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Joplin Globe from Joplin, Missouri • Page 4

Joplin Globei
Joplin, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JOPLIN GLOBE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1925 3 NAMED TO PUBLIC UTILITIES POSmONS O. of Is Clilof to Ructjccd Brciicr, Jeffcraon City, Sept. now rtppolntmcnts on thf staff of tho JIL-isourl slate public eervlce trpi-e annoiinpotl late toila.v by Giivernor Baker ag result of the resignation of H. Brciier, Holla, chief counBel ol tho cominlsslon for more than four yenr.s, who Thiirsiiny V'ns npiKilrited federal prohibition utUiilnlstrntot for the Illi nols district, with headquarters at St. Louis.

V. McDonald of Lelianon, aK counf-cl of the public service cominlssion since the first of tht- year, aiid formerly a field agent ol the state tax commission, was name chief counsel of the utUity board tc succeed Breuer. J. P. "Perry" Painter of Milan, secretaiy of the yubllc service commission for several years and forniei secretary to former Governor liyde, ajipolntcd associate counsel ol the commission to succeed McDonald.

ytatc Senator Larry Brunk of Aurora, who has been purchasing agent of tho state prison for the last four months, was nameil secretary of the commission to succeed Painter. All three men arc re- puljlicans. Tuition Question Affecting Joplin Schools Is Explained at Meeting YOUNG COUPLE REFUSED LICENSE AT CARTHAGE C'artbnye, Kansas City couple was refused a niarrlafce license late this afternoon when the deputy recorder learned that the prospective bride was only 19 years old. The couple gave their names as Jack B. McClelland and Doenneckc.

They were accompanied by an older couple, supposedly of Joplin. whose names wero not learned. After being advi.scd by the recorded that the laws differ from those of Ml.ssourl, and that It would be possible to obtain a license in that state, the young man an nounced he would go to Columbus, A dl.sous.-tion of tho tuition for students attendlns; Joplin schoo and who reside outside the Joplin school district wag entered Into yesterday at a conference of superintendent of Schools James A. Koontz principals of tho twenty-three schools here and three supervisor." for special Instruction. At tho of T'rofessoi Koontr.

Haywood Scott, nitorney fur the board of edticatlon, has prepared a statement cunccrninR: the tuition rule. The school law pertaining to tultlotj read.s as follows: "The board of education may admit pupils not residents within tlie and prescribe the tuition fee to be paid by the same; provided, that the following children, if they be unable to pay tuition, shall have tlie privilege of attendhiK school In any district in this state In which they niiiy have a permanent or tom- por.iry home: first, orphan children; second, children bound as apprentices; third, children with only one parent living; and fourth, children whose parents do not contribute to their support; provided, further, that any person paying a school ta.x any other dLstrlct than that in which he resides shall be entitled to send his or her children to school In the district in which such tax is paid and receive credit on the amount charged for tuition to the extent of such school tax." Scott's answers to questions asked )py Professor Koonfz, made In written form and read at yesterday's meeting. Include: "A pupil who has his home outsldt the school district and who resides outside the school district has nc valid claim to free tuition. "The conditions under which pupils who have a temporary in the district may claim free tuition are as follows: First, they must be unable to pay tuition; second, they must have either a permanent or temporary home in the school dis trlct; third, they must he orphans bound aa apprentices or with on'y one parent living, or children whose parents do not contribute to tho children's support. "If a child whose parent live elsewhere resides with a relative going to school in this district, his tuition obligation not In any way Itered thereby, except as above stated.

"The tuition rights of a non-resl- tlent child whose parents live outside of the district, but own property within the district, are tho ainn as any other non-resident, with the provision, however, that where the parents pa.v school tax within this district they arc entitled to bo credited on the amount charged for tuition the amount of such school tax paid In the district. "A child whose live outside of tho district, but who stays with a relative or friend In the dts- trlit for the purpose of attendl.ig school, the relative or friend Is not entitled to have the amount of his school taxes applied on the amount of tuition. "Where a man owns and lives upon a farm, but moves to town tvi take advantages of the school privileges, returning to the farm with his family for the summer, voting and paying personal taxes In the farm district, his children are not entitled to free tuition In the town school district. "Where a family lives outside the district, but the head of the family has his within the district of works in the district, this does not entitle his children to free tuition In the district. "In tho case of child whose par ents live elsewhere, but which child lives with a friend who boards and clothes him and during the summer vacation the child works and sectires his own clothing, the parents contributing nothing to his support, such child would bo entitled to free tuition, unless the child was able to pay tuition.

"In the case referred to in the last paragraph. If the parents contribute toward the clothing of the child, the child is not entitled to free tuition," During the meeting this morning, plans for conducting the schools during the coming term were outlined to the principals by Professor Koontz. The principals expressed themselves as pleased with the outlook for schools for the term which open? next Week. A general teachers' meeting for all public school Instructors and principals will bo held at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in wenlor high school auditorium. At 8:30 o'clock tomorrow morning, all teachers will meet In their respective buildings foi conference with their principals.

NEWLYWED8 TO SPEND ifONEYMOON IN PRISON I'alr Into Stnto rcllitfiitlury to Sorvo Two Yeai-s Enfli for Making- l.lquor. to I'lcher, Sept, Uev, J. Cockerlll of Tulsa, district superintendent of Methodist Kplaco- pftl win occupy the pulpit nt the First Methodist church at 11 Jefferson City, Sept, each othci' goodbye for porhaps two years, a. bride and groom went on a honoyless honeymoon in tho Missouri state prison here tpday. Sentenced to two years each for manufacturing corn whisky In "Washington county, the Kann and Alice De at the penitentiary today after having been married several days ago in the AVashlngton county Jail at PotosI, Missouri.

Whllo confined In the Jail romance bloomed for them and the wedding ceremony ended that chapter. They arc about 40 years old. Seiucitoca so. Bound together by tho bonds of matrimony placed upon them In the Jail at Potosi. tho couple entered the big, grim prison bound together by another type of handcuffs of the law.

They were sentenced August 29. Pi-lson officials said that so far as is known, Mr. and Mrs. Fann are the first man and wife to spend concurrent sentences In the penltentl.ary. They said farewell before being checked Into receiving colls, for 11 Is doubtful If they will meet again until they are released.

There is no bridal suite In the prison, and the newlyweds will have to spend their honeymoon apart. Tho groom wl'il be confined In tho pri.ion proper while the hrldo will be kept In the woman's department. Tho wedding party was accompanied into tho penitentiary by three men. John Faulkner, Herman Smith and Charles Clark, all of Washington county. The first two also were sentenced for manufacturing corn whisky, while Clark was given four years for hurglnry.

ND Car meets value per dollar here's It Is unlawful for women to set foot on Athos, peninsula in Greece, where monks of the Greek church live. HE Better Bnick steps ahead of dH prevloai itandardi of motor car petfionnance. 75 Horsepower I The Master engine now delivers 75 and honepower. And there ii 60 and more In the Standard Triple-Sealed Engine! Three new teals for the famous Buick sealed chanis result in decidedly longer engine lite, noticeably lower operating costs Air Gasoline Oil Filter protect the 4 and 2 Door Sedani! Real sedans with Fisher Bodies. Upholstery and fittings according to Buick's luxurious standards.

Real sedans at coac prices. in Ducol New beauty! The latest, smartest, most striking color and finish combinations for motor cars. Safe Night Driving! The Better Buick introduces the Controllable Beam Headlight. It fumiihes, constantly, a flood of soft, searching light on the roadway without glare in the eyes of the approaching drirer, and without dimming. Lower Prices! And while Buick has raised Buidc quality and pcrfemanca even higher than before, it also has bccii able to make substantial reductioixs in Better acquaintance with the many 1926 advancemcnu and improvements in the Better Buidc will convince you that: "Again Buick Has Built a Better Automobilei" Whea Baiicr AutomobtUt Balll, Buiek Will Bolld Tksm BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH.

BROWNING-BUICK CO. 314 W. Fifth St. Phone 1787 o'clock Sunday morning. Tho Rov.

D. Cater, tho pastor, will preach Suday Grasshoppers have been found tn inountnln summits aa high as 18,000 feet. Two months till cold weather- install Nokol now November is only two months away. But you will need Nokol before then. The time to install is now.

22,000 home owners have found the even heat o( Nokol indispensable during the sudden cold wave of early falL Nokol responds automatically and to every unexpected drop of temperature. It does this without smoke or soot, even when the boiler has been cold, because the Nokol flame never touches the boiler. Nokol is able to use a hidier grade of oil than the ordinary burner and at less cost. The fiiel cost of Nokol burning distillate is less than that of hard coaL It is also to the best of otir knowledge less than that of any other oil burner regardless of tho grade of fuel used. To be of having your Nokol the first ccAd days, call or phone us today.

FUEL OIL BURNER AND SALES CO. 122 Knst Fourth Phone Airtomaao Oil Heating for Mommt Temd lAted Standard hy the UndenrritOTi' Labucstofiss ManHfaaured md Guaraatetd 67 AMERICAN NOKOL COMPANY, Ckkago Suit Follows Collision. The Western AutomoMle Insurance Company, holding a policy for George Potlizer, filed suit In circuit court yesterday against Ethel May Webh to collect $1,172 judgment for damages to Potlltzer's car In an accident last December 12, at street and SerKeant avenue, in which his cir and one driven by the defendant collided. NO WINDOW SERVICE AT PICHER POSTOFFICE MONDAY MAN HERE IN SEARCH Plcher, Sept. window service will be piven nt the Plcher postoffU-e Monday.

Malls will bo received and as usual and persons h'lvinp boxes can obtain their mail as the lobby will remain open throuRhout the day. Business houses will bo closed Monday In observance of Labor day persuant to a proclamation Issued by Mayor J. H. Klinefelter. Business will be suspended nt 10 o'clock for the remainder of the day.

JESSE FRENCH i SONS PLAYER Quality is apparent every sense. The peddaling is so easy that the smallest child can play the sweetest music i th ut exertion. Perfection of tone, beauty and durability make them one of the greatest players in the world. Lagonda Player Pianos Does everything but talk. Changeable pitch; lead tubes never rattle, leak or wear out.

No such value anywhere. Pay of purchase price down, balance in 80 equal payments. Made and gruaran- teed by Jesse French Sons Sold exclusively by McMillan's Music House 811 Main St. Joplin, Mo. Plcher to OjK'n.

Plcher, Sept. public schools of the district will open Monday, nccordlnp to Paul L. Hellman, superintendent of schools, the enrollment will he large for the opening day of school. PLEASED WITH EXPERIMENT OF HIS DAUGHTER, IS Search i.s being made for Helen Stover, 1T) ye old, daughter of O. of Sapulpa.

who left the family's home at Marshfleld. Wednesday afternoon. Siover has offered a of tloO to anyone finding and returning her. She lelt Marshfleld at 2 o'clock saying she wa.s going to attend a party. Several hours later Stover was told by party of motorists that thcv had given her a ride to Sprlng- field.

She was last heard from at Republic late Wednesday night. She was wearing blue overall.s, a white shirt and a slou'ch hat and carried a lavender dress wrapped in a newspaper, sal'l. The family believes shw to get to Sapulpa where she has a sweetheart. It Is also probable, Stover said, that she Is wanting to avoid attending a girls' school again this winter. Stover, who operates a canning factory at Marshfleld, was In Joplin yesterday looking for hl.q daughter.

Free Delivery Anywhere in the District Joplin Furniture Co. MAIN Store Closed All Day Labor Day Double Duty End Table A half-round Table finished mahogany, which fits gracefully into large or rootn. Can be used for books, lamp or $5.50 9x12 Velvet Rugs $28.50 $1.00 Weekly 'Xew Has Mo So Much, It's No More Than My Simple Duty to Tell Others of OrKfltoiio." $10,000 DAMAGES ASKED BY MAN FOR SON'S DEATH "Orgatone Tablets have made me feel like a different woman from what I was a few months ago," said Mrs. C. R.

"Weaver of Plcher, Oklahoma, in relating her experience with' Orgatone, "and all my friends have remarked on the great improvement in my condition since I have been taking It." Nobody In eastern Oklahoma Is better known than Mrs. Weaver, who has been a popular resident of Pkher for several years. "I want to tell you what Orgatone has done for me." continued Mrs. Weaver. "I am telling you because I feel that It is my duty to and I want other women to know how I have been benefited, BO that if they suffer as I did they can take advantage of Orgatone too.

"I suffered with a general rundown condition and nervou.sness for years; at times I. would grow weak and It was difficult to get around and do my household duties. Gas would form In niy stomach and cause severe headaches and sharp pains through my back that would almost drive me distracted. At times I was extremely nervous. To tell you the truth I was very much In need of an upbuilding tonic that would relieve me of my distressing condition.

"And now look at me," smiled the happy woman. "I Just want you to see how much better I am. The pains have not bothered me In the least since 1 finished my first bottle of Organtone Tablets and 1 have been gaining in weight and strength every day. The headaches have stopped entirely and I'very meal I enjoy just like I used to before 1 got sick, at any rate 1 am improving In health and It 1R no more than my simple duty to tell others about Orgatone." Orgatone Js sold In Joplin exclusively by the Walter L. Drug Company, GIO Main street, Joplin and the Two-fur-Une Drug Store, 212 East Second street, richer, James K.

Flick filed suit for Judgment against the Frisco railroad in circuit court, compensation for the death of his son, James Flick, who was killed In the Friai yards at Baxter Springs, March 22, 1924. The boy was playing in a hox car in the yards when six cars were detached from a train and sent down the traclt against the car In which the lad was playing, the petition states. FAMOUS ORCHESTRA TO APPEAR HERE SEPT. 14 The f'oon-Sanders original Nighthawk orchestra, which has been engaged to play in the unique balloon room of the Congress hotel at Chicago this season, will appear here Monday night, 14. The orchestra will play for a special dance at the park pavilion.

The famous orchestra, which has been here before, originated with the Nighthawk Club of Kansas City. It recently completed its second trans-continental tour. American Walnut Bedroom Suite $138.50 American or French walnut finish. A graceful Queen Ann design. Three full-size pieces, consisting of large full-length Vanity Iiresser, full-size Bed and Chiffonier.

$15.00 Cash, $1.50 Per Interest. Gas Range Values This Range just as shown has patent Heat- Spreading Burners; All-Hot Ventilating Oven and aoparate broiler, which are exclusive features that insure perfect baking and cooking. Stove ahown has 20-lnch oven, 22x24 cooking top, porcolaln dirt tray and broiler pan. Heat Indicator on oven door. Full porcelain splash- evB.

Porcelain doors. Terms $5 Down, $4 Per Month MILK SHORTAGE HERE IS SAID TO THREATEN Members of the city health department predict a milk shortage In as a result of destruction of pasturage by the intense heat of recent weeks. Some dairymen are Increasing their milk prices, but the movement is not general. There is no danger of a milk famine, department officials said. for COIIIHIOII, Hubert Itoe filed suit for $700 Judgment against the Morgan Paint Glass Company, and C.

T. Illldreth, a driver for tlie company, in circuit i yesterday. Hoe asks Judgment for damages to his car, caused in a collision between the vehicle and a Morgan company truck last August 2 9, on RroHdway. tho Keo's this Console. Phonograph Queen Anno period, as shown above.

Two-tone mahogany finish; left side has shelf for albumns; door to right lets down to open sound chamber. Equipped with powerful spring Columbia motor. $75.00 Cash, $1 Week' Walnut Suite I $132.50 An eight-piece suite of genuine walnut veneer. CO- Inch Buffet, 6 Chalre, 4Bx54-lnch oblofig Tabic. $15.00 Down, $1.50 Per Week FLORENCE QtLOOOKi No wicks.

No dirt, and the Florence has a powei-ful heat right beneath your cooking vessel. $1.00 Weekly.

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