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The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 1

The News Journali
Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 LAST EDITION Fut. ii Srotirt i utA Maiin 1 i he twooil.or VV monoon, In iwarn, I ruler Tl March 1 t7r VOL I 1 1 1 NO 67. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1017 SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE hV'j j-; IS ADVANCE J.

H. HUGHES, JR- PLACE FOR AUTO SHOW. Foord Furniture Company Comes to Aid of Dealers Offering First Floor of Store. ONE OF BRAVEST OF MILLIONS IN WAR PEACE PACT SIGNED WITHIN TWO WEEKS, LORD CECIL HOPES "RIPPER" PARTISANS WORKING HARD TO GET ENOUGH VOTES le i JfT' fiSji It is possible that the W11rningon Aut- Hhow Asicifttion will at la-st hare a place to hold their phow, At they will jf tliey accept tliC generous oflcr of K. IVord, of th! I'Vrd Ktirniture Co, which has offerM the tv of the first, floor of his building in the association for their nhow.

y. It. Norman, an official of the Auto Fhow Association, that the nxsocia- tion vfrtilfl the offer its meet- ing tr.ighit. presi- dent of tlie awfK-jfion, was out of town today and could not be een alout the inattcT, TTe 'rmr4 ItuHding woijM nllrw room for the nhow, having a floor space of 70 Iry iKI fee-t. This would allow for the difplsy of 2r.

rr MO ear. Thi might. (t 1 'irri tie snow a TT it OtT'- as re is no Jirger plce availaFlc it woild aUcer a show to re held. U.S.TROOPS DECRIED BY RUSSIANS US Is Advanced to Major in Judge Advocate's Office at Washington. James H.

1 1nches. of Dover, for- merlv connected with the law other of Mar e. Marvel. La ton and of this city, lw been promote I to tlie rank of major in the Advocate als Deprtrtment Mr. I Inches former rank was that of captain in the pame department, His assignment reads "during the present euierReiiey" and lie le-! eaus tf he promot ion tobein the service at least two months longer.

He savs in a letter to friends that he will probably be to the wirk of reviewing court-mart ia I alxuit hieh there has leen considerable criticism and publicity lately. He hrjs to pay a visit to this city shortly. WORKERS-PLANNING LEGAL CONTEST OF jfniwir; tav i auk I HA Lnild Seek to Combine All Interests in One Body for Effectual Fight. ARRANGE MASSMEETING Non-tiT pavers are hecornrnj; interested in the tk'ht acamst the St3te Income I a law to ti'imrw IliuUlll I i BOLSHEVIK! Baltimore American. TAKK IT WITH A SPOON, made at a meeting of the executive com- 0f hi Wd will le printed by that maga-niittee of the State Income Tat Payers zxr.

Defense held in the Inemlship i T.viv the War Depart merit maks firehouse last night. According to rep- "umouneement. through the Aiso-rcsentatives of the various industrial cjated Press, to Kvcrv that WAS LIEOT. Among One Hundred Picked by America's General Pershing as Most Efficient Fighters. DOUBLE BATTLE HONORS FOR WILMINGTON SOLDIER I Fcllow-officcrs Join in Estimate That He Was a Man of Incomparable Valor.

KILLED AT FIRST VERDUN Among the 100 deed of bravery chopn bv (iciu-rnl Pershing from among the eiictl deeds the American Army, ranks the heroic attack of the late Lieu-j tenant Thomas I). Anion' of Wilmington, at Verdun, in the Argonne drive, on etoler when he jielflei up his life in battle. The tirst indication J. Amory, of Wot Thirteenth stmt, father of the polder, received of his win's signal recognition -loo men out, of form a distinctly Elected group- wan a letter re-eived from a well-known magazine that, is going to publish ea of these 1(N heroi- olfeits, together with a picture of each of the gallant men. Lieutenant Amory's latest picture is requested he one shown pugs' 10.

taken during his ronwlcsivniv at lliarntz and the storv Lieutenant Anion- has tw-en awarded the 1 Jiptinguisheil Service Cross by the eom- i rhiot, in the name of the Presi dent. The citation reads: Ijeutrnant Thomas II. Amory-. deooad. "Jt'ith Infantry.

or extraordinary heroism action nnr Verdun. France, t)ctober 'J, 191s. Lieutenant Aniory Un-k out a palnd of 01, penetrating the enemy lines for the purpose of reconnoitrr-ing terrain, over which an advtuice was to lo made on the following morning. hen his patrol was tirel on. by machine guns from all ndcs, this officer le! three of his men forward to clear the machine-gtm nesk, placing the rc-t of his men under cover.

He succeeded in overcoming one of these nests and killi" the crew, but as he advancing on another gun, located in a house aliout 10 yards away, Lieutenant Amory was kille! by a machine gun buiict, his last wonks bsing, "We will take that nest or die try ing." Home uddresa, K. J. Amory, father, du Ptnt Huilding, Wilmington. Icl. Imroeilia'eiy urnin this country's declaring war.

Thomas Amory and his younger brotlier. (footcc S. Amon-. wrote to the late llooipvrlt. ofTenng their services, if he should form a mort.

Roosevelt had to refuse ibe lxys. liecause he had fixed a minimum age limit of "Jo in the repment he was planning. Amory 2 then; hLs tw-enty-; fifth birthday was on October 17, 191, io daj-s alter his death. George Amory. the younger, became '2 x-esterday, arch IS.

The lioys went to Platt-sburg, N. ia the first vlmcers' Trainmg 1 "amp. Ia of that year, both lys wore commissioned as second lieutenants, (rt-orge Amory w-s later made first heu-l Coattnueil oo 0 HAVEN'T CUT WAGES Harlan Men Who Are Not Efficient Being Weeded Out and Replaced by Workers liuTiors have been current that wages at the HarJan j-lant of the lietlileheui Shipbuilding Corporation, have brvn I wall remain at their present ttatus until Juiv 1. anvwav." It was also stated that onlv lulxjrers who? wort was not ur to the standard were being discharged, relative to the report of great numbers of men Ix ing During the period of the war a great number of men were employed who were not up to the peace time standards, oti account oi tnc severe shortage oi latnir. Some of these men have Inx-n weeded out, while only the erhcient workers are being retained.

I his has been done by the company rot to reduce expenses. but to increase the efficiency of the work at the plant. The Harlan plant is still under the jurisdiction of the Wage Scale Hoard, appointed by ti. Kusergcney lleet jx.iration. DKLAWAKK SHAD COMING KARLY.

Reported Far AboTe Philadelphia: Due Here in April. New lloic, March 19 Delaware ehu-d arc running and have n-ach-ed the uppr waters of the Delaware. Thi means that shaj will soii Xi on tie: market. It is usually not until April that fchad make their appearance in the upT waters of the Dela- ware, but the mud weather thw season Las hastened their appearante. ALLIES QUITTING ODESSA Critical Situation at lilac Sea Russian Port, London Hears.

By Ajyfwx-tiited Press to Every veiling London, Mar. 19. Official reports rvctiwd here say a critical situation exists ir. Odi-a, the chief Itu.ssian port on the lilack Sea. No confirmation could be obtained in Ixndon earlv this uftemonn to rumors that OdeRsn was being evacuated by Allied force, but the report is not denied.

Philadelphia Firm Lowest Bidder. The lowest hid for drydocking and repairing the U. S. dredge Ahsecon waei by the Philadelphia Ship liepair 'o. of I hiiadeinhia.

The ij-son Steamboat Co. of this city wad the only other bidder. The award will probably lie made to the Philadelphia concern. New Thought. Saturday Evening.

March 22. at o'clock at 1313 Sth ftrect. Mrs. Kenton Warner AMORT i 1 I I i i I BtinRmK Vicious Pressure to Bear Upon Republicans Who Oppose Them. TO VOTE THIS AFTERNOON f-r-tsl rr-h From StfT CYrreaponderit State Dovfr.

March 19. Threat and nnm.vdon iwl over nicht i'V inenis oi instead of weakening the Republican op- portion to their ps.ssace in the Honv, Ptrencthened that opposition, and Republican who are opposed to the use of brun? force in tin effort to Rain political dva.nt3Ke,tarted today with a determina- tron to kill ttvw nefarious mossnrw, if pew Me. The DcmnniitJ already are solidly ngairtHt thejw bill nnT when the ejblitive lay started it was believed notigh Republicans would support them the Allee scheme come throuch. The it will recalled, have been passed by the Senate. WOKKTSC PF.TFR TF1 T.

William II DanzTibakcr of tlivmont. one of the most prominent Republicans iri the H.niv. who conU have leen if ho had the office, is rne of the staunchs of Republican op- Tonent ot the and a ho i- instrumental up hu party Is in that Iwhaif the schemers would not. him rest t.i last nicht: for alter i orkinc on him here during the day. an effort to browbeat him and "read htm on of the mrV they for hmi over he telephone at his home, but just the resn't from that hopI this impudence simply strengthening his ticht tne rigm even than ever.

lv came to IVtct this niomir.K thai frame of and went right work an effort to orererr.e afraid might havt be-ri rnad by rank" fr his herr.erx in the of the IVfore the "i.i he sai i the strong enough to prevent bio, which had 'mntj net tor te. i.vl in the House '2 Ki.rc; or T--rT-TTNi TTrvrTs. II r. enrrer.t that attempts ha.1 Irfjy rr the 'np7eT." gls J-0O per rote being oiTcrel it sa'd, irs tS hope of -winning back one I K- r-, who are to for When Mr as SetSer their w.v anv truth re- rt he "aid he thTe wv not it hl nothing to coi-rm ir. It was hem -ear sr.

tha the "'rirfH-r" rrcwi -v ienrg un lric sn en-rrt tc line Sirpp.rt -r i f'Waitise ef the rcrsrt nw.s; of to on the -ea-end of hare hen unable -tan-1 -ram arui har- been mad- It .1 hmever. trmt pracfi- ally al! w-i' be here this in time v-e on hill-. ivrnr in rnr.rT. Mr rar. r'-akcT- r-" cey of the rhat "npprr" had hetr jrm hattrry on and rreniis.

c.ii no: yield, hi ir depend- ii-e. read me nrrv He 'o'tT I'm rtit t-r w-nat is rem I'm r.o of sr. g- -t. rr people I represent rn-st. 1 have krj r.

rrcrrs s.r.. 1 have ened to reues: ftod fri-Iow them when thcy'rr but r.c -rcrrs. cr hreats. or wi'l do anv cxkS if a thins is tt risht Asked about the Trark bill. Mr.

r.zesh&kT rcp'iod Tiat li'A cad out ometwv rr -e: get. my des'i pvt. etc." I d-m'r it has a of a Som- fi tre nends oi the bill MOVE UiiOEfi WAV TO IMPOSE TAXES Li MARSH LANDS City Council Has a Delegation at Dover, Today, to Further the Proposition. OPPONENTS ARE ON HAND iJLnyavri lr ri Maff orrej-pondsG ST.Tt DoVVK. MfF.

10. The v- about an lour, taking -t-t-f-i from 1C t- ckw-k. 1 the Hfnt Mrydcl school iit net Favurabi-- i- made ia the tu'' on b-Jis a Jtate itatiaJfig Comtns.Ki. and providing for JUln" 1 Ihr 1 o-L- f. lVh- ngton Br.dgr; bi.i v.

as referred in the 'itr -fc Km van-, rw c-r nate to the cwmmattee high a vs. It 1 vy Crourtmen und Svtoer the original commi-ion. 1 WANT TO TAX il KS uvn. MoKt 0f the Republic meiatfers of the vVilraiogton City 0uncjl ame here today, in 1 lo'ei of van'us rnunicipai bi'i. iTc-ideut Lyon headed the gs.irn.

The City Council delegation, it i carrK; djT primarily to urge passagv of a Senate bill icno'nnf the ax from tnarh lar-d. ho that i can be faxed for inun.npal puqo.iC5i, At half rate A fight on this bill i probable. there is a "trong Cherry Island Marsh lobbv i here, with William G. Jonri. as at- tome v.

Wilrriington marsh owner? aLv are here in opposition to the bill. Speaker Corbir today signed the Statewide Prohibition bill. Iiobort P. Robir.on president of the Central lStionAl of ilminfrton. and other bunkers came here in an effort to have the Senate ptuw the limine bill providing for a S'at? bank TK Hou" pjn m't t(r mornrng se.ion in readmz renatr bill.

i I I i i i i I Q. I Strengthens, Docs Not Vcakcn Monroe Doctrine, British i Leader Tells CorreriorirIcnt POINTS TO TJ. S. SAFEGUARD As-r pr-n to K--rjr Emlo? faris, tr -Inclusion of Jigtie of uwuH-n li.e no he of -t -a -k will i'hin i I "I i-'-i'i i it.i s. i three tic- been suhrn-tte-I, add'-J he --i there icgitiroaVT obje effect f.f :r.r.p ly.rd "''The Monro" I V-f rir- by the lyetje far; -fU-n-V r- -n't taiferi hy f.

the l'n('-d i -f f- (. r- If. on '-e fiat fl ere to Verr-pV--e fvontin'-'. rr-- of r.J i T. 1 r-, enorrno'; a 9.

r0 i -r he -vorlf i an American itTorrJ to -av in 5 I w-omd r'r' to nftrr-b. SKY BLUE AIR CONTROL. Nations to Hare Jurisdiction of Ether Above Them. Hy A.wortated Prew io i.v?'. Kwenin? i Paris Tuesdav in a rr itfte submitted tori a the e.

f. 0 ejnsiapr tor an intemationa- -ilT rode announced that the British r-m- ooajs been, tne main, accerten. An intrnat ional council be forme-. a rt-ction of the Leauruo Xanons handle ail matters reiativ- to aertal rn rj.tion ir le-r, nation is entitieii jixivrt it, perTTiission m't -uft zg i nere is to any nation xri er. uirpiiots w-Jl 1 will irit'manonai aovemu: the rizh.

of way airpiaiics ana a.r:x.p. SPAIN COMING CLOSER. Names Dek-gate to Paris Who is Friendly to S. By Ass P-r to I. v-ry II rnin Madnd, March he Thj c- -nserraa newspaper iipca.

-n the nanhrz of lc-nLt- BAVARIA ENDS fiOSllff: NAMES NEW UABINE Diet Hears Protes Against. Sep, ration oi Territories From Bv Prtf3 -j si-wry rei Biih-. March ly. ier the i-rr; lei'ner: ra ri- ii cr were of hc of the ate Premier Eisner. If err -Ntz "a ho -u niinisit-r of the incrior, succeeding lirr Auer, who was shot during the the i.o i aVioil Oi, Eisner.

Vmuscmcnui 'l'isa -iiArticiv ijaoviuc. ic 1 1 pc rxi 1 v- Quo Majestic "'Mrs. j. i vc-hd oy lie. Mi-.

The eather. Prx u. i Wisatux'Jn, MiMi 1. I l'ir to Th-. pvrture iiurjuij t-o; uoi la ta.

sfS. SIOU.N, fEMi'iiuAi ii. i un rct ut si iorK ri umorrow moruuw sun uimtMTO amui Moot rises toniih; i Lniu oi ua. i- tivears awa. vt0r.i n.

At ticxm tKr Uiar-e temperature iiian tia rn, ,1 "T3 Lcrw tide i vaia Propgg andist'? Have Twisted American Inactirm in Sibcrio to Hotilitv to Country. SITUATION IS DELICATK By Aftsoetatefj pre. I'wt-v Vladivostok, Afe.nd.iV.Marcfi IT 'inee the her- -f i ha. here i of the Tat'-- The i e-rv-f f'ord amon 2 Ari'rse America iliie. jj Hn fff that there -y-tenaf ie I S-irne new--pa per-" of Silx-'ria, it ftrifars.

have leen -ib--idiz--d nd nr dl-tirjetly hostile to the Ftiited The never recardine' the intention of th American! have hieer, ready listener, and the legit i- mate Russian j.n reprint arwl editorial- izr on the fabrication that have fr.n put in circulation. Iv-gsnning with the disappointment over the passive nes-s of America's intervention, the sentiment rniEtrJHt and an outftpoken hojtiht.y in manv rjuarter! to i tne tTinms isianaa prcoaai a con- irrwT oi an ivn.via i r.e allies, ju-tlv or otherwise Presadent VVi'son. A men cans were m- stuntly dubled fnends of the and the idea was quickly utilised by an unfriendly press and accepted in the politjcAt c-irees -f the Russians gcnerailv, i i nere no eiieinrsre means ior eorriuaiiing i tnis propacanda, an-j rwuit that the United State ha3 fw hampion; in any clas or part v. hy Major General William S. Graves, the military commander hre.

rrftrdm were nfT-et, the us mini. which is little con-rnei in the tine shade-; of interference and non-interference. Ivy d-finite charges of pro-Bolshevism 1. and atiroad a nsmz frc-m the refusal of Ameneans to -vst rs military acuinst the Itoisheviki id: Amur district The giving of asylum to the revolting Cossacks recently was construed in -j. similar way.

This incident, however, wa the only one of a maiignng charactr to draw tire. Colonel Henry D. Styer, ho has been active for the Americans the ossacic contriversv. wrote b- ne an explanation or tne which he fully outlined the stand taken by General Graves. Continued on pase 4 N.

Y. FLYERS BACK HOME; BAGGED 55 FOE 'PLANES Twenty-Seventh's Airmen Report 60 Per Cent on Casualties Lists. By AssociAC-oU Press u- Kvcrv v. New York. March 19.

--The 1 with 1,577 troops I -U men. Among them ere -7th .1 an: 49; a aiso. a txiun various branches of the sc tic scr The as fr; i I I -o i Pi" i ml 1 7r A i Sq'iaiiroHs, ad companv niimlvT t.H-. The 1 '7t Aero Squadron have dow md -v enemy m-ichinc. The pt'o: icH Nieupi.rts and Spad ei.tchmcs and re- ported that sixty er of its active I dvini men were the of The Aero Squadron rxvu siug one year in ou Verdun, Chateau, Tlcerrv.

Sr. Mihte' and At tors was aitactteo; some time jua-drvn has to the French arm had ten casualties. d-L With troops and 'J'JO navai in-ers and tiu-n. the stoamsuip Harrisburg arnvcvl, also from Hrtt. t'nits included seven dct -n-hnienus, totalling nine oiheers and obo men, oi he 147th Infantry, l7th Division: and Second Air Service, construction com-I paniiis; ouiiibcr Pennsylvania; also 6 an sick and wouuded o5 nurses, about 1 r0 -attcrcvl c.w-ua's, and thirteen civilians RAINBOW DATED IO START HOME IN N1N OK TEN DAYS By Astacia'tl IVcss to wry EvvnioH Washington, March 19.

The 4fd (Ihnubowi and 2tth (New h.ngiund National Cuanli divisions will from Brest between March 2 and Atrii ill the war depart meat was lriforicr-d todax- bv (! Perching. The ILimbow- divi'- i i sion lands at New ork and the New England division at B.sfon. treneral sascl it would not be possible to send home the 77th (New ork I National (iuard1 division before prd 24. unless German shipping became avail- ioie MwuitT tnau was now aniiCiriaieu. A teelmg oi security coca Oorer OR IUVK IT SHOT IN.

APRIL 8 FIXED BY COURT FOR ACTION ON 0. CANAL When Condemnation Pmceetlings Will Begin in This City. NONE FILE OBJECTIONS The stepM in the ca.iv of the United States vs. the Chesapeake and Delaware Can Company, and the I idehty Tru-st of Philadelphia, trustee, took piiee in the Federal Court, this morning, when April 8 was a.s l.e day for a jury to be drawn to hear condemnation pro-eedm3 which have been authorized by Congress. The delay of three was granted on the request cf Andrew C- Crav.

coun-l fr canal as Charifs the Philadelphia coucsel for the c- Btdlle, com pany to spent about tnat time isn-ington, clearing up a number of arnbigu' 'U-pomts in the aeTeernent at the War department, Department J-x-tice and the Treasury department. None of the property owners along the canal, fdeii any objections the proceedings, which (-Hyu instituted by the government to establish their ownership of the canal. The condemnation pr dings proviil ie an area of -et width, between Chesapeake City, and I )el aware City, vith the center of the present canal as the proposed center of the strip. At the session morning, Mr. Gray, citctl a judgmi nt awarded the govt -run ent against the caaal company, for dividends.

Thus was brought up in anticipation of anv contest that should lat-cr about the canal valuation. The I to CanaJ Company has made an the supreme ourt for tlie i-vma: iv the Di-trc: governinent decision. sitd. down Court, which, granted i judgment tor unpaid divuh about reprtv-'u ids: on st-ck owned ng goverimu nt. The jxunt Mr the tricc of was canal ri been agreed upon, that this judgment should it be ah rmed by the Supreme Court, will not be deducted from the purchase price of the canal.

An interesting feature of the was that the grandfather of Andrew C. Cray, was counsel for the canal company at the tune it was built. An interested spectator at court was Captain Philip ReNlrold, whose grandfather. Major Philip Re.vbold. lie building ot the i canal after the first contractor had faiieil with the job 'ant am bold made a number oi trips to Washington in the interest of the Chesapeake and 1 Via ware Canal, and has Ikvu -aid by many people to have done more work for its acquisition bv the government than any ot her jw-rson contracts for the 1 1c now has th riiiinai buihiing th.

SCLOIERS WITH WORKERS IN LAWRENCE STRIKES u. to Investigate Activities Men in Khaki in Labor Troubles. of By As.sociau-i to l.very Evening Lawrnce, March 19 -Picketing of the mill traUs and approaches bv striking textile workers wa. rt-itsnn in a onzne today. with no yesterday.

ncwal i dis.irdf The st rik crs' I'airols put. r.ed their pi ui of fth utmg to op r.tivt iK.urul frir work the slogan 'M hours pay for i hours work." in these groups which included men anvi women, wi rc a of m(4a in army unifonn The extent to which soldiers or former soldiers have figured in the incidetits and snes of the strike was tlu fubjeet of a letter from the department of public safety to General h'dwanls, coramanduig the northeast department, it became known today. At the suggestion of the district court which on Monday ned a man wearir a soldier's unifonn for intimidation and assault this incident was brought to the attention of the department commander, together with a statement that men in olive drab had lecn included in the organization of a strikers' guard, which wss performing police duty- for the strike shops at this m.eting they tind that the man who did not lst ear large enough hav an income to be taxable is Mist a eager aj ttie man wio vi ii i nin-bute to the I ague's fund for fighting the State Income Tax Iiw. It ha.1 loen eplair.M to wnrktrien at vario-is plants that even though they were not paying a direct tax, they were leing taxed through their grocer, their butcher, and their merchant, then-; bv reallv ammountmg to a tax on them. Thi plas of the subject, greatly inrreasrsi the membership tif the Ie.ague during the past weei; i last ngM's the yvrmarent o'ters cf the exocuiivie commit wen II.

D. H.nid. of the Harlan p.rJi as elected presid-nt ,1 W. Korr- man, of the P. R.

K. engine house, viee- preHd A F.dce, of the .1. llhoadet" Walker, and Sor pl.irit, ecr'tar-; II. of treasurer. Tne ct'mrriittee -pen etjastng the question with the Labor unions.

(-me time di-of co-operation It pombs.1 that cf th. iAnor uriionj, arr tat-ix- in of Vie rIni nri i T- 1 I netr own resivmsinmi v. resioem. i.iukj that l.e believe! that the unions nHol to eewoperate WJt ftnd that uvity at the league present wa? merely that of prehmman- organ ton. rmiiss fmtt.

Rudd pomteI out tha' a leacije of citircn was wanted, not a leser!" of organ; 7aT ion. He said that they wanted to careful that thev mav not of making a pohtjefd fight on re He alo pointer! our that workrn-'n desired a civic fight the income tax law and it was through this rl. on the part of nr. ion men that the prwnt ion wa? I-gun. He hop--i lh.t fr.ction might no; i.ris-1-tween tho-e citizens or in the tite who are 'irg to richt the law.

Ijewi Mill i van ot tLe retail grocers the retail erl.ange The grocers attitude to the bill P.cides 1-emg class legi.cLa- tion. 1 said- make us the grocer! pay a hcer-e tax to sell our p- cJ- and then make us pay a tax 1 -ceruse we have Tlarry Kcty. another gT- i r. saii ir was sure the lleTaii GrcT i I.xehange woull co-perau with -idr thM roller; ed in ejurri ind much more had tn piedgfxi to hnancc t'je of tie kt-gue. lit- ouevT)on I of eoUertions was left to the CODijrittr; in the x-anotys and ti'ey will report at he next irnei mg.

l'jx-n tnotion of J. I oreman. it decided to appoint a cin ii ittee on attorneys which yhould 1 to wajt on Henry h-sao. the attorney, and see if he thought it advisable te. en-r-loy kg-d' aid.

This -oni-rmttee of Me.v-is. Forenjan, Turner and Ldge. A eomrruttee appointed to into the matter of button- to be w'orn hy mf miners of the organization. ri.A.'. MASS MKKTtS'O.

The Le-utive decidfd to rent he jcra 1 1, -use- public mofting. at the itig'ie's attorney would OUtline the Tazewflh Young tl I'UhiiC and iraef were ap- make merits. There wac -ome tik of making the Iea.g'ie a jtfrmaneijt organization to for bet teriricnt iitid the welfare of the workmen. It suggested that the gue take up tt.e que of mentation for V.ilmi,gron. Mr.

I udd, how-vcr, a-kcl that thev 1 ouotjon for another tune I to the work on I ha nd. The following were represented at the rr.eetUig- I r.pine House, J'. R. J. Rioades and Sons; Retail Grocers Exchange-; du Pont (Belts.) Machine bhope 1 1 Slocum Co.

du Pont Hrandy-wire Edpemcore Iron I si ting P. I'. du Pont liagley "iLirLiai plant. ROB RKSTA L'llA NT. Thier Tke Paper Monej But Leave in Drawer.

Nick Zatrer. rm netor or a restaurant at ourth and Shipiy stnet is 1-xvr to 1 the amount of Sll. unless thL- amount can Vie recovered from the party or parties who eterday fcitemoon took advantage of his two-minute absence frorn the dmir.g room and took that amount from his cash drawer. The money taken paprr currency. Silver to the amount of 15 wai left untouched.

On his return from the kitchen he found the drawer open and the rr.orey gone. Hushing to the streei, he feaw a woman, who three times applied to him fnr work, going toward Market Ftreet. The l'f hns Ivpr repi.rrcd to the police. i i i I i CITV'S GROWTH IS CONSIDERED BY KIWANIS CLUB A. Rae duBell Urges Necessity Port Improvement and Public Auditorium.

of BOTH ARE VERY ESSENTIAL A plea for needed civic improvements in port developments arid a puitablo Fublic auditorium were made by A. lae duBell at tho weekly luncheon of the KiwanLs Club at the Hotel du Pont war is now o'er and the whole world is endeavoring to adjust it.elf to peaee-j tim condition. and take up again the nursuit of the routine and best tilings of life. Wilmington, because of the prorni- nent part it ilayed during the war, not onlt after the entry of the Fnited States, but during the entire struggle, cannot afTord now to inp-e into its pre-war pace and take, so to -peak, a bark seat If ilmington is to continue to forge ahead its indict rial life, the citizens of Wilmington must set their minds to the task of making Wilmington a letter and bigger city than ever before. all have dreams of a greater Wilmington but those dreams can never come true unless we ourselves endeavor to make them a fact present stumbling block to the growth of Wilmington is its lack of a port.

Wilmington needs this fiort and Wilmington is logically located to become, a great commercial port. With the proposed port built Wilmington must grow even beyond the fondest dreams of her citizens. Are we then to continue to weigh and ponder this issue in time to come as we have in the past or with completed plans before us and a knowledge of its tost and understanding as we do what it will mean to Wilmington are we going to get back of it and see it through? "It is true there are other bodies in Wilmincton having, with ua. a similar thought to make Wilmington all that it should be, but we cannot afford to sit back and let '('forge do it'. It'o up to us.

Shall we not, aa Kiwanians, take ourselves a direct interest in this and other important local affairs? Xow is the time when wc should put forth every effort To Inake it. Wilmington all we want it to What I would particularly bring to vonr attention todav is the m-eat. nl of Wilmington for a oublie auditorium in which to hold public receptions, public Dans, mass meetings, community sines and the like from time to time. il-j mingfon is behind lie times in that it has no public building of this kind. I believe that the Stair- legislature appro-; priated two year? aco a substantial sum for the i-reetion of a Wilmington armorv and that this bill provided that the State funds would be available when a like-or greatt amount was raise by the itizens of Wilmington.

I would suggest that a committee of members of this club be appointed to immediately investigate the status of this appropriation, and ascertain what plans have been made. to carry out the provisions of the bill for constructing this building, and if the. matter is progressing satisfactorily, then let us co-operate in seeing that it is pushed to a lirJs but if no plana are under way then let the club get back of the project and endeavor to push it through. "Are we going to ak our boys who have been fighting for us over there and who will soon return to again take up their quarters in an old and out-of-date armory Cr shall we show them that during their abeence we've planned and started a home that will be a rcdit to our community and one which we can fairly ask the l-oys who prepare themselves in times of peace to defend their country in tiinea of war to take up aa their drill home. It too may be made to answer as a community centre, and be iise-d for conventions and other gatherings that Wilmington cannot now induce to visit our city." SLND IN HMD CROSS SEW ING.

Tomorrow is the nal round-up day for all lied Cross sewing. Anyone having any, finished or unf nished, is asked to bring it to Red Cross headquarters at Old City I fall by trnorrow, not later If you cannot arrange to hrinu; it yourself, phone headquarter? 7362 or 7363, and the girls Jlepainc: Co -JO-J Ninth I Particular people choeme Clow Dairy n. a of Philadelphia will Subject "Life Ahimnnt of Philadelphia will Abundant." AdT, in the motor service will call for it. Ljctw tide toalgts comnnttee..

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