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The Adams Sentinel from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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CANAL COMMISSIONER. T-MjE WWII NEJHBtJ ADY MISMtr MORE OF VM. B. FOSTER. The importance of electing a Wh t'OintnigsToner, sn We clip the fotowmg extract from the Pnwir I ffm rnfitor MAMM Locoloco naner f' Ttio i 6 I unester itccoru, is Decom ng more anu i f-h i 1- Courier supports (ie whole Locoloco County i eople of Pennsylvania, says the Ticket, but omits me name of Mr.

Foster for Readme Journal, here IS the issue, fairly more evident to-the people. Board, is now composed of violent pot ccouiits lor the stated. JAMES Mv: the jwrpeiaaiion of their offices-to re- -It will no dmbl be asked, why we do fUnjon evj(W Jol toW misunder-! 7 6 t7 'i -a 77 uie stood, that PENNSYLVANIA is not to the people of the State look on with co: indifferoncc-Ayhile neculation and" blun der are the main objects of the public ser- ter received (he nomination by the dem- for tun MAM mile from Gettysburg, on the road leading Ih Harris inrir Eli will be deemed an 5 I in lavor ol fKtb TKAUJS and the" On Tuesday the 6 th day of October, through of Gettysburg, ILL positively be sold, struck will head of our ticket, as the democratic to the highest bidder. cannot do so. tteare aware Mr.

a.i ill vants? Has not the time arrived when ocratic Convention of of March the great concerns of the State should last, but we are well -aware that thai or Howards' "of- P'affintwl T.nn.l tier. The improvements ure a ope and oue-half ALU ABLE FARM capi Aim lm here: FOR OFJiBS AT fRjTAT.K IrfnimoeVIarid ToWhshlp. Adams county, about miles from Gettysburg, on Marsh-creek, containing about 235 Acres, if which nbouTGO "or 70 are iirst-rate TI M- and about "0 or SO Acres in excellent HUT. TOM LAND The fences are all in first-rate order, and the Farm is in a perfect state of cul iQcimnruveinents are, a 3P deceased, late of Strnbap township, Adams On Fridan the tith dan nf on the premises, valuable FAMr of said deceased, lying oh the road leading from nuntcrstown to Hanover, abont one roite.sbuth east orthe former place. idjoinih'g lands of Jas, Bell.

Jacob DnmVI others, 'containing with, a Log tent hands TrulV, we think Look CORRUPTION AND FRAUD of £he enormous Slate reaching! most boldund reckless by a more" lb an "FORTY MILLIONS OF combined of the Executive DOLLARS, fct which every wotkshop, departmeet and Canal, Board, to every farm and every house in the Slate tbe.t|selves in Foster must go. on jva's. like, to increase, unless People tax, their; with' the ONE TERM PRINCIPLE honest. earnings lo keep down (though a rate man himself) -H pust ha term. For jRaihtr Ohio State Jburrf lal says that is a woman in Pickn.l: way' in that whoUvei'gbs large Stone Barn; Vftth'a we1i of 404 noundsl 'She cannot disnose of 1 and an excellent spring' iri'Us ihnn )vo f1' Spnns-Hftuse, cohvenientr- fill three pretty webY She usually BMW HOUSE, BiVlf PACV 1 shed, and all other tje-.

rrilOUS AND DOLLARS AN-; that NDALLY Whigs of Pennsylvania, -and the, Canal Board were made P0-ond citizens of all look at these LITICAL HUCKSTER their at your debt, and. your an- patron'ige was thrown into the nuaJ Tax jjowjong. will Were put off until after the rrunuer inem now lung vvm you anu is ampn statcotcuttivationiarid in a had, made for; tillered one-of this that nnrnnsf. nnt lion of cotin'tW fcpjftlg ly submit to the oppressions which tin mismanasfement ol party, its extrava gance and corruption, have inflicted upon bed. IM PO.RTANTI-ASTHMA "clrRED.

Pdtxam, Ohio, May IS, 1S41. ux. uear ueimecK nas eight or ten'trnttles of yi gf Wtin'fry thft and nearly Y0U.NCv vwtctr nut, just to gear, wun ft For years the Public Works of Penn- vania have been the plunder cround of hordes'of political cormorants and oth- dered.lhcrevenup, and reduced the. credit of the to ihe. lowest point of bank ruptcy.

Tired of the. imposition, "the people of all parlies in 1844, voted 4bat the public works should be sold at pub lic auction. The voice of the people whelmln gT ore an 20,000 majority proclaimed that-the- freemen of rennsytvanifl were tired and disgusted at "continued outrages which linn1 ter's nomination we regard as fraudulent: benefit. HisheaUh- is oener man lor several years past, ana nis ap-I nearance indicates a decided improvement in health. His confidence in your medicine has are informed that many of them' have been all Ckesmit first rat.e Meadow, and of Timber.

KCIPk UroU- Ik. Farm; Possession will be given "o'nllie 1st of Anril npvt. and titln ciear oi qay. incnmornnce. the flian we know to BE POLlTI-i CALLY DISHONEST, AND NOT: W-OiiT-H THE -CO NF I A CONFIDING PEOPLE.

He. has puBin sacoiiced the interests ot the wotksj and prostituted the office of his uwn persdrrat beft of officers', and the- best of- men, tor, no other reason under the sun than to put meri in power to destroy the Demti-crstic ticket, as is the casejn this county. He pledged himself before the nomina-tifln to appbih't certain individuals to office" provided certain delegates would tote for hirrrin the Convention. He has continued in office certain -unauali' infiomjfrtoiu offirer.V, tHIred, ahd others erms will be moderate and made known great variety of AppK P6aqht Plum Ttees, kc oh different parts of the There is a-ne ver-failing well of water at. the door; a fine ipring in the Barn-yard, and springs in the fields that never fail.

ufso runs turouqh the Farm. on day of sale. WM. KING. Mm V.

with tht 'Will anntxtd, of he will sell on very reasonable terms wnicn may oe tnown on application to him, on me premises. AlAiUV UOKKEX: utcheu altu'ched rtiloubla Log. mrk 'A-p There is a never-failing spring of water convenient to the. House-, and runblng'ivater through the also an of lb6 cKolcesflcihj 3 of is" a -stiifiden'cTrftfTrrtJwi'-" Meadow-land. The road leading from knntere-town to Hanover ruhs nearlv throusrh; thft-een.

tre of the cl'eared As. the property can couuy uoiiiviucu, Will. Of 6PIQ in IWO PaflB together, may suit ASSIGNEE'S SALE 3 Al. thiittmt hands of the sanie turned against the-peopierto eai-out their pamper the cormorants of party. Whigs of the "Young Guard," awake fo, Ihe unpenning cnniflgt which is to do Wateutows, K.

Y. Oct. 2, 1 64 1 is an excellent article. Many respectable persons also orTer their certificates in fayorof your Expectorant. I believe your medicines are the best preparations that have ever been offered to the public, for the relief of the afflicted, and for the the diseases for which tbey werein- will soon be ex- clustveJy.popular._ Ad.biel Elt.

WTHfWG! Buck WS AVE constantly on bnnd every descrin- of CLOTHING, all of which are cut, trimmed rriade in- a- manner not to be surpassed, and are warranted cheaper than tho quauiy oi uoods in any other establishment in the United States. AlsoT'everv descrin. Hon of GsxTr.KMr.ya Frnyiiiitrwh-'-finnTis-'-ht i icuuced pncf-s. 1 Hose the, city will mm to exanunei fore purchasing elsewhere. will Witt BK'EXPOSEB 10 JUDC10 SilE, On Saturday the lOth of October next, i on the prermsest A "TRACT.

OF. LAW, situate in Adams county, afO'K two miiei west oi or lets, ana oncnafl story Log Lot of acmvd Grouttff, r.d "ad joining lands of Daniel' Comfort and others, xpntaining of water. Any jwrron to'yewS uol or. Wm. residing on the Farm.

attendance.will be yen wade Known CTlf the above Property is not a-5 above, i nr ior onoiycar. efc ng. mure remocttK -t iiaaOTI wcrn wim.m^ii inr no Aug. 27. tVAVr- defiance! No sale was made! And cratic party, if nnt for onin-' in my practice for ihe I lowf disoroanizinrr renutation Hi, t-onsump- lent of water, and a Spring-house, and a 0 reputation.

lis dt mo- t.qn,A.s.l,ma,Pa.nsand Weakness in the Breast, fWHE and Manager if the York failing of water paW through K-n cratic principles nr- proportion to ut it is deed Jlv the be mi iieine i it r.v...J,v.„ fepd. Hp is FRP.P. TR A HP. MAM trierf- Vorv cide whether the present corrupt dynasty supporter of Wilmbt and Piollet, I their wfTortG to do stroj the jnterests yyui riiyiuiujis uuu uui --less we uoj every cnarge enormous Taxation, shall last preferred agaiifst Foster is true, we wou Id The present generation would be' be" doing ourselves and the public great my 01 uieir itiusinous ancestry tameiy to injustice, were.we to support ur- stiDmirtrr-tne-proii uiein so -aeepiy. oun urnHwuvdi of i ie ve they are capable" of vATCEr it.

they will rally to the opening in nine-tenths of- the Counties in which meeHngs-have been-herd; he a "-mi 1 SUBSCRIBERS R. -W- WiLinxs, M. D. Kj-Jtsthlfia mud by Dr. Jayne'i Expectorant.

r-wiss- oi Haven. WE. ft ex TS-1 07 FSViE President and Manairere of the- Yo have this dayjleclared a Di vidend of TWQ per share.on.lhc capitul-atock, to be paid ette been cured of of more than eighteen-years continuance, by the use of msease. vve are. assured ol this cure by a lady tives.

on or after the inst. at Gettysburg by Sept. 28.. PHILIP SMYSER, Trtat'r. CQrelutrd of choice.

Fruity About 100 cleared, and the talance- welFcovered with good )l" uiMniennon to tievotejiir i with a good proportion of Meadow. be shown the same by Jphn Thoma8, Uving loe-premises, on said TRY us orancnea, no citort will be spared to render -satisfaction in every, have had'op- erations have proved a-d ithers visited at jheir i-, RDORFF, tf mts at Wed tu bv gppd A STAT PUBLIC 8JS1LE. 1 OoenTnnfessinn ana siuams uoimnes: "WHIG PREDTCTIONS "FULFILLED. 7-tdersrson-of-t he on Rr MrSauridersrour 1 jostly remarks Winii propSiT 1 i hi 4 J. reqii om ki public for the benefit of Mount Wtatant JWeister.

above Medic'nift is for sale at- the Drug btore of b. H. Buehjer, Gettysburg, Pa. Lujuci ui 1 uirawiu un-tuieo, Rave satisfaction, to my con- street. (Tribune New' York, and S.

solicited bv'many warm and respected friends to-become a eandidate for tHe Simeoifice re.cejyi,ng"! enfjyng -t I II tVI Uciiber. 'r advertisements am! ubscrintions to IMS Sr.XTIS-ttz":Sr,"ll pmtina i RaSticiaore Price Current.7 Democracy" of-'selfish Wfcic prophesied the of the Tariff "of '42. and 10 Peo? T.iriffthntVnnl.,,, L- 'or will be recollected nder ihe rv? FloMr. Rye, Corn, Oats, Beef Cattle '1-37. to 7j3 agemftnt which those considerations afford indn.

a seat in the Congress rof the Ur States. Should. you think me worthv. of vmir mmnnrt i receive a majority oi your votes. 1 wi en- cv prime worlcer Baltimore and" moved -ironai i reastrry ruin upon me great in erests of the country, i i l- j7 for thp Wifii nrr', "ri the rule, which defeated -Van Tariff of 1842: has been repealed, and we deavpr.rppromo!.- the interests.

of. mv.constitu. ents and our common Country, by deferiaing such "principles as were a.lvoca.ted by the Fath- uic iKiniui. wnicn is rnuihL- T10N TO AMERICAN LVTERF.STS, in rrence to those of FOREIGN Inch, bin "for ihe ahtio" both of Franklin township Mr. of Gettysburg, to Jifiss MAHijxnET Jaxe Reilt, of Baltimore county, Your friend and humble HENRY XES.

ionc, n. Ayhen-due-attcndaiicc will. be give'nrand-terms- maue Known -Dy ANTHONY 'DEA' of Mh Thomat; Aiigi rjr TitE On Thursday the 8Ut of October next, at 2 p. on the premises, liEti ULAK JilNR QE JL Burthen Cars. PHIUDEL- ationof we should not have? fori Sickness al 'From all the bill-would, hot have pass'pn hut fnnhe; can Iparn, we should judnetbnt the uieum-wowiq not nave passpn nm iparn, -judge t-hnt the pre- vuies-oi iexan senators; that will, not sent has been the most sickly season yield over eighteen millions of.revenuu.: whole West since 1838.

whilst the Government expenses are. The contiTOed" prevalence of hot and Sentience Ol WhlCll manilfimllirinrr SWamns tvhprn tb.n- uvlct On the same day, by the same. Mr. Isaac F. BniXKERitori-T to Miss a a ett it i ol this county.

country, are'already ceasing their opera- wherever it can reach. lions, and. thousands of laborers daily tlis-i In Illinois, especially, has sickness chareed thus Yeducing the wages of la- generally prevailed. The diseases are bor. and cutting off.a market for, and re-, scarcely ever fatal.

Whole neighbor- The too, prophesied the re-enaciment of the guti-rrrasiinr Wn thus hn. there are not enoujii we I.I ones to lake cafe of the sick. In many localities. dH- Mr. Kuilisill, ot berwick years.

fu York. on the iOth inst. Mr. Geobok Test of On the Mth 'inst. in Berkeley county.

Va. ir William Hammi'll. The Two Story Brick situatcjn Chambersburg now occu-. pieil by Daniel Gilbert, will be sold at Private de. Thej owner uel GuU'lius, has for some time removed from.

a half miles West of adjoin-' ing of Michael Bower, Frederick-Bower: rg, arm crcionnsircsin ob Si rtlTrg: 1 it, am! lor that piir pose li'as "constituted E. B. The TcrrrH will be made to siiit the pnrcha ser, ii possible. E. R.

BUEIILER, Jgtnt. tf 80 A of PATENTED; tAND, of good. quality, a considerable portion of -ivhich -has bcerr limed, wjthin 2 miles of a Lime-kiln. The improved two-story ujia ior tne ransi kinds ro. or iromYt ith a well and running water at the doar.

a nible Log Barn, and other Salt per sack, 30 cents per hundred. ID" AH. kinds of Freight Philadelphia so-. licited and carried at low rates. VVarchouse in Phjladelpbia.

at -365 Mar- ket streeWA, FARM FOR KENT. i of James a ar witn Mexico, a war upon the domestic industry, and a war upon the currency npiIE nf Adams County will aied Proposals at their Ollice in of excellent Fruit on this property. -Any son-wirtttng-tp p.urcnase-a valuable pro oining P. A. S.

HENRY KAUFFELT. remained unharvested from the prostration of the farmers, and iheir inability to procure assistance. In fact there has Whole Cint; GidUibutJUuiiil i Wlh-day nj THE WELL KNOWN FARM, oi 1 1 1 1 I iiereawrt above property. iLr 1 he connitions will be made known on the day of sale. JCFF.L BOWER.

NOTICE. Estate of Fletcher Mootheadt deceased. IE Administration on 4, nf have been willinij to bar-" gain awify to the South nll-lheVreat the. North, foY official in possession or in expectancy. 'If such is the beginning, what is to be the knp sual amount of sick'ni'ss-during the pre- sen; season, tie mi her ot deaths in our large cities is much laiser than (our.

A tbrillinf scene was witnessed bv oTrBTg-rono-t -Sept. 14. ffmr it U. S. (jazette of Mnnrlay, a Matemei that a brig had at Philnrl-lph ladbn with 250 tons of Coal from I'rtni Nova Scotia.

The British are and large number of iiersons near the Colum bia bridge, on the 15th inst. A train of car? for the West, was about the bridgn, ns one. of ihe pnssentrers held rhibl BRIDGE Rock frerk. np the road lead ins froir to Harrisb-us. and scions can be seen at the PETER nif.UU -) JOHN DIEJIL, tluTMimmstru 9 Tochers Wsaiuteil.

fgpiir. School llirfrtnr. A If ft Yi 13 II I 11 1 11 11 I L) li, u.e suosenper resiamgin thoi-e indebted to said Estate to call settle ihe same, and those who have claims, to pre-sent the same, properly authenticated, for set- Tow'iiihip will meet at the ichoolJiousc; near Anthony in said 't ownship, on Snluf the day nf October next, and pin- Warehousing Hill. The of mines is to soprnnle in our own kets the -oal of Pennsylvania, and R'one of the blessings npoi State by Mr. Polk.

The mere i ment of such a fact as is litre ought to open the eyes of the peoj the- inevitable and disastrous reMi! legislating rnR fiKITlSH and l-ll anil Iniere The price of cotton has advanced in valwr or one whole crop upwards of five lions -of. doflBrs, the Cambria news. posed to be three or'lour years obi, bf- two of the near the bombers. The train was started and the sudden jnr 4hrew the child down upon where it lav till several cars passed by. The child fell with irs head' aeainst one of the rails and every w4ieel prnzod i-.

for- tunnielv. dninjj it' no further harm than to riff a portion ihe itferclinnt Tailors, So 2'." Ml.TIMOIW Hcstjnrnrrjnf Chnrhs, fifdt. FTAVK reread h'aM ami WinVr fiKNTLKMrHN'S CLOT-ILLXG. Te; THE Hiifwn-iber has-the rtf inform-itiK his friends and the public generally. ae nas ihe above named estahlish- Oxford, Adams Pa tleiiiem, HKLTZEL.

Secy Fept. il. AGENT WANTED ft'OJl THIS COL.VTl'. Bplili'.«.« "ill he to procure JJ and -ell.

when a larae, splendid lovvriMiip Mapoi ATK OK 7TT York and GeltvsbnrL' Hav. ins provided himself with every rerjuisite (orlbe accommodation and comfort of travel- ters. ne ahb- fo" render bin housi ept. M. ii TirTeir-" 4 Estate of Joseph Mathias, deceased.

wnrrtry whuTTRe fesrH-ct fully so- I GF.ORG?: HF.IiHf. I CTThe Stabling attached is larec and com-' New Oxford, Aug. 31. fit 1 LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of JOSEPH MATHIAS, late of the deceased, having been gfarrr- hereby gives notice to those indehred to said F-state to call and settle ihe same, on or hrfort tht of De ranker ntxt, and those who have to present the same, properly authenticated, for settlement A NDRFW- POLEEY, I Estate of tikert, deceased. GETTYSBURG 1 I in said ton he hereby notrre fo 1 hose Stocl- in InO.L Piuv io Kstate to call and the DOLLARS on each Share on the of ami ubo have to present' 'trmhrr, VIVF nOhT ARS on I5li Tne miw; propi-riy (or FIVE WLL.VES on of (I hovtmbt PLTEIl WKIKEKT, I rt Aur T.ippan.-nf 'Mb ion of John 10, of Were completely paf1- their horror hemeincn-ased hyihe cbiM constantly mov'mg enPof in the way of each successive 'bfl approached ir.

This cTrTam-1 ly was a narrow escape. imports of Indian "orn at iverpool lor the month ot to bi.sKe!-. apd month ttfs uim) imtuHry, tnnuy. and tmnntu tuUtUt. orm.rn.r.

of tho lerms of ihe UDeniJAVJ tag f. paid ALEXANDER I vi Nmth sr, And of overy dcsciiptio'n, ut Obi w..

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