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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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RIGHT (ARK.) COURIER NEWS TUESDAT, MAY 8, "THE BLYTHEVILLB COURIER NEWS THE COURIER KVNS OO BAIMI8, JAUX8 L. VERHUEPF Editor PADL HUUAN, AdTtrtialPt NaUonrJ Adrertltlnt 1 Wallaoa Wiuner Co. York. Chlwio Oetrolt AUanU Afttrnoon Bicept Sunda? Jtoccred second tlut mattei at the port. Blytbevllle.

ArktnBM. under acl ol Octobei Mem bet Aatoclattd SUBSCRIPTION RATES: carrier to cltj ol BlythevlUe or anr i iuburban town where carrlei service to -flato flamed XK per neek 01 pel month Bj mall, withlr radius ol 60 mllea H.OO per fear HOOtoi month! 11.00 tot three monthr. by mill SO per Ten payiblt In advance Meditations only hath immorUlitr, dwelling In wKlch ao mm can approach nnlo; whom mm hath nor can io whom by honour cVcrlulliii. Tlmolhjr Tht nearer I approach the end, the plainer 1 hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worltia which invite It marvelous, yet i im pie has been cracking the whip and getting things dons indicates thai things are going to be different around the department, under its new boss. 11 lias been urged that the secretary of defense be given greater authority in the interest of efficiency, economy and real unity.

No doubt he needs it. But one gets the idea that even under present setup Mr. Johnson will see to it that the lines of command and responsibility are stronger and more clearly defined. Under these circumstances we think Dial a man of Mr. Koyall's temperament will be happier out of the government.

Some of his former associates may reach tlie same conclusion about themselves. For it seems evident from his present puce that Secretary Johnson is out to make short work of jealousy, bickering, cross-purposes and publicity contests among the services. Here's hoping he doesn't slow down. 'Barbs We'll soon reading about 'soino star rookie who it good to last drop. Keportt now come frcxl hai rtunt cnn- able damait In peath crop In Cflunty, Ohio.

Are high prices llstenlni InT A French boxer kissed his opponent after losing to him. He got In one jood smaclc, anyway. BHnt locked oul at Is a minor compared lo piano pla.ver who It's open to debate whether it's more dangerous for a man to allow his wile to drive his cur or refuse to let her. Health Bulletin Sonic concern is being fell for the health of President Truman's federal health insurance plan. It is feared that it may have contracted a chill in the change from Die warm comfort of the White House to a cool reception on Capitol Hill.

The Brannan Farm Plan Too Individualistic 1 Matters of Policy Judging from some of liia speeches, Kenneth Royall in an individualist who, secretary of war and later of the Army, spoke firat as Kenneth Royall and second as a member of the govern- t. ment. As a consequence the official Mr. Royall found himself with his foot in mouth ou a of embarrassing occasions. There was lhe time that offered the off-hand opinion that the Army would not try to defend Japan if it waa invaded.

The fact-that maybe the Army couldn't defend it successfully did noth- ing to quiet the shocked and angry pro- testi that followed his remark. Nor ctid official denials that followed do much to inspire public confidence. recently the retired secretary came forth with the news that western European leaders wanted more American ground forces on the continent, though where and how many was not disclosed. These were not the only times that Mr. Royall dealt policy off the cuff.

But they probably represent the most momentous subjects which ht handled in casual, independent fashion. This is said out of no disrespect for a man with a. splendid record in two wars. As a member and sub-member of the Cabinet, he apparently worked hard and left the Army in good shape. We bring these instances up as evidence thai ilr.

Koyall's attitude toward mailers requiring high-level, co-ordinated decisions is typical of the general attitude of the three armed services under "unification." The final decision on whether America would try to defend Japan in event of war would hardly seem to ue up to the Army. Us recommendations might count most heavily in thai final decision, but they would be should be after consultation and agreement with the other services. To announce the alleged decision, as Jlr. Koall did, was scarcely in the cotni- try's best interests. But if the announcement was necessary, then surely the President and Commander in Chief, or at lease the secretary of uelense, was the logical person lo do the announcing.

Mr. Koyall's disclosure of tlie request for more ground and bis hint of favorable disposition toward it, had even less justification. Here he was discussing what might be one of the most fateful moves that his government could make, short of a declaration of war. Its implications covered the whole range of American policy as well as practical questions of tremendous scope. Yet it was tossed as a sort of vague aside into some of Mr.

Royall's testimony before a congressional committee. We do not look for any more such slips under Defense Secretary Jolinson. fc will But way hi VIEWS OF OTHERS "Land of Opportunity or The "Land of Opportunity" Is the advertising slogan for the slate of Arkansas. It is a catchy descriptive phrase that, under proper conditions could be very u.seu] In presenting the claims of our state to a place in the sun. Nevertheless, unless our leaders quit setting up bases within our slate for the self-confessed, self- evident purpose of capitalizing on the higher moral standards the stales about us are trying to maintain, Arkansas will become known as a land of opportunists instead of a "land of opportunity." our quick divorce laws Arkansas has openly entered into competition wilh the divorce racket, of Reno that has long been a national disgrace.

For the few dirly dollars It produces, our laws make it possible for citizens of other states lo secure easy divorce In Arkansas who would Mud ll difficull to secure a divorct in their native state. The city or Memphis and western Tennessee have been uneasy for a long lime, and they still uneasy, lest Arkansas, for a few paltry dollars, license a race Irack just across the river from the avowed purpose ot securing IUs larger patronage from the citizens of a state which, by laws prohibits racetrack gambling. Our latest bid for the reputation of being a state cheap opportunities is found in the Issuing of three, wholesale liquor export permils by the State Revenue Department. The ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT discussed lhe malter under the caption "State Gives 'Bootlegging' Legal Okeh." In the article it was staled thai the stale Revenue Commissioner, "Didn't deny the intention of the act was to enable Arkansas to compete with Louisiana and Illinois in supplying liquor lo me neighboring dry states of Oklahoma and Mississippi." Arkansas may now have a legal right to Issue a license for wholesale liquor exports from lhe slale. It does not have a moral right to issue such a license lo any group oJ people will) the knowledge that they expect to use Arkansas as a base of operation lor defying and undermining the laws of a neighboring state.

When we do. morally, we become parliceps crlmlms tlie whole dirly business of bootlegging liquor In a slate that by (lie vote of Its own citizenship has declared against the sale of liquor to Its people. METHODIST. Indian Masses Seem Pleased With New Crown Relationship Washington News Notebook PETER EDSONS German Trade Fair Held in New York Reflects Good Judgment, Tolerance WASHINGTON (NEA) first postwar German trade fair lo be held In the United States closed In New York recently, with more than usual slem'icance. The lair was arranged by the U.

S. military government In Germany. Before the fair opened, there uere a number of threats that it would be picketed, boycotted, run ut of the country. But ran a full two weeks at New York's Museum of Science and Industry In Rockfeller Plaza, with only two minor disturbances. This record represents a victory for thrf tolerance and common sense of lhe American people In general and American Jewish organizations in particular.

Objections to holding this fair came from several sources. First, Jewish war veterans opposed letting any German into America, since It was suspected they would all be ex-Nazis. Second, other Jewish organizations opposed promoting the sale of German manufactured goods- in the United States. Third. American business groups feared German competition In U.

S. and world markets. Admission of ex-Nazis was handled by the U. S. military government in Germany.

carefully screened all German businessmen wanting to come lo America. Seven hundred applicants were rejected. The 250 finally admitted on temporary visas were all certified as having no Nazi connections. Jewish Support Sought Military government officials from Washington did considerable lobbying with prominent Jews to get their support tor the fair. Leadership in most of the organizations saw the need for building up German exports.

But some of the The DOCTOR SAYS fly Edwin r. Jordan, M. D. Written for NEA Service When a. human being becomes Infected with the virus which causes poliomyelitis, there may be no obvious signs of the disease.

In other cases a slight fever, lasting from one to seven days, may occur, perhaps with a mild I throat, nausea, some pain in the abdomen, or headache. This may be accompanied by some stiffness o( the spine and perhaps painful In the typical cases of polio, the symptoms mentioned are likely to be followed by varying degrees of muscular paralysis or other signs showing that the spinal cord or lower part of the brain have been attacked. There are many questions which still cannot be answered. The cause is almost certainly a virus which Is something like a germ, although much smaller.

We do not know, however, how the disease is spread: Animals Are Possibility Although the virus is generally supposed to go from person to person by some more or less direct loute. it may be present In some domestic animal or In some growing food It is not even known whcthe the virus is spread through the air and breathed into the human body by something which is eaten and swallowed Into the stomach and intestinal tract. There Is som evidence on both sides. Why should polio become mor frequent in the late summer months and early fall? This has not yet been explained.

It seems to he true, however, that each year polio begins to become more frequent, in the spri'-g in southern sections of the northern hemisphere and as the weather warms up it goes north. There must be some vital clues which will explain the things about polio which are not yet understood. When they have been found so that the danger from polio can be reduced, all of us will breath a sigh of relief. B.v BeWlli AP Forelfn AffalM Analyst IndU is happy over the historic agreement which permits her to become a republic and still remain a member of the British commonwealth of knowledgir.g the sovereignty of tiSF king-emperor. That In, the articulate portions of India's 300.000.CWO as a whole are pleased.

However, there are a few wliich are bound to be regretful Outstanding among them are the hundreds ol princes who have lost their thrones since India was granted Independence nearly two years ago, and now 1 see the severing of the last tie with the imperial "glories" of the past. Since India gained her freedom, lhe native principalities and their rulers have come under control of he New Delhi government. Even the nizam of Hyderabad, reputed to je the world's richest man and sovereign of the greatest state In India, has had to bow to the new era. The fate of the big state of Kashmir alone remains unsettled pending a plebiscite among the people to see whether they prefer to join Hindu India or the ing Moslem dominion of Pakistan. Princes Must Go It is well that these princes should so, for they are anachronisms which have no place in this atomic age of ours.

Still one can understand the feelings of potentates, some of whom were links in bejeweled dynasties reaching back many dreds years. The of the princes forms one of the striking pages of history. Thi pomp and splendor surrounding them had to be seen to be believed. I saw much ol it at one time or another, for I was a guest in the palaces of some of the great ma- liarajahs, and attended one vice- reaal function in New Delhi which fair'y blazed with millions of dollars worth of gems worn by fortj of India's princes. of the rulers had the pow- Nazi and were Ger- ank and file, remembering atrocities against relatives friends In Hitlerite Germany dead set against giving the mans any break at all.

Other organizations American Jewish Committee, il'nai B'rith and National Community Relations Advisor: to support the fair and encourage German recovery within the agreed-on Allied limits of industrial production. Aim of the U. S. military government in arranging the fair wns to promote the sale of German manufactured goods in the U. S.

There is a selfish interest In this, from the American taxpayer's point of view. The D. S. government now supports the west German economy to lhe tune about 000.000 a year. In 1948.

exports from the three western zones of Ger- many amounted to about J660.000,- i 000. That left a German trade de- of The only way this unfavorable balance of trade can be reduced is by helping the Germans earn more, through the sale of their exports. The sale or orders of German products shown at the New York fair may have been disappointingly small. More than 500 German manufacturers from the American, British and French zones entered displays of their wares. They were principally cameras, ceramics, textiles, optical and consumer goods.

Some printing and wood-working machinery was shown. All products were within the restrictions against manufacture of heavy industry and military supplies. Some Goods Considered Competitive About half the goods shown were comptitive to XT. textiles were cheap poor In They threat to American considered goods. The price, but offer little business.

Since the end of the Tar. the U. S. military government authorities have been permitting American businessmen go to Germany and re-establish pre-war trade relations. Between 4000 and 5000 American businessmen have made these trips.

But their progress ha.s been slow and trade development has been lagging. The Leipzig trade fair was held I in the Russian zone in 1947. but General Clay barred American zone I participation in 1948. Last year, I however, western German indus- tries had exhibits at Milan and Stockholm' international trade fairs, and they drew well. That led ot the idea of the New York trade fair.

cost some $300,000 to put on. It it comes close to breaking even on sale of admission tickets and catalogs, it. will probably taken on tour to other U. S. buying centers.

Now that the German Ruhr reparations and factory dismantling Issues hav? been agreed upon, the Germans can begin to plan for their future in international trade, with some certainty. In final analysis, all that th Marshall flan operation now doe is furnish western Gern.any am all European Recovery countries with goods they can't buy. because of low exports. The idea of having the United States buv more goods from Europe may come hard. But it is the only way to make Europe self-supporting.

Note: Dr. Jordan is unable to answer individual questions from readers. However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions In his column. THE DOCTOR ANSWER By Dr. Edwin P.

Jordan, M. Question: Can any serious difficulty develop from a calcium deficiency? Answer: Serious difficulty is pos- er of and death over their subjects. They paid homage to onlj one the king-emperor. Back in 1916 I was for a fortnight the guest of the late Maharajah ol Gwaller. one ol the most powerful of Ihr princes.

We were chatting one day about the relationship between the princes and the British government, and he emphasized importance of the position of th! kinj-eraperor In the minds of th( rulers. They looked more the sovereign than lo his government. "LH me put it this way," satd his highness. "The princes are tlvi shillings hi the pound for the erninen'. and fifteen shillings In pound for his majesty." (You the most common signs being tn poli't when you figure that then the teeth and bones, which or- art twenty shillings In an English quantities llnarily contain large calcium.

The whiskers of cats are special organs to touch. The base of each whisker Is surrounded by many nerves, and the cat can feel the slightest pressure on the ends of whiskers. pound And don't let anybody tell yov that the British government didn'l this reverence for thi See MacKENZIE on page 10. 75 Years Ago In Blytheville IN HOLLYWOOD SO THEY SAY HOLLYWOOD By Erskine NEA Staff Correspondent Is still com- lace Bcery's death ended his career plimcnted by fans for his wondcr- (ul performance. They simply wont We are In an era of startling medical progress.

But as medical care becomes better, It also becomes more expensive. The traditional method oE paying for medical care cannot meet the health needs of today At the same lime thai our Knowledge of how to provide medical care Is at its highest point, more and more people are unable lo afford President Truman. I could make half a million a year just rpteree- iug figbu and wrestling matches I could get myself bor.kcd night In lhe week, but It would interfere with my Joe Louis, denying rumors thai br is bankrupt. The European Recovery Program lias progressed much more favorably than anyone could realize without having been In Europe in that period fear and hopeless despondency after the failure of the Moscow conference In the ot George C. Marshall.

should be recognized tliat. for the main part, tbe solution of China's problems Is largely one for I lie Chinese Secretary ol State Dean Atomic energy is more lhan a weapon ol dcMrudion. It Is a great new weapon in the war on disease, a thai already appears as epochal as lhe invention of the David E. l.ilicnthal. chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.

Prices are declining, unemployment Is Increasing, and we may be. headed for a violent economic Rep. Lawrence H. Smith o( Wisconsin. 1 Just as Erich von Slroheim, his side-kick of World War I films, res- believe that it was umed Ills Hollywood career in Par- in lhe role.

1 amount's "Sunset Boulevard." Von Stroheim. Berry and Bull Montana col their first real breaks pictures simply because they I were ugly. The producers wanted ugly, big men to play German officers during World War I and the three of them were kept busy. Von Stroheim particularly will I never forget lhe German submarine commander role Berry played (in a film tilled. "Behind the Door." Afler all thrse years, people still think Von Stroheim played the Wallace Beery McKENNEY ON BRIDGE By William E.

McKc.nnej America's Card AulhorUy Wrillcn for NEA Service Proper Trump Play for Success was a one-session individual con- lest, in which the players play with different partners each round and against different opponents. The popularity of the event was proven when the entery list went up to 172 players. It resulted in a tie for first place between Robert Henry Cohen and Louis Kcllner, both of New York City. Correct handling of the trump situation In today's liand helped Mr. Cohen to win.

The opening lead of the Jack of clubs was won in dummy with the ace and the ace of spades was immediately cashed. Declarer then led a small program llmrt from dummy to the queen Now the problem was how to play the spade suit. Mr. Cohen did not make the mistake of laying down the jack of spades. He knew he had to hold his spade losers to two, so he made the correct play of a small spade.

Thus he lost only two trumps and one diamond. Read Courlei News Want Ads Miss Margaret Cross, daughter pi Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cross, wm will become the bride of Edward Seagraves of Luxora on Sunday was complimented at two partie) yesterday. Mrs.

Matt entertained with a breakfast at, her home and Mrs. Francis Carpenter and Miss Hazel Hardic were cohostesses at a supper at the Hardin home las' night. Mrs. Berry B. Brooks and daughter.

Virginia, of Memphis, a-: guests of her mother, Mrs. Allan Walton for several days. Mrs Walton has been in Memphis with hei daughter since Mr Brooks left weeks ago for a five weeks wile game hunt in Mexico. N. B.

Mcnard Alton Hood Robert Rceder and Leroy Brown members of the high school boyi quartet who won first honors ir the district meet at Jonosboro, wil leave tomorrow morning for Conway. where they are to in the state meet tomorrow nlgj 1 They are to be accompanied 3r Earl B. pianist, and Charlc; T. Kramer, coach.

1 Part. was about 1917. Wally lold 1 Erich he had landed the part, and i Norma Foster is chuckling over a news dispatch which listed him among Hollywood's "young directors," He was an extra in Gloria Swanson's "Manhandled" and became a director 15 years ago! wee! Carleton Morse's "One Man's Family" scripts are being geared for television. The show may be the first to broadcast for bolh radio and TV simultaneously. Warner Brothers are again talking about a musical for Joan Craw- Songstress ford and Fred Astaire.

i You can really call 'em "Bev- wanted Von stroheim's advice and', ly Hjl)s Bjl lcs now Square dan- I assistance in make-up and costume. They went to a costume rental house and Beery tried on a Germany navy uniform. Beery didn't like tlie lUhl collar hill Von Slrohrim. who had been an army officer In his natlvr Austria, assured him thai II was necessary. Next Beery wanted a shaved head I like Erich's famed haircut tradr- mark.

Then he wanted a saber scar In imitation of Erich's, which 1 happens lo be the real thing. A make-up man did that Job on I Beery. InsUlrrt on Monocle Bcery's final rcqnesl was for a monocle and Instruction In wear- Ing one. Von Rlrohelm assured Beery that the average submarine officer wouldn't use this type of eyeglass. But Wally was adameul.

So VonStrnhcim loaned him one from his collection, gave Viim some instruction on how to wear II and some other lips on military hearing. Beery played the role and (he Him hframf one ot the mml nemorablt 9t lhat tra. cms has Invaded the swank Beverly Hills Hotel. One professional dance caller has an agent: Mourning Over Howard Hughes has stopped mourning over "Mourninc Becomes Elcctra." which has played briefly in only six U.S. theaters.

He's cul exactly one hour out of the three-hour show late this summer. Kirk Douglas' wife. Diana, is bc- i Ing nagrd by Broadway I Stunte.s isn't sharing In the excile- mrni over the film version of "Born Yesterday." Talking about the hit play. Pro.ston said: "I message becomes massage." Generally championship tournaments are held over a weekend, beginning Friday and ending on Sunday. P.cginnal championship events.

however, require an entier of play, and Ihese regional tournaments have good representation fron all the surrounding stales. The recent Eastern States regional championships tournament New Yrrk had a schedule which was sprcac- out over a month. The mixed paii event was held on one Sunday, while the mixed tcam-of- fonr was 'held on the following Sunday. Although lhe participant Toniir Gilford Irlephonrd his neighborhood movie ho.isc and asVcd: "Tell whal docs Hit popcorn RO on time All members of wasp communities, except a few die at the approach of cold weather. 102 QJ4 1092 1 vul.

South iVMt North Eisl Pass Pass I Pass 1A Pass 3N.T Pass 4 4 Pass Pass Pass this mostly from metr politan York, most of the even were ladr than usual. A new Went was tried out th and proved popular- HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted vocalist, Sherlce 7 She is a radio ISOIeic acid ester 14 Hebrew ascclic 15 Scalier 16 Asiatic kingdom 18 Dutch city 19 Oars 21 Exisl 23 Possesses 26 Asseveralff 6 grass 7 Validate Small island 9 Nova Scotia lab.) 10 Turn left 11 Conclusion 12 Scottish shcepfold 11 Paid (ab IS Through 20ller 21 Vindicate fc I LJ 1 (J i 7 0 A 1- i A 1 rf A IV 0 t- fc hi 3 -f A i i 5 A A 3 fl 1 (3 IT 1 A year 28 Heavenly body Crafty 35 Measure of cloth (pi.) 22 Fail lo follow 39 Essential being suil in cards 40 Not as much 24 Oime 41 Lieutenant 25 Sailed aloft 27 Greek god ol 26 On lhe 42 Organs of ve -sliclleied side hearing 29 Diminutive of Leonard 30 Rodent 31 Compass point 32 Man's name 33 Hen products 35 At all limes 36 Lamprey .17 Concluded SSShoutcrs 44 Eucharistic wine vessel 47 Brislles 48 Garden lool 53 55 Barters 56 Bowling term CpU VERTICAL 1 Small child 2 Rubber tree 3 Crimson 4 Symbol for sodium 5 Sicilian volcano 43 Harvest 44 Deed 45 Blemish 46 Brazilian macaw (8 Sht 49 Mineral rock 50 Worm 54 Symbol for calcium.

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