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The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 2

The Morning Newsi
Wilmington, Delaware
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TWO WILMINGTON MORNING NEWS, WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, SATURDAY, MARCH I. 1924 TOMBOY TAYLOR- By Fontaine Fox furnished the committee if president Coolidge complies with request in a resolution adopted today in agine that it was a frank statement of the affair." "I believed every word of it wa3 were bought by Sinclair for Schuyler declared that the Indications were that Sinclair had obtained the Teapot Dome leas-? through a' conspiracy with the Pioneer Oil Company, but he stead-factiy declined to express an opin ion that this conspiracy was aime at "the government. HOLSTEIN OWNERS VISIT W1NTERTHUR 150 Attend Meeting; View vmous Herd Owned by Colonel duPont MOTES off JZA I vk Bares 7 RABBI LEVINGER ON Both Radicals and Conservatives Aid Progress World, He Says Says Zangwiii's Play Answers Problem of 'Revolt' in Appeal to Race Experience Rabbi Lee J. Levinger spoke on "We Moderns," the new play by Israel ZangrwiH, at the Temple Beth Emeth last night.

He said in part: "The problem -of the play ia a universal one, the problem of the older and younger generations. In this case the two generations are the Victorian parents and the modern children. The children are fascinated by freedom free verse, modernist painting, free love, even. The parents, with their greater experience have great conservatism. "The answer of Mr.

Zangwlll to the problem he raises is contained in two speeches of the last act. The daughter, speakng to her father, eaya, "But how can I know that? It happened before I was And her father answers, 'But bo many thinga happened before you were born. So many things happened before I was born, before the human race was "That is, lie appeals to the experience of the past as our guide far the present and the future to the religion of our forefathers, to their moral codes, to their ideals of art. "A new novel by Rose Macaulay, entitled Told by an Idiot," treats the same problem with a different conclusion. The Idea of this very brilliant study of English life from 1880 to the present day is simplj-that of repetition.

The youngs al-ways consider themselves modern and 'new; the older generation always object to the radical innovations of the young. "Modern study of sociology gives Tis still another view the idea of balance between the forces of con 1f fcJV- 0r the Senat that he furnish the income tax returns of Fall, Doheny, Sinclair and tho Sinclair- and Dohney Oil Companies. At the White House it was said the executive would ascertain his authority under the law bt'fore acting. While the Senate debate was in full swing, announcement was made at the White House that President Cooltflge would appoint additional special counsel to bring action looking to the recovery of sections 16 and 38 in the Elk Hills Reserve It California, now operated by the Standard 'Oil Company of California It was said that he would select at torneys thoroughly versed in lanfi law. A demand that the committee subpoena William Boyce Thompson of Chicago, was made today in the Senate by Senator Heflin, whi charged that Thompson borrowed $3,500,000 in 1920 on a note secured by Sinclair oil stock fr use in the presidential campaign that year.

After it had heard Mr. Palmer today the oil committee cross-examined Karl C. Schuyler, counsel for J. Leo Stack, a Denver oil oper ator whose claims in Teapot Dome i 9 JEWS- j. i -ft a jfrt i a rr KoSkntM SyMldtfc tacjr- v.

ToKSoY TCf UOb MA THlMKS He MIGHT 4 R. T. Baker, Rutgers Student, Wins $100 Bull in Guessing Contest; Three Speeches More than 150 persons, among whom were many promlnrnt Hol-stien cattle breeders of this State, attended the second mid-winter meeting of the Delaware Holstein-Freisian Association, yesterday at Winte-rthur Farms. Following an inspection of the famous herd of Holstein cattle owned by Colonel Henry F. duPont, of WJnterthur, luncheon was served at the qlub house on vhe farm, at which time several well known authorities spoke on the subject of breeding.

The speakers were: J. W. Bart-lett, professor animal Industry at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, X. who told of the benefits of a state Holstein Association; Dr. W.

H. Kraemer, of Wilmington, who stressed the value of pure, rick milk as a food in sickness and health, and Dr. C. C. Palmer, veternarian and professor of bacteriology at the University of Delaware, whose subject was "Breeding Problems." For making the closest guess of the number of pounds of milk produced during the past year by "Win-terthur Inka Prijly Segis Burke," one of the best producers of the Winterthur 'herd, R.

T. Baker, student of Ruters College, New Brunswick, N. agricultural department, 'aa awarded a bull calf worth $100. The total number of pounds produced by the cow for the year was 27000; the winning guess was pounds. Following the speeches, J.

R. Danks, manager of the Winterthur Farms, was delegated to represent the association at the National Convention of Holstein-Freisian Breeders, which will be held this year at Richmond, June 4. Mr. Danks was in charge of the arrangements of the meeting yesterday. Among the cows that were inspected yesterday was Vess Johanna Ornsby, who completed a 365-day record of 1497 pounds of butter and 30.130 pounds of miik.

which is a world's record. This is in addition to three previous ten-months' records. VISIT BY SENATORS TO FALL IN HOTEL STIRS DEMOCRATS (Continued From Firsf Page) "and I have no doubt it is correct, but he could not have accepted it if he had not been decidedly friendly to the cause of Senator Fall, because no one can take that letter and look at it and read it and im- HOLT'S AMERICAN RESTAURANT STACJ HOTEL 5 East 4th St. Regular Meal Lunch Counter Service at All Hour Comfortably Furnished Rooms Moderate Prices CATERING A SPECIALTY COTTON WASTE HUDSO WIPING RAGS Style Quality Service Appearance All In iJ'A hum in a. iaa 1 true," interjected Senator Smoot.

"If the Senator had conversed with people about town who know anything about Ned McLean," Senator Walsh said, "I undertake to say that nine out of every ten would have been aible to tell him it could not possibly be true." "I know nothing about McDean or his financial condition," replied the Utah Senator. McLean's Private Wire Discussed Another incident of discussion was the employment by McLean of E. W. Smithers. chief communicating officer at the White House, to man the private wire the publisher had Installed between his Palm Beach cottage and the Post Building here.

Senator Dill, Democrat, Washington, calling attention to this, declared "the trail of this thing goes the rounds of the executive's officers and it seems even in his own office." Before the Senate discussion got under way the oil committee heard flat denials of several of the sensational statements made In telegrams sent to McLean in Florida, by his employes In Washington, A. Mitchell Palmer, attorney-general in the Wilson administration, who acted for a time as counsel for McLean, told the committee he had not asked Senator Underwood, of Alabama, or anyone else, to bring pressure to bear on Senator Walsh; that he was not a "partner" of J. W. Zevely, attorney for Harry F. Sinclair, and that he 'was not looking after the interest of Fall.

Through employes of the Post and all other persons, whose names are mentioned in the telegrams the committee tomorrow wi'l seek to gft "at the truth of other assrertons in the messages and to clear up a number of the mysteries their examination has left, including the identity of "apricotts," "apples," "peaches" and "cherries." McAdoo's -Son Called Subpoenaes for these persons w-ere issued tonight. They include Francia McAdoo, son of William 1. McAdoo; Zevely, Francis H. Homer, a Baltimore attorney; Smithers, E. W.

Starling of the White House Secret Service staff, and E. Rochester, confidential adviser to Attorney General Daugherty. A broader field for inquiry will be VkV vTl Jfe f-Vrs uW RESTORES COLOR AND I' BEAUTY TO GRAY FADED HAIR ell dn.5a.sts -V 1I1SCOX CHEMICAL WORKS BAa-cHoouE. N.v: 'It When wirhtrtg hair always un iZt" rutftesToN shampoo A t-u hn'T litifier, bn-AriAl to hAir and sKlp. nnd (dl for In l'Bii.

Hair PHe BO PHONE TO FERXDELD COFFEE It would be impossible to find a Coffee that would please everybody, but we believe that Ferndell comes as near to that as any Coffee we ever had. Making new friends fevery day. A little higher In price than the average ColTee, but more cups to the- pound. 50c Pound Ttn. $2.45 Five Pound Tin.

211 Market St. Since 1844 1599 512 513 MULLLIN'S CUSTOM MADE For Spring and Summer, 1924. This Announcement cannot visualize for You the wonderful New Spring Fabrics which help make Mullin's Made-to-Order Clothes so handsome; neither can it show you the expert workmanship, but Jiere we can and hope that you will extend this pleasure. Look over our New Spring Suitings and Topcoatings. You will find this a most opportune time for a complete selection.

Qualities beginning at $i5. I OUST AS VJU. KtSlG-ri- 7) Copyright, 1923, by Fontaine Fox. ORDER POLICEMEN TO USE HANDCUFFS In commenting on the criticism aimed at the police for handcuffing prisoners placed in the patrol wagon after being arrested for trivial offenses. Superintendent of Police Black yesterday afternoon said: "The police are only acting under an order issued by the Directors of Public Safety several years following the shooting of Patrolman William Davidson.

at Front and Market street, after he had placed a drunken prisoner in the patrol. Davidson has never fully recovered from his wound and is at present performing the lighter duties of a turnkey. "The motion of Councilman Abrahams In requesting that the police use some judgment in their handing of prisoners and handcuffing them sounds very good, but In the case of Davidson being shot, nine men out of ten woud not have bothers about handcuffing the prisoner wfto was thought to be in a helpless and intoxicated condition. "Other instance too numerous to mention where the police on duty with the patrol have used their judgment, much to their sorrow, have occurred, some receiving torn uniforms and bruises before finally subduing the prisoner." The incident that caused all the criticism was the placing of hand-cus, not "nippers," on Maurice Freedman. 615 Madison street, arrested on a charge of harboring an unregistered dog.

Plan (Hid Fellows Rally Monday evening, will be observed as Rally Night by Delaware Dodgs No. 1. I. O. O.

at Odd Fellows Hall Tenth and King streets. The Grand Master and his staff wil be present and the Degree Team of Delaware Dodge will confer the First Degree in full on a claps cf candidates. The entertainment committee has arranged tomething very interesting in the banquet room. COLDS THAT DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Chronic cougn and persistent coldc lead to serious lung trouble. Tou cao stop them now with Creoniulsion.

an emulsified creosote that Is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothea and heals the Inflamed membraJies and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for tha treatment of chronic couglis and colds and other forms of throat and lung troubles. creomuwion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the eeit of the trouble and deatroys the terms that lead to consumption. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other firms of throat and lung disease, and is excellent tot building up the system after colde or the flu.

Money refunded unv couch or cold, no nfatter of how long standing, is not relieved after takinsr according to directions. Ask your druggist. Creomulsion Atlanta, Ga. Adv. servatism and progress.

The old generation have behind them racial experience, it is true, but Tf that were all, progress would be impossi ble. Thus the younger generation the moderns, are doing the work of the world. Their great risks In try ing out the Tiew theories of of religion, of life, are an ultimate Kfiin. Many new theories muet be cast aside, but now and then one survives and is a permanent acquisition for us all. Progress is not created by the radicals alone; they bring new Ideas, which are sometimes, good and sometimes bad.

Progress la made by the conservatives also, holding firmly to the good things of the past. "Judaism also has a teaching which may help us to work out this problem in our own experience. -It iff the teaching of family love, by which the young and old may live together in confidence and trrst. even though not in entire agreement. Through love the intellectual gap bttween parents and children mas bridged, so that even while.

the rae.i goes forward, and new ideas enter the realm of action, still the bond of loyalty to the old truths is never broken, and the bond of love between the generations holds firm." A special musical program waa rendered during the evening which waa greatly enjoyed by the large audience. STUDENT AND WIFE HELD AFTER DEATH OF INFANT Maine. Teh. 20. Nettie May MacLean, Tacoma, who came to Portland from Brunswick with her dead baby girl In hef arms and visited an undertaker to have it prepared for burial, was taken back today to the college town -where her husband.

Kenneth Ross MacLean, is a sophomore at Bowdoin College. Officials Intended to arraign her, probably on the charge of manslaughter. Her husband, whose arrest at the college came soon after she was taken Into custody, also was to be taken into court. County Attorney Robinson said it was likely he also would be charged with manslaughter. was arranged to ask for a continuance until "Wednesday pending the analysis of organs of the child's body.

DEATHS HIOGIXS. In this city, on February 2. 1924. Kev. Edward C.

Higgins. Reverend clergy. relatives. friends and all organizations of which he was a member are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday morning, March 1. at St.

Paul Church. Office of the Dead at 10 o'clock. Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass at 10.30 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Remains will lie in etatp in St.

Church after 6 o'clock Friday evening. St'HRTJ. in this city, on February 27. 124, Kleie M. Seheu.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the fu neral services at the residence of her mother. Mrs. John J. Payne. 602 N.

Harrison street, on Saturday after noon, March at 2 clock. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. SIMMONS In this city, on February 29 lliil. Frank Simmons. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at his ifltft rsiilpnA 2(0 Jefferson street, on Monday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock.

Interment at Ktverview cemetery. Telephone 31 I Telephone 32 The Chandlers Undertakers Delaware Ave. at Jefferson St. 214 W. 9th Street Jas.

T. Mullin Sons 6th and Market Open Until 9 P. M. LUDENDORFF URGES 8ISIARCKP0LICIES On Stand Three Hours, Reading Speech From Typewritten Pages Denies Rights to Jews, More Than French or English, in Germany By The Associated Press ML'XICH, Bavaria, Feb. 29.

General Ludendorff, one of the chief defendants in the trial of those held responsible for the Bavarian "putsch' last November, took the stand today. For three hours he read from typewritten sheets. in short, staccato tones what amounted to a political speeech, in the course of which he denounced Marxism and Communism. He was listened to quietly by the large crowd and addressed by the president of the court as "excellency." The general declared that for him the Jewish question was a racial question; that the Jews had no more right than the English or French to be allowed to obtain authority and influence in CJermany. He admitted he was a monarchist, but he considered the monarchial question insoluble at the present time.

Describing his cooperation with General Von Iossow, former commander-in-chief of the Bavarian Reichswehr. General Ludendorff said he wanted to establish a new Germany on Bismarckian foundations. 473 ARRESTED DURING MONTH OF FEBRUARY During February 473 arrests were made by local police according to reports by trTe bureau at midnight last night. The greatest number, 63, were taken for drunkenness. This number, however, shows a considerable decrease over the previous month, when 113 were taken.

The next offense for which a large number was arrested was violation of the state liquor laws, 34 being locked up on this count. Other statistics follow; For assault and battery, 32; for breach of the peace, 22; for disorderly conduct, 29; for highway robbery, for larceny. 25; for manslaughter, for non-support, 32; for playing craps, 24; for operating an auto while intoxicated, for reckless driving, 13; for selling intoxicating liquor, IS; for receiving bets of horse races, 2 and for breaking and entering, 6 Paris is the wickedest city on earth. CUHCURA HEALS ITCHY ECZEMA On Handsand Arms, Could Not Put Hands In Water. Eczema broke out on my hands and arms in blotches.

Sore erup tions formed and itched so badly that I could scarcely keep from scratching. I could not put my hands in water, and could not do my regular work. I tried other remedies without effect. I was told about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and purchased some, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mra. Mary Gibson, Little Meadows, July 26, 1923.

Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum promote and maintain skin ARDENITES SCHEDULE LIVELY TOWN MEETING (Continued From First Page) of the Arden rentals for the erection of a new school building. It is believed this plan will be opposed by the trustees, two of whom are avowed opponents of the public school system. Should, the trustees not accede to the proposed plan, however, members of the Arden School Board have announced their intention of holding a referendum election to bond thte entire district, which has an assessed valuation of approximately $225,000, so as to ensure the erection of a new school building by next fall. A warm fight is promised over the litigation now pending in Court of Chancery between the Arden school trustees and the Arden Club, in whose building the school is now located, over the alleged use of school coal for private club functions, and it is rumored angered club members will request the resignation of two members of the school board for their refusal to acquiesce in the alleged misuse of the coal of which they are custodians. VOTE ON MUSCLE SHOALS BID BY FORD WITHIN WEEK WASHINGTON, Feb.

29. The McKenzie bill, which would authorize acceptance of "Henry Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals, will be taken up, Tuesday Jy the House under an agreement reached today. The Rules Committee reported a resolution giving the measure priority after disposition of the Tax Bill. Chairman Sneil said general debate limited to ten hours would get un- way Tuesday. Representative McKenzie, of Illi nois, author of the bill, predicted it would be voted on before the end of next -week and passed without material change.

OBITUARY NOTES Frank Simmons Frank Simmons, son of the late Charles and Mary F. Simmons, died suddenly yesterday morning at his home, 210 Jefferson street, after a long illness. Mr, Simmons was a director of the lumber firm of S. G. Simmons and Brothers Company, of this city, and had been connected with thai business for a'bout 37 years.

He is survived by his wife Frances C. Simmons, and two children. Baudny and Bdlth; two brothers, James C. Simmons and Charles Simmons, and three sisters, Mrs. H.

Howard Carver, Mrs. Florence D. Baylis and Miss Elizabeth C. Sim mons. Funeral services will be held at his late residence on Monday after noon, at 3.30 clock.

Interment at Kiverview cemetery. Victor Barsky Victor Barsky, 34 years old, attorney, with offices in the Industrial Trust Building, died yesterday morning, of heart trouble at his home, 806 West street. He had been ill for some time, although his condition did not become critical until a few days ago. Mr. Barsky was a graduate of the Wilmington High School class of 1807 and of Wharton School.

Uni-; versity of Pennsylvania, 1911 an 1 Law School, University of Penn-j sylvania, 1914. He was admitted to practice here in 1919 and for time was connected with the office of S. D. Townsend, present attorney general. Recently he practiced alone.

During the war Mr. Barsky volunteered, and served overseas as a sergeant in the Medical Corps. Mr. Barsky was president of the Progress Club of which he was an organizer, and a member! of the New Castle County Bar Association. He is survived by his father, Nathan Barsky, a brother, rr.

Joseph M. Barsky and a sister Miss Barsky, who also is an attorney. The funeral will be hold tomor ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Electricity, the wonder of the age, is within your reach. We supply everything in the line of fixtures, from the many branched electrolier to the modest bracket, from the complicated motor to the little electric toaster for your table. Our goods are right, and we know how to apply them for you at as low a cost as is consistent with good workmanship and quality.

Let us help you save. V. I ,4 GEORGE cCAULLEYson I IS 103 West Eight Street Madge Evans Hats For Spring Are the Loveliest Ever I "I never saw such charming new straws and such entrancing new shapes I "There are Milns, Bangkoks, Leghorns. Hemps and crinkle Hemps There are visca braids ad moire viscas that look just like moire silk. And there are ripply viscas, giving the effect of tucking.

"Thenfi there are hats of gay little ribbons and soft gros de Londress and taffetas, and other hats of lacy hair braids. Telephone Sprays Designs J. Elmer Betty FLORIST 407 Delaware Ave 15 per cent, discount on all family orders. A phone call will bring our representative. PHONE 2946.

MARSHALL H. YEATMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR 21 YEARS ASSOCIATED WITH JOHN B. MARTIN Office and Funeral Home, 819 Washington Street Telephone Number 13 SIZES UP TO 18 YEARS. M. A.

BAILEY purity, 6km comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Fim a -Cilbin 1-t 227 W. Ninth Street S05 West street, with interment in Lombard- temetery. i ry nwr new Shuvtsv Stiek. row afternoon from the home.

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