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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Alton Weekly Telegraph THUBSDAY MAI' 31.1S77. COKK on natters of local inter- ess to oar readeri, notices of meetings Recounts or is led. Tke arUalM iboald be brief and point OoiiLHUBiealions ou abstract political are not requested or desired. DAILY TKLMEAFH, year, SORTOM. ea.

or more SI 25 each. Address, AGENT AT EDWARDSVXLL3. L. C. KEOWX, ofEdwardsvIlle, is ine regular ajent of the TKLKGBAPH for tae cen al part of Madison county, and Is auttior- red to receive subscriptions, contract lor advartiiinr.

TO SUBSCRIBERS. We respectfcllj request all subscriber" to examine the slip on this paper containing their name and the date of the expiration of their subscriptions. To avoid any possible mistake will they please inform us, by postal card our date does not correspond with their own remembrance or record of the daie. We hops all our old subscribers will favor ua with a prompt renewal of their subscriptions, and induce others to give the TELEGRAPH a trial. Our citizens were aroused WedneatUy at 11:20 by the erer-ezcitlag sound cf tbe fire alarm bell, caused by the appearance of flames in the roof of Bowman 8 buildiac, on the north side of Second street, tha corner of State and Second.

The first ob- 1 served from rear window of Uie Empire house, and, in a ehort time, the Hook Ladder company were on hand, and had two ladders to the roof and upper windows at the rear of the threatened building. The Altona Hose company made an appearance about the same time and by the use of one of th'2 ladders qaickly put an extinguisher on the fire, by attaching to the plug at the corner of StaU Second streets, ta'aa preventing any farther damage than some large openings in the shingle roof. Aliaoat simultaneoua- CITT AND COUHTY ITEMS. STANDING collars are getting so tull that will soon be obliged to dispense with brims. by Wanted 100 bushels of charcoal, C.

S. liristol, Ills. WLY is it that soma men when they go fishing, always take a part of their "bait" in a Louie 1 THE fine new flagging sidewalk or. the east side of Piasa street, is to be extended around the corner. THE CoMinsTille Argus flays: The establishing of a Normal School ia ijaJiscn County is now being agitated.

A OAK lead of new wheat from Texae, was offered for Eble in St. Louis oil 51 20 per bushel was refused. Use Swiss Health purifier. ly with the first alarm a large stream of wiiier was turned on iho roof of tbe building, from a hcse at at Farber'a mill, oa the opposite eide of the street. This had good effect in presenting the spread of the conflagration, but could not strike the exact apot desired, on account of an icterrsDing waH.

Tbe Altonas and HooUs were to prompt in their action that by the time the Hope Hose boys arrtre-1 at the scene (owing ta the they fas-i to come,) ihe water was turned off. Tea, nature's blood mjl'Jtf THE c.mouui charged the city by the Democrat for publishing a certain THS tight its contnut price for doitg tiuoh work. FIRE AT NOSTH ALTON. About four o'clock Sunday afternoon, Col. Mober-y's residence, a large brick building, one and a half sioriea high, situated in the southern suburbs of North Alton, wag diecovereJ to bo on fire, and, notwithstanding an immediate alarm and the presence cf more thaa a hundred persona, tbe b.3u«e totally consumed.

The family were absent, bat the neighbors rallied Bud labored eo effectually, that all the furniture iuthe lower story was saved, comparatively unscathed. A large quantity of goods, stored away up staira was beyond reach asd could not be saved. No one steins lj have an idea how tho con- tligraiicii but when (Uncovered by Eome of vicinity, it was breaking through the roof. The building WAS insured for 53,000, bj F. Ku'Iershiusea in the Phoenix of Brooklyn.

The furaiture was insured for $2,000, by Whipple Smiley in the Continental, New York, which amount, it is supposed, will about cover the loss. There was near at liaud, tut uo buckets or other vessels with use it, hence the fire held its chschcd. which to way un- THK exhibition at the Junior Class of SirjrtlelT College, takes place next Friday evening, Juijt 1st, at the Baptist Church, Upper Altou. HEAL KSTATK Eewii sold 2 acres of the Hastings' farm, adjoining Upper Alton, to Hiharta Spluaer. Consideration 53,000.

Swiss purifier. Health Tea, nature's blood rov'-Uif THE Democrat meu threaten to throw up their contract for doing the city printing, the city has got a- soft thing and will hod them to their contract. Ox "ext Saturday June 2j, a railro-J excursion under the direction the Catholic Young Men's of Peoria, will leave that city 9 clock p. for St. Healih Tea is agealle uathiir-ic, 'thiofUgh alterative, an excellent tonic, a-U corrective of all impurities oi tho 1 $liva Ada Meyers died at the roJencc-it tbe family, on the corner of FU and Viae streets, near the city te, rooming, afier a rather i'llocdd.

The funeral took place Monti afteruoca. If you waut S'jr new, neat aud tasiv in the way oi spring clothing, it will pay yau to Icok ia fct tdith'a clothing 6'ore. wit MAKKLTS, has still farther declined binca last report. But as tha suuply in one Q'laittj DAT At o'clock yesterday afterooon, a large crowd coagUUng, as of bad Miembledat-the City Cemetery to participate in, and witness the Decoration exercises. Business houses were not generally closed, because of DO genera! agreement to that effect, but the city schools gave a half holiday, aad the teachers and children in large numbers congregated at the cemetery.

About 3:30 o'clock after the performance of Red, White and-BIue, by the band, Dr. Charles Davis, Chief Marshal, called the astembl3ge to order, and announced that Capt. F. Ruder- ahausen, Assistant Marshal, would take charge of the order cf exercises. After more music by the band, KeV.

Dr. Armstrong Isd in an efieotive feeling prayer, which had a solemnizing influence on the crowd. Mr. S. B.

Funk, then read the Governor's proclamation, with reference to the appropriate observance of the day, after which Prof. Halght led in sieging, 'My Country 'tis of Thee." Dr. C. M. Smith was then introduced and for a short time deeply interested his EDWARDSYILLE, 111., Ma? 29, '77.

Editor Jiaon TelcarapM The strawberry festival at the St. James, last Tuesday evening, was a pleasant affair, highly enjoyed by a goodly number cf our citizens. The strawberries, ice cream, and lemonade, wore very fine iiideed. The beautiful bouquotu of Bowers, and tat by no means the least, the handsome raaids and matrons, also contributed largely towards making; time glida aivay smoothly. PEJ80NAL3 Ji.

Anderson, teacher, eurvoyor, of Troy, gave us a cail last Wednesuuy. Mrs. Julia Bulman, net McUorkc-il, and her husband, cf Danville, paid cur oily a visit last week. Fiavius MoKeo, son of ex Supervisor James B. McKee, a weaUbyfarmer of Pin Oik tows- sLip, tack unto himself a "better half last Tuesday evening; her name was Miss Tillie Harlangel.

Tiiey were married at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. tu iiulcr avenue, St. Louis. Their 'infair" duly celebrated tho next evening at iho residence of the btiiie- grooii's parents en Ridge Priiiriw, fidir miles cast of this city. Miss Uewtdicta Walter, of Alton, visited frkcda here Issi week.

Eou. William R. Morrisou u-as here last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. John Keller, cf tils city, is visiting Greenville, thia week.

C. an, architect and builder, is the con- auditors, by a statement of the causes tractor DOB fcaildinj: a handsome residence that led to the observance of tha daj, and in the course of big remarks, gave a thrilling description of tho horrors of the battlefield, closing with a tributa'to memory of "those who gave their lives for privileges we now enjoy," The band rendered an appropriate selection in accoord- ance with the order of exercises, after which Hon. J. H. Yager, in a very eloquent manner, depicted the benefits und privileges accruing to us from our form of government, the freest, most beneficent, most nearly perfect of any tha world has erer known.

He remarked that it was eminently fitting and proper that should corns together when the flowers are blooming, birds singing, the leaves quivering with the perfumed breezo, and spread garlands, wreaths and festoons of flowers above the dast of those who bleep in honored graves. Mr. Yager's remarks were followed by 'Old Hundred," auog by the lod by Prof. itw.isthon announced that Capt. Kudershauseu and Mr.

Charlen Ucnick would lead ia strewing flowers on the eoldiera' graves. A large part ofthu assemblage took part in this solemn ceremony, which was well and thoroughly dcno the baud performing glow music at intervals. Several graves were discovered that had not hereicfore received tributes of dowers; none were neglected; the vault ai the "gate was decorated in honor of the Union officer who hai lain there fcr about fourteen years. After the observance ci ibis duty tho people were agniu ua'lod to- t-eiher tj music, vrben Key. Mr.

Kline, of Clinton, pronounced a prayer aud benediction. The eserciues were closed with the performance of "Sleep, beloved, the baud, after which ths assemblage dispersed, well ploaeed with the day's observance. The Marchal, Or. Davis, and hid assistant, Capt. F.

hausen, deserve credit for their efforts io render the services worthy of for ex-County Attorney, E. tireeja ou HilleDoro street, opposite the residence of J. S. heeler iu this ciiy. C.

W. Diuiuiock, Assessor, is interviewing tho tax payers of this township, regard their The ladies of the city srere first hands quite limited; the price is $1 60 per bushel, which Glares, or an approximation thereto, will hold until tificr harvest, notwithstaading ihe aml foithful.boih iu prospects lor au immense yield of this cereal. Business stiil continues with In branches. The dullness 13 to great i-xient Ciuseti by the fact ilnt the farmers, taking advantage of the dry, fivornble weather, are busy plowing aad planting corn. Ua'a needed in thif viciaitv.

very 'aau! ctticieul Tbe beat shin ever in Alton, for 1.00, at Smith's. 02L nit ST A Fait; While Frea-J-s Thomson wr.3 auiUiing himself in his father's study Sunday with a match, it be ignited, and was thrown iuto a boi of papera coiiTenient; these immediately into a blaze which communicated to a wiadjv." curtitiu Riid soon would of iiowerd aad iu in ueposiiiug thorn on the lonibs of the honored dead. loan, in sums of 53,000, oa 1 to 5 yeftrs' time. Laud rity, vpith 10 per cent inttrtst. Ko tit dwiy OirfE OF liERGES- Among (he heroic uuvi who lie buried ia the city cemetery uie Lieut.

K. F. Hetcher aad several of liis comrades who fell in the Mexican war. Mr. I.

J. Ilich- tcond liauds U3 a copy of thu Boston CiirUtiou Kegister, of Aug. 1S-17, which coutaine the following article As AFFECTING LKTTER. Lieut. Fletcher, of the Alton (111.) volunteers, was Assessor who is now making his rads will be glad to leara that "the o'-ftl of the Denijzrai.

is as large aa that the and will aiukt? note he ftict in his little book. iosE Houaio renc- wants Some figures? Here are eome: Alton Demorrat's bill city for puhlisiiing notice Cd Correct amoantuf said bill under cuu- trucl sij -Amountof Attempted swindle 5 1 A HKILIHY TKK CE.NT,—Five dollars und aeveaty-uine cents ia not a large nmcuot, but it ia a healthy per cent, on Sic. That is tho amount charged the city by the 'Democrat the Marshal's noiice in es- cess of its contract price for notices of that iieugth, 81c. have caused a class csnfiigratioa, had the killed ut Ha vrns a wid- not Master Freddie with presence of mind given iho Rev. F.

L. Thomson imnjtdiately rushed to the reecuo, and by throwing the box out at wiudow, acd ueiiig a little water, exiinguiihed the fiucua. The lutle boy waa badly frighten- cd and no uouLtwill hereafter be very cautious iu the nee of inaiuhes. a meeting at the Baptis Oaurch, Monday evening, the following officers of tho Sunday fcckool were elected for the ensuing year: W. Scmii.

Hopkins. Secretary and H. EoiUi. "OCR capital is as large as the TULE- Democrat. Very well, iheii, just eiep up to the Collector's office and hand orer the amount necesaary to make your tax payments equal to onra.

Either your abser: lion is false or you have the tai (Collector. Nary EIuc Smith's. ailor Hats for men, 31-dat MILLIONS IN nae audieaca nt- ttudcd the of the GilcJed Age by Simon'a iroupt oo and were much praiifitd by the performance. Simon as Ci'j. was- imtaense, in the inebriated where he Qpi-eared loose joiaied aud indefinite as a "rag Kimon as Laura was excellent, Mies Lc-rgce rendcrctl Ler CGDiparativtlj uuiupurluijl pii-t with captivating archness, and the other artists added by their dlorls to ihe success of ower, and the father a litilo years old.

His remains, with vihers-, were rtceutly buried at Altou, his little duughtur, by grand parents, attended the r'uiieral. The aigji before battle, Lieut. F. wrote iiis lol- iowing letter, which presorts Iu a gratifying ligbt his paternal CA.MP liuaNA VISTA, January 14ih, 1847. DEAR wo expect to have aa engagement with a superior Mexican force, and en the eve of the I have believed it proper to uddrers vuu fi'vv lines.

As you ure well awarr, linr otjcei ceartst uiy heurt is ihe el far-' 1 oi my litilu child; and so fur us have ttble, 1 have provided for her. to the amouni of two hundrel arc duo me from the government; besides a suui owing ILL', no wsli ah the CL'Uicuta uiy 1 iho iind oihfer hi'tiuiad i in by owzi, 1 have in a memorandum iu niy, ivil to litr, und pluucd tLs wUuie ia charge of C'apt. Usker, to be forwarded you case tUould uf wfiicb I doubt not you will tuist see tasablo assets. J. Hardback, a la T.

C. Clarke, has bad an underground drain put to hid cellar. LAMP coal oil lamp exploded iu ihe residence of Samuel W. Temple ia this ci'y, last night; luckily, however, no serious damage resulted thereby. The lamp wick had bten turned down, left burning and the family had gono to bed.

Two small holes wer'o made in the bawl of the lamp nearly opposite each other by the explosion, and tbe lamp coutiEued to burn. none but the teat coal oil, keen your If-mpa well filled ttnd tho turners clean, end filways fill lamps by day lighl. Insure'iu tho Thoa- 'livo John Ilobson, of the Poor Farca, ruuigned his cfBce as r. mi'Uiber of tho Board of Education time end Friede, Alder- mnu from the wnrd of this city Lius also N'cjthing has beuu done toward fill eit-ciioa tu fill said va- It i.trikts us thU should not be- thuj. If time, why KiiWAiiDsvii.M: Bjard of K-iuuiiion oi'ihid ciiy Lave resolved dint tbe eutuii'g term of our public sehcol Ebriil of moGiJis of iwcsity two d-iys eneli, and the holidays, it' to be tide "ji by tbe tcuuiiers at the end of the term; that Ohny.

tHrnttoo be employed to of Llia pchool for tbe term tieginMne c-'cbloiatiOB 3nl 1877, ua ani ut a Eiuttry oi" one iUousrtnd r.aj Miss IJarcett, upon his rvuouiU.CD'3iifiou, be as iu the i room fur 5iiid term, nt salary ci huaJ-i-d lh.n Mis? Sophii? y.ii.-jlicoinbis be employed fti dollars montli.ti!; ti-aciier ia the oc- tcini by '-lisa Sj-iliuaa, tbe ik-ciiLed the jdace; that jiiss A. S. Mic'iiun iu'i tsvetiiploycd af f.e?eft(v livo -iol- t'cr mouth; llint Miss Jc-osio liene-Hct CBCPH9TES. Corn planting ia now being proaeonUd with all the vigor and ditpatoh ihe far- mcra are capable of. Bluoh valuable time has been loet by bad weather, bat the season will, doubtless, be long enough to make a gaod crop.

Wheat in this vicinity continues to took splendidly, and there will be a heavy crop. In many fields the gain bead- but tho carveBt will be a little later than usual. In spite of late frosts strawberries from this vicinity will be abundant and cheap. The crcp will commence coming ia in a "ew days. A good rain would be benefi- olal to ths strawberry plaatationi just now.

BETHALTO- May 20, '77. Telegraph The trustees of Teutonia Grove No. 25, O. A. D.

have paid Mra. Aug. Bitter, of Moro, $500, the amount due her from the Grove, on account cf her husband'a dealh. D. Farmers 1 Deteoiive Club will meet at the Village -Bull, Monday, Julie 4lh, 4 p.

m. Tho Secretary requests guod aitendancs, as the election of officers lake plaue. much-talked of concert 3 of the past, and all are at rest. The xercisea were interesting and Instructive. Mi.

Olive 3. responded to the invitation with excellent selections. STICK per Apple Creek Sunday School Convention in session here, last Saturday and Sunday. The attendance was not large, i those who were present thought "it was well to be there." I-SCUKAM we do not; but Frank Buchheit does. To tell the people that he on hand a full supply of ice cream every Suuday, and most of the time through the week.

He threw a wbo quickly hid it, and said, "goot, more." a number ol our jolly neighbors took Ltivviebce'd and weal to Long Lako, io worry the tjuny tribes, last evening. The Uuie uiuUkep and moccy spent would huv? purchased moie nsh than they caught. But it was for the fish. Id numerous "goings through" vur village of a "worker Iu fine metuls," of your city, enroute to a neigh. victuicy, tiro iudicatiro of a coming eveut.

He wtis uot greeted with Buiooth- ug irons iind bootjacks after his lonely through liie glcii uud up the rail- rjbd, lust Sunday evening, for his hat(tie) was not pulled down over his eyes. PLUSO.SALS—Mr. '-Ivan" Mies visited our burgb, Sunday evciiiug. "Sylvan" is in it aguin, i. tlinging i big trcrad at people.

Glad of it. I Mrs U'. Arnold baa returned from Indianapolis, where she has visiting relatives, bringing Mies Maitie Springer iioma with her. O. is.

Goodnow, of St. Louis, a piano aad orgiin tnuer, and traveling salesman for Piuuo is in town for a few dnys "luiiitig up" instruments. collars have taken "a Mt. Olive ti. S.

picnic next Saturday, at Gulp's grove. Coru planting progressing finely. The present weather ia I'lensiog tho farmers. J. Kwao placed before ua the finest atiawberriea we have seen this seamen.

This a. m. we inquired uhout the health ot tbe community. The M. D.

(mud dobber) replied: "Oh! its tie cmploitd us a teacher at thirty dollars per month, and that the regular monthly meetings of the Board bo held on the first MoLduy wficr the expirtition of the regular moDtily Urni of ter-cbers. So UP we have learned no teacher an ytft has engaged io teach the colors! neither, have we learned thut employed f-jr a Gcmifin in ptillic Fchonl, that the provides for soiioolii ether i fishiiJi:" 1" nix cf our at tin tr.rly hyur, morning, got their id luaua in order tiud tag city for a day's epcrt on the banks of Lake. lLi.s«3ir=.—John Bor.ner nnti Julin, both of liflvc tvtti furiously sick for several wecka, still linger the ihorcs of cream Bpr.rk seem to go together, Iiarvcst ia r-ir-Ully us udaal." Us dime VOB come ven you do dock der run uud rub der varm It is siill lime to maUe applica- li-ju i-jt the Schuob, the number applications is eteaJily increasing of the Republican, must not interfere with his contract on elevator been completed. Meyer tiuye are tbe old elevator re-painted. Who b-s the iirst harness maker and painter I'jc-ito ia our midst? SPIKE.

Allan Tclet JKIWI.Y COUXTY COUNTY. 20j 1877. Secretary, Morris K. Locie, Is disiriuutiug premium lists of the tenth annual exhibition of tho Jcreey F. and ii.

Aaauciatiou to be heKl iu ihis city, commencing Tuesday Octoler aLd ccntinuiag four dwyu. Aa it is a well gotten up and man, of this city, will- take his departure primed pamphlet cf ii hundred pages and in a few for City. Jn bears tLc ittii.rint of the Jerseyville Re- one-fourtli cf pora laad in thi-i county will not be planted this season. The fact the mf.rket D. lirrry, the brick I machine COMMERCIAL REVIEW.

TELEGRAPH OBTIOK.) May 31, 1877. Darts' Best Kxtra. In sacks 9W.OO Second Beat, 00; Farter's Best, $10.00 In bla. 59.75 in Backs; Farber's XXX, 810 00 la Backs; $850; Alton Eagle. medium oinuion c.

per bushel. 3 retail 40(s45c. C3orn wholesale; 70 retail, wholesale; 50 per ton oaled. wliolesaie; stall, Hay, loose, ton. per 100 Ibs, per 100 tts.

per bushel wholesale; etail, SI 75 par bushel. Brown, lie wholesale; retail 1 hard, -wholesale; retail, wholesale; lie retail. 2S-g25c -p Ibwnoiesaie; Saltr-82 bbl; wholesale, gl S.l@l U3. 9 Ib retail; wholesale. wholesale; retail Syrup.

"Belcher's Goldeu" $1.06 holesale; retail 51 retail, wholenale retail. wholesale; U) ret-iii loc. retail lear Sides wholesale; retail. Oastor baaiiel, for choice. poum 1 best quality, whole- US.

cured, dry Ealted, ry flint greaa, Grubby Hide price. Sheep green. tun, eOo; medium un- Bfiiiod cornbiaj, £3o seleoted 24o. B. Sugar Cured wholesale; etau.

ehipping, retoU 3c slbbl; bulk Itio whole sal 13a retail. Cameiit LouioTillo, $2 25; Rosedale, 00; New York, $3 00; St. Louis, SI 75. 75 wholesale. St.

'ew York S2 oOi-c3 50. II. Drury Oak Harness French Cal 75 according to weignt. Klp- In caucliision Mr. Fritz Goit- use, dt and proper by vou Acd nuw, with 1 I and your DLL the Jra lob gave some of liis ever popuinr songs and reP.tlin^: 1 E-a-t I.ynne, to Dutcb The uiceet io tTcr eold ID Alton slay bs at Clothing Store.

31d2twl! Saturday Paul Maul fell from a lumber pile at Hajner's EEW on tbe river bank, and He liy insensible for some time. He stepped on the end of a plank, it, and fell about 18 feel. He improving lust evening, and no doubt will Eooa recover. BLOOD DniXKixo. A reporter for the Si.

Louis has lately been investigating the autjeet of Llood drinking, and has discovered that numbers of invalids in that city are ia tho habit of frequenting the slaughter for tfce purpoec of drinking the wr.rm, fresh blood, direct i from the ol' slaughtered beeves. This Leverage seenia to strength nnd vitality to lha ailing, to au extent that can TELZGKAFH extortionate Allen Democrat, "TUe TELEORATH is doing work nothing, or nuit to nothing. brettit us down." Renegade logic is something wonderful' Above ftre two etatements each, of which he from no other tjource. It Beoais gives the He to whioh are falee. the other, tad both of BAILBOAD EXCOESIOS.

Fire passenger ooachea from Jerseyrille, well filled with excursionists, paissd through the city last Tuesday, oa tbe way to St. Louis, eight- seeing. Tho trip was gotten up under the Hu-pices of the Methodist cbuich of Jer- to pour rw life into the veins of the weak, debilitated, escausfe-J, sufferer, and ia especinlly euicactous in diseases of the liiugs, dyspepsia aud EcrofoU. A physician who has examined tho eiiryect says that fresh blood is the most nourishing of nature's gut-stances. Though the use is at first attended by a natural repulsion and nausea, this is soon overcome aad a taste acquired for the beverage.

It hae been administered to delicate Hdios and children with marvelous power, but mast ba perfectly fresh to Imvs the bast ELECTION OF Oryicrus. The members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of this city, met at hall, on Tiirii street, ASKITKESABT DlBKZB. Who pro- poie attending the anniversary exercises at Monticello, will be glad to learn tbat the ladin of the church intend to give a dinner, in the basement of the church, for the accommodation of visitors. A Imii- sion 35 cts. Strawberries and ice cream extra.

THI building that caught fire Wednesday wsc owned bj J3owman Johzzsoa, who formerly kept a dry goods store at that ptae. Thry bought it at (he of the effects of the Bhawneetown Bank, nearly forty ago, for the Bam of about $7,500 in Shawneetown paper. Owing to the depreciation of thii money, firm ntlnated thecMtat Msy 2Gih, and elected the cinccrs Thos. Mulligan. Vice President Jerry Sullivan.

Recording Secretary gher. Treasurer James Cahill. Grand F. Hanly. 5ergeant-at-Arms James Reynolds.

eij-ec; ar I brother, him the eliiH. with you vt my to tbrow his brolberly- protectiou over her; imci if time you think fit io her hiai lia will receive her as his OV.TJ child and protect her as euch. Should she remain with you, I wish thut abe should receive as H. will fio to on a visit to J. aud The prr.s^ in our public square boinp cut become r.n ia- tclernble nals-inrn h'rre, and the sprinkling curt ij The oilice is being A few old stOTes tbe hall ur Cirv Council in oihcr of Court will rrxt 1 Jecuss rof.dablc.

to liprmt of the Jersey publican uflioe. In Iho appointment of the Awarding comu-ittc't5, containing they -Ju the of ail the prominent meu in the United no churge can be mado of favoritism or sectionalism, Hayes end Tildea, U-jnnett and May, Blainc aud Stcrcy, Culloin and Nicljclls, Johnaon iiii.l (Oreene county), tersoa many others, are iu a icannci highly suggestive ot tbe Hi DORCHi-sTBn- iwftkes iii- lioaid of E-Jucatiou liae ATI tranjp caught in enanged the following corps of teachers for rhis citj-i-s muEtPicJ ut by the City Mar-1 the uert bohool lerm: i-ooui 8, Prof. J. fhall on XX. pjke, assiattd by D.

J. Murjihj; rocra 7, Miss Kmraa Piereon; room ti. Miss Amanda Lj'na; r-j'nn 5, Mise Alice Nott; room 4, Miss Drsia KilenwooJ; room 3, Miaa Lina Riirtlcu; roum '2, Miss Irene Ferguson; college senior 1, Mrs. Mary Cor; primary, room 2, thi 1 8 Anrie CSpeuctit; room 1, JVirs. Alien.

ii.s Le I.M;- Mrs. LTO excurBioa of five leii citv, ihis morning for St. I.j'.i^i'*. The t-liiiir was gotten up fur the of Brtj'iiJt SiiulmMi school. 'i be Fiitu itiiana will have a ttraw- aud ice creutn fe.stiT^l ut ILuiiMJay Fri-Jrty evtCiDga thld it''jr('2 tj.e w.ixcti: tl ia Of I Tiitih tLe j.

be so UlCfit I.i": 0 jjijr citquet delivcrei ol" atsi Ib the time tire Mctho-liel have ect for a Hlrj.wl.err.. ft'a'irul which wili held ia M. K. thurch. gfcd geiui-i-n K.

Cli-i 3 p. m. Services vrorc ulao 1-eid in tiie nr' Jerseyviile Ctnipbtlliia church. Icdg'-s, I. 0 propose ct-me oys, fisMas, last Sabba'r a picoiu nt the iron Bridge, atjout two HD cJuc as the Jinlc left her i roh; shame on cralo tte sacred r.

fcind forborne to F. and Th. Meyer, for to the profession. S. Hci-ter, of St.

Lo aunday here. will and. above all thmgy, tbal tiuili auil virtue are to wvman the soul is to tbe of its Hie. Teach her LhtiL to he juet to uli, ia thought, iu word, iu dt-eJ, ii the true a.iiu uf good mind; aad thc-tio who strive to accom- plieh that purpose, eeldom tail to al peace with the world, and accjinpiiuii the Destiuy" for they tire created. I would say a thousand things about her, and my wishes for her, but that would te superfluous, go I reverl ic other subjects.

In death as ia life, ever yourc. E. F. FLKTCIIER. Kcv Geave, agent College, this siue of Oiterv'iUe, Friday, June has organizeJ a drfi- matio socieiy.

Jereoyville sighs for sprinkler. CUMvillo boaets a new tin shop. Tim Shnrpc has chiilicugcd John Brown to shoot for the championship b.i of couuty (colore-I) shooters. The match Collars, cents a bucket, at Smith's. Sld'Jt wit UPPER AL' UPPER ALTOS, May A rumor has prevailed for two or three days that one of our prominent merchants has lately taken a (life) partner.

This proves to be untrue, but there la no telling how soou it may be established. Tbe Town Council have contracted for McAdam for repair of streets, at $3.80 per following square delivered and spread. They have authorized a DOW eiilewalk oa College Avenue, in front of the Daptist church and Mr. Hovev'a store and residence, au re- Galla- pairs in other places, where needed. Thia Council are greatly hampered by the liberal appropriations made by (he last Couuoil, the latter having drawn oa the revduue for the current year.

take some lime in July, houee il a cellar jswrt a isijtoiy in town. The Jcrafty as i County- Fair Grounds will to the j-ujiic for driving purposes the 1st prni Tho Carroll ton public sehocU cioae tho C'h of June. June llth, ia the data fixVl for the meeting of the Grceue Couniy Denocratic Convention for the nominating a ooanly ticket be ihal 'agK-'Tiur, uf Bunker fli'l, were in Icwn Ktv. Wm. Giil, ia jCcm.

Foote tiiid eister orew H- full toiug to Philadelphia. J-iule Sadie tfpauuigrl, of Bast St. Louis, wi result. Frcu. Kurgei'-on of on us J.

C. Giil, r.g,-nt Mr. Oiil in a njfin (leniiil gmtleinaa welcocao in our The regular meeiirg of D. H. T.

D. Gr-eulUId Diepafch will horeaftt-r socieiy, June 2nd. i jiuMUlied ut the ottice of the While wonder where that Jotu.g man Wii-5 iseiog lapt Sunday, with the neat Sale on Tucsd.iy. SVLVAN. Crcco Hus' 6 and Sc L'e'nocrnt.

The soiree at Graflon 1 Thursday eight, was a EUO Vt illiam L. KuyJe, for Com in tho only new DcmocTrfitic an c-o'Uu client. A yourg man named Laliej vyos thrown from a boree last Sunday whiol his leji. Col. C.

II. Knapp is very reporters credit with pjayiD Tbe Kui hta of Pythias giro a eocia such t.a important purl hie la I ny to-oorrow evening. I notice tbo nam ofiea Hie oningenng or chrocio of tbe TELEGRAPH ut tii befi'l of one of the awarding comniUieea ihe next Jersey Couniy Fair. Derange' instead of "eccantric" waa the word UBC( when P. preached here.

Only about Vv'Jmt wife c.iu-be cheerful, smiling, ai-ti plcasfiat, con- Mr. John Chancy for the iunnocc companies, and Mr. J. W. SatUr for tbe Bishop, made an appraise meat, Taaiday, of tbe Ion on furniture and howfcott goads by the late fire at the BUkop'i nndttoa, and ftxad amount at TUi, added to tke low on the Adams, American aad United States Eipress Companies have agreed on a reduced package tariff to take effect May 31st.

Packages not exceeding four pounds in weight, will be carried at the of one cent, per ounce, or fraction of an cnnce, bat no package at lees" than ten cents, the valuation of each package to be fixed at not exceeding one dollar. Ihis 'agreement excludes extra Taluible articles, very bulky articles, explosires, and other matter liable to cause You may -Bometimes desire just a littl mjed paint, white or colors, to do a little painting here and there. If you may find at Marsh's Drug Store any quantity from one pound upwards. dtf Wall Paper in new assortment, at At the Junior Class Exhibition, Friday evening of this week, Miss Thompson, of St. Louis, Prof.

Eaight and ilia3 Knostman will furnish the vocal mueic. The house at present occupied by Wa. Beher, with two lots of ground, was Bold on Monday by G. M. Cole, Master in Chancery, to Mr.

Wm. Bildebrand fcr $242, one third down, balance on time. This place has tented for $8 per month. Just at present, there is money in tenement houses in Upper Alton. They are always in demand, and command a good rental.

IVAN. buy feathers," is the cry of the slang-slinger to the person who praises himself, and tells conceited tales of angelic goodneti and Journal. $6,040 to loan on farm lands, in turns oanii, tf BUDERSHADSEN.It Co. dread disease the Hvar torpul, and he bitter, rtitfL tnsto or Dfiusen, hae chilly sentiniioi wit" bent iiLd of the mrluce cf "f.ii nr buck; I dull, dizzy. OD'l czc irritable in teoiptr.

Instead of if sorting to eo reliable a remedy as ft few email doses of Dr. Pjerce's Purgative folicts, and following up their action with the use of Golden Medicil Discovery tD work tbo biliary poison out of i.ho and purify tho blood, if he pley tho part of a "penny wlae end pound he will attempt to economize by saving tbo pmall cost of these medicines. Continuing to suffer, his nervous system becomes impaired, and he is fretful anl fit eubject to become embroiled in ''domestic infelicity." Or the good wife, from her too laborious duties or family cares, has become eubjent to such chronic affections aa are peculiarly incident to her sex, and being reduced in blood and from backache, nervousness, internal fever, and enduring pains too numerous to mention, ehe may become peevish and thing but a genial helpmate. In this deplorable condition of 111 health, should she net wisoly and employ Dr. Pierca's Favorite Prescription, it will in due time, by its cordial, tonic and nervine properties, restore lier health and transform her from the peevish, ecold- ing, irritable tempered invalid to a happy, cheerful wife.

Laying aside levity and speaking eerlouely, husbands and wives, you will find the Family Medicines above mentioned reliable ftod potent remedies. For full particulars of their properties and uses, see Pierce'e Memorandum ii given by all druggists. -eei more of ragzed edge for the Jersey county Democratic candidates. Gco. H.

Knapp, of SI Louie, is in town. Biohey left fc lovra iiict week. 8. H. Bowman returne' frcui Nebraska to-day, H.

T. Xail is en in b-jrLicuUural avooations this sum er. Juo. Vinson now ependeth of his lime on 'Change in St. Louis.

Dan J. Hurpboy loft for Pits county, Wednea day. Lew Turntr vu in town this week 3eo. W. is home from Springfield John Corbett leases for Rhode Island nex month.

Jco. CadwcJader was in this cit sat Thursday. Jno. A. Blennerhasset has not jet assumed cuitorlal charge of th Calhoun Herald.

CO. An Old X.ady Found Dead in a Spring. JKUSEYTILLE, 111., May Agne Dcfries, aged 70, living on Coon Creek, 1 miles west of here, was found dead in spring on her premie ea last Thursday whither ehe went to get water. Decease was plaintiff in important lawsuit trie at the lost term of the Jersey county clr cuit court, in which she recovered $80C damages against tbe Packet com pan for alleged DOW appeal to the court. The "Baby's Best Friend" is the mos appropriate title for Dr.

Bull's Baby It is absolutely free from Opium, Morph and other powerful agents, ia perfect! safe and reliable nnder all circumstance and by allaying the uiual Stomach an Bowel Disorders of Babyhood, keeps tb child from fretting and crying, so injoriou to itself aad annoyinf to Frioe 25 cents Latest styles of good at ohtep, at Baith'i. SABBATH THOUGHTS. To the Friends of Patrick died Tuesday Morning, May 1J, 1877. Aged 79 years. Our old friend has passed away, never see him more; We shall i.ever hear fcotrtep, Nor see hie lovod £arm at the door; He has gone from UB forever.

To never-ending noma; Yet his memory will tie green with us As through this world we roam: His kind word and pleasant smile Are now memories of the past, We shall never see nor hear them While our mortal life does last; But If we can gay, as we are passing away Of all the bright days of our life That should bo the happiest day. He would not be contented While he lingered en this shore Waiting for the summons Which was to call him o'er; He would toll from dawn to duslc. And never murmuror complain, And therefore we should bear in mlna "Our loss is hit eternal gain." His troubles are now ended. His dtty's work forever done; He beads no more the evening bell Or the rising of trie sun; And he leaves this sweet consolation To his frlendn above the sod. That while he dwelt upon this earth He was "the noblest work of God." Friend.

Save Tour Eyesight. One does not appreciate the priceless lesaiug of a clear eyesight, until It fails, or the preservation of tho eyes from im- aired sight, or tho grateful assistance to Iready impaired, there is no article equal the "Diamond Spectacles," every genn- ne pair bearing the diamond trade-mark. For salejin Alton by J. W. Gary.

ITdw-dcod PERSONALS. Mr. Albert G. Aneell, ofjj the Calhoun is making a brief in. pection of this city.

MB. 0. A. Moati-oss, of this city, has een quite ill at Contralia, but was mproving at the last accounts. Our genial friend, Mr.

H. Young, of osterburg, favored ua with a call Wed- esday morning. 75sltl). bushel wholesale 00.3 barrel. 01) io So cord, hu Brighton, Illinois, ufcsclay cvedrtir.

Miiy the residence Jerry Boll, the, brldu's father, by Rev. A. Scarritt, iir. Samuel K. James and issErnmaE.

Wednes- ay. May "3d, nt Peter's Episcopal uurch, Rlpon, by Hev. Fayelte Burin, William E. Smiley, Alton, to Alice, aui-nter ot ii. P.

Holleubtok, of Blon. Sold by all Druggists. declSdwlyr VEGETINE Strikes at tbe root of disease bv purifying restoring the liver aud kianevs to healthy actioii, invigoratiiis tho nervous system. Vegetine Is not vile, nauseous compound, which simply purges the but a s.ife, pleasant remedy which is Euro to purifv the hlood, and thereby restore the health. Vegetine 'B now prescribed in eases of Scrofula mid other diseases of the blood, by many of tho best phy- Plcians, to its success iu curiug all diseases of this nature.

Vegetirie Does not deceive invalids into falsa hopes by mid creating a llctitious appetite, but assists nature in clearing and purifying tho whole system, leading the patieut gradually tope tfeet health. Vegetine "Was looked upnn as an experiment for by EOIUO of our best physicians, hut most incredulous in regard to its merit are now Its most ardent friends and supporters. Vegetine Says a Boston physician, "has no equal as a blood purilier. Hearing of Us many wonderful lures, after all other remedies had failed, I visited the laboratory and convinced myself of iti germinc merit. It id t'i'epftred from barks, roots uid herbs, each of which is highly effective, and ihoy arc compounded in such a mauuer as to produce astonishing results." Ve got ine acknowledged and recommended by physl- laus aud apothecaries to bo tho best purilier and cleanser ot the blood yet discovered, and thousands speak iu its praise who have bean restored to health.

LADIES BUY YOUK LINEN SUITS, DRESS LINENS A. Corner Third the Railroad, Sailley's AGENCY. We represent the following reliable companies: Continental, Of New York 07. Tne BKerenaats' Of Newark, N. Royal Canadian', Of Montreal Western, Toroato, Oaoa'la franklin Of St.

Louis N. Commercial Of SU Loola JKS.m K. Citizens' N.I SSS.OOS People's Newark, N. M31.H1 80 Of Chlcajo 51,230,008.00. PaUrson, N.J 33.

J2.liGm.ania, Of Pittsburs S373.2193S Of Boston S9, 29ew York Life, OI New Yolk 00. Union Mutual lAi. (W. We are also prepared to place large lines In other good Companies. SSoney oaHianded ISeourity.

WHIPPLE SMILEY, OiEce over First National Bank. ilewit's Insurance Leas Agency. EIJ orss 3I19.4eC,GCC. 1 represent nineteen Rolld ftnd All losses promptly aJJuatad And paid hero. Farina and city property.for Ian2i JF.

HEWIT. COMPOSITION. si Ii fi WILLIAM Wlati to Inform the pablie that they cTer riiitt Liver Stable, on statnefretat, whe-9 t'aay ir.t&nd keep constantly on ao.l for tple a ftll LEVERETT3 CASTLE I. Wholesale and Betail BOOKSELLERS IND SIlIIONKiS, No. 20 Third Street, Opp.

Alton National ALTOU, ILL. A full line of standard Historical. Foetl cal and Miscellaneous Works constantly on band. Agency of Alken Lambert's Gold Pens. Latest styles of Fapeterlas, ic.

"DO NOT PASS US BY." jan20dwly To Guardians, Investors, and Capitalists! THE ALTON WATER WOBK3 COMPANY 1M75J offer for sale, at par, S75.000 of First Mortgage Water Works Coupon Bonds, principal and interest payable in gold, running 5,10,15, 20 and25 years, in sums of S50, 8100 and I5UO each, bearing Interest at six per cent. In gold, payable seml-annually, on flrst days or January and July, at Alton National Bank. CHABLES A. CALDWELL, apr23dtf Trustee for Bondholders. REMOVAL! H.

NEERMANN would respectfully announce that he has removed his Bakery and Confectionery Establishment to his newly arranged and -Well-fitted rooms at tbe corner of Fourth and Belle streets, where he is prepared to furnish anything in uis fine, of the finest quality and at the lowest rates. He also has a restaurant In connection with his establishment, and will terve all tho luxuries or the season in first- class stvle, at prices within reach all, apr20dwtf THE CLINTON! Base Heating Parlor The for testing tha CUI.TOJf 13 at Every stove sold glvea entire satisfaction. Sell or throw aglde yonr old stoves, CLINTON and be comfortable. I can refer to J. W.

Schweppe, LonU Haagen, and others as to the merits tbe Clinton. JOHN KIR WIN. Corner Fourth and Belle Streets. KITCHEN UTENSILS! A full line of everything in the 'way Culinary and Domestic Utensils, indispensable to good housekeeping, just received and for tale low. JOHN KfKWlX, Corner Fourth, and Belle Streets.

EVERYTHING NEW! My stock Is all new and of the latest slgns, and every article sold either in the Btove or tinware Uno.Trarraiitetf to give perfect satisfaction or the monay refunded. JOHN KIR WIN, tovlldw Cor Fourth and Belle Streeatt FOK SALE! A NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, situated between Ridge and Henry for Bale on very reasonable terms. House contains six tine rooms and two cellars. A good well and cistern, and a number of irult trees on premises. Title to property perfect.

Will sell lor cash, or exchange for £ji Improved farm. For particulars apply to CKAS.HOLDEN. this bffiee. aprlfid2lwU Bakery Ke-Opene(L I hereby announce to my old friends, and tho public generally, that have re-opened my bakery on Second street, and am prepared to furnish tte public with the best quality or fresh Breadj Centennial RoUs, Cakes i Pies, CrackerSj Etc. Orders left at the store will be promptly filled and delivered at the residences cf customers.

With thanks for past I solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon me in the past. TH. Store 3 And BnildraglforiRent! Desiring to retire from the mercantile business, i offer lor sale my entire slock ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shjjes, Hats aud Caps, Notions, together witn the good will of the establishment. I also oiler for rent the building in which the store is located. It contains large store room on Iirst floor; eight rooms on upper iioors; aud good cellar nnder the whole Cistern end stable on premises.

'inis is a rare opportunity lor an enterprising man to secure a line stock of goods ul rea--oimbJe cost, and secure a good ioca- tion lor business. Terms liberal. For particulars apply to Til. ARENS, aprAidwtf Second jit. Macliine Needles.

ALL KINDS. AlBO. Tuck SlarSers, Hemmerp, Rnfflers, Belts. Oil, Oil Cans, Screws, bcrew Drivers, and Springs for all machines. Machines adjusted and repaired, and new parts furnished, by E.

H. GOULD1NO, Jeweler. Cor. and Piasa streets, K.ETP, Also, prompt "itttation glTcn tocarpentei rort, of K.H repairing of furnl- Bobbins' Starch Polish. (HOW DA SHINE) WHAT ES NEEDED.

BOSTOS, Feb 13,1871 Mr. II. R. STEVENS Dear one yoar since I found myself In a feeble condition from general debility. VEGETIJCE was strongly recommended to friend wuo bad been much benefited by its use.

1 procured tbe article, and after using several bottles, was restored to bcaltii and discontinued its use. I feel quite confident that there is uo medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it is especially prepared, aud would cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health. HespeclfuHy yours, U. L. 1'ETTrNGILL.

Firm of S. M. Pettingill 10 State Boston. CISCIXXATI, Nov. 20,1872.

Mr. H. B. STrraxs Dear two bottles of TEGETIXE furnished me by your agent, tny wife has used with great benefit. For a long time she has been troubled irith dizziness and these troubles nro now entirely removed by the use of VEGETDsK.

She was also troubled with Dyspepsia aud General Debility, and has been greatly benefited. THOS. dlUIOBE, Walnut street. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. NATICK, Jnne 1,1872.

Mr. IT. E. SlETEXS Pear the advice and earnest persuasion of Ecv. E.

S. Best, of this place, I have been taking VEGETUiE for Dyspepsia, which I have Buffered for years. 1 have used only two bottles and already feel myself a new man. Kespecttully, DB. J.

W. CAKTEK. Beport from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. BOSTON, Jan. 1, 3874.

Dear Is Io certify that I have sold at retail 134ij dozen (1KB bottles) ot your VEGE- TINE since April 12,1870, and can truly say that it has given the best satisfaction ot any remedy for the complaints for which it Is recommended that I ever sold. Scarcely a day passes without some of my customers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. I am perfectly cognizant of several cases of Scrofulous Tinnora betaz.cared by VEOETIKE alone in this vicln- ity. Ver re, i To H. E.

STEVEKS, Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Miss, fiasreiE ALL puuaaiaxs, FOB AT A. GREAT BARGAIN. Tho I.

V. Brown place at Godfrey, 111., containing twenty acres choice land.vith a prent variety of nil kinds of fruit. story frame dwelling, with J4 rooms, ail in, good order, splendid barn. Terms easy. A Hon April 1S77.

dwtf A Great By tlm use of which tv-'rj' mny give their Llneu tbat brililnut liar to line lanrdry work, waving time and labor in Ironinir, move than its entire cost. Sold by will be Beat postage paid on oi 25 cents, DOBBOJS, BSO. CO. THE rASTSIDE WHEEI. PREAD EAGLES I LEYHB Hooter.

N. MOKEHEAD Clerk, Dally Sundays exoepted) In the St. Xxmia Alton aitd Gralton Trade. Leaves Alton for St. Louis at 7:00 A.

Leaves St. Louis for Alton at K. Leaves Alton for Gratton u. Thankful for past patronage we hope to merit the continuance of tne same by offer- Ing to the pnbllo a cheap rate of portatlon and Passage. A Ei ToSt-Lonn Round Trip 50 Twenty 6 00 UmhlBdw: J.

A. BKUKEB, Agent. FOR SALE! 2, block o. Front Street, brick and frame houses on two cisterns and stable. Kendall Bakery In same block.

Will be sold on very liberal terms. Also, brick boufe and loton fourth -street, between George and Laiigdon, containing five ro-niy, with ceJliirand attic, at present occupied by Air. Lampert. Inquire of J. Quortun.

J. or address the Al.KRF.l) RROWNK. Alton. May 7th, 1S77. awtf To the Ladies of Alton The undersigned hereby offers her services to tae ladies oi Alton as nurse and seamstress.

Ilevine experience. guarantees respectfully solicits tuo nettl olsuch services. Residence with Mrs. C. D.

Caldwell, on Bond street. MlfcJ. B. SMITH. 01TTAKER SONS' STAR HAMS nt 15 cents per pound.

LAY Ell KAIS1NS, at 10 cents pnr Ib. GOOD SEW OitLEiSS SUGAR, at 11 oeuts per Ib. COAL OIL, none retailed under flre test. HEADLIGHT OIL. fire test.

A Iways on hand. J. A. RYRIE, Alton. March 2.1S77.

dwtf J. J. Blacksiniihiag and LWagon Making, Orders for wnRons respectfully solicited. All kindso! attended to. Hiirea shcoinu a specialty, under charge of Mr.

Louis Uuger. Second Street, near Spring, Alton, Itt. ICASl, BSTZ'3 AND Oyster Saloon, Choice Candles, Nuts, Meala Belle Street, opp. iio-iM wly urs, TobRcco, ic ars. ALTOS, ILL.

ALTON FIKEoBKICS uWCSKS. For Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipe and Fire Brick, at reduced rates, go to tho Alton Sewer Pipe and Fire Brick Works, -iii AiTON JUNCTION, Madison J. HARTMANN, Dealer iu Hardware, Cntiery, Nails, SECOND -IfAlTON, LLL. N. make specialty of repairing all kinds of Garten tools and Farm Implements.

of all tarnlthed and jrattaoMtooli. of Mails. 3t.LOOl» Cbleago USA.X. CUSF.x. 7.M A.

x. SMr.x. Cpper Alton 7.30 x. ic URr.ic. 8.JOP.JI.

dtttl TIXK CLMISO. St. Louis 9.00 A. a. 1.3«p.

3t. Loala 7.MP.K. hlcago'War 8.15 i. 7.Wp-Jt. Jaiktomrlll.

A. M. WOp.a. via Ind. 3.3 P.M.

Way A. a. Elsah deposited Im SAeen oetbra the of clwlac. upem tnmJ a.3uto7p. to 9 a.

IK. on Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Conper Ware. JOHN KIRWIN, Foarthand Belle ALTON Nebraska Ahead. Tte B. i M.

Railroad Lands? The Beat AETlealtnralanU Stock Country In America. Goods Lands in a Good Climata Low Prices, Long Credit. Fare and Prelgbts. Premiums for Improvements, Free Pass to Land Buyers. full particulars, apply to Ii.

M. B. K. CO. UKll Burlington.

lows' "Unquestionably tho best sustained work of the kind in the "World." Harper's ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The MAGAZINE has attained in Its one quarter century aad more of existence tu that point where It may bo said of it, in the words of l)r. Johnson, "It Is vain to blamo and useless to praise." The lustre of lonjr-ago-attained reputation has increased as the years have passed, and its future seems as bright, if not brighter thun at anr time since th'e golden nue prosperity settled around its later and best Eagle. HARPER'S MONTHLY is marked by the same bar tics which gave it circulation from the first with the better class of rejiders.

It combines readinir matter with Illustrations in a way to make clear and vivid the facts presented. Pictures Jueri-lv dePigned to catch the eve of the ignorant are never Journal. TERMS: Postage free to all tntbscribers in Ike HARPER'S MAGAZINE, one year, S4 00 g4 00 includes prepayment of U. S. pusutire by the publishers.

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Us an- and of r.ire Vdvucuif, New York. HAUI'EU'S AVKF.KIA" r-hould he in ovorv fninUy tliro'-i-zhnut the puri-r, more ti-jttt'tl is not puNiisiied in this or nny other Commercial Huston. The "Weekly Is the oiily ii lust rut oil the that in its tsstntial rliarnctttrisii'-i if rtTCoguiKediLs auational Urooklyti liiirle. The lending articles In ''Iinrpcr's on politidxl topics are models ot" hish-toiu-d discussion, and its pictorial illustraiionsnre olteii corroborative argument ofnosiaail Examinc-r and New York. TERMS: Postage free io all in the HARPER'S WEEKLY, one yt-ar, 54 00 £4 (U) includes prepayment of ti.

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