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The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 2

The News Journali
Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EVERY EVENING WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1915. WEAR 'EM 9 INCHES ABOVE GROUND, GIRLS! EUROPE ISOLATED BY ALLIES' ORDER GUARD BIG LOAN AGAINST CHANCE OF A GERMAN "DRIVE" WIRELESS HELLO REACHES HAWAII; JAPAN IS NEXT C10SBY Sole Agents for Women's Phoenix Hosiery. HILL CO. Selling Agents for Pictorial Patterns. Telegraphic Communication Suspended 48 Hours for "Military Necessity." Singer From Russia Has Skirts Made That Way and Says It's tho Fashion.

New York. Oct. I.C.irls, a little higher, please! Dame Fnahion utayn so. Skirts must In nine inches from the ground this winter. Elvira Ainnzar, ho arrived hern yesterday on the French liner Espngnc, had the edict.

Even Paris forgot the war when she passed through on her way Underwriters Retain Right to Buy Back at 10 Per Cont of Total. Talk Awaits Only Instruments, Says Telephone Official. $25 Suits for $15.95 25 Suits m.ide of the very bct grade of all-wool serge, sponged and shrunk. Thev? garments are all up-to-the-minute styles. We w-mfd advise you to come down early an there are only fy them.

This is a rare chance for art unusual saving on your purchase. We will offer this Ql fr special lot of suits on Saturday at 1 t.JD WITHDRAWALS CARRY PENALTY IN COST U. S. TO OWN DEVICE; MIGHTY ALLY IN WAR Ilecause of ''military necessity" all KuroiH will be isolated for the next forty-eight hours from the rest of the world, ho far as telegraphic am! cable communication is concerned. This docs not apply to censored press dispatches.

It is believed this action wa taken to cloak some extraordinarily important military movement, which it is feared might IV communicated to enemy countries by spies. The" Postmaster Cieneral of Kngl.ind announced in Iiondon yesterday all telegrams for neutral countries in KuroiM, for Russia by way of the treat Northern lines ant! for Serbia, would In subject to forty-eight hours' delay. Immediately following this announcement ciime one from 1 "ranee paying that because of military necessity, the acceptance of private telegrams from any origin destined for Switzerland or in transit through Switzerland was 1einwnirily suspended. Telegrams passing through I 'ranee intended for or in transit through Albania, here. Mile.

Amazar is twenty-two ami a singer. She staggered the customs officials when her trunks arid bags were placed on tho pier. When they were, opened th dingy place seemed transformed into a mammoth boudoir. In the centre stood Elvira, gowned in what she called a plain travelling costume. She had on a black and white checked skirt, with a pink waist ami a flaming red enpe.

The pkirt was just nine inches from the pier level. Below it. were bronze boots laced up the side. Skirts must just meet the fops of the boots, she explained, and the must have three and one-half inch heels. Short white gloves are imperative.

As hmii ns Mile. Elvira reached her hotel she donned a black velvet suit Saturday Millinery Specials Second Floor A Revelation in Hat Values as Well as in Exclusiveness of New Autumn Styles 5o of the latest styles in I -Yench feathers, value, Lyons velvet Hats, trimmed with Saturday special $4.97 Pulgaiia, Denmark, Spain, Montenegro. Norway, Holland, Portugal, lloumama, Serbia, Sweden, North America, Central America, West Indies ami South America will be subject to a delay of forty-eight hours. Newest Aeroplane Turbans and Draped Toques Made of Silk Velvet and Velour in all the late st c-Iors. These are exception New York, Oct.

1. Four linen of trenches have been dug to protect the credit loan of the Allies from any "(lerman drive" the near future may develop. They are: The underwriters retain the right to buy back any part of the issue up to 10 er cent of the total. No Helling commissions will le paid until the syndicate lnw leen closed, tVO davs after the liooks are opened. Withdr awal of ImithIs milwrilwd for will allowed hut only at oh, underwriter' profit ol jer cent Is ing withheld for Beside of withdrawn londn will lie barred duringfthe life of the syndicate, the original purchasers leiug held resonsible for their bonds, by number.

Those precaution! are insisted upon by the memiM-rs of the Anglo-French mission which has negotiated the loan. They declined to take any preventable chance of letting the Itonds go to discount, lie-cause of the reflection upon the financial honor of their nations. "nr.nM an phivf." ih Two tossthilit ies of a (lerman on the notes were admitted yestcnlay by bankers who have b-en foremost in the organization of the underwriting syndicate. One is the possibility of systematic effort by sympathizers with the central cm pint to sell ImIow cost for the sake of breaking prices, ami so discrediting the loan as a project. The other is the po-sibilitv of a reverse at arms for the allies.

S2.47 vuurday special New York, O.t. I. Talk inn ly wiro-from Now York to Yokohama, vft thousand miles away, it as simple as the rule o' three now. It is iossihle for a man in the (Vlestial city to telephone his broker in Wall St reet anl onier his storks solil. lresilent Wilson eoiikl telephone from Vahinuton to a member of the iltplomatie eorp in l'etrograii or lVkinii.

If he apparnttis wrrc set up. as it was said it woul.I In' soon, it would be js-frihle to talk into the receiver, have the pound of the person's voire circle the glolx" in a fraction of a second, and end its journey in the ear of the ppeaker. The I'nited States will le the sole of the secret. Tin sponsor for this statement is Bancroft (Iher-prdi, son of Admiral Gherardi. one of the chief fnginrrrs of the American Tele- Ihone and Telegraph Company.

This atest wizardry of the human mind unofficially iontnhutl yesterday hy that company to the Navy iVpartment The first of three great triumphs over nature was scored Wednesday night. Theodore N. Vail, president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, surrounded by a dozen anxious men. talked by wireless with .1. J.

Cartv, his chief engineer, at Mare Inland, near San rancisco. Three hours later one of Mr. ('arty's t-tatY in Washington counted from one to ten, repeated "Hello" five times nnd told the condition of the weather to an associate in Honolulu, five thousand nuies away. The man in Hawaii did not have the projcr transmitting apparatus to return a wireless telephone with an old rose blouse. The coat had frogs that she said were made out of bullets from Bussian battlefields.

A black three-cornered fur toque, another pir of bronze boots and more white gloves completed he Cost lime. The passengers of the Esp-igne were dazzled on he way over by the of the little singer's raiment. A eowri that left a particular impression was a black silk evening dress with silver roses and. one red bow under the left arm All her gowns have just one pjtot of contracting color. The evening gowns are nil nine inches from the ground tun.

Mile. Amnrnr was brought hero for the performances of the Boston Irand (vera 'ompan v. She made her ion at the Theatre of Musical Drama in Pet rograd. CATHEDRAL CENTENARY. 200 Untriinmed Hats MANY CASES IN THE CITYCOUBT TODAY Several of the Defendants Were Dismissed for Various Reasons.

Made of Ifallers' Plush and Velvet Combination the foHowm models: We have in all the newest shapes, including Puritan. Quaker, poke, roll and straight plenty of crown hat-, also small women. Values up to S.M'. Saturda- brim sailors, and me-jinm special ize shapes for middle-aed SI. 87 Large Assortment of Mourning flats Large Variety of Children's Hats All Hats Trimmed Free of Charge The women of the Cathedral parish Will meet, this evening in Cathedral flail for the purpose of effecting organization, Preparations for the Cathedral centenary are meeting with much eueonrtiging co which might well tc followed by a break.

The (lerman hond- put out last spring broke nearly three joints within an hour after the sinking of the Lusitania know ii. Cablet! reports of the astonishment with which the terms of the loan are Men' operation from the Catholics of the entire city. The old landmark at Sixth and Tafnall streets is (w ing demolished to make rooni answer, hut a short time later the man Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Underwear in Washington ret-eived the following ft improvement Larue funds must vet be rai-ed. nml itcmg reccivd in some British quarters, cablegram "Yon counted from I to 10. fiello' five The weather You Paul in coo! days and ni ihts remind us that aer The have i.ire siock ct an ine most popular he 'at hedral will appeal to ail 'at holies of the Diocese of Wilmington during the eotnmg year.

The women of the parish are now busy securing the aid of leading Catholic ehur worker to make the Thanksgiving supper arid haaar an unqualified success. ht. medi in We We cither wv! or cotton. Com in an i- Hiitl 1 he announcement that enabling legislation will I debated in Parliament were further factors in making safeguarding the loan in its first days M-ein desirable. It i probable hat subscription lssks will op-ned by the end of licit week.

This would cltw the svndicate the first week in iK-cenils-r anil until that time there wiH the firm'st hand on the situation. inced id moderate prices A our merchands se. in jit on is cool and fair. iSigned) Llovd 1 Ispenschield, Honolulu." aid in wak. Mr.

(dierardi illustrated hmv the wire-telephone mh ild nid the I'nited States navv. "l-t us ay that the I'nited States is at war with hhiio great foreign power. The Pacific Coast is three days journey Charged with stealing pounds of rope, valued at the property of I 'liner I'. Peterson, a rigger, Hanson, a young man. was given a hearing the Citv Court this morning, after which he was held under bail for the Court of tieneral Sessions.

I'retl Hall, a negro, was charged with the larceny a. bailee of $HMMi, from his employers. II Marvel vV Son, teamsters, but after hearing the testimony in the case Churchman stated that here was no evidence to show-that the defendant had received any money from any individual, and he was accord in illy dismissed. John Hixfges, colored, charged with assaulting Mattie Tanner, al-o colored, was dismissed. On account of the evidence not being suthcient.

the case against IVlix Seiibeh-k of Lombard street, charged with har boring an unresist cre I was dismissed Joseph Price pleaded guilty to uing obscene words toward l'tneano a local store yestcnlay. fined $. The cae against John Smith, colored, charged with using obscene language, was continued until net Tuesday. Walter Scott was charged by his wife with committing a breach of the peace, but at her request the case was dismissed. William Boulden.

a negro, was charged with attempted felonious assault, but at his request the case was continued until tomorrow. The prosecuting witness in the case is ddie Irt'hn. colored, aged 17 years John H. Keed ami Jeremiah l.ucey were each fined on the charge of drunkenness. To I'rartice Law Here.

James It. IliiKhoo. of Dover, who was recently admitted to the bar Kent Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers. Men's ribbed, fleece lined Shirts and Drawers Shirts and Drawers (Men's "jey wool Shirts and Drawers Ill Ss A) .81.50 Men weight grey woo! Union I county, has opened a law office in con-j necfioii with the law firm of Marvel, Marv. WoU-ott, the dn I'ont mid- Ulg.

r. tithes is sou of S. "ai 1 I luy.h of Kent county, formerly mi nil of the legislature, and nephew of I )ra-ors and Of I I lleece lleect Of Women's i- ned Shirts and Drawers lined Shirts and Drawers in regular tl I 1 KX 25c .29, from Honolulu, the nearest wireless sta- lion. The cables to 1'urope have been uetroel by the enemy. The enemy holds the Mississippi alley; they have cut down all the transcontinental tele- graph and telephone systems; they have destroyed the wires from th.s country lo Canada and Mexico.

1 "Some one in a tower in New York receives orders from the navy head. The Pacific licet must make full sjwed for our Western coast where the enemy i is destroying our towns. The man in I extra sizes Weimen's 1 Union Suits, all sizes Women's fleece lined Union Suit-. Children's lleece lined Union Suits, all sizes. Bo s' and Girls' fleece lined Shirts and Drawers SI.OO and SI.25 ClIICACO HAN KICK ill ARI)KI.

Charles (I. 11a c. Who Favors Allien Loan, Threatened. Chicago. Oct.

1. Two guard are on duty out-ode the llvanston residence of Chariot (I. Daw ex, president of the Central Tru-a Company of Illinois, the Or-t Chicago bank to announce Jim intention to recommend Mibcnpt ion to the proposed NX) loan to the alios. Tie guard- were sent here on (he insistence of Mr. Dawes' friends alter they had learned of the receipt of several Utters.

Ore, which the banker exhibited, i- unprintable. None of the letters was signed. There was alo an effort to have the uual force of guards at the bank increased but there Mr. Dawes put his foot down iirmlv. H.

IlUKhc, a well-known Dover lawyer. Mr. Hughes graduated at Di'-kmi-on College in and then taught two e-irs at IVnington School for Hoy. He next entered 'oluiubia Law School and fini-da the three years" course two year, graduat ing wit honor Jim- of his year. Mr.

Hughes is forceful public He a memlx the b.tOng tenia while at Dickinson arid won against, the team of franklin and Marshall ('llege. Swart hmore and State College. While at Columbia he Helectetl le.ailer of the debating team and won in the debates with Cornell and niversity of IVnnsvlvania. Our new fall line of Infants' Shirts and Bands now ready. tne tower phones the orier through an ordinary telephone.

The message is caught by the wireless receiver, s-hot across the continent. At Seattle it is picket! up and without interruption i pierces the air until it reach, the small thousands of miles away. 'Right, answers the man five thou- sand miles away. The commander of Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters We are showing a wonderful variety of Sweaters in all the verv newest colors and weaves. It will pay you to look over our assortment before buying as you are sure to find just what you want in this large and varied assort- Notice lo Purchasers of He Laval ream Separators.

On Monday and Tuesday. 0 tober 1 and a representative of the l)e I firm will at Dairymen's Supply West Seventh street, to render service in the way of rt pairs and replacement of worn parts. No charge for tins service if brought to alove address. Adv. the Meet is notified.

the way he receive more detailed instruction by wireless telephone, as lie rushes to drive off the enemv." YOU WILL DO BETTER HERE Women's silk er in rill shades Women all-wool Sweaters in grev, red. navv and white, specially rnn, Prictxl at 54.DU Women's Sweaters in all shades, verv special ir rzth V- 11 Children's Sweaters in na red and grev. special si.OO Boston Cloak Store New Suits at Special Prices Children's Sweaters, ail-wool, large 'ariety and 4V'i v. j. i i ovfaici, variety ui uiors, specially pricea 31 Large aoboruneni ot iieu asi-wooi sweaters and So.OO LUQJi ty 01 605-607-609 Market Street: $22.50 ii i SI 6.50 Values S21.50.

Values SJ7 50. A handsome array of Suits in poplin. mixtures, broadcloth and gabardine. Fur and velvet Ilar and cuiU; ehect. Braid and button trimmings Skirts in neat, new styles, many with some in military used extensively." pleats.

$12.98 Values SI 7.50. The Trim mind Shop 506 Xing Street $15.00 Values SJO.OO. A number of styles in and poplin, with fur and cults; yoke effects in front with belts. Colors green, brown, navy, black and plum. Strictly Fresh Laid Sussex Farm Egs 35c Fresh Churned Sussex Farm Butter 38c A Pure Creamery Tub Butter, Special 2Sc Fresh Country Es Special 35c A Fancy Jersey Creamery Tub Butterine, Best on the Market 25c G.

E. CASPER 621 MADISON STREET Fall Sh owing NEW STYLES IN SPORT COATS S4.98 $6.98 Sport Coats are the rage. We have hundreds of new styles in them in a large selection of styles. Values to $10.00. "Cash Carry Home LACES, SPANGLE TRIMMINGS, NEWEST EFFECTS FURS AND BRAIDS.

Largest Assortment, Most Reasonable Priced. Come Special for Saturday: $18.00 Silk Corduroy Coat in full length, lined with guaranteed satin $12.98 ELIZAHLTHAN PASTRIES. English Mufhns are very nice to serve with tea just heat them in the oven. 20c doz. Elizabethan Cruller are very good, 12c doz.

Cream Puffs with a rich corn starch filling, for 10c. Wine Cakes, a dainty loaf cake weighing about a pound, 20c each. Old fashion (linger Loaf, 15c each. EIizatethan Pumpkin Custards. 20c each.

Rich and tasty is our Cinnamon Bun, 25c lb. DELICATESSEN SPECIALS. Oyster and Pork Pies made by our own cjief, 15c each. Fish Cake? are mighty good, 5c each. KlizaWthan Potato Salad has a rich mayonnaise dressing, 30c lb.

Maryland style Cold Baked Ham. just the best ever, 60c lb. Pennsylvania-made Scrapple for breakfast these chilly mornings. Westphalia style sliced Breakfast Bacon, the appetizing breakfast dish, 32c lb. SMOKED AND SALT FISH.

Little Boneless Herring, very appetizing, 20c lb. Labrador fresh Smoked Herring, 15c bunch. Chesapeake Bay salt Smoked Herring, 15c bunch. Kippered Herring are different from the regular smoked ons, 12c each. Fancy late fall caught Norway Mackerel, special, $2.00 for 10-lb kit.

SEASONABLE GROCERY SPECIALS. Colombo Coffee, the rich mellow drink, 32c 4 lbs. $1.25. Green Mountain pure sap Maple for hot cakes, 35c pt. or 65c qt.

Elizabethan old fashion water-ground Corn Meal, either white or yellow in bags at 20c the bag. Teco is a very good, easy to make hot cake batter, 10c pkg. Fancy Smyrna Figs will be very scarce this winter. We havo a few very fancy ones at 30c lb. Fard Dates, the large, meaty kind, 15c lb.

Freshly-cracked Nut Meats are now in. CANDIES. Elizabethan Assorted Chocolates -the candy of quality, 50c lb box. Elizabethan dainty Baby Cream Mint Wafers, 15c lb. Lady Crystal Cream Mint Wafers, 40c lb.

Try a iox of our Assorted Chocolates and we feel sure you'll be pleased with their rich quality. and Convince Yourself. Butter $2.00 (o Washington STYLISH FALL DRESSES $7.98 $9.98 $15.00 Silk taffeta, satin duchess, crepe meteor, crepe de chine and combination dresses in a good assortment of styles and colors. 506 Kino Street $1.50 Baltimore AND RETURN A trial pound is all that is necessary to cause you to become a regular user ol this butter once you try it you will use no other. Save -3c to 10c on each pound, too.

$8.50 Silk Poplin Dresses with yoke effect and dainty embroidered collars $5.98 SILVER SU SUNDAYS Oct. 3, 17, 31 7 a. m. and close: The Leading Silver $4.50 Skirts in all-wool More opens at at 0 p. m.

and cor serge $7.50 Skirts in all-wool poplin. Extra sizes tptt.UO $2.98 duroy WILL NOT SCRATCH. The Finest Gold or Silver Excellent for cleansing highly jwiiaheJ furniture, glass, etc. Sold bv the following: N. K.

lanforih. Second and Market St. Ii. ScirborjUKf 404-4JO -Market t. Middletown Farms, SPECIAL TRAIN l.vs WUiuingtoa .38 a.

rn KETUKS1NU Lva. WasbinKtoD. Uaiou Station. p. ra.

Lvs. liaUtiuore, UqJou Station. p. in. INC.

voile, 98c $1.50 Waists in lawn and organdie, 20 styles PURE DAIRY PRODUCTS 206-20S West Eighth St. $4.50 to $6.00 Waists in silk crepe de chine, pusv willow and Georgette crepe with smocking. $2.98 and $3.98 I 1. II apprtiu, Uel. Ave.

and 'lu Font St T. ii. Carlmeii. Sixth and St. Anna Hantfioru, 617 Mwkvt st.

i Irene Hepbrou. st' bt-nnett St, J. Miwimon, Tenth and Adams Sis. Kckerd lrus 5is Market st. Pennsylvania R.

R. $3.00 silk crepe de chine Waists in em- QQ broidered styles J) 1 .0 jos. i an i Si. 11. N.

Ulis, Kijjhtb and Monroe t. Ciallahvr Pharmacy, 'Ji'0-i Market St. Cont-uriK- Ajjocbeoary Siiopc, Concord Avt ud St. Alcxwdt Delaware Ave. and Jckoa H.

K. Watson. HOJ -4 Thomas J. Law Nla.stn.- Tt-mn. Market Street I BOSTON CLOAK STORE, Daniel TURNER STELLE Seventh and Market Streets S.

Laub, Prop. YOU CAN GET PURE LUCCA OLIVE OIL in Any Quantity at CARTMELL HAS GOLD FISH At 3c, 5c and 10c I J. M. Harvey, 407 Delaware Ave. James Morrow 11 Market st Kiucaid i Clark.

Fifth and Kiri s. Mrs. Ca-sey. Tbird and Fraijklin t. iiliam 14.

Dare. Tenth urifi AiUnu Si ALTERATIONS FREE Challenger Son, New Cattle, Dei. can be had for tne akia..

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