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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 4

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Alton Weekly Telegraph. A JUaYMAJTS STORY. We had been out twenty-four boon, and stood eleven to ooe. The case was a very plain we eleven thought BO. A murder of peculiar atrocity had been committed, and though DO eye had witnesses the deed, circumstances pointed very strongly to the prisoner's guilt with unfailing certainty.

The recusant juror had stood out from the first. He acknowledged the cogency of the proofs, confessed his inability to reconcile the facts with the defendant's innocence, yet on every -vote went steadily for acquittal. His conduct was inexplicable. It conld not result from a lack of intelligence; for while he epoke bnt little, his words were well chosen, and evinced of the case. a thorough un- Though still in the prime of manhood, his locks were prematurely white, and his face had a singularly sad and thoughtful He might be one of Uiose who entertained as to the right to inflict the death penalty.

Bat no, it was not that, for in reply to a suggestion, ho frankly admitted that brute men, like the vicious brutes they resemble, must be controlled through fear, and that dread of death, of eupreme terror, is, in cases, the only adequate restraint. At the prospect ot another night of fruitless imprisonment we began to grow impatient, and expostulated warmly against what seemed an unreasonable captiousneas, and come not over-kind indulged in as to the propriety of trifling with an oath liks that under wLich we were acting. 4 And vet," the man answered, as though communing with himself, rather than repelling the imputation, "it ia conscience that hinders my concurrence in a verdict approved by my judgment. "How can that be?" cried several voices at once. "Conscience may not always dare follow judgment." "But here Ehe can know no other guide." "I once would have said tbe eatne." whp.t has changed your "Experience." The speaker's manner was visibly agitated, and we waited in silence the explanation which he seemed ready to give.

Mastering his emotion, as if to answer our looks ot' inquiry, he continued: Twenty years ago I was a young man, just beginning life. Few had brighter prospect and none brighter hopes. An attachment dated from childhood had ripenud with its object. There had been no verbal declaration and acceptance of formal plighting of troth; but when I took my departure to seek a home ia the far west, it was a thing understood that when I hid found it and pat it in order, she was to share it. Life in the forest, though solitary, is not necessarily lonesome.

The kind of society afforded by nature depends much on one's self. As for me, I lived more in the future than in the present, and hope is an ever caeerfiii companion. At length the time came for the final payment on tbe home which I had boucht. It would henceforward be my own, and in few months my simple dwelling, which 1 She for whom I hid to home had already (band one la hMYwa. The tidings of my calamity had broken her heart.

She alone, of all the world, bclitf- ed me innocent, and she died with a prayer on her lips that the truth might be Drought to light. All this I had heard, and It had toothed as with sweet incense my troubled spirit. Death, however, unwelcome In chape, was now a portal, beyond which I could one waiting to receive me. I heard the sound of approaching and nerved myself to the expected summons. The door of my cell opened, and the Sheriff and his attendants entered.

He had in his hands i paper. It was doubtless my death-warrant. lie began to read it. My thoughts were busied elsewhere. The words "full and free pardon 1 were the first to strike my pre-occnpied senses.

They affected th: byslt-nders more than myself. Yet so was. I was pardoned for au offense I had never commit, ted. The real needless to say, was no other than he wh-3 had sought and abused my hospitality. Le had been mortally wounded in a rec-int affair in a distant city." but had livec lonrj enough to make a disclosure, which lial been laid be.

fore the Governor barely in time to save me from a shameful deeth, and condemn me to a cheerless and life. This is my experience. My judgment, as yonrs, in (he case before us, leads to bnt one conclusion, that of the prisoner's guilt; bnt not less confident and apparently unerring, was the judgment that'falsely produced my own conviction." We no longer importuno'l our fellov juror, hut patiently awaited discharge on the ground of inability agree, which came at last. The prisoner was tried and convicted at a subsequent term, and at tb- last moment confessed his crime on the sc. ffold.

had spared no pains to render would be graced by its mistress. inviting, At the lacd office, which was some sixfy rciies off, I met my old friend George C. He, too, had come to seek his fortune in the west, and we were both delighted at tbe netting, lie had brought with him, he said, a sum of money which he desire to invest in land, on which it waa his purpose to settle. I expressed a strong wish to have him for a neighbor, and gave him a cordial invitation to accompany me home, giving it as my belief that he could nowhere make a better selection than in that vicinitv. He readily consented, and we set ou! together.

had not ridden many miles when Gsorpe suddenly recollected a commission he had undertaken for a friend, which would require his attendance at a public land sale on the following day. Kiectiag a promise that he would not delay his visit longer than waa necessary, and having given minute directions as to the route, I continued my way homeward, while he turned back. I retiring to bed on the night of my return, when a summons from without 1 me to the door. A stranger asked shelter for himself and horse for the uight. I invited him in.

Though a stranger, iiis face seemed not unfamiliar. He was probably one of the men I had seen at the land oiuce, a place at that time very much frequented. Uuering him a seat, I went to see to his horse. The poor aaimal, as well as I could see by the dim starlight, seemed to have been hariily used. His panting sides bore witness of merciless riding, and a tremulous shrinking at tbe slightest touch betokened recent fright.

On returnirii to the house, I found Ibe etraiiger nir. absence excited no surprise he would doubtless soon return. It was a little singular, however, that he ehould leave his watch on tl.e table. At tlie end of an hour, my guest not returning, I went again to the stable, thinking he might have found bis way thither, to give his personal attention to the wants of liis horse. llefore going out, from mere force of we were as yet unvisited by thieves or took the precaution of putting the stranger's watch in a drawer in which I kept my own valuables.

I found his horse as 1 Lad left him, and gave him the food which he was now sufficiently cooled to eat, but his master was nowhere to be seen. As I approached the house, a crowd of men on horseback dashed up, nnd I was commanded, in PO gentle tones, to "stand!" In another moment I was in the clutches of those who called me their "prisoner." I was too much stupefied at first to ask what it all meant. I did eo at last, and the answer was terrible. My friend, with whom I had so lately set out in company, bad been found murdered nnd robbed near the spot at which but I nlone, knew we had separated. I was the last person known to have been with him, I was now arrested en suspicion of his murder.

A search of ibe premises was immediately The watcb was found in the drawer in which 1 had placed it, aud was identified as the property of the murdered man. His horse, too, was found in my stable, for tbe animal I had just put there was no other. I recognized him myself when I saw him ia the light. What I said I know not. Mr confusion was taken as an additional evidence.

And when at Hst I did command language to give an intelligible story, it was received with sneers of incredulity. The mob spirit is inherent in least in crowds of men. It may not always manifest itself in physical violence. It sometimes contents itself with the lynching character. Cut whatever its form, it is always relentless, pitiless, cruel.

As proofs of my guilt one after another came to light, low mutterings gradually grew into a clamor of vengeance, and but for the firmness of one officer who had me in wonid doubtless have paid the penalty for my supposed offense on the spot. It was not sympathy for me that actuated my protector. His ueart was as hard as his office; bnt he represented the majesty of the law, and took a sort of grim pride in his position. As much under (he glance of his eye as before the muzzle of his pistol, the cowardly clamorers drew back! Perhaps they were not sufficiently numerous to feel the effect of that mysterious reflex of influence which makes a crowd of men so much and at times so much better, than anv one of them singly. At the end of some months my trial came.

It could have but one result. Circumstances too plainly declared my guilt. I alone knew that tbey lied. The absence of the jury was brief. To their verdict I paid but little heed.

It was a single hideous word; but I had long anticipated it, and it made no impression. As little impression wss made'by the words of the judge which followed it, and his solemn invocation that God might have that mercy upon me which man was too jnet to vouchsafe, sounded like the hollow- est of hollow mockeries. It may be hard for the condemned crimi- nel to meet death; it ia still harder for him who is innocent. The one, when tbe first shock is over, acquiesces in his doom, and gives himself Lo repentance; the heart ol the other, filled with rebellion man's injustice, can hardly bring itself to ask pardon of God. I had gradually overcome this feeling, in spite of the good clergyman's irritating ef- forts, which were mainly directed toward extracting a confession, without which be assured me be had no hope to offer.

On the morning of the day fixed for execution I felt immeasurably resigned. I bad eo long stood face to face with death; bad so accustomed mjeelf to look npon ii as a neralj momentary pang, that I no longer Bolicitons, save that my memory should pot da; be vindicated. A TEST OF LOVE. How Mn. Clark Fnt the Affection of Her to the Proof.

Mrs. Clark had been reading the Beecher- Tilton ecandal until her faitJi in man had dwindled down to a very lice point, ebe bad a poor opinijn of them. She iiad noticed that her bitberto loving spouse had for tbe past two weeks, been low-spirited nnd down-hearted. She thought that perhaps he, too, had been led from the patlis of virtue by tbe deluding voice of some bewitching siren, nii'l that his love for her was growing cold. Josephus did not show any signs ol producing ti statement, or of confessing bis guilt to a mutual friend.

Her brow corrugated, and her hands clenched as ehe brooded over her imaginary wrongs, and she endeavored to put the fidelity of her husband to the test. But how to do it. that was the question. "Ah, 1 bave it," said she triumphantly. "I'll drown myself, that is, figuratively." Ciark was a farmer, in good circumstances, and being several jears younger than his wife, and good looking, it kepi in a state of contiuual worrimeut aud jealousy.

Mrs. Clark proceeded to put her plan into execution. Just behind the house was a deep well, that bad not been used for eomu time, and it was covered over now with boards to prevent the cattle from falling into it. tihe removed the covering from the well, and placing her bonnet and ebawl upon ita brink, she crawled in under a gooseberry bush to await developments. The weather was colu, a2d ehe was nearly frozen before ehe saw her husband and hired man coming from the barn where ibey had been working.

Clark passed the well without noticing the clothing; but the hired man saw them and gave a cry of horror. "Mercy on us, llr. Clark! Tonr wife has thrown herself into the well!" he shouted frantically. Mrs. Clark expected that her husband would tear his hair, and rush to the edge of the well, and.

alter calling her all the endearing names he-could uink of, descend into the watery depth, in eager search of her cold, damp corpse. Bnt Mr. Clark did not dt anything of the iind. He kindly took a fresh cbew of tobacco, and then approaching the well looked quietly into it. "1 guess the old girl has suicided," said he without any emotion worth speaking of.

"Jake you sling them boar Is back again; I wouldn't have tbe brindu heifer get in there fo- fifty dollars; and after dinner we'll hoist the old woman out." "Hadn't I better get some of the neigh- bora here first?" asked the frightened man. "After dinner will do Jake. 'Business OF LATE HEWS. Bonce Binney, the oldest member of the Philadelphia bar, died Thursday, aged ninety-seven. Kentucky has voted down a new tutional Convention by one hundred thous and majority.

Cardinal McCloskty has sailed for Rome when he will receive the hat and rin from the Holy Father. About $20,000 of the money stolen frot the D. 8. Treasury has been recovered, an the balance probably soon will be. And now the Georgia Democrats talk making Alexander H.

Stephens their nex Governor, instead of Herschel V. Johnson John D. Lee, the Mormon Meadow "avenger," has been sent to Cam Douglas, Salt Lake, Utah, for imprison ment. The Signal Office reports that it wi snowing on Pike's Peak, Thursday after noon, with a temperature of thirty-thre degrees. Take him at his word.

It is always saf to do it with an office-holder. The King Greece threatens to resign if they raise his salary. Kate Field writes to the Courier Journa that "Disraeli cannot be called an orato save when he is filled with rage and a mor material stimulant." The Surgeon General has received th following dispatch: "Fort Barrancas August new coses or deaths. Eve ry patient is convalescent." The Northern Pacific Railroad was soli Thursday to the Purchasing committee bondholders for the nominal sum of $100, 000. There was no competition.

London has had another bad financia of a heavy irou firm, wit about £600,000 in liabilities, and on! about half that amount in assets. A Mississippi planter, who owned man; slaves in the bad old days, now boasts tha all his "niggers" turned out well. Not on of them has been elected to the Legisla lure. The W. W.

railroad company offe a reward of for the apprehensio of the fiends who broke the switch at Cat lin and caused the death of the enginee and fireman. The last heir to an English estate is th wife of Bonce, a painter, at Dubuque VEGETmE notified that she has a bi Jennings' estate, valued a before pleasure, is my awful hungry." motto, and I am Jake covered up the well, and the men went into the house, leaving the old lady howling with rage. "I'll old girl him I'll suicided him Take more pains over the pesky heifer than he does with me. Words failed her; they were inadequate to express her feelings. ARer dinner Clark ten', the Lired man after some of the neighbors, aud while he was awaiting his return be seated himself upon a log in plain sight of his loving wife, and whistled Old Hundred" without missing a etave.

all through The neighbors arrived, and were full of sympathy for the bereaved Imeband; and Josephus, bore his honors meekly. Various plans were canvassed for raising the body, but owing to the grot depth of the well they could not decide the one. right "I'll tell you the beat friends," said Clark pathetically. SL is gone, and will never come to this wor, of woe and trouble; so 1 think we had alter let the body remain where it is ant fill up tbe well. It will save a power of trouble and bother." This proposition was agreed on by the neighbors as being feasable, the work of filling up commenced, throwing in all the large blocks and stones be could lay his hand on.

"There," said he, "I guess ihat will 1 after tbey had thrown a couple of cart loads of miscellaneous rubbistfc. into tbe well. "Jake can fill up the rest, odd spells and rainy days. We'll have the funeral service as soon as I get done hauling wood. Kear by the side of Josephua stood a woman ol about thirty summers or winters, and she had been regarding the solemn scene with a mixture of pleasure and sorrow, when thereat of the neighbors took their departure, she lingered behind to comfort the aching heart of the bereaved widower.

"It is a great pity to be suddenly cat lowu in the prime of life, like the flower at noontide said she mournfully. "Yea," said he, shifting bis quid from one side of hia mouth to the other, "but Betty was getting along in ycirs, and we must be resigned." 'Just so, Mr. Clark, resignation ia a cooling balm, as it were, to fill the void in the troubled breast, and I always thought your wife was too old for sach a smart, active man as yon." "Did answered sudden interest. ''To be sure, I did I always took an interest in your welfare." Clark was lost in meditation for some time. "Miss Perkins," said he suddenly, "can you make good butter';" "Now, ilr.

Clark," she answered blushing, "you touch me on a tender point; for, if I do say it myself, I won't turn my back to any woman in the country making good butler." "Good cook?" "First-rate." "Understand housekeeping?" "None better." "Then, I'll tell you what I've been thinking about," said he picking up another targe stone and throwing it into tbe well. Suppose yon and 1 get married really Mr. Clark, yon are eo sudden and lake me by aurpri-e but my heart bleeds for you in your bereavement, and I consent. Take am yours." The fond couple embraced, taking a kiss ratify the bargain. Mrs.

Clark, under the gooseberry bush as boiling with rage, she restrained ierself for a few moments. 1 Clark, after they bad regained their composure, "won't Betty's clothing fit yon "Of course they will, aad it will be a great saving." "And I will take that new cloak of herfl and make me an long one like the city folks wear." said Clark. "0 dear creature!" replied she. "Sweet angel'of my soul!" said he. Just then, something lit npon Clark's back, and be did not know at first whether it waa a wild cat, a etreat of lightning, or tne devil, bat be foand out directly.

His charmer east one glance at tbe apparition, and scooted. Clark has just got aTonnd again. Be said it was the worst case cf inflammatory sickness be ever bad. But be is the roeekeft husband to be found and the well is fillel up. Iowa, who claim on the SI 00,000,000.

The bi-1 for a million of gold, aggregating 500, the lowest being 113 35, the biizbes 113.84. The award of a million was mad at 113 77 to 11384. It is four weeks ago since the balloon as cenaion of Donaldson and Grimwood, ytt the mystery of their late ii as'mucl shrouded in darkness now as it was on the day succeeding the event. The Savannah News predicts with all th certainty of full conviction that "in les than twenty years tbe cotton factories the north will be forced to either close or remove to tUe isuuth." Scott county, Illinois, will market on million bushels of onions this year, am derive from them an income of $60,000 They make the growers laugh, but wil make the consumers weep. Ottman, the Treasury thief, was brough before Judge Wylie on a writ of habeas cor pus and bail reduced to 540,000.

The uc cused was unable to furnish the amouni and was remanded to jail. Customs officers at the lake ports are no tified from Washington of an extensive system of smuggling carried on by fishing smacks, and are desired to keep a sharp lookout for this new scheme for evading the tariff. The jury in the case of R. K. Turner, who has been on trial for the past week, on the charge of forging title deeds to Chicago real estate, disagreed and were discharged.

It is rumored that they stood eight for conviction and four for acquittal. The work of boring for coal at Jacksonville has been abandoned. After an ex- penditnre of not less than 850,000 in try. ing to find a vein of coal of sufficient thickness to be worked, they have concluded to depend on other places for their coal. As a slight token of tbb esteem in which they held him, some acquaintances of Mr.

Samuel Granger, of Missouri, recently presented him with a very serviceable pullback necktie. The gentleman was one of the most successful and widely-respected horse thievea in the Southwest country. Mr. Gladstone appears again In a bulky pamphlet which he hurls defiantly nt the Church of Rome. He claims that the Papacy only waits tbe opportunity to plunge the whole world into a religious war.

The sale of the Right Honorable gentleman's writings on thia subject has been prohibited by the French Government. The Republican journals of Pennsylvania express great confidence that the State will give a good Republican majority next fall. They assert that the confident feeling in the party is rapidly growing; that old feuds are healed; that the Republicans arc beginning to work in earnest, and in good spirits; while the Opposition is divided, faint-hearted, and indifferent. Mrs. Mary P.

Natter announces that she has withdrawn from her candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Dane county, Wisconsin. Mrs. Nutter's rsason for doing ia that she doesn't see the least of being elected. If this example is likely to be generally followed, it will constitute another argument in favor of the introduction of women into the political field. The Baltimore Gazette figures Governo Allen's defeat out, Bomethingthus: Allen" majority in 1873 was only 800; that yea saw a "liberalizing" of 10,000 Republicans who voted for Allen then, bnt will vote fo Hayes now; and the Republicans really le the election go by default, full 00,000 no having voted at all.

The Liberals wi come back; a full vote will be polled an Hayes' majority must, after allowing for al foreseeable leakages, amount to somewhen between 30,000 and 40,000. In accordance with orders, the honor due the memory of ex-President Andrew Johnson were paid yesterday at the Rocl Island Arsenal, by all labor and military duties being suspended. At dawn thirteen guns were fired, and between the risini and setting of the sun, at intervals of thirty minutes a single gun was fired, and a na tional salute of thirty-two guns at th close of the day. The officers will wear a badge of mourning for thirty days. The death of Hon.

William A. Graham of North Carolina, is announced. He wa formerly one of the moat prominent publl men in the United States. lie was a Whig United States Senator from 1841 to was Governor of North Carolina from 184- to 1849; was Secretary of the Navy under President Fillmore, and was the Whig can dictate for Vice President of tbe Unite, States in 1852, when Winfield Scott ran for President. He died at the age of 7a years.

M. T. Bowden, a school teacher at St James, filled a pocket book with ad vertislng imitations of greenbacks, am hen somebody at the village store offeree to bet on something he drew out a handful VECETINE the Blood, mmd the WkoU Sjttmrn. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative, Tonio, Solven and Diuretic. VEGETUs'E Is made exclusively from th juices of carefully selected barks, roots an herbs, and eo strongly concentrated that will effectually eradicate from the syste.

every taint or Scrofulous Homo Tumors, cancer. Cancerous Humor, Ery slpelas, Salt Kheuni, Syphilitic diseases Canker, laintness at the btomach, and a diseases that arise from impure blow Sciatica, Inllamatory and Chronic Khenm tism, Neuralgia, Gout and bpiual Com plaluts, cau only be tfttfectuaity curetj Ihrougu the blood. For ulcers and Eruptive Diseases of th Skin. Pustules, Pimples, Blotches, Boil Teller, Scaldnead and Ringworm, VEGh TI NE has never failed to effect a permanen cure. or Pain In the back.

Kidney Complaint Female Weakness, Leucorrnoea arising from internal ulceration.and uteriu diseases and General Debility, VEGET1N acts directly upon the causes of these com plaints. It Invigorates and strengthens tb whule system, acts upon secretive organ allays Intlamation. cures ulceratlon an regulates the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation ol the Heart. Headach Piles, Nervousness aud General Prostratio of the Nervous no medicine ha ever given such perfect satisfaction as th EGfcTI NK.

It purities tbe blood, clean! all ol the organs, and possesses a power over the nervous system. Tha remarkable cures atTecled by VEG1 TINE have induced many physicians an apothecaries whom we know to prescrlb and it la their own families. In met, VEGETISE is the best remed yet discovered for the above diseases, and Are not the many testimonials given ft. the dluereut complaints satisfactory an reasonable perttou guttering from any Uii ease mentioned above, that they can cured? Head the dlnerent testlmoule, tftven, nnd no one can doubt. In many these cases the persons say that their pal aad sullering cannot be expressed, as I cases ol Scrofula, where, apparently, tb wbole body was one moss of corruption.

VEGc.TiNEwlll relieve pain, cleanse pur fy nnd cure such dlseuseH, restoring th patient to perfect health after trying diffe ent physicians, many remedies, aufferiu miuiy years. Is it not conclusive proof, you are sufferer, you can be cured? Wh 13 this medicine performing such ere cures? It works in the blood, in the circul ting lluli Jt can truly bo called tne OHEA BLOOD njRiKJKK. The great source of di ciu-u orlglimtrs in the blood; and nomed cine that does not act directly upon it, purify and renovate, has any Jusl clai: upou puWlcntteutlon. When the blood comes 11 eless nnd stagnant, either froi change of weather or of climate ant exercise, Irregular diet, or from any oth cause, the VEUEHNE wil! renew the bloo carry the putrid hmaors, cleanse th the medical profession, that the rcmedl. Hupplied by tue VEGETABLE KINGDOM ai safe, more successful In the cure disease, than mineral medicines.

VEGE rlliE is composed of roots, barks and herb It Is pleasant to take.and Is perfectly safe Kive an Infant. Do you not need It? Done hesltiUe to try It. You will never regret 1 Would not be Withon For Ten Times its Cost. The grent benefit I have received from th use of VEOETINE induces me to give testimony in its favor. health, to give I believe it to not only of pro it value for restoring th but a preventive of peculla to the spring and summer seasons, I wouid not be without it for ten times It EDWABD T1L.DEN, Attorney nnd General Agent for Massachn set's of the Craflmen's Life Assurance No.

49 Sears Building, Boston, Moss. VEGE TINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TH FAST SIDE WHEEL ST EAGLE PACKET CO. AME fl St SPREAD EAGLE! A.liRUNER D. 3IOUKIS Master Clerk Runs Dally (Sundays exceptedi In the St.

Louis, Alton and Grafton Trade. jeaves Alton for St. Louis at 7:00 A. St. Louis for Alton at 3 co p.

jeaves Alton for Grafton 6:00 p. H. for past patronage we hope to ncrit Hie continuance of tuesame byoUer- ag to the public a cheap rate of Trans- ortatlon aud Passage. FARE: To St. Louis tllSO Twenty Ridt's 5 ol mhlSdw; P.

LYNCH, Agent. faying, "Make it SOOO and I'll take you Most of tbe bystanders saw the character of the supposed money, nnd Inugheil at the joke: but not so Karl Ahlberg, an ignoran Swede, who regarded the bills as genuim and the amount as a fortune. He therefore enticed Bowden into a stable, where he murdered him with a shovel, secured thi worthless roll of paper, buried the body and fied. Tbe North Carolina Election- RALEIGH, Aug. The latest reports show that the election has gone 60 Democrats, 50 Republicans nnd one Independen Democrat.

Sixty-one ia necessnry for a choice. Accidentally Killed. DCS MOISKS, Iowa, August day a farmer named B. F. Pogue, iu this connty, was leading a cow, when the animal started to run, and Pogue stumblei and fell.

Striking on bis head, he turned breaking big neck and killing him instantly. Tha President has signed the commission Adam Btdeau to be Minuter resident at Shawneetown Flooded- McLEAXsBORO, August levee at Sbawneetown broke loose this morning. The town has over seven feet of water all over. Two trains and their passengers are here, and cannot get out. There are seven feet of water on the railroad track.

Passengers go aa far as Equality, and transfer on a boat for Henderson, Ky. No lives have been lost, so far as heard of. When No. 3 went in at 2:45, the levee broke, and just aa the train got in the current tore np the track in its course. The damage cannot be estimated.

Families are leaving and finding dry quarters, and are boosed in the second stories. The river Is (till rising, and the water is filling np very fast. Some smaller houses have floated away, and the back-water has come on this side for fourteen milec. The officials of the railroad are doing what they can for passengers and the inhabitants. Money to loan on lift class ma estate from one to yean.


MOORE, Alton, DU FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Kewly minted, Refurnished nnd Refitted throughout. Two New Sample Rooms Added and everything put In First-Class condition. myJGdwly H. W.

CHAMBERLAIN AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 18 Third StTMt. ALTOS ILLINOIS. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Toilet Articles, VANE, CALVEBT P.eady-Mlxcd Colors. Imported Brandy, Sherry, I'ort and Champagne, California Brandy, Sherry, Port and Areelica, Ales, Porter, Rum, Brandy, Blackberry (Jordlal.

Agent English Breakfast Packet Tea eas. Cigars and Tobacco, at Wholesale and Retail. Proprietor of the Celebrated 'FAVORITE" COLOGNE, PEARLtNE TOOTH POWDER, WADE'S HAIK RESTORER, WADE'S CAMPHOR IOE. compounded at all hours day or night, my 18 mmm, Have Just received their full nnd new EOrtment of WALL PAPER Base Croquett, Tops, We also bave a full and complete assortment of Pictures Picture frames SHADE FIXTURES! PICTURE CORD. BRACKETS.) WALL POCKETS, BLANK BOOKS.

MARBLES, ETC. Foreign Domestic Stationery llctnre Frames made to order. Wall Paper bought of us Trimmed free of iharge. SCall nnd see our KewSprlnpsGoodsatNo 0 South Hide Third street, between State -ind Belle Streets. Alton.

111. PROPOSALS FOE City of Alton Water Works Bondi Sealed bldi will be received at the office the Clerk of the city uf Alton. untl Monilay. Augustvsd.ltfis. at one o'clock for the ante ofluO Water Works with coupons for the interest the denomination of IMireacn, dated August 1st, 1875.

115,000 of saia Bonds fell due in 10 years, 115,000 In 15 yean and CW.OOO in -20 yean Irom their date, and all bear Interest at the rate ot 8 per cent, per annum payable on tbe nrst of August and the Treusurer'nofficcln gald city. There will be accrued Interest on wild bonds from Anguit 1st, 1875. and bldj must be made accordingly. Bids will be received for all or any portioi of aald bonds, must state tbe premium offered lor the sameias they will not bo Bold for lefs than pan and be directed to tbe Mayor and clerk of the city of Alton, and marked ou the envelope "Bids for city of Alton Water Works Bouds." The right to reject any and all reserved, If they are not deemed satisfactory. LTJCAB PFEIPPENBEROEB, Mayor KBANK It FERGUSON, Clerk.

ALTOS, Aug. 12,1876. dwtd. A wanted eTerr- hcre. Husluess honorable and first lass.

ParticularsSMU free. Aildrcsi J. WOKTU A St. OPIUM Morphine habit and PniulMt: nopuhlicitv. Dr.

Carl. ton. IS WuMogUm Cbiufio. Ill TURNIP SEED! Red Top Strap Leaf, Golden Globe, White Flat Dutch and Hula Baga, Turnip Seed. 'Warranted Fresh and Pure, for wile by OvVINQa WEBMEYEB, Seedsmen.

15 Belie SU. Alton, "Turnip Seed! Prom J. M. THORBUBN 4 New York. GUARANTEED FJtESlI OENUIXE Sold exclusively by OWI.NGS* WEftMEYEB, Seedsmen; Second door from Post Office.

Just try it and see how well our seeds will please you. Bine Grass, Red Top, Itye. Buckwheat 4 WERMEtfER, 15 Belle Bt. Alton. LOUIS FISCHER, Veterinary Surgeon, Infoims the people of wood and vicinity thai he ban again located hlmxel at Buck Inn.

Having been a large number ofyears engaged in the profession, HI years of which were passed in thuaraiiesofSwltz orland and in the United States, he leelt. confident that he can give satisfaction to al cull on him. Office at BUCK Inn, in Mr. Glassbrenncr's feed and nale stables, orders can be left lu Alton at Ulrlch's Drug store on Secoud tar or at Hort's Livery stable. myaj wly VT 0 I The firm known as Lampert i Hoaglan dissolved by the withdrawal of u.

A. i I 8 11 Tbl8 notlf all persons Indebted to the late firm that they must pay to me as he has no interest, Lainpert remains with me. D. S. HOAGLAN.

ALTOX, April 19th, 1875. NOTICE. All who wish lo become accountants will lo well to join class at Moro or OmpbK'ient recite evenings. In Book keeping, during winter season. Terms reasonable No text books required.

Apply to PHIL. RECIIEK. Yorkville school house. Kidgley. aug5 w-lw TT RSULINE ACADEMY (BOARDING SELECT SCHOOL.) Alton, The Annual Session will open on the nrst londay or September.

Terms per session or boarders Clo9. For day puplis, according class. For full Information send for rospectns, and address. MOTHER MART. Superloresi.

lane 12 wly GREAT LAND SALE! acres of the finest land In Madison county. 0 choice Building Lots and 1 Dwelling House with 3 acres of Ground. ARE A'OW OFFERED FOtt SALE LOCATION! The farm Is Just outside the corporation of Jpper Alton where taxes are low, and has jeen sub-divided into small farms of from to 20 acres. This ie a rare cbancato men of mall means to secure a home on most rea- anable terms. The lots are In Upper Alton, near the erminusof the Horde Uatlrood.

For beau- of natural scenery of Soil Pure ater. Mild and rtealthlul climate. Kall- ood and River lacilltles and social attroc- lons the locatlloa is unsurpassed in the tale. Land may be purchased at private sale ntll tbe day of Public Sale, on THURSDAY, AUGUST, 26TH. TERMS OF cash, balanse none, two, and three at per cent nterest.

For further Information upniv H. N. KENDAJLL: 8-d2twtd Upper Alton, 111. THE PIOMIRERT mmm OF THE NEW LOW RESERVOIR "STANDARD' Are Economy Price, Superior Construe tion, Quick and Uniform Baking, Great Durability with Handsome Designs And Giving Perfect Satisfaction Everywhere. MADE OHXY BY Excelsior Manufacturing Co.

612, 614,616 618 X. Main Street, St. Louis, Mo. AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY JB IV J. State Street, myldw Alton, HI JULY 16,1875.

We are offering our stock of SUMMER CLOTHING, HA.TS GAUZE SHIRTS, DRAWERS, FURNISHING every Description, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES UMBRELLAS, RUBBER AND WATER PROOF COATS. Cheaper than Ever. Call and see us as we must make room for our Fall Stock. J. W.

H. Schweppe. For AT A CHINA. GLASS AND CROCKERY BARGAIN JHINA, GLASS AIR THEN WARE AT THK ROCKERY STORK ON THIRD Nearly Opposite Belie. ST Importations of New crockery re- elved.

comprising Plain and Emboasc on Stone China; Exhibition and Edward 'lebrated Havre Shape Stone China equa i fine China in appearance; a beautlft ock of Parian, Lava and Bohemian Goods so, a splendid stock of Olassware; new rns of UobleU and Frultstands; Lamp. interns, and Looking Glasses; bent qnallt 1 Silver-Plated and Ilrittanla Ware- Tabl atle rea Tray 8 and 'rd Woode nd willow Ware, Japanned ware an ouse Furnishing Goods generally, which owoBcratgreatTyredueedprioes. Thepnb are respectfully invited to coll and exam ne our New Goods, and very low prices be- re purchasing elsewhere. M. CKANBAloj, Alton Illlnoii Established 1845.

The Howe Machine (ELIAS HOWE, Ja.) World-ReiLowned HOWE Sewing GENERAL WESTERN OFFICE, Itate and JacJcson Chicago FRENCH'S HOTEL, (ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) PPOSITE CITY HALL, PAHK. COUBT HOUSE, AND IfZW POST OFFICE, HEW YORK. All Modern Improvements, including Elevator. Kooms 81 per diy and upward. T.

J. FKENCH Props. Jy29wly $25 a day fnannteed our Wdt Drills. $TBo montS to Theso renowned Machines always recom eud themselves favorably to the genera uiillc. Being the oldest extant, they are the most popular Machine use; and produced as they are from the aand tnecuanlcal genius of Ellas Howe Ir i'he Inventor o( the Sewing Machine' ty possess many points of excellence nlch, for purposes of sewing, render them perlor to any other, and wnlch have made em World-renowned.

The. qualities which ecommend them are their thorough am echanlcal construction, simplicity am of management, strength, beauty ant inness of stlcn, elegance In style ani nish. Our terms of sale are as liberal as are SPown to the trade, and all are Invited to examine our Machines before purchasing.) The Howe Machine State JaokwB Chicago, HI. Persons redding In districts-where we are not represented, will pleaie address as for Illustrated Price List, whi ih will be mailed free. Agents wanted, nova TAILORING.

Q. 1- A MERCHANT TAILOR BELLE STREET, Opposite Chanejr't Furniture Store. Seeps constantl English, French, on hand a fine stock ol German and Amer- ican Cloths Casslmeres, Doeaklni. Melons. which he will make to order on tne most reasonable terms, and In tbe most fashionable style.

Give him a call. Catting done an tbe mast reasonable terms. nd short notlos. ONE FINE FIRE PROOF SAFE. ONE TINE ROSEWOOD PIANO One Large Melodeon.

One Fine Sewing Machine. ONE HORSE, SPRING WAGON HARNESS One Large Office Desk. Terms Cash! H. I. SCflRRITT Aug2 dwly General Auctioneers DRY GrOODS RICHARD Is now offering a large stock of SUMMER GOODS, GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS.

It will pay you to call and examine my ELEGANT NEW GOODS, White Dress Goods! STACKS OF THEM "WAY DOWN!" HOSIEBY and Also a large assortment of White Lace Barbes Silk Ties and Ribbons in the Newest Shades Styles. t- so oarttfleate Oven of tUmnenU, until paid Ibr. BAHKRUPTCr, NO. 1,658. In the District Court of the United for tbe Sontnern District of llllnoU.

At Alton in maid District, the 26th day of JnlyA. D. 1875. The nnderalzned nerebyglvet notice of his appointment at Anlgnee of the St, Cement and Lime company of the connty ofMadlton and State of Illlnoli, which ban been adjudged a bankrupt upon creditors, petition by tbe District Court of aald District, on the 12th day of July, A. D.

1875. WILUAM SIEM, Assignee. CHA3. T. WAKC, Register.

w3t A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice hereby given tbat tbe undersigned administrators of the estate of William Jarrett deceased, bave filed tbelr final account In tbe office of tbe clerk of the Connty Court of Madison County, Illinois, and that we wtll apply to said County Court on tbe third Monday in August next, for an order approving aald report and discharging ug from further duty aa such administrators, wben and where all persons Interested in the settlement of said estate can appear and object tosald account if they see fit to do so. JOSEPH JARKETT, 28-dltwtd N.U.HATHEWAY Administrators. TS BANKUUPTCT, NO. 1,654.

In the United States District Court. Southern District of Illinois, At Alton in said District the llth day of July A. D. Ib75. The nndernlgned hereby given notice of appointment as assignee of John Tbeen of Alton.

In the Connty of Madison and State of Illinois within said District, who baa been adjudged a Bankrnpt npon bis own Petition, by the District Court of aaid District. HFNRY G. SI-PIKE, Assignee. CBA.B. T.

WAKE. Register. Ju22w3t TN BANKRUPTCY, NO. 1,649. In tbe District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Illinois.

In the matter Henry Weaver and James S. Weaver, Bankrupts. Notice bereby eiven that a petition has been filed In said Court by said Henry Weaver and Jarre.i S. Weiver of Alton, in the county of Madison in paid District, duly declared under tbe act of Congress of March 2ad, 1807, fjr a discharge aad certificate thereof, from all tbelr and other claims provable under said act, and that tl third day of September 1S75, at eleven o'clock A. is for tbe hearing of tbe same by tbe said Court, at tne United States Court room in the city of Springfield, wben and whenta'l creditors of eaidoaafc- rnpts and all other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any tbey bave, why tne prayer of said petitioners should not be granted.

GEO. P. Clerk. Dated Sprlnglleld, July 31st. A.

D. 1375. an5 w4t BANKRUPTCY, NO. 1,049. In the District Court of the TTnited States for the southern District of Illinois, At Alton, In said District, the 13th day of July, A.

D. 1S75. The undersigned hereby glres notice of his appointment as assignee of Henry Weaver and James H. Weaver, of Alton In the county of Madison, and state of Illinois, within said District, who have ad- Juged bankrupts upon creditors' petlJon by tbe District Court of said District. M.

B. CONVERSE, Assignee. CHAS. T. WAKE, Segister.

Jy21 w3t TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Administratrix of the estate of Albert Sauison, deceased, late of Madison county State of Illinois, has Hied npon the 27TH DAY OF AUGUST 1875. at a term of the Connty Court of Madison Connty. to be held at the court-house In Edwardsville, for a settlement and adjustment of all claims aguirmt aaid decedent.

All persons having cluima against said estate are notified then and there to appear and have the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to come forward and settle. CATHARINE SAMSOX. Administratrix. Partition of Real Estate.

COURT XOTICK. STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 MADISON COUNTY. In Madison Circuit Court, October Term A. Abby Goodman and John Goodman, her husband, I vs. Clara Wentllng.

Mary Mcholcs, Morris Thomas, jr. and Augustus Tnoxias. It appearing by affidavit on file ia the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Madison County, aforesaid. In the above entitled the said defendants, Morrti Thomas, and Augustus ThomaJ are non-residents of the state of without the reach of the ordinary process of ian ne salcl complainants ha vine filed tnelr bill of Complaint herein for Partition of Real Estate and a subpoena having been Issued herein according tolaw returnable on the Third Monday otOctobcr', iNow you the said defendants, -whose non- residence appears as above, are hereby notified that unless yoa be and appear before our said Circuit Court, to be SSSlfn at the 1118 towa Edwardsvllle on the Third Monday nf STOTC QVA3EBT. STONE ANDREW WAGNER STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER, QTJ A.KRIES! Alby and Fourteenth NEAB BTJNZI'S BBEWEBY; Is prepared to fill all orders for BUILDING OR DIMENSION STONE CURB STONE, FLAGGING, WINDOW SILLS, WINDOW CAPS, DOORSILL3, KIP RAP ETC Masonry work pronr tyfATSON BUILDER, AND I2C BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS! Alton, XUinois, THE O3TLY QUARRIES CT TEE CITY HAVING SIDE TRACKS RUNNING INTO THEM.

PorlM of Bunding Material on tie Cars aa Bulldtn? stone, per car low! S7 00 to 3750 Pillar rock, per car oati a to McAdam. per cubic yard lOOto is Hoagh Flapping, per superficial foot 10 to 15 Punched per superficial foot 20 to cs DreKsed curb per iiueai foot 3o to 5(j Dressed window sills and per lineal foot: Eoagu bush-hammered work Second do do do Fine do do Door superficial foot: bush hammered worfc to Second do do do tw Fine do do do 7u to Oreased clatern tops, each, gi IA). 00, 00 and 7 fiime per bushel. In car I lime perbarrei, ffibbls anaover Mine per barrel, less thanlSbbLs Louisville Cement, pero barrelH and over Louisville Cement, per Plaster Paris, pero barrels and ever Piaster Parifi, per barrel RlverSand, per car load 3 to 50 90 1 1J SADDLES AJTD HARJJXSS. O.

D. SIDWAY, No. 10 Second Street, Altoo, ID. Manufacturer ol SADDLES HARNESS Trunks and Horse Collars, And Dealer in x.efttb«r uffaJo Rotes Heatifoot OU Shoe Finding! Keeps constantly on band and for Rale, as low and uniform prices, a full assortment of all goods in his line of cocfistirs of One and coarse harness of all kinds. Particular attention be giTen to tiie leather trade.

A large and superior assoruueni ot -iUoe His Assortment of Leathers will at an times be full and complete. A large and superior 'ortment of Ladies and Trunks of everr size style and ortce constantly on hand. eb7-dw SAjmUE- HARNESS AXD Collar Manufactorv NO.O Second Street.thlrd d.jor/rom State, Alton. DlicolB. ifl) 8T isS he is manufacturing and will keep and.then and there plead, demur or nSStS, 1 to aaid bill according to the practice of sold Conn, then said bm taken for confessed, and a decree rdln to tne Harness, OollarT, Nicliols, Shepard tt THRESHER lug.

Ht warrants all worK manuaii-lured by aim. and intends to employ none bat -cod workmen. Fine an cosch harness always on nand. Tom Laving wotxed seven- leeu years "the bench, ucrterstand" tcor- onghiy the saddlebusiceas in all iu branches. Qive him a call before purchasing and Judge lor yourselves.

N.B.— Having added to icy S'annfsrtorv tne Saddlery yardware and Leather Biasness I am now prepared to furnish the 8ADDLKKY HARDWARE i Iji.ATHER at as low azures anv house in ifin 6 Harness makers i.ijLe countrv will find it to their Interest to examine my which is new and very low Iy9-dlv THOMAS MULLIGAN J. The BRILLIANT success of this ING JMJE5HER, is unprecedented In toeannalof Machinery. In a bnel RAISERS REFUSE to submit to the wasteful and imperfect work of other Threshers, when posted on the nutrapertori- i hl one for saving grain, savins time worif 0 tuor lm 1 economical THRESHERMEN FINDIT machine that his no ke or "Apron," that hnndls Grain Straw, Headings, Tlmoth y. Mlllett and all such difficult grain and seeds, with EASE AND EFFECTIVE, Cleans to perfection; saves the farmer his thresh bill by extra savins of I a 8 erln requires LKSS THAN OMi-HALF the usual Belts. Boxes Journals and easier managed- less repairs; oue that grain raisers prelS- to employ and WAIT FOR, AT ADVASCKH PRICES, while other machines are "out ol Jobs, made 6.8,10.

and 12 horse ers." of expresslyjor UTEA3f finp. ER, and to matcn other Morse Jbu-erj. If Interested In grain raising or threshing for Illustrated Circulars (sent free) UPartl size8 JyS wi NICHOLS, SHEPARD 4 CO Battle Creek, Michigan. WOOL GROWERS P'. G.

VIHS2KIXG. Insurance Real Estate Agent. I represent some of the most substantial Insurance Companies on theeominent. ilr. Breath will attend to my business in nrv Kb- sence.

Belle street, two doors north of Post- offlee, MACHINE SHOP AXD Brass Foundry, Belle street, between Fourth and Fifth one- half block north of Post Office, Special attention siven to Engines. Mill and other machinery. Eemovlu" and setting up new or old Boilers, itc. Iron and Brass Casting and Patterns. SmaJ1 MucUiner Brass Work, such as Glob? Cylinders and Steam Stop order Finished Locks.

always on hand. Pumps, Pipe and Stenm nnd water Gauges. Shafting Puneys.Eeniug nnd all other articles in the Machinery Line furnished at list prices Babbiu Metal constantly on in laree or small quantities. paid for old Copper, Bmss. Lend, ir.

Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past yeor, I respectfully ass a continuance of the same, and that all anything in the above line will give me a tri; mySwSm GEO. D. HAYDEX. BETTS BOTTLERS OF Of tlie We are now using 250,000 Ibs. of Wool topay the for goods.

We expect HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR WOOL 11 1 oar nt the lowest rates. Vi have a large and well assorted stock oi Jeans. Flannels, Cassuneres. Doeskins, Blankets, Kepellants. Coverlets, and Stocking Yarn, also Staple Cottons and Dress Goods a 8 to attend to CUSTOM mynwsm NI CHOLS.

SON CO. ALES, PORTERS, CIDER LAGER BEER Upper Alton, HI. E'S PRAIRIE LANDS OWA (NEBRASKA, 1HX urlington Missouri Sicer JR. CredU at 6 cent Iowa Southern Co No. 32 Third Street, Alton.

Large Discounts for Cash McREYHOLDS Blacksmiths, fif-PEfi AIjTOy Work warranted low. lake Forest Academy. or mnl sraduates of MITCHELL. V..

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