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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 5

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ask. 'J I CO SUNDAY MOUNINQ. FEBKDARY 12. THE SlT.VDATf ORF.GOXIA\ Is for sale at the following plat candy Htapii-s' Fourth and Morrison. Beary's Fonrth Yamhlll Miytteld 1 Third and Yamhill.

Browning's, Mirrtaen. 1S7 First. 183 First. Lemltne'H, and Morrison. North Pacific Nnwa First near O-rldenUI.

Y. M. Cnbn'n, First and Alder. FiLnen'a, Vint and Alder. Potters', First and WashicKton.

First near Stearns, 65Ftrit, S. L. Stone's, and Aah. Cba. Eorell, First and C.

Oeo. Taylor's, F'mt near E. On Stark street ferry. Aud at the counting room of THK OBKIKIKI is. cor.

Front and Start. BEPOKTia) WBECKEI). I I A TO THK i i A VKASOUCU, Feb. 11-- A telegram to the cbinU' Eiobinge from Westport, Mcndcclnn, says the wreck bf a steamer Is visible about twenty- Bve miles ontslde, apparently burned. Ko steamer reported miaitng hero.

LATEB. It balloved that the wreck repof ted ST ttio coast Is that of an Oregon itearnn. bnt nothing dfflnite has rot been learned. Steamers now on the. way from nottbern are tho Oregon from Portland, dno to-morrow, Idaho from Ylctorla, ind Loi Angeles from Enreka, due Monday.

wreck not tbe Oregon. The line to Astoria baa down for three days hence no news of her crosulng ont. She left Portland shortly after mldnlfiht Thanday, and was below Astoria whea (he State croued lu Friday about noon. Admitting that iha got out it high tide P. X.

Friday) she could not have reached Mendoclno by yesterday at- ernoon. Cm the i i a theatre. Sun Franciscn ivln-i-c- upon the a tfi wide, and Peter, stniiiiig, a i a in. and welcome tu Heaven, Mr. Hill." At this Raymond again i applied fur admittance, i i ease us a preeedent.

A said I'eti'r. i vita no ae.tor." There are oneor two very nice gentlemen ih 1'nrtlaiul whose a a i effort. i I i bur them from thu joyj of 1 dropped i New Market Kriilny i to nee the liniuc and wan di.appointod. I've neon handsomer often at i i neefl-- when there were no suits of solemn ldm-1, to mar the snmi-cireles of lovely i i i -when dress circle and parque'ttu were swaying ruwa of beantifnl faces and bonnets. I expected from the form ol invitation to nee the ladies in full ovoninR dress, their millinery iu the a i ing room.

I liopecl for once in my life to nee the slago without having to punish my rvrvieal vertibrie liy peeping with lient head between bonnets, and I will never fur- give a very pretty blonde who wore a hut circumference wan equal to the wheel of tbo velocipede I bought fur my nephew last Hhe nat directly in froiu of inc. 1 noticed onn lady -her I will always respect who discarded her bonnet. Perhaps it 'vvah because she had a wealth of nut brown hair, neatly waved over her brow and dona ujj in coils. The were far better than I thought they would be, and. the music supdrb.

Just becaiifo tho men who do the hardest work aro seldom publicly recognized, I took tho trouble to find out wbo arranged tho exquisite garden scono- certainly tho finest over sot on New-JJtirkct Rtage. It waa work of Prof. B. tbe actor, author, poet and paintor, of Charley Farltmau, tba utago aarpontor. H.

AD TxrpniM MAN ABOUT Towx. DRUGGED TO DEATH. Identity of t-hp Corpse found npar A imi'TAL Ml IMSCLOSEU. John Brown, of coiinl.v, V. Strangled with Clilofofbrui in a Uagnid, ami Itis body tltrovut into the Kivrr.

I UDF.UL;) A UP KIKMIK Carrie Itrii U'llh 11 Mrlbud uliilna Wllnri. tt Ulluull'li IN AND BOJ" 'OR' A five mill wan levied by the East Portland board of trustees. Mr. Gideon Tibbett. of East Portland is ously ill of intermittent fever.

Nicholai Aral, tha Italian in Schneider's saloon Sundaytieht, had hii arm amputated yesterday at St. Vincent's, Edward Woodbnry, an old and highly re-. apected resident ol Mount Tabor, died Friday of inflammation of the bowels. Tho machinery of tha planing mill formerly SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr.

Carl Bpabu went to San Francisco by tbe last stcaiuor. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Hawley hav. gnna to Han Fraucisco for a short visit. H. P. Isaacs, of Walla Walla, returned Friday A.

J. Htrowbridge returned night from a visit to San Francisco. Mr. John Muir, superintendent of trafflo of tho 0. B.

Co. and Northern Pacific, returned Friday evening from San Francisco. 'Last Wednesday evening a party waa given at residence of Mr. John F. Abbott, in honor of Mrs.

It. W. Mitchell, who will remove to Portland soon. Mr. Samuel Beck, of tho firm of Beck .1 in N'ovenihi-i tlio ttt' nn i i man a fmiinl in (lie WilUiiictlo river near 's mill, a ntunc about liis nock and one faatenod to his hwls.

Tho mystery I nmnd- hia death has been wilvi-d. i was i dored by Carrii' Bradley, the keeper of a notorious house of ill-fame im -Third street near Vamhill, unsifted by two jn-ntons. fornmrtcsy sake called men. Tbe ninrdered man was John Nelson Urowu. a middle agoil farmer, a ried, i i near Fruoport.

W. and was killed October 2Nlh. A few days before, came to this i a began a tpret'. Ho vin- itcd tho bsguio of Bradley where -so he then alleged-- he robbed of $6 by Dolly AdauiB, one of tho inniati's. Ho lodged a complaint agaiiiHt her in Juaticc Davis' court and thu girl was bound over to await action of the grand jury.

Deputy District Attorney Mulkey tltiding him a valuable witness to use againHt Bradley before tho grand to assist in bringing indictments keeping a house of ill-fame, asked Brown to n'tay, which ho was too fflaU to llu. On hiu all llt- diotment was found, and he was held as a witness for tho trial, giving bonds for bin appearance. The day before the trial ho disappeared and has not been seen alive since. Tho circumstances of the finding of the body, the long-continued Inquest, the ot Coroner Gam old to have the remains iden- the cause rtf tho tmublc. she would a the uf i A i ngni-d lli.

mill p.iid llrndley on the i (1 S1.10. bal- anco iif flHI buing what cannml tnnible la iwecli the two, and really the grounds wliieh Simiimns IniM'-d lus Fiispiciuiis of Kincn the i i Mr. Mu'lKt-y lliat nboi'l after the of i i i a arrunted uu l-harge of KM.II i i i 1 v. iitnl be, i i vi'i-siition i IH r. nslrd hal nfT the man wiiri lu i i tho urnneetttiug her i i i i the trial i i i i i I i i i thin i I A I I 1 I I 1 I I I'ut i i i i i i i play ill i I a i i a i i i i i a i i i a i i i i i left Portland 11 feu-ddj-K after Ibe unilt-r a mmpifious eiri-iinmtunecn.

i he he went to a bui one of i i and tho loan if a ruy.iir; allying a be hail boen un a sprw. rind wuri gi'ing i tlni country for a fww diiys to get Bli-ikightonod up. and nn In- nut be near barber wuuld luivr- to siiuvf i i A niKiir was given him. but be started for insu-ad the "country" lui spiikf of, ami never i Atmther circuin- in to by biin conipluiiiing of a bruiswl lojt bi-finv he left as i eiiu-e Li-en i In- fell from tbe hack ami hud hi ii-t, i over, the night he aasislvd in a i bmly tu tbe rivor. Sullivan anfl llabu'iu-j- liuth loft few days after a i a i the ocean steamer to Ban Fram-isco.

About two Weeks ago Bradley left for Victoria, und had endeavored to go directly to Han Kraneisco, hut sho was leaving many unpaid bills behind, and wanted to got across the line with ull possible dispatch to prevent her baggage being soized. There is no doubt that sho wont to Victoria, as sho was seen there Hunday night in Jonny Bell's house of ill-fame, where she. stated tbal aha would take tho htoimor Idaho for Han Francisco which nailed yesterday. Thero are many conflicting reports as to bor whereabouts, of Hamilton's, but it in gmiorally supposed that ho ttuiwd lu Victoria for bor, in all Mt'SIC A THK URAflA. The nil a troupe of i i (he eight rlng-daiuvrs whu A-ere cent liai-k to San Franriseu by the lilrcra ityof 1 I'lite troujie.

have gone i i i to show a of gomladvertising, rt'e regret a such a company of amateurs, for' that's all they are, outside of the middle-man two of the endern, should have bton brouglit to Port- a fur i reamins Firat, may be tnaiUf i i upon Manager Stcchhai. In- deceives it or and second, Ijec-ause nu a huw good a ohow Mr. Howe may i up hi-renfter, the a odur i ul.l a i i i to it and and have a tnarU'd c-necl upon the atUiiidantje. llowu brunght tip Hheridan, the besi ai-tor that has visited 1'ortland in many years, togc ther with' a company of more than average mo-it. A whenever lie does hereafter, this laper will give him and Ills troupe an unqualified eu- ditrKcment and our hoarty support.

(But he tho rag-tug and bobtail i)f tho Sau Kianeiuco variety dives and seeks to aim them ofi an tho equal of lloolcy's Big Fou trnnpo or llarlow A West's, wo shall bo to spoak of thorn as they nro. Tun OBKOOXIAK hstt always dovoted ample space to' the Now. market thoatro whenever it haft hc.d a i-oui- pany above mediocrity, and the to applaud carries with It the right to con lenin. The Haverly combination, now playing at the California theater iu Han Frauciico, talk of visiting Oregon in March, with two jew spectacular dramas of "Tbo World" am 1 "Michael the latter being a dramatization of Jules Verne's celebrated novel nf tat namo. t'uniputont critics, having an cipcr.ence running back for the past forty years, Write iu tho eles to i wit thought the Now Jlarkat hud risen snpvriur.

It lias been a hnrd race, ami dishko to see all ilii udvuntages thriiwn ttwny in imi week. However, it was IIOIIH of our doing. KTAOK i Suldetie OOSSIT. is Hinging TRESPASSES. By ouc who Lives by Kcnpintr up oiwr Moil's Vcnccs.

AX OLD i MHI.jMK IX 'it ISO IM Knululi Kamh Bernhardt made liy.OOT fraiics in St. Pi'tertdnirg. Mary Anderson is at i a Opura house, playing Purthcniu. Emerson in lining gond. l.msinuss with his parly in Kaeraiiii-nti.

Mim U'me Ojilmmrt and KdgingUin are in New Y'irk. Hanmi I l-'ienrh sold play of Tlroiisrju Howard's fur SIS.000 IVilUo Collins has written a new play from loo King for un actress. It It Bellrr tu U- IIU Ttili. Ihitn In Grant vl In nutt AVtii Bii'lllv. The researched of Schltemanii at anil C'iiiiiolft at Cyprus, ore nor mini 1 dii'ctivu than the bad luck of life, by which Dr.

llliiis IIQB Iwun dug to attend moritinnd reporter who noon afterwards ad- journcil with a ball iu dia- I would like to know what chanrn )K)or dflvfl of a reporter could have with an alleged doptnr wbo phargetl fifty thousand dollars for killing a provident? probabilitysailfd ou the Idaho, although opulion tho mounting of "Hicliaol fltiog- it ho8 been rumorou thai hm monus roooivod a letter from him dated from MaEaltau, off novor if equalled, at in which bo said ha wai about to to I'oru. any theater in America. The rnoiiswr produo- Taverna tho ground up, and is looking Miss Constance Mnriclle Kagud i tho George Holland company of players. lime. EsHij'ofT.

piatiixt, has been decorated by the i of Denmark with the mi dnl for art aiid M-iein-e 1 Leonard Orover writing "Hocks" for Nat. Goodwin. Sat has accepted three nets, so far, and thinks he will make a hit. A Washington journalist writing a travesty on oUiciuI life at a i a for the Yokes, called "Wiggins is Havcd. Ouidn wants a fire-proof actress for her new play.

Tho heroine's dress takes fire, and her lovtr must bo nn band to put it out. Benedict's "Lily of-Killarney." i a good cast and some fluo scenery by Boll, is holding good business at tbo Winter Garden. Itossini (tbo Swan Of Pcsaro) was an exceedingly indolent man iu his aud hi. wifi resembled him very closely in that respect, Hme. Zoiss-DonniH (now Mile.

Zciss), formerly of New Orleans and Han Francisco, is making marked success in New York as a contralto. It is possible when Mr. Sheridan finishes hi. present angagmnent'at the Baldwin be will make a profeMlonal exciintion with Professor This is the season when "dot at present en-' gotn the rnimdn of his'circle of frioudn and makes his biennial promises not to be. a candidate for re-election any more if they will only give him office for one -more term.

What a great and glorious privilege it fi for tho'aver- age voter to support six or seven iuipocun- iuiiH fellow-citizens for two years; that ho shall burn powder, pay for printing ink, set up the beer anil hiro bucks, to help keep Munster and Dab chick in office. Wliata gloriuiulife in that of a long as i itssuccessfuk Our noble are good enough, so far as they go, but their force temporarily augmented until come of oar Seattle visitors' have had a chance io go east of the mountains and stretch hemp like Mews. Sullivan arid Howard. Outrages are being commit led on the back streets, night after uight, efficiency of tho blne-coatiw gentry so far ai they go, but they cannot bo everywhere at once. Property-holders wast of Park street uhonld take tho alter, in baud before some fearful crime is committed.

A. gontloman of Han Francisco stated aluiott positively Uiat Hauittou loft for that point on tho sfcamer Xewbern from Ban Francisco. It was rumored at a lato hour last night that a dispatch wan received from Victoria appris- I tion of Btandard play, in America 'may rauk a. WU. Bnlwer'i plar of Ih, cf Pompeii- it the Tbetlcr, New York, at 01 befon tbc Brat performaace wn given wllb tiflcd, and failurs to loarn barond a donbt tfif in ff of tho of Bradley in dia- T.

Hamlln ai Arbaeti. lit Ifulw. However, nothiug deflnito could be IBM. tnpdr of Corlolanni" it i ui i Colonel' at the Park; "Lights Lon- man's identity, are too frosh to need re-statement. There was only ouc clue.

Stephen J. Glllii who had star led early for a day's bunt skw a closed carriage standing near Nicolat's open dock immediately above Wcidlor's mill, Sunday morning, Octobor 30th, just before Waldman. wilt be married Wednesday, the 2M to Mis. Amelia Stock, ofCorvallls. In owned by Clifford Cogjini in East Portland the evening a reception will be given at daylight.

The man' who wan holding the has boen sold to J. Dodge of Pug.l'Sound, and residence of the bride's parents, corner Seventh will hi removed and Oak horse. on being quc.tionoa could give Wayne MoVeagh, a barkeeper, wa. arrested! On Monday. January SO, Mr.

Henry A. "ATrftriCTonT KXPI.AHATIOS yesterday-motninirtof stealing a pair of Elliott, member of the Wad- Of hi. presence there at that hour. However cornet Bint.and itroeto. Ho wa.

looked np bams A Elliott, thin city and Ban Francisco, this wa. the trace which led to tho detection of and wiil haw a hearing waa married at Omaha to MUs Helen D. the go ttch wai learned: The car- nest PA.T. WATEB. mt riage wan hired of George Bator, was driven to M.

well avenno, pitched thtlfr ttfflftihat- Fxanciwo, arriving there on the 3d he privilege of dune water: "ad the; A a so well that com- The wedding of Mr, CarUAdter, of Astoria, office of the 0. R. to Itia. Laura Uiriwh, of Salem, took place at compromise was tlie reajdence of the bride's Mr. and affected whereby behsed-for Mrs.

Hirsch, on Thursday at 11 $75 a month a. longa. tbecampTemaina where- o'clock A. fiev. H.

Boriej, of Portland, omit is. The are inside of the oity and iciating. Every detail of the oeremony, togeth- tbe East Water Company proponen to tr with its attendant festivities, pused off find ouit'ff otoars are. to be allowed to dispose pleasantly. Among the guest, of the oooaiion of water white then- franchise exiiti.

If the: Hon. Edward Hirgahand wife, Hon. B. city doe. not protect the company, the ordi-j F.

Bonham and wife, Ool. N. B. Knight and nance anthoriziDR tho com'My to aatablish; wife, Joseph Meyer and wife, Misses Bosa and ena Brey, Mim H. eo'ramiaettm, "and Constable Simmons to work on the eaie.

Tho latter learned feared tor Il a wu learned. It also reached the oar of an OHIHIO- KUK reporter that Dolly Adam, had been before tho grand Jury last Tuesday, whore told her story, and that inasmuch as there was no corroborative evidence no action wa. taken until yesterday, when both Adams and Flippiii were tubpenaed aud testified, in all probability, ai above stated, Simmon. says tho bare statements made by tboto women would be ot little conscience, but that they facts which he bad previously learned, totally unknown to tkom. The woman, although they do not admit it, to have been laboring under the fear of tbe law and the veugeanco of Bradley, or they would certainly Lava told thl.

horrible story, without having to be prenscd to do to. -( Telegraphic mcsaago. have been acnt to all points where it would be possible for tho participant, ill thl. crirrio to have gone, ana although Hamilton may have escaped, it is very probable'that tho other parties implicated will bo captured and brought to Justice within a short time. It).

almost Impossible for Brad- Icy to escape; for should she Viotoriaior on Ithe Sound, or en route to Ban Francisco the will certainly be arrested. No advice could be Several wealthy and -Influential of Oakland, moat (esthetic city on tho coast, by tho way--have made up purse of one thousand dollar, to enablt) Calvin B. McDonald, at one time editor of the Salem 1 11 a i Htdtetman, to visit' Palestine and di.h up ths Hpinner" at are .11 in a flonri.binjj ftmU inter owi wUh the moderu conditton. elite, in some Oakland paper. Crlckeyl But Miai Dickinioa leaves oat Hamlot'.

tho "Triple Thunderer" have a good augue to ttw playors on the ground that he wa. time when ho strike. Sodom and Gomorrah. too busy to be thinking of such Poor However, there i. "no without its thorn" rth.kospeire I and I can imagine Wi diMomfltare when ho Alice Dunning iwd; William Horace LinganS there and finds Balaam gone to the open at the Bush utreet on Monday iRprings.

0r 9 the tbe taca." at of T)in nrnJlnnUnn tt HaTCtly'. femfe io to Saturday night, when it Wa. re- and five or agtata, out ceiyed by a large appreciativo 6f a hoaie belonringto Tan Bare Do La.h- T-lie new baaso, who 1. makfnx aMnutioniA of.yi^iafiMJP»i*Ki^Ti TH4 acrapping Europe, Edward J. O'JCabony, began a.

rd1 aaf4-tonave beencpn- The pantomime of tbe "Bbeep'a root" at nportor in the Cork rBucted accordang to UtwiMbBry ruiw, and tho Metropolitan Theater. SanFraucUco. with lo wL lehe-eitialiflcdhimMlffor of the law came off second best. Otumuilfi Ooatenal. at a tva't uequaunim Wi( irfu meet at the Jtctt'ii dftemixm at 3:99 that Mipem' Park Theater, New York, at a co.toftMOO.

Edwin Forrest In the title role. 1848. The "Count of Guriilo" jy Alu Dumas, the Broadway Theater, York, al i rtm or t7000. The "Cataract of tbe at Broadway Grind Opera Home, Nrw York, with Orlil, Marti Uorrtlll ID the call, al a colt of 14000. 187J.

Tfce gatttnut apMtacle of "Alii din" at the Califorola ThMtcr, 8au ftaaclMo, it a ocwtof I4MO. Iflt. flhakeipeare'l (rtirsdy of "Jollm deur" at tUe Callforal. Ban Frinclico, at a coat of 15000. Brutus, Join HcColluliRb; Cuilvu, Liw- rHuce Barretti Hark Antony, Edwin Booth.

Play ran 31 uigbU, Dooth ana MoCulloujb exchanging parti. 1870. Bhakeijieare'i play Grand Optra Home. litjnold Henrv V. Cost of Including of tbe company "Faa.i".ii.runnlng at fall wilb .11 tUe effecu-tho cctniou apstlwoai.

which claims to have invented. The one hundredth performance of "E.mer- i Bogtment" occurred of ali concerned; I Khali cable the raidUof! tlwir deliberatiOnl to Parnell at my owij man wbo wanU to oarry Ouiteiu around uu En th.e --ftttng Regiment occurred TUB man wno ra carry uuireau arouna of "Henry at the simultaneously at Bapare and Daly's on Ice and exhibit htitt irt' ten per capita, a Irinclsco, with George on Wednesday svenlngl The "Pagflag' ovltontly deigning tb teach rascal LINCOI.S'8 DIBTHDATi "COS Following In the progranime to-night's! celebrttioh nt Misonio hall under the aut- piee. of the PUUosqphlcal i Anniveraary Bong Pbiloiopblcal Bf. Jamea KeclC BOOK, Lincoln Club 4 Ryin CU.ut, WOT aboutd (he Spirit' (Llncoln'i'favorlte poem) Choir W. 0.

P. Song.Stir Spangled Qlee Club O.J. Curtlaj Him a Uaonment (by request) Gboir i TBOmpson TO The nionnting of ''Michael Stroccff" inch Laxly Mlirtiri, known to OM tt 0 i egson He would hav. been rod to leave town that her girl, 'ocotved from Victoria laUlast night as thel tha it cott 510 nlgut to ay an i lttete TrorW of thirty joargafo a. nced to hajured on Id Jilly, the id to testify, so ho coiiMntod to went down about trt clock.

are 280 people on the in the bceneoftlw Fawoott, aopeared and gave Shakes- grand review; Of coarse, too NewMartot Perlan. reading, in the venerable town jj St. tbtcourt deaigna- lUgsWfll not hold that many oeople, but Andrews, In Scotland. Her husband ted iQtli. dav, that the ihsr- tbe pnbllc may roly upon it tliat a Hav- the addrcs.

a. tordaector, oC the University. bt put the ropf "wiwrii'it would, good." Ho if has "giving it to 'em in tKo ijeck" all hia magnificence nnapproatued by any her with hea-, gas, attache. aoJ and may chanM to how he ovor ntil that Con.ub a mmnn. fa a Adam.

bCS, ItT MJCMOBIAM. berg, Hr. and Mn. L. M.

of Salem, Hon. Sol. Hirnch. Mrs. S.

Herman, H. Th.nhanier, ot Portland, Mr. and Mrs. B. H.

Friehdloy, of Eagene City, Mrs. I. 8. Enders, of Corvalliii, Sig. Biohil, of Ooldondle, Telegrams of oongratnlatione wore received from San Francisco, Portland, ind other points.

Mr. and Mrs. Adler left by Thursday night's steamer for San Fraucisco, where they will spend the honeymoon. MAKKJBT. Aildresi Bong.

VtVi Clan; P. Blley Bond. 1 oSS, shown below demon- Dr. atralo the continued confldeqco of the ettlicne of BOOR, Glee The following spacial report of thl real market Is forntabtd tax SUNDiT Qaiaeituii by 1 Fred. Olu-k real estate agents: The abstract of the past week's bmlnen tod Portland particularly and of MnltDomah county gen fm For tbe pnrpoae of d.fraving the of eratlr In the of present values of real flee, and in hi.

presence the following horrible trunk, when answered that Dolly Adams owed tier $CO, bat Inumnoh as waa in a great deal of trouble, having to answer to an indictment, nho would lot the trunk go. Simmons inspecting that all was not right, askod what Adams owed Bradley the money for. but could not find out. Ha thon talkedxo Adams and finally after working ou her temper, by tolling her that Bradley had sbatnofully abused hoi. Adams I can send Carrie Brndlev to the gallows." "SUE HAS COKMITTKD MOIUIEH." This war all he conld get out of her for Dome time, until, after continually talking to bor, ho got a disconnected of how Brown had been murdered: Friday afternoon he mado an agreement with Dolly Adam, and Mollie Flippin, sometimes known a.

KollioThompson, to meet them in the evening, when they promised to give him a full and true account of tbo foul deed. Ho took both women to Mr. Caplos' of- JOIUt BCTnUH, Oh, agalu tbonhait taken In thy band A j-ouf iful mildeo, a new-born If Oao which grew more bean teons with each boar, And was an emblem of a far and better land. One wb.o ne'er bad a tbought but of toi pure One wbo wai all-luvlng and good ind kind One wbosc very soul and apotlrna mind The augeli now embalm to kcrp secure. It seems atraligo to think that ahe la below, In tbe lonely, ltd and new-mido grave There atone, with EO one near bcr, Tho flowers which ia tho graveyard grow.

Ah, Otd wbeu tbe book of life Is reid, Do aot atop to couut ber youtnf ut wrongs, But pm-tbem gently by, amid the long. Of in. bleaud angola who watch o'er tbe dead. two aends up a pieces, they of company to play will be produced tbew in a Minnie Cummings, manager of the Mew Haven opera hoiue, writes 'offering-tht we of 'faring it to in tKo neck" all bia Jiay haw the. ehaaM to see how ho performance hitherto given iu thu city.

The tra free for benefit the pro- liketi taking hi. own medicine. He will evi- other piece, "The World," is a modern drama ceod. to bo devotee to the of doocnt dantly draw a largo crowd to witness big tight- of life in London and tho diamond field, of burial of tho remain, of tho actrftai, Eliza Now- ropi pcrformanijc. Africa.

Sir Clement Huntingfordk tbe rwn of ton. a country baronet, whoso splendid eatate. are Hcott-SiddonJ ha.revived "KingBehe'a heavily involved; and iu the hope Af rescuing bis ancestral halls from the of tho he 'resolves npon s'trip to the Portland, Feb. I F. hall nominal admittance of tea The ereroineaj will commence promptly at 7 P.

M. estate and the prwpect of future increase. The anticipations indicated bt tbe present volume of triu- itpry wa. unfolded. 'Dolly Adami that upon Friday ovaning.

POKTLAJFD VVLftTft. will mi Them T. nd what ill br. eiiongh to rcloaso his father's be takes p.s.ageforEiiglandona.teamer.onwhicha McOrMry'. comic opera dynamite fiond haadopositod an infernal ma- produced the Bijou, New York, on chine, rigged with clockwork to )low up the audience that filled the on tha4, steamer in mid-ocean Tha steamer at wa.

friendly and anxious to the appointed hour, and just at time the S' Te eTMft fco i to SS! pasoongera ate having moonlight in the Indian takes place and tbo steamer goen to the bottom Tbo neit scene is on blowing their money in- and officered iicttona recorded are In our opinion fully warranted, ct 5 WM ro 1 to BrttdIo hoilte ho nte I iris i smoker for moro than ten year, with- Al oo period In the nlatory Oregon have money thoasmeproportions they now exhibit. The for. tllo pirfor, ho (Adamn) was'sunt to a drug mer i. conttBttally comtig. not only from other by Bradley to purchase some laudanum, out discovering why I liVftd to Drojh ktatei of union, but also from many of tbe conn- with which ta drug him.

After her rotnrn, into tie Cbevalte's lodging, the other night, I lighted hi. best nteonchaUm'and puffed away killing time trie, of the old world, Tbe latter entering the state from tile, east and tke aouth and from British Columbia on tke north, well as by tbe leaboird. tod Iw it remembered population, bone, Bradley and Pete Sullivan, between whom Brown wan sitting on tho sofa, plied him with brandy containing this opiato until ho became Brown wa. thon carried to a ADQ IXJ II rOluCIZlEierVU population, 1. OODQ, UluB- cussing whether boxing and th.Q manjyartof, ele and eaergy aro wealth to every country.

roo 1 dle and Sullivan, and Belf-dofcniM) were Indian-club. The Ucrnand for firm lindi In excets of an snppow yoawitl be we have ever witnessed lu Portland; The country when 1 tall "yoto thai thpi sniiport. the city. Wu aro far from dealrlng to wit- principal enjoyment to you In that oloe ia- or to eocourage rash We aro Ilatfghtd at'lbe auggea- aware that oalmlnatlou of apecuUtion tion Shttt your them clotted, and; would Inevitably be the destruction of tu your said 1 ChoValier. rl ut bqiloeu.

tbe same time we I it ih a mtofe, and coBfla.ntly affirm that in oar twenty years' expert- with my eyes closed I began to jfcftVbirt could, Mce eri te gent wo va nevCT sran bet Country and suburban land, havo bom a freah Altar one-i; held the lead dnrfngtbe put week, and althoogli third of the wood, jliad beeO -he' city proper luamonBt tfie Uert belt showing, DapUel oauroh--Bev. J. A. Oray, pastor, will preach mornlug and evening. BapUtmu after even- lux wroion.

flundiy icboot laiW. Beats fne. Qenuaa-Uetbodlat church on Sldh street, between Morrison and Alder, F. Boon, pastor. Preaching at 11 A.

M. 7:30 P. U. Sabbath school ai il. Ohriitl.B nborcb--Preaching at uiual hour, by Brace Wolverton.

paitor. Uorulug subject, "Coa. vtmlon;" evening, All are lavlted, aud will be cordially welcomed. Taylor-street If. E.

cbnrch, Gco. W. Izer, pastor-Morning dlMourae, 11 A. subject, "Nathaniel tbo Fig-tree;" (--viniug dlicoune, 7 OOP. Vmnoonxet in the and back in to isttc that wo have over wen npon the stage.

It beat, the "Sea of Ice," tha drowning scene of Eily O'Connor in the "Colleen Bawn," the ivy on the tower in "Arrah na logne," and the explosion scene in the "Octoroon," just an far as one scene can snrpao another. Five are discovered floating on a taft, and Sir Clement Huntingford is one of them. He has a small bag about his nock which contains two biscuits, which be proposes to vide among the other four, bat one of ra.ntd a whole Clira Louise worth to the Jni tiary tlifjattber day and asked nothing for it. A man who bad uevor stolen anything ormada love to another man'. tha New Letter, wonlc.

have to pay $2 to hear her. About the only man wbo got. left days, and has to pay a big price for all the fan he lias, is tho respectable, hard-working citizen. Daring recent performance at tbo Union yo And poor, genial Jahn Tan Beurden hag left hadexUngnwhectneftre. Hs ton handed 04 ttme i a fom a real.Garcia».

oneJ; the lead dn ii. clothes excepting bis under and ovorshirt, and the other garment, takan down Dtaira by Bradley and thrown into the flre. She then returuod to tho room, where she procured a LA HOE VIAL OF CBLOliOFOBU, 'Which Bho emptied npon a handkerchief and placed to Biown's nostrils, covering it with a towel to prevent the chloroform from evaporating, and make a euro job of it. He was left in this position until. next morning, when Adams went into the room in which he had befln laid, and found that he wa.

dead. She told Braijley that ho was doal, and said xbo was going to notify tho coroner, when Bradlev U. peron. future. Only a week ago Friday counter, with tbo Pralie meeting man wajhcd then "a sail patrf V.though' not, otiltifl.

fell diaaiwe in hit gys- A welcome is extended to tho public. Vshcrs heaves in sight and oniMW tho wound in the hand. Miss Alice Harrtaon ha, bnt pleaBiuit a. ever. one, and a flght en.neiJ.inVhicb the greedy Square theater, Hr.

De Belleville ncaived a TM smoking; that later''tUtaes had'no perceptible COBCJ.and 3 effect. old sWptor ei effmant, sou ird and he will find tBittWIaalifiai; ofaiipeor a lot -cigar, except that It 1 pleageg abadlotely, Tbe chevalier filled a fresh pipe and recited; Whllft other joyi otte letit'a aloriu can treasure, Thlsta aUMHtwii gives plelubri. You fnl wm of'tke 1 (tlowln-; bovl, Hear ttw trail (nnrajlttr of Ike kiudUag r.Ml Smell the of tbe Tutattt itroag pannoDcy the palaie througb; 8-e the blue cloudlets circling the dume-- ImpitMnedsklei upfioatlng to their home. Total. (141,717 SB Roller ikatlnK and bicycle school it thu pavilion, ppon every morning, attnraoou aod night, Hundiy ftxceptcd.

1IOTKV AJUtl TA.JU*. CLABEMDOS BOTltL. Klein, San McCoy, Lafayctto i Hall, Boiebnrg A Wright, do Williams, Oillcs Orey, Ban Frin, ao Bill, Albany I think he intended it original btit I re- Doulny, WilU Doviiw. Uimp Harncy member having beard something nearly Like it Mies Van Eiton, Sal tin Evans. Ticoma in John Brougham', burlesque of Focohantas.

TUE KSKOKO. Mils Rivers, Ban 1'rau Syszklcwlcz, Bach Isl Among my steamer mail was a copy of the Hlpley, Portland Hcrrto, Bileu Jaokspnville (Fla.) Union, which contained a Pendteton HIE Lewis, Bin Fran dramatic column around iu blue pen- AJuswotth, Portland Wm Towusrad, Astoria oil. It was a "notice" for tbe Minnie Wallace troupe" which had produced a new play called "Oregon" full house. Both the play and the players wore tremendously puffed, which puff it doubtless hoped and expected that 1 would reproduce In "Chaff." But 1 ahull not do it. Neither tbo name of tho author or the plot of "Oregou" is given and the whole -notice" has much tbe atr of the elaborate com- mondationn which we apmetime.

nee of the JCc- Giboney family. People who go to see this family of tbey are of a b-- will not have me indicted again soon." oo Bradley then ran np stairs, aud probured A PAin OF BRASS ITNCCKtES, ehc beat tho corpse in tho face, called everyone in the houso tho most vile Jiamen, and acted moro like a ilond than a rational human bciiig. After becoming mure calm, she Pete RulHvuu, wbo bad by tbat timo arrived at tbo house, to buy a shovel, aud after it wia brought in nhe herself tried to dig a hole in tbo cellar, in which uhe intended to bury tho remains. But, encountering rocks and gravel, she wa. unable to sink a bole deep A Killer, Suittle Ferguson, Balem CT.

0 i Oirey. Woodland Ollmn, Lebanon 6rrtber, Salem 0 HunilUnn, Ciscades LiUfC, Tens I'UlUo. Curran, Woodlud W1U luwusruu, AuiuriB McOutrk, Mllpltas Wm Edwards, do Lane, Bin Fric Alien, do Wllznidkl, do Mrs Oampbell, Mrs Beach, Colfm 1) Evaoe, Tacoma Hill, Fran adrertlsed--must form a high opinion of Oregon maslcal taste. The fellow wbo croaks the lottdast is not always tho fellow of 'th'o most grit: A certain gentleman who lives oat a thousand mile. Iron Portland- felt aggrieved week at another gentleman and doo'ared to his friends that whan be met him there would be a nottleinoot, intimating Wood might figure to tho mid He mot the offending party on back street a day or two later and with furious air demanded "Sir, did you do to and so?" expecting, of course, a denial: "I did, sir," wag the-reply.

If you admitted the truth, 1 responded the party of the first part, it would haw been the for you," and ho tamed down the Bert street. A soft answer turns away wrath and a direct answer is wonderfully cooling to a certain kiud of courage. John T. Raymond, whose Col. Sellers has made him famous, recently had a dream.

Hi- thought that he hail died and that his spirit had boen denied admittance to Heavon by St. Petor on tbe gronnd that white in tho flesh he had been an actor. Whilo he was dis- cnstiug tbo question with Poter the spirit of Barton Hill appeared. Who were you in life?" asked Peter. Barton Hill, late of Signal terrlre Culled Ktatea umr.

Dlvtstoa ol and fot the of comuiern tnti Knport far the last 11 hoora. The following olMBrratiom ire taken ittheianiaiaomenl of time at alt the stations named. Povtuiai, Feb. 11, i Chariot Matt I a7 Mil nirtJXret lot I MM ineka danM.

Htd 29.50 20.119 30.18 90. 19.9* .10 M'Oalm a .03 Clo'dr .00 .00 Clo'dl .00 Clear .00 d'o'dr Klver 8 feet Inches above low water mark; rlien tl Inches. Maxtmnm btupenturi, W.O degrees mlnlmnn 34.S Olymf Is Hues down. Cyrus W. Field in said to have arranged to put nearly a million dollars newspaper building to bo erected in Now York this year.

It will be sixteen stories high and will Imvo a frontage of over Jive hundred feet, Francis Springer, who was president of the Iowa constitutional convention in 1857, jirc- nided at reunion of tho surviving memhrrn in J3ea Moincs tho other day. Of the members of Mie convention of 1-857, James Wilson, who has just been chosen United States senator, is the youngest except one. eupugh for her purpose, aud so thought of another plan by which tbe dovilisb deed might be concealed and all clues which might lead to its discovery shrouded and hidden. That afternoon Bradlev ordered a buck and sent the four inmates of the bagnio to the White House, to get them out of the way aud anablo liar to TO DIHPOHE Or THE OOBPHE. By tUis time Charles Hamilton, a notorious desperado and sneak thief, who was generally known as Bradloy's "friend," had become acquainted i the facts, and the two-put their hoads together and resolved on the following plan to got rid of tho body.

John Muhonoy, an tx-backman, was sent for, who was detailed to get a hack by some means, in which they might tako tho body away, Jor which ho wa. to get $100. He got tho hack from Geo. Baker, paying him ton dollars for tho use of it from about 3 to 5 o'clock Sunday bringing the hack to the door of tho hotiHu. the body was carried Into it by Sullivan, Hamilton and Mahoney, who placed it iu an upright position on the seat and drove down Third street, all three men riding, i a inside with the corpse, and Uamiltou with Mahoney on the outside.

Circumstances tend to that they turned down to Second street, an the atone found fastened to the IUUII'K thtrt Was of the description a pile wbicu lay on that street, near its northern terminus, and which they in all probability picked up on their Journer to thu wharf. Upon their arrival tbore, they either have thrown the body out in thl) wutor by main force, nr taken it to tho upot where it wan found in a email boat. Tlfo formur theory seems rather improbable, as the weight of ibe man, in addition to that of tho rocks i.tom-d to him, would render It a very hard matter to throw it far from the dock. Dolly and Xollk- Flippin both visited the morgue the day after tho recovery of the body, and i i fied it IM tho man who HAD nr.EN IN novxr. Fllppin declined to tell anything further.

The next day lifter thu remains had boen disposed of. Bradley told Adams that it had cuBt (Bradley) SIM to put Brown oat of the road, ami thin inasmuch an sho (Adaiua) was will furnish alttlngi to all wbo come. Unitarian church, T. L. Eliot, minister-- Services at II and 7:90.

The Open Temperance Society meets with this chnroh tn the evening, and tntereitlng ad dreniei will be made bj the pastor, Mr. J. f. and others. The public cordially Invited.

Hull-itreet E. church- Services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.

by Rev. T. L. Sails, of East Portland. Sunday ichool at All luvlttd.

Qi-rmiH Lutheran-- E. Dotrina, uiuUler, pervice the church In Stephens' addition, 10-30 A. and 9 P. U. at tbe Congngaliim church, Portland.

Presbyterian Clmrcb. corner Tblrd and Washington A. L. Llnunlcy, Public worship morning and evening, Usbrra provide seats. All 'comeri mado -welcome.

Jl. fc V. meetings every gunSty afternoon 3 o'ujock, bi-RlunliiK with a short urvlce on the strf ot, Everybody, especially vouug, men and strangers cordially liivltvd. German Evangelical church, Clits.Waehlte, pin- tor, car. Eighth streets )reachiDg at It A.

M-: the Lord's Supper. Prvachlng In tbe evening at 1.HU; Rnnday school at 9.30 A. M. All Qermius cordially Invited. KorwoKlau Dane Lutheriu Church-- R.

R. bull, putor: U-o every Buiiilu) 1 oxcept the nrit Bund- In month, it A. II. 7:30 P. ID the KnlHcopnl ruhprl.oa stxtb street.

Pastor's dpnoe, Blzteoulh atreot, between anil nabbl noicnspltz will K'tlure In KTiiagogue, Fifth ana Onlt blrepts, Sunday evehlng at 7 o'clock subject, Tho Truth auout thu Truth;" nicitlo, "Through Ilia Veitlbule of Jubt you niny Kutt-r the Bcvrtt Clituiberl of Truth." Firfit Congregational Churrb, corner Hrcoud and Jbtfcrffou Hev. Dr. JUQI-H, of rutaluiua. will preach M. 7:30 P.

Sunday icbool and blbto cliatt luimedutply kftrr inorntng service. free aud ft cnnltiil wt'li-omft to who arejt- specially requcHted tomaku tbtimaelvtrs known. 1'ortluid Mariners' Church, corner Third and Btrdln-- Hi'vulor Hunday at 9:30 A. for liour. Preaching P.

on board thenhlp fO'it uf xtn-rt. Prt-achlnt! In tho Murlarrn' at Ilio chaplain. Pravtir oiotttuiiB on Tiu'tdajs and Frldayn, al Strvlovi at tbo Ohim-h-- Trinity (Oak m. lib), Dunduy. I I A.

U. ami 7:30 P. Bt. tinpcl, nlul i Buudny. 11 A.

and J--30 I 1 Ut. ilulbi-w'a (Ft rnt 11 A. M. and 7 P. Trinity inle- 8unUy, i I tit.

(draiunur efboul). Hnnda.v,3 P. Uwd Salunrltau huapllal, ('Jilt aud L), Tliura- diiy, P. M. WeHtnilnutt-T Preabytcriau Chapel faln and Kicvmitb Buuilay aohool every Hunday, VuuibirnctnK at 1 o'clock.

Prayer uiuvttug every TEluoilny evt-nlnt-', comilu-nctug at 7:30 u'rlock. rroarbiiia Huaday at Tflfl, whenever It piisafhlfi to anouro a mtuthtfr. Ptwi freti. HlnuiiiK, and in- Invttfil. Thli Sunclij- cviiiilng, Tub.

1'2, the Itrv. Mr. Fraser will pnacb. passougors is a Jew. lie i.

lying town on the raft, nearly insensible with hungjr mid cold. On hearing tho cry of "A mil! A nail!" he ws understand, mate an anxious bid for Green of rare artistic lute, hi. qnlok eye did and Thompion 1 laasx and beat plav. "Chta- not take long oat reject pa." If secured, Kiss Harriaon Sill produce the caro.8, everyflung that camor under his umps to hi.fettexolaimiog, "MiteGott, vero play next at the Union Square the and Haydn (ler oatalogno Tho Hnbsoijucut scenes are laid in London, where Sir Harry Huntiugford marries a woman of tue Ucmi-monrle whose money bo ha. lost at tbe gaming table.

She npbraid. him for his cruel word, to her when sho never reproached him for his extravagance with her money, and he repel, her With ablow. Bho tli'oater, with tho strongest possible of characters and olabora-e gcenory. A party ot Now Tor i uewipaper men, lay. Howard, went to Rochester to seo KM Auna Dickinson ImHimlet.

Under assumed names they registered in the and avoid-' pd bo theatre until Might, having a porter. off, how jo will ciiss hia wiry! active figure and ringing voice. If hc( waa and qaiok-temperad, he wax also a man of strong fneaii.hipe and Wopiagnflltem. With a-beaatifnlhome, an affec- tignate wilo and two littlt) daugbtero, he had to make oj.ble; but in ano a forgery of which he deemed bef ignorant, and ho away to "Kyiy-etoiaiipfofraW. MJinoath.

aaaa iud puTsir And leave Too Call that in every eagentfal reqnl- Harry iu charge of the estate, wh oh Clement i(o 'or 1U profeiaion, Hr. Sheridan iu'ttot-a nlit ak ascertained that has just ransomed from tho hand, of thcnsur- wbit belowtho.e nama. are blown far jii tup motto of "first blood for Sullivan tho jycwiiKaiHllj loaf era met his autago- WA im.i- of clnbbed their erg. "'The plan partially unccoMhvbut just as nn do hy tha of fame, and be 1. head Clement is about 'to beincarooratad in a con- and sboQlders abovoMveral who makegreatet domned.

hold for incurables, ho overpowers his protonsious. It hiia jccome a habit, we'find, koopcrs and knocks down the villainons doctor to carp the quality of hi. support; 'but, on who has been the opu.pir»tor.' too Jumping analysis, company will be fonnd to pooaea into a boat lie pulls acroas to Lopi on and soon I icl strength jaa i. attainable nowadays. brings bis molentors to justici-.

Ho pardons The names ol Bradley, Jennings, Grismtr, 1 his brother, but takes the prcoan ion to send Thoyer, Kennedy anil Logan Paul arc good him to America to lead a now life. The'plav enough for any and th. fBtninine parti Mr ondK with tho ta virtno'tri- are well.sustained by mch ladies A fluo KecondbuintPtauo.xuodai! utiw, ht lU Tblrd trt'tit, Munt beaoldht nuco. Bt-ttt lu city. Kaatrrn local nyotera bite cook lu fUttrge of cutllne.

ut night. II North Flrit street, mnpliant over vice, and they are ill Kutislied. Wo notice that pretty little Jennie Lee her husband, Joe Burnett, were leave Han Franrisco for Australia by yesterday's We think that Btecbhau made a great mistake ih not bringing them np here with, a small company to play a round ot characters in which she i. unspproacbablo. tiho is b.rdly as good a singer an Katy Mayhew, but a good deal bettor sctross; and sho would have proven tho greatest card (Barrett that ever came to Portland.

It would huvo cos; no more to bring her here than the nmh of hjirn-sformers thuy did bring. It would have lioen a good deal more satiafactory to thu pliy-igoingptiblic and, wo bcliovo, a good doal more money iu the aungcr's pockets. Wo write thtao word, in sorrow rather than in splonotic censure, ilanngor rUechhati was list beginning to convince tho podplu of Port- that Im knew how to rnu a theater. During tbo past year ho had given them tho best living low comedian iu tho pcriiojt of John Owens; the most powo of all emotional ootrcflscs of the modern school, In Kathcriiio lingers; tbo most forcible of American diailH in Willinni Khoridrm; and thcbf-Bf and most boautifnl woman in nocloty in Alice Lingard. Ha has all that work lo -do over again, Just by bringing a i amateurs and variety ImckM.

There was not "personal cut" of any single performer in tlio thirty, and ders. Miss Nellie Miss Lon Davenport, and that remarkably precocious novice, MUs I'lia-bo Daviei, i It i. pomiblo tbat a star must become foshiuiiablo before the public discover any brilliancy iu him; and a theater bo voted "the mode" bo ore they will resort to U. Tue chief clerk -of; Ibe Imperial hotel, eteulxsn- vlllc, Obto, Mr. John If.

IloagUnd, heartily Indorses- Bt, Jacobs Oil. Dy It to hi. tnroat he relieved btmielf of severe pain and waa cured of a chronic sum throat tnat nothing would relieve. UEAL, I3STA.TJB rl Vim but uma for the past "sixty up liko pHuQLDfT tlu HllOClCOu llltO tnO IQlcldlo of the 17th of next month. And by a man named Sullivan, at tbat.

We thought th.twhen tha renowned "yankop" perished by his own hand in the Vigilance Committee rooms, the glory of the name had perished with him. But it would seem a. if tho new "Richmond iu the Held" wear, tho mantle of the cunning DEIM. Australian convict who fairly whipped burly Lancaster wile to Ellxa Thompson, 180 Jack Morriseey and then wai swindled out of In aec U. 2 3 Jan the Boston Corners.

Jotin to Alice Prrach, southwest half of lots i blocks, town of StJobnn; April VS, 1873--H. nv( lonl ita ullver Iinint lot. 7 oioua naa us suvor lining, and and block 8, town of Bt Jobns; April Kl. isTJ-tl. this case is no exception.

Gibbon tclla us that jSrSKlb n1 blOCk WTM. io Africanu. returned from Oarth.go, Ofo Aiken and wl lo 8 UcCready, lots 3,4, a triumphal procession wa. given in bis honor and block In KcMlllen'1 add to Feb 8- through the street, of Borne, jhe victor sat 5 MO- i in hi. gilded chariot, and the populace cheered QOIT him till tbo rang with their Bnt 8 Johniton to lot.

5 and 8, Mock II, beside him a riavo who, over and anon, wife (o Helen Braitford whispered: "Remember, but a man." acres in 17, i. 1.1 So i ia with the vlctorioun Sullivan. In the iu I a i 4 tv, jcrir DcLMhumt lud wife to Msry A JiokaoD, lot tclogram. from Troy, thu block 17, iu Caruiher'a add; Feb cradlo of prize fighters, it states' that Mrs. P.

sBKnirr'a DEED, Hyan has been interviewed and she not auu Joseph Uucbtcl, Bbirltt, to Van DeLanhmutt, believe that her husband has been licked at all. that told the story. "Good performers, of lots 3 and 4. block 17. Oiruther'a add; Feb 8- this respect not differ nlateri.lly It.

AlliMi, 1W Third Ht. Ordcra flllod Heitl MauiptorruUlogile and MUHlcittJuunml. Tbcr, i 'ia no deputing the fact that the maa who lor ptroua the belt In htn particular tun- t-i win ahare of putrouagB. itli of thi- Vlennn anW buuHe in that man. sloi-k un Northwest const.

lllivl inuinlillv. r-vlid forrutulogui-alid Jirurri.i-. M'llry II. Allt-n, Ellinflur IJourne hjive muovfd their lawolBrp lo roiHuM 7, and corner Third and Oak, in tbe new Aiiinn-urthlrl rrk.

A t'iryrln t-iiirnunitrnt-vlll tiku plaon al tbe pavll. ton Ffbrnnry K1IU, In whh-b i i "nliow ilf" thf, fvifnU the bvailttfulniacbtne. Two to in, awardoil to Ihe conteat- auU. A lull bniw baud will be lu attendance. knowlodged merit, always carry them.

We blatno HIHVO for the humbug and not Htechban; hut we frar that the pnbllc will be less lenient in their Judgment of tho caso than wo are. It is a bard matter to manage a theater in Portland successfully, wo ivlmit. I First, there is thu annual freeze up cntu off all the transient patronage of Kastcru Oregon, which is worth five times that of tho, upper Willamette; scfoud, there in the out-of-the-way taciturn of tho theater; third, ijtx danger in case of fire: fourth, its nnoleiiri elevation and tho futtiruing Journey up and dnwn stairs; and fifth, and worst of nil, the competition of cheap and rapid entertainments gottci tip in aid of of tho churches, in which the stew and thu cretncoous iee-crcanl play-sucb an Important part. All these are jieriou. c-bsta- 1771 from Jeff Bavis, who not yat know that lat.wlU ld the.n«» of millinery i a it Ilia.

A. I. 103 First slreot. The hullea ihould note this, With a large Mis. Hoolagabn, I tyred Byan, that we the cloak of the ages turned back and the modern triumph tthorn ot ita That doughty lady in- able la the clly.

In a meal. ll.W. Prentice fc leading mnilo the pn'ly bonne tu Fortlud tbal deal In luuilcal merchandise exclusively. Largest atock of pianos, uinnlc aDd everytblnfi that pertains to the mualo. buaitu-BH.

Send your orden itlreri nn. Great Jo; to be bad al the Saturday eveu- tntt, Ft)b. J5tb. A grand akatlnK Oarni- IB in come off. In wnlcb six btudsomo prlzn iro tu bi- awarded.

A full bratM band will be la attend, iiice. Bee baud bills for particulars. tic slow, in this Shu should rcnicm her that Bullivsti was tha man won fight, not tho oho who lost it; and tho merii fact that she has been iu the habit of walloping liyin wkem-vor be refused to for the poteen. it no critei-ion pf bor ability to Sullivan. Besides, if she hiulii't liolifd Ily.m BO otteji, slid completely broken his I'oursKe.

he might huiu away with the ttglu. knows GMZZLY. CENTO nusqt wmttr i Sll iv urri I viry nsvcrcly bitrnod tlwui right iiroU-snOf, to whom tint cxwllcit InJj- Mr. It. II.

C.ilyrr, T.iia (-He of tier most oxt-i-snrUinnry utrecit, Jeritry Uity, Moot! the Blwnj'n ret I "OK, ills. Bamsbqlliim, Jon mast lit joking "iu. er. timer.jol wimnilenl tbaoldl de.d-I'a.-nut to heal. I auulled St.

Jai-qb? you I was speaking ij inmsA ell versisj) of a FINE WJNES -AN0 Bolt it. CCVfES. BOttBMX WllOBUlf ScattOD. Kvcn tUft volatile" strength t'le nacapo In tbe crucible of tbe ruader Is earprlsed to find a 'caput i iNEWSFAPESJ.

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