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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I FULL ASSORTMENT OF, SPRINGER BROS: ELEGANT FITTING CLOAKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION AT H.B. BOWMAN'S 9 NORTH SIDE THIRD STREET, A.LTO1ST, Illinois. TO MIBSCH.Iie.rm, We respectfully request all snbaorlbers to enable the slip on this paper contain, their name end the date of the expiration of their subscriptions. To roid any possible mistake will hey please inform ns, by postal card or date does not correspond with their wn remembrance or record of the date. AOEHT AT EDWABDSVaXIX.

UG KEOWN, ofEdwardrrtlle, IB the ntnlar agent of the TKLXOBAPH for the oen al part or Madlaon county, and is authored to receive anbsoriptlons, contract tor advertlalni, JEHSEt CODMTY. Mr. Benj. F. Corey is the authorised agent for tbe Tiuanara in Jersey county Bis receipts for subscriptions will be re- peeled tbe same if issued from tbis of- lee.

HOLDEH 4 NORTON. i.MBD to find: a candidate on any ticket who is not sure of election. Want goodi and DOW iraverlne between purchasing In BU Louis or joar own city. DOH'T BO! Ml I Any St. louls merchant to undersell me will (guarantee to all caih and to ih buyers only The LoVvest Prices.

SplendM Calllorula Uoaty. In hand. fwme g.psa jrauies. SU Ibs eacb. Hams, guaranteed ts i Ice as any l)j Pare Buckwheat Floor.

New York SoueMilti, per only New siemlesE at dotb.e price here, per lb 10 cti Beat Current come and lb 7 etc An i anterD, for home removable fl3be, only 69 eta Scrvin truaoa. Neir Fruit eta Quince, Peaca aud Batter, In 3io at wholesale Carrant Je.Iy. In 3 tb warranted per backet, 90 cU Carrant Telly, in quantity, ranted'pare, per 19 etc Apple Batter, in quantity, ranted pore, per ,11 eta Granulated. Powdned. Tellow and Browa at wholesale price.

Rlos.jKTas, Mexican, parched and tronnd at wholraaie. Dob't tall to an these gooda, at Cash Grocery Howe, 15 Belle Alton GLORIOUS NEWS From the Front, Grand triumph of tlM SPLENDID OT Je y8t ta tees on Moreaat tne oen- tenrlal Exposition In mad. It the highest Oft It to tbe tte best heating stov. erer Introdneed in America, tor an- this store soperior to sOl otters Ut. ftrepot Zd The new said superior pot 3d.

Tbe spiendld rotary ETBW. 4th. The double heaUniTuwe. Bth. And IBM ol sJl beMty of tbe stove In nn anlstlc point of Ho not to call examine "2JJ and see for yourself tnat It I otat of ezacgenuon, or hjpsrbole, Ifc.

Toiler, Warren tlonal pot In to Isfiit JOHH edcisdw Fcnrtk snd o. SUDOLES, H.RNESS, TRUNKS AJTD HOB8B OOZAABS. Hu Ko, 10, Second St. Alton. Alton Weekly Telegraph THUB8DAT MOBrttNO, OCT.

SI, 1178. or dealred. IUPI1 Per year, 60. in Clnbio Addreas, HOUtBK NORTON. of tbe Grafion Guards met for target practice on a sandbar opposlU that place, last Saturday nsning.

Robert Qnain won the priie, a box of cigars, scoring 20 out of a possible 35. AX interesting young lady arrived in own Wednesday, and became the guest Dr. Charles Daria. She weighed nine itrande and so won on the oft'eolions of he family that they think they will keep OITT COONTT ITEMS. GOT.

CCLIOX, -tile in the oily, was the facet of Mr. H. L. Nichols. A large (look of Blankets, at low prices, at AD TEN HOLDER'S.

wit CBICIOI earnings for the aecond week of October were as follows: Fur 1878. $181 420; 1877, in- (14.818. A Rn-UBUCis meeting will be held at forth Alton next Friday etenlag Kotem- her 1st. Mr. W.

P. Bradahaw of Tills, will bo the principal speaker of th Tenlng. Hon. John U. Pearson, Col.

T. Cooper and Col. J. J. lireoholt wi also be present and address lie people.

Ma. J. W. Warren is the happy possess a copy of an Egyptian newspoper, whloh he showed us to-day. Whether contains the latest, eastern news or not, we cannot say, for onr eduoa- ion was much neglected, and we could omprehend nothing but the stars and dots '1th whloh it was liberally illustrated.

New Csssimeres, choice styles, prices PIERSON CARR'B. wit GOTEENOI Cullom spoke twice at Litch- leld, Tuesday. Onoe in the after HOOD and again at night. Both times the ball was crowded to overflowing, and grent nterest was manifested In tbe proceedings. The Governor states that tho Republicans here are all alive to the importance of ihe crisis and bave strong hopes of electiog heir candidate to Congress, Hon.

B. B. Smith. HK. BIBB, greenback candidate for Sheriff, elands no chance of being elected.

A Sspublican vote for Herb Is a Tote for rawford. In voting for Representatives the fair and honest way is to cast Ij votes for 'eareon and 1J votes for Dewey. In that way both candidates can, in all probability, be elected. As attempt was made on Sunday night burglars, to enter the residence of l)r. Haskell.

The thieves raised a ladder to a second s'tory window and attempted to enter: the Doctor beard them and started for the window wltb tis revolver. The thieves likewise heard the Doctor and sli-i down the ladder. The Doctor blued awny at the burglars, he burglars blazed back at tbe Doctor and then ran. No bloodshed. Kebon Qrota and Miss Maggie Filigerald were married In tbe Jataedral at an early hour Monday.

They have the good wishes of their many Hands and acanaintaEoes. Jnst lha time to bay warm DEderfitnnels of HERSON i OARB. wit u. E. Starr, greenback candidate for the Legislature in the 40th district, waa in Monday on his way to Carlinville.

He intends to etnmp Hacoapin county this week. He confident of IT looks now as if the name of Ihe next Congressman from the Seventeenth district is Jehu Baker. If any Democrat tells JOB he won't serve, if elected, don't believe it We bave positive assurance from Belleville to tbe contrary. TBS Pullman Company ia building two palace for use on the Alton road Between Chicago and St. Louis.

They cost $18,000 each. Ihe sompany is building a number of hotel cars for rental to railroads and private excoraion tartiea on short notice. MR F. of this city, was sleeted Grand Treasurer for the Slate, of tbe urand Conclave of Kaigbls of Rome Consianiine, at Chicago, lagt week. He was also elected Grand Conductor of ihe Oiand Council of Royal and Select Masters.

COL. Morrison sp in the Court Home at Monday night, to a small jrowd. He ran In cppisltion to Simon's 'omedy Company, and tbe drama, accord to report, drew tbe largest crowd. Hm W. W.

Wilshire, of Arkansas, also a speech, bnt didn't draw a large ndience POLICE Mary Ann Drew waa brought before Justice Noonsn Tuesday morning for behavior sing a young ady. A fine of J10 and a lecture on the error of her ways, were Inflicted, after 'hioh she was bade to depart iu peace and sin 110 more, and did so with smilti rradiallng her countenance. With the belligerent Andy Horn, of Kdwarusville, who had taken a horn too mnoh, it was not so. Ho was taken iu by Policeman Fitzgerald, was fined $3 and coets, and sent to the rock pile, with nary a smile. Ma James Hquirea in a cird In the Democrat, last reply to the card of Sheriff Cooper, states, among other things, that "no person cm produce a receipt given by Mr.

Crawford showing any of the errors charged by Mr. Cooper." We were to-day shown a tax receipt signed by one of Crawford's deputies for the tax of 1871, paid May 6th 1872, on ot 1, of snb. div. e. part 23-24 and lot 2 of sub div.

e. part 23-24, Mounter's Subdivision Sec. 2, 5-10 amounting to $9.78. On the tax book for 1873 there ppesrs as back taxes agatiut said properly, £12,24, which was paid by Michael owner, and Mr. Crawford owes his amount to Mr.

Walter. We have the beet assortment of Ladles' Fine Cloaks In the city, wit ADTEf HOLDEK. Ua. J. GratidD.

the celebrated pipe g.n manufacturer of this city, baa forwarded a model of his "Composition Swell Pedal" to tbe Patent office at Vashington, for the purpose of obtaining patent on the improvement, drawings daeeription having licked the fact that he invention is new and does not infringe in any other patent. TBK Alton Democrat demands to know onr authority for stating that Sbcrlfi Cooper Is tbe legal canodiao of taxes paid in tbe sun; properly by difierent claim- mis. We reply that such authority is foond in chapter 120, sections 267 and 268, revised statutes of 1874. Ws now ssk the Democrat to give its authority for stating that such funds paid on contested property must be paid into the County Treasury. Childrens' Hose, choicest styles of the isason.

FIER30N OARR. dwlt A BEILLIINT WBDDI.NO.—Mr. T. HowoII Richards and Mils Sallle J. Badley, cf Bnnker Hill, were married at Christ church in that place, Saturday evening, by f.

A. Johcssn. Tbe hride given away by her nude, Dr. Barry, of Jereey- vllle. The bridesmaids were, Misses Minnie Barnard, St.

Louis; Lelia Richards, Eugenia Dorsey and Lou Q. Bill; Mina Harris, Woodburn; Alina raj lor, Alton, aad Hattie Riven, Wood- bnro. Their escorts were, Messrs. Chas. A.

Richards, James A. Hayes, Bunker Hill; George and E. Harris; Woodbnrn; John 0. Davits, Shlpman; C. N.Davis and J.

B. Uffingwell, 8t. Lonie. Tbe bride wore satin, trimmed with tulle and point applique lace, cat prioCMB, Sfit off with orange "si tulle bridal veil and fourteen button kids. Numerous elegant aid valuable presents were received.

Jjui Depnly Sheriff Bsmon cams down the street, Sunday, morning, about seven o'clock, he saw a couple of men going rapidly toward Ihe steamboat landing. Hi thought nothing of this other men the ho somewhat InwUdsnd to their latitude and longi ud ha recognised as immediately surmised that ftnUamtn who were ia snob a hurry won tfco robberi who were wtsk. of thssi wsre B.WIOI, two mad. off wiy Whin assistant took breakfast to tbe tktf id ont, u9 had rtol.7I.wt7»lint*»»*-««t,*.»»y- -iftnkU Volbnefct tko ladid preptring to present the Guard! with splendid American flag. Bttrm quality Medicated Flannel, at dwlt PIEttSON CARR'S.

Piper pipes industriously, but the eolored voters won't worth a cent, because bis Iistnment' plays Democratic tnnss. Mr. George Hllnor left San Antonio, Texas, on Wednesday, when he will winter. Mr. J.

E. Knight, of Sbinnun, was in town Monday. Dr. John S. Dfiwey, of Troy, Republican candidate for Representative, was in town to-day.

He reports Republican prospects roseate. Hon. Geo. B. Warren, Republican candidate for the Legislature, wu in town bis morning on way to beard the lion In his den ID Maeoupiu county.

Rev. S. H. Hyde, of Carrollton, is in town Wednesday. Judge Stoeokol, of JerseyvilU, was in (own yesterday.

DEATH OF MR. UARBr TAT1.0R. (From the Dally of Monday.) With great regret vro announce the death of Mr. Harry Taylor, of the firm of Waleon Taylor, proprietors of the Alton Water Works, which sad oocurrence took place this morning, at his residence in Middlotown. He had been 111 for several weeks with malarial fever, bnt it was not, 1 within a fow days, that he was considered in a dangerous condition.

Mr. Taylcr removed to Alton from Indianapolis, some thres years ago, and formed a partnership with Mr. Henry Walsoo, for the purpose of building and operating the Alton Water Works. Mr. T.

was an architect and engineer by profession, and a gentleman of fine education and remarkable ability, especially in bis chosen avocation. During his residence in Alton he made many friends by bis genial niinnora and sterling qualities of mind and heart. Oe was an active and devoted member of St. Paul's (Eplswpal) cuuroh. of this city, and, at ihe lime of bis death, filled the office of Junior Warden.

He was an earnest worker in Ihe Sunday school, aud a liberal contributor to all benevolent Mr. Taylor was born in England, and came to this country when about twenty rcitre of age. He flral resided In Maine, and subsequently ia Cincinnati and Indianapolis. He was aboit fifty jewj of age at the time of his death. He leaves a wldonr aud five Children, who bsve Ihe eiacerc sympathy of their many I'riendu in Alton and elsewhere in their bereiveimnt.

LOOK OUT FOR BURGLARS. to the bet that tbe Issuing of bonds at a re duced of Interest was, taxation praetl calJy, to the amonnt of the reduction. Fo instance, when six per cent redeemed tnd four per cent issued instead the Government receives the diffsrenc two per. esnt In taxes, by saving tka amount in the interest paid, which is, in effect, the same thing. The money advocates otherwise repudlationlsts were treated to a broadside or Iwo.

Repudiation was urged by some In tbis State ome years ago, when, the debt" loomed argely up in tne millions, bnt honest prevailed and the debt is now educed to $700,000, of whloh it is expeot- that $300,000 will be paid Ihe drat of January next. When resumption is aa accomplished act, when the gold, hoarded in old stock- ngs and other receptacles since the eginnlng of tbe war, Is added to the clr- nlaticu, we will have all Ihe money that 'e need. With a stsady stream of articles American manufacture and surplus roducls of (lie country pouring out, and ild pouring In, with our currency all at lar and a consequent revival of confidence, 10 outlook is certsinly very cheering, 'or two hours the speaker held tils udienoe, while hb arguments, and happy lustrations, fortified every point taken nd seemed to render the speech as a whole, nanswerable. The Governor certainly jade a very favorable impression on onr itizena by his speech, which waa frequent- and enthusiastically applauded. His emarks wore addressed, not to the rejudicea or passions, but to the reason nd common sense of tbe audience.

It is decided compliment to an orator's blllty when be can command the undivided ttentlon of an audience for so-long a time the usually dry topic of finance. Rough on Buoksuatw. DrumiLond is the only man who can arry Alton. Krome and Bookmastcr wort members of the Legislature during he penitentiary controversy, and by tbeii ffioial acts aad took opposite sides ipon that question. Both of them aronseo ho resentment of ihe opposing fiction, and hat resentment is bluer aud Alton Uaoocrat Aug.

24in. Cold blows the wind, but fo'i can stand if clad In the warm fUnnele, sold by Picrdon Carr. dwlw A TRIO OF KESE8ADES- Tbe prospects are that Dewey wil slaigbter Pettrson unk-ts the colored candidate. Piper, should cheaf him out ot tho victory, nhich is "a uoueuoniAtioD devoutly lobe iJemocra' of a feather flick together." Ttu Democrat is doing a good deal of bloving or Its new L-gfslalive candidate. The Democrats in tbis county now boast of trio of renegades, Perrin.

Piper and Smith. The partnership will expire by limitation on Nov. 5tb. The new firm, however, are mietsken in saying tha-. Dewey v.Ul slaughter Pearson." The Repnblicaos Intend to vole even.

MATRIMONIAL. The residence of Capt Eaton, on Twelfth street, was the scene cf an interesting ceremony yesterday afternoon. Dr. Clinton Armstrong, of Carrollton, and Mise Charlotte J. K.

Haydeu, of Alton, were united in matrimony, Rer. J. El. Armstrong, brother of the groom, officiating. The affair was quiet and unostentatious, with a limited number of relatives and friends in attendance.

Tbe newly married pair will leave for Carrollton this evening, which place Intend making their residence. Tbe accomplished bride will carry with her to her new home a host of varm wishes, from her many friends in Alton, for her happiness. (From the Dally of Men of the olus who open a bank with crowbar anil visit residences at night by means of a skeleton key, or by prying open a window blind, eeern to be plenty in the city at present. Tha residence cf lire. F.

K. Nichols, corner of Twelfth and Alton streets was visited last cigbt. Mr. Stephen Nichols, who also resides In the house, heard suspicious movements in the rooms aJjoiDing his sleeping arose to investigate. Aa he did so a man looked tn at the door and back or I'll sboot you." Mr.

bid left bis in an adjoining room, immediately grasped a top for a weapon, upon whiob the burglar ran Jown stairs and made his escape through the window by which he had entered. Nothing was missed by Ihe occupants of the bouse, but an overcoat waa found rat doora, under a tree, where it bad been deposited by tho burglare, and forgotten in their hasty departure. Only man waa seen, but it in supposed that be bad one or more comrades with him The residence of Sir. H. M.

Carr, corner Eighth and Langdon etreeta, gave evidence morning that a call had also been there, eometima during tho night, by some person who was not accustomed to loors, snd made an ineffectual attempt to onter by the, windows, eeteral shutters being found open. The faithful watch dog's bay rua heard by raembers of the acrily, and as tbe oilier didn't want any intoned" be, doubtless, look liiptv Teate. It will be well fcr citizens to be on look out for this of visitors, and ie prepared to give tb'ma "warm rccep- The residence of Mr. John H. Topping, near No.

2 school house, waa also entered but in tbis owe, as iu tbe other attempts made, nothing was taken. An entrance wiw effected through a second etory window by ooe of Ibe who then went down stairs opened ibe fion loor. Mra. Topping was alarmed and arose, and, on discovering the open door, iroused her hneband, but the thieves 'hinkiag dinciefjen fhe bettor part valor LaJ decamped. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Having learned thrcugh various eonrooa tbat it has been reported by certain parties in the county, with tbe view to injure me as a candidate for Sheriff, that caoeed the declination of Walton Rutledge, the former Greenback candidate for Sheriff, and that he had been induced to decline eaid nomination because of my having paid him a largo amonnt of money, in justice to Mr.

Kutledge, whom everybody knows to be an honorable gentleman. I desire to state most emphatically that I did not pay him, or promise to pay him, a dollar nor a cent; neither has any person done so by my authority, neither do 1 believe, nor noes any other person who knows him, believe that his declination was induced becansa of any pecuniary consideration whatever. J. T. COOPER.

THE RATIONAL 8OOTJ3GE. It is estimated that the annual damages caused by the ravages of insects and worms exceed $150,000,000 in the United States alone. Truly an enormous loss I Yet it sinks into insignificance when compared with the ravages of that more terrible scourge, consumption, an nually sweeps handroils of thousands of bnman soule Into eternity. The causes of consumption are various, depending in every instance for the development of the disease upon the scrofulous diathesis, or temperament, of tbe victim. Thus the same cause which will produce in one pec- son an attack of acute disease 'or a flight nervous prostration, will engender consumption in a person of scrofulous habit.

That consumption can be cured by proper treatment, will be readily perceived when the exact nature of the disease is understood, vir: the accumulation Mid deposition of scrofulous matter (tubercles) In the longs. Obviously, the remedies required are (1) a powerful alterative, or blood purifier, to the accumulations and also olouse the blood of the scrofulous matter, and (2) a mild cithartio to expel the diseased matter from the system. This coarse of treatment, in ooaiuaetion with a strict hygienic regime hu proved the most successful method of coring Dr. Plerce's Golden Medleal Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets en the best alterative and cathartic remedies before the public, and have been alone used In thousands of eases of eon- mnptton with the moat marked efficacy Dr. Pleret's Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, eJordi and nneqoaled s4vsn- to eoBsoorptiTM, net only poesessinn the beet medical end hygienic means of treatwnt, bat karinf seenllal when tki are notably free this GOVERNOR CULLOM'J SPEECH A Flee Effjrt.

the Dally of A large nudience- assemble! at City Hdll, last eveoiog, attracted by tbe innouncoment thai Governor 6. M. Ceil Jura wculd address tb. poopls on tbe political issues of ibe day. Tlte speaker mrived on tbe 7:30 train, last evening, and commence! speaking at 8 o'clock.

He began by stating that he came not as an office seeker, not as a partisan, bnt as one laboring for the best interests of tbe whole people, and tbe financial questions were Ihe most important, would devote his special attention to them. lie gave a history of tbe origin of the greenback currency, measure originated by Ihe exigencies of a great rebellion in whioh one-third of the people strove to orertbrov the government. Tho measure was orlgl uattil and carried tut by tne Republican party in spite of the. unanimous opposition of Ibe Democracy. And now Ihe Democracy and Nationals cUim tbat Ihoy are, par.excellence, the particular friends and patrona of tbis currency.

He said the Hues of oontraotlon, from 13G5.GG up to 60, wore good limes, and that the panic of 1873 came upon after contraction bad ceased. The cry that the Government could not resume nnleaa it bad a dollar in gold or eilver for every dollar In currency in circulation, reminded him of a dlacua. sion 03 the subject between a Democrat and of PartUad, Maine, the former cliimiug thaidbllar for dollar waa absolutely indiapensable, the Republican arguing the negative. At last, the Republican said, "Von are a manufacturer of coffins?" "Tes." How many do you keep on hand!" "Perhaps fifteen or twenty." "How 'many inhabitants in Portland!" 'Forty thousand." "And you expect them all die?" "Tea." "Well, in the name of reason, why don't yon keep forty thousand coffins on hand The point was tbat resumption would be gradual and not all at once. The speaker disposed of a point made by J.

C. Robin- ion wbo stated that as fast aa greenbacks were redeemed they would be destroyed, by the fact that there was a law expresslj prohibiting the destruction of this; money The "wild cat" money of twenty or thirty years ago waa compared with the currency of to-day to the infinite advantage of the present, aud the question was asked those who were opposed to Banks, would you. issue wild oat many instead? Tbe banks an taxed heavily and pay sixteen or seventeen millions, aonuall; Into' the National treasury. A tnronf point with reference ta taxation of S. bonds, wai mode by ealHag attention Chicago Market.

OBICAOO, Clot. 31. After'Change No 2 Spring Wheat closed November, and- 82Jo seller December. No. 2 Uorn closed at euh and 31 seller November, and 33J3 seller December.

Mesa pork quiet at £6 oish or slier November; 16 97J seller De- ember, and $8 07j seller January. Lard steady, cash or seller orember; $5 seller December Qd seller January. Cotton FJanncla and V7ool Flannels, very heap, at ADTEN EOLDEN'S. wit Rev. J.

P. Indlow Writes- F8 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 14, 71.

-H. B. Stevens, Dear Sir: From ersonal UonnV, recc-lvoil by its mo. air well from perwnal those whose ireitaereby haveBeemedalmost mlracu- us, I can most heartily aad sincerely commend VEGE'iyn lor the com- lnts which It Is claimed to cure. JAME9 L'.

Ijate Ootvary KaplUl UhurcU, Sacramento, Oal. NoaTniKx Illinois was visited by a BDOW torm Saturday, six Inches falling in some lUcea. now of candidate who cays be would rather dig potatoes with a dull hoe haa electioneer. Tux Grafion Guards will give a grand ball at thnt Friday evening, November S. The Alton and Jsrseyville Guards arc expected Io be.

present COL. MCBEBLT, greenback candidate for bngress, is makiug a rattling canvass lie has made fiv speeches since bis nomination. WE suspect that Democracy in teud to vote as follows for Legislative candidates; Prickelt vote; Qnrescbo i vote; Piper 2 votes. As tho canvass draws to a close Ihe proipecti of Col. Buokmaster grow more gloomy.

Tho Republicans intend to ttlek to their ticket and Democrats will giv a heavy vote Io Wheeler. oth 'QUITE a number of our citizens, bi Udles and gentlemen, went to Liberty Prairie. Wednesday, to attend the County Sunday Scbool Convention. Some wen by rail while others took private veyancsa. At W.

Hllilebrand's Dry Goods store on Tbird street, near railroad. You can now gel tbe best kind of bargains in men boys' ololning. He has clothing to bis complete stock of dry goods, etc Come and buy and aavo money. 31wtf One of the easiest tbingi to catch, and at the same time one of the moat to get rid of, ia a cough or cold. Dr.

Bull' Cough Byrnp, however, always prove equal to the emergency. Price 25 cents. dlt COMMERCIAL REVIEW onrcz, Got, 1S7S. Cboicj wheat Me unchanged inin week and is qucted at 80 ceute; with moderat receipts. SDarks' Best Kxlra, new, 50.

1 sacks Second Best, old, to 25; Parker's Best 15.50 In sacks; Alton Eagle, tS 21. Brlghto: ft! 5.50. ineaium TUcO lOc per bnsbel. wholesale Uc; retail BUJ. Oorn 65c wbolesale: 7S retail.

wboleaale retail. flOper ton baled, tin 00 retail. Hay, loose, ton. per 100 Kw 90o per 100 Us. por bnabel wnolesalr reull.

5 per Peaobblow 75 rotal Onions, COO wbolesale; TJO reiftlL Brown, wboletale; retail 11; lOc wholesale; lie retnlL 188'20c Bw 51 6'J Vbbl; wholesale. SI lira. Bice lOc fi retfUl 623720 wholesale; retftl iSSUo: Syrup. "Belcher's Golden" tun wholesale; retail II whoiewue; retail, 13 wholesale retail. I3o wholesale; retail 30o.

9 wholesale retail lijfo. Bicon-HLouldere 7 8c retell. Clear Sides wholesale; to Castor 83o fl bushel, lor choice. Tallow 60 ft pound, best quality, wiiol sale. Hides Green oursd, 7c; dry salted, dry Hint lio; Grubby price.

£8heep Dull, green. Choice tub, medium tin washed combing, 33o selected Slo. 46c Sugar Cured 1:3130 wholesali reuil. Wholesale, shipping, 76e ntal SOo bbl; bulk wholesale, Ibo retail. Oemenl Lnulrrtllo, 95 Rosedale 12 00; New York, 00; Bt.

Louis, tl 75. Pl 23 wholssale. St. Loulst New York 83 50. A.

n. Drurr A Oak Harness Sole Slaughter, 94O37o; French Ca 52 75 according to weignt. Kip- skin fl 1 76 ft. Cairjl alisi wholesale Whlto (3 BO to II 50 corn. Ooal-saioc bo St.

Ixraia Market. ST. LOOIB, Oct. 30. No.

2 Bed, cash; November; closing, December; Janu ary; No. 3 do, and firm at 32ta cash: 31 Jo November. and firm at 20 jo oseb and November; December. at 40 jo casb; 40o November 42o December. at $1.08.

lower at Dry Salt Heats nominal; Bacon lower a f4.26©4.12J@5.2G@5.10© 5 50 5 36 Lard lower at cosh; $0.65 Noveov ber. Light shipping and York srs. (2 packing and Boston $2 batcher's and Receipts, shipments 2.300. R.w York Muk.t, Nsw YOBX, October 30. Wheat, Firm: Ho.

2 Bed Winter, 1.62,; No. 1 White, Chicago, 96c. Milwaukee. 8oc: No. 1 Red, $1081: No.

2 Amber; Sales, 400,000 bu- Cera. Quiet ud firm: No. Bales 110.000 bu. QoM nta. Whisky.

Qtdei flrm: $1.10. Absolutely CONSUMERS should bear In mind that the Incomparable "Royal" Powder In market from pure Grape Crssun lively Tor this powder direct flora, the growing district of rSSoi need housekeeper wrlus that, although ibe hai to fwwl? Hoyal." Bnds that It to so rnneb farther and works so mueh to Una It. AnolHer says she uses th. powder In puddlnts. oikw.

and mi oi ntnrr MARRIED. ABMSTKOWQ-HAYDKN-In Alton.Oot. th, 1878. by Rev. J.

u. Armstrong, brother tne groom. Doctor Clinton Armstrong. Carrollton! toMlss Charlotte J. E.

ayden, of Alton. St. Louis papers please copy. this oily, on the thlnst. byKev.

C. Armstrong D.D She Rests Well. SOUTH Om.ll. H. K.

Stoveni, Dear pin 1 bave been elektwo ears with the tivor complain t. aud duiinff lattlroo have taken a great many dlifer- nt medicines, but noue of them did me nygood. mat rentleus nlghU. and had no ppettte Rluce taking tue £8t well and rellbh zpy fc od. Can recom- end VaacrruK lor waat It done (or le.

iw. ALKEtlT BICKKB. WIUlPHS of tbB nbove, u. VACOUX, am. Good for the Children.

TiusTo. April. ll Dear Sir: we eel that the children In onr have grea by the VfOB LME havesoklndlv glvtu ny Jcom time to Ime.J etpectnlly these troubled with tcrolu- Wlth reaped, MK3. N. Matron.


R. Htevenn. 1 bound to exprew wltb luy atgnature tho valae I place pon joar VKUKTINR My larally liave lied it for the 1BH13 yearn. In uorvoQfl deal ItyitlB Invaluabttt. and I recommend It to all whomay need an Invigorating.

leco- tonic. o. T. WAUKEB, Pastor VEGETINE. Nothing Equal to-It.

BOUTH SAUUC, Nov. I it. Stevens, Deartiln I have tMJcn troub- ed with Scrofula, Caufecr and Liver plain I for ibreo Nothing ever did ne any good until I commenced nxlug the Vegotine. 1 um now tfettlng alone rate, and atlll using tbo VEOITTISE. I con aider there lanotalng tounl to It for Huc oomplalnte.

Can heartily recommend It to everybody. Yours truly, MBS. LIZZI M. PAfKrVEP, So. IGitngruuee Salem, Jl Eteoonunend it Heartily.

SOUTH Mr. H. R. Stevens. Dear lr: I bave lateen bottles of jour VEG and I am convinced It IB a vnl- uable remedy for DyispftpslB, Kidney Complaint.

and oenerai Ity of the evbtcm. I can heartily rtoommei- It to all irom tbvttbove cvinpittlotB. Tours rvfjHr.t'uH* ilUXROK PAKKER. VEGKTIHE Prepared by H. R.

STEVENS, Boston, Maw, Vcgetine in Sold ly AU RfWAI BAKING TAL POWDER Unexcelled in Economy if Fuel. Unsurpassed in Construction. Unparalleled in Durability. VERY BEST OPERATING, AMD HOST mg OFFZB1D fOB THJ PBICE. XASB OHXT BY 00.

eia, ei4, eio en M. MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. Aid hv W1U MJT B. OL, Corner Fourth and State streets, AT.TOK, and- iepj-dwly 8.

BB1STOL, BlSTHiLO, ILL8 ORIMG EffiBASIS, Eminent Ohemiata and Physialans certify that these goods are tree from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results than any others, and that they use them ia their own famiiine. Jfl UNIQUE PERFUMES are the Gems of all Odors. TOOTH EN E. An agreeable, healthful Liquid Dentifrice. LEMON SUCAR.

A substitute for Lemons. EXTRACT JAMAICA CINCER. From the pore root. STEELS PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST OEMS. Bett Sap World.

STEELE ft PRICE, Chicago, St Lome ft CincinnatL FOR THE SPRING OF 1818. A LiRSHIAND ELEOANT SOCK OF OIL mm, HUH mm, Mats, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Fixtures and Trimmingc- Cords and Just Received. LAmberquln Bhadea. a.i I sol mile to oraer oa short Upholstering and rn.i*il£< 'tr. ONE parCHfc TEHMB OASlr.

A. NEERMANN n-riww Third Street, Alton, 111 The most profitable plan for operating Is of uniting oi various Bume by combining or pooling the or- nuuB buuiB vy COIUUIJTUDE or puoiiog me ders of thousands ol customers and using them aa one wco.e. which has been done so by Uiwrence A. Co, Yore city. By Ibleoo-opeiatlve system each Investor jtlticcd on 011 equal footing with tbe largest operator, and profit are pro tata among tbe fUBreholdeiti every days.

An investment of 810 would par 150, making 5 per ci-nt on the darlug the month; 5 25 won Id retnrn 9 'fit, orfi percent; $100 ttouia run bo H.OOO, or IU ana GO on, according io tbo market. Kranb Leslie's MlufilratsJ Newspaper, Jane 29th, "The method of ope- stock lathe ruo Saicoessfnl ever york Independent, kept. Combination syetein is New 32Ui, fayic "Tbe omnaton syeein founded upon correct buMness and no person need be thont an Inoome while 11 in kept ren A Br Brooklyn JcurERl, April 23lh. tn 'Our Ue a net profit of H01 25 on nn Invpsiroent of 120 in one of Mfcstre. Lawrence- oomblnattcins." The flrm'a new clicular (copyrighted and BOnt irae) coutalns "Two unerring rules tor stork operations." and explains everything.

All Kinds of rtook and bonds New Government hupplied; wCit ndriress LA.WRKNCS and 67 Exabange Place, New Yore. city. w4t cooriru J. w. MCMH.LAV.

McMillea, Cooper REAl, ESTATE J.PD Financial ts Ho. 3O4 North SoTcuth Street, door north of OUve, BT. Louis, Wo We sale and tncnaBge all over tsiwrn country. iNiouey U- on pud U11 col a ferine, IL to cult. aotldwly MaMILl.EN, COOPEU A'CC To my FrlsndR and CitUeci of Alton uvlnff bought ont the entire drug ot Mr.

W. K. Kvorts. I Intend coat) ng the business the old stand, and wilt do my best to HHtlHly all wbo will be kind enough to extend to me a portion ol theti patronage Cuhtomern will always And icmpleie assortment or all gooan kept la flrm claKHdruK stores. Mr.

W. Cverta remains with me as my chlel Clerk and Pharmacist, also Mr. Atkinson, bothoi whom will nl ways be on hand or tbe care- ul compounding of prescriptions. Yours Utidpeclfnlly. ciMw HUBERT B.

SMITH. LEYSERS mwmrn mi ThirdlStreet. FRESH OYSTERS For Bale, and.Served In any style SEASONABLE DEL I CACIES, Of every ueserlption. THE BEST PTotions, AND ORNAMENTAL GOODS. A Tnll stock of Confectionery.

Homemade candui, Cokes, Fresh Frctta, Huts, Etc. myifdlT. FORM11ALS Cor. Third and State Will give their entire attention 'to mer- ebant UJlbrlng In .11 its branches. A lull line ot English-and Jrraaeb.

Caan- rnens. Worsteds, Imported Olotbs. Over anu othra uae goo4s on hand, ana riu be made up to order IA the lates Alton, Fob, 7.1877. d6m Sale. Lotsl.and.1 P.ln block toAltoi FOR AX.L KINDS OF Ho-w controls the ibllowlot; Lines: "oledo and St.

Lovin, 3I3et. "oledo tnd Hannibal, 462 Mia. Toledo aud Quincy, 474 Milet. ''oledo and Eeolatk, 489 ASB TBE Toledo and Peoria Short Line, (ByJoint airanefrtentwlUi C.L.& C. and T.

V. W. Boads,) and Peona, 360 ''oledo and Burlington, 464 SHef. oad Keakuk, 472 Jfifej. Connecting la Uolon Depots and from ail points In IMIacIa, Missouri, Iowa, KQBSM, Arkuufis, Colorailo naa California.

The Atlantic and The Mississippi. 'his is the only line between Toledo and the Mississippi Hirer under mac- sgemenf, and Ibe onlv line running ts trains ibronzh entire without change. THE WABlsflTROUTE lr celebrated for Its Time, Sore Omneetioat, Elegant iyiipmmlt, Smooth Track, 479 THE Best HoBd JBed in the World. tUc chance of can between, Toledo, Bu oecpli, Atcblton acd city (IW miles. A31 Express Trains of tbla Lin.

ally equipped with fuUmm't Steeping Lately Zmprm- Air Brake, ami JKUer'l out Coupler, renderInsaserlonsaccident almost ImpotelbUiCy. Trains pass KdTrardcrllle Jtjnctloc. Kiusl. Atlantic Ex' 812am Throcgtb Kz 9 27 a "ihtrj? 7 67 a Accommod'ntll pra ZH HOPKTH8. General Manager.

Oan'l HapeifBtenaeat. Toledo, Ohio. H. C. Gen.

Paaa. Ticket Aft, CGR. OF THIRD AND PIASA STS. TOBK WEEKLY HERALD! Oue Dollar a Year. Tbe circulation of popular more Iban trebled during paet year.

contain! all tbe leading news contained In DAIX.T HuKAXiD.and la ananeed in oandy departments. Toe FOREIGN SEWS special dUpiUchea from all qtur- of tbe together wlla unbiasted, IMtMalaud graphic cftte great War in Europe, TJader the nesd of NEWS are given the Telegraphic or Uie week all or the Union. leatore alcne makes THE WEEKLY HEBATJ) the most TaloAble In world. it tbe Every week Is given a faithful report or embracing complete and comprehensive £8 patches from Washington, loll report! of ihe of eminent poll- the questions of Vne TiiE FAKH. DEPABTMENT of the Weekly gives the latest aa well as the moat practical cnegesttons and dlwscvertes to the duties of the larmer, bints Tor raisins Cattle, Poultry, Grains.

Treec, Vegetables, with, enseestlons tor keeping bttiidlnca and atenslis In repair. This IB lueated by a we'l edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME, giving recipes practical dishes. hinta for caklDg and for Keeping np with. the tetttrt fMhions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London oorreepon- denU on tho very latest iashlona.

The rlome Department of the Weekly Herald will save ibe more tcan one honored Hints the price ol the ptper, OJJ EJt-OLLAB A YEAR. Therau a devoted to all the latest phases of the bnsmtsa Merchandise. 4c. A valuable feature Is found In the sptclaliy reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MABKST. all tbe DCWB from the last fire to (he Discovery Qf Stanley are to be found la the Wevfcly Herald, due attention la given, SPOTTING KEWS at home and abroad, together with, a Story evtry week, a Sermon oy some eminent divine.

Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Fer- 5ocal and Kea Tbers Is no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week tbe Weetelr He'ald, which la sent. frea.forcne dollar. Yon may subscribe at any time. THE YOKK In a weekly fona, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this without being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange.

If yon want a CLOAK, and Cheap, go the "Bee-Hive" Dry Goods Honse, If yon want a DRESS, Good and Cheap, Go to the "Bee-Hive" Dry Goods Honse. If yon want a Cheap Black Cashmere, or A GOOD Black Cashmere, Go to the "Bee-Hive" Dry Goods If yon want GOOD HOSIERY, Cheap; A NICE COKSET, Cheap; A NICE SHAWL, Cheap; If yon want ANYTHING, Good and Cheap, GO TOTHE BEE-HIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE, Oor. Third and JPiasa, New York Herald, Broadway Ana New York InnejMSm tne teat work of tee kind tn tha Harper's ILLUSTRATED. Notices of uie The veteran whica long: airo ontcrew IU original title of theNcwMonth- ly Magazine, baa not in the least abated tbe popularity it won at the outset, but baa added to It in many ways, and baa kept fairly abrrast of tbe times, tbanka to tfas enterprise of tbe publishers and tbe tact and wledomof lu editors. best and meet readable In tbe literature of travel, discovery, end Cctlon.

tbe average reader of to cay looks to Harper's ilne.jQft 83 expectantly aa did the reader of a quarter a epo; there la the pame admirable variety of ccntcnts tbe same frotnness and la its editorial nowas Journal. TERMS: fret to ott ix Ote HARPEE'S MAGAZINE, one year, 94 00 (4 00 Includes prepayment of T7. B. poetaga by tbe publishers. to "Harper's Magazine," Weekly, and Bazar, to one address, for year, tO: or, two of Periodicals, to one for one $7 CO; postage free.

An Extra Copy of either tbe Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar, will be a applied for every Club of Five Subecrltrertt at S4 00 each, paid lor by one remittance; or. Six Coplea one jcar. ulthort txtra copy, for 933 00. Back. Numbers can be supplied at any time.

The of the Magazine commexteo with tbe Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, be nndeimood thnt the tnlMcrlber tubes to begin with tho current number. A Complete Set of "Harper's now comprising 55 Volumes. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freJjrht at expeuse of purchaser, for 52 35 per volume. Stugla volumes, by mall, postpaid, 13 00, Cloth cafes, for binding, cents, by mail, postpaid.

A Complete Analytical Index to the first Filly Volumes of Harper's Magazine haa been published, rendering available for reference the vast and varied wealth of lu- lormtttlon which constitutes this periodical pcriect illustrated literary cyclopedia. Svov Cloth, 1300; Half Calj; 56 25. Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received lor Harper's only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise meut without tbe express order of Harper Brothers.

Address, HASPKR Jt BROTHEKS. ITew ARE YOU GOING TO TEXAS? If so, look at the special 107 emigrant! rates ottered by tbe Texas By Ve would call the attention of the ladles to the Tact that we have tn a Una assortment of both whole.and ground, from the celebrated 1m- porters, PINCKNEY, JACKSON OF LONDON. Tness In the market. Black Pepper. Allspice.

White Pepper. Ginger. RedPeppar. Uaoe. Tnnnerio: for Mutard.

Mnrtard'Seed. Celery Seed. Caraway Seed' Buds. GronndSage. TO Stumibal St.

Louis. Denlson and return- S27 Co $2800 Snerman and return 38 00 25 00 Dallas and retnrn ..3040 31 in Fort Worthand U) 53 00 Corslcaoaand return 31 75 33 75 Waco and retnrn 35 20 3730 Hearoeandretnm Si SO 3n Anstin and 9723 S3 33 Houston and return 36 U) 37 00 tsaa Antonloand 49 47 80 ThesaEMlOBANTEXCUBSION TICKETS are good lor forty days trom data of sale. If yon cannot procure tickets your starting point, call on the M.K. AT tloKet osentn. either at Union Depot.

Hannibal, Union Depot, St tools, or 10) Nortb Fourth su. St. Locls, wnanyoa can secure onr ticket to any point in Texas, and nKTeSOOpoandsoT baggage eaeefcea FREE. Bemember. tbat the iC K.

T. Is the only line that runs Tnroaclt Trains to Texas every day in and honra quicker time. Pamphlets, maps. cnUes. of Texas.

arefBratehedfreeby addnsslnE JAS.D BftOWK,.

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