The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 1
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I llrrme Yetttdar Si" and SS" Hih Tide T4t a. 19:59 p. m. aa a. m.
San B-Details ff J. Journal tee Edition FULL SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, VISITED PRESS AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE 1 1 OA rBM Enin( Journal Krr ET.ntnj 111. JL 1H O. AUi Carr Evaaiaf rmM 171 Caaalidvta4 Jan. 193S 28 Pages Thursday, August 31, 1944 o)fo) (ruo)(jT 10J Wilmington, Delaware, i Germans iffht Toward Yank Prisoner Captures 1,000 Nazis Mighty Allied Drive Advances 60 Miles In Last 48 Hours Americans Overrun Laon So Quickly That Three Trainloads of Enemv Soldiers Are Seized; Push Five Days Ahead of Schedule, Eisenhower Says By Associated Press SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, Aug.
31. British armor established a bridgehead in strength across the Somme River after driving into Amiens today in a lightning 60-mile drive in 48 hours that found the Germans in full flight back to the Reich before four onrushing Allied armies. The British raced with American columns which overran Laon and stabbed on north along the last 30 miles to Belgium witJh such Price Three Cents UWU UWU Reich There was no rest anywhere for the disorganized Germans, and Allied drives mushroomed over battlefields of the first World War, covering in an hour territory that it once took days and weeks to conquer. One force of Americans, heading tast for the German frontier, seized St. Dizier, 18 miles southeast of fallen Vitry, and pressed on to within 40 miles of the reversed Mt.ginot Line.
The Saar border of Germany was 87 miles ahead of this force. Gateway City of Sedan Ahead Forty-five miles ahead of the American drive was the gateway city of Sedan, where the Germans won the battle of France in 1940 by skirting the Maginot Line. Verdun, 40 miles north of St. Dizier, Metz and Nancy were strongpoints of the French defense line. There have been reports the Germans were able to reverse guns to point west, but many observers (See FRANCE Page 2) Corps Radiophoto Irom NEA Telephoto.
Convinced by Lieut. Clarence E. Cogging (inset), commander of an infantry company in the 45th Division, that they were surrounded by superior forces, hundreds of Sazi soldiers are shown walking into an Allied camp in southern France. Lieutenant Coggins, captured bv the enemv while on vatrol. versuaded the German commander to permit him to return to his lines and arrange for the surrender of the 924 men and 17 officers.
Nazi Remnants in Ail-Out Flight Toward Lyon; Yanks Take Nice bewildering speed that they overwhelmed three trainloads of German soldiers trying to escape. The speed of the advance, virtually uncontested along a 150-mile arc at the Somme and approaching the Meuse River, indicated that the Germans had given up the last pretense of a rearguard stand and were in open flight through Belgium back to the imperiled homeland. Hopes Of Somme Stand Blasted The Somme itself had been considered a natural barrier along which the enemy might try to fashion some sort of a stand, but the capture of the city of Amiens, which straddles the river, blasted this possibility. Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower declared that now the Allied campaign to liberate northern France was at least five days ahead of schedule, and it appeared that the Germans were not trying to sidetrack it. With the Canadians mopping up the big river port of Rouen, 25 miles inland from Dieppe, and the British 25 miles inland from Abbeville at Amiens, half the German robot bomb coast and any forces garrisoning it seemed doomed. 25Divisions Destroyed, 18 Badly Mauled Since D-Day Three Others Marooned In Brittany, Fourth On Channel Islands; 200,000 Are Prisoners; Equipment Loss Heavy By Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Allied armies in northern France have inflicted more than 400,000 casualties on the Nazis since D-Day, General Eisenhower reported today, including the destruction of 25 enemy divisions and the severe mauling of 18 additional divisions.
In a report on operations in northern France from the landings on the beaches June 6 to Aug. 25, Eisenhower! supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, reported that the German Seventh Army and the newly formed Fifth Panzer Army have been "decisively defeated," dragging down with them the bulk of the fighting strength of the enemy's First and loth Armies. He added that among the costs to the Allies of this achievement was the loss of 3,000 planes by the air force in supporting the ground operations. "The equivalent of five Panzer divisions have been destroyed and a further six severely mauled, including one Panzer Grenadier divi-(See NAZI CASUALTIES Page 2) Truman to Get Big News Tonight Will Get Formal Notification of Nomination LAMAR, Aug. 31 and Truman 's great day has arrived.
Tonight in front of the Barton County court house, only a few tree-lined blocks from the white, seven-room frame house in which he was born, Senator Harry S. Truman will be told that the Democrats have picked him to be their vice-presidential candidate. After this news is relayed by Senator Connally (D-Tex) in a five-minute speech, Truman will say thank you and fire the first official blasts of his campaign. He will talk for about 20 minutes, with broadcasts of the two speeches on all networks starting at 10:30 o'clock (Wilmington time). And thus will end as hectic a two weeks as.
this town ever sweated through. There has been work for nearly every one of its 3,000 persons, Republicans and Democrats alike, but the job has been done. Slovakia ns When Necessary in Iheir iterate Retreat; BagAre in Revolt, Of Captives Now 1 Berlin Admits nn ji Two Die in Service Private James Private Fred Foley Griskevich 2 Wilmington Soldiers Die; Third Missing Glider Trooper Killed In Action in France; Other Is Typhus Victim A Wilmington soldier serving with the glider troops has been killed in France and another soldier serving with the Engineers in New Guinea has died of typhus. Three others have been listed as wounded and another missing in today's casualty lists. They are: Killed in Action Private James Norwood Foley.
23. son of Mrs. Katherine Rusch, 2307 Tatnall Street; on Aug. 3 in France. Died of Typhus Private Fred T.
Griskevich, 25, son of Ivan Griskevich, 822 Church Street; on July 31' in New Guinea. Wounded First Lieut. Charles J. Noonan, 29, husband of Mrs. Margaret O'Neill Noonan, 2507 Madison Street; on Aug.
3 in France, for the second time. Warrant Officer Charles B. Williams. 32, brother of Mrs. Elwood C.
Clifton, 613 West Second Street; in Italy. Corp. Tech. William J. Letts.
33, son of Mrs. William Letts. 2310 Jessup Street, on Aug. in France. Missing In Action Private Walter H.
Turner, husband of Mrs. Arintha Willey Turner of Seaford, since Aug. in France. Killed In France Private Foley was reported killed in action in France on Aug. 3 according to word received this week (See CASUALTIES Page 22) Two From Air Base Killed in Bomber'Crash Lieut William K.
Neal, pilot, and Private John Price, co-piiot, of the 63rd Ferrying Squadron, Second Ferrying Group at the New Castle Army Air Base, died at 4:15 p. m. yesterday, in a crash of a medium bomber 30 miles south of Bowman Field, Louisville, while they were on a routine flight. The cause of the crash is being investigated by A. A.
F. officers at Bowman Field. Lieutenant Neal, 24, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Neal of Oxford, Ind.
He has been with the Second' Ferrying Group since June, 1942. Private Price, 30, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price of Renfrew, Pa. He had been in the Army since Jan.
26. He was a civilian pilot for the Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp. university comes under the GI Bill of Rights which determined that he had an honorable discharge from service, and that his education upon entrance into service was impeded, delayed, interrupted or interfered with. S500 Limit The government will pay his tuition plus such customary fees as library, health and laboratory fees and books or equipment. The total for all these, however, may not exceed $500 and is paid directly to the University of Delaware.
While in college he will receive $50 a month from the government, but if he chooses to work at a part-time Job, he will no be allowed this full subsistence. How much he would be allowed depends on how much he earns at his part-time work. Holidays and leave from the university will not affect his subsistence payment of $50, but if he is absent from training for more than 30 idays, deductions from subsistence i payments will be made for all time raway from school. Soviets Near Bucharest; Ploesti Falls Troops Press on Capital After Gaining Over 40 Miles in Day Refineries Badly Damaged by Nazis MOSCOW, Aug. 31 (JP).
The Red army was believed today to have entered Bucharest, capital of Romania, after capturing the great Ploesti oil fields and preempting perhaps a third of the German petroleum supply. At midnight, the Russians were 17 miles from the city of 643,000 after an advance of nearly 40 miles in a day through the capitulated Balkan kingdom. An official announcement was not yet made but Muscovites kept their radios tuned for an order of the day. "With the fall of Ploesti, the way to Bucharest is open," Red Star said. Izvestia reported from captured Ploesti that the abrupt Red Army drive had prevented destruction of the Ploesti oil fields but added that serious damage had been done.
Romanian oil workers helped the Russians put out tremendous fires and civilians directed Soviet troops to a large group of Germans dressed as civilians, applying the torch right and left. The dispatch added that a plane trip over the fields, greatest in Europe except for those in Russia itself, disclosed that the Germans did everything possible to destroy wells, pipelines, derricks and equipment. Forces of Gen. Fedor I. Tolbukhin were pushing through level plain country along with those of Gen.
Rodion Y. Malinovsky and were be lieved already to have joined hands? Another arm of Malinovsky's big command turned directly north through a pass leading to Brasov (pop. 61,800) on the trunk line railroad from Bucharest to Budapest and Vienna. Large groups of Ger- (See RUSSIAN WAR Page 2) Paper Drive Set for Sept. 17 Legion to Have Trucks Tour City to Pick Up Bundle's The American Legion scrap paper drive in Wilmington is set for Sunday, Sept.
17, when trucks will tour the city to pick up bundles of paper from the curbs, it was announced today by Inkerman Bailey, adjutant of the Department of Delaware, American Legion. Trucks loaned by their owners and driven by volunteers from the Truck Drivers' Union, Local 107, A F. will make the collection. Mr. Bailey emphasized that the paper should be tied in bundles.
He suggested that wastebasket scraps be pressed tightly in bags or boxes. Magazines should be tied in stacks about 18 inches high, newspapers should be folded flat and tied in 12-inch bundles, and paper bags and cardboard boxes should be flattened in bundles about 12 inches high. Proceeds from the collection in Wilmington will be donated to the United War Fund, the Salvation Army, and the Layton Home. The posts sponsoring the city drive are Wilmington No. 1, Brandywine No.
12, and Laurence Roberts No. 21. Other Delaware posts are participating in the state drive, and collection dates outside the Wilmington city limits will be anr nounced later. State Wins Top Place In National Safety Test Delaware has been awarded top national honors in the eighteenth annual plant safety contest conducted by the National Safety Council. Representing Delaware in the contest were 60 firms, with man hours worked; 35,377 average number of employes; 797 accidents reported and 47,523 days lost.
The contest time was from July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1944. Second place in the contest went to the Hampton County (Springfield) Safety Council and third to the Kansas City Safety Council. In the national contest 801 plants were represented. 11 1 Unit At Deep water! -t wT i Vital to Wari Chemical Products Aid lank Fighters Around World; Workers Needed Vital phases of the battle of Italy and the battle of France also the camDaiens in the PaCific-beein in the Chambers Works of the Du-Pont Company at Deepwater, N. across the Delaware River from! Wilmington.
As part of its program to recruit workers for this plant the nation's No. 1 priority war plant the DuPont Company partially lifted the closely guarded secrecy of the Chambers Works today as newspaper men were shown through the area and told why victory in a large measure depends upon its products. Planes are kept in the air, landing craft go zooming up on enemy. held beaches, infantry rush into defended sectors, men are able to live in jungles because of the chemical products manufactured on the 500 acre area of the Chambers Works. To keep the chemicals flowing through the miles and miles of pipe- (See DUPONT PLANT Page 25) Naples Awarded Medal For Fight Against Nazis ROME.
Aug. 31 (JP). Crown Prince Umberto today awarded the city of Naples a gold medal for its battle against the Germans as the Allies advanced upon the city last September. The award was proposed by War Minister Alexandro Casati, who said that during the "hard, epic 'ays of Sept. 27, 28, 29.
and 30, guerilla warfare became the real revolution of the population, which inflicted hard and bloody losses on the German rearguards." 1 U. Flags Fly In Poland After 5 Years MOSCOW, Aug. 31 (JP). American and British flags flew in Poland for the first time today since the German conquest of 1939. Flags, together with those of Russia, and Poland, were unfurled at Lublin at the unveiling of a monument to Red Army fighters.
Bradley Given Full Command Attains Same Status As Montgomery in France; Reich Invasion Pledged SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, Aug. 31 (JP). General Eisenhower announced today that Omar N. Bradley had taken his place as a full field commander of American armies in northern France in equal status to Gen. Sir Bernard L.
Montgomery and declared confidently his forces would carry the fight into Germany, inevitably and decisively. Bradley, mild Missouri infantry specialist, hitherto has been officially subservient to Montgomery who commanded all ground troops in northern France under Eisenhower. Bradley, however, has assumed great stature by directing his First and Third American Armies in the breakthrough from St. Lo (See BRADLEY Page 2) ROME. Aug.
"31 Remnants of the German 19th Army raced desperately north toward Lyon today, fighting costly rearguard actions with the pursuing Americans only when necessary, while other U. S. Seventh Army units moved through the French Riviera metropolis of Nice toward the Italian frontier, some 12 miles ahead. Nice, with a population of 200,000 and the largest of the Riviera's famed playgrounds, was taken without any opposition. Damage was ronfinpd rhififlv tn the harhfvr arpa.
Allied Headquarters said. The total of prisoners captured by the Seventh Army since it swarmed ashore on the beaches of Southern France passed the 50,000 mark, with additional thousands rounded up from Nazi units inter- (See RIVIERA FRONT Page 2) Flying Bombs Raid London, South Counties LONDON, Aug. 31 (JP). The Germans resumed their flying bomb attacks upon London and the southern counties early today, and an official British announcement acknowledged both damage and casualties. The early part of the night was comparatively quiet, periodic salvos with which the Nazis had hammered southern England tapering off at dusk.
Red Cross Property Stolen by Germans WITH THE SEVENTH ARMY NEAR LYON, France, Aug. 31 (). Troops in this area found three railroad cars, labeled "Not to be opened. International Red Cross property," broken into and rifled. All around the area of a side track onto which the cars were shunted were torn cartons of food and medical supplies, which the French said were taken off when the Germans fled this sector several days ago.
attendance and placing the Wilmington control room upon an emergency service basis." The present 24-hour vigil will be replaced by emergency groups that will function in the event of air raid tests or in case of actual danger. In approving the revised schedule, Mayor Albert W. James extends to the entire control room organization his official recognition of its continuous services during the past 30 months, his admiration for the splendid manner in which these men and women have pursued their tedious duties, and his personal gratitude for their devotion to the entire defense effort. To those who are to continue in this service, he xprsrrcd the here tht thcr in that capacity may soon be ended. In Today's Paper Page WAR NEWS 2-3-4-5-6 Amusements 20-21 Answers to Questions Classified 25-26-27 Comics 24 Culbertson on Contract 14 Death Notices 25 Editorials Financial 23 Obituary 25 Radio 14 Sports 25 Society 10-11 Women's Interests 14 Germans Say Some Of Garrisons Deserting In Uprising Laid to Tito By Associated Press Berlin acknowledged today that a revolutionary movement had broken out in its puppet state of Slovakia and that some garrisons had deserted.
The official German news agency, DNB, said riots occurred at several places in Slovakia and quoted a German foreign office spokesman as saying they could be traced to ac tivity of partisans and agents of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia. DNB said the outbreaks "had rather the character of Bolshevist terror" starting with murder of priests and violation of women. The agency reported that Joseph Tiso, president of Slovakia, had appealed to Germany for aid and that it had been given. Czecho-Slovak sources in London had announced the uprising yesterday and said it was the work of the Czecho-Slovak forces of the interior. The London announcement said the forces had launched concerted attacks in several areas against important communications points.
DNB said Tiso addressed an ap peal to soldiers and farmers upon whose initiative the action was started." It quoted "Berlin circles" as predicting "an early end of the riots and punishment of those responsible for them." Underground Forces Seize Bulk of Slovakia LONDON, Aug. 31 (JP). Czecho- Slovakian underground forces have seized almost all Slovak territor? withj the exception of border areas, and the Germans have thrown tanks into heavy fighting, the commander of Czech forces in Slovakia reported today through London headquarters The announcement said heavy fighting raged for the towns of Zil ina, Trnava, Galanta, Luce nee; Le- voca and Kezmarck. Ttie Germans threw tanks into the fighting for Trnava. Zilina changed hands twice and now is in possession of the Czechs.
Czech forces fighting in Lucenec and Galanta were in territory ceded Hungary after Munich. 2,000 Antique Pieces Recovered by Police PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 31 (JP). Police picked up 2,000 stolen antique jewelry pieces in an open lot, where tossed them, and then went hunting for 57 additonal missing items. First Discharged Vet Enrolls At U.
of D. Under GI Measure Cheese and Canned Milk Points To Rise, Meats Remain Same 24-Hour Vigil Is Abandoned At Wilmington Air Raid Center The first World War discharged veteran to register at the University of Delaware under the educational provisions of the GI Bill of Rights is John Wright Ott of Sedgely Farms, Wilmington. Ott will commence his mechanical engineering course at the university on Sept. 11, the fall registration date for Delaware College freshmen. After being given a medical discharge from the Army, he applied for the educational benefits under the GI Bill of Rights and has received certification from the Veterans' Administration in Philadelphia, entitling him to pursue his college work for a limited time.
Former Student Ott was a student at the university from September. 1942, to April. 1943. when he was called into the Army. He received his basic training in the infantry at Camp Woltcrs.
Texas, and further train-ln at Michigan State Normal Col-Icse. His eligibility for training at the WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 (JP). Point values of rationed meats will remain unchanged in the four-week period beginning Sunday (Sept. 3) and ending Sept.
30, but some varieties of cheese and canned milk will cost more points. The point value of group 3 cheeses, such as Swiss, Italian, Munster. Limburger, Camembert, Liederkranz, grated-dehydrated, brick, souda. Greek, Edam, bleu and brie is increased from 8 to 10 points a pound. Canned milk, both condensed and evaporated, will cost one point a pound, instead of two-thirds of a point.
Heretofore, a single can of milk has taken one point, but three cans cost only two points. In announcing September red point values, the Office Qf Price Administration said consumers had been buying group 3 cheeses in excess of allocation for civilian use, and that sales of canned milk also were running ahead of War Food Administration allocations. Creamery butter will continue to cost 16 points a pound, although September charts show a value of 20 points. A "16" will be pasted over this. The point value of process butter, however, will be increased from 6 to 12 points, to bring Its point cost more closely in line with the IS points for creamery butter and 12 point for farm buttter.
The OPA said the over-all meat supply for civilians would be 2.1 per cent larger in September than in August, but that the supply of better grades costing points would be 10 1-2 per cent smaller. Effective tomorrow, the Wilmington air raid control room will be placed on an emergency service basis as part of the Wilmington Defense Cabinet's move to gear its activities to a realistic appraisal of air raid potentialities. Edwin F. Koester, civilian defense coordinator, and Everett E. Borton, director of the control room, stated today that the present 24-hour vigil in the room will be discontinued.
The move is also being made in accordance with directives issued by federal civilian defense authorities and the Army. "It now seems reasonable," the statement pointed out, "to advocate an adjustment in another link of i the defense chain by abolishing the present system of continuous shift' 1.
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