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McKean County Miner from Smethport, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Smethport, Pennsylvania
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Customary Methods Being Used 1o Secure Deviates to National Convention. 8TEPHENSON, TOO, IN LINE Who to Sell ni.prctentjtlvc» of Privilege and 1 Unlttd In Working for Reromlnitbn. Becaune of the hlsh metliodi which used by the to secure delegate, for HMomlnatlon of tre a ation ba. In th. rank, of wHsji 1.

bound to hafp a trorati nHiMiuoe upon fwults of the 150 convention 11 a fcellng among them that the a da pur nwd becauie of their realization tbat i 'rdlnary rule, of tthlc. twen but because fact 1. bets irought bom. to that th. nk and lie ot UM American Toten determined upon UlT-- Mneclally In with nomination and election of their chief maglttratfc The country has wltnwawd of the iragoonlng of not only In the Math bat throughout UM land for th.

purpow of forcing Taft Offl- Ual. dartof to dliplay are to cha'rgw of. political aotlTlty or with In th. Indiana coa- feolion contacting Taft from 4 i Marlon county permitted to of whether th.y ihould remain In the contention. In York tho grom fraud, which BlMnlrancbi.ed thousands of ad3cd crime to farce of the State In Colorado the Guggenheim machine, supported by the vast power the Guggenheim Interests, dominated the situation and forced the In wport to asd IBf that be rt-rot aot will do so In ItHlf It I.

nominee of Republican party hard)y to say that voted To make him itandard bearer to retain a man who ad would to Invite mltted a personal expenditure of thi. reajljallon tbat I. $107.000 In hi. campaign for th. circulation of O.lllngtr and Burnham of New Haatp- port.

In Taft about a voted for Lortnwr lut winter, ot another candl- tor Stfphenson a daya age ud than or Colonel unqueetlonably will for Lorlaur Taft supporters again. of MaaaachuMtU voMd (ought to cnttt that lor Lorlaur and and will from Larimer a Mcond HIM. Rooamtt kaatattrten. Nothing It who Aldrlch, and farther from trutk. strength of Rhode Iiland voted for phenton.

LJppItt wat not number of th. lorlmcr occurred last winter, but I. no qwillon as to what he wlll do. Wetmore voted for Ixirt-ier the first time and will do so of Com Ttlcut Is a ini'iib-r of the For the Heroine McCuttodt-WWIami ha. with th.

and hsjt by both Lorf- mer and i n'snn new mnator from Connecticut, voted for Sttphcnson Root of New Yo-k oted agittart IXJrimer and for Stepbenson Thl. likewise Is tb. situation of Burton, of Ohio Page of Vermont and Suth.r- deprived of their right, by methods, but men behind Taft candidacy finding that these voter, will not disenfranchised, that they will hue preference recorded It Is their demands thit will be heard In nnd that will re- milt In nomination NOW THE IRRIGATION CLUB Work en Reclamation Projects Held the Up Until States T.ft Dcleo'tea, and of Utah Penrose and Oliver of Pennsylvania joyfully Stephen- rUn lr the he.d- stand by them to the end Dupont of Barter, In WuhlniCon some of Delaware, himself under charge, of purchased bit seat In the and hi. colleague, Rlchardun, the both voted for Lorlmer and Dupont will expect favor to be Bradley of Kentucky. wko 1.

Taft. also support- Lorlmer and All Ardent Tart. In Illinois, Lorlm.r It aghting for Taft, and In 1. doing HkewlM. In South DakoU.

Gamble, who voted for both Lorlmer and Stephenson. I. advocating Tmrt's nomination ThU 1. tru. of Warren and Clark of Wyoming, both whom voted for Lorlmer and Senator Heyburn of Idaho has been the ardent champion ot both Lorlmer and St.phen.on.

Of 1. for Taft. Senator Smoot of Utah fought for Lorlmer and Ste- phen.on. I. fighting for Taft.

Senator Guggenheim, who Is Identified with the powerful Guggenheim Interests, and delivered Colorado delegation to the Taft column, stood shoulder to shoulder with Lorlmer and Stephenson Senator Nixon I. Nevada ccs In the machine and of the Federal patronage club a mean, of forcing election of Taft delegate, to Republican national convention I. only of th. schemes by which Taft manager, seeking to bring about the renomtnatton of tielr candidate, of th. ire of rank and file of the Re- situation ana mrtcu -of delegates pledged to YOU, the aid of the twa senators whose ro- for Mr.

Taft These conditions have been repeat- ad elsewhere and give a distaste to I election It was charged. procured through bribery and corruption Senator Perkins of California voted and Stephenson. preuure. It 1. an od.

and It evidences a desperation on aart the Taft manager, which could hardly believed If evidence not so clear. Thi. new method ha. do with the national Irrigation policy. One of th.

greate.t achievement, of Theodore'. administration wa adoption of tbl. national Irrigation policy and the creation of reclamation for establishment of Irrigation work. In the dry- land state, of the west, and the open Ing up of the lands thus reclaimed to farm settlement Tho work hn? been enormously successful. Thousand, of substantial farmers have found homes upon land made astonishingly fertile by which before the adoption of this policy lay Idle and unproductive Millions of acres of sagebrush been made productive of enormous crops The work has been of Incalculable value to the nation a.

a whole. Now, for purely political reasons and In Edtoa frowned tilt girl took H. dined Barney's ofteoer than cnld was to 1 to but either In family par- 1 or properly that I. to tay, for the most part He had once i or twice before seen lone fi-male In aewch of a meal, but only once or twice I This afternoon tho lone woman wan pirtlculurl) upstttlnx He hail come rather earls --the iUy had been bits- terlng--Intent upon gelling bis pet' table, just biside tho fountain There. If anywhere one caught a breath of moreover the water play the air fresh, and the big sks light overhead was sure to be open The tiny table wa hardly big enough for two.

Why had he not selic! upon Cram or hardy and made them come In with him' Then he might havo smoked hli cigar, sipping coffee while, at peace with till the world. All this flMhed upon him between of sporting eitra. In which he to burled But even a double-header at local park could not las' longer than through the Interval of waiting. had refused regular dinner, ordering what chow. The woman would sure to go right through all the courses, affront masculine appetite with Iced tea and chocolate eclair.

coven told him hi. table ad elsewhere and give a amaawj candidacy of a nfan promoted by such I for both Lorlmcr outrageous methods. Wherever a -proper primary Is held there Is absent the cry of fraud In the case of North Dakota, for example, no one iuo Uoncd the result This likewise was ate only Smitn ana Townsena oi lcan naUonal convention who wlll true of Oklahoma. It win be true of Michigan. Brown of and Tote fof renon natlon of Mr Taft Nebraska.

California. Oregon. New Jet- i Jone. of voted against irrigation work ha. recelv- toy and Massachusetts.

It will be both Lorlfter and Stephenson. That tr mendou. check A single II- triw also of Illinois and Maryland. I 11. to say but four of Taft.

support. nffl to how In tfle state, shall secure a presidential In this large body of men. known gu(s Co orado thr) are two nt preference primary law such as ob to the country- as "the greatest legls I tains In North Dakota affd other latlve assembl.iKe In the world," have Hjtea. I ''cod before the country for clean Composition of Taft Machine an' honest politic. was reduced In view of the was In which the to th-ee, when Jones voted the sec Faft maiblne Is operating.

It Is Inter ond time In the committee report, for Lorimer Take the record of the progressive on the other hind Fv- ery one of them stinds for senatorial id presldentt-il preference primaries I I uiv had not eclair complexion Her skin waa flue Her hair looked tendril, drooped on her brow and about the of her neck. She wa quietly gowned. In a soft sheer gray something almost entirely lacking trimmings. lack recommended her to Edson. was an Illustrator, with aspirations toward real art.

"Good lines--and she know, enough not to cUck. Even then 11 wtt no mart Lhan a I koi-w you anyway--your picture I. so often In advtrtlilag Hid with anoth.r I pay attcatlon to them." bread and butter "I A plutocrat--In of your dinner of u.w«r*d She tottly, only real momey," "That reminds me--your dlgar want, lighting M.k* I must going In minute; and am really euriou. a. to sort ot yon fancy" "I would ruther show you the tort of girl I a K.lnoii said boWlv.

looking utr-iUht at her. I won ask sour name much u. I should llkp to know It--b it filnct ou reasonably kCture i 1m neither a pirate nor a kliluapiir. I am jsklng you to go with i to nn open Ur 'AS You Like I have cards" a will very much as I like the girl suld illmpllngly. "I was wondering wlut to do with my- nut gave neither her name nor any clew to her Identity--Ediiot wa.

piqued into a deeper, keener Interest ly her evident It would awkward. If ho met people he knew-it wa. likely he might run across a ot Notwithstanding, he wag game-the girl could not elude him always --and she wa. truly the type of which stood so torely In need Tha play; given upon a big lawn fall of Immemorial was half over when there a scud of rain. Yet U.

wa. not the big pelting drop, tfhich h). companion shudder--ot that Edson wa. certain, although she had given no sign of reeognlilng anybody In the crowd. had (tea Graham acroat at far side--draham with bis dreamy, y.t hla mouth Graham.

was not one of fortune', of a fortune, no a genius and a gentleman Apparent AT LAW. All ATTOIMEVt-AT-lAW. bM M. BOUYOM Onue BHU alvo MtlnK to see who It Itt manawr. McKlnloy of Is a tractii m-rnate, a warm ptr.jn! friend of I 1 ter Jo-eph Cr'iuon, and one of Cannon most nu ardon' supporters In' tlic housu of i Fverv one of thcm li opy-oned rcprownutlvu was ro- Ijtlcal co-ruptlon of any form wardtd for his subservience by ap one of them voted to unseat Ixirlmcr polntnismt to cbiirmanshlp an 4m- por ai comralttn.

and by being pijud ohnrue of coniresilonal i nran Iticv In this way he and Stephenson and thus put the xation project, under way, one 1. what I. known a. the Grand Valley project the other what Is known aa the Ounnlson Tunnel project The Grand Valley project was started by the reclamation service In 1908 when Jaraei Garfleld of Colonel Roosevelt's enthiiali-itlc supporters was of the Interior The i contracts were approved and the work commenced Thirty davs aftrr the Inaiimiratlon of Mr Tnft and tho Installat'on of Richard A fialllnger a. Secretary of the Interior this B.

B. HATO MM, ATTOtlfrYS-AT-LAW, Ofle. 1 Bilk n. onHcttd wHh. loaf B.

K. Notirr Piblle. ATTOK.NfcY AT LAW. nivthcqit i All tegil buslnfu' flvfn rompt and CM nl itMntlon FREOEKICK W. BACKU5.

ATTOKMCT-A1-LAW, All bumnewt xlven cuvfvl fttteottoa. Buildlm, opc'tlte Court BOOM. PMMW. Bum CtldCf -PBY8ICIAK AND UUBOBON- Cilli aaMrind proaDllyjd.y.or alcbl, U.J^. MoCoy.

PiySinAX AND SUIGION. a r. Malm Hmt. lant.nt. fa, Jo tin M.

I. C. SL Mb. Gkvfc ttn.T*. MM BJOT, I a.

av and Stephenson and thus put he mf brind of dishonor upon men another no ork nas bec.nut; a power anionK I'i" lov. and durlns in VvasL'iiRton became" known to Aldrich, Crane Smoot and the other repn sentatnes of 'Inter-' Ali-rlih Is in Washington, watching over various matters In which be is and which are Important 10 his friends In New York, and in the direction of the Taft IL.TII aiCT Ke still maintains the most relations with Mr Taft, who Inclorwd him so cordHHy In a 1 at Boston, after bavirg proved tl-e tariff Ui wMcl tfcc then o- frcm Rhide Ishnd largely fraircd lu it may be said thr' rt cf the ta-irt bourd on the wool and co'tcn echtdulcs of this lau 'low the protection to the vvcol md cotton man ufacturcrs urdcr It Particularly in conneu-oji with coitnn, duties upon which armisx-il Mr Aldrich's ea- pecil oi ii'-err, iff of the pressure of trtf co.ton, known to tte traa- as it A c'ub, it should be noted the tanff board's report show-s th it Ameriran lihor, especially upon pUin poods, is no better paid pretext or another no work has done. There has been a long hard roi-nd of Investigations, by special agents and army boards, until the whole project I. wound up In red tape and delay Thousands of acres ot land that ralRht by this time have been brought under water to furnish homes for many families, and productive farms of great value to na, tlon's commerce are etlll Idle bemoans Is true of the senate inactivity of the Interior likewise true of the presidency It Is Ume work evident any man who Is an as- mnlson tunnal at a a a seat In the unnor house of congress by or through fel In of tt-e action of the wnate his neitli Lorlmor and Stephenson by narrow mijoritles It Is ferfectly evident that the country does not accept the verdict as Just The over whelming sentiment Is that seats In the senate should be obtained by honorable and not by dishonorable hat Is true of the senate Is ana poiiticaiiv cannoi i COO jp let ed He 6 TMnnot' i a fror 0r t7 I 'De a an part 31 'to 1 1 i are a s-ench In tho I nostrils of nation There Is nn ejection to follow- the nomination Tho Republican party tq be certain of vlc'ory, must ha-ve PS Ita candidate a leader of whose probity trere Is no qi-cstlon upon whose record no taint I can be cast, nnd whose se'ectlon is lroucht about bv fair and hononble rceans Mr Taft bis ceased to be In this class He confided his for-! tunes to Mr McKlnley knowing the man and knowing far what he stood, He has accepted as bis adv'sors men like Crane Penrose. Smoot and oth Glanced at Hit Table Mate.

them," ho commented Inly, not Ing the while that the sleeves, neither too tight nor too looae, revealed something rare--a pair of perfect dimpled wrists. Neither gloves nor bangles narred them Indeed the lack of superfluities throughout was refreshing. Edson began to feel that after all Fate had been kind--kinder than he deserved. Here was Just the tpe he had been vainly seeking for a week-the girl In Graham's novel, about whom the author himself was so particular. He wondered if he could recall her.

If ho had dared ho would have sketched her outline upon his cuff. She did not seem to be watching him. Yet he was awaro she knew pretty much what he did She had answered than Lngli-'h labor, and that the sole -result of the dut." Is to keep tte ers knowing the view taken of them American irarket for the special ex( bv the American people based upon ploitatlon of the A club cither their records as "public Inrormal or cbndnral tines Mr Aldrich approved Choice Ifr. McKlnlcv as Mr i tanuiaign So d'd Scritor Crane of ai.d Senitor 1'enrose of I OFC i il difattKard of the -h the pi ln people Is known -U- over In fact, Crano rccomcundcd Mr McKlnley to Mr Taft Smcot of Utah regards the selection as an pnc Oe Judged by Their Actions. I'crhips the Indication of the of the men hind Taft Is t-iown by trc ot t'nose of his In tlie mute In the Lorl- mcr and i bribery cases Starnnj; ivltb r.m land, we find thit Ullll ifhnn.

of Vt.rc.ont voted for 1 viiit-r and was chair- their records as "public servants" i He has "accepted the support of other I of men. notably and Stephen tfe jign son, knowing how they gained their (125.000.- 000) In order that certain of these projects which had been started might hurried through to comple- I tlon Of this fund one minion five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500000) was allotted to the, Grand Valley I project but stllKthe word wa. not given to commence work under thi. i allotment and nothing. Is dore.

Word i now comes to the Roosevelt bead' quarters In Washington that the re- I clamatlon service agent, upon some of these suspended projects re( oelved direct information from toe department of the Interior plainly 1 Ins that this and other Irrigation projects are being held up until the se different states affected report prop-- )n on the subject of Republican national Taft's Nomination Mean. Defeat There Is an axiom as old as the hills that a man Is known by the corn- pan) ho keeps There.Is another old taw that evil association, corrupt good manners In view of what Is known about Mr Taft's advisers and i supporters In view of the outraged man r' I I cfsiml'tee. which an public sentiment which has been outrag, it fore, the senate created by the spectacle of the Presto appolut 'n ih'fl position he showed tinii and tlnK apiln his a for Lorirnrr and it. HO 1.1 'air na to In Vltr iiharp lie sup 1 election. He pilded In Indiana "jVli'not a question with the Taft repudiated their own states He reclamation of thou- wrote a letter to County Chairman C1 of ga ebrus and the Koenig of New York I.nad- his dl.grnceful not a Quertlon tb( ln creaiie of the commerce of the country, It only a question of.

driving through the of a few more 1 York He Is hand In glove with State Chairman Barnes of New York I Ident of the United State, consorting and advising with, and approving thi action of such men. the wiseacres In Mr Taft's Immedlptc circle are realit Taft delegates to the Chicago convention The Roosevelt delegates, not the Tart sit and vote In tho Republican national convention In Chicago, because Republican party will never stand for such methods The Taft manners In New York and Indiana are pursuing a course which (nvltes the destruction of th. York Evening MulL places hejiad ventured wlthou way inviting their continuance. Evd dently sha had como for a dinner ot herbB. Her meal began with cantaloupe and ended ith poaches-a double portion In between there were green corn and a crisp salad.

And by wa of finale coffee, fof which Harnes's was rather famous. two came to coffee nt the same time, though she had eaten delicately with a refined deliberation. Edson fingered his cigar a thought Irresolutely. She smiled and said--the firei time sho bad spoken unprovoked: it. please--If you can say honestly It is good Otherwise, please wait until I get away" 1 I wonder If you really know a good cigar 1 Edson answered, smiling the 'least bit.

She nodded confldentlv. "My father taught me discrimination--In men and "So I havo an inconvenient belief that neither Is worth while, If mediocre." "Doesn't the belief make sou rather solitary?" 1 Edson hazarded. Sho shook her head-i-Edson went on: "Possibly, then, you are a woman', worn an--" Another head shake Interrupted him. "I am--mostls--a human sho aald "I have a course--for 'self protection--but most times I lea-ve It at home." "Daro I hope you left It this time?" Edson asked "Sho looked at him doubtfully, hal a second, then eald with a faint shrug "Isn't It too hot for of any sort?" By way of answer Edson laid hi. card In front of her.

She did no glance at' It until had paid be ly he had not seen Edson--yet as the rain came thicker, Edson heard him flaying behind him-Take this umbrella, Dan, call a taxi. No use In waiting--w are In for a real rain Then the astonishing young woman rose up. faced Graham, and said soft ly: "No peed of a taxi, John--you know neither I nor my frocks ever minded a wetting "Elizabeth 1 Graham gasped, catch- fnp her hands, and going all colors. She, too. changed color- -a clear red.

twept her pallor, and made her vividly beautiful "I havo changed one way," she half whispered, moving nearer Graham under pretext of shelter. "I have found out It take, a really girl to be the wor.t possible fool." Graham chokingly, while Edson "By reading advance sheets of Two the girl "You don't know it--but 1 am doing press work for it Of course I recognized myself In It--and--your po'nt of view." "Odd, but I recognized you aa the heroine--the model for her. I mean-the minute I looked at you acres, the table," Edson broke in. She laughed softly. "I wont to your table to nee If sou would do it," she said "I will tell sou now my name-Elizabeth Bradley" "It Is hardly worth while telling U-since It wlll be Elizabeth Graham tomorrow," Graham Interrupted" She looked at him a little reproach fully.

"You had-better explain," she said, nodding toward Edson. "Ho doesn't know that we were engaged until daddy lost so much money your lady mother sighed at thought of the match 'Never mind! Never mind anything but that sou are going to marry me," Graham said stoutly. Elizabeth began to giggle "I have mind a lost opportunity," sho said "Since It It happening to me, myself I want It kept dark--but only think what a for a agent, If the story of how the Illustrator unwittingly reconciled the famous author and his hcrolue-sweetheirt, could be featured as It deserves." tell It to--sour successor, W. IMOronder, PHYglOAK lUIGUM. Ofloeat oonur King WuhlnitoB

Day NlcM CaDj smvttr it- BOBIBT HAMILTOX, M.D* O.M. Ofce I a. OfHce and residence, Hamilton Block, Moond low. SMtapoft, Pa. j.

v. Dentlot (8.30 to 13 Tmrmai 8 3 0 0 1 8 BOORS 1:80 to 5 Odd Building SnETHPORT, PA. BOTSLS. WRIGHT HOUSE, Main Street, Smethporc, Pa. PODGE SHERBUBNE, Prop, P.

I. Har. Thl. hostelry is newly overhauled, and renovated; Its rooms are light and airy; its table, wall supplied with delicacies and its bar well stocked. pRANl CENTRAL HOTEL, JAUES McODlEE, Main Street, Smi'tbport, This hotel has -ecentlv been renovated and "he table and bat cojucantlv supplied with the best the market First-class in every Bates reasonable.

OMMERCIAL HOUSE, T. PURTLE, Prop. 125 Main Street, Smethport, Pa. Befitted, nocicted aad HiiiiirtMl TScSllJiERClAL natmean. I IM mind cater JH an mi i oH. that justico is done it," Ed eonSStC bowing "Unless ou agreo tbat I uias bo test man." That Roes without easing." Gra- 'am said over bis shoulder, as, ho strode with the drenched but radiant alzabeth toward a walling car. 0. J. Vanttad practtcat Borsrtfioer. We are pleasantly located on our new building on Water St, where we are prepared to do all kinds of HORSESHOEING and BLACKSMITHING in satisfactory manner.

SEASON FOR SPINNING TOPS Boy. of Malta Gather In the by Hundreds for the Sport. Thl. is the top-spinning season in Malta, and hundred, of boys are spinning thcm in the streets. The tops used are like the common American IA? with a string Thore are few'whipping lops The favorite game of the top nera Is as follows: The boys draw- lota to see whoso top Is to be placed on the ground Then the try to hit the top on the ground with the spikes of their own tops when hurling them at the beginning of the spin.

It they'miss they pick, up the aplpnlng itop In the palm of the hand and throw It at the top on the ground. If the top Is missed the spinner loses and must p'ace his top on the ground. ends when the top on ground Is knocked behind a line votusly agreed upon. Then all rest of player, have right to strike the top ot loier by takinf their tops firmly In their hand, and stabbing top with the of their own. Their number of usually about ill, agreed upon nre-

INSURANCE! Life, Fire Accident WRITTEN BY W. F. SPECHT, Smethport, Pa. In craod reliable companies Novelty Restaurant. New York Counts, Clams, Clears THOMAS YQUN6, PROP'fl.

EMIL THAMM KAWUCTJIM 01 Fine Wholesale and Retail.

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