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McKean County Miner from Smethport, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Smethport, Pennsylvania
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McKKAH COUNTY KOTO TBUUDAT MAftOH 17,1921 PAGE FIVE Movies for the following week: Monday, Cist Klmin Hwnmmtrla "THE WOMAN UAMK" Vmtltf Sews ot Itajr- Turwl.y, March 22nd NO SHOW Wednesday, March 83rd Lyons it Moran In "Kl.XKD HY UKOKtiK" Srrlal "SOX OK Klnogntnis Thursday. March 24(h SHOW Frl.Uy, March ffiJth NO Sal unlay, March IMtb. Alice In "COVSIS KATK" Kcmcn Comedy Star Theater SMETIirouf, PA." LOCAL AKDQKNttAL "Bob" Shaner and L. D. were Smethport visitors yesterday.

1 Jack Hilton of Bradford was- C. C. Choat. wa. a Bradford.

WMk to bro TlaUor Monday. H. W. Hilton, ho Is III. Clinton Is out of school with the McKean Co.

Miner Thursday, Jlurcli 17, -1 LOCAL AND GENERAL SITU A broken toby. A shatlered fife. A bawling boy; But such Is lite. A broken heart, A weeping wt'fe. A-woeful part; Yet such Is life.

A busted- boom got tdo knife. Oh, dreadful doom! But such la life. --Washington -Herald. Kaster Sunday, March Not a Rood maple season. St: Patrick's Day, today Thurs- Don't forget the St.

Patrick's dance toiiiRht. Look the paper over for tho new- ads this After the Baskettiall same thcro will ln a dance at Quirk's Hall. Klocks of 'Wax Wing Cedar birds came the first of March. Order Good Housekeeping now, Rod. B.

W. Hilton Ul (or. tki put WMI. Lucille Marshall was a Olean shopper Saturday. MlM Grace Olmstead returned! Saturday from Erie.

i Mary Boyer spent end In Bradford. I Mrs. Curd Potter wan Bradford visitor Saturday. Mr. Roy Engstrom spent i end In Kane.

Miss Mary O'Conner returned'to Lewis Run. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M.

M- Pomeroy wei In Bradford, Friday. Roy Sherwood of'Bollver Smethport visitor Friday. Miss Doca Keenan Is spending the week in New York City. Mrs. Alice Lyle returned Salprday from Snlncleboiise.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Gather, March 11. 1921, a baby girl. Miss Carrie MacGowan- was i Olean a few days-last week.

Miss Pern Burdlck Is conftaed to her home with the mumps. Mrs. It. Kessler. was a Bradford visitor Friday.

Robert Hilton who has been sick with i Is much Improved. Charles -Mesler of Kane, the noted plctuco man was in town Tuesday. Korrest Abbey of Olean spent the I week-end at.his home In this place. 1 Miss Elsie Mark's of TfassTon was a Smethport visitor Tuesday. I Miss Josephine Boxford is confm-i ed lo her home with the mumps.

I Miss Josephine Cramer was In Kane. Monday carrying on her work, i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, 'vomieest child, Alice, was seriously- ill last week. Lloyd Kohn and Miss Cirace Bradford shoppers' Monday.

In -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rico uf Oleaii March 1021. a baby plrl, A Dardennp of Port si'enf the week-end as a guest of this place. Mr.

Thomas Hunglvllle and Mr. P. S. Crossman spent a few days In j- Grove last week. Mrs.

Lesgett o('Emporium Is visiting tier sister, Mravlella Hackett of this place. The Misses 1 Mary and Elizabeth Cieary will attend the dance. In Porl Al.legany. to-night. Miss Mary Coyne- of Bradford spent Monday with Miss Cacrle Mac Carl Hoffman of Ml. spent Ihe week-end as nuest of friends in Miss Ahliey entertained Die Wan Wee Camp Kin- class Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Sasse of Olean spent the week-end at her home in this place. Miss Lois Crwn entertained the Club, afternoon at her home on Kins street. Mrs.

Joseph Cleveland of tho price Is reduced year. --Lot us hope the Women Voters are posiing themselves on Ihe school siluation hi McKean county. P. L. tor I Buffalo, where he has charge of the Backus Pin Setters used In tHe Bowl- ln( Tournament held there.

He will i be none the rest ot the month. Mrs. F. D. Cramer and Mrs.

D. M. Brasted were In Bradford Friday to hear Sinclair Lewis, the author of "Main Street" address the women's Literary Club. Superintendent of Schools C. W.

LJlllbridge gave a very Interesting address to the League ot Women voters Wednesday at St. Luke's Parish House. Mrs. G. N.

Stouer and daughter. Martha. May, and Roue Ann of Buffalo spent the week-end as guests ot Mrs. Sue Burdlck. and family.

Miss Harriett Jones who attends Lock Haven Normal, Is spendinx a few weeks at home recuperating after an Illness.due to ardous period of hard study. Miss Abberlha Natello entertained the G. P. G. Club Tuesday evening Light refreshments were served by the hostess and a enjoyable time en- Joyed by all.

Mr. O. Ilanilln will entertain the employees of the Hamlin Bank Trust Company and their ladies at a 6 o'clock dinner at Ills home tonight. (Thursday.) Mr. Frank Edgar'of Eldred was In town yesterday.

He was" up to see a dentist and pay tho town a little Krank -is one ot Kldred's lead- ins grocerymen. II. T. Garlick. the popular manager of the Caloric Furnace after a protracted illness, due lo inflammatory rheumalism, has recovered which is welcome news to his many "Harold Wass of Michigan', wilt-be.

a.guest at Methodist Episcopal Parsonage a few weeks. Mr. Wass, wlio is an ohl college f'rlvud o( Kev. Mr. Orison's, will occasionally occupy the pulpit hen-.

Miss KejiU Hoyer who has been a patient of the Bradford hospital for some tinie. following a severe Illness returned home Thursday. Friends of Hoyer will lie Klad lo hear of her.recovery. W. Fuller Wednesday morning from South West, where In- visited sister.

Miss Clara Naylor. who has lioon very 111 for'the past week. Mrs. Fuller will remain there i her sister Improvement. 1'lerolll received a letter from Mrs.

K. formerly of this place, that her had died February i-'. last of pleura! pneu- miiiiia. 'The many "in tliU place sympathise deeply i Ihe family. to $2.50 a is visiting her'sister.

Mrs. C. K. --It is runioreO- thai J. A.

Swan- Keeper. has sold his ice business to A Krickson of this place. --So show at Ihe Star Theatre Tuesday. March Thursday. and family this week.

Forrest Abbey who has been work- Inc In Olean lias accepted a position in the Smethjiort XIarage as boiik- K. Van Dyke received a call last week to Hornell, he has not m.ule his decision in regard to it. Altno McCarthy who has ln-eii Muruh 2 1 hnr March 2tith, spending week at horn" on -account of 'Holy Week. i place relumed to Olean. Mon' 7he T.

held their resu- a y. lar meeting Tuesday cvtnliiu. Mrs. Christiana' Mrs. Arthur tlreiison.

vi'ry liiti-ri'st- charlJe Johnson a N'ora ing talk on the- life Mary Schlvss-r were lirmsliy Krl- thc Pioneer Misslonury. day. TUe're i nut In- mo'tion picture Miss Dorothy Hosarih -who at- Khov; Tuesday. Marvh 22. Tluus-1 West Acad-my spciu 24, nor on Friday, March the week-end at her home in this 15.

'Because of Holy place. Editor of. Tho Miner re- Miss Katliryu Hunserford cuter. celved a. very 'nice letter last week tuined the Wah Wee, Camp fire slrls from Mrs.

L. of Monday evening at her home on California, cxjiressing her appreciation of The Miner and also sending a contribuifon toward iho cemetery King street. Mrs. Olive of who has-b'ecn spending the week as guest of friends In this place, relumed fund. --Robins-are nesting, blue birds home Saturday.

and sing their sweet, songs James Theodore Bray of Farmers among the trees. Meadow Lark Valley who has been very ill orpneu- 1s'calling. Pussy willow In perfec-, orila has "gone over the. top" and spring here! Feed the convalescent. Mrs.

beo. Mitchell who Is at Bdft- ilon--Spring klrds. -r-The new change of ads for this are; Masser, Masscr Hroi.7"H7-"WrRubln--Son, The Fry PickerUglU' Bakery, Star Theater, Smethport Garage J. M. Wlant; Hamlin Bank Trust Bnrdlck's Music'-Store: --A flock of wild geese were plainly heard for about an hour fly- Ing Smethport last night, try- Ins to get their bearings, lost It Is thought from the lights and.

severe wind storm and rain. After circling times they finally made off. One of tho number, however landed In Wade Bnrdlck's garden and could easily seen from the window the ray 'ot a. light shown dir- upon It. BASIETBALL NOTESJ Udnd M.

The tanu of basket ball played by aad tne proved InMrMtnTf aad was wltneMvd by a and enthusiastic crowd at the Lyceum Hall last Thursday the Cupidi winning out by a score of 33 to 43. At Ant It looked the Kldred team was going to dtisl- ance our warriors, but the.spurt was only a false alarm. The Cupids with i score standing to 2 started la. to play In earnest and soon had the score tied, soon passed their old time rivals. Judging from the Interest taken and the cheering It was about a 50-50 crowd that witnessed the game.

The playing of the Cupids was a feature of the evening, and It must be said that they looked In much better condition Thursday night than at any previous tfme this year. Eldred brought such well known men as Wolcott. Stark, Stlllman, Elliott and Bess. They- played a good game. Cupids used their regular line-up: Bobble Hull.

Louie Hull, Eric Josephson Malcolm and. "Spark" Kohn. "Ted" Smith retereed In his usual manner. Tho Smethport High School was defeated iu Bradford last Thursday i by Bradford High School to the tune of 3S to IS. They fared much better in Ludlow, only losing out by ono point 25 to 24.

In Sheffield the boys came back to their true form and succeeded iu defeating Shoulcld in a bang-up contest. Anyhow th'ey home with' one is very ratifying lo the school their friends-- 25 to 21 was the "core. ThivHucktail team played in Bradford last I.egiun team is very strong and can make Ihe best of them step. Church lUiskvt Ikill«uc The Methodist's defeated the Baptist basket ball" players at Lyceum Hall'Tuesday Tho game waa witnessed by iiuite a few people and thoroughly enjoyed. The close score kept the fans In doubt up un) 27 favor of the Methodist team.

The Methodist's the last name thus making' Iwo games won. flayers tor ihe Methodist's are- as. follows; Paul Karki'n, 'Gerald Itenn- IIK. Fred Ernes'l Kohn and Kmery Kohji and Carl Miller; Players for tho Uaplist; Howard Strong, Lawrejice Dickinson, Klwood Warner; Lelaud and Hairy liipley. i Mill at II.UTIST cm'iscii.

The Youni; Peuiile's Circle meet with Miss Uuth U(w on struel iliis Friday evening- o'clock. Be on Time. Prayer, ineeiinp on Thursday even lui: at Preachtni; service next Sunday as usual. In the illumine at 10:30 o'clock and in the vi'iiliiR at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at pi m.

Come and practice'for the Kaster music. MKTIIOOIST CHl'UCH. sinulay. March 20. Mornims sermon by the pas- t'or.

Sunday School at. 11:1 u'llor Kpwiirtll Lcaiiue ut Kv'enini; worship at 7:30. sermon, by the llev. Harold prayer ST. l.t'KKS CHl'ISCII.

Holy Week Service at St. Lukes. Holy X'o'niMiuhuni every morning, ex- flood. Kriduy at a. m.

Morning prayer every morning sit 10:30. Evening prayer every evening except Tuesday and Saturday at Children's iiervice Weflncsday and Good Friday at 4:00 p. m. The Three Hours Good Friday at 12:00 p. m.

Evening prayer and Baptism Saturday at 4:00 P. m. -AT- PICKERSGILL'S BAKERY I'uhin and Main Strei'ls S.MKTIIPOT, PA. alusa, with enthusiasm of the fine weather, and enjoys place 'Tcry-muchr----'-- Miss.Hilton spent.the week-end In town, she was called here 'by the illness of her brother, Hon. R.

W. Hilton. Mrs. Scott Redfield and fn'wJhTnKion! guests" ot Mr. Farming Is a Business and Mrs.

VI. Gllette. And like every business, it requires forms, The Harris Bible Class of the M. I records and giveyouthe facto E. Church held their monthly, business mebttnK and social Monday even- about your farm, just as a business tnan has them about hii business.

E. A. Stndholmnefnown a visit to the State Business Paper, capital'. Wo not. seem to know 1 Just what Ed.

has "up his sleeve." lcitcrheadj (every business fanner should have his own letter- on Hammertnill Bond, the Utility Vt Show You What Cm Do for You At LAST 'THBV ARK HERK BCW'SSUITS Two Pairs of Pants at a price higher than SiilU wUh Ibrte Suits will pleaae the and satisfy the arcnt. Made In plain, pfeated belted effect. They are stylish wd sturdy, food looking' and durable, at $10.75 bat worth a good more. 10 to 19. Monheimer's SMETHPORt, PA.

March Saint Patrick's Day Hamlin Bank Trust Company OUR BIRTHDAY Bank That Talus Care of It. To Liberty Bond Holders If you hold Liberty Honda of any l-sue nlilcli liavo not been exchanged for pernutneat boudf. all tho coinious attached, we Invlti you lo brlng-thcm to tbJs bank and ue will exchange 1 them of charge to you, at) we arc Bending In bonds weekly lo bo eichauKeU for bonds. To those who do not place to keep their ue'offer our vault protectiom free. Any amount vtarU a at this" bank anil If you-wish wo will clip jronr UVrly Bond coupons tlicy tall due and credit you iKMMtt account.

TIUs would keep your money worklxg for you. The Means to an End of Waste Space A ftw of wood trim, yon up old put otJf Into of tha.houee,. BMTM Board playi a Bwwi MK mntloa; WbOt SVMC, wffl Uth Caff On HOLMES G1LFILLAN Smethport, Pa. The Miner ..1 6.

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