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The Bradford Era from Bradford, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Bradford Erai
Bradford, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TWO THE ERA, BRADFORD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1946. Methodist Church Of Duke Center to Hold Picnic Here Date Center The Methodist Sundar School will hold Ita annoal picnic at the Recreation Part In Bradford Friday afternoon Dinper will be served at 5 30 1 All members of the Sunday School and their families are invited to attend Ansone drairing transportation should call Mra Harry Nelcon Members of the White Shrine Olean were entertained Friday evering at the home of Sojourner Nettie Shoff asslated by So ner Beulah Stover Twenty-two guests attended a picnic dinner During the evening the group was en.tertained with vocal selections br Mr and Mrs 0 Olen Alken Mr Six if showed motion pictures of recent trip to Canada Mia Etta Sprague will entertain the Valler Club at a luncheon Tues. dar at the home of Miss Lillian Sprarue Eurene Rote CON stationed Arlington Va spent several Jaya recently with his parenta Mr and Mra Gerald Rote Mrs Vernon Schenfield entertained a number of children Friday afternoon in honor of the seventh birthday anniversary of her daughter Virrinia Games were pared and lunch nerved The honored quest received many gift Mr and Mrs John McCord entertained 19 ruests at their home Sunday A picnic dinner was red Those present from out of town were Mr. Lena McCord and non Donald Rew Mr and Mra Riuh Simar ard Mr. Helen Clare Port Mia Mina Tormey Valler Center Kan Mr and Mrs Crone Adred and Mr and Mra Howard McCord Derrick City A so present was Cpl William Cert Aberdeen Md who had been Na' ioned with Jack McCord at Pearl Harbor Mi Marjory Shoff left Sunday for Washington Mr and Mr.

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