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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 1

Alton, Illinois
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rELEGBAPH Established, ffSentto Kitty Snipes was returned to the iJnr Farm in this ft ear ls "at- 1 1 rlil WEATHER Fair tonlflht; rlsthfl tempera. ture northwest portion Tuesday, i inoreasmfl cloudiness and rising i temperature, probably followed Wets Ari Giving Local Onbe- OverJ-Waltlng to Decide About Black Book. BUYS FALSE NO NEW DEMANDS UNTOED STATES HAS NBVlp IN- CnBASKD ITS DEMANDS IN MJSITANJA HMLWI- MAC1ISTS'TROUBLE IS FINALLY ENDED AND THERE'S THE RUB ALL GO BACK TO WORK Although tho local option petition in the office of the clerk for three days the work on prSsed black book haa not been By United Press: Washington Feb. sensa- NBGOTtATlONS' ABB BEING COX- DUCTED OWNER OF TRACT FOR OF THE GROUND. started by.

the wets. ever giving the petition They are, how. the once- sooner had she made.Jar. nwny from Edwardsvllle she rime to Alton and she there this inomihg by was' found the. police.

When mann this the Poor Joe went to the Ridge street dump morning to get her she refused to dump. Finally she was by force and brought to he po- Hoe station. here lows. over. Later she was taken to 1Jlcuuc with the authorities to allow her to return to the 1- lowa Finally Police Matron- Soph a nemuth told Kitty that she would Save her choice.

She return to the county Poor Farm or Sarges woald be preferred against her and she would be sent to the county jail. choose the. former. Kitty Snipes was a former queen ol "Darkest Alton," In the days When Henry Schwallenstloher was king and George Woods was the crown prince. Saturday she was visiting around In her eld haunts.

She was down on the dump and In willowland, but soon made up her mind that the sand bar end willows are just now no place for reigning or deleted, and she did not remain loot In the She was taken to the county home some time ago very sick and desolate. She returns in good-health, wearing good clothes, and Is even decked out with a'set. of warm fura She was homesick for Alton, and prefers living; in Alton, suffering at times as she must from and hunger to living In where' Bhe received Plenty to eat, good, warm quarters and-a-good bed. Over there, the grounds of are capacious, game' is scarce and she did not get sjght of even one snipe, milch less, the Chance to sliod't' lime she Was there." Hunting good here, tind "getting' 1 is too, -so she concluded to pull 'back to Alton. ove.

A representative of thefts spent the entire day in the city hall today, looking over the Pftlon. He. counted the names on the. petition, and also made numerous nations. Nothing that, points towards the issuing of a book has been sfarted to date The assembling of twentysev- en hundred names in alphabetical order is a big job and will probaby require several weeks' work It is done.

The petition cannot be removed from the office of City Clerk Barth Kennedy and all of the work will have to be done in the city hall. Some 'of the in the wet movement say jthat the book will be Issued again this year. They say that the wets Have no idea of not is- suing the book at the present time. One of the leaders stated today that to do the job w.ould he hired tional turn was given the controversy between the United States and Germany when it by Secretary, Lansing that Under-Seoretary Zimmerman had made a statement which was false if he stated as quoted that the United States had made new demands in the case Lansing said the United States had "neither reduced nor increased the demands. Later he changed tho statement by eliminating the word reduced.

The Is believed to bode ill for German hopes that tho President'and Secretary would meet the German situation half way. Before continuing, the secretary said he Wished to withdraw the word reduced. He said the phrase was not relevant to the Zimmerman report that the United States has increased its demands. a Zimmerman had been quoted by MEN RESUME JORS AFTER. WEEK LAY-OFF WHEN TOLD BY COMPANY THAT THEIR PERIOD OF DISMISSAL WAS ENDED.


J. Drock of the Alpen Brau tenm of St. Louis, was in Alton today to have an interview with W'm. Feldwlsch, the owner of the tract east of Alton where 'Mr. Sheridan hopes to start a base ball park and give Alton a good base ball team.

Mr. Sheridan said that it depends upon the pries for which lie can rent the park Whether he wil go through with the plan. He said that Most of the machinists at the Western Cartridge factory who were laid oft several days ago to give them a chance to decide without ordering a strike, whether they would continue at work and respect their contracts made with the company in August, are at work, a largo delegation of them go- ling out this morning and resuming work. All the non-union machinists, about half the workers, had resumed that it would be work before. the men at once.

r5 i. 5 3 they could' see some first-class eemi-1 sticking to the agreement entered Into professional games, pays that; the. cost grounds' In coridlt! grandstand and providing first-class between them and the company some the months ago, and it is now certain tha building a the agitators have lost The me wi However, putting RESIDENTS REWARD MAN WITH PLOW He Helps Them Out When Snow Falls and Then Give Him a Purse not Ho The Western Military Academy closed today for a vacation of fifteen days. Hi eimmediate cause of the present vacation is the existence among the cadets of cases of what is supposed to be scarlet fever. Very soon after the holiday vacation one of the cadets, whose home Is in St.

Louis, developed an ailment which was recognized as anything serious, was sent home, however, and two St. Louis physicians confirmed the opinion of the Alton doctors. Some days later, when the young man began to "peel." a third doctor pronounced it a very mild case of scarlet, fever. Since then, six cases, all mild, have developed at the Western Military Academy. All of these boys have been isolated in the detached hospital on the Academy It his been intimated by some Who.

are in a position to 'know that the, wets are hopeful of the drys issuing a book or honor roll containing the names of all the signers of the petition. This would reduce-the cost of getting out the book about MOVING five per cent for it possible news agency stand the course of. the United Stated. He had thought that tlie Lusitania case was about to be settled when the United States presented its new demands. The German embassy said they did not know whether Zimmerman had made the statement.

1 I £it first. vantageous. offer ttterruption of grounds, under the constant care trained nurses. of make tho necessary. He has of his own some of St.

some men to take one of these books' and shave It reproduced for their purposes. NEW OFFICERS ROUMANIA. who want to come in. Mr. Sheridan-likes Alton prospects for starting up the demand for tools and the only new increase the output of the and her Plant was 'being delayed.

It Is expected ana ner base city. to give his time he sees who came opinion machinists to and Turks Meet. wjnners for a tow years Expected Advance um.anlan with him installing of all the new machines that ooinlon of have been built, or are under course Lpreat in the of construction, and that the capacity a VALENTINE BAY ELECTED. By Branch of tlje Alliance, at a AttondW Meeting Ycfterday Afterrwon In, Twiner Hell, One of the ever -held- by the Branch" -ot the Gerraan-A'merican AHlaace was that of Sunday afternoon in Turner hall, and the meeting was interesting, throughout. Some interesting talks were made by several members on subjects and 1 matters of local interest mostly, and it appeared to be the sense of the members to pay more attention to home affairs than to affairs across the Force on Side of Entente Allies.

It was said today that almost the I entire number of machinists went back to work this morning on the pro- Turkish troops are moving to the Rou- INJURED MOTOR- .1 posltion made to them by the and I CYCLE ACCIDENT. tern Cartridge Co. Word had Wes beeri given the union men Saturday by the Turkish troops are moving rof Narrow Street, company that all who desired to come mauia border to meet the concent a- Fata i Lack could do so, and was Uon of Roumanian troops. Cen tral Powers have demanded partial cte-j mobilization of the Roumanian army-; also a declaration of a benevolent Hen-, -ttftlity. This demaad has ignoreov Has Narrow!" Escape From Fatal Accident East Alton, IS ON THE WAY.

They are interested in relieving suffer. I ings across there, more than anything. And Dealers Are Displaying Very else, and have contributed two or Ana three times to the material cheer and comfort of widows and orphans in Large Stqcka of Lovely M'esaenaers of Love or Remembrance or Friendship. Germany.

Officers elected t.fcl*l*.<J* Roumanian government. London papers corroborated'the report that Roumanian activities led to the belief that Roumanta Is about to tinter ttto war on the side of the Allies. The Roumanian government has re- Died Ho a protest of the Teutonic allies against the sale of 80,000 cars of grain to the Allies that it was necessary to preserve economic conditions in Rttumania. Austria has protested candidates for Parliament pledged, tb Wage a campaign in Roumania in favor of Austrian pro- vince'in Transylvania. Charles the for the ensuing treasurer.

CLERK The display windows of many of the year were Philip Berger, president; Alton storesvare filled with Wm ushiger, stcretary; W. Horn, tractive displays of valentines, and those in that, form of amusement; annually have a varied and very, large assortment to choose from. One noticeable fact Is the absence of the crude, coarse, comic valentines. They may be found but the number is small and annually is growing smaller, The valentines this year are veryj beautiful and some, are filled with sentiment. The price ranges from $2.60 to 5 There are many comics, plant of the Western -Cartridge whl-'e riding home on his motorcycle with his brother, Russell Just after- leaving East Alton on their machine they came up to a team stalled in the road.

of the team, a mule, as the came into, collision- with team, reared and struck the machine with his front hoofs, which sent.the fly- 'ing motorcycle skidding to the side of the road and spilled the two young men who were riding u. Charles Gibson was the worse Deny Union of Trainmen in Demands. RALLIES AGAIN. His Watohers by Regaining Consciousness and Hope Life Is Revived, County Clerk Mackinaw surprised cheap in price, but they are not of the everyone at midnight Sunday night feeling wounding kind. They are I by rallying from a state of uucon- comics to cause laughter and good I sclousness he' gave new evidence of that wonderful'vitality which has Some of the larger dealers told a sustained him during bis long-Illness.

Telegraph reported to-day that hun- it was believed that he pass dreds of people will send flowers and out without regaining boxes of candles as valentines this as he 1 was very weak and had not year. It was a custom adopted to some known anyone for period of, sixty extent last season, and pop-1 h'ours, when he opened his eyes and ular to, the recipients, that this year gaye" signs of recognition of It amounts to almost a craze, i Candy I auo ut him; The, outcome of the serl and Fe 8 b. Stone, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and W. G. Lee head of the Trainmen, said they knew nothing of reports that -several hundred fhbusand union miners and trainmen were to strike simultaneously If.

wage demands were not met. Such a proposition has never been discussed. No officials have been sent to the Mobile Conference, He would not affirm or detty Whether a poll of railroad men was made to secure higher wages and shorter hours. Is something useful as well as orna mental, and recipients are always pleased with flowers. ACCOMMODATING MAGISTRATE HOLDS SUNDAY So Thnt Prisoners May Get Out of Police Magistrate Holds Court on Sunday.

So that two prisoners might he released. from the Alton Jail after paying their lives Police Magistrate Patrick Mftgulre conducted court on Sunday, yentarflay morning the police magistrate was informed over telehppne that two men cms illness' of Mr. Mackinaw is In doubt. It he is in state that would admit of no rallying in most people, but; Mr. Mackinaw has wonderful will power and his friends and relatives are puzzled.

Heavy Fighting In West. artftiery fighting, along' the -western front tween Labassey canal and Arras, and; also southward toward the bend of the 3omme was reported to-day in the official dispatches. The are Fllrst Skirmish In Preparedness, Bi three debate on preparedness, the first Skirmish this session, a resolution was passed apDroprlating $600,000 to Increase battleship activities at the New York and Mare Island navy yards. A roll call was not demanded there was'Jio teat of the opposition to preparedness legislation. Of the amount appropriated $600,000 goes to the Mare island yard and $100.000 to the New ybrlt yard for new ways to build the dreadnoughts authorized last in- lured of the two.

He struck his head against a fence post and sustained concussion of the brain. He was brought to Alton in a wagon, and when he arrived at his home. IOCS- Narrow street, he had improved so much that he was able to take the motorcycle apart and make an examination of it to determine how bad it was injured. Soon afterwaid ho began to feel the'effects of the blow on his head and there was much anxiety in the home over his condition. He was still suffering to day but it is believed he will recover all right.

A sister of tha young man, Mrs. Albert Cook, of 102 Seventh street, Is very 111. passed along and all the men but a I few resumed their jobs this morn ing. It is said to be a eotaplete turn down for B. F.

Lamb, tfce St-Louis man who has been active in his efforts to induce the men to make demands of the Western Cartridge which brought about the suspension of work in the machine shops for one day. On the Monday following the dismissal of all the men, a number returned to work and after that others kept, dropping in until half the force of machinists was back on the job. Finally only the union men were still out and a committee of the men ascertained Saturday that they would be given work if they presented themselves Monday morning. The result was a general return of the men. It is helieved that all troubles are at an end.

The situation is not. regarded as at all alarming, but with an alert consideration of the ninety-six per cent of the school not in any wise affected by the maldy, and regarding also the pos- ible sentiment of the community, the management of the Academy has decided to close the school for two weeks or long enough to cover two incuba- lon periods of this disease. Duriug this period, the entire premises will be thoroughly fumigated, and so carefully disinfected that not even one little germ may be left to cause any further anxiety. This vacation will probably be made to serve in place "of the regular spring or so-called "Easter Vacation" ordinarily observed a few weeks later In the season. The first case was that of a student named Andrew Johnson of St.

Louis who has since gone home. There are eight students who have had the disease. One Sburtleff College student, Edson Smith, who was waiting on the table at Western, took down with the sickness and he is quarantined at Westecn, too, A number of cases of a malady that is being diagnosed as scarlet fever have been found in Alton. In some of the cases the nature of the disease was not certain until tlie stage when the Brown street residents today made up a nice little purse among themselves and presented it. to J.

L. Ihir- leson, of 3211 Brown street. For three yfars every time it snowed Mr. Burlcsdn made it his business to provide ft path on Brown street where the public could walk. Karly in tlio morning after a big snow Mr.

Hurle- son would get out his horse, hitch it to a little snow plow ho made and lie would plow a path along one side of the brick street, from the east end of tho street clear through to Washington avenue, a distance! of about three tuiarters of mi'f. wan not only once In a while but every time- it snowed. Residents of that neighborhood claim that in the three years Mr. Burleson never missed a snow. He would get out so early in tho mrning with his snow plow that the path would be ready for men and women to walk in when time came for them to start to work.

Yesteiday morning after the big snow of Saturday night Burleson had his path made bright and early clear through to Washington avenue. Brown street people who wanted to go to chtirch or to make street car connections had a good path ready for them on the pavement. Samuel J. Nichols, a neighbor of Burleson, got busy with a subscription blank and in a few hours he had upon many Brown street people. When the gifts were summed up there was about on the list and the money accompanied list in a purse.

This was presented'to. Mr. Burleson as evidence of the appreciation of thp Brown atreet done by this years people of the work man in the three skin peeled off. been serious. None of the cases has TEACHERSJNSTITUTE TO COME TO ALTON.

Mr. Burleson was dftlightfd and he appreciated the good spirit of the Brown street people more the 1 WIND SAVES HOP HOLLOW TOWER- Keeps Heavy Floating Ice on 0 Side of River After Showing What Possibilities The Missouri Valley Construction owning a quarry at Hop floljof and having big contracts with the Bast Side Levee District, has been merci- Mly spared a loss of about $10,000 by the saving grace of a wind which has kept the heavy floating Ice in the Mississippi on the Misoun side of the river The company high tower out in the river which supports onfe end of a cableway that Is used to carry cars ALTONIANS FORM MEDICINE COMPANY. Prescriptions Recovered and Compounded by James Christoe to He Marketed, Main Alton. Alton is to have a new industry. not a large one at first but it may some day be as large as some of the medicine manufactories that have put some men in to the "War Bride class and they did not.

make anything that killed either, something that is supposed to cure. The Christoo Chemical Co. has ON SHORE. Has Gone Down Over Ten Feet From Hiphpst Point In January- Many Piles of Ice. Some of the rlvermen are having trouble with their boats teh result of the rapid fall of tht- In the past few days.

The stage morning' was 14 5 feet above the been formed in Alton and will be incorporated at once. Evan J. Christoe is the president, Harry C. Christoe, secretary; Frank Stowell, teasurer; Elbort Byron, business manager; Gottlieb Warner, first vice-president; Conrad Bockmiler, of St. Louis, Sec- Harry Whittle- as a the had' arrested on charge of and disturbing the The men were in the Alton Jatj that they might be roleaued from Jail, the police magistrate oponad the court.

The costs were no mpye for work Sunday than any other day of the week. The two. men, were fined six dollars, and cent! They To Save Arkansas Levee Feb. thousand six hundred men worked to- da? reinforce the main levee to protect -thisPcity from the Mississippi river. The river is 16 feet higher than again retiring on the Repulse of the level of the city and the levees are Russian attacks on the Sharra river giving wtt Water Is 20 feet high in was announced.

tie, 'street as the result of former A thousand persons are cry- Ing tor bread In Clearendpn, a majority been without food since Satur- low water niwark. This Is a decline of ten feet in the past few days The river has been- going down so ranidly that some of the boats are in rapiuiy UK" 1 rlnmncetl. Death of Francis FranK. Francis Frank, an old time traveling salesman and former resident of Alton, died at his home In Brighton Saturday at the age of 70 years. He nad been in ill health for several month's, Frank Is survived by his is an Invalid and blind, and two daughters.

The daughters conduct a millinery store In Brighton. ot beiiiK seriously The boat house rr and this ban allowed tho boat Bottle in one corner. A numbor ot Hit I luer bouts along the river fron wlieh have not cared for may be damaged. The Tlmmons boat Him May Meeting Will Bfc Held at Alton High School, Invitation of Alton People Being Accepted. At their quarterly meeting held at Rdwardsville Saturday the members of the Madison County Teachers' Association voted to accept the invitation tendered them to hold their next quarterly meeting in Alton.

This meeting will be held some time during the month of May and will be held in the Alton High School building and will bring a large number ot visitors to Alton. The Alton people are arranging a Hue program for the entertainment of their guests in May and one which will be well worth attending. The majority of the quarterly institutes are held in Kdwardsvlllo on account of its locution, making the trip less costly for the teachers who reside on the other side of the county. For this reason tho Alton people feel, very much elated over the association accepting the invitation to hold their next meeting here. It hnw been some time sclncc the association lias met Alton.

of rock from, the quarry to barges that are loaded out fn the river. This tower built of heavy timbers, is protected against ice at a normal winter stage off the river, but this year the river went on a flood in January and it was a 25-foot stage at which ice began running. There Is no protection that high up on the cableway to deflect the ice. For two days the Ice ran on the Illinois side of the river, and just to show what it could do, the ice cut a nch timber in two. It would have cut the whole tower at the water line but for the fact that the wind changed and carried the ice over toward tho Missouri shore where it has been running for four days, thus sparing the tower from being damaged.

Soitz said to-day that the tower and'cableway are worth $10,000 and that if the ice cuts off the tower it means a total loss of the cableway, beside a serious delay in the handling of the company's business aud filling big ontracib in hand. Last. ond vice-president man, stockholder. Those- men in a small way, BtarTthe manufacture of a line of medicines that were compounded many years ago by James Christoe, of Upper Alton. They will do business under tho incorporated name of the Christoe Chemical Co.

Their remedies will be known as the X-Ray will bo at. tho liniment, Homo remedy and Mentholated Goose KINLOCH LOSSES WILL AMOUNT TO $10,000. remedies and there start a rough syrup i rou so. the city for tho. first time In 36 years Two Trainmen Lose Lives.

Feb. train- fines and were released. were' the first ojty were Hought this month, tee Police Magistrate Clifford Lamed will he sent back to hln homo In through Chief o( Police J. J. Mullen, Larned camo to Alton some time ago and has been working Uere until he was taken til.

a sent to his father for money to mined by in. come home. Tha tether gent htm tho money through the Chief of The Jad improved, wcmgh so that SKwhenThe levee broke and flooded damaged. alid 0 Hmn in vears. I was nura ffort8 0 vo men there Bconiod little chunco of getting it the river.

Tho Alton wharf Is In great duuRi-r as tho wharf was not shod, in when the water was hlgH It IB still In several feet of wu- A Bcvcrul places along tho river imiik pllos of ice have boon piled up and left by tho high water. Tho remedies will for the time bi made by Mr. Broekmlller, of St Louis, and later tho business will bo brought to Alton, the main office bo ing located here now. men were killed when the engine and tender of a Dig Four passenger train running between Vlncennes and St. 111., plunged into tho UMlay.

Tho train which consisted only of the engine and two coaches was approaching the bridge the nil, which had boon under- urn! tor. At P. B. C. Meeting and Stag- The regular monthly mooting and pfcfty pi tUo 1'.

C. Club will bo evening at tho homo Kront New German Feb. Uoports of Ottawa HE-ALL'S PLAN NEW OFFICE BUILDING UUUll week the attempt was made to put some sheet iron guards on the wooden tower, but it is not believed tins wo have been effective enough to h.iu. saved the tower from being sawed oil by the ragged edges of the heavy ice floes, and only the changing ol wind prevented the destruction oi the t0 Tho worth of made. It- Will Ti-ovldo Moit) Ituoni for Handling Tlit-ii- HiiHliieas In Their Alton Plant.

The llea'l Hros. art) plaiuiliiB to onvi u. IH-V. buildniR on tho nldo of tiieir pri'sunt. offli-e that will provldo moro room for their rapidly growliiK biiBlncBB.

Tho firm Is very busy now and biiH pi'OKpiu-lH of a long contlnuu- jtlon of prosporlly and there In ur- Ue.Vroy«l tho nec.Bsl.y for moro room In A to house the office force. tha't'tm offort'yiw UwlttK bridge ut lw nataAltOB WeoUs Dumufic Kinloch Teli-pliom- Tllls VUinity 1'luccs The storm of last did in thn neighborhood of damago which have been wil sill! be tievci-Hl duys nil tho daniBi! has been repaired icmpor- nry and it will probably be several weeks before iiennain'iil rcpairK are made. At. one place where forty-eight the poh-H of the company 1 down I He damago wil run to m-voral thon- mindii of dollum. The linemen nave heen miikinn temporary repairs to et the Korvin: buck in operation.

Alter temporary repairs have been made it will bi' necetisay to put the linemen to work making permanent i' nil over tho city of Alton. Tim damano iiu-Uulod in tin $1 II.IMIO inrlmU'S all of tin which was done in Alton uiu territory round abovi' river is fnlliUG fast, under the inlluence of the cold weather, which up much water in the form ot Ico ami subtract, it from vo me in the river. This morning the lUu root above low water MiarU was HV, a decline of over 10 feet tilnce the Btage ot' last week. The fall in last -J4 hours was about 1C Inches. SNOWSTORM TIED UP CAR SYSTEM.

Snowed an IncTTn Hour Saturday Evening-Many Hail Long Walks Through Snow. tlim-. I'Ktl- The snow Saturday inn tied uu tho (i ei the c-lty ul' Alton for 1 1 1 11 1 must of them won- llU ul the I'ily al The snow male II About to Seize Durrazro. capital of Albania! will be occupied by Auntrliuis before many hours. Austrian cavalry lu four uway.

in awultluK ar rival of thf main body of troops. Tho Horhki uro 1'ullliiB the Houth to cscttpo snoU MiifKB part WlH'll It. Austrian Ui.

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