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Newport Mercury from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 1

Newport Mercuryi
Newport, Rhode Island
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOLUME 8,008. Jhe Mercury. City Council. THE MERCURY PUBLISHING CO. JOHN P.

SANBORN, Rditor. I i I I A I I II. I. NKWTOHT I I I llshed in June, 17.V, anil Is noiv In one One of Newport's Btst Known Citizens Pas- stsAway In Florida. rjeorge II.

Norman of this cily aim Beach, Florida, last Sunday morning in his 74th year. He bad I'lsiled thesoiuli forthe benefit of his health and hndhccn at Palm Beach for of Ihe lHurd 'if lirewiirds without choice. Ill lllu i of alik'lllicn ordinance in repaid sewer cumiei'llotis was taken up attempt was Tlic regular monthly meeting of the mil J( rt Tht Ie Recolleilions of Q. ft. Portsmouth.

Finances of the City are Still Under Con- sideration--Bondlssue Lsyed Over. city council for February was held 1( ltv vlll! of Tuesday evening i a the members li 1 ri hv prc-sent. His Honor Mayor Boyle prc- 1(J lVlir lf a Like many others I pained to bear of the death of Mr. George H. i Norman of this city.

1 suppose I have known him more for sixty yearn, and during that lime I have never sided (n the board of aldermen an several days, accompanied by his ton, I Mr I 1 Koclme in the common i Col. Kegiuald Norman. Although his council. i health had not liccn good for some time, he wl "nance committee good his was not believed to tie inmil and ytar. It Is'trwolJ.

I em fell dead Oil the Stairs of IllC neivKiwiitfr In tlie i and, willi lefcs ilmn iintr dozen Hie oMe.t hotel where he was staying, and a phy- pilnteil In tiiiarto witli Intercfllni: ren.lliiB--o.utorlii Mi loi'al nnd gcncml IICVVB, well lany anil vnlmiblc runnels' mid liouiholil ile- tjlvcn loniKtrllFlni; Is very vnlunlJc lo Inifl- SiOO yciir In Single copies In H-nippcrx. 5 i-nii ulvrnyii Ijcohluhittl nl llicoalK orjnil.llrallon and at tlie inrloiiR ncsvfl rooms In tliei-lly. Specimen sent free, terms given wuverlbierK ly njilws-in! sieian who was summoned pronounced deatli due to paralysiiBof the heart. Mr. Jlugh'K.

Norman, BOH of.lhe deceased, suiiled for Florida immediately upon receiving tlie news of his father's death. The remains were brought to tills eity In chaige of the'eons, arriving publisher. was received and bills ordered paid of the rnnlniclnrs reju'itl. The chief of to liuil been referral ihc application of the Seaside Athletic Club for a taxing exhibition, explained a the club proto have, and also I'oor llcnadin Ully AKI-IUIII, i'ii si reel 8 iiinl lllslimiiv, Fire Department, I 2 5'- lleiillliiinil 111 Public i'Hrlu. 3d New City to New Kiiglno House, 1,779 New Kmllon UC'cnovul of lloiife Oinil, lloa Fund, Touro Jcun' fynngoi! ue Fund, lu llurlnKirminilii, UJ VurloiiK Hurlnl Urouad Kimd', an IS I'UWIC I i l.itilitljiK KtreelK, 3,711 VI George W.

and Hannah Norman, i ISSje'iitS" 0 00 1 lri TOM the several appropriations as follows: of erf lu lor On Thursday evening of latt week theie was an open meeting of Portsmouth Urange, when Mr. Joseph A. Tillinghasl, of the Kingston Agricultural C'ollege gave a lecture. A week ago yesterday afternoon "Mothers' Day" was enjoyed at tho Vauelujse school, where MIBS Kmma C'nrr Is teacher, by an interii-ted audi- enrc. Beside the recitations by the i there was both vocal and lu- IK his manner, on at- i were of a slight iiiipctliment Ins fallowed by an afteinoon lea.

The total number of boo ho Issued here Wednesday evening. Mr. Norman was born in thin city on a a 1, 1827, his parents being (jeorge W. and Hannah Norman, i Societies Occupying Mercury Hall. WUB( COIlm ion school education and at the age of fourteen left school to accept the position of clerk in a local store.

A few years later he engaged in the shoe business for himself, his btore being located on the corner of Thames street and Market square. In 1816 tlie Newport Daily News was established and Mr. Norman was one of those largely instrumental in ita founding. i Ihe beginning of the Norman and city protesting graiillng the license. One dealer's licvnse was granl- heanl or known anything Vliarjvter.

As a you 111 he was rather Till, always clean and ucal, i i i ic- which he moslly recovered fr.uii, in Inter lire. As a boy he showed bis genius in hid. ders for llower pots, four t-iniare, also in ma i i i bird bouses. While iiuite a vouth lie enieicd the i While ijiiite a voutli he cnleicd the cd, two were laid on the table, and one htolv uf selling boots and application for fruit vender's license was referred to the chief of iwlice. Mr.

Cnrbin died tluee years, and then i i two or Mr. Notman JiAi.noSE l.oniiK No. rl. O. 1', Jolm Allen, Wnnlen; Juints H.

(Joildnnl, Becrelary; meets and WeilnfRilny evenlngs in ciich nionlli. SEW TOUT SOC1KTV, Jnmcs JlcLelt-li, I'renldcntiAlci. Mracllnn, Kccrelnry; metis nnil 4lli Wcilncsclfty evenings oTeueb nionlli. UEDWOOl) I.ODCK, No.

11, K. of Albert C. Chudbourae, Clmtu-ellori'mnniunder; Daniel 1'. Hull, of Hecords and meet every FrUlny evening. DAVIS DIVISION No.

U. li. K. of sir -jClinrlcs Itecorder; Kdward W. ICclley as and the appointment was conlirmed.

horticultural Society. The Newport Horticultural Soi-icly The linance commiliec retried that ld their um.nal in Masonic Hall i i a Trust Company would i Ve( cs( vl 1 1 nn -ed tolje Mayor Boyle announced the coniinued llie busines.s. Mr. Orin K. Jackson, who had been the Daily News and had not made it very hiicccsjfiil, sold the plant to Mr.

Norman at a very low price, and Mr. Norman moved "it across the street to the corner of Frank street and re-published from the public library during the ininiih of a a i was 18; biography, ueographv and travels, R'ience aiid art, li; miscellaneous fiction, At tiie foiirib (inarterly conference of Ihe MeihiHlist church," the following otliivrs and commiltee were elected for the ciiHiing vear: Wyatt, H. H.Chase, W. K. C'ookc, 1,.

D. Tallman, Charles li. Ashley, Benjamin F. I'ierce, Henry Hedlv, Herbert S. Grinnell, Tiiomos D.

Fuller, Wilhuil K. Braylmi, Olivea, and H. Chester Hvdly. Trustees--William Karl CooKe, Philip it under the name of Cranston Nor- I B. Clinse, Willard Braylon, Cieorge man.

Mayor William H. Cranston I 1 Urinncll, L. I.Tallman, lioberl M. was Hie editor, and Mr. Norman the "J'atl, H.

lledly, How land S. Chafe, vilal or'an. At the end of the lirsl Marion h. Olivea. year 1S10, Mr.

-LMmimn 11. Ciaiibl-jn became the proprietors of pay -1 per cent. annum on the sinking funds of the city, subject to change after notice. Forthe city deposits (he National Bank of Ithodc Island oll'eral a bonus of JJG9, the National Exchange Bank a ixinusof J(iBO and (In) National I a a ijonus of For fiirnishiiig money for the ute of the city I i a propr i 9:1 tllc their ownership lasting .11,1,1 I Matters. Stubborn fire.

i Thursday night was not Etich a time as one would expect a lire which would necessitate a second alarm before it could be controlled, as the weather was very wet, ram and fog prevailingso that the outside of thcbuildiiigs- were pretty thoroughly dampened. Nevertheless, the department reaponaed to an alarm which brought them in contact with one of the most stubborn lircs that have occurred recently. A second alarm was rung in and a good, proportion of the city's flre apparatus was on the scene. The lateness of the hour and the inclemency of the weather interfered with the usual large gathering of spectators. One tiling tbat the tire proved was the necessity for a fire alarm box somewhat nearer that vicinity.

-ISoO, under the firm name of Criinslon Norman. Mr. Norman was also inteieckd in the introduction of gas Into this city and was (he first secretary of the company which introduced it. His connection with this company and the success of its venture led him to apply for a contract for installing the gas works at Santiago, Cuba. He was successful in obtaining the conlraetand constructed tlie plant.

His next venture was the construction of a gas plant at West Point, N. Y. 1 Tlie construction of water- works laml Hospital Trust Con (htm and not more than i 000 at per cent, per llie latter ollering at one of the most enjoyable events of the avmm i Muck and found they had season. The tasteful and alliarf decorations and si-euery, usvii by Hed Men at their Trading Post last week, were left fur llie logethcr with the elaUjralc electrical Aljoiil this lime Mr. Norman vlsiled displav, by Mr.

A. I-'. Burland, adiicil much lo (he evening's enjoyment. I made above expanses juel forly-uiite duihirs. ll lias all in and Mr.

i i Norman told Mr. Cranston he could nisi ia.1 I i a fori lnl sl i hull, and these. ould do better next vcar. Class Leutlcrs-W. S.

Biaylo.i, C. B. Ashley and Sylvanus P. Fish. Recording S'teward--H.

M. Wyatt. District Steward--H. S. Grinnell.

Secretary--B. F. Pierce. Commit'tee on Missions--W. S.

Brayton, Mrs. George Tiipp, Mrs. Silas Davol, Mrs. Edward T. DcBlois, Mrs.

H. New York iy and one day while iln? ho 'i vorv tit s-- ru lv lo be sold at auction i 11 1 iiisa loa r. Much admiration was expressed on all I'i'liere were vcrv few bidders and Mr. Fuller, Miss Kale B. Fish and Mrs.

sold at' auction l.v, Mrs. C. B. Ashley, Miss Ida T. Norman, tcmiiicd bv the ainiearance of Hannah B.

Tallman. the vessel, made a bid and Ihe vessel Sunday f-eliool-M S. Olivea, Miss oil'in liim -it -dKiut siviv- Klia J). dulse, Mrs. K.

S. I Ho had nol Ihe 1 Hedly and Mb. Kmma L. and it was Miu gencial opinion that Masonic Hall never Shortly afier nine o'clock the grand march was led hv Mr. Louis Shanlelcr money i him but gave the' name of 11.

Kinsley, of Newjxnt, as refer- XWat.HO per cent, per me was led by Mr. Louis Shantelcr K. 11. Kinslev, of Newport, as refer- oll'ering at i i Miss Katharine l.amic, daughter ence. Mr.

Kingsley was communi- L-cnt i i i i i cateil i i a if Mr. Njnnan WLIS Ln recommendation of the com- i 01 for the amount, he (Kinsley) foeiety. Over one hundred couple? ls i 1( vcsi .) resold within a seemed to be better suited to him, however, and in this line Mr. Normanmndc his name famous all over New Kngland and throughout a large part of the United Slates, and he also a large fortune from his labors. Some of the plants were constructed on contracts for the cities, and others, like that al Newport, were built as private investments, some of them being afterward transferred to municipal ownership by commissions.

The local water- works were built in A "Shortly after 130 Friday morning a jgyg, Mr. Norman having been granted slephone call was received at fire de- 1 s)me in Huston's and elsewhere by tlie t-il'y. Since the original operations were begun and ing station erected al Kaston's pond, many valuable additions have been made, including the 'improvement of partmcnt headquarters and the emergency irngon was sent to the residence of Mrs. HattieK. Rogers at 39 Rhode Island avenue.

The Oreinen quickly saw that morcmen and apparatus would be necessary and an alarm was struck from Box 29 at Kay and Everett streets. several i the construction of storage reservoirs and the improvement of A few minutes latern Eeeondalarm was pumping slalions and facilities. He- struck, calling more of the department to tlie scene. Tlie fire was in the apartments on the tecoud floor, occupied by Mrs. lingers, and seemed to have" worked in between the partitions, tliat it was extremely dilllcnit to reach.

At times the flames burst through the roof and through the sides of the building. At lirst sparks were carried lo neighboring buildings but the rain and general dampness assisted in averting the danger to oilier buildings. After a long struggle tlie department finally had the lire under control but not until the upper lloors hnd been completely gutted by lire and tlie lower floor seriously damaged by water. The latter door was occupied by Hev. and Mrs.

Konrad II. Harlwig. Some of the furniture and portable articles of value were removed from the building and taken to the residence of Mr. Thomas Spooncr next door, whcie Mr. and Mrs.

Hartwig and Mrs. Itogeis were taken in when the fire was covered by Mrs. who the other inmates of the house. The loss will be in the neighborhood of fSOOO and there i3 insurance on tlio building to the amount of 0000 and on (he furniture of Mr. Hartwig The buildjug was btiilt about five ycarj ago and is a two-story and a half structure standing at the corner of Hhodc Island avenue 1 and Wesley street.

Tlie lire Is to have originated from a fire in an oix'ii grate, which coiutevl- ed witli the surrounding woodwork. Is annomu-cil of Miss f. (jiluin, ter of Mr. and Mri. Join Gilpin, to Mr.

W. Murky Mills. Tlie engagement is announced of Miss (J. I'ryer, daughter nnd Mrs. John H.

Brycr, to Dr. Will- taiu li. Howard. i Taylor, of C'ould ls lias returned home after a week's visit i Mr. and Mrs.

Jolm F. Richardson. Mr. Taylor has leeti In New- York tliU- week. sides the a works in this city, Mr.

Norman constructed plants at town, Ncwburyjiort, Franklin, New Bedford, Lowell, Beverly, Lynn and Gloucester, Manchester, N. Newport, Bristol, Warren and Jamestown, K. Seneca Falls and Hoosac Falls, N. FranKford, Waukesaw, Green Bay and Kort Howard, besides many In politics Mr. Norman was stanch Itepubllcaii and was deeply interested In public affairs, although he never held office.

He was a presidential elector in two electoral colleges, in ISCS.ind in 1SOG. He leaves 3 widow, the' daughter of the late Itufus B. Kinsley, six sons and three daughters. Of bus sons four took part in llie late war with Spain. The sonsare Hugh Bradford, Maxwell, Uny and Reginald; and the (laughters, Frederick H.

I'rince 'of Boston, Mrs'. William H. Hunter and Mies Norman. Funeral services were held al Trinity church, Thursday afternoon, I lev. Charles K.

IJilliat, D. olllcialing and being by llev. 1C. J. Den nen, assistant rector of Trinity church.

During the morning there were private services at his late residence, "Bclnlr," at which Dr. Gilliat officiated. The remains, enclosed in a black broadcloth casket, with handsome silver were escorted to Trinity i church where the public services were conducted. The bcarcre were the six tons of the deceased, Messrs. Hugh George H.j Bradford, Maxwell, scr- I.ijfht" nnd "Abide In Me." There was notable gathering of frlenda and acqnainlances nt the church, many of whom hart come long distances (o my (he last tribute ofre- to Ihe oecc.iEcd.

The number included, bcatdca the leading rvsidciila of millco resolutions were adopted transferring the sinking fund to HID: Industrial Trust Company, and accepting the projiosillon of the National Bank of Rhode Island for the city and of the Savings Bank of Newport for furnishing money to run the eity. The finance committee also reported that it' 13 awaiting a reply from the assessors of taxes before reporting on the untaxcd property In the city. Monthly reports various cily olli- cere were received. a recommendation of the committee on fire department a resolution was adopted nutlior- the purchafeof 2000 feet of hoseat a cost of $1,500. Upon recommendation of the city ball commission the commission was authorized to cover the main tower with copper instead of tin at an additional cost of $200.

Mr. H. H. Tilley reported that llie appropriation for llie preservation of the old council records and land evidence of the 'city was exhausted and thai a further appropriation of $200 was needed. The appropriation was voted.

A was received from the Inspector of buildings regarding an alleged dangerous structure on Franklin street, which bad been complained of but nol repaired. committee consisting of AldcrmrmShnntclcr and Coun- eilmen Gibson and Murphy was ap- to investigate. The resolution to submit to the taxpayers a proposition to issue boniis lo the amount of $50,000 as called from the (able, and was adopted by lliecom- inon council. The board of aldermen voted to refer it to, the finance committee and, when the lower board would not concur in the action, laid the resolution on the table. I'ctitions were received and as follows: From F.

S. Barker ami others, for a pipe sewer in Dartmouth street, streets and highways; from Daniel Stcere ond others, for extension of new sidewalks in the First ward, streets and highways; from J. Coggcshall and others, calling atlen- to theseclion of the city between ijtalh road ami Vcrnon avenue, which has no sewer connections, streets and highways; from W. A. Armstrong and others, for an electric light on Malbone followed in the march, after which week for ten or eleven thousand by Mr.

dancing was enjoyed by all present. Norman without even venturing on Before intermission, Ihe cake a the News was lelng took place, two couples participating, by the name of Warrington, I with Mr. Sidney Greason acting as i think, mine lo Newport.and wanted muster of ceremonies. The prize cake was awarded Messrs. Casey and Meikle.

A collation was served by. Caterer Koschny in tlie dining room above. After tlie intermission dancing was continued until the wee hours of the morning. Much credit is due the committee of arrangcmenls and all who assisted them. The Harry K.

Howard orchestra furnished the music, with Mr. Jo- Nuss as prjinpier. Renounced the Ministry. Charles K. I'nistoii is no loager a minister of tlu, I'raUslant Episcopal as inlo the city for street and and, the being to put gus inlo tlie only daily printed, Mr, Norman was app'roacbed for aid from his paper.

He was pleased with the prospecl and entered cheerfully into llie work, being made Mr. Warringlon's secretary, keeping the books. lie bought considerable of the stock and also acted as cashier, so thai he knew all about the expenses and profits of gasworks. A few years after he tried his'prentice hand pnttuig gas works in Brislol and M'ar- rcn, H. I.

At that time there were many bummer visitors at Bristol from Cuba, and Mr. Norman, becoming ac- i qnainted w-ith them, was approached i on the subject of putting up works in I Cuba, between, 1 think, Santiago and a a a After finishing the works at I Bristol, Mr. Norman went lo Cuba and I there installed a plant, coming back from Cuba with over fifty Brayion. Tracts--Silas Davol, Mrs. Job Carr, Mrs.

Klijah L. Tallman, John S. Freeborn', Mrs. G. F.

Grinnell. Temperance--H. M. Wyatl, L. D.

I Tallman, U.S. Grinnell, Miss Emuia A. I Tallman, Mrs. Albert li Sherman and Mrs. Andrew A.

Chase. Education-- James B. Ashley. Mrs. Philip B.

Chase, Mrs. Alexander G. Manchester and G. A. Faulkner.

Freedmen'e Aid and Southern Edu- cation--Tliomas D. Fuller, Mrs. W. S. Braytou, Mrs.

A. M. J)urfee and Miss Clara Freeboru. Records--B. F.

I'ierce, H. Hedly and U.S. Chase. Parsonage--W. S.

Draytbn, G. F. Grinnell, Mrs. A. V.

L. Dennis, Mrs. Silas Davol, and Mrs. Annie Top- church. The ceremony of removing go him from llie ministry was performed I When the thousands of soldier? were at Bislup Clark's residence tlence on Tuesday, in the presence of I at Porlsmoiilb Grove in the civil "war, no one in authority could think of a way to lay out a hospital Bishop Clark, Bishop Co-adjnlor Me- willl 2S sick'wards on the ground al Vickar, Hev.

Dr.Fiske,and llev. Arthur band, IGO feet long, 2S feet wide, i Aucock; According lo the canons of I Mr Norman said II could be done. At the church, in the case of disposition two ministers of the diocese in which Vmiie pattern, and the hospital was laid the disposition occurs must be present out on that plan, Mr. Norman re- beside the bishop. Thov must bear i-eivcd the thanks of those in authority witness theact.fde^tion.and add their signatures to llie written act.

The one deposed need not be so in 1 remember one incident of his life this case Mr. Preston was absent. He had tendered his written request renouncing the ministry, and all that remained to be done was for the bishop to comply with his reiiuest. road and Channing street, street lights: from (he Grand Army posts for an appropriation of $300 for Memorial Day; from Brown, for remission of In olKXiience la an act of Congress, Major I.oekwood, corps of Engineers, has that he does not feel justified in recommending an increase in the depth of the channel of I'aw nickel Hiver while the railroad bridge al India Point remains unaltered, although "10,000 cuiihl lie expended advantageously In cleaning oul llie present channel. slill alarm al SMooVlivk Thursday 'evening called the emvixcncy force to llie building at the corner of Spring and Church streets, owned by Mr.

Joseph Haire. Ste.mi from drying mortar rose through the nwf and lcl to he belief that Ihe building was on lire. hicli was very pleasing to those who saw it. When his father was very old and feeble be used to visit James Hart's boat shop on Ixmg wharf. The day Icfore or Christmas day, I forget which, Mr.

George H. called on Mr. Hart and asked if his father bad been down that mormnc. After waiting some time lie handed Mr. Hart a long envelope and said, "Give this to him when he comes." Mr.

Harl'handed it to the father when became in. He opened it and showed the others live thousand dollars fnim his son, as a Christmas present. I). C. I I A On Friday evening, February 23, tho lingers High School Athletic tax on personal properly, tax asses- cily hall commission will on rs; front C.

P. Slocum mid others for on a tour of inspection of hydrant on Lincoln street, flre city hall? In- several New England cit- a hy partmeiit; from Ilcv. Mccnan and others for a fire alarm at (Sidley and Spring streets, fire department. A petition was also received from the contractors of Ihe city, objecting la the ordinance recently enacted in reg.ird to ra and asking that vices Ihe choir rendered Kindly amended so that only conlract- ora lio nllowetl to do the work niulcrthe of the Ftreet commisshmer or inspector of plnmMng. The bill of John Corrldon for "75 for (he life lion Mill give a wliisl enteitainment in Masonic Hall fur the Ivnefil of the As- sociathn.

After 10 o'clock dancing 1 enjoyed lo music by the Howard orchestra. Candy and refreshments will on sale during the evening. The commiliec in chargeconsistsof J. Hoyal WCI 1'tocnt. Sanlorn chairman; EdwardC.

Brown, Kaymond S. Titus, Grenville P. Vernon, Samuel B. Newton, and Mortimer A. Sullivan.

ies. Mr. J. I). Johnston, architect of New(iort's city hall, will accom them.

pie. Music--Miss Kate L. Duifce, Miss Annie Frefborn, Mrs. G. N.

Dennis, C. B. Ashley and Miss Kate B. Fish. Conference Claimants-S.

P. Fiah, R. S. Chase, Mrs. Perry G.

Randall, Mrs. Ijawrence F. Fish and Miss Sarah Watts. Estimating M. Wyatl, L.

D. Tallman and H. ClniEe. Miss Etta Sisson is; earing for Mrs. C.

B. Ashley. Mr. ainfMrs, Irving P. Irons have kindly oll'ered to givenu entertainment, including vocul and instruincnlal music and readings, some time this monlh, al the Guild house, forthe benefit of the free library.

Several fanners carted ice last week that was six inches thick The following is a list of the officers reeentlv eUx'led by theEpworth President--H. Chesler Hcdly. Firsl Vice President--Thomas D. Fuller. Second Vice Presideot--M.

S. Olivea. Third Vice Prcsidcnl--Mrs. E. S.

Hammond. Fourth Vice President--Miss Mary Hedly. Secretary--Miss Ella Chase. Ticafnrer--Miss Kate B. Fish.

On Tuesday Miss Mattie B. Sherman celebrated her birthday by entertaining the members of the Always Beady Circle of King's Daughters and their husbands at (he home of her Mr. and Mrs. WantonT. Sherman.

Mr. Manchester, Mr. John T. Brown, aud Mr. George A.

Brown attended the Hireling of the Grand lAxlgeofOdd Fellows, in Providence, this week. One of Ihe largest crowds ever seen in Oakland Hall gathered there on Wednesday evening at the entertain- meitt and social given by Oakland l.odire. These entcrtaimnenls are usually of a lirslH'lrtss orxlcr, and none are disamxiinted who attend them. The bliiui vcntrllcqiiist and impersonator, Mr. Coles, of Dorchester, was very amusing.

As In former times, the music by Bake Brvt hers, of Provide nee, was very much enjoyed by all who funeral was be ill of of a il of the 'late Marcus M. held from his late residence on Briiadway last Sunday afternoon. Anthony Fisher, a veteran of the civ- Shassitt Tribe e-f Men, il war, and latterly janitor of the Ma- headed by the Seventh Artillery Band, sonic Building, died at bN home on turned oul in large numbers cs- Kilbnm court night. He courted the Kuly to the gr.ivc, where the biiml rile of llie pnli-r was pcr- 1 formeil. Uev.

E. J. Dennen conducted at the house and tlie coin- of Officers. St. 5Iiry's Catholic Btr.evolcnt Society.

had been ill for some time, survives him. 'The First Methodist church reccivol this week a Kxpicsl of tlie playing grviund on the Poln! wascalie.1 i under the will ofMrs. Jane li. Al from the table and paid. A a mwliupvf the ivnlnu'ting car- of the eity on Palunlay it was William II.

Vlre I'rwlilont-Thomiw H. Wal'lu Kcixirillnjr J. lAwton. llow- I Ifv. MurTHi, Msrslwl--Jolin Wn.Ic.

Cour.rll--John I'ulrirlt Coffey. Jsmcs Monin, Jflines SVcllpy, Rirtbolomtw Shcs, PxUUk IVvlntv. Plnonre J. Nolan, John H. Kfllpy.John Morfin.

John Young Men's Christian Association. Klnt Vt.v 1'rtslilTOt-Jfreintah W. Horton. svconi) l'n--'li1cnt-WillliiOT a Prank- P. TrcajuuT-Altort K.

with Mr. Norman cither in olllccrs of lire company No. iMiiess or focially. The employees of clccteil: the Newport Water Works Mtcndixi in Floral offerlnpi were tiiimer- 0119 and costly, (ho casket ling almost hidden view beneath a mnss of flowers. The boily was placed in the receiving vault at (lie Isl.r.i cemetery, the interment King private.

O.T. VorfmMi-- II. K. Anlf.onv. Mltklc, W.

11. J. H. -t Murrhy. A.

Malu-r. Clark-- llinnv lifyrol.l., J. H. Henry ('. NOKAH, Junie? I'ortcr.

1'ilvcr-- I'onpJon. Two ballots were taken for a incmler The appropriation fur the raic of the 1 acn.v.1 thai after June 1 eight hours Slate House and jail al 1 ovnMinile a working day for this year from lo fHXXl journeymen Tbis Is in ac- in Ihe annual Stale appwprlation bill. curdanee with the length uf the work. i ing day of the masons. An entertainment ainl supper will be i given by Nonqnit Grange at Tivcrton Mr.

and Mrs. Albert C. Uindcrs, Four Comers, on of Febmary, are ixxvivinj; rongratnlatkin? on the Washington's blrlliday. 1 birth of a son. Aniitlor-- Mftrtln.

Mr. Angus Mcl.cod declined a rc- clecliiin president the oflioo was Knights of Galihad. A t. slocuni. Sorlt-c-- K.

1. Coln-J. Ooinw. rhnml-crMlnj--II. T.

SVolt, Cnrl Jargens on.l KcyKxill..

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