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Arizona Daily Star du lieu suivant : Tucson, Arizona • Page 3

Tucson, Arizona
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THE ARIZONA, DAILI STAB, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 81, 1915 riiiriiiTnw Trin Governor Hurried Death of Nurse Hurry You Will Have to If Yo Wnnt a CulltH'tion of TUtso 1 r. PEFESlEOjy U. OF AVARBITY Rl HIGH ifllllDBY comem Defense of Local Team Battered io Pieces in Last Period of Annual Football Game Visitors Score at Will; 1 3 to I Crawford Starts Scoring for Oneida Community State Souvenir Spoons The Offer Will Be Withdrawn Soon Arizona by Makin HYard Run on Forward Pas; Soldiers -Unable to Reach" Goal Tlitw is a spoon for each state in the Union, and the IMstvii-t of ('olmnhla. On the handle of each sxon in deeply ensiraved has relief is the seal of the state it represents. Every spoon is the quality, and will lie replaced yee.

of charge at any time if for any reason it should prove unsatisfactory, This virtually is a guarautee forever by the world's manufacturer of high-grade flat DOUGLAS. Oct. 3o! (Special.) By four to.uchdcwr.3 from tbti forward pass and three by line buoks, the University of Arizona football. teM dei'eutnd the. Twenty-second Infantry eleven tuday by the score of 4 to 0.

Arizona started the game by kick-lug off to the soldiers, who received and started march down the field for Arizona's grial However, when they had carried tho ball up to'the Wildcat 9-yard Hue. the Arizoni lino took a brace aud they were, held f')' downs. A fcrward pass the Don't Delay Order Today shoestring pis trcm Porter to Crawfordgave the Wildcats Jlheir first score. After receiving the pas3 Craw ford ran 91 yards and placed the bal' squarely between: the soldiers' goal posts. Porter ktcked goal.

The se coni set re caaie shortly after the second kickoff. The WIM. cats kicked and tho sUdicrs were held in' their own territory for downs. Another pass was called to Crawford who Boon placed tho fcr second time behind tho soldier gcal line. Porter kicked goal.

The third score cair.t af ter a series of. line buoks. Bracken- fax The supply of spoons for the various states is limited and Star readers are urged to jnako th; jr selections and send in their orders promptly. After chise- of. this campaign it will he difficult, if to secure su superb collection tit such a price.

Thjn offer will positively terminate in a short, time. Clip tlic Coupon below and present it at Till; STAK OFFICE with lov for eaeli spoon, UOe for any six, for any 12, for the original 13 States or for the complete collection ofJ) ordered by mail add 5e for eaeh spoon. j. burry crossed the line on a crpssbuck i and Porter again kicked goal. Arizona then kicked aud the soldiers puntcJ Tho Tucson hlfch sihool footbal' team went down to dofoat estertlay a the hands of tho I'hoenix high whoa mi the University field, whin, after ex hiWtlnK thp most tonnoioua fiuhtln' for three quarters and a part of the fourth, they blew and Phoenix scored t-o touchdowns, giving thti; the Kttnio by a score of 13 to Very little oen work was tried Uher aide.

Tho constant grind of lln, bucking and blocking was too muc for the 135-ponnd Tucson team a'-ralns-the blK Phoenix men. who had then' outweltihcd 15 pounds to the man, aii' their strength broke Just before th come endml, allowing photnlx tw scores. For three quarters tho Tucson lim held like a fortresn, under th' Phoenix line and piling the whole tean' up at almost every play. Mutton. -Mey er and Slonaker tackled hard, Hoffman succeeded In spilling the in terference aud getting the man man-times.

However, -Meyer was tha mainstay of the team, and when ho cripuled lr the last quartor tho whole dtfcnsr went to pieces. Story of the Game Things looked good for the Iocs) team in the first quarter. Tucson kicked off and forced Phoenix to punt, the Coyotes returning the kick after carrying the ball 15 yards. Harris, the Tucson punter, got a 00-yard kick, h(ch was fumbled by Phoenix and recovered by the Tucson captain, Meyer, on the Phoenix 22-yard Hue. This wus the closest Tucson came to their goal line.

This chance of scoring was thrown away when Tucson tried a forward pass and Walters, of Phoenix Molt! the pass. On the next down Walters made a 30-yard gain around the Tucson left end. The quarter was called with the ball on the Phoenix 40-vard line, each team having made one first down. After a few punts on both sides, the f'hoenix boys advanced the ball to the T-tcsun IS-yard line, but hare they ere held and had to give up the ball to the lunula. After a few punts and bucks.

Tucson started a march the field, Meyer carrying the ball for good gains on every down, through the left side of tho Phoenix line, which proved to te very weal; at this stage of the Tnd hat! tailed W'Tucaon rc-. vV- Drop Kick Fails the Tucson center, went out of the game with a bad cut on his chin out of danger. Henaud was Rent around the left end for 30 yards. Tur-vey received a fcrward pass for 20 yards more and after a god rw Renaud placed the ball ba-jk of the boal line fcr a fourth toucydown, a fourth goal was kicked by Porter. The fifth and last of the half came when Crawford passed to Gilbert for Military Governor of Btlyiun, General von Bis3ing.

CJeneral vcu Bissln-', military governor of nelgium, is the man who ra-luscl despite the prclosis of American Minister Hrand Whitlock and other neutral foreign envoys in Helgiur.i, to delay the execution of the death sentence of Miss Kdith Cavell, Brtt ish nurse, convicted as a py in Brussels. She was shot to death while t'l oso who were interceding for her were trying to go'- delay to uppeul t3 Kaia er Wilhelm. 5 Papagoes Entered In San Xavier Marathon 30 yards and Porter kicked another i gcal, the 'score for the talf beina 1 35 to 0. 1 The third quarter saw Arizona nlay ing safe, using jmnts to good a.1va;-: tage, and tho soldiers sending substitute after substitute into the game hn- cause of the Btrenucusrcess of the, game. The scoring started f.t th: 'last quarter when Pcrter a I long forward pass to Seeley for tr ichdown and kicked the goal, and ended when alter kicking and carry-ling the ball down the field, Porter was sent through the line for the seventh and last score, making a total 'of seVea kicks -out of seven trials.

mi This Couoori witn 15 cents (bv 20c) Rood for' one State Souvenir 1 Porter kicked tie last goal. made especially for this paper by fhe Oneida Community, Ltd. starAiojayjfti JJniversiiswwere -j Get a Complete Set Clip the Coupon Now Crawford and Turvey, and Schmidt played the good game for the soldiersi A large crowd attended the game and no one was hurt throughout. The Line-Up. Tucson Seeley and Gilbert left end; Turvey, left tackle; McGowan and Smith, left guard; Huss, center; Smith and Porter, right guard; Hen-idry, right tackle; Crawford, right end; iSleyer and Kengla, quartern).

Porter, captain, and Downy, left half; Renaud, risht half; brackenburiv, fullback. RoMier-v M'lrt" n(l and Campbell, right tackle; Revelle, right guard Wilhelm, center; Ver- the Taragoes represented. The Indians were barred two yexrs ago in the marathon and they have been resentful ever siu. Every assurance- was given them, however, that they would be given a fair deal this time. A letter from Nogales yesterday evening stated positively that Rekhel, tho Twelfth infantry machine gun entrant, would be in the miming.

Anastnpculos. the (Ireek niarathoner, has been ordered to Douglas, and it is not certain whether he will run cr not. Local entrants are now interested as to whether -Harkness, the winner of the last marathon, will enter. lie has not been heard from yet. The time for the closing of en-trios has been extended by Manager Herron to Tuesday noon, and any runner who wants to be in must have his entry in by that time.

The loiig looked for entry of Papago Indian runners in the San Xavier marathon ined yesterday evening when J. F. Myers, secretary pf tae Heuthor Arizcua Pair assut'iation, hrcugiit back from Indian. Oasis tiie entries of five young braves who will be in the big race next Friday afternoon, the seeonl day of the fair. Tho five entrants are Catnte.

Aldolplir, Santiago, Ben Johnson and Joe Jilel-foiiso. They have been selected as the fleetest cf the manv Indian runners to compete with the paleface maruthoners. AH of tliem are in good trim for the race, and only a little training will be done, as the long conditioning necessary for white runners Is not needed by them. The work of inducing the Indians to enter has been done by Superintendent Henry Mctjulgg, who has used every effort to have LEGAL' NOTICES SECRET SOCIETIES aved NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Soles UCSON LOD01 NO, 4, A. F.

A A. M. Stated cmnmunloaUona on tha af ter tha second half opened. From this time on there was scarcely a down Imt hat some of the hard-hit-' tins litl's nun of the local team were I knocked out. Tucson punted when they could not against and Vitrs started a rush for the Tucson soal line with a 40-yard run around the Tucson left end.

When Phoenix reached the Tucson 20-yard zone, Tuc- i son tightened up. Phoenix tried a dro kick, which Tho quarter ended without further marked gains by either I How Phoenix Scored Phoenix started the last, quart with a terrific onslaught of lino busks and runs until they carried the ball to tho Tucson 3-yard line. Here Tucson tightened up and held them, but after the runner carrying the ball had been stopped, a fumble occurred. The tall Mlied of of the about 10 feet. (010780) Friday of ach month at o'clock lu EPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.

V. S. LAND OFFIOB ut Phonix. Arizona, September 27, 1915. NOTICE Is hornhv nlvon fhof t-olkinli he evening at Maaonlo Hall.

Notice of pec-la' meeting will be given by bolaUD'j blue flag Vlfltlng brother are oor- I lulling, left guard; leit tackle; Martin and Hays, left end; Coleson, quarterback; Schmidt, right I half; West -and Hunan. Left half; i Lewson and Uettaman, follbaek dlally Invited. Martinez, of TucBon. ArIona. who.

on June 1, J9I0. made homestead application. O. 010786, for WH of NEW. Section 30, Township ICS, RailK UK, O.

8. R. has notice of intention OLVA C. PARKER, Uaetar. WILUAM T.

PTOTT, Secretary. Jet Well Heeled and Your Soles fcaved lien's boIrs and heels $1.25 Men's heels 40c Women's soles and heels. Women's heels 25c Hubier oles and turned soles our specialty. Work Done While You Walt make five-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before Edwin P. Jones, U.

S. Commissioner, at Tucson. were interpreted by Hugh Norris, i well known Indian interpreter. i PAPARIE run i on tho tit day of November. 1915 ersonal '-umanr names ns witnesses: Cornier? Oalloiro.

Ramon Martinez. Jtiin -I nen A.nouiu Uoinier. all oi 'l-ui-son, Arizona. THOMAS. WKKDl.M.

KeRlster. Professor Barnes of the university experiment station was also present, and gave talka to Indians oa live, ttookq methods and other subjects, nther Tncsoans who were present -included Mr. Ryland's family, J. W. Kcllum and wife; Dr.

Forest Shreve; of the Carnegie Desert right in front of Teal, who nicked it up and carried, it across the line with no one anywhere near him. for tho first touchdown of tho game. Marlar kicked goal; score, 7 to 0. Aftor a kick-off, a mint and a few line bocks, another I III IIUUUU tllbla I SFi FXHIRITR NOTICi? OF HEARING PETITION march ui the field BtarUd and, with never a wabble. Phoenix won another Sheriffs Montgomery and Jtid Arnold, and Officer of the city police forco Were at yesterday to testify" in several casea in the military court against, setters.

Lyle' Abbot, sporting editor of tho Phoenix Dr. Lorenzo Boido, manager of the Tucson-Phoe. jtiix road race, and R. Thayne Cook, 'UCSON CHAPTER NO. t.

Royal Areh Maeonc Ifeeta tn Maaonlc Hall on iblrd Friday tealng of eaeh month, aolournlng oora anloiM In good atandlog are fraternally anted. wu g. all, n. v. CBAS.


Stated conclave the flrat rrtday of eaoli month at 7.50 p. m. Sojourning knight re courteously welcomed. EPES RANDOLPH. CBAB.

0. 8PORLEDER, Reoordei to A A. S. R. 7" The several bodies of Boouish a 'j JAiaoory meet In tlie Maaonlu Halt tb ourtb Friday of each month.

Notlua i meeting will be given by bolatiog AJmeiican flag over hall. Wit. ATBON, TO LQGAL FAIR and wife; Dr. D. T.

McDougall. director of the Carnegie Desert Laboratory; J. W. Estill, chairman of the board of supervisors, and family; W. C.

'Uoetz, county engineer, and Dr. H. W. Fenner. principal of the Phoenix high sctroo Electric Shoe Hospital 42 West Conaran nt.

Tucson vesterday to' see the football game. The will return homo HORSE CAME BACK, BUT SADDLE, MISSING aernoon. iWard Beckley. aa employe of tha Indian Products Will Be Shown Here Then Taken to Phoenix; 5000Tribemen A'tend Indian In tho Supsrlor Coftrt of Pima State 'cf Arizona. In the Matter of the Estate of William A.

Smith, Deceased. Notice herehy given that TV .7 Wharton has filed in this a certain tlocument purporting to btv the last will and testament of William A. Smith, together with his petition praying that said document be admit ted to probata In this court as tha last will and testajnent of said William A. Smith, who, said petition er alleges, is deceased, and that letters testamentary issue thereon to said petitioner, and that same will be heard on Monday, the 15th day of November, A. D.

1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at tin-court room of said court, in the court house, in the City of Tucson, County of Pima. State of Arizona, and ai-persons interested In said estate av Ilecaunc the liorsej'came back," no charce of horse stealing was made Randolph offices, has returnea trom a trip to Safford, where he went on iKii.iur Si-. i i against Francisco Uobdles, but he MARTI NMARTIN MARTIN MARTItE -r was hound over to the superior court OaSIS IllCSOnanS b0 yesterday by Justice C-. Comstock I ou a charge of stealing tne saddle.

touchdown wh3n they sent Norton ove. for the final score. Marlar missed poal. When the final whistlo blew Phoenix was in tho middle of the field marching for another score. The Line-Up Tucson Harris, 1, o.s Aloffitt.

1. Arcs, 1. Francis and iBlankenshil't, Stoctder and Schwallen, r. Davenport, r. Hoffman, r.

Heney, Slonaker. r. Hut ton, 1. Meyer captain) and Stockder, f. b.

Dquglag iMarlar, r. lioido, r. Gutter, r. g.t Abbott, 1. nnncan, 1.

Wllky and Cole, 1. T.uke. Walters, 1. Teal, r. Norton and Brandon, f.

b. Officials Referee Harbour: umpire, Mi Phe.rson; head linesman, Albert. COURT CONVENES MONDAY. The November term of the United "tates district court commences Monday in Tucson. Judge Sawtelle and Clerk Iswis will return from Phoenix this afternoon.

United States Marshal Joe Dillon and deputy marshal vm-n at. Noeales to bring back federal prisoners for appearance before the grand jury. t. ROER KASTSRN STAR. Artsona Chapter, No.

Order Eastsm tar, meets Brst and third eaeh month, at Maaonlc Hall. IDA THOKPrl, Matron. LORAINE Mc.MTLLEN, Eocri r. Jt was valued at The horse and saddle were the property or Ralpn: "nhi'f- an eintilovpp of the Tucson Farms company. Roble! whs also he- lieved to have taken the horse, but It arrived home one morning, so the Ji.

'ISJS: BLADDER w-wl J24H6UR3! VliHnUJ "io" vl 1 i in BM Itt il jratrliu.j'' Exhibits from the Papago fair, whicu closed a three-day session at Indian Oasis yesterday, will be brought to Tucson the coming week for the Southern Arizona fair, N'ovem- Seed charge on this count was not pressed B. R. O. ELKS. -Taeeon Lodge.

No. raorts p. 4th Tueada-yn, Kills' Hom, op-u-Ite Oiurt House, open at all than. vts tor 'jreicsme. WILFOBD bULLlNQlCH, Kxalted Ruler.

03CAR ti. PBA8S, 8ortary. her 4. 5 and 6, and later sent to the agajnBt him. hp notified then and thero to appear atio show cause, if any they have, the prayer of Bald petitioner shniilt; not be granted, i S.

Clerk. By J. S. BROWN, Deputy Clerk Dated October 87, 1915. VUate fair at Phoenix, according to Kobles is said to have served time promises made- to Secretary John V.

before for stealing. The person who Myers by Superintendent Henry Mc- waa i)Qund over yesterday is not Quigg, who was in cliarge of the Pap- 'Frank Rubles, well known carpenter ago fair. land member of the Grove baseball The Indian Oasis exhibition was team. one of-the most successful Indian, fairs ever held In this section of the six BEST SELLERS, country. There were nearly 5000 In- New novels, the inevitable result dians in attendance und hunareos of 0f the changed tastes of returned a- rUCSON LODOP.

NO, (NIUrtT9 6t PYTHIAS Lodge meet from June 1 to -rifcv very eeeond and fourth Monday at t. m. nd from October 1 to i ovum S.J:S. P' m- Kaglu Hall. VtniUo KnlghW always welcome Lswton Bros.

Co. Puhllo Accountants, Aualtors, A Syttematlzcra 'Will Meeo your account monthly tot A reasonable fea In-migration Bidg, No. 7, TUCBON Phone (48 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION W. 8. II EN DRY.


let W. Pennlnatou auo-t. white visitors during the three days cattonists, predominate in- the list of Ir'Iicre aifain, and we hare just revml a fshilment of Morse Seeds They $hwn- ht California, a arc xilrvi'dhf ((dupted for frpniufi in thin climate. All iunVtVs in stock. Knit "Juti Our fknn, Z9.fnJ 30 The sight of so many Indians, together with the Indian sports, games and dances, was most novel and interesting to the paleface guests.

The pony races were a teatnre, and attracted many Indian enl rants. The foot races were also exciting and XRIZONA RUCINO NO. P. M. C.

Vleeta It Odd Kellows' HeU Wednesday evening at o'clock. Vlli. Bg brother are fraternally lni.i. OANA n. L.

V. Recorder. the six best selling novels for October. The list in the order of their popularity ia as follows: (1) "Heart of the Sunset," Rex Beach; (2) "Athalie," Chambers; (S) Mary Roberts Rinehart; (4) "The Moveable Meddler," -Ieona Dalrymple; (5) Prairie Wife," Arthur Stringer; (6) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, O. n.

oPKICH. at 1'hoenix, Arlaona September 22, 1915. In rlvon that Ororfiv W. Hawkins, of Tucson. Arliona.

who. on February HI 4, made homestead appll-I'lon No. ror Ijits 1 2. 3. Sertlon 31: Lot 4.

Section 30, Township 133. Range 16E. G. g. R.

Meridian, has Mitt notice of Intention to make commutation proof. in -the land above described, before Edwin F. IT. Chicken Dinner Odd Fellows Hall Monday live in an, nuitihnr of the Popular Price Auto a Service Stand; Pennington West of Stone "Ir you don't ride with us, we both money." Regular trips to St. Mary's Hospital via Menlo Park nvnoet tn enmnil in the San Xavier 'Michael O'Halloran," Stratton- marathon next Friday and forwardel Porter.

OrtOER OP EAGLPS, Tucecn Aerie No. 10. Meet ever Tuasdav at 1 i. r-c 2 I Commissioner, at Tucson, Arizona, on th i oav of November, I9IN. as Harry F.

Eagle1 Hall. Vialtlug brotliars are their entries -by Secretary Myers yea i evening. fJURED If RUNAWAY Talks ta Indians. J. Amnos, a oung lad about 10 years Oenovar, Qeorife Merrltt Thomas Uni- vice lock.

Samuel V. Burnley, all of Ttu-son i Alfred Goldsmith of Hn'son, I too attend. JACK -f, J. W. STEWART.

(Eagle Club) Arlaona. THOAIA9 F. WETCDIN, H-glHiir O. G. PARKER of age, was bruised in a runaway yesterday evening about 7 o'clock near the Arizona theater on Stone avenue.

He was riding a bicycle, it was re-ported, The -wheel was when he collided with a horse and AR I president of the fagle Milling com-panv, gave an address to tie on the best methods to improve their much' ol wnicn liuus us wuy to the Tucson mills. .1. H. Rvland: vice tirooident of -the i NiEirrXkiNG co. At 6 P.M.

DRUG C0.I tNIQMTH OF CCLUMBUg, Tucson Council No. 1200 Meet first and third Tuesday of eaoA nonth at o'clock p. m. In I. O.

O. South Sixth a-enue. A M. ein. O.

phone 019-W. J. W. flnamlal nucreUiy. address 1-10 N.

aixth Young Amnos was report9d iHnONA HUMANC SOCIJITV, flen. Thos. F. Wilson, Mre Mr. Mary H.

Wrltflii ''-exs. Report cute' of cruelty to up. win fleers: Rau MIIU. pbu 275-J; II 'vre. phone 49ft Regular meeting first TueMav eael 'inniUj 7 6 mM rbambet of 506 Southern Arizona fair, delivered an rto Be resting easily yesterday eve.i-j,.-4-n.o nn the fair and Invited i all LfciR at St.

Mary's hospital, where he the Indians to be present. Hotb talk I. was taken. VlARtlNMAf Phone 5 tfl Si avu..

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