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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 4

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

file Shrewd Advertiser Does not Let up in January and February Because Business is Dull, but at it and Qett the Business that Is Being bone. ff Headache may called woman'a ailitient. Some men suffer from it, Bat olmwi all women to endure paJn wHb each recarrintf nioiitli. This fact poinla at once to the intimate relation between the health of the delicate womanly and the geneml health of lie whole body. Dr.

Herce's Favor- itc Prescription headache by banishing its cause. It cares the cases which Irritate the delicate womanly organs, fret the nerves and waste the strength. It increases the vitality and builds up the nervous system. Favorite; contains uo opium, cocaine or other narcotic. want to prafMywir meiBciOf," Sarah I JJnriwy.

or aty. Co. Ma tutn for twttrty anil tntr 1 almost in bed tn and now I aWr to wcvrk all day. I tight of f-atmite Prtscriptioo' four of Mcdioil tMseomr. and one of If lien 1 yonr ffledkiat lo all.

I baa if rone. Mf throat li wtll g'Mf. and nil oy.oW belter tricrt other of medicine ami fouc doctors. fMi' MAHE5 WCAH STO4MO AND SICK WOMEN WELL. niTEREST IN CONGRESS CENTERS IK SHIPPING BILL.

If In Mrnri In rtirfrrintnd Why Support Karrlsn fttemn- Mutlan'ii Irinndr. Fob. chief IB- nf the of now in tin- xhipninx bill. TliU bill IUIK tilde trni'keil a nliinlMT of tlrncjt nnd friMiiH'ntly pronoiiiii'i'd dead liy sanguine liemocritf and cocksure lom-Jipoudciil'i. To all sticb rlarly given mi Turadaf.

when Senator Krye, who Imii Mil In clmrgi', notice tlmt would nnt way lo fln.ilmily attlfr Mil. nut en-n tn an uppmiiriiitlon Mil. until the ship of com THE SHIPPING BILL Frye Appeals to the Senate to Fix a imo to Take a Vote. HATTER CAUSES SOME DJSBATE NEABBR TOOBTHBR a )initlliiii U'ill Soliiilim of the 1'ot la nn JiliiV bill "HB to li.r a iff tin- Mr. l-'ryc is ciiitlilcil to Hike ilfci- the bill lins the right of IVHV.

beinic the n-gular order m-rinte. mul tiloo It Is by tin' nnd by full of tlie Itepub- llt'iin I'iirty in Imfh homc.n. INSURANCE, Real Estate and Loan Agent Ropreseotlng 3D CompaMaa. Cor. Third and State over National Bank, FOB 8 ALB.

Some of t2w flnott (a Alton In Parent Park Place, (ormerlr ItoM Smith homestead. A far in of KMT m.mllea from North Al- dwelling; ISO flne tnn i acres imall fruit; 1 acre ot aaparactm. Price KMO. Two one with four roomi and oa Ore tat fronting86 oa Taotli atreet Heary Laagdonatreeu. 2 fine cnrner Manning and Mechanic tu.

a Upper Alton, An 9 room dwelling with large yard and flns cor. of Bond and Bwcoa aU. A room bnek dwelling with Iota, earner of Site Ooe lot ot Mra. tBraoi frooUoc 111 feet on Manning In Upper Alton. A new brttk dwelling with room lai bath looea OB JUdge A bnaloeM property on Second atreet be- Henry tod Oak ttreeti with brick atore and dwelling wfti.

i A boildlpi with rooaa betweea Henry Renta for Price Chtmberijfa tnat troaUag oa Waah- tratoa and Boua atreeU. lota to 18 and 17108 land not platted, Tery dealrable bolUing lota. 8 Win land with roam dwelling adjoining Upper Alton with MO fruit ireea. laDaurefarmZW ot Jeraerrllle. oroom dweninjr.

Good out bulldog. Would exchange for Alton or Upper Alum property. E-room dwtilfntj good lot, with doe ahadt Two blocka from oar line. Price MOO Two good lota corner 10th and EaaloB ata. nnelou la Alklntoa place oa Main LotTrlthbnUdlngi on good bnalntaa atrwl.

The new dwelling of L. W. Darta cm BtaU. atioet, wltb'8 rooDi and bath. Heauid with fumaoe.

Partaatreot. CoonaoUon with The Dr. Hardr property cor. Jib and Albjr aw. feet with two A Coe8-room dwelling new)with bath room; heated br furnace; In Mlddlelowo.

The flne lot of David Doyle on Bluff itreet with t-room brick dweUipg. Some fine lots on Bluff itreet with brlok par- ttg and aewer; no grading, tn 1. Fouida add A Hie 8-room brick dwelling, heated with team Lot feet One fruit: half bliok from Henry itroat A dealrable rwldenoe on Prpapeot atreet with I rooms. Heated with furnace. Lot on port bill tipcntiMT thoy cnnslder It a ot I IIP lilKhext liuportancc and Srenii'Ht to (lip whole country.

It aim," tn resmnrlifue and rebuild luflrlnp by the Knitie or glmilar mi-nin thn'i Britain ii ml (ivriuan.v )mrc developed their iiieri'hnnt marlue, nnrt tlmt hug prored to he the only lu which that object can tie attained, oppimltlon have nllfgfil the of botin- and favoritNiu to fxlBtluit an their principal but they bnvo tH-en unable to punch ft hole through finfirt'icnable. defenses uf the tneanure. Candid and careful ex- mnliiatloi) of the text Nhcwt ly that the bill tint bio with favnritlwiii flini that it will tend to benefit the whole community not only and HhlpownerH, but also ill) the mrrlriiltiiral, in I ill UK. tnerrnutllo. cmninprclal and In- dunfrliil interpslm A property oa tie aide ot Second atreet weat of Laagdon tti i An 8-room dwelling wltb la JZOiiao (eet; flne Ope theflneat location In Middle Alton Af-room dwelUog with about aorea of around.

Fine (rait and treei. I From oar line la Upper Alton. tfereral fine lota oa Belle itreet between 1Kb sftd 18th The flne doable dwelling of Mr. R. Oarataac beatad by ateam wltb memern improveiaeau, A 0-room brlok dwelling, Belle at, wltb all modem Improvements, i Alton Utg.

Co. property on id atreet Including 4 lota. 8 AaelotaIn Hlgbland Park, eaob TOilW ft. A food it-room dwelling oa Second at. AKoodl-room dwoUIng; good lot and flue New 10-rwini dwelling in Upper Alton, gwd i tv Good lot 80x130 teet on Euton it.

Good btiok dwelling wlla Eta In Middletown. Cootenleut to lino, Fine location. Good limstment. Toe Doe reeldonce of Albert Wade on Belle Itreet, vrlttcio ruomt and flulihed bath nud wun rooms. Good Jollar.

QMind water tttible and carriage coune. Lot 84 feet front. OoodS room brick dwelling wltb 9 loti ou Jiatast. FOK RKNT. A track of aoren about or.e mllo train Alton A good atore room on College ATenue, Upper Alton.

Senator Alilrtcli Is one of the most prominent thcurra nnd power lu the Me la unexcelled a manager and manipulator and In very tmcceisful In conflicting: to mutual Batiafactlmi. Ho lu charge of the war revenue reduction bill and Is very nnxlons to on 11 It np uud hare It dlspoMM) of, but lie recognized the itreat merit of the uhlpplng bill aud will not hinder IU progress by obtruding his own bill at prmwtit. His evident ear- In behalf of the shipping bill Is another reason wby Us special man- agent are confident that It will pass, been me Senator Aldrk'h great Influence on both of the senate, and Judgment In regard to any measure Is Invariably deferred to wllh great reaped by many ami. In fact, by the senate ait a whole. The proposition to bring Mrs.

Carrie Nation of to thin cliy In a reform capacity Is viewed with trepidation by some statesmen ore aware of the fact that, as muted In a recent educational primer, congress holds Its sessions "above two unlicensed canteens." Heferrlng to this alai-mlng rumor, Reprexeu In live Curtis of Kansas miutrkm that If Aim. Nation comes here "we shall send her ttrait to the senate and let her deal Hummarlly with the conditions over there before taking up a crusade uuioiiff tlie representatives of the people," Mr. K. Annlu. a special agent of the government In charge of the rural delivery mall system, 1ms arrived Wm, Somntag REALE STATE, NSUKANCE and LOAN AGENT ROOM 16, LAURA Bind FOKllALB 8 WUbur88COfn6r BuihneU'n 71 acre (arm 3 mllea north Land and in good he former Klrwlo property nouUieMt ootoer and Belle nta.

A.pronp<»itiT« builoeal looa- of aorei. one-half In cultlra- aorUiweat of Godfrey 11 Jersey ulldlng lotion eaat4tn -Jd Walnut graded and curbing, ready to -iieat, he- with wltb two loti on oai NoJ'n Alton. atnauo on garden itreet, Alton oUy llmitf. room touts sod lot oa pared atrset to storr with two lot oo o. e.

cor. or Ah and Buton tti. pfppsnqria Vtit Alton, Mo. gOOd DOUv lots in Hun nearbt AUry'aohurot of rootui, ring ft, for HOC wltlj Urge lot, iio'tt natr and In Washington after a long abwenee In the line of duty, and repnm that "rural free delivery a grand aud It has come to Hta.v. It a civilizing force and an educational agent, nnd the amount of good It will aeenln- for the people Is Incalculable.

It maken the fnnuK I he nervlre renclies apprt'cluic in dollars and cents, and It makes farm life more attrnetlre. It Is a boon and blessing, and it, leiiHlnn should be npplandi'd by every patriot." Mr. Annlu wtys that In the territory whlcli he covers, emhi-arlug half of the United Siatrs. the demands for fret delivery are so grout that It will be a year before Ilie latest applications can be attended to by Die department. Apropos, to return again for a moment to the shipping bill, I'ostmaater Oensral Smith recently demoastrated In an article the fact that Great Britain pays far larger subsidies to her steamship companies for carrying the malls than we paid to eurii.

The same Is true of which gives the Nerta Qermsu l.lo.vrl ceiupany or more, for carrying the Herman mails to this eouutry, whleb more than twice as much an we ever gave to any American line for a similar service. Wo are alxo paying large to the French and liugllsh carrying our malls to Europe, been UUP we have not enough American ablpx to perform the nervlve. Am! BOW the agents of these foreign lieneflolarlen of our governniniu are vigorously cngagi'd In flgbtlog the pending shipping bill to the utmost ex- lent of their ability, as to prevent from building more mall oumelvex mid to keep all our inall sub- Hilly money themselves. This la very natural on their part, but tlie thing about it Is that heinocraU and lit coniirexi are doing their beat to anslst fin'elguers In their aVill-Amerlciiii campHlgit, J. H.

U. oomrn own (11 rala. oppoalM (u or Die. "1 wui uboiit wi'ltos Ms-s. 1 Jo's 11 HSchardsun, of Uuiii'cl Sprinjts, N- "I hatl ConaumuUoa HU bad that, the best doctors sultl I eould not live more than atunuUi, but I began to use Dr.

King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stunt and well," It's an unrivaled life-saver in sumption, Pneumonia! La OriUpe end Bronchitis; infallible for Cous. AiUiBran, Uay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough, Guaranteed bottles COo and W. Trial boules free at di-Uij "tore. ton, l-Vb. arior the ivciiril a cd by on llti 1 (ov of iici-al ilac.Vrlhnr's as to Ilie Mfinlhliiiis ilic and for f'tjui' tn tiie liinri.

is iiilnpicd. the of Al.ilne nmsidi'iatloH of the bill iv Krye then an tu the that a iJine lie llM'il fur A vote ilpuli the pend- lie excci'dliUfly fur a vofi'. I't'reioinilly he had j.i di'-itv fur than niv oilier i-i-natnr. lie Imped tliat ihe iiii.utit agii'i- SOUK' time Tor time Tar off to in null the iieri'ssary fur (irop- ai' tVniilil II" liidnlueiit. of said lie did not lliink tliat, ibis lime, any agree- IIICIH t'uiilil lie maile fur a vote.

Hale i iMild niiileiHtaiid perfectly (be virws iif to tlie meaM- nre, but lie believed ihe would In- linliiigiMit. us it always had 1)eeu, with wnainrs who dculri-d to prepare p'Med i lint seiiaiorH should bear lu in effect a political measure and that inajorhy would have to assume ivipimxihiliiy fin- it. lie did not believe there WIIK IHIJ- ilesiru- to 1111- IMISICI- the bill. Tillman ex- jin-Mied iMlmirul.ini) for the "wig- limn ami illploinai-y always e.vbibtcd by the senator from and for (lie In ivlilclt he lias ot- templed to Miiocitli the troubled waters here." He Inquired, Jiowever, how scnatin-M ironld prepare speeches wiicu they were now under full head of steam from 7 o'clock In the morning until II o'clock at nijjht. Hale "believed iliose win, di'Kii'cd to prepare cpet'ciies would Iind time to do' so.

N.I lirtat Tillman gaid he had no grcHt objections to a vote upon the 'bill provided he could be absolved from any responsibility for permitting tlie pass MJH- 1 of the measure, because, In his opinion, the more rope the Kepnblic- aiiK were jjlven In drawing money from the treasury, the xooner would they hans tliemselvcH. t'hfllidler thought llii- solution of (hi- pending question was in bu found In an extra session of lie did not think tlie of the appropriation bills at tills session vital. Money declared him willingness to accept responsibility for an extra session called to pass appropriation bills which might fall by reason of the de- bute upon the shipping 'bill. "The ex- Ira -session will be your affair," said be. "noi ours.

can go tisliing." IVitclinrd M'oke briefly in favor of the shipping bill, anil tlie naval ap- pnipriiitioii bin wax then taken up. lliliirm 1'rlvate pension legislation wns the ix-KUliir order In the bouse. Somo mis- celiancoiiK mnttern were disposed of before tlie i-onslderatlKii of peiislou bills wa.i Bills were tiiiNxed to permit holnesteaders on the iiliaiKloccd FelterniHii military reserviiilon In WyoinliiK to enter one- finarlei- section of land; to confirm two loi'atlons (Uilpiwwa half- breeds' scrip in Salt Lake City, Uta'h; 10 extend the of immediate trnnxpoiintiim of dullable goods to the port of Honolulu and to restore to the pension widows of the aoldlwn of tlie rebellion who HubKoqueutly remarried and later were apiln widowed Ohls hill only applies to widows of soldiers who were married during the rebellion). The house then went Into committee of Ihe whole and entered upon the consideration of private pen- slim hills. I'rli-K I'Allian Hllcill riitslmrg.

Is said that H. Krlck has caused a htich In the deal fur Hie sale of the CimieKle stock to .1. I'. Morgan. Tlie trouble Is over S.

Schwab, prenldent of the ('arncfjle company. It Is reported that Andrew Ciii-uejrle will make the retention of President Schwab a provision of (lie sale of ills Interest. Krlck does not like rtclnvnlt nntl If tlm hi lei' con I In lies at the head of the company Instead of Krlck, who many liilnk return lo power, Carnegie will he turning a trick on Krlck. fire nl Indianapolis, Keb. ivhli-h early broke out in the "baiic- iiiciit of the Crand Opet'u bouse did dainiiKi-.

practically all of which fulls on hii.slnesti cipiiccnis lu Ilie block. The theater proper suffered little damage, nnd performances will not 'be Inlerrnptcd, 'i'ie greatest exclteinein among Hie occupants of the (irand Opera lipuxe holel and iiewous -were wllli ditticiilly from Jump- IHK in the pavement, "Hem nf Shlluh" Uiinil. SI. Keb, gpeclll (n Tlie Hally News nays Ueu janilii M. 1'renllss.

one of the oldes surviving gcncrnlx of volunteers civil war, dead at Ills home in Both any. Mo. He defeated Generate Unimex and 1'rlce at Helena, Ark, I. and resigned In of ilie Hume year. He was known as "The Hero of Shlloli," Jurj lllingrox (lenrKclown, Keb.

Jury In ihe ciixe of (leorge K. Weaver, ot trial for perjury In couuectlon with the trial of 1'iileb r.nvei'*, one of ill men Indicted for the iiNnnsHluatton ul Undid, wua unable tu agreu iipnn verdict and WUH discharged. Kurumr King Milan 111, l.nndmi. KHi. King Milan uf Sen In, aci'ordlng to a special patch from Viennu.

Mifferlng from pneumonia. Ills condition Is pro nounei'd to be dangerotm. Win liuomllu B. Laval, a tnerohant, of Dallas Texas, wi-ltes: "1 tfiouiflit I wouW have to give up business, after'two lears of Nufferlntr from general debility brought on by overwork and long hours, out four bottles of ira pave me new Ufa. I can now eat aoytniog.

sleep iwoll and feel like working allthe time. Its the beit medU'lne on parth." Ha w'tronderful tonlu and health builder for tired, weak, sickly and Try It, Satisfaction guaranteoa. Only Mo at Paul's Pharmacy. tlmt the i fur ou the wage brighter ihnn it ha" boon xluce ilie jiiint fiiiitercnce. The MiU-vcale -iiniinitioe siifin tlif entire day discussuit: the iiiree most imporlnnt nf ihe nniucly, the universal fstitblMiigent of A stand- In the Held; a uniform of 7 nnd an Increase in the general of 111 cent" ton.

I'eittifs XnlHtiin. vice of Ohio miners, gave ilie thnt jH-iraicsK had been made, lie sahl: "Tlie conference will not ndjouili iviiliont tin agreement wlgned. I mi conllitriit oF now, though iitur" and have both In rarlli by Ihe near probability of a cfincrdl strike and Its far- reaching i-niisciiupnceK and they arc limit illiUlf III liii they have steadfastly refused hereliifiiie. My belief is ihnt tlie Joint sc.ii,- coiniiiltiei' will IIP able to report new vVnb" In the coiifereUc'e Suttir- day Mini-nine nnd that II will be adopt-; cil hy evening al ilic furtheot.V FIGHT FOR LIFE IN ICY SEA HIP ctfi'ilinm Have a flnril Thite tn ArrcAt Miittnrern. New Vot-U.

Keb. T. II. riierroih, Lieutenant K. .1.

Ilnakc. fiiut five niiii-iiu's, all armed, had a ter- rlllc battle with frozen seas lu a gale while going alter William Cray, Kd- Haul Hempsey and James JBuruv. chat-p'd wllh Inciting mutiny ainoiig ilic nHier willow Ilic ship Aslral of Ihe Siandiird oil company. Tilt) mutineers were liikeii off the vessel In by tin- men from the I'Ulled revenue culler llreshuni. Tlni was riding at anelior off Handy Hook.

Lieutenant L'berroth and his men put out In boat from the (Iresham by order of Cuptalu Walker and in response to a request from Caplain Durham of the Astral. Half, way in tin- two of the onrs broke. I'ualilc to keep the boat's- head to the wind it fell Into the trough of the sen and the (iceiipants were drenched with liylnj: spray that froze us it fell. The boat went rapidly to leeward until It wim. picked up by the harbor supervisor's tujr.

the Daniel S. rtnd towed tjie A.strnl. The Jnutl- in'CM Avho hail delayed the Astrnl's trip to China were arrested and taken the Ur PINOREE GOING TO EUROPE Vormer vcrnor Will Try to Build Up HU Kline Trutle Abroad. iM'iroii, l-'fb. S.

Plngrec, fiinner Knvernor ol Mk'blfjnn, will take ix-ojin voyage neat week, lie ivlll U-iivc New York for Knglaud and will be nwiiy fin- three weeks or Ibere- iilioiils. In hln as private and boot iind shoe nianufactiir- Hie foniicr governor will mingle business with pleasure and will be ac- tin bis trip abroad by hundred or more MunpleH of 1'ingree's shoes. lie will get nfter the trade of Eng- liiiid nnd bring tlie purveyors of shoes to the English army to the belief that 1'ingree's Kboes tire well stiffed for soldfers. and that they will stand tile South African or any other ellmaie. He will be accompanied also by his son Joe and Colonel EH It.

Sution. The latter two will continue on to South Africa, Joe wltb shoe samples and Suiton to look up the possibilities of salt manufacture. Rf lUoh, warm, healthy blood is given by Hood's Barsaparilla and thus coughs, oolda and pneumonia are pro vented. Take it now. E.

Marsh, S. H. Wyss, Gso. P. Barth North AUon, W.

D. W. Barnard Upper Alton, the druggists, will THE JOY OF THE house is the baby. No matter how many have come before, the latest arrival brings joy to all. When the little one takes his first glimpse of the world, he is in, it is a minute of keenest joy.

Father is mother is fond, brother is eager, sisters are tender, nurse is the whole human world is kind. There is another, an under, world with enemies in it. When baby gets into its shadow, be quick with Scott's emulsion of cod-liver is sure to get into its let get no futher than info the edge of it. Health is ihe baby's life. We'll send you a little to trjr, If you IDtt, SCOTT BOWNE, 409 Foal unit, New York.

MlILBTM WD MUM OU. OTtt refund you satisfied afti our money If you are not Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation and headache. Price 2o cents. Samples free.

Piles ofTeopIe testify to the merits of Banner Salvo in curing piles. It is K. Marsh and S. H. Wyss.

To Stop a Cold, Alter -exposure or when you feel a oold coming of Poley's Honoy and Tar. It never falls to stop cold if taken in time. Sold hy K. Marsh and S. H.

Wyss. the Krost Bites and cured by Banner Salve, most healing remedy in the world. Marsh and S. H. Wyss.

A llisumlcrstawlliur. Misunderstood symptoms of disease lead doctors to treat something else when the kidneys are out of order. Foloy's Kidney Cure will bring you health when other medicines have failed. Take no substitute. Marsh and S.

H.Wyss. "I have always used Poley's Money and Tar cough medicine, and think ft the best in the world," says Charles Bender, a newsdealer of Erie, Pa. Nothing else as good. Marsh and S. H.

Wyss. iii i.t Trade timonaj Mum-It-, "Kelt. flrst nn- iiinil ronvenilon of Hie Woman's Internal loiijil I'nloii Label league convened in ihis city. The women In this union nerve lo Iw.v only such articles In as benr tin- Inbel to show that I hey miide by union labor, hop- Ins; to (hereby force dealers lo purchase this cliiKs of The league Is Indorsed by the. American Federation of Labor.

Jlr-rjr Want i Information. Washington, Feb. Berry hits Introduced a resolution in the senate requesting the president to Inform. Hie senate whether the United States minister to China has jollied tlio representatives of other powers at I'ekln ln demanding the execution of Prince Tiiau or other Chinese and If so, by -whom lie was authorized join in making such demand. Agalnit Oronln Chit-ago, Ken.

Jury in Judge Itttrke's court which has been bearing the evidence to decide whether the Itoynl league should pay a in- ttiirance policy ou the life of Dr. Cron- In, brought in a verdict In favor of the company. The swlt was brought by Mrs, Margaret Croahv widow of John J. Croiiiii. who was the beiieUelary tin- del' tin- policy as brother of the murdered doctor.

firemt Pueblo, Col. I'ueblo, Feb. Quggen- heliu block, a two-story building at the corner of Main. and Fourth streets, occupied by. the Orewa-Beggg Dry Uoods big department store, was gutted 'by fire.

The loss Is estimated at insurance Tlie lire started In the 'boiler- room, piYHuinnbly in some loose par per lying too close to the bpiler. Governor Hill of Maine IIDS received the resignation of Congressman Charles A. Houtelle, to take Feb. Bncklcn's Arnica Salve has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for outs, corns, burns, bolls, sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions; infallible for piles.

Cure guaranteed. Only at Paul's Pharmacy. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated mo without success.

I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The flrst bottle gave immediate relief and throb bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." Sold by K. Marsh and S. H.

Wyss. OfeteMs IHfJanct 0JMJMIMMSI Xew York, Kob. ftfig Chinese minister to the United tint himself oo record refotlnt to sit Miwr banquet fuble tvHh Major General Ehvel! 8. of the United States army. The minister took to explain that, while tetf only teaywit for General Otis, bit coune la declining to abate the bMioM of the feast due to General OUa' Attitude while fforernor general of PhUlpptow In enforcing the Chinese ejtcluslott Act the Chinese' 1 falnlstw said, be could not possibly approve, and he would not put himself In the position ot seeming to Indorse It In SaoUi London, Feb.

fehohener reports to the war office under date of Pretoria, Feb. 7. as British column destroyed supplies at Petrusburg and brought 800 horses and cattle. Dewet Is reported ntlll north of Hmltbfleld, moving emit, A detached force which eroVsed the line at Pomp! Siding Is moTlnt on Phllop- olls. Methuen reports from LlUlfon- teln, east of Vrybtirg, that he scattered the enemy there and captured twelve waftoun and cattle.

French is near Er. melo." H. 'Still water, Feb. boartl of prison managers, meeting at the prison, paroled, James U. Southall of St.

Paul, nerving a iwntenqe for frnuds In governmeiit time coecka amounting to $500,000. Sonthall was sentenced to ten years a little over two years ago. Upon the report of medical experts the freedom-of Southall tvng necesunry to save his wife's reason, the board of pardons commuttetl his aentenco to four years and two mnking him eligible to parole. Orunken Coorit Sent to WorkltouM. Waxhlngton, Vob.

Inventor of HtnokelCHS powder. Count Selgey Binoliauorr, was convicted In a Washington police court of befog: an habitual drunkard, tie showed- no to mend his wnys and declared stubbornly that it was uo one's buglnese how inttcb he drank. Not having the necessary security ot ball, ho went to the workhouse for three months. Count Sinollnnon 1 has been worth millions, but tlrinh ruined: Hill to Finn Cigarette Belle Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. tatlve John L.

Belch of Sau Pole (otiu- ty has introduced in the Utah legislature sweeping dntl-cfoirette bill, providing for a flue of less than $10 nor more than to be imposed on any pet-son, firm or.eprporalliin that sells, gives disposes of cigarettes or ulgnrette paper (0 any person, no matter what his age may be, A Remedy tor the Grippe. A remedy recommended for patients afflicted with the Grippe is KKMP.S BALSAM, which is especially adapted for the throat and lungs. Don't wait for the first symptoms of the disease, eet a bottkt today and keep it for use the moment It is needed. If neglected, the grippe has a tendency to bring on pneumonia. KEMP'S BALSAM prevents this by keeping the cough loose and the lungs free from tnflarnation.

All druggists sell KEMP'S BALSAM at 25c. and 50c. Kind You Itavo Always and la UM for wer 80 years, bomd the and lias boon made sonal siiporrisldn aJflfte Allow no one to deceive All Cottntorfeito, Imltotlona and are JStif peximeuts that trifle with and and Kxpcrlenoo against What Is CASf Dropv t. It OMtoria IB a sitbotltuto for Castor Oil, and Soothing Syrnps. It la UarnilosS contains neither Opium, Mot-phtiio Its age is its gimrantco.

it afisffoyg allays PovcrlshnoHs. jt cures Diarrhoea anil Wind Colic. It relieves Toothing- Troubles, oaten Comitlpatloa and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regnllttM the Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy nnd natnnU sleep. The Children's Mother's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ROBT. STAMPER, BBAL ESTATE, LOAN AND INSUfiANOE AGENT, MB STREET. Money to Loan on Improved Property BBNT8 OOLliKOTKD. HENRY HOEHN.

WM. J.MEYER. Hoehn Meyer. BUTCHER AND PACKER. And dealer In Froah aid Bait Moata and r.ard aod of faunage.

CM Beoond Alton, III. Alton Time Card Illinois Terminal Railroad. Cird, In effect Nov. 2G, 1900: LT. Alton 7.80am 11.10 am When vou want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take pleasant in effect use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.

Price 25 cents. free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by E. Marsh, 8.

H. Wyss, Geo. F.Barth North Alton, W. Barnard Upper Alton. Annotmeement.

To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers In applying liquids into the nasal passages for cotarrhal troubles; the proprietors prepare Cream Balin la liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price, including, the sQraylng tube is 75o. Drugcrists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the membrane ana does not dry up the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character.

Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, N. y. frequent Coughing nflames the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the coughing and heals the lungs. The ordinary cough medicines which are simply expectorants, will not do this, as they keep the lungs Irritated In throwing off the phlegm.

Sold by B. Marsh and S. H. Wysa. Dr.

B. Anu-Dtatetw May be worth to TOO mora than 9100 If yon have a child who bedding from Incontinence ot water daring deep Caret old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at onoe. fi. gold by S.

H. Wyw a- liH.W.CIhamb«rlain. Drngtfrt. 609 ttreet. AttoB.Bl WM.

ARMSTRONG Dealer in OBMBNT, LIMB, WALL PLA8TBR. MOM to meet competition. Oooda de- llrered. OFFIOB 107 West Seoojiri Hie HO7BL MADlSOfr, DANIELS, Prop Swcood and Barton Alton, 6.10pm Dallr B. is am Sunday only 4.10pm Sunday only I.T.

EdwariSavlUe 0 2i am Except Sunday lO.UOam 2.00 pm S.OUam Uunday only and depart Depot. mi Agenl. Onsndaftai leave Union tiatOAGO ALTON. Oct. i4, 1900, tnku win AJtoa, aa forth and laland andSt-Paol ifl.27 in.

(Ml O. O. NO 'Dally. jeeloli tralna between Alton Except Bund See Joint C. A.

and' table IN THE GRIP EPIDEMIC. TbeDiieMe Mwt thw an. Qilte it ital. The Best Treatnetit. The grip has surprised the doctors and health authorities this season by Its rapid spread and by novel symptoms.

While it spares nobody it is proving especially dangerous to middle-aged elderly In many cases either a fatal onset of pneumonia, or a complete breakdown of health'and strength, is apt to follow an attack, of grip. The wise course for all is prevention. By wearing a Benson's Porous Plaster on the chest and back you protect the lungs from cold and chill and (with ordinary care) you are safe from grip. For those who re already suffering from grip, or from the usual winter coughs colds, Bensons Plasters are a sure and speedy relief and cure. Highly medical and scientific.

Refuse imitations and substitutes. Only the genuine are effective. Examine when you buy. Seabury Johnson, Manufacturing Chemists, Now York. DISCHARGES OBI Vj IN 8ANKRUP1CV ln.8hort Time.

Yager Yager, Attorneys 806 Belle street. T. LONG ENGINEER and 8DRVEYOB Maps Profiles and Estimates Pornlsbed. 80B BBLLJJ BTBBBT, Up Htalra. Between Alton ud St.

Look, LT. Alton For Bt. Jxmls. Ar 8t. 818 am 620am 700am 826am ftAdatty uTaally 820am 1240pm 820pm 406 pm 420pm 627pm 642pm EUpm Lv St.

L. U. S. Big Four daily C4A dally Big Four dally GRANITOID PAYING COMPANY W. A H.

BBI8EB, Prop's. 818 Bwt Sixth Street. Alton, 111. of Granitoid Work: log tone and the beat quality and workmiratiteed. Orden by prompt attention 0 B8t 1040am 12 01 pm pm 420pm 505pm 5 45 pm 8 oo pm dally ur dall.

For Alton Blf Four, ai- Sun i ft A dally Big Four, daily C. ft A. daUy. Big Kour, Bat. only Big Four ei-t)ao.

ft A. Sally BlgKonr, Bis Four, dally C. 4.V.,4atly i Via Marohanti Br) go. C. A and Big Feu Upper toEaatSf.

Lou! WC. 4 and Big Pour tlcketa, tSf. Louie and BUI 4 A. and at thoae U. 0.

FOOB. HENRY J. KLDNK, Pnuerai Director and Embalmer BUJFh CITY DAIRY, Cor. ef Socopd and Henry ata. (Buburban aeirlot) Dally M-8un Dao.

10, Alton 81 IOC. 400 11 Btadtyt train departs from UaloMeitti teweat.L. ArtreJlltet CASTORIA For In5au and OhUdria. Jell-0, tUelA'ew Uewert all Paw da von orange, raipberry and straw. fry Woman Knows Woman.

Telephone No. 2683. J. R. CARTWRIQHT, Proprietor ZUKICI, Jan.

Si. I uaad Wine of Canjul tor an- vouineta and weaknein In the womb. Alter taking one bottle I WM wall again. I am a midwife and recommend of 5. F.

CONNOR pregnancy and after birth a KTary lady who takca It flndi It even more than la el ST. L. K. W. Through tarrlos.

EiUle, BalUlnf sad Lota Association BALI) auiwwiMQwaBancaw oars TwtUMttftlMTwifcCltltt. flail Nobody knows woman like worraa Mbn ro itudy books tistdn to lectures. They letrh lodi of women, but they ire men Ind can nevff the luflferingj, the atonies oi mothers, knows. Mrs. Boiivert knows.

SJw and tribulations of her sex. She hu bsrt fered. She hu seen them relieved and cure any wonder she recommends it, it Q. STELLE, (ARCHITECT. "Mpi bid, Upper Alton, I) 0.

ft Q. (Ridge rt. PRIVATE HOME. rtcommsad They have xr UM weak of il) helps and cures aU Druggists Sell Large Botlki for W. OHIOAQO, PHOBIA 4 BT.LOUW RT aou-Indian fib twill cure Hilud, UM, MM Will STRON6 AGAIK! VorulebyS..

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