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Northwest Arkansas Times from Fayetteville, Arkansas • Page 6

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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ftfcftt ARIpVNSAS TIMES Static Mate, Colorado Ore, Second, and The Pop Thfrc? at Oakfewn Hot Springs, Aik. April Enill DenemrirkV: brovvp gelding Super Chief his prestige Increased by a vicifiry in the $5000 for richer felory ih Derby toaay the Kentucky Surfer Chief outdistanced two otKer' Kenlffcky Derby Mrs Chesncys Eid and the LsxbVook Stables Potranco, Jn winning the filth mnnlng pf the Aritan-as Derby day He nosett out stable mate Coli- redo Ore, a photo finish for first plice while the Pop an out sider. third place head back in some 10,000 farfs cheering' him on Super-' Chief after circling 1 the track, in fouith place, took the )ead in the stietch and belat Cptorffdo Ore fend The Jfop Hhe wire in a blanket finish i was coming fust in the i a 1 to three Ku PALACE last Time Tonlxht NEWS- A Pete Smith SPFCIAIVTY Other Fine SHOUTS Aauiti Kid-f; OZARK J.O A 2 8 Rf'ici'vea 77c 51 12 GONE WITH THE WIND BETTJEU SEE IT NOW ELSE of-(he track of fhfe end the lead was tBo'Tiucti to come fourth behind The Potranco I Lody finished out of the mbhey in. eight horse race after melting the pace jj The Donenlark entry jJoifl $0 SO. I to to place and $2 80 to sMw The Bop paid 5430 to shov? Secretary James 1 Bland of tin- state racing cJornrtllssioh announced the total jMri-niutucl handle nt Oaklawn Park during- the 1840 meeting at 182 This com' pared with $3,0911017 for lOTO The state realized $190 363 5p froln this year's meet a.s against $18386885 1 si year The Derby aiiy- crowd watered $179898 pared to J17Z827 Stn last years Dcib) day result: Wrst'race: Roldef (R.

Gonzalez) 4.90. 2.00; Buck's Image (E: Elam) 310 NigrelW (A Baisett) 280 1 10 1 5 Second rale Pops Rhal (f Helper) 2880 870. 530 Huby (S Brooks) 1360 720 Jayo Seen (T King) 350 lime 1 10 Daily Double $97GO) Ihnd riie Ottos Choice (E EJdm) 1280 1 i40 J70. Lad.y Thirteen 020 4 OP An prf Griirid (A BJ'teefty 4 40 Tim 1 10 Touitb mce- Court Ddnee (E Elam) 430, 310 '50 Night Pd ilor (3 "'Mdrrero) 'iSO 340 FW ever Pr (A BodiOu) 3 00 Time 1 D9 1 5 (Night Editor 1m ishtd, firsi bul disqualified) Fifth aace Blue (W Taylor) 25 80 12 50. 7 50 Thisll He'd, (6 Seurlock) 8 3D, Rftv 4 1 (A BaswlQ llo'Time I 64 xth 1 race 000 ArKansa Derby) Supci Chief (3 Jbehrird first Colorado Ore (A iBodlou; as entry 1 paid 8 60 4 2(j 2 SO The Fpp (B v7atson) 4,30 fnfie 1 1-5 Seveath race NfcHplas CW Jy 440 320, Ah (H ScBnza) 029,1180 'Mr Smith (P Ketped 570,,720 (Deift hea for segond) Time I 46 4 5 I Eighth race Honey Chile.

(A odlou) 1460 630" 4 4 0 H-ireT Tdylor) 590 470 Qajn Schmidt in PorKers' Spring Grid Game (C Elbm) 78Q; Time Today's ago Billy Burk faced Augustri Invitatioh Joufjimeiit with one 4 stroke pt'S'ammy SnetrtJ, BobBy tied 76 Three" yells' agd Ernie Sbest, Santa 1 Morficp C'Mf Billy Krtox, took Ih Amerliati fiowling. Con stnElen 728 and 725 five Jfears ago' New Ygtlt Stntt Athletic ordered Maaison Squfirc 1 Qaldeu to'matcl Schmeling With James Brad.dpck Jn elimination hdlit to name Braddock as oppbwmt for Max fiber FLORIDA PICKS LIEU Flo, April Lieb foi-mer Notre Dam? grid star rind conch at otn Univeislty LoS Afigeles from 1S130 to 1039, Will till over IhS head football cftaching job at the UnKersiiy of Flattda April 15 He 1 vlaf named yester ddy 19 Succeed Joslf Cody who ftslgnefl nk head mehlor nt Floi idtf a rVionth ago to become line coach 1 at Temple UnlveiUty Philadelphia Lleb vectlve 7 BOO annually under a contfticl runninff ihiough December 31, 1042 Bernmr Mncfudden is going to run for theli a -Senate. Judging from physical, culture picftirea of him hell run his bare" feet Enjoy the pause that refreshes at home DRINK A a 'Is CRESCENT DRUG Walgreen Avency Quarleibeck- HaroFd Schmidt of flie Besls imde 7 yirds play shown aoovfin the ty ol Arkansas spring fooftiaU Bailey stadium Siturday Halfback Max Sailings of the Whites came- up fiom shorts to drag uor 26 0 (Tirtles Photo) VT Week-End Sporfs Ben i Ashevllle with rounds ot 89 two un'der par, ind total iot 273 fpr 72 holes wins Band Open, his third tourrament In New York, Greg Rice world indoor record of 13 523 for three ip beating Don tash and -Taistp Maki fn Finnish relief track meet at Madison Girden Al Blozis sets two standards and Allan Tolftuih cut 70 ind 50 hurdle inrlts Kansas City Indlarn wins NC AA championship with JO-42 deBislftn St Joseph Mo Little Rock (Ark) Flyers beat Nashville 1 (Tenn Business College 26-13 foi NfatiofSjl AAU women basket ball crown Chicago Central Catholic (Tort Wayne, Ind) noses put St Michael (Santa Fe 35 33" for second 'Satlonnl Catholic Prep school bisketoBU title Champaign, 111 Oklahoma A 1 for fourth yeai wln NC AA wrestling championship with points New haven Conn Michigan Training CarnpjT Bisbeej Ariz The Chicago Cub's were rfepoi ted considering- -repoi 'ing Outfielder Bill Nicholson but 'they re probably thinking dif ferently now Regaining his pat fins' eye Nicholson hit two horn efs good i uns against' tlie yesferday Orlando Fla Manager Buckv Han is ventured in opinion todny tint the two plucked from tKe. class Florida Stale lengue Will be legular rhfinbcrs Washington Senators -pitch ing staff Sid Hudson and James ft aie the Loys up Irom penndnt-TViriAlng Sanford Hudson aWady 15 fated right bqlmid Dlftch Ijeonarfl dnd. Ken Chase 'Dean has fast ball thats good enough right n6w said NCAA swimming chifin pionship as 400 yard relay teamj sets world lecord ot 3 31 in wm ning deciding event Seattle Wash Dive Freeman jf Pdsadena and Evelyn Boldrick 6f San Diego win National Bad mintou sintlcs title PiHPhurst -N "Mrs Estelle Page takes Noiih and Sputh Golf (championship wKV 4 1 ovei Mrs Doicthy KiAy Lakeland Ffa While develop Jn eye citching fly balls Hank Gleeiibeig is bemfc caieful his batting eye stays as good is ever He hit his seventh homei of the Grapefruit season yester day and has an of TO with runs baited in lle Gn New Exhibition Games A -E At 4, St; Louis (N) 2.

At Bliminghim Ala Cmun a i 3, Boston (A)-2: At Columbus. Ga Brool lyn 6, New 5 York (N) 5 At Lakeland Dctioit (A) 6 Boston (N) 3 At Mhijll Btnch Fh--Philadelphia (N) 6 Rothestm At San Antonio--St Louis (A) 0 Toledo (AA) 5 At Sequin Tex--St Louis fA) squid 8 Tuha (T) 5 At Houston, New (A) 13 Houston (1) 1 At Djytona Bench Tl i nh Inglon Minneapolis (AA)'I. Atlanta, Cleveland (A)' 2 Atlanta (SA) 0 At Deland, Fin Clnttinooga (SA) 8, Washington (A)' squad At Plioenix, Chicago (N) 7, Chicago (A) -SI- 'At Hermoslllo, Philadel phta (A) 8 'Pittsburgh'- joihed company today foi a two week tour that will end with i twd game senes in Cleveland as a prelude the Majoi league sea son Long time spring nvnlsj they have met twice this yeni and-; broken even; ers gone and Manager Frankit Fusch says he doesn see how he could leave them out of the lineup long Hollywood Fla The St Louis Caidimls ale hoping (he showing of Moit Coopei against the Cubam All-Stars yesteiday was not ih indication of) what lo ex 'Pecftom the yburtg righthander in the 'National League season The lad who won 12 and lost" six last season was shelled for five hits and fou iuns in two in ni.ngs Phoenix Although vie rvel the Pittsburgh Pirates yestejday to bleak a gdire losing slienk cheered the Phila delphia Athletics (he thing thai pleased the Macl 5 most was Catchei Tiank Hayes apparent leturn to halting form He banged a 400 foot tiiple that cleaied Ihe basb the first frame and singled home another am in the thrtrt Charleston Joe Cronin is plenty pleased by the way Ted Williams has taken over the left field assignment foi the Boston Instead of the shift fiom right os a concession a he Cleveland to his hitting ability, tyilllams Yoik Giants as spent houi, pelfectmg his de fensive play Still deliveimg rBREEZYSPORTSI By BRIETZ New York April Louis waj paid oft al the rate of $80 for. each 224 seconds he played ground, with Johnny Pay- ehek The new owners of the Detroit Lions plan to team up wjfh citys schools to WPA gi a new fooball stadium Sopja Honeys name may adprn the string of priteces 9 NY millionaire plans ttr'build in key" cities Those blisteiing attacks. one of Jhe "Miami at Bill Igity probably will quash any idei the Giants mdy have pf training at Coral next spring Theyve taken Silly Conn to a hospital to probe for the germ that holding up his img career, Man Hunt" Joe Louis wends his" boresome Destroying set ups day by diy And showing them the light But since our tireless king of bop Has wiped out the Palooka ciop Who left for him to fight' (All thoughts of Conn and Lee Sa'vold" Leave, most of us Ux payeis cold ask wou'dTiavT'Eeen' an ideal date for the chek fight REDS DQWfj WHITES IN A Baseball Markey Wh-it a big difference a little time can nmke 'A year ago trie Giants paid Washington 25 for Zeke Bonura The other day Old Fpx.1 Clark Griffith highest bicTfor the 'same Bonura thiee grand Says Hie Dayton Journal Red Burman hung one on Dom, Ceccarelh elbowj who wenE down for the full count (Louis might try that next time he fights Godoy) IVBke Jacobs attorney is quoted as say ing Mike has a 50 50 chance to bait JoeuGoufdb $100000 sui The Shelby, Colonels of the Tar Heel I eague ((Jlass D) have gone big league and will operate" a baseball school Today's Star Salsmger Delioit News Dominic Di Maggios follow thiough is ilmost a duplicate of Brother.

Joe's -But someone, remarks they pay off on what happens fraction of a second before. Personals The- National magazines' finally waked up to the fact that Chattanooga baseball is good copy and one Paeking'too much powei frfjfi players -be- Varsity fi-st stringers rtgfal'j the Reds easily ffie I Whites'" Uiiversityijf Arkansas' sDdne Sbfball in hat ended. "30 davs if practice 28 0 Securing tljeir "first scoring chance after Uje robghefl heir kicker, the Reds hit pay dirt the second quarter on 6 yard nasv Harold Hamherg substitute Back, to Hbwjird Hickey Twrf lasses from Hambergjto Maurice good for yards fo the touchdown A A 50 yard pass- substitute back Schmidt to Britl in Oie thiroTpefaod tot fee Ogden Bohn substitute back intercepted a frofh the SaU ngs and raced 9 yard-, for another Ped score early in the final quarter Neol place kicked the point- Just before th game ended Meredith (Cotton Jones substi back passed 12 yards to 3rttt lor the final Red score 5 Hickey booted the point from Placement Head Coach Fred Thomsen was the Reds and line Coach GISrt chtiige of 1he Whites Although his team failed to score; John starred foi the Whites theljig and fast broke loose for several gams Although Schmidt and MeDontel eatn got oft the kicki ing departmeilt-'stillls a quesfipn mnrk for the 1040 Porkers Thfe passing was Better than ejected' but who will stirt gimes 1 asn beeri found The stai ting lineups famous punch he.hil a home run go to town on Re yeSleld0y shortly Eemember help the Sox win. Miami Beuh Four Plully REISELT NEXT FOR April J.t/PJ-Fdrm'er Rcise'lt of P.hila- is- tlie. next on the 1m' 1 Jisl of- Wiljie Hdppe, uri'de- eiited New York' expert 1 in the world's three cushion' Hoppe, -victor 'in 14 jlraighf malche's, meets Reiselt dnight' in thd feitiire match.

Jay. 3iiziman of Viillejo, and Vcllter. Cochroh'nf San Francisco 1 iwap shots' 'the'only other gaihe regulaij hod unpleasant food thought todqy in looking b.iu.1 at yestardays 6 1 vie tbi ovei rtocheiiter Miriagei Piotbr6 Merrill Mav Ed Levy and Joe Mirty fiom their gave the teim so much zest it overshadowed i-all-. previous performances. Boek'ot' their training base fof a two day stay befoie breaking cimp the Boston Bees wen.

oideied into double sessions, today by Manager Casey his Jim. Tobin'and Bill Posedel were pronounced nearest-ready for tlie full distance. Phn'enix, Arizl: That furpre about "Waners being ditched by the Pittsburgh Piiates foi rookies apparently was premature; because Brothers Piul and Iloyd back at their old stand So the exhibition loin with the Athletics, Pirates just about a's the Wan- Stengel announced pitchers all needed worl tly Remember Brother I Elmer Dean who used to sell goobeis in the Houston ball Sim Antonio Tex There was paik Well he now work- somelfi owning when Joe ft Mag as a share ciopper on Broth glo didin bum up the batting er Daffy Texas farm lor rccoids at the stilt of his tiain Pack the negro heavyweight mfe with the New York Yinkees I has authored a song nnd won nc btit his list thiee games he has cept Satufday night dates for fear mide eight hits in 12 times at, he 11 miss it on the Hit Parade bat, 1 eve'ry hit 'for an-extra Chaihe Ruffing of the Yanks Six' weie doubles, one i homer trying to develop a screw ball find one triple. BOWLING Dr. Smith won over Blue Diamond-of.

Fay- 'e'tteviile' in'-a match on the Blue Diamond alleys Saturday The'- lineups and- scores; Dr. Pepper a '167 167 101 A. Hennig 177 174 172 P. Hennig 141 192'163 .179 177 E. Smith- 191 180 168 148-192 B.

Spear .188 105 124 178 175 Totals -864 821 791 840 877 Blue Diamond Skillern 195 123 189 167 179 Thompson 159 162' 176 142 136 S.nnford ISO 153 163 166 157 Cole 166 178 208 155 188 Andrew 188 146 155 182 190 'Totals 858 762 801 812 850 Bermc Bierman and other will honor. Patty Berg-as an oiit standing Minnesota athlete nt party Wednesday night. Keep Punching "Messrs: -M'Coy and Cullen- 'bfne (Those costly winter cookies) Have iet to prove that' Ihey wil shine Above the other, rookies. A Natural Today is April aric A Payehek Bounces--Off the Ropes OZARK LIQUOR STORE We Invite you toVeoMe 1m Md look ihe MOST COMPLETE, STOCK IN THE STATH Jack Holt Jnit One pf'the'BoTM" ar'tnutiV. In'our own SAMB.DAY SKRVKJB I Dunllt.W ot All Hindi- Optfcal Co H-li fiti'tn.

SKii. Car Vacuum Cleaned Waitti' Job. Take aflvmiiake newly ihftUllcd ywiirim t'lci'iifr system today. Hatfield Pontlac Co. Hcfovc nn ill-humored 11,000 who see a "Brown' Bomber" redeemed himself 'started Johnny Psy chek, challenger; on-his Way back to Dos Moines in -14 of thft second, rountl of Iliclr-fight at Mndison SqiKiro Cilrdcn.

Referee Arthur Donovan stopped and awarded the bout Joe Uuls on a kitockouf I Sales Service' Supplies ALEXANDER TYPEWRITEK CO. 6 E. Center Pho. 365 KEYS A.aio Keys Made--Any Whitfieid Motor Co. Reds Drift iaiter Yates Holly Clark ioates.

Hickey Ncal VIcDon iel Pos 1 tE LT LG. RG RT RE QB LH RH FB Whites Fieibtiger JCopert Piercs Cato King- Greftft Adarhs Ramsey Haynes Mitchfell JBarkef TACT --Saying "What lovely antiques" instead (if "Your JfuVniture's nw- fullv old, Isn't il?" A Something you'll find plenty" of -and good'--in (he pns tries that are- fresh- baked daily for the delight of our' customers. From start to finish, there's no' let-down to" the quality of. our meals. ue Phone 548 29 N.

Block mmm PAINTI Motor Co. HI Bent Tkue BTBRY D4T "Where Spending It A 1 Pleasure" I fstrmer Jones Syrup Galfon Farmer Jones Syrup galfon' Northern Tissue Towels fMarshmallows gib jkg 'lire Bee Hi King Taste: Salad Dressing quart (special Osliced) lb jjjSmoked Bacon -a Sjiam Hocks (for Ground-Beef Lb Beef Ribs (barbecue, roast boll) lb Butter (Country Iloli) lb (sugar, 1 lb, Meat g(Uest grade), Ibs Liver FArk Cuts Cuts Cotege Cheese Lunch Meats. i GOFF BROS. iGrocervMarkrt: THE SAINT CbNDUGTOIt- Fielrl Thursday ApriF'4 SP. Third Performance at'-the' University General Aflrtiissibn $1.00 Student Activity Tickets-- High School Students 50c Auspices: Student Affairs Committee.

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