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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton, Illinois
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(V TELEGRAPH. YEAR. (ESTABLISHED JAR 14, 1836.) CAKPBfcTBRS WILL BE- MAM) INCilEAHEl) WAGER Notice Given Contractors that Bfginhiiig Api'il 1 a Scale of 50c 911 Mom 1 will be Ashed. In Alton have received' notie. from the carpenters union that beginning April ithe contrae- tors mtist expect to figure on, flo ALTON, ILL, MONDAY EVENING, JAN.

6, 190l (JNffOBTUNATIfi GUILD, MRS. C. INJURED BY BAD FALL, Mrs. Jffas Tumbled pqtyn Short -flight of Deal with in Caseoi Wtt Fanny Frigid, Mre. 8.

Dtamitlj today look to 13d- minded girl of twclvtvwho hau ibeon sinned against sadly. and Wlio needs and Market in Darkness. JEWISH-WEDDING ON SUNDAY BIG EVENT. Delay in Arrival of Rabbi Postpones time for Ceremony, Famishing Couple Wait. it 6implo on Se'von eonta an hour ari jpay for in I somo treatment that will restore her to health.

The mother will not cjt- vnlge the name of the persons spoimiblG for the condition of her yhild, and today Mrs. Demuth caught tlio mother, 'who has-moved across tho n-lvor taking her family with her, except Fanny, and Dninuth liiitended to put the on her and force her'to tell what the simple minded child cannot toll sat- Tho mother locked in a (private room at the police while Demwth attending to other business wlBn the police 'matron went'to hold tenMe'w with the 'Friend-girl's mother, she found that someone" had opened the door and the woman had out through the po- and getting away. the carpenter line. The carpenters tiro ret'olvlng cents an hour. It said today by builders that they ')II go slow in taking contracts until tho wage question IB settled.

The advance asked wou4d Jnerease tin wages of carpenters 40 cents a day. 'Prices of lunnber have it Is inld by lumber dealers. One lumber today said that on all kinds of 'rough lumber, which includes -inoRi tho material used In housQs, there is a good decrease in hut that fine i um Siockmeler, living treot near Alby, was hurt Saturday night by down a short flight of steps at the corner of Fifth and Market very badl uM lf hi A delay in the arrival of the rahbi who was to pea-form the ceremony came near causing the groom to collapse, Sunday evening, at Concord! hall, Second and Oak Mreels, wher 10c PER WEEK GO BRAG TOO. A Black Tborn Shillelagh Society to be Organized in Alton to Offset the Turnvererein. ANTI-SALOON T10N FOKMED IN ALTON.

-at the northwest corner of I William Teimenbaum was to tak Mrs. to, wife iMSsu Mary Moldafsky, tin turn I comely and attractive daughter the (First Baptist church. Sieckmoler was making the around the corner there and, too sihort, the darkness she down the granitoid and Jcrseyvlllo Mail Badly Beaton. li'lhu iFulk, says ho 'Is 57 and HIVCS In Jqrseyvllle, applied for at the -police station tl(4s after- Ile was In a dazed condition, One eye was swollen and discolored and ho bad a bad cut on his head and another mad injury on one leg. He cla'lras to havo been sot upon by a man he did' not know, while stay- lug at place he could not tell the location of in the He looked as if he had been struck by a Jocjv niotlvo.

HP was turned Dr. The man was hurt to bo ablo to give any information as lo how he happened to be hurt, i. ing fell fractured one arm and sustained bad -wound on her Tho stone the. foot of the steps was stained with 'Mrs. iSleckemoier's blood.

She was picked up and aided to get hbnie, where a surgeon attended her. It Is claimed 'by the husband of the Injured woman that in tho 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Accord Ing to the rules of the church a bridal couple must abstai' from 'food all of the day of the-'wedding, and when it' is remembered that the day begins at o'clock th-, night before, during which neithei food iior drink may pass the lips of the the suffering of.

the bride and groom may bo imagined. They were ready in the darkness fils wife could not see tha I bride with hcr family, and all wear- 'Mot where is she will not the place at the corner. (An electric light at the corner of Fourth and Market streets, one block aw.ay, has been ing their bridal array, together with the groom, were seated In the hall waUintg at o'clock to be the out'for four or five nights suo-I first there so they could greet the able to get of her again. The conduct Of the mother iudicatesvslie is shielding 'iome mctnbc-r of her husband's 1 fawli Hy, and" the simple minded child' 0 'ttory confirms it. Mrs.

Demuth said that she would lay the matter before Judge Hiltek'Ottor and through him try to have some disposition made of the child, who is' in a condition. i Man Shot at Wood IllviT Heights Saloon. A forc'iRiicr was shot In the hip tills afternoon in Kowalskl's saloon at Wood River Heights, near th? Standard Oil refinery. Dr. C.

N. summoned to attend htm. The man is srfid to bo badly' hurt. The shooting was the result of a Tight. To Gadiei- up Clothing.

'Capl. MeDavic, of the- Salvatlo-i An "tatos the lA.rmy wagon will bore tomorrow to gather up, such Liothing as the charitable people do' not need and are to give to the army to distribute among, destitute. Now Factory ut Grafton. f'Mayor Journey says that progress Is being made in organizing the "200,000 corporation to manufacture fire proofing at Grafton. The mar teritfl ifor making five proofing, blue Is found in large at rafton.

The plant have a capacity of 1,500 tons day. although notice has been to the company, yet 110 effort seems to be taken to fix It. There is no doubt that, if the light had been burning, the accident 'would not. have occurred as, with the assistance of electric lamps at Sixth and and Fifth and Alby, a block away each, the place wouid have been betler illuminated. OALFSA1W TQ.KK ON IlKOOIU).

IR. L. B8rd has from a visit at City, 111. Mr. and" Mrs.

H. leave tomorrow for a visit in New Orlpans. Mrs. C. 'F.

Sparks and daughter, Katherlnc, accompanied by" Mrs. Esther Carter oif Ieav9 for Orleans tomorrow to spend several months. In Possession of Kiigcno Elfgen of tlnv North Days Old, Weighed Twenty Pounds. Peter (Meyer, the Godfrey dairyman called up B. F.

Elfgen, the livestock dealer, Monday morning over the phone and, said, "I wish you would come over at once. I have a young cow here that is wholly and your help in handling, her would be appreciated." (Mr. felfgen hurried out to the 'Afeyfif farm and found the "yothig cow'' to be a ten days old calf which 'Wias the smallest thing in a bovine way he had ever seen. The 'animal is perfect in everyway with nothing guests aa they arrived. When o'clock came the rabbi had not appeared and 'word caime he would be delayed.

Then the minutes rolled by and It was 7:30 o'clock before the announcement was the ceremony would begin. In the meantime the groom and bride were on the verge of collapse, although the smiling bride betrayed no sign of her weakness. The invitations ha1 not been limited to those of tha there was a large attendance of Alton peaple. Among those present "with hats on" as they say in society were Mayor Beall, Police Commissioner Morfoot, John Pastor- ions, with high hat and Prince Albert, Adam Dietz, Col. Jim Pack and wife and other notables.

The ceremony, as said by the rabbi, is in Hebrew and as the bridal couple understand the dialect known Yiddish, it was necessary to translate A blackthorn shillelagh society will bo organized in Alton within a few weeks by descendants of the Kings of Old Ireland In order that the benevolent assimilation of Irish Americans by the Alton Turnvereln may not altogether put an end in Alton to the Gaelic language and 10 even memories of Old Erin. There aro several Altouians of Irish descent who can speak the German language fluently and several of these held a meeting last evening in the Eastern part of the city, which was prolonged until midnight, arranging for a. gabfest in German In order to prove by competent judges that have one man at least outside of the Alton rurn-Verein who can talk better Gei- nan and more German than any member of the Turners of Irish descent. The test will be of a conversational nature and the conversation uust last at least thirty minutes. The contest will be held in private Petitions Bo Put in Circn- Jntion to Gel, Signatures of 1,000 Voters.

BATTLE OVER NATIONAL for them what the rabbi THEN IF YOU WANT Promptness, courtesy, finest quality and assortment connection with providing your table with seasonable goods, you tV due to become a customer of this market. Monarch Minco finest on tho Market, per, Ib 15c. D. p. Mince Meat, something pur Ib 12 1-2c.

Starr Brand Mince nack- 10c D. B. Apple Butter, as good as made, per Ib 15 Acorn Brand applo butter, per pound 10c. Swann Brand Apple Butter, 2 pounds 1Sc. D.

B. Chow Chow, per Ib 10c. D. B. Sour Mixed Tickles, per pound 10c.

D. B. pickled Onions, per Ib 10c. D. B.

Queen Olives, per Ib 20c. B. sweet mixed Pickles, per pound ioc. D. B.

Celery Relish, Ib 10c. D. B. Sweet Relish, Ib J.LUA1D11, iU 1-ancy Navol Oranges per dozen 500., 4 3S 3 250. and i c.

Washington Cash Market, 310 Washington street, Aug.B. Luer, Prop. Phones 311. peculiar about it except Its size. It was proseii'ted to Eugene Blfgen, son o.f B.

by Mr. Meyer, and after it reached the Elfgen in Alton it the store of John.Rain and weighed. It weighed a scant twenty pounds and- must have weighed 1 only ten or twelve pounds w'hen iborn. iMr. Meyer and M.r.

Blfgen both of wlrom have had long and varied experiences with live-stock of all kinds, say Ihe calf Is undoubtedly Ihe smallest specimen of the bovine breed of which there is any recor 1 anynvhorc. The mother and sire ol the calf aro both large and of mixed Jersey and Holsteln blood. John Throde and wife, William Thrcdo and wiife, Lenus Thredo an.l wife, 'Mrs. Adolph IHnnt, Mrs. David Aswogo and Eda Stoltzo left for today to attend tho funeral of a relative.

turned the "SEARCHLIGHT OF TKUTH" on the cost of merchandise Saturday 1 11 finc can he at L( PRICES. Saturday we started the GKIiAJhSP CUT PRICE SALE ever held in Alton which drew an immense crowd When you can buy goods, of highest quality fur Mich prices as we are naming during this sale why you more? 6 l-3c. Qiallics SC. Flannelette iSc. Silkolines 200.

Dc'iims 13 j-2c. -Iluck Towels Tani O'Slianters SQC. Tani. O'Shanters 500, Fascinators 20e. Dress, Sutine "$,.

Knit 'Skirts yc. i ic. 'lie. I Host Spool Thread Ijest Pearl JJiittons Silkaieen, all colors i Featherstitch 15raid Joe. Heauty Pins I5c.

Child's C'iarters Best (irailc Oilcloth u- 25c. Stoclc Collars Windsor Tics Infants' Caps Meuncn's Talcum Powder nc. SOC. Garler's, Silk yjc. J5C.

Tooth lirnshcK or. 500. Holt Ihicklos j(jt-. I Ucst HI-ASS pins Best Danflng Cotton 3, Uest Safety Pius Grade Nvwiles The ceremony was under a canop supported by. four posts, beneat which the groom took his posftio and th-e bride with her attendant and relatives circled around him All the wedding party males wor t.heir hats during the ceremony Wax tapers were handed to the guests 'and while these burned the ceremony proceeded.

According to tho ritual, the rabbi after a few words hands a'glass of wine to the bride and then to groom, aftei taking a drink himself, and after all have pledged themselves, the groom smashes it underfoot, to signify Hint so shall all differences In life be crushed out. There came near bo- ing a hitch at this as the only glass in was a' heavy one and the groom protested ho would be unable to smash it, weak as he was from fasting, so a hurried search had to bo made for a thin glaBs which would easily yield to being crushed and so there was no failure of the good luck omen. At the conclusion of tiho ceremony everyone (hrougod around the couple aivl gave congratulations after which tho mother of the bride and a brother- in-law of the bride, David Schneider, danced the Jewish kazachkie, an old time jig in which th-3 bride's mother showed youthful vigor and agility. Then the weddiiuj supper was served and everyone was invited, to partake of a fine feast and to pledge the health of tlu couplo. The attendants at the marriage were Jacob Moldafsky and Miss KK- ther Gestane, the latter a young Jewess of remarkable beauty, who has just arrived from London, land.

'After the ceremony a dance took place and tho dancing was kept up until a late hour, music being fur- ulshed by a SI. Louis Jo'wish 01- rhpstrn of four pieces, which wi enough to get even tho most sedat of the guests tho The couplo will take a woddln trip In tlie South and on their turn tho groom will resume his pr slllon In tho Boston Store. What might have been an Interesl Ing featuro of the wedding was Hi arrival of a relative of tlio hrld who had received a apodal invltatioi lo Ktay a'way. He liad o-vldonth omo to mukt 1 trouble and it wan 'eared ho would, but tho presence police probably awod him am Ki romalnod ijulol. and annfijt'd n( oxcopt In having carried out threat'to bo present nolwltii- landlng the plainly expressed irobably this evening and each of the wo contestants will select a compe- ent Judge.

These two judges will elect a third and the winner will bo at once challenged to a. public debate ID German In Turner hall so that the general public may hear them and judge for themselves whether the Turnverein owns the best German talker or not. The winner will have the honor of being the most expert Irish German linguist in Madison county and will also be presented with the harp that once thro Tara's hall. At least the promoters of the coatest have discoveerd a very old harp which they think may be the one that Ireland lost and it will be made to do service for the occasion. 'The initials of both of the Irish Americans who will engage'in -tlie contest tonight are but is desired to keep their full names concealed until tomorrow when the name of the winner as well as that of the loser will be announced, together with tho date when the publici do- bate will take place.

There Is no good reason why an Irishman or descendant of an Irishman can not speak German well. Anybody who The anil-saloon was formed In Alton at a meeting In tin Young Men's Christian Association rooniK, this afternoon. There was a good attendance. Dr. W.

Mno- was elected 1 chairman and W. Norton was elected secretary of tin organization. It was said after tin meeting tint a committee o'f fourteen had liken elected, the names being wHhhicld until the persons chopen coulrt be wen and their consent to servo could be secured. canvass will be made through every voting precinct in the township, it is proposed to get about one thousand names on the petition, or more, as the anti-saloon people desire to have considerable margin upon which to work. The law requires that the names of per cent of the voters be signed to the asking the submission of the question of abolishing- saloons.

The vote upon which tho petition must be based is that taken in tho last township election on the first Tuesday in Ajpril, mo'. The highest vote last April was on the office of collector, Free For All Fight akusos Co siderahlc Bloodshed in ard Hotel Saturday Nigit A free for all battle occurra. night in tho Standard III Uonbow City over tho questll which nut Ion represented thol superior. Since the Standard began building its refinery a 1 mixed up assortment of nation! ias been employed there. It is Umost every nation is repres 'liina having contributed one ons recently.

the nations represented could! isree nni a world's war took which knives and revolver rawn and everybody 'here was shooting and slashln, ivc or six men were wounded, the victims woro badly cut is said one was hurt so- it thought he might die. The quo! of superiority remained unless it should be conceded John Barleycorn whipped all of til he being the principal factor in moling the row. Great Grniiclpii Cutter. 'Mr. and Mrs.

George Cutter of Twelfth and Easton great 'grandparents streets today became by the of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Lyons in St. Louis. Mrs.

Lyons is a daughter of Roscoe Cutter and a granddaughter of George Cutter. Mr. and Cora B. Land, one of tho teachers In the north side public schools, while spending her vacation with St. Louis friends was taken ill with the grip and is too sick 10 teach.

She to 'Alton last night but has been confined to her her; since. (Algent Browning of the U. S. press company says he expects begin doing 'business for his cot pany in the office in the man building on Front street Wed can talk Irish can talk any language nesday of this'week, on the face of the earth with ease after a day and half's and this is why the fellows who can talk Ger- I man are jealous of the prominence I Saturday in St. Louis.

He died las given the German-speaking Irish who Thursday from pneumonia. He wa have become members of a strictly a brother of Bernard Derwin, William Derwin, a former wel known resident of Alton was German society. 'Four wardmasteir here. DEATH OF MK8. E.

HANSON IN CHICAGO. Husband's Hotly Alton Hm-icd S. FConnor and Mrs. J. X.

Hrun, I 'Jack" Thomas, who was injure; several 'months ago in an oxplosioi at Armstrong's quarry was able to around town this afternoon with assistance. Sunday at the home of er son-in-law, Charles Handle, rcxel bouloivard, Chicago. She was I years of a-ge. Mrs. 'Hafcson was evening at the home of J.

Logan on Henry street. A large number of Altonians and residents of adjacent territory will the widow of Natihaniel Hanson, who leave tomorrow for 'Corpus was the owner of tho Alton Agricul- Texas, on a land viewing trip. tural Works in its palmy days 'when Alton was a great distributing center for agricultural supplies. Mr. Hanson died in Alton when his business was at Its best, and he was burled In City cemetery.

The messages received did not say whether the interment would be in Alton beside the body of Mrs. (Hanson's hiiu- liand. I'rof. 'Jerome 'lecture Coiirioardeil Much interest is being doe! in the coming, course of lectures I be given by Prof. Jerome which begins next Friday in the Twelfth street church, many Alton people who have eel extensively abroad 'a ill be dally interested in thus revlsi'ii these attractive cities and for U'ii se many others who have yet befoe lat a them the pleasure of actually vlsifectlve'j I nig tbe places shown, the series wibur'nine' bo particularly valuable.

The lecture is upon that gateway ttt modern and like all series lustra ted by hand-colored con views. The. low price of course, (o lectures for Innately puts the.o,_ in the reach ail. promises to be faslifonafojy pfbulitf faf Dispute Over Possession ol' A suit was on trial in court today before JusUce Upper Alton, over Schwa'llensticker quarry. Schwallenstlcker, who has husband, Louis Schwallenstie livorce, claimed to own and that her son, Alfred, thrown up a lease on the prt) vas still trying to exercise over it.

AM tho justices vere subpoenaed to dlsqi-- the trial of the hange of venue was taken ustice Thornton. Justice Elden Tpper Alton was working at on a building a block froml olico court and by agreomem as sent for and laying ools lie repaired to the police CS id donned tho judicial ormlrJ out the conflicting IMrs. (II. A. Betx of Louis Is spending a couple of days In Alton looking after her property Interests and calling on friends.

Tho regular meeting of itho 'C IT. will bo hold tomorrow fc noon In the 'First 'Methodist parlors. Business of Impo tanco'U be transacted and a full atteiuj is desired. eronco of tho bride and groom that 10 be absent. W.

V. Throdo went to Nllwood ton, day to attend the funeral of rein Funeral of ,1. Dnrlli. Tho funeral of George J. Barlh was held Sunday afternoon at o'clock from tho homo, at Pearl street and tho Vandalia road an.l 'was attended by a very large of people, many coming from other places.

At tho house funeral si vices were conducted bj; tho Jlev. 1' L. Mueller of the Gorman Evangel! cul church and at the graveside i the City re-metery the burial -servici woro In charge of the fraternal or dor of HagleH and wore conducted li State Chaplain -Waller Cobeck an Pasl President John Homer In most Impressive manner. The ISaglo and the members of tlio (iermr.n Benevoli'iit society of both of orders deceased was a member tended the ob.s<«|uios) and contrihul- eil beautiful floral ofl'orlngK an di.l many Individuals who had known young man. Tho pallbearers were John Lynn, HERE'S WHERE That's Easy I'lii'edc, llol'rman mid Henry All but four at (Jorinan lU'iiovolont Hocloty at- cndcd the funeral.

AND Minor Watson will tomorrow or Dt'lsfleld, to romiine John's MIlHary Anul" Quality Great Are Bunched Together. rh SESSEL'S Arc making a grand on Fall Winter Suits and Overcoats. The are so Low on the grades offered that vi can't afford to let the opportunity pas GET BUSY. ON 1'IASA ST. AT TJJIRIJ-hV ALTON,.

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