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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TO CURE THE GRIP. Advlw of a Famous 9T. Yont already ncrei want resMfld mast foreMWt, ot bed and remain there. "elflle fwrn of ttm ps-ectintlon than from any other Bat Yonr or- tians we In no condition to Uke of large quantities of food Drink plenty of pore, cold allays the few, stimulate the kidneys action and opens the the ikin. Keep the with Dr.

Miles' Nerve and Llv- OT doses of Dr. Nerv- ine per day and If you cannot sleep takaan dose at bed time. To further control the fever and to over- oOme the peculiar of grip" use fir. Palo Hi. They act quickly and effectual, and no bad effects result from their use.

remedies have been thoroughly tested more than a million and I their efficiency thoroughly established. They never fall to give relief. Dr. Mllen' Remedies can be found at any drag store, ana they are sold on a positive guarantee tbat tint bottle or package benefits or money re- fended. TEMPLE TTfEAfRE MONDAY NIGHT, ftB.

II. ttOlBiiIng Hcmity of I'onilr Openi MARODE- RITA. CO. Jn Kirk LiiHhijHe'd Elaborate Opern- Comlfiui I'reirtMi'Mon. "THE Princess Chic." Direct loii P.

Mlocinu. Book by Kirk JjttKlielle. Miulo by KrtwimlH. KNSEMBLK, (iO-COMEDIANS, A fortune In Costumed und fRIOAV NIGHTlfB 15. RICE BARTON "Tlie 2 -Big 2 BIO OAITY BURLE3QUERS, McDOOLEY'S FL4TS.

WltU bnnoh of lieirltclilnii Pretty Dslnty, Hwell, Olrllt wild Oftnoe, who iind to your content for Uiree houm. PRICES -26, 35 ami 50o, no higher. 'of tlio lj Ig JEFfRIES-RUHLIN MgUt refioivml mill on tlie alnue. Kverytlilng KODK for pri ice of nil nilimlon. SenU on WeUnemiilay.

N. This (thow" nt Hie Wnnrtaiil Then! re, Nt. Louis, following Allan. Everything In the Electric Line. See Davis, 127 West Third st.

Wiring tfor electric rlvute telephone, eto. Oou- Mttohmentifor pboneitlinf until pbonelH wefeO. Electrical RepalriDEPromptly Attended to Joseph V. E. Marsh over Bank hurtlett School ol MkSICANDARl UPPER W.

D. ARMSTRONG, DlfNtor. For Grip jj 2 Dr, Meff Pain" Noujlvai HOI i jj In 11 luterhul 'remedy rnomand lierlin. It uucl nil Mklii unit Illooil und Mil hunt I lip ujd or wimlieK or lilgli-urlcea nooi linn bpeu IliaroiiKlily' mined, unil niul never ir lilgli-pi'i uurouiflily tented In never fulleil lu urn Hlujine. It IH uiid ImruilcnN, cm be mlntKtered (o young chl ilren WUb perftot "iifetVi In inurvelouN In 1U curative John Wagner, "1 am yearn of age, uud buve hud Ibe Krceuia ever uoyuoud.

Mjr bead covered with one motld dry icob. My wan no budly broken out wllli Ko.ce- iiml could not Hlmt-e for llolb my arnm had ul leiisl twuiuch. en wide, Inuhoii lung nud otie-elahtb of uu mob thluk. 1 not to mine uiy wruis. My buck and uiy brvuHl imd iiomaub were one nolld wore.

'1'lie Itching wun terrible. My licud WUH no 1 ruuTij not btar Ip lay It on a leiillicr I coukl not sleep at nlgbt, but would nlioiit on a liallet, or up. Afinr tuklng Excello Eczema Cure li IN ftf THB TBtBQKAPH PRWTINCI Co MONDAY ON Thursday King ICdward VII will ride In the anolent stags coach, lined fcy the Kings of Knglsnd, lo Die House of Lords. This will be the first time the coach has been tiseJ since Queen Victoria's husband, the 1'rlnce Consort, died forty years ago. A VKBV sensational meeting was liHlrt In Topeka, on Sunday, In which It WBS resolved to notify tlie saloons that they would be given until Monday noon to close their places, and until Friday to get their goods out of Topeka.

If they did not do so, the meeting resolved to go in a body and destroy the Illegal business. Notice was also given to tho officers of City, County and State that the joints tmisl go, MH.s. MAYnfticK, the American who has been serving a life sentence since 18SI), In England, on charge of polf ohlng her husband, wns pardoned b.v King Rdward VII, on Saturday. It Is said that pardon Is granted ns concession to A'merli-on public opinion which the King wishes to cultivate. Kver Since Mrs.

Maybrlck's conviction, ft constant effort has been made by her friends to secure her release, could no be prevailed upon to give her consent in opposition to the law department, which vigorously opposed the release of Mrs. Mfiybrlck. THB Chinese Minister VVu has had tho reputation of being an accompllsli- dtplomut, and tins been exceedingly popular both with government officials and the public. Hut like till other men, Wu has tendency to slip once In a whlie, Mr. Wu declined to attend a dinner given by the Oenfissee Society.

Wu gave as a reason the presence of Major General Otis, who had prevented Chinese landing at Manila. As the General simply (tarried out the orders of the President and the War department, heiorltlclsed the governmental the United States. Probably no notice will be taken of Wu's indiscretion as his letter was not intended for publication. Stray Scraps. Harold M.

Betts, a fast twirler, member of a leading semi-professional team last year, has been secured'for the Alton Blues bj Manager Charley Wilson. A five gallon bucket full of oysters was place outside the door his store at Ninth and Hollo streets, Saturday evening, by H. T. and he discovered a short time afterwards that the bivalves had absconded and took the bucket with them. Their erring ways have thrown them Into the soup ere this, probably.

A professional of this city says that he purchased what he supposed was milk a few days ago, because it was sold by 'a milkman. It Was In a bowl he says, and ho placed a cover over it and left It, Vvhen his wife went to got It for breakfast, she noticed that It was very blue about something and she refused to Use It. She did use it that day, this gentleman says, In the weekly wash Instead of blueing, andjJt made the best cloth whttener ycjPever saw. 1 uoulii UeU )IUe to dp (m Kjcello anU Uy-dlwri ii 1 Oiin uliOUl liifto niy nklii all uiy uiun. A few abiTf tiweTt auto Cure.

I have iv The Kovlviil Meeting at the First M. K. church wore continued yesterday every session was largely attended. The morning service was composed of an audience that nearly filled the auditorium of the ohuroh. and who listened to an Interesting presentation of the theme, "What Is the matter with the nn- ohurohml masses? Why are they not saved?" At the close of the sermon there Ware two accessions to the church, In the evening the church was flllcd, a large proportion of the audience being men.

Rev. Shepherd presented the topic, "The call of God refused, and its sad consequences." It was an able presentation of the theme, and made a deep Impression on his hearers, At the of the sermon an after meeting was held that wan attended by fully people and resulted In five conversions and two accessions to the church. Police Magistrate Ben Few was one of the who united with the ohuroh. He made a short Htatement to tbe people present, as he gave the pastor his hand, saying: "I have been a faithful servant of the devil, and now I am determined to be Just as faithful to tho t.ord Jesus Christ and the ohuroh. 1 came to this altar tonight to get relief, and thank Ood I have found It.

I am saved." meetings will continue eveiy night tills week, beginning with song service. Meet The men's meeting at the M. ohuroh yesterday afternoon was a successful 'and very largely attended affair. The opportunity to talk to 250 men, largely wonting men, and many of them non-ohurch-goerti, Is an event that does not happen often. Vet that Is what happened yesterday afternoon at the M.

church. The meeting was conducted by Rev. G. W. who has the happy faculty of making a meeting very pleasant.

A number of songs were sung and heartily Joined In by a large chorim of male voices. Mayor Young was the principal speaker and del I wed a very Interesting and pleafuut uddress, lo which be gave Mr, Shepherd the credit for originating a meeting that was of deep Importance and no doubt would be exceedingly useful to tbe people of Thos. reuitod The American Creed, selection, most pleasing manner. Ur. I Shepherd made several short address- I and threw the meeting open to volunteer speakers as to whether the lernoon meetings for men should be continued.

There were many responses upd all favored their continuance. One man said: "I am not a ohuroh goer; ayolteof oxenQuould not pulled me to church, but I have joyed these afternoon meetings IQJ they will beoQntlnued." Another 'U have beao "Jam Swallowed Chapped Hands Alex, the colored porter fit the Depot I low), made a second attempt to poison hlmsolf Saturday night hy drink in tr one-half of the of a bottle that supposed to have contained a mixture of carbolic add and glycerine for chapped hands. Alex, was found at the corner of Fourth and 1'lasa sttwti stiff ax Urn rocks upon which he lay and firmly convinced that ho was (lyinjf. In his pocket was a note to satisfy the cur- Ions as to thec.aiise of his untimely death which Raid "Mlgs Annlettla Norwe IH the cause of It all. Don't forget friends, meet mo In The note was Rlffiied truly, A IPX 1 Alex was taken to the police station In tho ambulance nnd thflrc he soon revived after making a desperate struggle with tho officers who were attempting' to force him drink a restorative draughtof whisky.

When Alex discovered the nature of the stuff In the bottle he drank It off and the life-giving properties were so strong that ho was walking around In a short time. His mouth wns only slightly burned. i'fii'Horini. Joseph Holl and 1,. F.

Stlrltx left today for Hot Hprlnirs, Ark. Mr. Joseph Hchnnobcrg of ICclwards- villc visiting Alton friends. Josephine Seewald of (irccri- ville is visiting Miss Marie SiihlesR. Miss Lillian Street rcturnoil from an extended visit with friends In Hunker Hill.

Miss Lanco Lowe of Upper Alton is entertaining her cousin, Mnymc of Hast St. Misses Minnie and Nellio Halliday left for Saturday nljrht after visiting Miss Oalsy (Jreswick. Miss Winifred Long returned from St. Louis this afternoon accompanied by Misses Mabel and Joggle Smith of St. LotiU, wild will visit her.

Ur. I). K. Uushnell, editor of tho Cumberland Presbyterian of St.Lotils occupied tho pulpit of the C. I 1 church Sunday morning.

Seven new members were taken into fellowship Sunday morning. Mr. Harry Taylor and son of Texarkana, Texas, are visiting with Mr. T's mother, Kllen Taylor, IH07 Liberty street. Mrs.

Taylor and daughter will leave Alton on Friday to reside In Texarkana with their relatives, William Henslnger returned from Mt.Clemens, last night, greatly improved health, it is quite cold up in that country he BU.VS and ice is getting too thick to cut. Twenty-four Inch ice was harvested there a week ago. Harry Sheets who went there some months ago is entirely well, Mr. Benslnger says, and will return to Alton next Sunday. A beacon light to the sick and ed.

A life encouroger. Take counsel with yourself today and use Rocky Mountain Tea tomorrow. Peace and comfort follow its use. Sold by K. Marsh.

Notch Cliff. The following resolutions were adopted on Saturday night by lllui)' City Council, United Commercial Travelers of this city, of which G. H. Lane Is senior counsellor, and H. T.

McCrea, secretary-treasurer. The State Board of Charities, after a careful examination of all this available sites for the State Colony for Epileptic, having recommended that the beautiful site of Notch Cliff be chpieo by the Legislature of the State, for the location of this Institution. Be It llesi 11 ved, That the members of Bluff City Council, No. of United Commercial Travelers ol America, exert their utmost endeavors to bring every legitimate influence to bear upon the Legislature, to Induce It to select this most desirable point as the permanent location for this Charitable Institution. And be it further Resolved.

That the co-operation of the'Other Councils of United Commercial Travelers throughout the State be requested to aid Bluff City Council in their efforts to secure the selection of Notch Cliff by the Legislature. On. LANK, Senior Counsellor. H. T.

MeCltKA, Secrelory-Treas. Several members of tho Painter's Union In order to avoid paying their dues, are claiming to be contractors. Such men are not contractors, but journeymen. Insist on thelpulnter who does your work, Including contractors who do not employ workmen, showing their union cards up to date. (S Igned) COMM ITTKK.

UPPER ALTON. The coming events for tho woek are of unusual Interest, on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. C. K. Chambllii will entertain the Friday Afternoon Club of Alton, at the residence of her mother, Mrs, T.

P. Verkes. t)n Wednesday evening the exhibition of the Senior Academy Class of ShurtlelT College will bo given. Mrs. Mary Dodge has charge of the program which promises to be of unusual inter-, eat, Mrs.

Dodge never does any thing by halves. The W. M. A. has followed the example of Princeton and Vale, and other great schools, and they have a mandolin Club of fourteen members under the direction of Prof.

Armstrong. This club will furnish two musical numbers. Some of the most prominent pupils in college Hood's Pills Are prepared from. mild laxatives, and while c'cntlt: are reliable and efficient. They Rouse the Uver Cure Sick Headache, Uil- kuisness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation.

Sold everywhere, 250. per box. Q- 33 will appear in the contest. The Board of Missions of the Alton Association held a meeting at the olllce of Dr. L.

A. Abbott, this ing. Mrs. Arthur L. SCrogun of Lexington, 111., will arrive this evening and be the guest of her daughters at Martha Wood Cottage.

Miss Ida Ford entertained the U. V. I'. TT. at her home Saturday evening.

Mrs. M. K. Newell left for St. Louis today fora week's visit with relatives.

MissLauraChalTee of Shelby vllle, Is the guest of Miss Ola Llvermore. The members of the Freshman class of ShurtlefT, will appear before the College Faculty this evening to give their declamations. The six best speakers will be chosen to represent them at their contest In March. James King will go into the grocery business in Upper Alton. QRalph I'ryor of DuQuoin, was the guest of his niece Miss Lone Bigley of Martha Wood Cottage on Sunday.

The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs.

H. C. Tllton Tuesday afternoon. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Baptist church have been invited to meet with the Alton Baptist Ladies next Thursday afternoon. Tlio Shakespeare Club will meet with Mrs.

Buckmoster this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Tetherington and son of Jersey ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

E. .1. Webster. Dr. A.

Kendrick is reported 10 be making steady improvement. Dr. Chalmers Kendrick returned to Waverly this morning. Headaches, dizzy spells, bad blood, rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, absolutely cured if yon take Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Co. We.

Sold by Marsh. Ralston's entire wheat flour. Yoakel. R. Logan, Alby.

NORTH'ALTON. Rev. G. Ileynolds, who has been conducting revival services at the Presbyterian Mission, the past week, preached again last night to an Interested audience that filled the room. Five professed a desire to unite with the church last night, while a number of others during the week signified their Intentions of leading a Christian life.

The meetings will be continued this week, including next Sunday. Mrs, Chris. HellruDg, of East.St. Louis, visitor! her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jos. Fehr, yesterday. Thos. Taylor Is -frpm Granite City, spending ft woek. Mrs.

Campbell Is very siok at her home on the Coal Branch. Miss Grace Norton has returned from a visit to friends In Brighton. Mrs. Alice Mewman is having a new three room house built. I0d.

is having a new "cage" built. A bird will probably be the next thing in order. The b'-ick works expect to make press brink beginning with today. Great tonic, braces body and brain, drives away all Impurities from your system. Makes you well.

Keeps you well. Rocky Mountain Tea. Sold by E. Marsh. TC.XOB Excui'Bimi.

The Chicago, Peorio St. Louis will sell excursion tickets to Texas Points and return at very low rates, (less than half fare,) on Tuesday, February Kith. Get particulars from ('. P. A St.

L. ugent. II U.Vlcf'illiO, Ili'llil d.f Illi' Well- ii concern nf It. U. I'lili'iifju.

ill Bill- ci'k. C.M-III .1. Hi 1 Muxki jjnii. IKIS ilrnl'l I'tu- sy.1.. lii'cii li'fl Deafness Cured, ir ao rtceovorlcs troni (irlp.

Mrs. B. I. Masters, at her home In Monitor, used Dr.Miles' Nervice and Pllla to cure after effeote of grip. Mrs.

A. E. Lopeer, in tbe little town of Modello, need Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver Pllla and was well In a few daye. George J.

Flannery wan relieved of tbe awful pains In bis beat! in fifteen minutes, by the nse of Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla. NOW be is rapidly recovering at his home In Buffalo, N. Y. J.

0. Holfrey, foreman at the West- iiichome factory in Bast PjtUbntg, bod a severe attack of gi' used Dr. Miles' Nervine an and was soon back In bis place. Rev. O.

Body was In a serious condition at his home In St. Paris, Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills pulled him through all right In tMfcMcOiuw Magftsitto fdi- February, WilHftmmileji White a keen eiflmftWOi the Tatteftny leader, analylllug hii for explanation of his power, and Joftlah Flynt startling revalatlons of criminal condition In Chicago, In the first Of a series of papers on "The World of Mf. Flynt is the young man who has Bpent years "Tramping with Tramps" and hobnobbing with criminals In all parts of the world and enjoys knowledge of them and their ways peculiar 10 himself o.mortg educated thoughtful men, Cyrus Townseml Jtrady writes of Hernondo dc Solo and his last expedition, which Included his discovery of the Mississippi nncl his dramatic and pa- thcttc buHdl lu it, and Professor Ira Ftcmsen certain unsolved problems of chemistry. Kailyard Kipling's serial continues, and Robert ilarr, Sarah and Kdwin Leferc contribute excellent short stories.

Tho Ladle!) Hrtmo Journal presents a big, full-page picture, after it iiiL'by VV. L. Taylor, representing a school session In the country districts of America In the early days of this century. Clifford Howard writes of the little-known author of "Nearer, My Ood. to Thee," and William Per- rlne tells the story of the beautiful daughter of Aaron Burr.

Miss Marguerite Merington, the talented playwright, has made an "acting version" In three acts, of "Cranford," Mrs. Oaskell's classic story, which is given here, with illustration by Reginald B. Birch, and other-good things include a description of the only buffalo ranch in the world owned by a woman, a discussion of Tho Problem of the Hoy, a continuation of Elizabeth Stua'rt, Phelps delightful articles on Mie domestic service experience of one household, and some facts about the great regulating clock at Washington which we all set our watches. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.

All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2fic, 8M, February Bound Trip Via Missouri, Kansas Texas Railway from St.

Louis or Hannibal to Houston, Galveston, San Antonio, Beaumont, Texas, and Lake Charles, La. St. Louis to Dallas, Waco and Ft. Worth, Texas. Tiohets good returning until March 12.

iluny school Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, Few York, Breaks" up Colds in 24 hours, pure Feverlshness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed free. Address, Allen S.

Olrasted, LeRoy, N. Y. Distressing Stomacb Disease permanently onred by tbe masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suffer no longer because this great remedy can core them all. It is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and Indigestion.

The cure begins with the first dose. Tbe relief it brings Is marvelous and snrprU ing, It makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter bow long yon nave suffered, your cure Is certain under the nse of this great health-giving force. Pleasan udalwrys safe. Sold by 8.

H. Wyss Pneumonia Can be Prevented. This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was extensively used during the epidemic of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has has ever been reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained a world wide reputation for its for its cures of colds and grip For sale by E.

Marsh, S. H. Wyss, Paul's Pharmacy, Geo. T. Barth, North Alton, W.

D. W. Barnard Up- Alton, yf Vim. Ari or. ii When vou want a physio that mild and gentlo, easy lo take and pleasant in effect use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.

L'rloe cents. Bamples free. Hvery box guaranteed. For sale by K. Marsh, S.

If. Wyss. Oeo. F. Harth Nprtb Alton, W.

p. W. Barnard Upper Alton. Rates to Ogdon, Salt Lake Oity, Helena, Uutte. Spokane, Portland, Toooma, Seattle, and a majority of poluu West and Noi'thwett, will be uut In half by tho Chloutfo and Alton, 12, 1U and 1B0 March 6.

-13, 19 und ftl, AiirUS, 0, 1 and Ml. Booure the beat uoiumodatlonii, tlm II nest scenery anil 4lie moat liberal choice of routen. Fqr complete jiartlnulari call on or Norrls, ticket agent, AJ- ('. Miii-ji'ilii in' Vim. Arl ur.

MIX Klllllrlll ill II I liyjl.lMil N. preparing fur ilroppnl doiul from licurl iH.J.T.-!'. Cnrwiiii Illinois appointed luilinn in ul Ion. A. 'J'.

"Grip robbed me of my sleep and I was nearly crazy with neuralgia and headache. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nervine cured Pearl Bush, Holland, Mich. "My stomach was affected by grip and 1 conld eat nothing but crackers and milk. I began taking Dr.

Miles' Nervine and Pain Pills and the trouble J. Llndsey, Montrose, Minn. "When I was prostrated with and my heart and nerves were In shape, Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure gave me new life and Mrs. Qeo Oolle, Blgln, Ills.

"I bad been In bed three weeks with grip when, my husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine, Pain PUls and Nerve and Liver Pills, I was cured." Belnler, Franklin, Ind. Fatal delays are caused by experimenting wit)) cough and cold cures Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting in E. Marah and 8, Wy'ss. 1 How to Cure the Grip.

Remain quietly at home aud take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. The remedy counteracts and tendency of the grip to result in pneumonia, which Is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used It for the grip not one case has ever been reported thah did recover. Sold by K. Marah.S.

Wyss, Paul's Pharmacy, O. F. Barth, North Alton, W. D. Barnard, Upper Alton.

Urippo Quickly Cured. "In the winter of 1808 and 1808 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F. L. Hewitt, a prominent druggist of Win- Geld, 111. "The only medicine I used was two, bottles of Ohamberlald's Coujh Remedy.

It broke uptheco'd And.stopped toe coughing like magic and I have never since been troubled with grip." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It Is pleasant to take, too, which makes It the most desirable and one of the most popular preparai' In use. for these ailments. For sale by E. Marsh, B.

H. Wyss, Paul's Pharmacy. Qeo. V. Barth, North Alton, W.

D. WvBwnanf; Ui Housekeepers Attention! We have Special Low Prices on MUSLINS, SHEETINGS and TABLE LINEN It Will Pay You to Call and Get LOW PRICES. who sells to furnish a house complete from cellar! garret. FURNITURE of every description, for parlor, hall, Oil Cloths, Mattings; Rugs, etc. Cooking and Refrigerators, Baby Carriages, Clocks, TRUBE and kitchen.

Stoves, Ranges, Parlor Cooks, etc. ures, Mirrors, Lamps etc, and all House Furnishing Goods in general. Lowest Prices. Open in the Evening FURNITUSt! Dealers in General Supplies, Fixtures, Fans and Motors. Wlrlnj aod Repair Wirk Promptly Attended ky rim-Clan PHONE 1692.


Dor. 2nd and Buton iti. Fbonei 188 and 171. F. HOMKOPATHIflT and BURGEON Temple 100.

QBO.B. WILKINSON, M.D 8, to HI I to CIO to 7.W. OPFItE: Cor. Second aid AUtket UidtMB, Pbonu aog and Alton, III DR. L.

M. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON. OPPICB-Me. IKW4 'tmi Oltoe M) konri: to JO i I to 010 8 p.m. i N.SHAFF,M.D.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce 607 Unit Second near Henry. (Residence Hotel Madlflon. OffICE II, I 4 sad 0 9:30 s.m. TeleslwM 337.

CAN YOU READ with comfort at night Does the print blur? Do your eyes burn or Do you have to hold the prJ alarms length or close up to your face? Do you have headache or or overyoj eyes? If so come in and have your eyes examined. of Charge. Logan's Jewelry Store, Jewelry and Opticians Second and AlbyJ? GASOLINE LAMPS We manufacture the able Gas Mantles on the Whitest, Tuffest and most market. Cheaper than Electricity, gas or coal oil. Absolutely safe.

Insurance companies issue permit without extra charge, student lamps, hall lamps, wall lamps, in any style you wish. From $2.50 up, according to style. We ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOB. I'ubllo notice hereby given that on Mon day. ttUe 11th day of Mum, 1901, 1 Hbull attend before tbeCouuty Court of Mad- lion county, in the State of Illlnolii, at the city of JEidwardivlUe, o'clock in the forenoon of wld day, for the purpose of nettllug and ailustlns ail olitlum against tbe estate of Tlllle Huebsnra llunoook, late of Raid when and where all are notified and requeated to attend and present their olalmn, In writing, agalnit Bold estate for niJJuitinent.

All perdonn Indebted to laid eitate are aUo notllled to make payment to tbe undersigned without delay. HKN11Y A. HANIJOCK, Artmlnlstrotor of the eitate of Tlllle Rueb- Hiun liauoook, deoeiued. Li. VAQKH, Attorney.

iffitli day of January.) K. R. aXCUKttlUN KATB5. BENBOW-RUEBEL, Mfg. Co, Lamp and Mantle Factory, 4M east Srooncl ndai' streets: J.

T. Rice, Manager. Phono No. 3101. Jos.

V. Ma Att'y and Not! Via C. ft A. Kxeuriilon via the 0.4 A. to California, ore ion And Wanhlngton.

WlnterTonrin ratei now In effect to tbe wnlb on tbe 0. A. 1'on-Ainerloan Medical Ooigremi, liavaua, Feb. (H)-TbeO. 4 A.

Hy. will Mil excursion Uoketi Alton to Havana and return at tsi.aa on aa.Uliit. Return limit 80 dayi. National Creamery Batter AMO- ulatlou, fit. I'aul Kob, It to tlcketi Alton toll.

1'uul, Mlnui, and return at 115.15 on tfeb-lS-W, Kemru limit UAIHU Mobile, nuoola, Feb. A. will Mil exonriloo Alton to New Mobile i'enlmoola. 117.80 on Peb. lli to 17 In- limit March 7ib, ticket 117.89.

oiuilve, Citizens National Bank COLLECTIONS and ADJUSTMENTS, mercantile olajms, fire In olalma, life ineuranoo claims, all kluda of oialma tor damages, ano oUlma. We make a speolalty of ADJUSTMENTS, and are ready to go WI point on abort notfoe to adjust or secure claims. National Bank and Bonweppe, Alton, i Thos. Fagln St. Loola.

SAFES. New at reduced via C. the "uuntlnf grounde" ixmuiaaa, and Uloblgan. Fo u. a.

NorrU. agent. jipiaesesksfs IWHT! -Kouaa trip am Alton to Fire Proof Safes With Combination Lotl Delivered at Rock Bottom Prices 'I IMf; E. laoo Belie Street. FURNITURE.

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