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Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona • Page 1

Tucson, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ji'l Vol. VI. Tucson, A. Friday Morning, May 26. 1882.

No 122 A Kitrr, Pres. C. Ualla ro, Y. IVcs. .1 0.

atii kk, See. A Ti eaa' IN ASHES. Tho Entire Business Part Tombstone Destroyed. PUEBLO kHing niiJ Hotel Amvala, PoarKK's-0 Par ridge, Rt Gn Hm.ks, Mama Ritas; Or Din rich, Von Brunt, Man Frsniisen; hi Nichols. Yuhel: John K-lly, oily.

Hrss-W Me-Nnltv. oi yi 8 Mo. Pbetes il wif-, KuU Frsnciu-K J.ihu Under, llieimpsou, Mexico; Et At-vord, Silvir U.I MoNanghtou, Oro Blanco; F.i.ul: II under, Casa Oeanel; I Wil.on, ivi.lson's torinua. Mm. ar.l, St nt Fetter.

rUnts Cats-linn; Ft B.ti.i, li Burr, Ft Lw.ll; 1 Lvn. Ciish lllaucs; lloskins, SaiiU Cataliih; Win Powers, do, Pumcis 11 S'roriL', Tombstone; A Dandon, Told Wreck; It Hiuhar-Unu, Jniu a Kni (lit, San X.v!crj Valsh ami Sun F-HUotaeo; Noilbrup, Butler. Han Joint II Oulev, Arnoua; Bailey. Gila Wui Dune, Total Wreck; (le.eriiev, 01 Hnil: John Rogera, Welhuiilnn, oily; Driaonll, Tombstone IV.iboity, Hilver Queen: Pixley, Tots! E.ejilll, To in Farroll, city; Hohliug, Camp Grout. 1 Card to tho t-ublio.

I'lueiiix like, I rise from (lie ali.s to a n.r piiblirt 'H, .1 ih'iili the 0 tit -lis of I iicsou (or tine valiliblee rem. d.rnl my euip or -es eltriou tha nonfltgra-tion Weduesda) that doslroyed my store. I would t'iku this method uf iufeinuing the pill lin I have aud lor et-d for the present in tbe atoro formerly ooou-pieel by A Gooduian, corner ot Jarksein and Conv.nt Bt rests, where I shall be pleaied to see vi rybody with a fall eloe-k ei! goods fresh from ths reserve line stock kept on hsnd at tuy warehouse at the depot, and I assure tha public that nil paius will lie spared on my p-irt to please them in the future, as I li vo I have done in the psst. Exti iiding a hearty welcome to all and very oue. He speotfnlly, Ul'iStf LKl GoLllkCHMIDT.

BUYERS OF ORE erith lliis n-viaf-, aud he too Hike by auth.irlty. Tlwra are at present at this four troop' headquarters and th b.iud of the Third sCavalry, on oompsby th Twelfth Infsnlry, and at the snt at the mouth of Ash Creek cauyoo, thiity miles distant, ar two oonpauisa ot Sixth Cavslry and on of tha First I'lfsntry, under eommand of Colonel Ki'hnfleld, all nuder ootuniaod of Colonel Ur-ei-ke tt. All is qubt Ob the Baa Carlos far as is known. Kill! AHer the Janra Uauc Nkw York, May 25. It has been asoe r-t liued from a member of Governor Ctlt-to'nleii's party iu this oily that on his return to Missouri he will conclude Been-tistiems for the surrender of Frank James and possibly other members of th James gang, aud thus put an and to th organization of brigards in Missouri.

Frank Juiues is now in Jackson county, nnd instead of meditating more mischbf i represented as bring auxions to make the nt terms for himself. Gov. ruor Critten-dn is fully iuformeet as to his where-sbi ntf, and meaus to have him Iu custody inside of ten days. It is asserted that the whole James gang will be broken np. Wr ef BaieeB.

Kkw Yon. May 25. Telegrams from Katun ltouge, Louisiana, stata a reign of t-rror exist iu St. Martin's parish over lynching of Joseph E. Jenkins and Eugene Asir, a negro, on tbe lOih inst.

Binds of armed negro are going about U. Miir'iu's parish swearing vengeanoe, a war of rsces is dreaded. Sixteen of lyuehers hav beeu arrested, and are now in the parish jail. The lynching of two men was particularly atrooioui.

si lissjiiai Xewa, iKpectal Diupahb to Ibe 8ta.) The fouutaiu for twe plana has been ordered. An Amerioan hotel open up here in about a week. Plenty of material on hand to oomplete railroad to Imuria. I.aat Monday a flat car loaded with Manufacturers c( Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Bar and Pig Lead. 0 i i 1 3 nKALKK Groceries and Hardware Mill and Mining Supplies, I i.

I i i iiS! i)h: -a, -a. 7 1 Congress and Meyers Streets, Offers Extra Inducements to Buyers, ana Invites Attention to His Large and Well Mav lOdtf SAH ITHAWCItCO. SAN FRANCISCO. THOB. J.

BT! ANN AN. H. 0. SDINOI fTTiT of Thrco HotelH and tho OUloo Uurned. Nugget Loas a Half Million Dollars; Inaur-nnco, Ono-Half.

Interesting Statement of an Apache Chief. Oives Reasons for tho Recent Indian Outbreak. Toiub.lone AlHtoat Uralroyeil. (Hpelsl Dl.p.lrh to tli.BT.m Tombstomr, Ma) 25. nra broke out the rear of (lie 'livnli Qardeus ou Allen street this afleruoon sboui 3 o'clock and rniiimnninaied to the surrounding alrnctiires.

Tbe Grand Hotel id tbe muKiiinoeiit rootus of th Toinl -stJIie club adjoined, uud vera immediately uuveloped in Usuirs The firo spread rap and soon the tntira block between Toaghuut mid Allen street and Fourth Fifth street were tuwloped iu flimes. The nro department fought tbe flames like heroes, but it was evident Iron) first that the heart of th city was donned. The fl.ine spread acroas Allan street aud dastroyrd the eutiri block to Fre.uoiit street, and sgun crossed Fourth street, destroying th block bounded by bu, Fieiui.ul, third aud Fourth streets. flumes wire coLqucred through tie ojuiI iued of tbe firruien, polio deputies under command of Shi riff Behsu. Tbe poition of tho city destroyed composed almost the nt ire business portion.

The three principal hotels, the Grand, Cosmopolitan and Brown's, were reduoed to ashes. Th Nugget newspaper office was completely destroyed, not a type pound of stock being rescued from lbs flames. Tbe fire spread destruction and desolation all around, but moat of the people have plnekily eipressed the determination to commence building immediately. nilire city would have suooninbed to fl-mn were it not for the heroic f-lorts of Sheriff Ho Inn and d.putie, Ohuf Police Nraule utid our gallant fir d- partmont. Th Western I'uiou Tell graph office was among the lint to hug the flames, but the mai.Hger, C.

E. Donnelly, a risli of his life, saved the records and instruments nud had established snoth.r 'e in a distant quarter within one hour. is impossible at pre to estimate the loss. rb.ips a hall million dollsrs will cover it, but it cerlninly will not be less. The Epilijh (ffiie snff.rrd a loss of something less than on thou- ud dollars through the breakage and of fnrnitnre and material.

This ff.rel of material not actual use to the Nugget, but tha loss tha latter was too complete to attempt immediate resurrection. The insurunct-on the property destroyed will foot up about 250,000, but the loss will oertainly double that. It wilt not affect tha tcwu nAst of th property destroyed was ond by solid business men who will immediately rebuild. An Apaebe liirl'H Hlory. Sped.

I D.sintch Is tbe but. Fokt Thomas, 11 uy i5. K.ketteeh lew, chief of the Covote Apaches, has visited Colonel Albert G. of the Third Cavalry, commanding this post, and made substance the following (statement: He wishes tho gov.ruinent to allow his people go back and live at their old horn iu tho White Mouutsins, where there is pleuty of grass and water for stock raising, aud where they csn farm. Ho complains that tbe sub-agency is snhoaltby, and that the land is unproductive and no water can be tad there (or Isruiirg purpoues.

AH they desire is to be permuted to go where they can uiakA a living, aud if they are allowid to return they will not ask the government for assistance of any kind, as they can support thtmselvss by farming and selling hsy, grain and wood to the garrisons. They hav some stock not taken by the hostilrs, wbieh will enable them iu a few years to hae a snffloient number. He also stated that he wished ths military to protcot them from Ameri cans. Mexicans aud hostile Indians, The chief said ba would like to hav tha Pre dent send him a medal like the one Grant lit to bis brother, Chief Pedro. dovired that Major ltaudall, or soma othtr equally good officer would command them.

Ksforring lo tbe causa of the Chirioubua outbreak, he said it was osnsed by Agent Tiffany not assisting theit to make water ditches to irrigate their land Two of th ehicfa, Job and Nclolise. went on two different occasions to Tiffany, beg, giog for this assistance in getting out th ditobes, aud that Tiffany wonld net reply or give them any satisfaction whatever. I bis is an iinportaut discovery, as it wa undoubtedly one of the causes, if not the principal oaU'e, of the outbreak connoil hies lately been held by th White Mountain tribes and th Sierra Ancha and Ailvaipa tribes, in which this chief wa considered the leading spirit, and his of tlie be the iu and the tbe the for a. In AND BULLION. lihiil THE FASHION THE ONLY CHOP HOUSE IN TOWN.

Meatus. Street. Near Main Tucson. Everything Cooked to Order. The Jiwtt Place in -Neat, Cool and Original ALL NIGHT HOUSE.

The Table is the best in the City. Prioes to Suit the Times. Patrons alwavR treated with civility. DAN RAVISCION. Proprietor.

Notice ot Assessment. Villa Mining Com) a' y- Lor.Uoa ofnrln-'clpal place of Bu.iuc... B.n, California. I-oojtlon of Touib.t'-Le, Corbi.e Conuty, ariKona. Notice in hereby given, that at a meeting of Board of Directors, held on tlie 24th day April 182, an asKesHiiient, No.

1 of per ahure was levied uimih tiie cnjiitnl stiK'k" of the Cnri)ration, payable immediately, in U. Gold Coin, to the Secretary at tlie office of tlie company, room do Academy liuiunng Pine San Francisco, California. Anygiock ujM)n which this assessment iilmll remain unnaiil on tho day of May 1882, will be delinquent, and advertised for Halo at public auction; and unlesit payment is made befortf, will be Bold on Monday the liHh day Juac, 1882, to pay the delinquent aKseas- ment, together with cost of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board cf Directors.

J. H. Saybe, Secretary. Office, Room 30, Academy Building, 830 Pine San Francisco. California muni 'iHtd Li veryx ard i Stab I es Kthe old ibo.nwood,) Ba4.0onrraa and Msai Public Behool Buildlna, TUCSON BULLOCK MORGAN.

Props. Hacks always kevt in reariineta at the 81ables, for all 'cessions, which can be furo' shed nn a mouttiits notice. ttiabittH fll en'argetl and made flre-proof vltb modern Improiemetiia and emTnlences. Excellent Hsy and Grain always on baud. Ktbc Tnrnouta, Single aud Double; bhddlt Horses for hire by the day or hoar.

Attentive tnA exnerleneed hutler in andnre. adtf Livery, Feed and I Sale Stables Congress Street, North Stons Ave All kinds or Uverlte, botb singl and doable, always on band. Saddle boner and rarythla: appertalnlnit Srst-alaulWarysUbla, always to be bad. Stock boarded by the day, week, or mo' tl Trems O. PUNOAU.

BkHA.V. IEXTER STABLES. Livery, Ffied and Snlc 'Ik I' Alleu, IwtweonSd snd Ith TOMBSTONE, it aides recently built with iiioilern im provements. All kinds of first-class turnouts, noth simrle and double, urovided at short no tice. Mountain Kigs, for prospecting inr visiting mines a specialty.

Fine Haddle Horses for ladies ami gents always on hand. to Im liy tne hour, day or week. n.otocK Doarden at most reasonniue rates, Attentive and exiwienced hostlers always in attendance. Pioneer News Depot, OF ARIZONA. ThelOldest Book Store in the Territor" I S1VBBYTHISO DBI'ALLT KEPT IS nOOK- Fj 'tors and Dep.

can it bad at The Most Reasonable Prioes All the Prominent Ncwpijiers'pr tlie Uonntry Iteceiveu 1uily, Toys, YAnkee Notions, AND Fancy Goods, Eto, Opposite the Post-Oflicc, Tucson ison. p. J. S. MANSFKLT), Prop, And th Pioneer News Dealer of Arizona mm An He in a idly aud fie A The and or The the of at offi It 1 i i of as iu to A young man of quiet habits requires a room with board in a private family.

Ad. staling terms. It. Tucsou, P. J.

miti-ifs" Propoaala. OFF1CK IF THK BoAleD OF ScPKkTISOa, Pima Cobntv, Ariiona Territory. Tucson. May 13. 1882.) Sealed proposals will be received at tba office of the Board of Siiiervisors of Pima onuty np aud until 4 clock p.

m. on Thursdsy, June 1st, 1882, for tbe purchase tho following described property tei- wii: A htrin of laud thirty-seven (37) (eel ii width, rnuniiig from thee Court Hons pbizi to Churrh street, Tucson, Arizona, tnqetier with all that certain portion or part of tbe county buildings now stand- in; upon tlie western portion thereof, con sisting of the Pin 'riff's ffiei. Jailor' of fice nnd tbe Pima Comity Jail. I bo lionrd reserves tbe riuht to reiest any and ull bids. W.

O. Davis. Attest: Chairman. 11. Wjiid, Depnty Clerk.

mil td A Card. To all who are suffering from the error aud indiscretions of yonth, nervous weakness, earl dee-sy, loss ot msshood, I will sen.) a recipe that will enre )on, raca of cnAiOK. This great remedy waa discovered tiy a missionary in South America. Hend a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T.

Ionian, Station 1), Mew Yurk City. unv36aiodaudw Sick Nurse. Mrs. K. M.

Mnnsing. aick nnrae. No. 529 Alumrda sheet. Ui22-lw If you want a good cup of coffee go to the French Iteutauraut.

coiner Congrea street and Srnue avenue. Wm. B. Hemi erA Co. are agents for Damiaua 1 Utters.

BATHROOMS. Opposite Palaoe Hole). 217 Mevera Street; hot and cold baths (8pring water Just received at Fleishman Co', a full assortment of trusses and shoulder braces. uilO-dtf Dressed chickens and freab oyster re ceived every Friday at Sutton's, No, 224 Congress streiat, ml2 tl. W.

J. Wbi'e's lodging house and employment oflire, No. 207 Camp street. Beds 50 and 25 cents per night. All kind of orders filled with competent aud reliable help.

SVuiited 25 carpenters for railroad work, three bricklayers, two cooks, tbres waiters, four women (or general work and wo nurse girls, and 10 laborers'. Reliable loruiHtion furui'bed pertainiuu to anv and all kinds of business, etc. puild Warn. "Win. 15.

Hooner fclC'o. are agents for Dubiiana Bitters. Just received a carload ot Fish Con- nell steel barked fenoe wit, whioh wa ffer very low. L. ZxcKBNDoar Co.

The best of whiskies, brandies and othar tiqnors at the Elite. Mixed driuka car- fully prepared by experienced barkeepers. A large invoice of cround and whola barley at ft. F. Wilkin A Co.

T. C. Kreaham fill all country ordera for anything in the lin of grain, prodoe and fruit. 1 al9-dtf. Garfield Exchange, No.

9, Mewilla TUCSON. COL. JOSEPH DURR, (Only Calif jniia Wine Depot.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines, LtquorsCigars. Five yu old Btunew.ll I bottle. Tilton Old Boarbau Wnl.kyat $1 wrrboUlr.

KenluctT Boar Muh Wliiskr .1 (1 prr bottle. Fiue Kfutuckjr hisky at tl 75 prr bottle. rine BourDon wuihkv ai lacenu per ooiu. Blue Urana Bourbon Whlakr at 60 JBt. prr Dot lirmultfc rognae at fll ver Dome.

Onllloril. Gnpe Biaudy 1i cent per bottle- Old Turn Oin at 7S crut. ovr oouic. All Wine, and Xiqucra bj the quart, gal or larger qnantitier. ALL KINDS OF BEER.

$Fioe-Havana' Cirars at Low Pricn The only depot for "our kraut by th barrel, olive by the quart and gallou. German salt and mixed picklt una out by the gallon, in onus (th beet article known); horae rudish hy Imml, Ger man miwtnrd, tomato calanp By tuo qnari and gallon, 'Worceetfrsbire sauce by the rhIIou, Limberger chexse by the quiintity. vhinky. brandy and wine in orlRinai patfK- a-ies. Depot for California wincaand wine vineear.

An utra quality ol ciparr, -itar- field Enhange" brand, manufactured from very best tobacco, at tlie uonse oi Orders by mail attended to. M.tDdtr THE TT CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT Delightful Operatic Airs by COWTERNO'S ORCHESTRA. Refreshments on the Grounds BAYER A SCHWARZ, P'Ops. THE ELITE SALOON Cm Cmimi Mew Snort. The Only Strictly Plrst-Olass Sa loon in Tucson PrlT.te Win Rooms fi-r gentleniea and thtii frlonds Nous but the bert lir.afla or wines an Jqaori sad Olfsra sold oyer me oar.

(. ti l.K MURK. Proprietor CONGRESS HALL. TUCSON, A. T-, J.

T. BRICKW00D. TUB BEST OF Wines, Liquors, and CigarsF ALWAYS ON HAND. 9atnUnitnly tr. stm nt sreorded to tl Post Office Exchange Cor.

Congress and Church Sta. A FIBT CLAM 8ALOON Liquors, Wines, and Cigars, Of the verv Best quality. Call ear. I nrn nlwnvi On i Th the of S. of KATZ, in Assorted Stock.

Smelting and Lead Co 41 Montgomery Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Gold and Silver Refinery, and Assay Office. HIQHKKT PRtfJKM PAII FOH GOLD. SILVER AND LKiD ORIS IMS SDLPHDRETS. Vannfftcturer of Ulueetone, alio Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead.

Shot, tc. Tbla lupaoy baa thai msi facilities on me coast lor vorkiog (oid. Biirer ana iau in vsnoas rorma. PKBNTI8H HILBY. Superintendent WM.

HAWKING, Machine Works, 210 and 212 Beale bet Howard and Fol som, San Francisco, ktmufactnrer of IMPBOTXD Portable Hoisting Engines For from 10 to 40 hona-powar. still Mining Machinery OF ALL EISDB. AND STEAM ENGINES. )yl) Paris Millinery, i MRS. S.

M1SH, 708 Market Street, three doors from Kearny, I and ana 11 Ueaiy rstreet, San Franoli Large Slock of Goods Comtaiuj Hand. 1 ta.Pattern Bonnets and Hats received every I season. Urilera proniiuy auenuefi w. spraodtf A a UKiO. V.

UCMIS, DHL 1 1st, 126 KEARNY STllEET, (THCBLOW BLO0I,) SAN FRANCISCO. A.W.. SP.H. THIS UREAT Strenxtbenlnc Heioe-dy and Nerra Tonic cans nsr- yons i sonny, xan ted VlUllty, Involun- i mil; west. Bias Drairs tipoa tbe raatterlnwhat manner tn.y oecor, We-kBM, Lost Sperwaior.

rhipa. nd all rTll eaett of ihfiJm I a a Mu-aint tlf DriCS. Of O. O. Pernaaaent care frSi pr.

0. n. s'r TRIAL BOTTLE FREE, it. n.rii will bs sent to any TJolnV br Tetter, bis and asi.

Commnnlcatlons JtrlcUy KMpoa.loie are a TV m-iutiiwi lon, oil the at wood was consumed by fire near Ortix. Dr. A. A. Mix, formerly of the Railroad hospital here, left on the berqu Cnliacan.

A pper made it appearance here yet-toreVy calle El Ferrooarril. It i published iu oppoaition to the railroad oom-puny. William Hooper Co. ar erecting a ub, blind, door aud ice manufactory. Will be iu running order in about two mouths.

The squaws and papooses captured by General Gare-ia iu ths late battle are con-fiueed iu Hsrmosillo. It is not known definitely what will be done with tbem. Guatius, May 18. Abmved On 17ib, barque Woli, 133 day from New cargo, material for railroad, consisting of throe loooinotivoi, twenty box and forty flit ours. Clkabkd May ICtb, strsmer Mexico, lor han Francisco, carrying pssseugns, Mexican mail, $40,000 in gold bullion from the Mines Pneta.

$10,090 in Silver coin and 400 hidaa. The wife and two children of General Manager D. B. Robinson, of th Sonora Railway, accompanied by General Ticket and Passenger Agent Ripley, leave for the EuHt the coming week. A large band of contraband were captured near Sasabe Custom House, on the border ot Aritona and Sonora, and fifty mules loaded with merchandise were confiscated.

Five of the contrabandists are confined hero. Alejandro 8ilva, last Wednesday, while trying to mount A loaded iron car at tbe end of til traok fell in under the wheels, having one knee cap eat off. and was otherwise ssverely injured. He wa immedistely brought lo this poiut and placed in ths compuny's hospital, aleieka. 8am Fbascihoo.

May 25. Curry 1 Mexican 5. Ophir IV, Union 10 Nevada Eureka 17, Alpha 25c Jacket 50, Best i' Bodie King 17. COXDKNMED TKLKUttAMal. The jury in tb case of General Curtis, Special Treasury Agent, rendered a ver- diot of guilty on the first and eighth counts, whioh charged the defendant with reoeiviug, while in th employ of the United States, money or other things of valus for political purposes.

A motion in arrest of judgement wa mad and Juno 2d set for nrgnmeut. Yesterday, with a cargo of 300 barrel of Urn on board, th coast steamer Ysqniua osoght fir at Portland, Oregon, and will undoubtedly hav to be scuttled. the steamer will be a total loas. She ia new, and tht loss is estimated at $350,000. A number of Swedish carpenter working on a coal abed in Chicago this morn, ing fell from thj scaffold to tho ground, twenty-five teet.

On waa killed outright. aud on fatally and two badly hart. Four hundred house a belonging to Jew were recently burned at Vaailisbk Agrivian Tha agitation in th Baltic previneea i Brooklyn Hotel, BUSH 8TBKIT, Between Montgomery) and 8oiome SAN FRANCISCO, CAL BR ANNAN DTJFFIOY, Proprietors. awRooms with or without Board in Suit or TtBMS blDUCXD TO $1.50 and $2.00 oer Day. tsrwitbta half Block of tbe Oelifonla.

Bask Street nd 8tDclnl Tbsstrss. Free Ooacn to the Hotel. FULTOl RONORKS! SPIERS MAYES, Proprietors. iiiliu.ui. "OFFICE i220 Fremont StrMtSAN FRANCISCO MANUrACTURKM OF Quarts Mills, A-umliramating Puns Settlers, Steam Engine, Boilers, Hoisting Work," Ore Curs unit Bucket! Pumping MaCrnndry, Compressors, Retorts, Smelting Furnace, Ore Feeden, 1 Car Wkeeli and Ax And all Olhor Kindt of Maohinary Used on the Cent Solo AenU for the Pacific Coart for the CeU uraieu DEANE STEAM PUMP Wb l.a ir ninntsffasirMi tll machinery for ll MillK in the Tombstone District Tombstone Mill and Mining Co.

Corbin Mill sod Mining Co. Sunset Co. Head Center. Western Mining or Contention M11U Grand Central Mining Co. Uirard MilL i i -As well as Machinery for many othar 1 Cnmtianiea in Arizona and Mexico.

febTm ANDREWS, Importer and Manufacturer, Diamond Palace 'Ml i I I 221 Montgomery St, Buaa Houae Block, San Franoiaco, Oai. Ka tli lAnreet Stock of Dia monds Watches and Jewel- on .1 1'aciHc Uoast. iiuyers in uie coun try can rely on getting goods at one rti.Tniae iv its sqnare dealing, haa gained ithe confidence ot the country, I I I VLaelies who are troubled with cramps and nervousness should drink Damiaua Bitters. It! pleasant to take. MThe Mexican for disesses of tha kidneys and bladder ia Damiana Bitten.

Tf you want a good appetite drink Dami ana Hitters. The Palace Hotel dining roonia hav again passed under the management of O. A. riliibi It, proprietor ot tbe hotel. Th, table will continue to Im spread with th, beet in tho market aud at tbe moat reason able prices.

tu2 increasing and the pssaanta in Paroee have revolted, coming to bold a council with Colonel Braekitt was at lb request of th Indian oonnoil. He ssys in positiv term that A portion of section ia on of th Ehafts of th Pnekaoa Ran tunnel csvsd "Damiana makes the old young and tb weak strong and healthy. J. F. Yorba's drag stor i th cheapens place in town to bay fresh drug, pat.

turnery and toilet artielaa. Fresh roasted Coffee and Calif oiala in yesterday, killing on man instantly and fatally injuring two other. they desire no asslstauc from tb govern ment, but protection and th privilege cultivate their own land. This oblf slated that he le presented fifteen chief to of Emile Cbriaten Trisar, resident Consul ti i a crtckers inqnanh'ie to suit parensiers, by F. Wilkin Jx Co.

srAU respectable dealer keep IDam laaa Bitters. i lur DeigiuuifeUivu iu mu srancioow yeaier different band of Apsobts, who bad antd7' PIT IT DRACHM AN. are completely enr'd. I pi. 8Ai.nw.n 22 "WOMW o.n..

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