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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 2

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MIL QALVIM TO from Bottom society Mr. of waa treated to Mrs. Thomas unent of ef Probably the smet detailed and report of tbe dosen to the Legislature this oasoe from the Bureau of Stalls- tint taftmutkm ol ot which Mr. Cbartet j. Fox is chief and Mr.

Prank Armlger assistant. This In the eighteenth aanull Joseph BaKftnpre. Samuel Wit- Mies Galvln prominent In Boston society. a millionaire florist and Menqeij dtj pol- several Uwet been for mayor, but to make" the riin. He 1a a of aereral cluba and matp- home in Brook- Mica CalrJn met Mr.

WlUoufh- attendinc St. Joaeph's Col, EtnmlteburK. Md. 'Really, I do care to discuss my ount woman said. 'It is true shall be married early in June.

1 will probably make my Baltimore, but I bare noto- to say about it. In fact, 1 am Mr. WlUoujfbby would not be to kave me talk about the MIaa GalTin well known In Fred been the gueat of Misa B. Ronrback, wbq wilt leave the part pf May for Boston, where will be one Miss Calvin's esmaids. wotr--; wedding was solemoieed on 126.

at p. by Dr. P. D. tabr- at Us residence on Bast'Church tbe contracting parties being MlM Brengfo, daughter of Mr.

and Etoer Brengle, of this city, and John W. Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mn. H. Wolf, of Union Bridge, Md.

was attractively attired in a I of tray, with hat and gloves to are ver popular JIM well-known ytfubg people, having a. host of friends, both in Frederick and flntoo Bridge, who extend beat wishes. The groom to etaployed an stenographer at the Ox Fibre Brush They will reside at 212 Bast Fifth street. KAILIKO--CIIHn. Miat Margaret V.

Crebar.daughter of Mr. Prank Grebe, of this dry, waU quietly married on March 36, at noon, at York. tojfr. EUner C. Railing, also of this performed at vQU tVO ihoff.

On their rt- Batpbaft Oamaa. of ball at Athletic fterday afrernpon between the rA. teem and Frederick acoond lilted In a victory for the Reau- 14 to2. The Heffutan batted bard and fielded in great style. Thf tatties made by the second team eatna in the eighth inning after the Reg.

ulan let up. with the game in hand. The.score by taoioga was; Y.M.C.A 1 0 1 1 4 1 2 4 0-1 KredTc Seconds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-Three-base hits--Peaater, 2: Crouse. Twofcaee bite Nallln, Bisenhauer Scbreeder. Stolen bases- Boyle.

Git- tlortr.2; Kennedy, NaStp. Matobe, Thomas, Slaughter. out--By Lease, 0. sWoa balls-Off Lease. 2.

Bit by Umpire Ledge- wegftjr Scorer--DOT. Merchant, one of the of tbe rMuUirteani, arrived this troraiic from WaiWngton and go into p.Aotiee, at once. swell's hone-run in the seventh with tbe bases enabled, toe and School to win tbe Bra of the season with the Young MetfliChrutian Association Juniors yes- by the score ol 10 to 15. The rwas played on the Maryland School and was witnessed by a large Schley, Hudson and Caahow best stickwork for tbe Young; iristian Association, while Fox Moore and Bull led ia nits rtend School. Under tbe bead "Cost of Living" the resort by tab gtven aver- prices to UiJngtoo Market the year at nod that go tft tkblt, of the Of uw ify enumerated, "aa.lpV qvif ahow a "sttgbt Increased and "remain the sape." By another table ia shown "the average, pricef ascertained from M9 groooriM all of the dty of Bftltitbore OB.

a mndlum quality of food 1 Of S6 at(tck'8 cited, S6 Increase" over W08: show "a and the prlcwj of. 4 In tbe opinion of tbo bureau, "the cause of condiUona seems to. be largely with tie or those, who come botwoqn toe, producer. 'the cqnsumer. Thia statement is by cnor- moua dlfferefce the pidd to the farmer 'pr producer and that by tho to the dealer." Turning.

th-n, to Iho of income, tbe report continues: "While we ore, unable to give the figures from tbe records of tbe bureau wages for the same period of time as that for which the cost of living Is given, there seems to'be no doubt that practically no advance has been iija'UC In the wages received by unorganized labor, such an clerks, salesmen, bookkeepers, etc. while those of akllled or organised labor have been qiighUy "The average wagta of laborers in 11)09 were theji $400. and a number of those who are classed skilled mechanics show an average of than $600. while some of those skilled in certain trades, and by thorough organization have been able to increase their earnings, but not In proportion to the, increased cost of living, which has been forced upon the laboring classes during the pant decade, by economic changes, over which they had no control, and which make It Impossible for them to maintain their families as they formerly did. By this Is meant the advance In prices of those articles that go to make up the family budget, and not the change that may hayo been made In the family expenditures from choice or to maintain better social standing.

"But for such changes in expenditures noted they would have been able to live In exactly tho same way throughout the same space of time." Tho changes recommended to bo made in tbo Child Uibor law, in addition to that of raising the age limit which children cun be employed from 13 to 14 yeara, are as follows: "To i repeal that portion of tbo law which exempts children under 12 years of age In tbe counties from 1 toQctober 1C. so as to make tbo law apply to those In tho city nnd counties alike; that provision be made whereby tho hvuUh officers In the counties will be compensated for norviws." The suggestion is made that a fixed prloo Should be paid for each applicant whether the permit Is issued or refused, an in cases wbere they nr refused tbo same amount of work Is required, such as recording their names, addresses, age. sex, color, date and reasons for refusal. Tbo report carries maps andv pictures of great value and interest. FBKDKB1C SUNDAY Plan Given Approval by dishep Oo- adutor Murray.

The proposal to observe Sunday, April 24, "Tuberculosis Sunday" ia the churhees of United States, which WM recently nude by tfea Nationalises- datioa for tbe Study Prevention of Tuberculosis) is tfteeUnt with the eonMal clergymen of oH deooajfna- UOIM end social this 8ta)e. tbe tun" forth. end Mis, of wbich Dr. IJeiiry at Baltimore, in im-si- r.Jeeob* hat lust rwwlwfd the letter of eodorsejntofr tbe tf clmrcb. our of Uts 7ih vt to MX, tMt, for tUe stated.

I eiu JtWd to co oper- itt the movwneut tendency i uwck awii. wio. 'to emy tbr ii, il i working uadfr and supporlUxi l-y women. C5a Mtf other alto a disposition on th0 pact of innny a the eburctt to forgut the aUo He "who purged him or his am; that Be who touched the with clay was He who made the aoul to ace; that, haud in hand these HI "liCeBtntiom of good will to wjlL to loul tm wall as body-- have traversed the centuries, relieving auflerlng. proclaiming Rood aod bestowing biesslfln for life that now iv as well fojr that which Is to ojMpe.

"A great boon to the world, and blessing- to the cburctt would be the full, rec- ogpjUon, and grateful acknowledgment of the debt that Howes to Ghriatlapity by the former, and the practical conviction of au inherent responsibility for tbe physical welfare and life of humanity (po less than Its spiritual) upon tbe part of the latter. "Suggestive of nurh recognition and aoknowledement is the appeal from the National Tuberculosis Association to the church of our land for assistance in its campaign of education regarding the naturejof tbis dread disease, aad i am beartlly In favor of a favorable response being made, and action being taken in obedience to this request unopr the conviction of Chriutian obligation, and In tho discharge of Christian duty, by our clergymen and people at large. "(Signed) "Moat cordially yours, JOHN 0. MURUAY." A NEW CANCER CURE If taku several doses of Pape's Diuretic, all aad from or bladder trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine. painful atitches, rheu- dizziness, inflamed or -oat, ns of eluggiUL.

in. freauent and other sy active kldaeytt onoo tp o.nd Ulna gans The and vital- tbo or- corn- It. any kid- ney or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism pains, begin taking this harmless medicine, with the knowledge that there Is no other remedy at price, made anywhere IB. the world, which will effect so thonougt and prompt a cure aa a fifty-cent treatment of Papa's which any druggist can suply. physician, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you tbt Pape, Thompson Pape, ot Cincinnati, is a large'an4 nwponaibk medicine concern, thoroughly vorthji of your 1 cott'ndence.

Only curative results can coiqfe treutiueufweana cjeaiu health) kidneys, and no Accept only cunt treatment where in MONDAY. APRIL It. 1910. wwa tiie of 9 a. m.

and 12 at. M. K. DOLC, PwMent. DMI WSTJUTWX'8 MONDAY, MARCH 39.

drui stpre--any- Duck Pin Match. A special duck pin contest Saturday, rolled on the Diamond alleys, between Sbenk and Frrsier. of Frederick, and Lou Smith and Oingerback, Of Baltimore, resulted in a victory fof the former by a margin of 14 aad Smith wore pitted against each this being fi.fth titnc Hhenk has met Juniors A. Jun. 3-16 4-15 Kiln Wins from Buckingham.

exciting game of baseball was at the Buckingham Industrial grounde yesterday afternoon be- tfeeir team and tbe Lime Kjln Tbe Lime Kiln boys seemed'' to their wav after the fourth inning. tbat time the score wae 4'to 4. Jnfcham pitcher was no equal of Lime Kite, and their catcher out-of-town (usstfe Nelson aad of Line Kiln. Kiln, two-base and defeat Shcnk 102 111 101 112 130 09 116 139 120 Smith. 05 Of, 80 W7 100 92 103 105 884 The scores: Fnuier.

I 91 106 101 91 100 119 102 Ginger- back. 101 10H 114 95 107 97 94 107 902 Smith, 98); 1004-9; Gfogerback, 1002-9. THE SOCIAL WORLD. DOVBUt BIBTHOAY CBbKBRATION. The Mrtbdays of Mrs.

Q. Jacob Bqckey, occurred on Friday and that of her daughter. Mrs. Laura which occurred on Saturday, were ly celebrated On Sunday at tbe bode of Mr. and Mrs.

G. Jacob Buckoy, South street. A sumptuous dinner was served in honor of the event." Among Carroll County Man First to Undergo Treatment. After being confined in St. Luke's Hospital, Baltimore, for four months Mr.

Leander Lookingblll, of Union MiUs, Carroll county, the first man in tbe United States to undergo au operation for the removal of a cancerous growth by the famous Doyen theory, halt left the institution for his home practtaally-ourcd of the dread disease. Mr. Lookingblll suffered tbe attack of cancer about three years ago, and after receiving mcdfcnl attention in Pennsylvania without relief ciuno to Baltimore and entered tbe electro-therapeutical department of trie hospital the latter part of last November. At that time he underwent the operation according to the famous Doyen theory. The treatment of treating (be affected part with hot, sterilised air aod ttlfotrlclty and on after treatment of hypodermic injections of serum.

Mr. Look- ingblll will now begin tbe six-month treatment of serum. He will visit the hospital about every 10 days. At the oresent time Mr. LookingbtU's face has healed entirely, and according to members of the family, he is not as disfigured as they thought he would be considering tbe extent of the infection.

A new upper Up was made by the physicians, an the lip of the patient was so affected that part of it had to be removed. To make this now Up called for all the ingenuity nnd skill of thephysiciane, tbe fact that it has been successful marks another epoch in the history of the fight atainst one of the oldest and heretofore supposedly incurable disease in tbe history of man. Mr. LookingblU ia 09 yean old and is epry and for a man of years. Upon leaving tbe hospital, ho said that it was his intention to walk from bis to the town oTUoion Mills daily in order to fully regain his health.

Though be was the first man in the United States to undergo an operation for cancerous growths, he has not been tbe lapt, there haying been about 20 since the one performed on bin). Of tbcacore of persons who have been operated on nt tbe hospital there has not been a single death, and those now undergoing the treatment show every sign of ultimate'recovery. In several cases the cure has been so marvelous and thorough tbat only a faiat trace remains of tbe ravages of the disease before tho patients underwent tbe operation. The Doyen electro therapeutical de- THE FALL QF JERICHO Professor Haupt 8aya Earthquake Caused Walls' to Topple. That the walls of Jericho did not fall as a result 6f tho trumpet blasts of the army of- Israel, but that the occurrcncn due'to ntiroly physical phonnomena, Is the opinion of Prof.

Paul eminent Assyrlol- ogls.t of the Johns Hopkins University. set forth In a recent publication of the Vienna Oriental Journal. Says Doctor Naupt, whoso article Is written In German: "In the Biblical narrative of the destruction of (Joshua 20) it is held that tbo walls of this old citadel fell us result of the battle cry and, Lrtunppt blasts of the Israelite host. That Jericho did actually tumble to the ground Is very whether or not this followed the trumpet sound is another question." In a recent German review it Is shown that "Jericho its mighty 3iiter walls must have at that time won invincible and incapablo of being taken In battle. This Is shown the fact that the north wall and a creator part of the west wall have recently dug up and examined.

The excavations prove that an occur- nct such as is mentioned in the Jlblo must have happened." "But," says Professor Haupt, what accomplished this destruction?" J. D. Michaels of Gottlngen, In a translation of the Hook of Joshua suggests that Providence accomplished destruction of the city with the aid of Nature, and that a mighty earthquake came and a breach was made in the walls, just as wet today might do It with powder magazine. This, declares Doctor.Haupt, IB a probable explanation, as does also Professor Dlllman, of, Berlin, who tiiliilcs tbat Sodom afitl Oonjorrnh destroyed In similar manner S.iys Professor Dlllmnt: "It Is very possible that the- wnHs Jericho fell lifter mighty sound'and rumble, but the sound WHS not tbe battle cry of tho beleaguered Israelites, nor was the rumble from tbe trumpets. Tho sounds were made by the rolling and cracking of tho earth.

ICarth- quakes are not seldom In Palestine, uml Ai and Wen and Aps, are examples of cities destroyed this way." ProfeasoK Haujrt farther how -it is possible that earth Waked and; fte walla fell, toe neigh Ing horses and ike UloVjUig of the trumpets jingled with tfte other sounds and 'that 4he horn-blowing came to be thought of as the caust and not the reyult of the natural uomona. 1 any east; lAools. 4 until, day of of Frederick persons tre hereby ttvnttd will afternoon aid alfltt until aU coods aft atsdfft NOTltE. T'hls Is to ttve notice that the subscriber has Passed. The following bills were passed by the StateScimte yesterday: Senator Mathlks'r-AcnendlDg the charter of the Liberty Turnpike Company.

tbe charter of Brunswick. The following Senate bills were passed by the House; Amending the cha'rter of "Emmftsburg. Amending the charter of tbe Savings Bank.of Braoswick. Mt. Annual Shoot- The Mount Airy 3un Club will hold its annual shoot April Mount Airy.

The of jCarroll, Fredericf, Montgomery countreewill be decided a jpeelal event. A prominent shooter of Baltimore is expected fo an exhibition. Carlton Lewis will manage tbe shoot. EUGENIA E. of Frederick County.

deceased. All Jos claims against the deceased are warned to exhibit witbtbe 1 thereof, leaally aulhtnticated. to the on or tefore the 7th day 1910; they may otherwise by law be Mcluded from all benefit of said estate. Thoat ndebted to the deceaied are decked to make Immediate payment. GEORGE W.

HEINLBIN. Teron Mve wl nay or cai John Outrow, Auctioneer. Six' on all aoods aft Mil cood Meurity. froat otiidTt SALE -or- FINE RE8IDENCB. XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.


Ural Estate VortRage Ixwins on Heal Estate. 760.075 Coliatenl Loans 2,000 stocks and Bonds Cash In Ofllce, Bank and In mllslon 291.884 11 Itdwivulik- a.5H4 Interest due and accrued 16.308 to give notice that the subscriber ha! Jbtalned from the Orphans' Court of Frederick County. 'letters testamentary on the- JOHN EISENHAUER. late of Frederick County, deceased. AH persons huvine claims acabist the deceased ace hereby warned to exhibit the name, with tbe rouchers thereof, on or'before the 8th day of or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Those ndtbted to the deceased are desired to make Immediate payment.

MARGARET EI8ENHAUBR, Executrix. WBDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1910j Patrick JN dfrelllBg welt Hol tliniiiahout and eontalnt IV rooms, rteam I plani ana.batb. and make anjoae a MRS. QEO.

W. EAN. lUrvey R. auctioneer. flte undefrfitned wlUoJferal ftubllcsaleont'nV lte undefrfitned wlUoJferal ftubl Drtialses.

439 North Harlot Street, on fpXECUTORS' NOTICE. This Is toetve notice that tbe subceriber has attained from tbe Orphans' Court of Fted- County. letters testamentary on W. BORKHART. latent Frederick County.

All pcrMns bavins claims against deceased are aereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, on or before the 30th duy of September. 11)10, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those Indebted to the deceased are desired to make immediate payment. DAN1LL J. YOUNG.

ELIZABETH U. ZIMMERMAN. feb2Sd5t Executors. 0 RDER NISI ON SALES. at o'clock lot valuable houaekoW articles.

dm24.28,28.30 GEO 8. RODOCK. pUBLIC jTlie imderstm-d will sell at public sale at East Fourth Street, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1910, at 10 o'clock, HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. Terms-Cash.

MRS. CRIMINTINE FOLLON, Harry R. Snook, auctioneer m22d6t tl.400,157 7C LIABILITIES DECEMBER 31st. 1909.... Net t'upaMlLows Prenitnnv).

AU other liabilities, Capltuj Biirplns ull HalillltleH 88,001 78 SM.H8 34 20U.OUO (Hi 192.0S4 S4 GEORGE L. CRAMER A AGENTS, 11 EAST CHURCH STREET. MANY PEOPLE ARE ASTONISHED At the Wonders Being Done. Mn. Ualne Miklred aad and if r.

Pbflip Killiftnu-o( EAST9K The annual Easter dance, under (be auspices of tbe Junior Fire Company. was held in Junior Hall last night and was attended by a large crowd and was quite a The Frederick Select Orchestra furoisihed the Tbe committee WM eoptptiMd of Arable Birry Thoeroson, 'Harry Kotler, Hamilton Davis aad William Shipley. Lashes for Wife-Beater. Dekwler was found guilty of wife-beating at Hagerstown yesterday afMmoon by Justice Hoffman wntenced to be lasted at tbe Sheriff Barber was to give aim 10 lashes. The for It .44 tata- pskxiiT awaulted kto log ktr and dfirtog her partment of St.

LukeV Hospital was inftalled last (all at great expense to the rostitutiop andn tho onlj department of itskfnd itfthVoouatry. ThVelectri. cat apparatus used In the treatment is hermeticaUy eeaW to prevfct injury when the room is being fumigated after an, operation. Visitation Academy Tuples. Studies will be resumed tomorrow at the Visitation Academy.

Two stained glass will be placed in the south window of the chape). The design is a very beautiful one. The figures will be those of Saint Frances de Sales and Saint Jane de Chattel. The be furnished by the Coatpclhy, of Mvoich, Germany, and will be inned new for tbe Ter centenary celebraUoBia June, Tbis cektorattoa, for whiob fr raageeaeats are being made, will mark the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Visitation Order in Franee. It wae introdoeed Into the United States in 17M.

The services wifl be a Trkluum.beginah^ on tbe east of June 3, and continuing aatil June when the com- wenceeaent exereiMt and ahvBMe K. union will be held. 1 The Root Julco demonstration nt 'Main's drug store Is Causing much talk hero. Tho scientist has hundreds of testimonials from people who wore cured by the great remedy. The following letter from Ixv gansport is a fair sample: "In the latter part of last winter while the Root Julco people were in Ixjgnna- port, I hoard of many astonishing cures, tbe remedy had made and was making, but I thought was only tulk.

Finally one of my neighbors got some of the medicine. She had suffered a long time with her stomach. After she had used the juice about two weeks I could hardly realize that she was the same woman She had increased wonderfully in flesh, her complexion had cleared up nnd she was looking better than 1 had ever seen her and her health continues to remain goqd. At that time my wife and daughter wore sick. My wife's condition was so 'serious that sho was unable to get out of bed without assistance.

Her Joints wore sore, stiff arid painful. Her fingers and toes were crampexJ and almost useless and daughter was suffering very much with her stomach and back. I got one of the circulars that camo with my neighbor's medicine and after reading It over, I sold to my wife, 'Mother, you and daughter must have some of that She tried to persuade me to leave it alone they had tried so many things without any BeneflV hut I drove to town that same day and bought some of the Root Juice and some of-the llnlmeftt that used with it. After using the great modi cino a few days, my wife apd daughter were out of pain and a few weeks they were entirely cured their health is almost perfect now. 1 want every sick person to know just what the wonderful medicine did In my family.

My name Is George H. Scott. R.R. No. 4, Logansport.

Ind." Tbe scientist claims that Root Juice soons heals and tones the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Many people claim that the first dose of thp Juice created marked improvement. We are informed tbat the demonatratkxn will continue a few at Main's dnig atore. remedy is for pnfe dollar a hot, tie or throe for two dollars and a half. 1 I'HAS.

T. K. YOUNG, Real Csiate. Fire Insurance. US Court Street.

CONDENSED 8TATBMENT USHOWING THR CONDITION OF THE I'NITEt) STATES URANCII OK TIIBfUVERPOO) A LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE IN' COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, DECEMBER 31. 1010. Income during the year 8,413,600 SO lotftl Disbursements iluniiK the year Total Ail milled Assets HS Potul Uufoilltlfs. Except Capital. 47 lurpl usai regards Policy holders.

4 STATE OF MARYLAND. OF PICK THE STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, IALTIMORE. KEIIRUAIIY 10.190I.-I herc- certify that tbe above Is a true abstract, akcn from the Annual Statement of the U. 8. Or Tim LIVERPOOL AND EN5 AND GLOBE P1RE INSCRANCF COMPANY, for the year ending December 31 1000, now on flic in this Department.

BENJ. K. CROUSE, 1 5 Insurance Commissioner. NO. 8621 EQUITY, tn tbe Circuit Court for Frederick County, sit tint In Equity Charles Fiook.

el al J. Rldgely Flook. Infant. fnthe matter of the Report of Sales Died tbe Oth day of March, 1910 January Term. 1010 Ordered, that on the day of March.

1010) the Court will proceed to act upon the Report o) rf ute reportMi to saidCourt by D. Charles Flook. Wilbur 8 Flook and Oncar R- OpolehU. trusters In the ant) 1i the lf ln a to finally ratify and confirm the same, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown before said day; prorided a oopy of this order be Inserted Fn some paper published In Frederick County for three Recessive weeksprlor KXsaid day 2 7 rt the ot i)ttied this Stb day of March, iftio TJAR0V RflWPn4 Crk of Circuit CourtrSr County. Icdt.

A BOWERS. Clerk Solicitor. mar7d4t VTOTICE. Ll I FnEnKHicK, Wn MARCH 15,1010. Notlco Is hereby riven there will bo a 1 nocltboldws I he Frederick Uric on MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1910, it tho Central National Hank, between the loiirnof 11 o'clock a m.

and 12 Inrttte purpose of eluding directors for the ensuing year. EO BAOMGARDNER, LECTION NOTICE. The annual election for Directors of the union Manufacturing Company cf Frederick County will be held at itsolllce on East Fat rick street, on MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1010. the hours of 10 a. m.and 12 m.

OB RENT. HOUSE NO. North Market street. 7 rooms and hall. ply 16 W.

Saunders. No. 411 N. Market street. OR RENT.

Fifth street. Apply io 5 ROOM street. A Hone. 103 West Fourth Street. 407 North Mark t.

Apply larket street. D. Haw OR RENT-HOU8B NO. Possession A-pHf 1. 1H Court street.

17 Derr'ii' A home and gardpn on North Market st extended. Apply at this rpOR FOUR SIX-R M' JJ houses on EastHouth Street. heWly paltered" aMl painted througopul. Mimimr Utr and water In each; rent S8.00 per month. AlsotwoMnaUhouseAOn "Patrick gtretti rent $.1.80 per month.

Abpbr. to MIMer. Fredertck-Tow'n mltdtf OR Inc hwiso at AdamsJomu Apply to Ode Scarff. TmOR'-RENt-- HOUSE 1 Street. Apply to 209 OR NO.

5 West Second Street. Apply to Miss Atf L. Rhodes. Apply to Miss Atfdle q12dtf maid in A I LOWEN8TEIN, President. A A STATEMENT OF THE FIDELITY AXD CASUALTY COMPANY Olf NEW YORK.

Capital Total Admitted Assets t'otat Liabilities Surplus 00 0.598,924 02 6,034.694 12 3,564,220 90 FOB SALE. CHOI spotted and solid colora. Mayne. East Sixth Street. SMALL family.

Unlit work and No. to E. Church stn-et. fair A A about 14 or IS yean old to clerk in a wooery store. Apply to TUB NEWS Rl20dtl.

OR NO 20 EA8TV Stints Street, near and O. Depot ply at IPS West Fourth Street. tpOR Werner, North Market NO. 334 raadtt OR ON NORTH-' Market Street; wlOi modem Improrcments. Apply to R.

A. Bennett. f2fidtf OR BEST LO cation in dty. Address P.X). Frederick.

Md. Wdlf. OR TWO-STORY BRICK house. 230 East Second Street. '1.

A Possession Apri E. C. Marked. bakeshop. TO WOKK IN Apply to John Hershbtr- EN Mail.

Apply to D. F. tnOR WELL BROKEN, with harness and waion. Apply to No. '70 West1fth street.

A UTOMOBILE FOR Franklin Car. fully equipped at a treat elegant condition. Apply to C.B.CUne. m26dtf RAILWAY Internal Revenue. Customs and Pobtofttce examinrttlons.

t600 to $1,500. Preparation free. Write tor Frederick examination schedule. Franklin InstltuU. Dcp't.

I32N. Rochester, N. Y. m24rfm fjiOR APRILl, 1 Suite of Offlcts. occupied at present Harry Haller: cantrally located.

Charles T. K. Youns. Real Estate and anoc. 118 Court street.

Frederick. Md. dl8tf houses, 70 J. 704, 718 and 718 feet Slrert. Apply to C.

E. Scbildknecbt. North Market Street. 714 d4dlf OR PONY Bay mare. Sjcntle, child can drive.

Apply Glenn O. Garbcr. at Garter and Green's Uvery. m25d3t I7IOR 8ECOND- hand bath tubs and water closets. E.

8. m24d6t DIOR HUNDRED bundles com fodder. John W. Grove, Montevue Pike. CTOR SALE-- MODERN COTTAGE, with bath complete, at niurmont, Md.

AddreM Chas. C. Waters. rnatee Frederick. Md.

dlnl7.1».22,»4.a«.ig.31 plOR SALE. Fine double brick dwelllnc. situated In tbe Vonh western of City, containing 14 stran heat, and all other con- Thlsproptny a TroaUfe of 220 eel. rttMlnr back to a depth of one nuntred tad tiibty five I arse 'low to aDBredated. Apo HanfS.Trttaoo..

Itaiu- lai Court StreeTofty m23alf ESIDENT MANAGER, SALES men wanted for this district. Elegant opportunity. experience unnecessary, good bay, American Cigar Cincinnati, O. 10,22,20,20 GOOD 'RELIABLE YV map to take care ot one horse and do general uork about housa. Must come well recommended.

Apply to Arthur Potts, SALESMEN Experience unnecessary. Sell our brands to the retail trade. Big pay. Write for fuN ticulars at once. Globe fH24dlOOt rfutlnar- O.


Franklin Bt, PKACTICB LIMITED TO OF THE EYE, KAK AMD THROAT. In first vialt SATURDAY at City Saturday of every moniL. will be on APRIL 2. 1010. M.


will Mil for Mrs Om. W. Dean, atjthe Ooiirthoniie door, valuable lot un.l dwIUiui No. 221 East Patrick Street. See Daily March 9.

12, IS, 17. 10. 24, March 3ft. 1910, at 10 o'clock a. Jennie and Klla Linthlcum will iHI on tbe premltes in dtatrlrt, Mnntcomery county, on rnOR BUILDING MOW mv," occupied by the Western Union Teletrapli This I Apply to Lloyd C.

Culler. ttOSMt Apply at 147 DRIVING West Satenth mlMU, Sldtil. the farm 01 i. drceased. Set, hlcuw.

18-28- SURVEYING AND MAPPING Prices Reasonable. Offlceand Resldeaoe along Tin-M. E. DARNER. ATJCTIOHBBRINO IN ALL 119 BRANCHES.

SATWKACOTOU ADBasas March 31, 1910, at lOio'doek M. Bready, auctioneer, will sell lor Ernest B. BaBenter, on the premises near Com us lot of valuabto live stack and farming Imple- See Weekly News Marcb and Mils. AptJI 14.1010, at 10 o'clock a. B.

L. Nor wood, anctloratr. will sril far I atent.pntbepremlseiot IlielaUUr I a rtuloWB ,,1,5: i SeeMUa, I KAE, HOa AMD THKOAT. KOBTB HARKKT MO. 1FWSP4PERS.

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