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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY, APRII, 30, 19-10 BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COUIUEn NEWS PAGE THREE THE NATION TODAY Health of 29,000,000 an Issue In Bill Before Congress to Aid Children in Each of 48 States By James Marlow WASHINGTON, April 30. nbout the health or the 000,000 children between the ages ol 5 and 17 in this country? If they have physical defects that arc found and treated they cti grow into healthy men and women. Otherwise, their lives arc marred. The Senate this week and is expected lo approve, a bill giving the states to help them set up child health This won't become law, ol course, unless the House also approves It at later date in this session. But this is the thinking of the number of Democrats and have combined to push the bill: The.v figure in llil.s country there are perhaps 7 million children with bad tonsils or adenoids; 4,000.000 with eye defects; 1.000.000 with car defects; 500,000 with rheumatic fever; with epilepsy; and 500.000 with other ailments.

In making a report on the bill, the senators say it has been estimated that T5 per cent of all school children need sonic denial care. Periodic health examinations are needed to discover their ills and Ret them treatment so ihniv iron- I tan be cured ov checked About 30 of the 1H states now provide medical examinations or inspections of their children Present Programs IIKI derma te In some of the there Eire examinations every year, in onlv every three or four vears. The health services for school children vary widely in thoroughness and effectiveness. Why? Not enough money in smno slates lo a good or better job. This is true in most nf the states, the senators report.

They say: In many area-, and particularly (hose with low incomes and numbers of children, (lie "prevailing school health programs, if any, are crossly inadequate." Well, what can be done a I) nut It? The-senators want the states to develop programs to give examinations in all schools, public nnd parochial, where It can be done at reasonable, cost. And, further, they want the slntos to provide treatment for free For mental and physical ill: whenever Ihc parents can't afford to pay. States Must Provide Funds In World War IT, Selective "nrv- Ice records show, about 5 30 per cent of all those physically, mentally or emotionally unable to meet the standards of the armed forces.i 'How would the monev bo spent? To set the full $35,000.000 provided for under this bill, the states woXdrt have to put up at least OQfl.OOO of their own money. Not all states would receive the same amount of government help. The richer ones, better able to afford Rood health programs, would receive a smaller nercentapc of government money than the poor ones.

For example; the richest states would have to match the covcrn- rnonb money given them for dollar. Tiiis would be a 50-50 arrangement. But the federal government woytd Russian 'Cold 1 Moves Into English Language SPRINGFIELD, April i'O Russian "cold" has moved into the English language. The Men latn Company, publishers of Webster's Dictionary, announced yesterday that in their newest collegiate edition this meaning is credited to as in cold wnr." Out of the Soviet, too. the editors have come such words "Comniform" and "party line." Britain's Winston Churchill Is i ted nth "iron curtain." There arc some 15,000 new word or new meanings for old words in the new collegiate.

Editor Hubert Kclsey reported. Many of the new words arc war- from its use in racial inrt "Schnorkel," the submarine device and many other reflect the new language of television, atomic phy- and medicine. Associate Editor Anne M. Dris- coH said slang "has to work long and hard" for dictionary recojt- nitkm. But recognized in this edition that word of warning from young romance in on the 30 day of June, 1950.

HusselL Mnrr, Applicant. Subscribed nnd sworn to belorc me this 28 day of April, 1049. Elizabeth MtiAoii. iSBAL) Notary Public My commission 4-28-50 Notice of Filing of for l.lquur t'rrniil Not lire is hereby given Hint tho undersigned Uus with Hie Commissioner of Revenues of the State of Arkansas lor permit to sell and dispense vinous or spirituous liquors for beverage at retail on the premises described as 109 South limi Blythcvllle. Arkansas.

Application is for permit to be ued for operation beginning on the day of July, 1049, and to expire on I tie 30 day of June. 1950. Russell K. Marr, Applicant. If someone tells you there's no such thing as left-hand cup, flip this out for barroom belling SiiK-e the handle was put tin left of (he giuird of this old- fashioned must ache kind granddad used to keep cof- teo stums oIT his handlebar can only be used in the left hand.

Must ached nnd Irfl- handcd Dave Wolaver the novelty a try It was mndc in Salem. in honor ol California's Voiiy-Nincr Centennial. 700 Jonesboro Go Out on Wage Strike NOTICK Notice Is hereby given that the underpinned has filed with the Commissioner of Revenues of Ihc State ol Arkansas for permit to sell and dispense beer at reull on the prc- nises described as Oil Mill Road. Blythcvllle. Mississippi County.

The imdiTfilKiuKl that he a citizen of Arkansas, of good noral L'hnrncler, that he hus never Jeen convicted of felony or other I'rinic involving monil turpitude; no license to sell beer by the been revoked within five years last past, nnd (lint the undcr.sinned has never been nmvlctt'd of violating (he laws ol this stale, or any other stntc. relative (o sale of alcoholic IkpiotH. Application Is for permit to be Issued for operation un the 1 day of July, 1940, and to expire on the 30 day of June, 1050. Joseph Leonard. Applicant.

Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this day of April. 1049. Mrs. Marshall Notary Public. My CummKsion expires: 3-9-5'J.

Sheriff of Union County Heads Officers' Group ROCK, April Union County Sheriff O. E. Bishop was elected president of the Arkansas Peace Officers Association. He was named at the association's convention here to succeed Sheriff Tom Gulley, Pulaski County. Other officers: secretary-treasurer.

State Parole Officer Asa McCord; first vice president. Orville Swope, Game and Fish Commission supervisor al Mammoth Spring; second vice president. Harold Hunter, north Little Rack detective; third vice president, Logan Countj Sheriff Pete Carter. The association authorized a committee to study insurance plans for iis members. DAV Told to Protest Hospital Space Decline HARRISON.

April American Veterans tolrl yoslprclny to protest RIIV downward rex'ision of hospital for ex-snrviceincn. E. W. Mays. Little Rock, jnnio- vice-commander of the nntiona put up S3 for every $1 in the poorest i DAV sni lowering the number stales.

This would be a 75-25 arrangement. After finishing this ild health bill, the Senate expects to consider and pass a bill giving S300.COO.OOO a year of government money to help the states do better job of educating their children. Secretary? ids available to veteran "threatens" the entire medical habilitntion program. lie was one the guest speakers at a conventioi of the Arkansas Department DAV being held here. With the Courts Chancery: Victo'- M.

Craig v.s. Clara T. Craig -suit for divorce. Circuit: M. A Safran Corporation Fraukliu B.

Spencer et al, suit I roller-' S226.30 on account. Dee Bunch and Service Fire II Company v.s. D. CatTale an Compnny. suit to recover $250 fo dmnagc in accident.

Marriage Licenses The following couples obtainc inaniacc at the office Eiiziibcth Blythc. County clerl yestrrriny: Clyde and Mrs. Emma Gio- vcr. of Bythevile. Tom Miller of Lcachville and Miss McAdams of Blylhevillc.

JOXESliORO, April 30. ore 100 prixluctiun employes the rierce-Williams Basket Corn- any here luivc left their jobs lalntr dispute. Joliu l.indley. vice president of nil FL-affiliated union locnl, said injiloyes want per cent wane icreasc aiui unspecified chanyes In conditiotis. Lindley suit! tile company woulcl- 't negoliate.

Manager Hinifh iiid the company wouldn't attempt operate now. me this dny nf Apill, Muson, (SKAL) Notary Public My Commission expires: 4-28-50. Nonce Notice Is hereby given Unit the undersigned hus Illed with the Commissioner ol Revenues ol tile ol Ai-kitiisiu (01 permit to sell and dispense IX'Ci at retail on the premises described as R. F. 15.

2. I.pacli- vlllc, Mississippi County. The undersigned stnies that he a clllzci) ol Arkansas, of KOod mora character. Hint he lias never been convicted of A felony or olhpi crime Involving munil turliltiKti-; (lint mi leense to sell Ueci by thy undersigned luis been revoked wltliin (Ive years last past; and thnt Hie imderslitncd lins never been cun- vlcled of vlolatiiiR the IKSV.S ol lhl.s slate, or aji.vJ,.oWlci Mate, rrlntlvr to the liquors. penult to or issued foV' beginning on the 1st O'lrty.

104i'. und to expire on I lie day of June 1 1050. Hnljeit MaiiRium, Applicant and sworn to before me this 29 day of April. 1(140. Elizabeth Mtison, (SKAL) Mutiny I'ubllc My Commissiuii expires: -1-28-50, tins with the Coin- inlssloncr Revcmi.s ol the titnlv Arkiin.san for permU to si'll and dispense vinous or spliliuous II- rs for beveruge ut retail on tho premises described is 105 K.

Third SI reel. Ix-uchvlllc, Arkansns. Appllciillon Is for permit to be sui'd for operation beginning on the 1 day o( July, 1(140. nnd to expire on ihc day of Juno. 11150.

li. W. Uislioff 11. H. Thurmond, Appllonnt.

FOR SALE 12 incD to inch, pluln nr reenlum-d Also L'oncri'tr HullilhiR cheap t'r than lumlx-i fur harns chicken houses, pump IIOUNCS, tcimnl nmiM'v deliver Call us (or free estimate OSCEOLA TILE CULVERT CO. THE GRAXFS COMPAVi vi i Real F-tdti Mnrlooije Loiin- Phone 521 30751 N'oHrc of Tiir Nolk'o Ls of l.lquor hereby given that the rfay 11 With 1'MuwtTb NOTICK Notice is hereby given that the nidcrsigned has filed with the Commissioner of Revenues of Hie State Arkansas for permit to sell and beer at retail on the prc- nises rie.scribcti as 105 K. Third Leachville, Mississippi County. The unclcrsignctl states thai he Is citizen of Arkansas, of good moral character, thai he has never been convicted of a fplo or other crime moral turpitude; that no icenses to sell beer by the undersigned hus been revoked ulthin five years last past; nnci that the undcr- ned has tiever been convicted of violating the laws of this or any other relative to the sale of alcoholic, Application Is tor permit to be issued for operation beginning on the 1 day of July, 1949, and to expire on the 30 day of June. 1950.

R. W. Bishoff. H. H.

Thurmond, Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of April, 1049. John E. Beardcn, (SEAL) Notary Public My Commission expires; 2-17-51. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned 1ms with the Commissioner of Revenues of the State of Arkansas for permit to sell and dispense beer nt vet nil ou the premises described as Hip Lake Grocery. Highway 18, Rt.

1, Manila, Mississippi County. The undersigned stales that he Is citizen ol Arkansas, of good moral Jm meter, that he uns never been onvicted of felony or other crime nvolving moral turpitude: tlm 1 no i leense to -sell beer by the untlcr- igned has been revoked within live 'ears lust past; tincl that thc-un- Icrsigncd has never been convicted I violating the laws oi this state, any other slate, relative lo the ale of alcoholic liquors. Application Is for permit to be ssued for operation bcg'nnlnfi on Ihc 1st day of July. 1(149. and lo ex- jiirc on the 30 day oi lurjc 1950 C- R- Brook.i, Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before THE FLOWER SHOP Icncoo ilulliUnK I'lionc 441)1 or 2747 A new sole, to youi worti aoles tipplled by us menus ilouiilo wear besides lootwcar Ihut 13 ic.nlly nood H-flLTCRS UflLITY SHOP 121 a I ST, Jonathan Daniels, above, 47, editor of Ihn Raleigh.

N. News and Observer and son of the Inle Josephus Daniels, former Secretary of the Navy, has been mentioned as a possible successor to retiring Navy Secretary John L. SvilUvan. Daniels formerly served as one of President Truman's secretaries. Xntirr of Filing 1 nf Application For 1-kjHor I'crniU Notice is hereby given thnt thn undersigned has filed will) the Commissioner of Revenues of the State of Arkansas for permit to sell and disprnse vinous or spirituous Uquor.s for at retail on the premises described as 109 South Division Street, Blytheville.

Arkansas. Application is for permit to be is- sut'ri for upcTfltion oeginin'ng on the day of July. 1949, and to cxpne on the 30 day of June. 1950 B. S.

Simmons, Applicant. NOTICE Notice is hereby Bivcn that the undersigned has filed with the Coru- n.issloucr of Revenues of the State of Arkansas for permit to sell and dispense beer at retail on the premises described as 109 South 2nd. Blytheville. Mississippi County. The undersigned states that he la a citizen of Arkansas, ot Rood moral character, tlint he lias never been convicted of felony or other crime involving morn) turpitude; thnt no license to sell beer the undersigned has been revoked within five years last past; and tlmt the under- i i has never been convicted ol violating the laws of this state, or any other state, relative to uie sale of alcoholic liquors.

Application is for permit to be issued for operation beginning on the 1 day of July, And to ex- THRILLS! Sec a Man Ride on tho Wing of an Airplane! See Daring Aerial Acrobatics! See a Parachute Jump! SEE THE 4 COLE BROS. AIRSHOW SUNDAY 3:00 P. M. Blytheville Air Base Entertainment Begins at 12:00 Noon Air Base Bus Runs from 1:00 to 2:30 ADMISSION $1.00 DON'T FORGET; RADIO REPAIR I mill 'J-Day Service on Any Make or Reliable Wofkmanship Phone 2642 We Cull l'Vr itml Deliver. Fred Calliiian U'vlricnl Appliiuu-e Co.

Autluinml Motorola Sales Service So. 1st. SI, I Have At All Times For Safe su vi! nil tractors and equipment, I used I huve John both new HI Deere. I'd rn nciUe.s. I Ir.u-torj.

and ill, Ford and other ttv huve new Ford fo? rulers' price. 1 will ili'llvt'ry at Irnilo Inr luvc. can arranged. Sec F. C.

CROWE I mill- siiiuh ol Open Business Service That's Our Motto! We spare no ellurl In providing an EXTRA everyday prescription service which means extra convenience to vou Keel (ree to can on us at any time Prompt delivery service Phone 507 WOODS DRUG STORE Fresh Dressed Hens Fryers Fresh Country Eggs For Sale at All Times RENTACAR IJnvc Anywhere Ynu Please Phone 937 Simpson Oil Co. We Also I'ay TOP MARKET PRICES For Live Poultry Commercial Dressing Solicited Johns Produce Pho.4107 W. H'waylg Tht SKCRET of Rothrock's EXPERT Prescription Service Rothrock Drug Co. PHONE 4451 Rollison Lumber Co. NORTH 10th ST.

AND CAMP MOULTRIE DRIVE Arkansas and Mississippi Yellow Pine One Board or Truck Loads OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT IF WI DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WE WILL GET IT 0. S. ROLLISON Kenl a (jiiiieni lor Color Pictures Tim litrul In ifiui'inlicT sprrliil omisloilK. Also ulhi'i- Ijiiv.s lit ruiii- t'nis for rent. BARNEY'S DRUG STORE HOlHi W.

Main I'linnc I1IM7 BEN WHITE SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS MAIM OFFICE NORTH TENTH Phone 3151 RESIDENCE PHONE FURNITURE REBUILDING I I'lii) House of Ctinrrn really make ynnr prescnl tllr- nlturo iiBiiin! U'c offer truly superior utirkuun- .1 wrallli ol upholstery TiilirtcH nt evi-ry level ninl 1C) ikiy -n-rvlLC. Call for a free rsllniiite, House Oi Charm Ilmnilc Di'iil Keiup Wlilscnliunl Slain riuinc'R: or -I WJ Electronic PIANO TUNING Ihivo your piano tuned the liurOct way. Radio Repair AM-FM-Tclcvision 1C very Jith Guaranteed Music Itndios Ituconis Everything in BROOKS MUSIC STORE 107 E. Main Tel. 811 MODERNE BEAUTY SHOP fur mci Iv llfMitty Shop Viciccnt Marie ttntlrry I'nynntic UNIFORM Headquarters Baseball Softball Gel Our Prices TAX! and TRUCK DRIVERS UNIFORMS All Colors Gabardine $12.95 HUDSON Clconer-Clothicr-Tailor No more sleepless nights when you have a Coolair Kan FHA terms.

Ask for installation esti- mate. NOW! BUILDERS SUPPLY Inc. M. 1'casc J. Wilson Henry Sonlh Highway 61 Plioiic 2434.

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