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The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 8

The News Journali
Wilmington, Delaware
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8 EVERY EVENING-WTInNGTON, PETvAWAHE. AVKJJK KHDAY. OUUXMIJSJt at; 1904.V 2ippinrott A go. MONKY I'AID FOR A NEW ROAD THE SEWS OF NEW CASTLE Ill For over fowr years I suffered Intensely with Sciatic Rheumatism. The Rheuma A few years ago I wss taken with Inflammatory Rheumatism, which, though mild at first, became gradually intense tism first troubled unauie to want, i spread mr shoulders, head, and final that I was for waeks all over tat IkhIv.

I valid that neither nr tried several prominent pnysiciana ana took their treatment faithfully, but was unable to get the slightest relict, xniaet, rnv condition Seemed to grow worse, the pains spread aver tny tatitc body, and from November to -March I suffered rooy. I tried many patetat medicines but none relieved roe, Vpeti tht advice "rjf a friend I decided to try b. S. Before allowing me to take it. however, my guardian who was a chemist, tnalvxed the remedy stid pronounced lit free of potash Of mercury.

I felt so tnuch better after taking two bottles, that 1 continued the retaedy, end In two niontbs I was cured completely. The cure was permanent, for I have never tince had a touch of Rheumatism, though many times thought it poaatble for me to survive long. 1 bad tried so maay prescriptions given me by physicians (which contained a great deal of potash that tny stomach was ruined and there seemed no hope for recovery. I had been reading in the newspaper of S. S.

S. and decided to trr it, and to my joy commenced to get relief before the second bottle was gone. After completing five bottles 1 was aa entirely different man, and felt that I had a rew lce on life. The cure in my case has been so wonderful that I shall tell every one of it. S.

S. not only cured my Rheumatism, but also put my system generally in excellent condition. I have a good appetite, sleep well and once more enjoy life. Mt. Sterling, Ky.

B. M. FlStK. posed to damp and cold weather. Mbs.

Klranor T. Jones. ci'- RHRl'M AT1SM comes from poor digestion, stomach troubles, torpid liver, weak kidneys and a seneral loggUh condition of the system. Food souring in the stomach poisons the blood it becomes too acid. The liver and kidners fail to act properly, and the circulation is clogged wrtb impure matter and burning acrid fluid which oenetrate and saturate the bones and muscles, joints and nerves, producing thcternble pains and ache and other disac-reeable svmptotns of Rheumatism.

A it originates in the blood and affects the whole system, it will not aisagreeftme 8ympiou rmA RaV trentmenr ia h1r- (JO lfj VJU I IliiUIVU Vwa v. r4 -f ful, but the blood must be restored to a pure, healthy state before the cure is permanent. When S. S. S.

has driven out the impurities and built up the thia, acrid blood and stimulated the plug gish organs to better action, the cure is thorough and lasting. The feverish, excited nerves then are soothed and the muscles relieved of the torturing tension, and the whole system is restored to its former healthy state. 3. S. S.

contains no potash or alkalies, but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Our special book on Rheumatism will be mailed free to all desiring it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking for special information or advice, for which no charge is made. rim swift sprain ft Atlanta; ga. HONEY TO me in my hip, then became such aa family nor friends of $1109 Teeth for S8.C3.

ly I in- f'" LOAN On Household Goods Wilhout Removal All business is strictly confidential. We are the only LOAN COMPANY in the city where all customers are satisfied. We give you the full amount ct money at the time you make the loan and do not deduct any eo-called charges from it. SALARY LOANS made to people holding a permanent position. We are always pleased to give our rates and terms, and if we cannot do better by you than other companies we don't ask your custom.

Call, Phone or Write. D. A. Phone 1430. American Loan Second Floor.

Ford Building, Market Sis. The Slor Thai Sates You Money You Gel Something more than merely good material trongly put together when yon you buy our boys' clothing. Theee qualities are of course very essential. But leside3 all this you get style, originality, appropriateness, suitability the fitting of the individual boy with an individual effectand above all the satisfaction of knowing positively that you have the correct thing at the right price. First Floor.

Cut Glass Just the word Cut Gla, during this, the eaon of weddings, to bring you in after a gift. By this time everybvly in town ought to know that this is the place to get it. Those who have bought here say they have never seen such fine cut for such a small price. Bawroent. Jap-a-lac and Floor-shine for painting: floors and woodwork.

Givf'S 51 cement finish with the regular arnish gloss. Wers better than the tmr it3elf.SJNo better time to put it on than during housa cleaning season. Try it. BsaBeus. Curtains and Draperies A small purse will jf a Ion? way in our curtain sect-ion just now.

It ia particular! good news at this season of the year, when the thought uppermost in. in the mind of the housewife is the re-curtaining of windows. Sen4 Fioor. Furs There fa always a comforting sense of satisfaction and security in buying Furs here. When so much haa to be takfcn for granted as is the case when you buy fura it naturally suggests the advisability of making your purchase of a firm like thi3.

fceeond Floor. Coat Suits A few warm days now and then need not delude you into thinking you can do without a fall or winter coat and suit. Better prepare for the cold snap that's sure to come. We have a superb line of new suits, separate coata and skirts at astonishingly little prices. aacond Tioex.

We Have tried hard to plan just the fcati that a snap of coid weather will make necessary the first fail hats, and we think we have been successful in getting togethas the finest assortment ever seei in Wilmington. Come in anc lock them over; you may nee.l one yourself. Sacood F-oor. Underwear A between-season's weight in essential to comfort don't jump from gauze to North Pole heaviness. We have very full lines of medium weight underwear, of the sort to carry you through the fall weather a very moderate prices.

First Floor. Infant Wear We are now showing- our new lines of Children's bonnets for fall. They are the handsomest and most dressy little creations that can be found, in the nicest materials trimmed in dainty laces, ribbons, chiffon and furs, with silk embroidery. javoaiJ Floor. 'The Store That Sav es You Money' An Interesting Meeting of the Board of Education.

PRAISE FOR PROF. HOLLO WAY Adoption of New Rule as to Suspended Pupils. Big IaBratl SlHtl( Twerrow jrigbt Cm Bars. Nw Castle. Oct.

26. At th wesson of the Board of Education last evening It ws decided tliat where a nrhnlnr has Wen rurendd hy th principal, he or shall leak application to the iCoard of Education for reinstatement, 'bia action wae taken on account of' mm trouble which has prevailed for oroe nith a boy, who had been ucpended aereral time. The object the board is to prevent the recurrent disorganization of any room in the achoola. An interesting event during: the rneet-V was a statement made by Kdar itroae of the New Castle New, who eked permbteion of I 'resident Kliason to speak of a matter that he thought would prove of interest to tne board. Had the perni-ion being granted, Mr.

liroea said: "The matter I wish to peak of occurred a short time ko at a banquet in Wilmington, where I had the (rood fortune to it i'rof. Twitmyer, and in the course of conversation the latter said: 'The of Castle are fortunate in scouring Prof, lloiiowsy as an instructor. I ttavre known him for several years and ay that he is ne of the leading, most 'active, wide awake instructors of the Mr. It roe further explained )tbat he did not say that to flatter Mr. ilclloway.

but in a Rd spirit thought that the board should larn the opinion of a roan of the ability of I'rof. i Twiimyer. Mr. Kliawi stated that the howl kad a high opinion of the worth of I'rof. HoUoway.

The following bills were passed: Fliason l4.S:t: Frederick Mammele, John M. llano. textbooks, several firms, Thesalariee of teachers and aulwiitutcs were ordered drawn. The report of Superintendent Hollo-way showed the ecating capacity of the schools to be with a total enrol- otent of and some of the cl! crowded to full capacity. In the High Sohool there was ne applicant more than seats to accommodate them.

The folio wins scholar were reported as de-" aerrinjr of special commendation High tx'hool Kva leakjne, Kdward Corral. Kdoa Slack. Kthel Wright, lUlena Maboney. Harry Wegpenrnnn. Hrose.

Mary Stewart. John Vceter. Heeda (emmill, llelen Hance. ti McF'arlin. Olca Ieca Cannon.

Kighteen scholars were reported meritorious. Miss Mahoney'a School Charley Hewitt. Margaret Wilhelm. Greta Toner. Klirlth McCaughn.

Greta Kliza-eth lavis. Carri Sullivan. Klva Morgan. Kthel liar nee. Itertha Sutton.

Kliiaheth Liester, liebn lhvi. Ost-ar Miss rOodleve School Mabel Clewell, Clara Kinc, Kuth Stewart. 11 Galloway. Helen lierk, Rhode Hewlett. Jennte Ridings Jva Willis, Ko Koose Clark.

2 new catle Mis Downie's School Louis Gm-milU John llallman. Hrice Vallette. James Tavlor, Kmily Lunt. Mvrtle 1111. Klizabth White.

Pauline Wil-helme, Sadie Van tin. Flora Walls. Miss McGonil'a School Katie Mc-Iaciel, John Najlor. Harry Montgomery, Joseph Grunt. Mili red Stoops, Margaret McGratb.

Sara Stewart. Lola Vining. Flora Downey, Irene Wise, Beatrice lrice, Florence Carl in. Misa Wilson's School Marie Col-lion. Klirabetb Bar-on.

Katie Toner. Ida Lank. Margaret McCauban. Grace McCaughan. Clara Walls, Mary Diggs, Kmily I'edrick.

Colena Hofmann. Miss Donnison's School Maggie Hendrix. Koee Kodgers. Kthel Van-tit, William White, George Irons, William I'each. Miss Janvier's School Marceila Galloway, Stella Sibley.

Isabella Clark, 'Marie Smith. Klizabetb Laccn. Clara Sterling. Vaughan Lancaster, Perev Peacb. Weeley IVnnell.

Miss Vantine'a School Willard Stoops. Victory Biggs. James Wileon, May Roeseli. Klizateth Hartlett, Bradford Luct. IZicbard Price.

Margaret Grant. Joeep.bine Gannieafsk. Miss Carrick's School John Carlin, Elsie Warren, Katie Leonard. Francis 4ht FLORIST. Cvrser Tweotj-fonrth aoi Market Sts, Tiimin(ioD, uci.

Choice Flowers For All Occasions. Floral Designs a Specialty. Announcement. Oar Chrysanthemums are now feady and those who hare had them pronounce them exquisite. We want your patronagS" and in order that you may see what kind of flowers we produce we make the following Specul Clrysanthenan Offer: Cut out the coupon, send it to us lefore October Slst and we will send you anywhere in the city Tkree Large fttry CkrjsaBtkemaois.

Twenty-fire cents is less than the usual price, but we will send you aa many aa you want at the same rate If the order it accompanied with the coupon. Write your name and address plainly. Yours truly, Potter the Florist, Cor. Twestj'fonrtfa and Market Sts. Cut Out the Coupon.

October 81 it. 1904. rottar th riorUt fleaac iad tn. 1n accordance wltfa your periai caryviotbeiuuiii offer. Tkree Large I very Cbrjsaatbeninms, npoa 4atiTf7 at which 1 will pay Sic ICaiaa The Levy Court Allows Contractors Stewart Dono-hue $9,873.4.1.

OYER THE COMPTROLLER'S VETO He Objected Because County's State Money Is Exhausted. The Payment. Which Waa Mad hy the Court, Unanlmwitslv la the Cnunty'a Share ef the Amount Una on the Middle-town and Orieeea Road. The Levy Court yesterday afternoon unanimously decided to pay Stewart A Donohue the county's share of the cost of building the MiJdletown and Odessa road, despite the disau- I proval of Comptroller Kelley, who re torted ttmttheHtate approprlatiou lor good roads in thisjeounty was exhausted and that the action of the Levy Court in ordering the work done was illegal. The road was retorted finished and accepted yesterday afternoon and a bill for per cent of the contract price was presented.

The whole bill amounts to which, less the retainer money held back as a guarantee that the road will hold up all right, amounts to 919,475. The county's share of this is 851,87.1.41. The following report was made by Comptroller Kelley: To the Iery Court of Kpw t'nstle County. Oentlemn 1 herewith return without my approval the bill of Stewart A IVmohue for for building of a macadam road, known as the Middlotown and tkfcwa road, for the rcHfton that the roads built during the prtiit. year have exhaust! the appropriation provided by inw.

I em ndvinwl thnt while chapter Vol. XXII, of IVlaware, entitled "An Act-to provife for the Permanent Improvement of the Ptiblic Highway" in th State of Delaware," ia not. free from, ambiguity or uncertainty; there are certain things about the acj eoneerning which I think one can" lenk with aome degn-e of confidence. The fint of theei- that the Fevy Court of thia county ha ho power, jurisdiction or authority to improve the public road in question, except aa authoriisea by the abov aot. Section a of the above, act ia eprei in ita proviaiona ihat no contract ahal! be made for the improvement of any road in any county where one-half of the amount to be paid on such contract exceeda the appropriation made by the tieneral AMmby for carrying out tbe provision of said act.

The section of the appropriation lnw in question ia aa followa: For carrying out 4 the proviaiona of an act to provide for the-4. nnanent improvement of the public high- in id CTaie vinwHrr, to oe distributed equally among the several" counties of tho State conformable to th terms and provisions of the aforesaid It will be noticed that whatever mar be the provisions of chapter Vol. XXII. Ijws of Delaware, this act proviiiea that the appropriation shall 'be distributed equally among the several counties of the State." This manifeatly means that New Castle eounty shall get to be used for the purpose set forth In the act In relation to good roads. A the has already been exhausted, and aa no contracts for roads can be mad where one half the coat or price ia in excess of the annual appropriation, I am advised that any attnnpt on he-half of the Levy Court to repair any road, after tbe annual appropriation has been thus exhausted, is illegal and, of no effect.

I therefore decline to approve this bill. Yours Tery truly, Georga D. Kelley. Comptroller. After a short conference tbe following resolution was offered by Mr.

Armstrong and seconded by Mr. Klliott: Resolved, That the comptroller be and is hereby authorized take from the appropriation in the Sixth district the sum of and credit good road appropriation with the same. Tbis resolution was passed unani-mousiy, after which tbe following resolution was offered by Mr. Armstrong and seconded by Mr. Hopkins, chairman of tbe finance committee; Whereas.

The Middlctown and Odessa road having been completed and accepted by tbe Highway Commissioners and the Levy Court on Tuesday, tk-tober 18th, 1904. a rer contract, drawn and approved hy the Highway Commieaioners, their attorney, supervisor and engineer, and the Levy Court in compliance with tbe act passed at the last Legislature for tbe permanent improvement of highways. Whereas, The said Stewart A Donohtie have presented to the court for payment a bill amounting to $3,873.41, said bill bearing the approval of a majority of the finance committee, has been returned to this court without the approval ot county comirtroller, Betting forth his objections to the same. Whereas, This court having acted in good faith and with the advice of ita attorney and the attorney for the Highway Com mis -eiotiers and in conjunction with said Highway Commissioners, ordered and approved tbe building said road; therefore, be It ResolvtHl. That a warrant, approved by three-fourths of this drawn ia favor of Stewart A Donohue for $3,873.41.

Tbe yea and nay vote was taken on this resolution and all of the members voted for it with tbe exception of Mr. Will its, who was absent. Chairman Hopkins of tbe finance committee said in explanation of the action of the court that the finance committee and th Levy Court bad awarded the contract in good faith upon advice of tbe attorney of the court and the attorney for the Highway Commission. They had been informed that they were doing right awarding tbe contract and that they bad received that interpretation of the law. Mr.

Klliott said he was not a member of the finance committee, but that be agreed with the chairman of that committee. Tbe ourt adjourned until next Tuesday. DELAWARE CITY Special Correspond en oe of Every Ivehiog. Delaware City, Oct. 26.

H. C. Clark has contracted to build a wharf at Fort Mott for 112,000. Miss Marion Price was given a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

K. C. Reybold Monday night in celebration of ber birthday anniversary. Progressive games were played, and prizes were awarded to Misa Mollie Rickards, Charles Hick en and Sherman Kickards. Thirty guests were -present.

The Epworth League cabinet met at the Methodist parsonage Monday night. A social hour followed the transaction of business. C. W. Pancoast is shipping 7,000 cases of corn to New York.

Mrs. Elizabeth Reybold of Wilmington has been visiting Mrs. E. C. Reybold.

TO SETTLE UP AN ESTATE. Special Correnpondepce ot Everv Evenlin. lover, Oct. 28. Mr.

and Mrs. Her-man Fischer sailed to lay for Hamburg, Germany.wbere Mr. Fischer will settle up the estate of his stepmother, who died last week. Merchants to Have a Ulna.r. A number of merchants of the city, engaged in a particular lin of business, are to have a dinner at one of the hotels tbis evening.

Beautiful birds and fracxaas flowaaa are nature's charm, but a Mvlaaly lovely son-pleticn comes from ths UN at Otaaao's 8ul. pbux Soap. A good painter knows sees it. He knows that Lucas Paints (Tinted Gloss) so re ad easier and SO farther than other paints. He knows they arc made of pure materials by a reliable house of sixty years' experience.

He knows they cost less all around. He knows they turn out better in the end. So does his dealer. Ask him. John Lucas Co Philadelphia AM to M.

onlAn. wnmitn. ui. McKarlin, Atldi Terapls, Hrlon Jlc-lTitt. lifssi Kpynolds.

Miss LawWs Si'bool Jossph (lard-ner, Carrie Sbilling. Marjtart MoL'af-forty, Lidi Jott, Rose MoCaiiKbar, Osrtruds ShillinR, Sylvestsr Tidwsll, Tillis rat ton. Hsports of ths sTsral coraraitts showed srvrjtbing working: satisfactorily. Many attractions ars hooksd for tomorrow evsninK- Ths hsskstbalt ssason ojwns in ths Opera House, with the Wilmington team of Wilmington. The boys of the Columbia team were in bari practice for an hour last evening.

They had. as their giicets Hutterworth and Tolmy of the Wilminjjtoav V. M. C. who took an active part ta the game.

The Democrats will hold a meeting in the Knichta of Pytihas Hall, at Fifth and, DelawHre atreets. at which the opeiikcrs will be Judge J. Frank Hall, William F. Smaller and John F. Malloy.

Within a few feet of the above hall the W. C. T. U. is in annual session in the New Castle M.

EL Church. On Wednesday evening, November C2i. a Democratic massmeetiDg will te held in the Opera Hous, at which the epeakers will be Li. I. Handy, Peter J.

Ford and John O. Gray. The Ijouise is the name of the new apartment house at Third and Delaware street, owned by John Kies. Tbe name ia in memory of his daughter, whoee death occurred some time ago. Dr.

Dudley L. Munson, son of Rev. and Mrs. F. M.

Munson, has been appointed a medical referee for the New York Mutual Life Insurance for the territory between San Francisco and Seattle, and he will take Up bis residence in Seattle, Januarv 1st, 1905. The position gives to Dr. lunson the supervision of all applications there. Wilmington. New Castle jr Southern Railway" in large white letters has been placed on the easterly t-ide of the car barn of the trolley company.

(Icorge Hewlett and John Hndaon have -he contract for reroofing the Terry property, at Second and Delaware streets. CV.ld Medal, Pillsbury's OO Flour, 45 cents, at Lester's. Personal: Mrss Kmily Truss and Mrs. Anna Colciazer Truss have returned from Skeneatles, N. where they spent six weeks with Mrs.

Margaret Truss Petberay, formerly of this ity Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Cooper, who hare been spending several weeks at the home of Mrs. William liudd, their daughter, at Petersburg, have returned home Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas 1). Wise of Clayton and Mrs. Louise Helms of Booth wyn, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hofmann, have gona to Booth -wjd.

Pa. KENT COUNTY COURTS. tBlaM Were laptttd la Piva Caaea at Yesterday's Slon. 'Cpaclsl Corresponoeara et Krerr Kvanlac. Dover, Oct.

In the Court of General Sessions yesterday Charles Purnell, colored, pleaded guilty to tbe charge of jointing a pistol at Laura Parker, and was sentenced to pay a tine of i'A) and costs. Luther Howell was found guilty of tbe charge of pointing a pistol at Clarence W. Gears, and was sentenced pay a tine of 100 and costs. John Masten, colored, was acquitted of the charge of assault and battery on Robert Lewis, also colored. The evidence showed that Lewis was tbe aggressor.

Thomas Daily pleaded guilty to tbe charge of carrying concealed a deadly weapon, and was sentenced to 10 days' imprisonment. He was given a light sentence beoause he has been in jail since September 9th. Jtnn Tilgbman, colored, pleaded guilty to tbe charge of larceny, and waa sentenced to ODe years' imprisonment and 20 lashes. Thomas Wooters pleaded guilty to the charge of assault, and was sentenced to pay a fine of (5 and cost. Tbe grand jury found true bills against the following: George W.

Hignett, George D. Hignett and Albert Hignett, charged with assault and battery Alfred Joseph, charged with larceny; Lewis Clark, colored, oharged with assault and battery; James H. Seeney, colored, charged with embezzlement; Arthur Pettyjohn, colored, charged with larceny; William Kedden, alias William Letheram, alias William Pratt, colored, charged with assaulting William Clifton with intent to commit murder; Kate Orel, colored, charged with larceny. Tbe bills against Jbrnest Greenly, charged with pointing a pistol, and Leonard Koach, colored, charged with assaulting J. G.

Sullivan, also colored, were ignored. The Durham laqntt. Deputy Coroner Kilmer has not yet been able to hold an inquest to deter mine the cause of death of tbe men who were drowned by tbe sinkipg of tbe tugboat Durham, off the mouth of tbe Christiana Kiver, on the night of September 15th, as he has not received affidavits ironi the survivors, which were requested. He expects to receive them soon, however, and as a jury waa sworn In immediately after the first body waa recovered, tbe inquest can be held without dalay. VERY BEST TEETH made and we ar making thia Introduce our work.

REMEMBER. OSLV 100 rer and cement filling at ooc and upward. 100 Sets mi-T-i. tioid, "7 rHHlc Thee are the offer to lurther oil Bridgs wort, Dr. H.

(Orer Allmond'i ta.00 and SAO0 per tootn. NGRBIS. Cor. Eighth and Market SH. arocery utore); entrance, 721 Market St.

Attention to Ntn.ui Feoaia and Chlklm, Happy Home Maker. Look at This. a $16.99. A special cfferfD In a Prtncew Preiser. Can ba had either la Wrd'a aye maple or taaaoftaov a beautiful design.

Han one larf and two sgU drawers. A larfre oval French plate bevel glam. All eolld brass regular price, Special for tbis week. $16.99. CA5H OR CREDIT.

MEHARG'S, Ninth and King Sts. Demonstration all day Wednesday of our which we will sell for 37c per lb- All kinds. Both Phones. HEROY, AND KING. tVM.

T. mAnSLET, CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. Ora.d Friz, at World. Fair Goes to Baker ae Co. Ltd.

St. Louis, Oct. 22. The grand prize for superiority of cocoa and chocolate preparations goes to the famous house of Walter Baker Ar Dorchester, Mass. Tbis is the highest award ever given in thia country.

The company was established in 1780, and has received 43 awards from the great expositions in Europe and America. Kate, rti B. Jk O. Persons- contemplating a trip to the Vest, Nortbwest or Southwest, viz: Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and points west thereof can save money by purchasing tickets via the Baltimore A Ohio railroad.

Rates from Vilmington and Chester are Pittsburg, (Pittsburg limited, leaving Chester at 9. 46 p. Wilmington at iaCJ p. m. 18; Cincinnati, St.

Louis, Chicago, S17. Three fast express trains daily to Cincinnati and St. Louis. Two fast express trains daily to Chicago. Compare the above rates with those of other li nee.

It is probably not generally known that tickets to Western points via the Baltimore Ohio railroad are much lower than via any other lines, al though the train serivce is first class in every respect. Fast express trains running via Washington equipped with day coaches of the latest design, Pullman sleeping, parlor and dining cars, leave Wilmington and Chester daily for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and tit. Lotlis without change, and connecting in Union depots for all western For full particulars, tickets, rates, 0., call on ticket asents or write H. A. Miikr, T.

P. City Ticket OlBoe, 804 Market stroet, Wilmington, Del. FREE BestTea mm. CI Id I lUMUIfJIll DEALER 1 Stoves. Heaters and House Furnishing Goods.

Call and see the DOCK ASH Phones. Delmarvia 74-7. 108 EAST FOURTH -the great coal saver. D. 4.

A. 165D. Upholstering Eleventh and Thatcher Streets. Upholstering. All kind, of nde otcc.

Don't Overlook Our Bargains. you do you'll be comic round tome ty to tell wbat a mistake you marie. Clearance Sales -v our prefent one aren't every day occurrence. They're (rood, but few and lar between. an actual fact man of the thiucs ia th jewelry offered in tbis sale are prki less than first coat manufacture.

What a lot of people you can make buying at this sale and for such a small bit ot T. Montgomery; 229 Market Street. Electric Carpet Cleaning, and Renovating Works. Carpets cleaned, sewed and laid. Feathers renovated.

AH kinds of line SHORT SESSION OF COURT. Very Few Cases Before Cochran This Mornlos. In the City Court this morning Levin P. Hudson, a young roan, waa arraigned on the ctaao-ge of committing an assault and battery upon Alary E. Bruce, but upon motion ol Assistant Solicitor Springer the case was continued until tomorrow morning.

William Hastings, charged with committing an assault and battery, will have a bearing thia Harry Dempsey, charged with acting in a disorderly manner on the strepfc, was fined Four men were charged with drunk -enness. One was fined and the other three each. Miss Bessi Skinner haa returned to Clavton. If us like It's of nappy money. J.

THE DELAWARE HOSPITAL ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE This sals will open Tuesday, November 1st, at Odd Fellows Temple, Tenth and Orange streets, and will continue every day of that week. Contributions of every kind old goods and new are solicited. The managers will be grateful for all don tions which will make this annual sale profitable aa the former onea. "Will not contributors and purchasers make this November eal outdo ita predecessors and thereby aid the work of the Delaware Hospital Persons having goois to send will notifr Mrs. Charlea G.

Rumford, 1401 Market street, D. A. phone 346, or Mrs. F. Li.

Gilpin, 1304 Broome street, D. 3t A. phono 19. coy; Art almost, infallible remedy for dis eases of tbe Throat. an4 Lungs, known (Sir used tbe world over for almost Century.

HOOPER'S ANODYNE for Colic, Diarrhoea. stop that saw- h. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT Store closes 5.30 p. nu Saturday 10 p. m..

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