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Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa • Page 3

Iowa City, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TBTJBSDAY, APBIL 6, 1922 IOWA blTY PRESS-CITIZEN ELEVEN MARKET NEWS bur Issues of Liberty Bonds now over the Top )CAL HOG MARKET HIGHER an Drops Twenty Cents Per 100 Other Market News Rice, fancy Carolina Ib. 15c Spinach, per Ib 20c Strawberries, per quart 60c $6.60 Hogs continued the advance of past week by going 10 cents tier today making a local top on mes of $9.90 and pack- i. The bid did not cause a big rr among the sellers but a few advantage of the increase and loaded. "It is thought by buyers it the present prices are not to it long and lower bid will be put effect ere long. rhere were no changes in the ultry and egg market.

The re- ipis were not increased over the ual daily offerings this week soon as roads improve tho sup-j will doubtless reach the ship- ig stage. tn mill and. chop fee-d quotations an dropped to $1.30 per 100 Ibs. is is a reduction of 20 cents e.r yesterday's price. Oil meal is ported as a hard product to ob- and dealers are not supplied any large amounts at present d-no new supply is expectejl for me 'time.

Four of the eight Issues of Bonds have gone over the top are quoted over $100. The lance of the issues are near tlie and are expected to slide over fore the close of the week. The mand for bonds in eastern marts is said to be responsible for rapid raise In prices. pure cane, per 100 Sugar, per 400 -Sugar per ID. Tomatoes, hothouse Sweet peppers, each Uubbard squash, per It).

Pineapple, size IS '60c 16.40 7C 2oc 6c 4C Potatoes, per peck 40c Potatoes, Idaho, per peck 50c Sweet potatoes, 3 Ibs. 25c Sweet per Ib. Bulk heavy $8.85 Bulk She stock weak Bulls strong Bidding'50c lower on veal calves for'a few Packers bidding down $8.00 Estimates for tomorrow 4,000 SHEEP-Receipts 11,000 Market slow, early bidding 25-50 lower. Choice han-dy weight wooled lambs $16.00 Shorn lambs 13.00 "Estimates for tomorrow 6,000 OUTSIDE LIVESTOCK-Hogs Cattle Sheep CITY MARKETS I CITY MARKET, PHONE BLACK 1269 iy, baled t- $15.00 Radishes, hunches lor 25c Turnips, per Ib. New turnips, bunch Gasoiine--20 9-10 per gal.

Motor oil, good grade to a gal. lots. Tractor oil, good grade, 3-lOc In or i bbl. HIDES Quotations by H. Schulman No.

1 cured hideg, frefeot grulw, per Ib. 5c No. 2 cured nidee, free ot grubs, per Ib. 4c No. 1 green hidee, free or grubs, per Ib.

3c -No. 2 green aides, free of grubs, per Ib. 3c Grubby nides, per Ib. 3e No. 1 calf, cured, 8 to 15 per 7c No.

2 calf, 8 to per Ib. 5c No. 1 calf, green, 8 to 15 per 5c No. 2 call, green, to 15 per Ib. 5c No.

horse hides-- 91.60 Wool, per Ib. 5 no 15 cents Tankage, per MILL AND CHOP FEED RETAIL PRICES by JUtzenmerer Milling Co. Flour, per sack $1.90 Corn, per bu. Oats, bu. Kansas City Omaha Sioux City St.

Joe St. Louis 6000 7000 5500 6000 8000 3000 3600 1500 1200 1500 3000 4000 2000 1500 600 RECEIPTS-- Sopt OATS- May July 38 7 Sept PORK-May LARD-May 10.95 July 1125 RIBS-May July 40 2 19.75 10.95 10.70 11.25 11.12 10.62 11.20 11.30 11.60 THE PEOPLE'S WANTS FOR SALE--MISCELLANY FOR -SALE--S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Mrs." O.

Matthes, third house south aviaUon Held. 4-12 BACHELORS' PARADISE BRIDGET ON, N. April 6-This city claims 4o be lors' paradise. Of 15,000 population only one couple married during the month of aMrch, it was learned today when City Clerk Corey issued the vital tistics for th last month. I -April SECOND 6-V raw, baled ood, sawed 9.00 $9 to $10 ood, cord $8.00 to 9.00 Wheat 3 cats Corn 107 cars Oats cars Rye 7 cars Barley 2 cars NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS-Minneapolis 118 71 143 Duluth 33 53 58 Winnipeg 154 432 110 PRIMARY RECEIPTS-Wheat 761,000 Corn.

539,000 592,000 417,000 Oats. 290,000 398,000 294,000 --x SHIPMENTS-Wheat 406,000 391,000 862,000 Corn. 619,000 442,000 529,000 Oats. 617,000 631,000 644,000 TOTAL CLEARANCES-- WHeat and flour 338,000 Corn 549,000 Oats explosion of dynamite which early yesterday wrecked th new- Latter Day Sainte' church at Rockville, twelve miles- from here, was being investigated by SheriJf W. Riley tonight.

The church was the second to be destroyed ia two years and members blamed the blast on persons who have been opposing them. 60c 35c Bran, per 100 Ibs 1.30 Shorts, per 100 Ibs $1.65 Flour middlings, per 100 Ibs. $1.60 RAILWAY TIME-TABLES FOR SALE--One Minute electric washer. First class condition. Address W.

G. Press-Citizen. 4-6tf FOR SALE--Kitchen cabinet, beds, cots, chairs, oil heaters, book shelves, sewing' machine, linoleum. Phone Black 2417. 531 So.

Van Buren. 4-8 0 CLASSIFIED JIDUERTISM RATES AND REGULATIONS IATBS Iniortion 2 word 4 4 roord Ml 6 cents a ujord No Jor 3S cceti C1.O31NQ Copij racoivad mp to 10 A. M. will publuhad the ditj. Ftguto.

dates and a counted in charging. WANTED WANTED-- Scotch Collie male pup. Phone 10, 4-10 ANTED-- OraersfararesseanensT Blacks 2158. RAGS. MAGAZINES and wanted.

Phone Black 375. paper WANTED TO BUY OR RENT- SIX to nine room modern house. State terms. Address Fress- Citizen. 4-6x FOR SALE--1 30 gal.

gasoline tank, hot bed sash, black walnut trees 20 and 25 cts. Also rhubarb roots. Phone 370. 4-13 FOR SAIK--Cook sanitary cot and table. 228 So.

Clinton. 4-6x --Purebred S. C. Rhode ure Senator Dunlap strawberry sale. Phone Red 888.

plants 4-1S ,180, $1.00 per 15. Mrs. J. Scott, 1. Phone 1525-11.

4-4tf FOR SALE--Any kind of insurance you want. J. R- Baschnagel. 4-10 'FOR SALE--Studebaker car, flrst class condition, reasonable if taken soon. touring Priced con- FOR Comb Buff Leghorn" eggs for 5 cents each.

Daniel Winter, Parnell, Iowa, Route 1. Phone Frendale. 4-11 1 FOR SALE--Ten fall pigs. Earth. Geo.

D. 4-7X Fair seed Oxford, Iowa. FOR SALE--Blue Adalusian for hatching. Red 1S84. pees FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China 4-8 fall boar; weighing 200 Ibs.

Earl Fry. FOR SALE--30 head of feeding i Black 1272. 4-6 shoats. Phone 1505-5. A.

E. Oswald. FOR SALE--Child's iron bed com- 4-8x plete. 1227 Rochester Ave. 4-5tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--Carriage in Al tion.

Must be priced right. 1524-7. Try our guaranteed. Home Laundry. Phone Red 2394.

Work 4-lfl condi- Phone 4-6x "WANTED--House to rent for Summer months or sooner. Press-Citizen. 4-6x HAIR GOODS made up. Mrs. Mar- WANTKJD-Female ferrets to keep saret la.

Av. Red 516, 'during summer for their use. Edward LOST AN a FOUND Lear, Riverside, Iowa. 4-9 LOST--Phi Kappa Psi pin. 1219.

Phone 4-7x WANTED--To buy, four or five room house. Address "765" Press-Citizen. 4-Sx JOB WANTED "WANTED--to 33. buy outside toilet. 4-7 WANTED--Roommate.

1215. Phone Red 4-4tf WANTED--General house and yard cleaning. Phone Black 2288 between six and eight evenings. 4-6x WANTED--To t'ent four or live room house. 211 North Madison.

4-6x FOR SALE--Pure C. White i FOR Leghorn eggs for hatching. $4 per 5. 2006. 100.

Mrs. Ray Smaller, R2. 4-ix SALE--Fresh cow. W. Teeter.

FPhone 4-6x i FOR' SALE--10 FOR SALE--Esthervllle 6x per cent ye ar old steers, paving bonds. $30,000.00 per cent In- Cucry. Tiffin, la head of KOXJd 2 Price Joe 4-10x dusftial 441. FOR SALE--Rudd'gas water Phone Black 2S95. 4-7x SALE--Fordson tractor, plow and disc complete.

Cheap if sold soon. Address P. care Press-Citizen. 4-Sx ROCK. ISLAND LINE WestBonnd 3o.

6--Dally A. M. Jo. 9--Daily S3, Daily Ex. Sun 8:30 A.M.

3:41 P. 13-Daily .11:55 P. M. Eastf nd No. 4o! i JJ- 82.

Daily Ex. Svul 8:00 A. M. CHICAGO CA9H MARKET WHEAT -No. 2 mixed 1.2S% CORN-- NoP-2 yellow 57 Ne.

3 yeUow No. 4 yellow 54 54 53 54 58 POULTRY Quotations by W. Miller: Wholesale Ibs. and up 18c irings ISc aggs lOc icka 15c sese 13c irkeys 28c sgs, per doz. 20c RETAIL PRICES iparagus, per bunch 25c Apples, eating, 2 ibs.

for 25c. 25c 25c lOc 15c 30c 45c mntry butter 40c eamery Gutter 45c coanuts 13-15C Oats flour, per 100 Ibs. $2.00 Oats feed, per WO Ibs tankage, per 100 Ibs. 3.40 per 100 Ibs. $2.75 Steel cut oats, per Bade $3.00 Corn meal, 10 Ib.

25c Graham flour, 10 1ft. sack 40c Michigan salt, 100 Ib. sack $1.05 Wheat, per bu $1.20 Wheat, per 100 Ibs. $2.00 Mash, per '100 Ibs $2.25 Hen food, per 100 IDB. $1.60 Straw, per bale 60c Hay, per bale cooking, 3 for jets, new, 2 bunches for sans, navy, per Ib I ans, fancy Lima, per Ib.

ans, string, pej Ib ussel Sprouts, per qt icumbers, hothouse, each 30-25c jlery, Michigan, large, per bunch 15-18c jlery cabhage, per Ib ibbage new, per Ib 7c lulfflower 25 and 40c irrots, per bunch HEE8E tull creain irconsin tull cream Horn 5 yellow No. 6 yellow No. 2 wnlie 3 white No. 4 white, 54 No. 5 white 54, No.

2 mixed 57 No. 3 mixed 55 o. 4 mixed 54 o. 5 64 OATS-- t. 2 white 'o.

3 white o. 4 w-hila 36 3BC 35C '360 50c isconsin Swiss I FRUITS. Apples, fancy, per ID. IBc Choice, per Apricots, fancy, per Ib. 40c ctra choice, per Ib 3Ec lolce, per lb.

30c saches, Muer's extra fancy sOe Fancy ycllo-w 25c Choice yellow 23c Pears, Jumbo-- Chopfeed, per 100 Ibs $1.35 vClam shells, per 100 Ibs 75 Oil lOfr Ibs $2.80 Cracke-d corn, per 100 Ibs. $1:35 SHSICLAIR CATTLE AND SHEEP MARKET Native Corn Fed Steers 950-1100 7.50 -Western Steers, 9501100, dry fed 6.00@ 7.00 Heifers, 650-850, grass 4.00@ 6.00 Butcher cows 3.50® 5.00 Canners and 2.00@ 2.50 Bulls, 900-1300 3.00® 4.00 Heavy calves, 175-300 5.00 Veal calves, 100-160 6.50@ Light calves, under 100 4.00@ 6.50 Sheep, 80-100 4.00@ 6.00 Yearlings, 60-80 5.00@ 7.50 Lambs, 50-70 7.50 LOfcAL BUTCHER STOCK Quotations by W. Gay Co. Butcher stock $5.00 to $6.50 Calves, veal 1. $7.50 tot $9.00 Lambs LOCAL HOG MARKET' Quotations by John W.

Justice. Phone Red 255. Packers, $8.50 Primes 9 ilsins, Muscatels Seeded SOc lompson Unbleached, Seedless 25c ilifornia Clusters uscatels, loose i 25c runes, Ualitornia: to 30, 38c '30 to 40 size, per Ib. 40 to 50 size, per 167-- 20c 50 to 60 size, per Ib. 18c 60 to 70 size, per Ib.

17o -70 to 8(Tsize, per Ib. 14c 80, to 90 size, per 13c 90 to 100 size; pei Ib. 12c 100" to 120 size, per lie our, northern Ivheat 2.25 to 2.60 idive, per head lOc per dozen 25c 'ape fruit, 3 for 25c nperor Grapes 35c hite grapes, per Ib. 45c oney, per square 35c jttuce, head, per Ib '40c loose leaf, per bunch. lOc ilk, condensed, small size 5 to 7c ilk, condensed, large size 10 to 13c ilk, per pint delivered 7c ilk, delivered aions, per bunch lOc Onions, new dry, Yellow Globe-- ib.

lion sets red and yellow, per qut lOc White irsnips, per Ib 5c ysten, select 45c per pin irsters, standard, pint 40c fster plants, per mmcu eomargarine. Good Luck eomargarine, Ever Best Nucoa Nut hubarb, per Ib LIBERTY BONDS 1st--3y 2 's 99.08 1st--4's 99.82 ,100.02 2nd--4's 100.10 3rd--4Vi's 99.3 Victorys 100.92 Registered bonds $1 per 100 un der above prices. lOc 28c 28c 29c SOc Blue Rose, bulk, 3 for 25c 1HT RE These marKjsts and rected dally by P. W. Dehner Grain "Merchant, Member Chlea go of Trade.

No. 5. Paul Helen Phone 1180. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET HOGS-Receipts 22,00 Market fairly active, steady to lOc higher, mostly 6c highe Top $10-8 Bulk of sales Heavy weights 10.15-- 10.5C Medium weights 10.40-- 10.7 Light lights 10.60-- 10.S Lights 10.25--10.7 Packing sows smooth 9.50-- 9.S Packing sows rough 0.25-- 9.CC Pigs strong, lOc higher 9.50-- ,10.6 Estimates for tomorrow 20,00 CATTLB-- Receipts H-00 beef stears slow, about 1NO. Vs HJT No.

2:30 P. M. No. IS--Daily Ex. Sun 7:55 P.

M. 'Freights carrying ROCK ISLAND RANCH (Burliftgton Street Station) South 4o. 423--Daily Ex. Sun 4:00 P. M.

423--Daily Ex. Sun 8:30 A. Nfo, 427-Daily Ex. Sun. Arrive, stop 8:25 P.

M. No. 428-Daily Ex. Sun 8:45 A. M.

Vo 424--Daily Ex. Sun 6:56 P. M. lo. 426-Dally Ex.

Sun. Arrive, stoo A. C. R. 1- C.

RAILWAY (Interurbanj daily at 6:10. 7:30, and 'iSUvV Daily at 12:00 2:55, 4:30. :00, 8:10. 9:35 and 11:15 P. Leave Dally Ex.

ai. CHICAGO FUTURE GRAIN Open High Close WHEAT-- 13114 119 113 113 May Sept 112 CORN-May uly FOR SALE--Four best varieties home grown strawberry plants, $1.00 per 100. Pure Barred Rock hatching SKKS "S4.00 per 100. Some Toulouse seese and Pekin duck Henry Horn, Oxford, Route 1. Hesidence on Black Diamond road.

Phone Frendale. A nl DIRT--For the hauling. Call Immediately if wanted. Phone B1551. FOR SALE--7 ft.

split oak posts. '0 cents each. W. A. Young, North Liberty.

4-7x FOR SALE--6 cylinder touring -car. Excellent condition. A bargain at $80000. Phone Black 2441. 3-28tf National check book containing money and papers.

Phone Red 749. 4-S Cisterns cleaned with or without removing water. Phone Black '448. 4-12X 1 WANTED--Office rooms. Black 699.

Carpenter and general repair work. Phone 2160. 4-10x FOR RENT WANTED--Gardens to plow. Also general team work. Phone 2647.

5-3 WANTED--To clean cisterns, and carry ashes. "Work guaranteed. Emil room. Close in. Mucka, 901 No.

Dodge. A-I2 FOR RENT-- Rooms for men. Close No. Linn. 4-12x TM furnished Red 1850.

4-Ss WANTED--Plain Capitol. sewing. 510 S. 4-12x JOB' WANTED--Cisterns- cleaned or repaired, trees trimmed and cut down, plaster patching', mason work. Phone nn'j'j d-97-v JJtO.

H-IA FOR RENT-- Modern room for two men close In. Call Black 1845 between 9 and 11 a. m. 4-i FOR RENT Furnished Phone Red 1735. room.

4-5tf PAPER HANGING--J. Phone Black 1552. Beeson. 5-lx FOR SALE--Worlds seed corn at $2.00 per bushel. John Summerhay, Tiffin, la.

3-25tf sell woolens by the yard. Lowest prices. Widest selection west of Chicago. on spring suit or chat. By City Peterson's, S-Stf FOR SALE-Wood, block and cord.

W. S. West. Phona Black 930. 10-20tf FOR SALE-Berry plants and srape ines.

S. D. Whiting. l-26tr vines. FOR SALE--Several good building lots to East Iowa City.

Phone Black 930. 12-Wtr FOR SALE-Good Oak cord wood, $8.50 delivered. Phone 108. 2-20tf FOR SALE--R. C.

Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. $1.00 per set- tins- Mrs. Art Jones. Grey U20. 62 GIRLS WANTED FOR SATURDAY APR.

1 8. WOOLWORTH 5 lOc STORE. TrnT? SALE--Wood, block or HlvardTphone Red 1213. 8-lTtt per No. SALE--Barred Rock eggs.

tl.00 setting. Mrs Fred R- 3. 1509-3. April-22x FOR 'SALE-S. C.

W. Leghorn e-4a Tom Barron stock. 75c "-1 Black 1220. 3-24 FOR SALE--Phonograph records. Phone 2471.

FOR SALE--White 51 3-25tf Leghorn eggs FOR SALE--lowar seed oats. Also 103 All recleaned. A. W. Kadera, Iowa City, Iowa, R.

No. 4-10 FOR SALE--Perfection oil stove. 4-hole with retained he'at oven, $25.00. S20 E. Burlington.

3-28tf FOR SALE--Early seed potatoes at Johnson Co. Home. 4-10 FOR SALE--Chevolet touring car, 1920. Completely overhauled. Inquire Parks Transfer.

i 8-23tf FOR SALE--Imported Tom Barren White Leghorn for hatching. 200 egg strain. Mrs. W. Morgan, 1130 Kirkwood Ave.

Phone 1475 3-14tf FOR SALE--Barred Rock and S.C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, $5 per hundred. $1.50 per 15 eggs. Mrs. Earl Fry.

Phone Black 1272. April 13X FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--6 roolm house. All modern and sleeping porch. Reasonable terms. Address 343 Press-Citizen.

4-10x any WANTED Plastering, work; by'job, day, or yard. Red 17S1. cement Phone 4-7x ROOF LEAK PAINT best for metal roofs. Stops leaks. Stops rust.

Let tne figure your Job. Red 252, after 6 P. -M. 3-lotf HEMSTITCHING- and picoting. Mrs.

Margaret Wiese, 8 West Pren- FOR RENT--Sorority house, close in. Possession September first. J. B. Baschnagel.

4-11. FOR S13 Muscatine, Ave. 4 10 FOR RENT--Newly furnished front room for one or two. E. College.

Reasonable. Phone Black 2637. 4-4tI tis St Phone 2433. 3-20tf PAINTER and PAPER HANGER-W. S.

Brown, Phone 1503--5. 3-13tf haul. Black 1384. and- rubbish to l-9tf WALL PAPER CLEANED, Walls tinted, paper hanging, painting. Phone Red 252 after 6 P.

M. Frank Farr. 3-4 tf PLUMBING AND and repairing. O. GreazeL Phone Red 1818.

ll-ltl WANTED--Dressmaking. Dubudue. 512 So. WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED--Housekeeper, for a fraternity. Phone 597.

x4-ix FOR SALE: Modern houses, part ol the city. J- B- Baschnagel. WANTED--Girls in flat work department. Apply, -New Process Laundry. TOR SALE--Si5t room house, furnace bath, electric lights, 'garage.

"West Side. $3500.00, also five new- modern houses in Manville on very "WANTED Dressmaking. Reasonable. Phone 2147. April 28 HELP WANTED -FOR RENT--Modern room.

Also garage. 419 Iowa Ave. Black 2155.4-Ss: FOR RENT--i modern unfurnished light Housekeeping rooms. No children. 411 No.

Phone 146J 4-Ss FOR RENT--Two down stairs unfurnished modern rooms. Outside entrance. $25 per month. Phone Red 1102 after 6 P. M.

4-ltt FOR RENT--Large furnished house. 303-No. Capitol. 3-2Stf FOR RENT--Modern room. Linn.

Phone 1740. 527 N. FOR RENT--Furnished room. Close In. Phone Grey 545 after 7 P.

M. 4-6 FOR RENT--Nice room. Phone Red 1838. 3-25tf easy terms, tor. J.

R. Baschnagel, Real- 4-10 WANTED--Farm-Help; Haimerle Agency. City-Help. 3-4tf SALE--Heifer calf. Phone 4-7 "WANTED--Middle aged man to FOR SALE--Four room partly mod- work on farm at County, Home.

4-10 ern cottage. Priced to sell. Cash or -hand tornr? care Press-Citizen. ANTED--Farm hand. terms.

m. 3 3Uf st Inquire 1026 3-201 FOR RENT--Nice room for 1 or 2 la'dies, with Mrs. Lizzie Carson. E. College Modern.

St. 3-25tf FOR RENT-- 'odern furnished room. Some housekeeping Phone 1496. 3-lotf for WITH OUR FARMERS NEWS OF INTEREST.TO THE RURAL BUSINESS MEN WHO PRODUCE THE NATION'S WEALTH COMMENTS BY ADAMS Special Correspondent Press-Citizen It looks like it would be a late spring. The winter which was so mild all through did nut merge with an equally mild early spring.

There will be no oats sown in 'ohnson county this March and way -weather indications now point, few will be in the ground hy April 10. Of course a few days warm" sun and drying wind can work wonders in improving the but at this date, March 30, chances for early seeding are pooiO A oat crop is more nearly assured by early March seeding than when sown later. Put in early, they develop and usually ripen ahead of the hot, riid- July weather. seed oats are seldom as heavy or yield as well the early seeded oats. The cold weather too, is holding back all vegetation, which as regards the fruit buds is perhaps a v-fry jood thing.

We are all. hoping a crop of fruit of various kinds summer and the later buds remain dormant, the the chance of escaping the spring frosts. A late spring means a hurry up job of work up till the time corn planting is finished. With oat seeding out of the way time is left tXr pjowing and preparirs corn ground till May fiist comes and it is soon time to plant corn The" man is indeed fortunate In such a spring who has plenty horses so that the work can be pushed to the limitr So too is he vrt'o has a tractor unifss tho soil be unusually wet. The tractor farmer more even than the horse farmer must needs play the game of watchful waiting.

Watch and wait your time, then strike hard and make every hour count, when the proper time comes. The farmers daily routine'is not one along flowery paths of ease these muddy days. As soon as he sets foot out of doors, almost, he is in mud, soft, vicious stuff that sticks Hike glue and make? the task of choring anything but an unalloyed pleasure. It plays a two-fold game against the farmer, but making It doubly hard to walk about and do the chores and by dirtying up the barns arid hog houses with the mud carried in on farm This makes frequent cleanings and much dry bedding necessary. few weeks "With the roads 'succession of yet built can successfully negotiate them at present.

Indeed, it often taxes the strength of a staunch farm-team to get through with a light load." So present conditions. How long will farmers, he content with them as they, are before they themselves Strike lor. Improvement. The ones most yitally interested in our rural highways are farmers living along them. They are the ones who suffer the inconveniences, the economic loss of poor wgrk.

Just as soon as they 'feel know the need for bet' terment, just that soon and no" we have all-the-year- round roads. It is up to the farmers themselves. As long as they are content to sit In the mud, or along it, which same thing, we have mud" blockades as at present. The farmer. Is working under many burdens at the present time.

Hard roads do not find as ready a response In rural'audiences as they might. Some day, perchance, before we are all old and gray headed, we may arrive at our economic condition out of which -will grow a desire to better road conditions and put the means in Grain Corporation for 360,000 bushels of seed corn for use in Russia. The corn was to be grown in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin, Northern Iowa and Nebraska. It is to be bagged 2 1-2 bushels to the bag, 144,000 bags will be required to take, care of the orfler and over 300 cars will be necessary-, to take it to Baltimore for motor loading The entire ment mUSt holes, no motor Anvil 20. as ship side before April 20.

carg haye already amounts to the will continue to gone forward. Rome, Iowa, April Swailes of this town is boasting that he has the goose that lays the largest goose eggs -in Tfte world. It has just provided him with an egg that" tips the scales at 12 ounces, measures nine lit ches in circumference at the sides and 12 inches about the ends. Swailes issues a challenge to owners of other geese to show him an egg to equal this. FOR RENT--One double room? girls.

Immediate FL Red 560. 619 E. Burlington. 2-13tf FOR -RENT--Furnished apartment $60 per month. 32S Brown St.

2-9tr -NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL State of Iowa, Johnson In the District Court. POST OFFICE NOTICE j.n tne t. The postoffice Ui open the entire 24 To all whom it may concern-: hours for the accommodation of those I Notice is hereby given that on the who wish access to the boxes and to 30 day of April A. D. 13--, at a deposit stamped mail.

A. an instalment purport- General delivery, -stamp window, in to be the last Will and Testa- post windows are open from ment of Anna Haman late of sam parcel 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. cepted.) m.

(Sundays ex- CountyT deceased, will come on for hearing beforeXthe District: Court.for A I 1 I Registered, money order and postal tne r0 of and admission of same to savings departments open from 7:30 pro bate. STORM AT HYAMS (By Associated 1 NATCHITACHES, April 5-A storm struck Hyams six miles above here late yesterday destroying thirteen tenement houses, and wre-cking eight others, it was learned today. This cloudy, damp, chilly weather Is exceedingly hard on the spring pig crop. Mud is so prevalent everywhere that the old sow can hardly be turned out to get the necessary exercise for the health df herself and pigs. Feed lots have almost no bottom and pastures W9Uld socn turn to soft mud "also with a little tramping.

So the sow.and pigs are generally kept housed up, but at the expense of thtJr Winter is showing up fine after the early ra'ns and a few days warm Tt apparently has suffeie'l little from the dry, of January and February. The same can be of clover, which litUp except two-year-old fieMs, has been winter-killed. With the ndvenf of warm weather soon grass will take- a great start as the sod- is well supplied with moistura, only needing a little warmth to spur it The Pleasant Valley Farm Bureau will hold its regular monthly meeting on Friday evening, April steady, top yearlings $9.25 into speedy growth. It is a'most a wonder sometimes it that stock can thrive at all amid our hands with which to do it. the mud with which they are sur- rounded.

Cement floors, around feed banks, in barns', help INTERESTING NOTES I some but even these are engulfed in the universal deluge of mud. They have of (Jesert regions, hence Iowa should surely be a very fruitful place, judging by the quantity and quality of her mud. No treatise on Iowa mud, not even by. a farmer, would be complete without mentioning her delightful springtime highways, so- Roads are supposed to act as channels on' which rural business passes to and fro. They time over to the passage of mud and water in them, however.

Few farmers indeed, out unless urgent business calls them to drive forfh. has spveral years since the hum of the motor car has been so long absent from our rural highways as during the past are channel at the prff- all right, 7. County Engineer Fischer has promised to meet with us and will answer any question' pertaining to the work of his office, also the work of the highway commission. Everybody cordially Invited to attend. This should prove a very Interesting and instructive meeting.

A good program 5s being prepared. W. S. Hill, president of tho South Dakota Fjrm Bureau Federation, informs the American Farm Bureau Federation that the Dakota improved Seed company of Mitchell has, received an order from the Russian Relief Commis- LOOK! A Woodrow Electric Washing Machine For Sale vAt a Bargain Almost New Phone 121 A To the Voters and Tax Payers of Johnson County, T. M.

Fairchild of Iowa City announces his candidacy for nomination for the office of county attorney on the democratic ticket, subject to the primary election on June 5th, and as evidence of his qualification to render efficient service and reduce the expenses of the office to the lowest economic basis consistent with efficient service, states that he commenced the practice of law in this county twenty-six years ago, and held the office of county attorney during the four years from 1003 to 1907, thereby being qualified by long ex perienco to properly nnd economically conduct the office. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Scaled bids will be received at the office of the County Auditor, Ed. Snlek, lo-wa City, -Iowa, until 1'30 o'clock P. M.

April 18th, 3022, and opened at that time for corrugated culverts. All material -will bo in accordance -with the Iowa Highway Commission specifications covering tho item bid upon. 2. A certified check for five per cent (5 per cent) of bid. made payable to county auditor shall be filed with each bid.

which, in the case of tho bidder (or bidders) receiving the award, should ho fail to execute a contract and fllo a bond withi.i ten (10) days after the acceptance of his hid shall be forfeited to the county as liquidated damages. 3. All bids must be on the rcsrular form furnished by the county, sealed and plainly marked Any changes madn tn this form or anv thereto, mny -cause the rejection of tho bid No bid will be considered wh.ich contains a clause In which the contractor tbp ripht to accept or reject a contract awarded him bv the Board. 4. Tho counlv reserves the risht to waive defects and to reject any or all bid 1 5.

Tenders will be received on 5t.iO lineal feet Clnss A Corrugated B. Ton tractor, will be paid In county warrants drawn against current ED SULEK. County Auditor. i PROBATE NOTICE State of Iowa, County of Johnson, ss. In tho District Court of Johnson County.

Notice Is hereby Riven tr all persons interested, that the Final Report of A. L. Ilicbcr and Win. fliebcr as A i i a of theEs- tate of Gottlieb 1 tidier, deceased, will come on for final hearing 1 nnd approval in the District Court of Johnson County, Town, on the day of April 1M2, at o'clock A. nt -i-B.

P. a m. to 6 p. m. (Sunday's excepted.) Treasury certificates may be pur- chased at postmaster's office from ij a.

m. to 5:00 p. Ail service windows are closed Sun- "sp'eclal delivery mail is delivered from 7 a. m. to 10 p.

m. (including Sunday.) After 7:30 p. m. and until 9 p. the sale of stamps, parcel post, registered mail and money order services will be supplemented at Station No 1.

drus store, Clinton and Washington streets. After p. m. and until closing hour, stamps paicel post and money order service only (no registered) will be given. On Sundays all of above service can be obtained at Whetstone's during their busisness hours.

On Sundays collections In the business section will Be made as specified on the boxes and mails will be dispatched from the postoffice as often as Sunday trains offer opportun- ty. Towa Iowi, April 5, A0 C. F. BENDA, Clerk District Court. A.

Korab, Attorney. 4-" 1 Fitzpatrick Glaspey Auctioneers BUSINESS NOTICES ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW GEORGE BALL. LAWYKR-- 'rautlce in State and Federal Courts. Phone 119. ABSTRACT AND TITLE A I I Abstract DMLL W.

BALTj--Mnnntrer. County Savings Bank Bids. I A DIRECTORY DR. LOLA CLARK MIGHELL--20 -2 So Clinton Phona 931. Hours 2 to 6 Sundays 5 td 6.

OSTEOPATHY DR. M. L. CLEVELAND, Osteopathic Physician. Phone- Black 252 or Black 12SS.

CHIROPRACTOR Leave Your op Pain at CLINGMANS' CHIROPRACTORS Crescent Block Iowa City JOHNS KLEIST, Licensed chiropractors. Pho. R. IS55. Paul-Helen Bldg.

MRS. M. BECK--Chiropractor. Phono 92. Corner Cap.

and College. DENTAL. 01 RECTORY sion trtroftgh the United States A.dv. 4-7x W. L.

SCHENCK--Iowa City which time and place any pfton in- I state Bids Phone 196i. crested may appear and file cxcop- -Hong, find show cause why said report should not bo approved. WITNESS my hnnd nnd scnl of the District Court this 3 day of April, A. of Court Johnson County. in and fnr INFIRMARY-COLLEGE Of DEN- Open for Clinical Service koursi 10-12 A.

M. 1 to 5 P. M. dally. A OFFICER OKFICER--For 1357, SPAPFRf NFWSPAPFK!.

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