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The Comet from Johnson City, Tennessee • Page 2

The Cometi
Johnson City, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Comet, Johnson City, Tennessee, Thursday, December 31, 1896, The 1 Satisfaction 1 in Old Age Is to be Es healthy and free from 5 care Brown's Iron Bitters E3 strengthens 5 the aged E- tones the IS nerves hardens the muscles SS enriches the blood. iwmi rcWfrf S3 53 should bKOWN's Iron Hittkrs, taken as E33 S5 directed, a to benefit any person u(- ferine from Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills S3 22 and Fever, Kidney and Liver Troubles, S3 Biliousness, Female Infirmities, Impure 3 5T5 Mood, Weakness, Nervous Troubles, Headache or Neuralgia. 5 IllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllli THE COMET. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY at the Pottofflce at Johnson City, a Second ttam Matter, Exit Christmas, 'mid great applause, And few would be its ills If mythical old Santa Claus Could only pay the bills. It ought to be written Abdul Hamid, Satau of Turkey.

The name of H. Clay Evans is the original Dennis. Tomorrow is the day when the weak make strong resolutions. A man is the architect of his own resolution and can demolish it when he likes. Ella Wheeler Wilcox is not only a poet but a heroine.

She is 43 years old and owns up to it. It would seem that Comptroller Harris has made more enemies by having a surplus than if he had hunted up a deficit. If the Three Friends wold only open fire on the Spaniards with Wm. E. Moore's poems on the "Coon Dog" they would capitulate at once.

It has not become generally known yet but some one is eyidently fixing to do up the working man. Nothing short of that would give Ilanna an attack of insomnia. Spain has not yet received General Weyler's Cuban surrender Christmas gift. Perhaps the butcher has decided to make a Fourth of July episode of crushing the rebellion. The action of some of our able con temporaries in the case of Conptroller Harris indicate that they have a violent attack of the "he will be damned if he does and he will be damned if he doesnt." There is more mercy and pitty in the democratic press of the state than might be supposed.

Some of them even condescend in their most compas sionate moods to oopy a line from the Knoxville Journal. The Nashaille Sun is regarded as "pizen" by its skilly shally contemporaries over the State. The Sun is about right; there use to hew unless you hew to the line. The motto of the Sun Is: "What's the use to run a paper un less its a 1 of a paper." For the Poor. The poor of this city had a royal re- memberance the day after Christmas A dinner was spread for them in the Opera House and they did not do a thing to it.

The good people of the town at the request of the churches, furnished the "chuck," and about one hundred and fifty were fed in a most Bumptious manner. One hundred and twenty-five partook of the feast at the tables and enough for twenty-five more was sent out to that number of the worthy poor who did not come after it. The affair was managed by the fol lowing representatives from the differ ent churches Fresbyterian Misses Effie Wood, Elffe Smith and Mrs. Young. Christian Church Misses Alice Mil lard aud Dora Slater.

Baptist Misses Dora Cargille and Mae Fuqua. M. E. Church Miss Jodie Oliver. M.

E. Church South Misses Anna Miller and Anna Fry. Quite a number of the citizens came up and witnessed the show. The diu ner in quality was equal to those set for any other purpose, and great credit is due the young ladies for their kind efforts in behalf of those we always have with us the poor. Read our advertisements.

ORIGINAL BREEZES. By George Absalom Ross. THE TRAMP'S NEW YEAR. Ha, ha! der New Years bornder old Is dod! Tin Hear der glad, glad bells -Laughter o' dor watclilu' midwife 'tis sod, As lo dcr wo'ld dcr ureal event she tolls Sweet music- let her is a likely kid, I swear, me paid As yet 'tis but a moment old An' still It's face Is jos' as fierce an' hard An' Its breath Is jes' as cold As years now gone before. I greet yer, too, youngest A.

D. on earth Mid clnmor an' loud, glad poals I mus' rospec' yer youthful, so culled mirth Crnel un' cold as uio sparse meals llut sail ia, set yer pace. It Is dor same old story ancient tale Of peace on earth, good will to men An' many, many be within that pale, Yet some, like me, beyond dor ken, Mus' tako der frozen face Many hev bin meups and downs more downs Wid yer ancestry plucky sires I've stood brave fists o' years, now forty rounds. Still on der calender I rospi res In great big, box car type. I know yer rough.but shake and let's be friends Der man atones for youth's wild sway- When summer comes I'll laugh at yer amends.

Forget dls bleak, cold natal day, When berries once git ripe. From tho Slabtown Simoon. We never make any foolish new- year's resolutions our wife makes them and we sign them. The thermometer is hovering about zero, and our bank account is still shivering below an over coat. The Spain war scare don't give us much trouble.

We served four years in the rebellion and were married imme diately after the surrender. Just as we were about to abandon the idea of having anything extra for Christmas dinner, a boy strolled in with a turkey and a polite note from 'Squire Gomp, whom we shot three times last fall for deciding a ease against us. We have received a card from the express agent stating that there is a pack- ge in his office for us. Our curiosity is somewhat excited, but as there is 09 cents charges on it we are not likely to ever find out what is in the package. Bill Starks, who has been taking this paper seven years without paying a cent, we are sorry to learn, died yester day.

Out of respect for his dentless cheek we will print his copy this week on asbestos paper and forward it to his permanent address. A cyclone struck this office last night, unroofed the building and caught our printer in the very teeth of the gale. He was too tough for it, however, and the last heard of the twister it was try ing to gum it away through the next county. The man who runs that robber's rendezvous on the corner and calls it a bank, refused to cash our check for 30 cents the other day, but he will lose more than he will make. We are de positing our money with the barkeeper, We opologize for the absence of the usual amount of original matter in the Simoon this week.

Wednesday after noon while we were at the house chop ping up a bedstead for our wife to get supper with, some scoundrel broke into the office and stole a pint of corn whiskey we had hid in the stove. We fired our "devil" last week for eating up a can of paste and he went out and treid to organize an opposition paper. That's human nature. Pick up a mauout of the ash barrel, put him at top ofcolumn next to reading matter and he will swell up like a wood base cut. We notice from an exchange that Rev.

Nicely, our former pastor, is in jail at Mucktown for stealing a horse, He sung and prayed around here till he made some of the silly sisters bo' lieve that his name was down on' the lamb's book of life in three or four dif ferent places, but he never caught us for anything except two year's subscrip tion. A fellow staggered into pur office day before yesterday and asked what we were paying for swamp mud. He was picked up at the foot of the Btairs by some kindly disposed young men and carried into a livery stable across the street, where he revived in a few hours, but he could not remember the quota tions we made him. Uncle Asberry'g Observations. A man what's not afeard toe pet a mule gene'ly makes a good husban', De man what wants de earth don't gene'ly want his neighbors in de bar gain.

Hits a mighty mean christian dat can't remember to pray for de poo' till he gits cold and hungry hisself. De holidays would be mo' enjoyable if de man what drinks his Chris'maB licker behin' de doo' didn't want toe get on de house top toe do his talkin'. Dere am nothin' pussonel in a pad lock on de hen house doo', but it reminds ebery nigger dat he has a mos pow'ful appertite fo' chicken. Dere hain't much dependence toe be put inter a nigger dat can't carry a Ckris'mas turkey home in daylight 'thout 'splainin' hit toe eberybody. Wheneber yo' find a nigger man what am mo' jub'lant ovah a big snow Chris mas dan ovah a big crop at harvest, yo can make up yo' mind dat somebody is gwine toe haf toe lend him meal.

Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARB YOU BANKRUPT inhealth, constitution undermined by extravagance in eating, by disregarding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases.

Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. REGISTRATION OF CITY WARRANTS. Be it okdained by the board Jof mayor Hnd aldermen of the town of Johnson City Section 1. That all persons now holding, or who may hereafter hold, warrants issued by the mayor and recorder of the town Johnson OHy, upon any of the several funds provided by the board of myor and aldei-men, may receive the amount of same in cash when presented in the manner and form, and under tue term and conditions prescribed by this ordif ance. Section 2.

Beit further ordained hat it shall be the duty of the re corder to keep, us one of the records of his oflice, a book properly prepared and ruled for the purpose of recording or registering therein the date ol registration, number, date of warrant, amount, name and addrt 8-4 of payee, name and address of transferee, date whi paid and such other memoranda as the recorder may deem essential concerning each warrant presented to bun lot registration, and he shil register all warrants so presented in accordance with the form arrive prescribed; but this ordinance shall nt be bo construed as tors quire regis tration of warrants presented Hnd ap plied in payment of taxra. section 3. be it further ordained That said record book shall be en titled "Warrant Register." and it hall be the duty of of the recorder to regis ter all warrants presented, in the ordet of presentation, in the eaid Warrant Register in the manner and form prescribed in Section 2, and warrants so registered shall be paid in tho order of priority of registration as rapidly as the cash collected for the fund againet which the warrant is drawn will pay same. Section 4. Be it furtber ordained That as soon as sufficient cash is in the treasury to pay any registered ai rant when it is reached in its order.

tho recorder shall mail a notice of such fact to the holder of the warrant, and unless the holder shall appear in per son or by agent, within tbirty days from the issuance of said notice or bIirII send said warrant to the recorder within said thirty days, the registration of his said warrant shall be cancelled, and the money theretofore held 'or same shall be applied to the pay ment of the warrant next entitled un der the provisions hereof; Provided, that the recorder may give verbal notice in lieu of tho written notice hereinbefore provided, when convent ent. and such verbal notice shall be sufficient; and provided further, that during the thirty days allowed the warrant holder to present his warrnt for payment aft.r notice if more mon ey should be received into the treasury to tne credit of the fund aeainst which the warrant for which notice has issued was drawn, then the reorder fUsll apply the same to the Divment of the warrants next in order of regis tration, out snail preserve in the treasury during said thirty days a sufficient amount to pay said warrant, ana it same is not presented duuna said time, the registration thereol shall be cancelled, but the holder of said warrant i-hall have toe right to again register same to take effect from the date of said latter regis' ration, dection 5. lie it further ordained lhat shall be the duty of the Re crder to write or ttamp the word "Registered," together with the dt of Bech registration, and his signaum upon tne luce each warrant regis tered by him, at the time of registering same, and any subsc qutot transferee of such warrant shall have the right, upon presentation to the Recorder, ti have his name and post office addrese entereo on said warrant register and the notice provided for in Section 4 shall be mailed lo such transferee provided that if any transferee or hM erof such warrant shall nut vm himself of bis right to have his and address entered on gaid warrant tegister.a notice mailed to thelaH registered hold shall be sufficient. Section 6 Be it further ordained liiannis ordinance shall not be construed as to prevent the holder tny warrant from annlvine the mme to the payment of city taxes levied for the purpose for which the warrant is drawn, but when any registered war rant is so applied, it shall be the rlutv of the recorder to immediately cancel the of Mich warrant. Section 7.

Be it further ordained, that thin ordinance take effect on a iriAB i January lsi, ociocfc a. tne weilare ot the town requiring it. Notice to Creditors. To the Creditors of the First National Jiank of Johnson City, Tennessee, You are hereby uoliDod that a petition has been tiled in theChaneeryCourt atJohnsonCity, by John I. Cox, receiver, of the above named bank praying for an order of court authorizing an acceptance of the offer of J.

H. l'reas to compromise and settle a judg-rncnt for tiO0.ij0, interest and costs, against said Preas and In favor of snld receiver. It is therefore ordered by the said court that you appearon or before the tirst Monday in Junury. loOT, and show rauKo, if any there is. why the said offer of compromise should not 1ms accepted.

This the loth day of December KTO. nycw. noME.VdlTu Swift CfSP.r',?IH??l PETERS for BPIN At VEAh.N LaS. AU dmggisu selT'eut for iie. Free Pills.

Send your address to II. E. NUclilen Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's Now Life I'ills. A trial will convince you of their merits.

These pills aro easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of constipation and Kick headache, For malaria and troubles they have been proven in v.iluitble. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deloriotis substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and howels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular sine 2oo per box. Sold by McFarluud druggists.

Does Lost. A large white setter dog with large black spot over one eye, also white and black spotted setter bitch. Information that will cause their return will be paid for, Rout. Bunnow. "Big Four" Interchangeable Mileage.

The interchangeable one-thousand mile tickets of the "Big Four Route" are indispensable to all business firms and commercial travelers. The lines of the "Big Four" penetrate all the big I cities of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and a ticket which can be used to reach tnese cities as well as cities on ptincipal connecting lines, is invalua ble. 6T0-3t. FOR SALE. One Eastman No.

2 Kodak, good as new. Loaded, will sell cheap. Address, R. E. Huddle, 651tf.

Cranberry, N. C. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey Advances a new theory in the treatment of all cough, lung and bronchial troubles. It cures, and cures quickly.

Absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. It cuts loose the mucous and allows it to be spit off without exertion or straining aud stops the cough at once by healing the inflamed parts; gives vigor and vitality to the respiratory or gans and produces a condition in which all the functions are exerted with regularity and bar mony. Just as good for babies and chilnren abso lutely harmless, Wo mean Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey, of course. For sale by McFarland Bolton, druggists.

HOTEL HAMILTON. BRISTOL, V.P, HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR Electric Bells. Telephone. Bath rooms on first and second floors Free sample rooms. Rates.

$2 00 day STEWART'S DUPLEX SAFETY PINS Made in rolled gold, nickel plate, and blaik. Work as easily in the dark as in the light, tind fastens from either side but cannot slip through If once used, will use no other. Don't accept tne just as goon; insist on tne oest. If dealer doesn't keep them send three 2c stamps for sample in nickel and black, worth double the money. Only one sample to same aaaress.

'n uuuauuuaKu uuiuj im BLOOMMFIELD, N. J. Thk Com bt you write. fyO OTHER Sarsaparffla com- bines economy and strength like HOOD'S. It a the only one of which can truly be said loo Doses Si lr.

Miles' Pain Fills cure Neuralgia. GUARDED SPRINW1 2 I a $1,500 READ HOW IT MAY EE SECURED. The Weekly Commercial-Appeal. In order to retain the Jargest circulation of an weekly in the south, offers a cash gift to the subscriber guessing the correct or nearest correct number of bales of cotton reaelved In Memphis from September 1, to April 16, 1897, Inclusive, as fol lows it tne correct or nearest correct guess is receivea tp November or December It will get In cash 11.500 dollars, if in Jauuary $1,000, if in February 1750. but If not until March onlv J600.

Contest doses March 31. but the correct or nearest correct guessi first received will be awarded the prize. Receipts in Memphis in rormer years April 15. 1895. 571.094 bales from September 1.

CENTS must accompany every guess for 12 Appeal. Tue weeKiy uommerciai-Appeai contains an tneuewa or tne weeit Asxea ana Answered department, Veterinary department. $10,000 prize story, Talmage's Sunday sermons, latest market reportt. Farm department, etc. Special ofTer to-agents and club-raisers will be sent free on application.

Sample copies free. Address COMMERCIAL-APPEAL, Memphis, Tenn. THE COMET and the Weekly CommerciabXppeal one year $1.25, including guess, etc. 0 i 0 VI i tn ST l-. e-t- cr a cr CD red CO toQ tt3 NI 23 a a rn ra a 3 co 5 tr er GO g.

era 3 CD JU 5 35 wi" a '-r You "CAN'T Lose Money i ft 2'. no i. MICIV 1 UTSC a. 1 0CKCI ri fYmf "nli Mn itIatipa vhnn ri lUUs secure anil paxatt from I Nft and RtrotiR and Uui able I )(K5T mml (or irviits, ot4 latlU's im Hz 21 rt. Bent rowipt ot price.

tip! gram tctithcr.V. Fine lit'kl $1.00 Rfnl AllifTfttor Mi TwiM ii'T a Arms l-nrKM RonK S3H Anjmm St. HartroN, i ai.a':iai''B:i';a'. i i a SCfUBNER'S A KcLettcr Year for 1807 The entire novelty of many ot the plana for 1897 is ''For Instance, the series devoted to i LONDON AS SEEN BY CHARLES DANA GIBSON." Mr. Gibson has not before appeared as a' writer.

He visited London last summer for Scrlbner's Magazino, for the purpose of depicting with pun aud pencil those scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endless variety. Of like novelty Is the first considerable NOVEL BY UICHARD HARDING DAVIS, "Soldles of Fortune." Tho hero Is one of the vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawn Illustrated by C. D. Gibson.

THE CONDUCT OF GREAT BUSI NESSES." A beautifully illustrated series of articles of which the following are alrendy completed "The Great Department Store." "The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Working of the Bank." "A Great 'UNDERGRADUATE LIFE IN AMERICAN COLLEGES." A series of articles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented by the doings of tho students themselves. Judge Henry E. Howlund writes on "Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on "Trinoeton," and Robert Grant, and Edward S. Martin on 'JAPAN AND CHINA SINCE THE WAR," will be a most Interesting group of articles richly Illustrated, THE UNQUIET SEX." Under the title of "The1 Unquiet Sex," Mrs.

Helen Wattcrson Moody will wrlteaserlesof articles "Woman and Reforms," "The College-Bred Woman," "Woman's Clubs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper on domestic service). W. D. HOWELLS'S "STORY OP A PLAY." In tli is "Mr. Howells gives us the best novel he has ever produced In his delightful vein of light comedy.

GEOROE W. CABLE. In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be a series of four short stories by George W. Cable, the only ones he has wrltteu for many years. HOW TO TRAVEL WISELY with a minimum of wear and tear must bo regarded as an art little understood.

Mr. Lewis Morris Iddtng: In two' articles, will offer a variety of useful suggestions aqd data on "Ocean and Land Travel." This will be happily rounded on by ah article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on "Travellers One Meets: Their ways and Methods." The illustrations, by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent. is impossible In a small space to even mention tho many attractive features for 1897. A beautiful Illustrated booklet has been pre pared, which will be sent, postage paid, on request.

Scribner's Magazine 13.00 year, 25 cents a copy, Charles Scribner's Sons, 153-lo7 Fifth avenue, New York. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles If get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct Influence in' giving strength and tone to the If you have loss of appetite, constlpa tlon, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, electric Is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by Its use. Fifty cents and 11.00 at McFarland drugstore.

B. F. Jackson, Oliver, writes: "I consider Ds. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey the best remedy I have ever taken for tho throat and lungs or any uina oi a oougn." For sale by McFarland Bolton. Low Rates fAt Holidays--" Big Four Route Tho "Big Route," with its time-honored; custom, will sell tickets from points on its lines at the low rate ot one and'one-third fare for the round trip, December 24, 25 and 81, 1890, and January 1897, good returning until January .2, 1897.

650-3t. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powdet World' Highest Medal and Dlroma. FORV, ONLY were as follows From September 1, 1804. to 1895.

to April 16. 189ft. 407.20 bales. FIFTY months' subscription to the Weekly Commercial CO 0 a JO CO OS" 9 5. a Pol.

2 a 1 5 5 2 'ti ti tr 73 PI 73 TJ 3 a. 3 ra a 5 2. 2 A 5 rn a a IS nH6Stn5is 3 70 aaah 'i 2 If SIKO YOUR ORDERS FOR a i JOB PRINTING ii DOOk 6 nnnnnA. TO THE COMET, We are prepared to do better than any establishment in East Tennessee, a.a a.a. aal 50c A Significant Departure.

With tho departure of another year when a review la made of the condition of affairs, it is only right that some thought be given to tho physical body which enables everyone to battle with life's problem and figure for themselves the profit or loss on the trial balance sheet. Though the bank account may be lurge and each one's material gain be great, it would not be surprising if it suddenly dawns upon many that good health has been greatly impoverished bv the low condition of the blood. It is in this state that the lactic acid In the vital fluid attacks the fibrous tissues, purticularlv the joints, making known the local manifestations of rheumatism. Thousands of people have found In Hood Sarsaparilla, the great blood purefler a positive and permanent cure for NEW YORK JOURNAL. Anyone wishing to subscribe for the New York Journal can do so through The Comet at the following rates Daily, with Sunday per year, $.1.50.

without 8.00. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEAS! MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay 1 YOUNG or MIDDI E-AGED HEX-You may have beon the victim of Self Abuse when young. i.aU Ex or e-poeure U) bbiod dipeae may bnve completed tha work. 01 feel the avmtoms stenliiut over you. Yon ead the luttira ion know yon re not a man mentally and sexoal'y.

hy nut lie cure I in time mid avoid the nxd experience of other wreck of thi se riicne. 0 NEW MEiHOl) THEATMENT WILL CUHE YOU AK1 lit ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W.M. MILLER Before Treatment After Treatment "At tha age of 15 1 commenced to ruin my hea'th. Later on as "ONE OF THE BOYS" I contracted a serious blood ditenM 8YPHIL1S.

1 was weak and nervona. despondent, pimples, sunken ee, ne pains, nicer, hair loose, core tcng, and month, draiug in urine, varicocele! 1 was a wreck. 1 was in th 1 fM; stAgi when a friend recommended Drs. Konnw'y A Kergan. A dozen other doctors had 'ailed in curing me.

Drs. Kenne ly Kewan cared me in a few weeks hv their Nrw Method Treatment, lwonldwarn siiuilnr diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. The; are reliable honrwt and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLElt.

CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and care Vbi-Ico- eele. tynniiu. Emissions Oleet, Utricture. Nervous lc-bllltjr.

Unnatural Dincharftrea, Kidney and Bladder Ills-eafces. 17 YEARS IN OHIO 300,000 CURED No cnret No Pay. write for I Question Blank for Home Treatment. nooks Free. consultation l-ree.


CONDENSED SCHEDULE In effect November 15, 1896. M. MILLER Wratbound Nol 1 No. Ko i No II Briatot lv Tioam Ittloam tl.uvptu Johnson T.aCam lQ59am ittSipm Joneaboro T.39am 10.47pm Greenville aalam 11.55am 14 5am RogeraTllle Jet 9.11am lttipm 1.15am 919am l.lMpjn 1.57.,m ftuSpm Moasy Creek. IttM im U2pm 8.

Stra'b'y Plain la-am a53pm ll.Ouam fclOpm i.lOj. 1 7 ilfipx. 4.3 am 7.iiiia J-enolr. 457pm 5.15am 82-pm Loudon aopm 5.2am bweetwater asOpm 9()tipm Atheni 6.17am 9. 7pin Charleston.

tU.ipm 0l5am S.stpm Cleveland 4.4!pm 70am IU 17pm Chattanooga ar U5pm 8(" ni U.a;-in IttOipm Meridian t.SOam im.m NewOrleana ar g.ailam i Jackson Mm'i Vloksburg 11 Shreveport ar 2 'p No. 3. Pullman Slettpur Urlstol to KnoxvilH. KnoxTllle to Chattanoogt nnd Pullman Union Sleeper Ch ittanoora to NswOrb'ann. Na 6, Pullman Sioepintcara Washington to Chattanooga nnd New Orleans also Pullman Union Sleeper Chattanooga to Shreveport, Eastbound No 6 No.

16 No. 8 Chattanooga iv 4 Jftaui 9.45itm 6. 55 1,111 Cleveland 6.30. I0.4i!nm TOIpm Charleston. ft.

Mam I Sam 7.23pm Athena 4.17am 11.27am 7 49pm (Sum U60am 8 14 Loudon 7.10am 12. 15pm Lenoir 7 22am 12.21 pm 8 47pm Knojvllle. ar 8.00am I.OJpm 9ipm Knoxvll.e ...1 8 15am 1.15pm 9.3ipm 4 stra b'y Plalna 819am, 5M-m Moss Creek. 9.14am i 10pm 10.24pm i rr 9 89am 9.32pm lOJipm fl.u.i,m llotSpr'gs II jOam ...7 tii7am ar 12.55pm 1.4,1am Rogersvllle Jet "2.55pm lieiam Greenville. H7pm 1.57am 7 8pm Jones boro.

108om a 32am 8 Johnson City 4pm 4 02am 8 4i'tm Bristol ar 5.40 9 4l'pm Wishlnf ton S.4?am 7.45am 11.25pm New 1248pm 1.20pm 52am Na It, carrlea Pullman Sleeplny car Chatti-nooga to Knoxville, Knoxville to Ashevule and Hot Springs to New York. No fl aarrlea Pullman Sleeping cars Chntta-nooga to Washlnt ton and New York. No. 16 carries Pullman flee ping csr Chattanooga to Ashevllle and Knoxville to Bristol. Northbound.

1 No. I No.ll I No.17 1 No No. I No.ll 9.15am 8.10pm 8 35am 10.00am 855pm 9.44am 11.15am 10.10pm 12.01pm T.55pm T.SOam T. 10pm T. I5am Knoxville.

R2iipm 8 10pm Harrlman Jelltoe. Cincinnati. Jet 1 1. 00pm TOnatn No. 11 carries Pullman Sleeping oir Knox villa to Ctnelnnatl via Harrlman Jet No.

IS Pullman Sleepers Knoxville to Louts vllle and Clneinnatl via Jelllco and LA Seutb bound No 12 No 4 610pm 6J5pm 7.10pm No 16 No 18 Harrlman 6.45am Jelllco. 5.05am 7.45m 1.03pm 4 Inm Knoxville. 7. 16am T.55m 5 gpm No. 12.

Pullman Sleener Cincinnati to onvllle via Knoxville and Aslnville. No. 18, Pullman Sleeping er Cinoinaatl and Louisville to Knoxville via LAN and Jiillca Southbound. No.l6 I Noll No li. 15am 4.80pm Lv N.

York Ar Ijlspm 11.15am 10 4a pm 6 4 -am "Minm LvNorfolk.TAr 7777777 "T55pm 8.55am 4opm It 20am t50pm 12.55pm 1 S7am 411pm Springs. 1153am 1 17am 4106pm 9. S9im 4 Soam T.40pm 800am 8 OOam II. 20pm 4 15am T.20pro 6 85im ar Nashville lv 9 10pm "NoTT latam j40pui Siipm ttOtbim I 4Pam 10 4pm 9 S5pm 8 55 pm 9 Noa II and 12 earry Pullman Slsepers between New York and Hot Springs. Ashoville and Knoxville, and Knoxville and Ksshvllie Noa 15 nnd 19 oarrv Slrcpem between Ralflsh and Chattanooga, New York and Salisbury and Chattanooga and Nushvllle All trains run dally.

W. GREEN, Oea Supt Washington, J. M. CULP.Traf Mgr. Washington, W.

TURK. O. P. A Washington, a A EENSCOTEa.Aa? A. CUttanooga Teas If you buy Ladies' Home Journal, Munsey, McClure and Cosmopolitan, every month, they will post you $1.20 each, or sft.HD cents a vear.

If you want them all for next year, I will iur-rnsh them" for 3.70, saving you $1.10. Harper's Monthly, regular price $4.00 at Other prices furnished oil application. Respectfully, H. W. Lylu.

WantedrAn Idea Protect your Idem; they may bring you wealth Write JOHN wkdof.huuun 7k Pit Tiltor: waihlngtqii, J), tor thetr nrlae oOr and list of two bun.UajuTentlOBa wauCeU New Advertisements. CATARRH ELY'S C3EAM BALM Is quickly absorbed. It cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain nnd In llaiiunalion. hials proUcts the nil mbruno from Keslnrcs the senses of taste aud smell. Gives relief at once, and It will cure.

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