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Corvallis Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon • 2

Corvallis, Oregon
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DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES. MONDAY, APRIL ,14,. 1924. TWO MM I talking" to Othello aft effects to CocttiUifl 6aictif (Limes despise elltfc." But. to Roderiga.

'wae tn W. He the saaa ho referred to iJaerieaa soidiera a "tmlferBied thaga aa4 "oifofiaed Here is lie tars, -Pat money is thy parte and suggests tost thllo't wife to Establish 1812 HKULLt, mmo 4 mw i.iWvi from Little's apeeA at thai purchaasble. instead of flaotiag TMkW twry m(n, winft BaarHf. UI-F mmm r-tnt ta4 untmm amu, Otmnm. Or, characters, fbea lh quotations may sums it.

SvaieUra the words. Prof. Huslcir ire ma4e the basla for tae Of FICtAt PAPER BET0g COUKTV errtctAL papm city 6V cokvaujs' condiuloa that ahoald au Batte tall park; -k "I had an interview with the gov-f ernor of Arisoaa June 1- The gov- ernor ceked what weald happen if the eompaaiea ould not yi14 to our demand. 1 told him we would call every man eat ther Then he said if did he woaldi place them ander federal eoatroL 1 Uugbed at htm and tokt him 'If he! 4 that woaUl eall oat every worker ia the country lumhermen, maaKlon worker, minera and all classes of working man. He aaidj Why man, yoa would not do that! This country ia at i 1 doa't give a aama.

Mtmto tf the taatkM Prat TW tnrklH INM 'to MduMr nMM tee bm loi'RuUint 4 tU iipn inn mr4n4 to a ot Mt oUxrrriw Utm mm HdilKtlw tool am srtimM gncitie. But, the Latin, form for agncMle aheut the eaaae lf-sorainui. gome men mar feel eon of distinguished as agnostics. Irnt ther might fljht cIld aa ignoramus. Even the appeal to reason la, I tlwt Editorial AmmMIm OrgM tlaW tttUrMl AtMtlaltte MWIMil fwhat country your country ia fght-.

a tense, appeal. The appeil la usually made as the such HO, frr tm uhnm fcf Mill, WM la cdna BtUHnt tg ewno, par i )ng. I em -fighting for ttte aoiiaanty of Further on In his Bntte, Mont, speech at the hall park, frank Lit TUESDAY NIGHT TELEPHONE. tle denounced our aoWtera aa "fa Ml I 4s fwft MQrvt asvtet WwW fvttll( IoIm wim I km pullt mini Mr urtllm." ttHUl.Y, Continubg WEDNESDAY NIGHT de tiam'a anifonned thuga," and again he Referred to them at 'Carl riant1 nwiforvned He deaoanoed the Aroerica aoMicn as tooU of the rapitaliste. He urged his auditors to rtae ap antf in great relwllloB overthrow thnp- a otiultetk 'should settle any pnte.

Bat, hnman reason ie very falUMe, oftea unreliable and misleading, oeKaaae, not all "people reason saay enaWe some of at to arrive at loalcal eooluloa aboat Ike ordinary affairs of life, but It Is aoeolatety a Wank In Us efforu tolve the kreat Hddle ef the universe, the Unknowable. We aee death all tUtoai, na, yet in spite of all oar research and ail our boasted reason, know positively nothing of whet eeeomea of or bow it omes after death. In "Rabbi Ben Ezra" Browning eea In heaven "the perfect round" of wnifh the earth is the "broken lUllata. He said that he war In which the United States was then engaged meant nothing to him and hi aaao- Theatre AtW hiteside that what they -were Interested in was a world-wide revolu arc." But ethers, an wm u- 'nvit to be sane and en tion and that they were going to tie up the farms and the industries and the mines in thie country In order to bring this revolutioa about, and then he stated if the mines vera taken under federal control "we will make it so damned hot tor the ut Friday iwiune, uld, wanted to prove tiat 8t Vt God. I woman, of coune, Butntal-ly derail gefl, but, her mnmeiit.

tb ehwiw re, wsi ctuisd 'a too loos dw1Uog. oa thwlofy, wWhj la fcer tt, sever ntiouuUd te more than iuprri- Tftere It a laylnc that "tupentl-tloa lte hard." The aaytng la In vrror for the j-eamilHit avperstl- II on aevM dies at alt. We are hor-ViTU'd the wheh burttlugs tf the rel of Jamea I and the witch jseotttifln in Balfm. But the lda that hroaght thrae things on no more Wlotlc than the one i'mt took hold of the Portland worn-art. dowed with nausual reasoning pjw-era, see In death the end ot everything.

It i a repulsive (Jiouht, but many smart wen and women have In dwaBrtg lth this proh-j government that they wdn't be aWe held It tern, there la a wide scope for the to send auy men to rraace." play of superstitions and all tribes of all themselves bad some that With All the Special Attractions to Make This the Greatest Event of ItsjKind Ever Presented in Comltis. Come and see the newest Easter Fashions in Millinery and Women's and Misses Apparel displayed on living modelsshowing a most distinguished collection of the very latest authentic styles for Easter. See he Motion Picture "LILIES OF THE FIELD" showing the very latest costumes, wraps, suits and millinery, posed by professional models. It is the greatest, attraction of its kind ever brought to Gorvallis. It is clean and beyond censorship.

J. H. HARRS MILLER'S- at -were peculiarly their own tho all provided tome kind of a hereafter. Experimentation wilt not make us 14 la JinU oVnO 1 A. Not even the ao-called 7 The UMbj spreefct at the liatte.

hall park waa at sample tifieecheii being made 4a ItoUe at that time in public place. the war the federal goveninutit prohibited public mcttings of the I. W. W. Butte, waa one of the four places in the UnJUtl Htatee Im-i the govern nuHit'a orders In ibis respect were wot enforced, 8c-ilitloa waa constantly preached pah Holy la Butte at that time.

The I. iwlilujt but error founded on some Mle beliei had often reason cannot W. W.V met la a public hall. They aru frije. rom stiperattUona some eort aml read 'somewhere that sotutt scllentUla say ait tlind faith ia bat superstition.

Why are there a many rtetlma ot the clairvoyant; the empiric, the dtmter In plrualiaU ahoddy? Wa prolee not ti believe In ghosts, and yet good many people In the genutnenrsa of the ecloplaamlc photography of Conan Ikivlo. Munv nionl ntinte Ahakoa. tall as what beliefs are faUo and what are true, and thus, reason Itself may become the parent of aupwstltiou. And ther yon are. You may know the Portland woman waa crasy, but the chancel are have some pet aupertUtion ot your wa.

bad speahen i oft the wtreeta. They worked thir propaganda openly to hainwtrlnK the federal government. ThureaU er aiade that the mines would be btowa up' in order to atop their prodactioa. At other points In Moniaaa the W. and reds were artive- At one town they had Stylish Freakish and particularly in Butte, just prior to the hanging ot Frank tittle.

He was hanged because the citizens there felt that they had no protection from the federal authorities in that state, preaching of treason such as Little had uttered pare aa the that settlod and tha Jiard of Avon fwaa tfao final author t- ity. "Who sXela-my -pwe tea) run np the red flag. r. There's Difference at a public meeting in a ball park, The patriotic rltixens of Montana reported these' affaire to Wheefct, and for which he bad not even been taliate by starting; a movement for "bigger and 'better humor." Correct this sentence: "I have been in many traffic Jams," said he, "without once desiring to slay the orivers tn front of ine." The -world is growing more seemly. One can keep up a front now without having an overgrown watch chain draped aerosa It.

Yes, Ethel, psychoanalysis ia a great help. Ftinstance, if youi dream of kissing a cat it means that you are subconsciously in love with some man who Jus a moustache. tittlr's haaebaU park sie-h was re called to account by the federal ported to They msdated that authorities la Montana. KEVATOn WHKKtEB'B ALIBI flanatnr Wheeler gives oat a tatemetrt in" defense ot hia attitude thr activities tn Montana' vf bile he was dtstriet aUorney, to the effect that he merely declined to condone mol law. Mr; Wheeler haa an elastic Ma bad more or as much todowHh encouraging mob law aa the man who waa hanged by' the patriotic ellitene ot Butte because Wheeler would take no steps to prosecute him.

Little was not a "atrlker." He he take aetioa. He ivfaseil do an. The ntdicakt oa the streets traah, it onef the pefphrenekt the quoters. Perhaps It is beOMite it la easy to reniamher'hud perhaps it 1a because It ia to true. But, wax.

that Shakeepeare's' opinion in the ease of lagot iagu was a villain and a' hypocrite and tm loved to talk rttHhde almost aa well as a modern politician of the demagog trlie. Hunmn nature hasn't changed nayv He' dilates upon hi, "good name' wbii la TIDINGS OP THE TIMES bragfted that he waa their friend. It waa brought out that his law "Asking a Each style in our spring stock was designed with one thought in mind: To appeal to women who seek fashionable footwear that is Good-looking STYLISH not The apex ot futility: woman "Why?" partner waa the attorney for niany of the men who were fomenting trouble. This was the feeling in Wontana Aa actress dreenes to suit the plot, "and a musical comedy has practically no plot, so THE OPENING OF THE GOLF SEASON Something else to worry about: Does a horseradish belong to the or to the vegetable king dom? It will be the Shenandoah's' turn to dicover the North Pole. Here's hoping they can find a way to make it stay discovered, eo the performance will not have to ibe repeated every few years.

Correct this sentence: "No news Uj good news," said the reporter to the city editor. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE The Farmers' Fire Relief associa J. M. NOLAN SON Another vital problem: What, If (anything, will we eat after all the farms have been converted Into golf courses? Wouldn't it be easier, now, tor tion of Buttevllle, Donald, nasi the newspapers to trint short lists me largest reserve and the lowest FISH ARE BITING! assessments ot any purely mutual of the politicians who were not In volved In the oil scandal? fire insurance agency. I would like to get in touch with every farmer The knowledge that you didn't tn uenton County.

J. L. CAMPBELL, Agent break the speed law. is small con Box J43, Corvallis, Ore. solation when the other fellow SEASON OPENS TOMORROW beats you to the parking space.

djw.u 11. vnoiesome, pst- leuruea. yuarts 5c, gallons lSe Perhaps they call it "soup and delivered. Phone 13. SUNNY BKOOK DAIRY.

I15tf fish" because the average man feels like he's a Bah for wearing it and "In the sonp" when he has It on. GET YOUR FISHING TACKLE GRAHAM WELLS The prise for pessimism goes to a v5. I HtOe Ml golf STlCKtU PUse MCMtrt PUE rr ftLTfTTiTT ee p. TatlUt not Tweat jjN'jw I 11 0iU5 i Vou Wv.V "Em pob THOSE Ma JUST oil Vi.NTt. VJVTi 1 OW Lrmwcg ivt just puTa U-i ir'T7" iL 1 1 you just lcahn to ueAve.

I 1 TwHcrA'jPNE viweRt i put rrT' 1 vV 'r thevactor who, when the audience applauded him, muttered, "A'ir, they're Just doing tt tor the When a man loses his money finds his friends are of two sorts, as a rule. Some ot them desert h'm and some of them think he'll get tt baik. An exodue from the cities end a "back to the farm" movement may be expected any day noa-. Golf in the cHiea haa become too expensive. The critic who amuses us rnoet Is the one who knocks novels because they aren't true to life ana knocks real life because it isn't euough Uke a novel.

Most ot us find that money does not multiply fast enough. Some scientist should Invent a way to croaa the Amerkaa dollar with the guinea pig. A humorous magattne hat started a campaign tor "bigger and better wart." Military men may re 0 Gladiolus Bulk IjessliHlfe riictiL111 'm 8lze bulbs. each a eeparate and distinct variety, a genuine $4.25 value, for 0aiyS2 00 left, to me, as the object is to reduce surplus stocks.1 SPECIAL DOUBLE COLLECTION OFFER' U'CRISSEY -CUDI0LUS FARM," p. F.

0. 1, Boring, Oregon a -a CONTINUES TO PRESIok-l SENATOR ALBERT CUMMINS Pretldlnt Offleer of Benata Taa tentor teaator tram' Iowa sow aertanan the dntiee which art lormarly performed by Vice Fraaideat CooUdgt la the Feasts chaatbar, Aa preaMeat at UU body aaa a poslUoa ot treat taar..

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