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Decatur Daily Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 7

Decatur, Illinois
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FRIDAY EVE DEC 6, 1889. LOCAL NEWS. Thomas Sterner, of M-rnn, haa gone to Texas. LIGHT frost this morning, and the mercury at 46 degrees. A OO.G of shovelera are cleaning off the pavement on Water street to day WiBASH passenger tram No.

44 was 20 minutes lato this morning CALL for the Grand Opera House 5 cent cigar. ELECTION of oflicers to night at Lodge, A. fe A M. W. A COMBS' Kestaurant.

THE Methodists at Spring are enjoying 8 huge revival in the I LU i i-l, of which Kev. McElroy is pastor DECATUB Nui Coal, double-screened, at 81 0 per ton, delivered to any part ol town MANMJBBHAiNESjesterday receded a flattering offsr to join the Sol Smith Enssell company as advance business manager THE finest line of the celebrated Candj Bro'e fruit tablets can be at 1 Bramble's confectioner), 1 Water street. QOT THE sale of seats for Rice Dixey Pearl of Pekin begun this morning with a fine sile The prices range from 81 25 to 23 cents. CHOKE table luxuries and ibles and frjits season at Hanks i Patterson's South Water street grocery store SELECT the White Loaf and Daily BreaJ Hour and you will have splendid bread It to get net cDoice i Wilson, bpnngfield, 111, telephone for one of his S80 00 30 cash, 50 cents a week Jow is the time JOHN CoorER el urns to have gathered fan average of 100 bushels of corn to the acre off his 80 acre tract near THERE is an old saying that for everj fog during the fall we will have a snow storm during the winter If this proves rue this season we sh ill have lo of srow A. COMBS' Restaurant.

IT onlj costs 81,50 per ton dfhvt red 11 door that supeib DecaMir nut tual N'ov 7 Jtf THERE are 80 men emplojed in the me at ij lorville. That is doing pretty well for a new mining compan) THE Cheerful Givers Club will give a sociable at the church on South Broadway on Thursday Dec 12, for the benefit of the Macedonia Baptist church All are cordially invited to attend. Adrais Bion free d3t LTTLE A Co, the grocers on North Water street, deliver goods promptly to any part of the city. Fresh country butter and Vienna bread are specialties A. COMBS' Restaurant.

TICKETS for the Chanty Ball will be in demand. They can be had at 82 00 each. CALL for the celebrated White Foam flour THE blame for the serious railway collision on the crossing at Paus between a freight and a passenger on the I St road, lies with the latter company About 10 passengers were injured seriously, none fatally The I. St. peop'e will have to pay the damages.

THE Grand Opera House cigar is a general favorite Try it 23-dtf No MOBB useful Christmas present can, be given than a Memtt Office in Library block on William street. dec5-diwlmo BAD ACCIDENT TO A CHILD The Little Daughter of G. A.Bush- ert Disfigured for Life. A deplorable accident occurred this afternoon at the residence ot Z. W.

Harris, at 410 West Wood street A number o' small children were playing in the front yard, climbing over a heavy iron railing placed in front of a small porch in front of the south window. The ruling was there for an ornament and its fastening to the wooden flooring had become insecure. Little Lora Bushert.aged 5 years, daughter of Mr and Mrs A Bushert, climbed over the top of the railing, and as she did 80 it gave way aad threw her to the ground, one edge striking her in the face, crushing her frontal and nasal bones in a shocking manner. Blood gushed from the wound and flooded the ground. The child was earned to her home at 418 West Wood street, and the Drs J.

and Casa Cheroweth and Dr Ira Barnes were hastilj summoned to give surgical attention lh? poor child is in a very critical conditior If she survives she will be dihflgured for life Mr. Bushert is the Ivi itur manager fur the McCorniick a Machine company. The injury ia purely accident il The railing was thought to be secmely fastened. The College Dedication. The REPUBLICAN reporter visited the splendidly arranged rooms of theDecatur Business college on the third floor of the Library Block this morning, and found the various rooms occupied by eighty-two students in the various departments.

Principal Irving and his competent assistants were busy caring for the classes and the reporter lingered but a few moments in the business office. This evening the college rooms will be formally opened to the pub- he in the form of a public reception. Prof. George W. Brown, the proprietor, will be present, and the distinguished Dr Edwards, state superintendent of public instruction, and Prof.

Eayhill will deliver addresses. One or two Decatur business men will make brief remarks and there will be All are cordially invited to visit the rooms, which are six number, are well lighted, ventilated and heated by steam. Card Party This afternoon Mrs Benton Blackstone is entertaining about forty of her lady friends at her home on West Mam street. It is a six hand euchre party. PERSONAL MENTION Court at Taylorville Charles Davw, the colored man who shot hia wife, pleaded to assault to murder, and was eyht years at hard labor at the Chester penitentiaiy William Williams, charged with the murder of the Pana Chinaman, hnd hie trial put off until the next term of court The grand jury returned 18 indict mi nte, as follows For e-lling liquor to minors and inebriates, mulfeaaince in olhce, 1, maliLious mischief, 2 not, 1, assault with intent to commit murder 2, disorderlj assault with deadly weap 1 the indicteJ gamblers except two pleaded guilty and each was fined and costs Appraising the Stock I.

Ehrman, Him Fisk and JohnP Eckels are engird in ippmibing the stock of cheap stor gingtothe estate of George Kf-s er the suicide The propertj ia to be sold b) ULert public administrator Will Stop With the Postmaster Hon Eckles, of Ottawa, who will deliver the address at the C. anniversary exercises at the Presbyterian church services Sunday night at the opera house, will be the guest of Postmaster Jack while in the city Florida Oranges Dealers in tropioal.truits buying Florida oranges, see Ehrhart because they are headquirters for this delicious fruit--as, indeed, for everything of that clasq Bobbed an Engine This morning Justice Curtis issued a state warrant for the arrest of two robbers who burglariously entered engine No 14 of the Terre Haute Peona road, as it stood near the coffin factory at an early hour this morning. Officers Hoy and Koeppe gave chase and caught the fellows at the coal shaft, and they were lodged in the station house Michael Horn and Ed Shay were the engineer and fireman in charge of the engine It is not known what properly was stolen CALL at Den Chamberlain's perfect gallery and procure perfect photographs CHRISTMAS candies, California fruus and hot and cold crmks at Carmichael a store No trouble to get family groceries and fruits to suit you at Moore Bro 'a store. ATTEND the concert at the African Methodist church to-night The successful concert of Tuesday night, with additional will be repeated by the white juvenile club LAST night Col. I Pugh Camp Sons of Veterans, did wisely in re-electing Frank Cassell Captain for another year He has made an excellent commander' and besides he is well up in military tactics, and he is thoroughly inahfied to drill the members of the camp THE man Lang, who jumped from the Wabash fast t-am at Mt Olive about a month ago is still at St uospital at Latcnfield and is improving Drs Colt and Shiler subjected his sfcull to trephining a few days ago lilting out a piece of bone and putting a silver plate in ite place THE tnal of romn's murderers can be eclipsed by a tnal of Cole's Carbolisalve the great remendy which curbs and all skin eruptions, sore eyes, itch, piles, cuts, boils, burns, sca'ds, chaps, corns chafes and felons MONET TO LOAN AT Lowest Kates, FABM AND CITY PROPERTY.

APPLY TO PEDDECORD, BTJBKOWS St. CO BAKKXHS, DEOATTJB, ILLINOIS. 8ept2-diwtf DB HAKSHA, who left last night for Chicago, will locate permanently that city in the practice of his profession. His family will go to Chicago a few The Doctor is an excellent phjsi- oian and a good citizen whom we regret to lose. Sheriff J.

Mauzy went to Assumption this morning Tobey, of Pana was here yester- daj. Senator Jonns went to Suihvan this morning. E. Maitm his returned from Men- mouth Mrs Ch mberlmn IB attending a medical institute lit Indianapolis H. Maconghtrj left for Indianapolis this morning on business.

Frank Pahmeyer made a business trip to Bernent to day William Parker of Maion, bus gone to Loa Angelis, California, to remain until spring. Miss Mibel Martin departed this morn ing for Lawrence, Kan on visit to friends Kev James Miller left this morning for Danville, where he will lecture this even ing. Miss Erne Cocbnne, of Assumption, who was here to attend the Simpson- Blume returned home this morning William Green grove, who resides at 720 North College street, is quite ill with diphtheria Mies Lucj Tomlmson, of Mt Pulaski, urnvt in the cit) this morning to visit Mrs 0 Kennell) Lou Dietz, of Indiarwpol will spend Sunday in this city, fcutbt of A Barrackman. Born, to Mr and MIB Thomas Sly, of North Union street, on December 5--a son. Mrs.

Hall has been in Chicago for a number of days enjoying a visit with fnends. Mrs M. Imboden and child, wro have been visiting in St, Louis, returned home this morning Mrs D. Hughes and son, S. Hughes, left this mornmg for Lovington, where they will visit for several days Miss Eebecca Brown, of Jacksonville, who has been visiting Miss Mary Boby, will return home to morrow Mr and Mrs Eh Peck, have returned from Lafayette, Ind, to Cerro Gordo, where they will reside in future Mrs S.

Shellabarger and Mrs. A W' Conklm returned from St Joseph, Mo, this morning, where they have been visiting for a week. Edward Patterson, who is connected with a clothing establishment, at Pittsburg Pa, is in the city visiting his brothers Frank M. and John Patterson M. Durnond, traveling passenger agent of the Milwaukee Northern railroad, with headquarters at Indianapolis, was here this morning Woman Club Meeting.

The regular monthly meeting of tne Woman's Club was held the Club Rooms Thursday afternoon, Dec. at 2 o'clock, Mrs M. Kandallm the chair, Miss AliceTjler secretary Theminuutes of the November meeting were read and approved, also report of Treasurer received and placed on file The Secretary of Section 1, Mrs Barnes, reported a good attendance in that section and the discussion of topics of practical interest Mrs. Shultz, secretary of Section i reported good interest in the study of Roman History and Current Topics A communication from a committee from the Woman's National Press Association and the women of Washington, D. regard to a National was laid upon the table for further consideration.

The secretary read an announcement from Mrs A Fodter regard to the dinner to be given by the Christmas Club A vote of thanks was tendered ss Ella Lindsay for the recent mini On i "The Womans' Cycle" kindly donated by her to the Club The following ladies were unanimously elected to memoership Mrs Dr Moore, Mrs Emma Scanlan, Mrs Barker, Mrs Mason The secretary read a note from the be loved president of the club, Mrs George Haworth, expressing her desire that as soon as a successor can be selected she be relieved from the oflice of president, owing to her removal from the The expressed desire of all present was thrt the consideration of the matter be postponed to some future time Au invitation fioin the Charitable and Industrial Union to the sewing school to unite with them in that work was re ceived, and upon motion tbs i of the club were extended, and the subject was tabled for future decision I i. I Lmon also asked that the Woman's Club become an honorary member, and that a delegate represent them in the council On motion, the chair appointed a delegate 1855-34 New Sugar Cured Hams. Boneless Breakfast Bacon. Now is a good time to have your cans filled with PURE KETTLE RENDERED LAR.D. Don't Want the Earth This I IS SO CALL AT THE TEMPLE OF MUSIC" And Bxamme the Famous A high grade Piano at a fair price, EQUVL TO ANY, SURPASSED NOXt Also the "fiUVW-toert Flano to be the HEAD OF ALL MODERN PRICED PIANOS The Finest and Best Made Organ the world, WARRANTED FOR 10 1E4U8 I will sell the above instruments at prices that will not van you.

hi irLstriiments, Of all kind, suitable for all sold at the.r ait all at any time and examine Instruments 23V 3NTOHTEC 20 diwtf For Sunday Dinner Christmas is coming, but whether jou have turkey to eat to-morrow is immaterial, since yon can get such choice beef, pork, mutton, ham, sausage and other choice meats at Phil Blenz's meat market the old opera house block If you want any meats for your Sunday dinner-and what man don't want the best of eata on that day if he hasn't any of any and on any other day of the week--go to 'hilip and see how he can supply yonr ante He never fails to please bis ustcmers George Manzy, of the Pacific Express Company, who has been sick, is able to resume his position in the company office at the depot. Mrs. Myers is expected to return home to day after an absence of five and a half months, two of which she spent Chicago, undergoing treatment for her foot, which is greatly improved Charles Hangh has experienced a relapse and is again confined to his room. Several weeks ago he suffered a very severe wrench of his spine and recovered sufficiently to return to his position His fnends will regreat to learn that he is again a sufferer Visitors. Prof George Brown, proprietor of he Business College, Dr Richard Edards, superintendent of public mstruc- on, and Prof Raj hill, of Jacksonville, will be at the Decatur College dedi- ation to-night Afflicted With a Cancer John Summers and Clinton Madox, ol Clinton, were in the citj to daj guests at he New Darning Mr Madox came down have a cancer removed from one side of his noee He visited the oinee of Drs Chenoweth to have the cancer removed.

THKBB was a pleasing entertammen last evening at Stapp Chapel, when the Endeavor Sociable was held. "The Enchanted Shirt" was the subject of a selection read by Mrs. Scnmger, and in the tableaux Bert Jones appeared as a Roman Senator EDWABD has a splendid residence lot 579x183 feet, on North Main street hurh and dry, which can be had at a IOT figure. at 155 North Water. 6--d3t 'Saturday Market REMOVAL Hereafter the ladies of St Johns church will hold their market at the rooms of Miss A Bates on West side of Library Block, Particular attention is called to their supenor Mince Meat, Chili Sauce, Oatsup, etc MOKE to be desired than fine gold are the beautiful Carpets, Matting, Rugs Wire Mats, Turkomans and Lace Cur tame, at the price at wbicb jou can buy them at ABEL'S nov29 A Card The opposition to the Standard Sewing Machine are making the statement that they can supply the Standard at such and such prices.

To all those who are tendered such offers, when pnces are below the regular pnce of the Standard, I say, accept them by all means, If the machines are the present improved Standard, such as I have on sale, I will guarantee every such machine for 20 years. I make the same guarantee on all Standard machines I seiL If yon are offered the machine at a lower be certain you are getting the Improved Standard in perfect condition. The guarantee I offer will not permit a score of loopholes for excuse. It is pnnted in large type in four lines. O.

Ewrao, dec6-dlw M'gr Standard Office. THE SALE OF SEATS It Began To-Day for the Great Pearl of Pekm The sile seats began this morning for the big amusement event Monday evening, Rice i- Dixej's world-famous production, The Pearl of Pekm," and the sale was very satisfactory. To take all the greatest critics and all the largest cities of America as a crite non, the house should be entirely sold out before the doors open Monday evening, for surely no performance of this kind has ever been seen here, and it is safe to say, will not be seen again for many a day The New York San, speaking of its 250 nights' run in New York City, by this same company and with exactly the same magnificent surroundings, says "The last and greatest success of Rice Dixey is 'The Pearl of and its gorgeous splendor, its wealth of vivacity and mirth, its melody, its catchy ditties, its torrent of beautiful female anatomy, it is almost beyond adequate descnption Its fascinating audacity eclipses 'The Corsair' and 'Adonis' The action ot the story is bnght--the music chirmmg. The wardrobe is superb. It is a display of costumes, rich, picturesque and magnificent--as if the nsing of the ourtain had revealed the oriental splendor of a gathering of tne Imperial Court of Pekin on some great feast day.

The cost, costumes and the beauty and unique blending of colors and fantastic designs, pale the memory of display, superb as it was, of The Mikado' Such a feast of silks, ot color and embroidery, makes one go home to dream all night of tintillating satins and diamond spray rainbows And, as in every production by Mr Eice, all the girls are there in liberal quantities and charming qualities They are all pretty and shapely--winsome and enchanting As the bnght, particular star and soul of the play, the jolly, wholesome, scintillating Louis Harrison is at his jest As Ty Foo, the mandarin, he is rresistibly funny--amusing, but not abusive--extravagant of action, but cleanly his extravagance, while his Dnffoonery Is pleasant because it bears no taint of vulganty--it is true comedy in its truest sense All in all, 'The Pearl of Pekm' is a most pronounced success, artistically and financially, as the crowded houses nightly demonstrate." Headquarters BOOKS great, books small, books in sets, books for the ricn, books for the poor enough for all and heaper then the cheapest, at the Cit ok store H. Bevans dec3dwlw The Celebrated H. Pieper Hake FLOBERT RIFLE. No 121--With side extractor, polished blued barrels, 22 inches, rifled, weight Ibs, price 9i No 122-22 calibre, rifled, Remington system, oiled walnut stock, pistol gnp, checkered, 22-inch barrel, weight 5 Ibs, price No 123-Same as No. 122, with extra heavy octagon bar- rel, 24 inches, weight 5 3 4 Ibs, pnce No 124--22 calibre, rifled, Warnant's action, oiled walnut stock, checkered, pistol gnp, 22-mch octagon barrel, weight 5 Ibe, pnce No 125-Same as No 124, with extra heavy octagon bar' rel, 24 inches, weight GH Ibb, price No 126-32 calibre solid breech block, Wernant action nfled, pistol gnp, 23 inch octagon barrel, weight GH Ibs, price This nfle is recommended for the safety of its action force and accuracy of its shooting qualities.

NOTE--These pnoes include a box of oartndges and brash cleaning rod with each rifle. Job Lot of Cheap Breech and Muzzle-Loading SHOT GUNS ----o-SPECIAL PRICE TO THE TRADE H. MUELLER SONS, 138 Merchant Street. Nov 23 Exclusive Professional Attention to Adjostment of Spectacles, Opthalrooscopic Examination of Eyes from 8 to 12 a. a BIG SACRIFICE SHOE SALE.

We have $40,000 worth of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS that we offer at a Sacrifice. All New and clean. Compare the prices we make with those you have formerly been paying: i A New 84OOO Church. Eev W. H.

Wilder, president of the Illinois Wesleyan University, will dedi cate the new $4000 Methodist church at SiDley on Sunday, Dec. 15th, JUST received at J. H. Bevans' City Book store, a large lot of elegant Etch, ings, all sizes, at pnces lower than ever offered. If in want of a flue picture, call soon and look them over, for they are selling rapidly n30dwlw OPEEA GLASSES.

The second invoice of flue Lemaire Opera Glasses )nst received. See them while the stock is complete. Beautiful opera glass Handles at reduced prices. DR.T.P.HDBBELL Optical institute, 239 H. Iain St A A Frank and Hurt and Packard Fine Sewed Rolmon.1.

i2 50. now Men's Pontac Calf $5 shoe, 5 and 6 wide, 250 Men's Hand-Sewed Calf 86 Shoe, 5 and 6 wide, 3 50 Men's Geeecke Calf Shamrock, 3-5 wide, 195 1 30 Balmoral, 12 50, now Frank Whits, Buff Congress Scotch Edge, 82.00, now Men's Calf, all Solid, worth $2 75, 1 Ladies'Bey nolda Broa Fine Cal' Button, $350, now Ladies' Fine Kid Button, now ft Ladies' Kid Button, 8L.5, Boys' Fine Shoes, Button and lace 100 240 North Park' Street..

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