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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 1

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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ft wipraiffM. lUrfkiriffi. bnrt pubUakwd to VOL, XXXIII. NO. 78.

FEEDEEICK. MABYLAND. MONDAY JANUARY 17, 30CBNT8 A Protection lets Cdint Steel Truot, ReprtaontMl hy ftave Protection, If' ft? BROS. One-Price Outfitters. i ii i lite Opportunity is Still Yours, i to buy ft $22.50 Suit, Overcoat; or- Raincoat for $19 00.

To buy, a $20.00 Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat for $17.00. To buy lQO Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat -v 1 Tp buy a $16.00 Suit, Overcoat, 1 or Raincoat for $14 00. i Tfotfiiy $15.00 Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat for $13.00. a $14.00 Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat for $12.00. i i To'buy a $12.00 Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat for $10.00.

i i the'opportunity to bay first-class clothing at a poetive saving AH prices marked in plain figures. i. Positively DO goods charged. COAL BIN EMPTY? yet, but may be your reply. Xhia should jog your Let's hope so.

If thac jog results your order with 7' we'll be doubly pleased. 4 Clean, well scrceoed coal is the onlv kind we fell. 'Phone. MarkeU Ford. It's no Secret to Have price i- JJUBI i mm White Cross Milk Plant.

I 7 We are now receiving-milk from 97 None of these farmers are getting leas than 17 cents per gallon some are getting much as 23 cento per gallon. are willing to pay more. Every producer of milk is requested to register their names as we are, in a position to handle more nnlk. Vieitors are welcome at all tiiucd. No secret process.

OPPOSITION TO Conpess Holds Up by FAIRFIELD'S EGG PRODUCER BalUmcre and WashinflJon White Cross Milk Co. are F00T: FORM SHO IS great ng for growing feet. They allow lisi her itin of the muscles inrwalking, g'u'e a firm tread, to th? CHiM' a i, hold the arch in placeaiiil support he anlt! Ctiildreh'a Foot Fortjr Shoes are mode of selected leathers byexpertiiMakers; Shoes to $2 size" tfte -beaeh't to -Young the price, of the We can fill tlie Shoe requirement a of any Serviceabh) Rubhere to fit these THE HOMB GOOD SHOES. Unsurpassed la Purchase of a PIANO bstrument thrbualir all experimental stages; feeult of yean of and eJcperietice. production of creators of the art.

who have mnde IwHdifcf labor of love rather for fain. No fancy prints for repuUition-Ot name: just a fait price' or a firsVcUai atiistio Piano. Send (w UldKtiitecl Catalogue. The Man of Mystery. PRINTING.

AND PRICES. Shows Bexin at 7 Jy G. I. Baking Co's Bread, Rolls, Cakes, v'E re baked in a modem b.akc from best! materials obtainable, -under con-" difcions pleasing to hotnekeepera. Bakery, Carroll m.

City Opera House! Moving Pictures and NEW IlEEtS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Musical Tramp and Oaticlng Girl. to ih frtHkJh Tonic and Ert Producer (or Jjoultiy OiJx, it to ih hen, 1 supplying all the cltmcutt lor tgf dlgrtlivc orgjru And maldnit the Jowl' Poultry by pow in proportion lfuy jre cued for ihcmup, live ihtm help' wiih' In Ink way- Blood tonic lor ftwllry tqiijliy eBec- lurktyi, tic. Prepawtiensi iire 1 SEEGfeR COMPANY. i 32 WJWT STKEEt.

FREDERICK, MJJ. HARDWARE AND TOOI.S. 1 TO YQIJ THIS COMBINATION ROM4FKN WITH -EVERY PURCilASROF -ENAMEL AT OUR STORE. 46AIBST THEM Amendments to Interstate Commerce Law Oppoaed by Follower! In the House Conservation BUI Introduce It, Washington, Jan. In congress are opposing the policies ot president Taft.

and soon it may bo- pome "necessary for the president to address himself to.the task of bringing regulars into line." Representative Mann, of Illinois, chairman of the idm- mltlee on interstate com- morce, who is lecognfted as Speaker Cannon's first lieutenant tHe floor of. the hoifse. well as others identi- fled with-the 01 ganizaiion.^ap- prove of 'the pr recommendations for change in the mer'ce law, nor do they favor, they'd- ministration plan of federal incorporation, Maun has Introduced stitute bills in each, case, ile' objects to the interstate commerce court ture of' (no, president's proposal -for oranges' in the rqto law and objects to hliT ineorpma'lon bill on the ground that Is an tnicfferoaro with the the states' ftoprt'scnta 1 does noK atom)' alcnr- ID attitude Toward these tyo administration, m'ensurtB. Hfs jjrctlomi to them are shared otticr members of tlic' of which ho la chairman, the jfory' committee that njuat pass on the bills before they reach the house.

The administration bills to Mr. Taft's views on the subject of the eouservaflrm.of tiaUiial icsourccH are still before liousr ocmmlttco on public anubuneo- meat of some voluh'teertliat' lin is nntefef their.tlri obse In inV' vi OI lit 11 It, 'dell, iof; to liitrotUico -thfi' bjjls J'by having cllnjcfl EDDIE GRANEY, WHO MAY REFEREE THE JEFFRIES-JOHNSON -FI8HT. Tex Rk'kurd. who pfoiintiluu Hie tight between Jninea J. and Jack JohitMou.

HUH vxproxxiNl to have Kdille Orouey of tMn FrtiiicN-0 ivfetve the content. Klcbiinl nnys the fonncr Sim Franclco blnck- m-lth Is the only Ontlforitltin IIP will ntrice to an rrfeive. (jruney baa presided it; Niinic of tiiimt uointtii' on coast. HP put In bid lot itn Ik lit hltuxeU. Itlckurd tioldlnc tliu but tic In Halt tjike Gitv.

KILLS COW AND FINDS LIVE SCORPION Remarkable Tale Comes From RockYllle, Md. EAST PATH ICK STREET ll'tlWT YOUR, PROPBRTY TRESPASS NOTICES. to the' measnreH -by Individual and tliey nmV bo -a'tnonK the reprfcsentativos. people believe that forces made, a 1 nil's take in declining 'the luxiffer tfta'opposition to'th? Ealllngcr'bills -le said to be In harmony with 'the lukc- given'by him In paat; to, the RposeycU or Taft programs for the conservation of natural resources. pointed, that blilsVwlifch withdrew for governrnfenti reserve any part'of the public domain that has been.

subject entry have Mr. The meas- uret'-fn question wore drafted'by Sec-, rctary Ballliiger and the Indorsement "Introduced by request" would have brought them prominently to the attention of tlie country, as admlnlstrav tloH mbasures. In the fact that BftK tendencies have been questioned It might prove advan- tageons. to him. to have his personal label.put upon thiem.

Lamp'c Burns Cost Girl's Llfe Tiuray, Jan. 17. Miss Sblfflet. the seventeen-year-old daughter of Thomas Shlfflet, or hiiray; irlio was -burned by the of" a lamp Junction, w. died at ttat place TesuH.

i -Ecuador. Ouayaquil. Kcuadpr, Jan. Ham Jennings here rind greeted by the Amorloan colony. Ho left here for Callao, and a.

week In Jon. -This lim't a story and Isn't a. yarn; abbut ihakeci; Just a plain tale rrpn) ihe Maryland hills about twority; milofl from the about 'eating 1 no Who are in perfect lehlth to-tfay, will'Iw taken' the' nfxt iricnt h. same ntitiiber. to thft htisjHtais; of his ry vtry tnonth 1 in "1 no'tlcoU that one of Jerisby cows was Ing and kept it up and" altogether showed sjgns of Neighbors- who were with tuberculosis Un animals kept Mr.

OHllBk'thaf there couldn't' be anythlnKvelRJvth'e matter wltlr the' animal, the; grc-w, worse and Mi'. her A''negro formed oxecutipn started to ter jhe had taken off the hide Ke 'noticed hole the cow's sldo, and he: traced It through'the Intcstlncsi ithe ttomich and finally i There he" found a scorpfonrflyB; ihcHes and kicking unexpected liberty. There.are'-many, scorploopi nbont the springs th'e-, of and It Is believed that 'thd cow this one when drink, Mr. GllllsB IB keeping the scorpion any people lleye how the old death. MADE INSANE i 1 Men's Mind AfTected by J.O4S of AI.A.I* Plunged'lnto BLEW OFF HALF HIS BODY WITH DYNAMITE Held Explosive Against His Breast lad Touched It OR.

I New Ixniton. Jan. In nvonuc, Just north of colony, thought an onrth- quake hint overtaken thorn when WJ1- In an.adjoininn It was his Iritwi- tloh fovklll his wife as well as him; Bennett worUed with driving artesian and famlHar with of He has been cOnfihed In sanitariums at (llfforent iwlods for ten years past, iMt fifed a the hitting a 'corset BtcciaTi'd being deflected. The sitting room In which Bennett bis, life; WM all the windows blow to and the furnlturo and the bric-a-brac demolished. txmdon, Jan.

It-- Sunday welcome respite work at the MM opportunity fur calm refivettM the proapects ot both' to gain control of ttw fpvi The greatest anlmatlOTt'p the clubs and other rendet ttlclans. and excitedly discussed- everjr ble viewpoint. Although both sides preserve gulne air of confldeace. tt that the conservatives have at' hope that their party 'win forW next government. The utmost dare to expect it that the Ubera) Jt'rity will so reduced In parliament as to place the Liberals tbe-mercy-of the Nationalists, An estimate was nlade after a ful calcuUtlon by wtli In Unionist, based on.Saturday's and gives the 1 Liberals and a clear majority of 90 or 100 parties, which would provide the oral government with a food work majority.

Many of the how- over, are less despondent They do believe that the Liberal! will faith- the election with to good a faetM an this. Small Show For At present, to aum up, notblMI cn'ild be predicted with absolute' talnty, but only, a very great In the Unionist gains over BaturtarV Tflfiults, when they gained only. number of seats wlir give if TO JOIN ON MEAT Clrculatod Before daring; men by. the beer. north is overwhtlttlftfly with John Burns, "All thjhge'considtrod In between those who nave too wwefc Cleveland, 0., Jan.

Resolutions pledging the slRhers to 'abstain fr ni entlng meat for at: least thirty wore set In circulation among wrrk- ingmen in large shops here and will reach 50,000 men; The movement has tho baclflng of a -number of membern of and Foremen's club and; the hope is to bring down ex' jin AboUt Philadelphia. Jan. 17. Inaanlty by constant loss of about f400. from him about four quale De Allssio, of Beth owner of a number of houi York road, said, streets of.

Beth one hand and- an other. He was caught of the state It Is said that, Joss jot his money, De Allaalo and was unable to sleep. AHhoiwh the tli'ef was captured and returned to him. De Alisslo. plainly show- ih'iit hla Wilnd was For'a few wbii adayj we guarnntee ineomo, should you be sick or man who baa -V nce, how it feels, to lie one's is all going "put; and in.

MINERS WANTMORE MONEY Will Ask For apolls, ItiJsia. per "increase In for ininous pf North Attef will probably be the demaa4 formulated In 't he annual 'conyentlbn of a Unttip4 Mln'e of opou in Indianapolis The contracts between, the 6ns miners and the operators this followlns states 31: 'Central 'and western West. Virginia, Ohio, ganV Illinois, Kentucky; Texns; Contracts In TennefttNW. orolnK, Montana, utift, Ington will expire all of these states a At meeUnnr of the club ten Intendentijnnd foremen promised' '-to circulate petition In their; shops, -which over 1000 workmen A In ojnie roceivcd 460 "signatures. ESCAPE PIXT Jait a by Quarrel V- 1 Geprgetown; Jan.

17. in a wrangle over a plot to escape from the "county Adams was by other prisoners. TIB.plot:'wms fraa- trated in' the Adams and stevoral other prisoners. In talking over which one should' take the most dangerous part of tho, prc? gram, began a Tbe and with deputies entered the Jail drawn revolvers and returned the prisoners to new, Wow pime Hla Wedding Fee; ulfaro, Jan: L. P.

oVtiui at Ceres, Alle4: gheny used up an 'fancy certlflcate, few of Ink and spent of money tn'tlme In marrying a coiiple, Then bridegroom gave him 'dime. saying It was all he bad. The silver fa quite smooth, and the Instlce Is about tts worth. lurglart Carbolic Acid, those who have too Jlttlev d5h has done', muctl Mtter than I pected. In It supremely wdl.

To Jrte Uie i been lost would roqalrti superhuman' eftorU." That Andrew haa uted socrotly. over 11,000,000 000) to the cause of Ubeml for the- of "flfhttng. a' live tariff for Great to OM terest of the Americaa ateel to the story freely clrcqlated British Protectioalai party to mppaft its contention that free really the tools of Ixrd the Kensington ventured to free trade opponaat Captain MacB- valne, a retired iuvaloftcer. i ing his JBawiotd Vr' American mnltl-aUftiMjaire; wfto qulted British hocpftatffy ky hlB prodwti upon.our-shore*.". In response.

matixed Lord statement is being absolutely wrtrue. wberenpOn -his rival replied tie charge hive been Uken -la apdii of this the story mmtlndM- triously. Iw4 It many r- BAREFOOT HIKER WINS t. 'mercury Wat 4 pon of the despeimte burglar car- icW. Two halted In an uptown apartment; where they had tio business; threw carbo'lc acid ra the of vlgHant hallbby, and cm- "The -boy is barnod KW.

farmer, to win barefoot from to the, of Depaow 1 of (our' Three friends ot Mil majke' the chniy adventurer readily than sn any ill effects Schooner Crescent ber laden' San All aftort INEWSPA'FER; SPAPERf.

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