany was issued. April 30 It was explained in official circles that the Brazilian declaration of DRV ROUTS BY U-BOAT; 140 way, but official coment of' the subject was lacking. The president's statement follows: "I shall not -avail myself, at any rate at the present stage of the war. of the authorization conferred by the act to o--ganize volunteer dlviisons. To do so would seriously Interfere with the carry- TAXES ARE COT TEHTftTIVELY 000 of whom will be mobilized September 1.

Following Is the text of the announcement of the war department as to General Pershing's expedition: "The president has directed an expeditionary ofrce.of approximately one division of regular troops, under command of General John J. Pershing to proceed lo France at as early a date as practicable. "General Pershing and staff will nre- neutrality was a meer formality intended to set forth the country's position exactly on the eve of the meeting of congress. Further action was left In the hands of congress. There have been no reports of any decisive action by the Brazilian GERMANS I DROWN The result will be virtually to triple the present strength of the guard, but reports to the department show heavy recruiting In all states.

The department announced also the distribution by military departments of th.e sixteen divisions of the new selective draft army and the sixteen national guards divisions for training purposes. All of the guard divisional cantonments and most of the selective army camp will be in the southern part of the country. 1 In all the forces first to be formed will Ins; out of the chief and most immediately Important purpose contemplated by this legislation, the prompt creation and early use of an effective army, and would Munitions Storehouse Destroyed by Fire British heavy artillery whose effectiveness made possible a successful advances in the Somme and offensive. Is co-operating with the WASHINGTON. May 18.

A stormy session of the house and ways committee today resulted in a final decision not to attempt to raise through the pending LONDON, May 17. (Delayed. )The British admiralty issues the following statements for newspapers of 8nturday: "The British transport Camerenla with troops was torpedoed by an enemy submarine in the' eastern Mediterranean on April 15. One hundred and forty men are missing and are presumed to have been drowned." contribute practically nothing to the effective strength of the French now engaged against Germany. "I understand that the section of this act which authorizes the creation of volunteer divisions in addition to the draft was added to provide an independ NIAGARA FALLS.

N. May of unknown cause did damage estimated comprise seven divisions of regulars, four of which will be available for mobile duty at $30VHK) to the storehouse of the Na- war revenue bill a total of J2.245.0O0.0O0, Secretary McAdoo's estimate of half the cost of the first year of the war. A Italians In their latest attempts to drive the Austrians from the line of the lson-xo. Against the combined British and Ital i iha continental United States, sun- tionai r.ieelroiytic company here late to- ccde the troops abroad. "It is requested that no details or speculations with regard to the mobilization of this command, dates of departure or other Items, be carried by the press, other than the official bulletins given by the war department relating thereto." General Pershing ban been In Washington some days.

1U was personally summoned by Secretary Haker from the southern department which was under his command until lonlglit's order was Issued. The man who led the expedition Into Mexico and handled his difficult tadc with such Jndirment and skill as to win for him the complete confidence of 'he president and his advisors worked ha'd The survivors of the Cameronia say tentative decision was reached to modify the second class mail rate and automobile ent command for Mr. Roosevelt and giving this military authority an opportunity to use his fine vigor and enthusiasm In recruiting forces for service at the west plemented by sixteen national guards day. During the fire several severe ex-divisions and later by sixteen selective i plosions occurred, but none of the work-army divisions. Behind this force, a men ere Injured.

The company had no second call on the selective forces, pro-(war orders, it was said. vided tor In the bill, will add sixteen the vessel was torpedoed in fine, calm weather in the afternoon. The subma rine was not seen. ern front. "It would be very agreeable to me to pay Mr.

Roosevelt this compliment and the allies the compliment of sending lo their aid one of our most distinguished public man. an ex-presldcnt who has rendered many public services and who and musical Instrument tax sections of the measures. Convinced of the Inequity of the zone rate system on second class mall matter now contained in the bill, the committee virtually decided to substitute the Moon proposal, once included in a postoffiee bill, which would fix a flat rate of one cent a pound on reading matter and the parcel poet zone rate on advertising ian artillery, the Austrians have failed in attempts to recapture lost ground between Gorizia and Tnlmlno. At four points along the line the Austrians have made repeated attacks, but were checked. In addition to the taking of much war material, Rome renorls the capture of nearly S500 prisoners.

Artillery actions ony are reported from i the British front around Arras. The Germans apparently have given up hope of retaking Bullecourt and other strngetic portions now In British hands, and admit the evacuation of Bullecourt. Along the Aisne and in Champagne the German crown prince also has Riven up his fruitless counter attacks, hut con on plans fr the expedition to France. proved his gallantry In ninny striking A large number of the casualties were due to the explosion of the torpedoes. There was some confusion at first, but discipline soon prevailed.

The boats were smartly launched, but one of them was smashed and many lives were lost. The Cameronia was afloat for forty minutes after she war torpedoed which enabled destroyers to run alongside. Soldiers from the Cameronia jumped on these boats In disciplined succession. The destroyers ceased taking on men as soon as they had obtained their full comple He wan In dally cmiferenie with Secre- ways. Politically, too.

It would no doul-t arv nnj with Lieutenant General GERMANY TAKING WOMEN'S HAIR FOR MUNITIONS MAKING COPENHAGEN, via London. May IS. The Woman's IatrioMc League of Soligne. Rhemish I'russia. is making a collection of women's hair from-which to weave belting for use in munition works.

Shorter hair will be used to make felt for military purposes. divisions. Allowances must ne made when the military census of men (etween'the specified ages has been completed, for variation from census bureau estimates as to the total number of persons in this classification. It is regarded as unlikely that the registration will show the exact persons liable fixed by the census estimate. There will be some delay also In hearing from men absent from their homes who will register by mail.

The officials nf every state and town, however, have been authorized to issue cards to such Continued on tage Two) After threshing out its difficulties, the Bridges, head of the military section of the British mii-slon and veteran of the hattlefleMs. Preparation for the troops who will compose the division are being ocmpletej with greatest care. General pcrshlng. a was a (Continued on Two) have a try fine effect and make a profound Impression. Hut this is not time or the occasion for compliment or for any action not calculated to contribute to the Immediate success of the war.

The business In hand now is of practical nnd definltenes and (Continued on Page committee successfully resisted repeated attacks to amend the retroactive lncom. ment. tinues to exchange artillery fighting with excess profits, lieverage and cigars and Many men from the Cameronia who Jumped into the water were picked up. the French. tobacco products sections' of the bill..

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