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Moberly Democrat from Moberly, Missouri • Page 3

Moberly Democrati
Moberly, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROYAL BAKING POWDER Makrn the food more delicious and wholesome LOCAL NOIES .1 firm. 60 First-class summer corsets to-IScut Gay's, d-l Attoml thft Stiito fiiir mooting ut Mondny night. Attend the stato fair committee mooting at the Merchants' hotel night. G. W.

Spurrier buys, sells and exchanges novels at Florence ho- tol news stand. d3 you want an elegant trim- Fireman Blackburn were in the cab, which is an assurance of a smooth and safe run. Profs. Catron and Magrudcr are now ready and prepared to teach tho art of Magnetic healing as taught by Prof. Weltnor.

Call or write for terms. 110 South Williams street, Mobcrly, Mo. dO A. Maxwell, an account of whoso resignation, as sweeper in tho nuichino' shops appeared those columns Friday, leaves this week for Monroe county to visit with his father who has been seriously ill lately. "A inim'H rarn," remarked tho med liat, at from go owl-oyod obMorvor.

nro HO placed thut toG.iy's. d-l ho inny ontob nil thai in Hind to Jim fnoo. -It intc'iulod tluit ho rooms IO iild hour tho thingx that mikl at 1.U5 South Fourth street. Ap- behind in probably ply at Koed street. tf Gay it have lovely roses from to -10 cents.

All silk mousalino from J3c to-lOc. d-l UH well thut ho doesn't. you want'store The famous Imperial quartette, the Standard mule quartette, a grand chorus of ttf ty voices and an elegant solo orchestra nro among the musical features of the ''South Before the War, which will bo at Heg- orty's next Tuesday night. 1 DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP will cure throat and lung trouble without fail.

For grippe, in- lluenza and a deep seated cough or cold, it is tho best remedy offered to the public. Tho doses aro small and a bottle costs only An exchange remarks that, tho man who complains most of his preacher pays the least; tho man who complains most of his neighbor, and the man who has tho least sense Is the most conceited. It may bo that tho man who borrows his neighbor's papers has the most fault to Uud with tho way they are run; A worthy Hot Springs couple is traveling in-tho vale of humiliation, -says' the Thomas Cat of that city. Their daughter was ill 'recently, and' they asked their' minister in to pray J'or hor. The girl was delirious, and during tho whole of "What's trumps? his' 'visit shouted, "What's -A good gentle fami- Inquiro at No.

tiOO Jy horse. fiond street. LOST Momornndom book, near 801 Myra street. Return MissEdnaKarl Bruns-- wick, who has been visiting her and window awnings lit, call aUMt Hammond, of and see our samples and got our Clu IlV onuo, returned home prices. We can please you in do- Saturday.

She expresses her- sign and price BHISTOW BROS, d(j -111 Rood St. BULL'S COUGH. KYRUP self us being highly plousod. with the Magic City and tho attention shown hor during hor Miss Allin, aside from being an accomplished and gifted toB. S.

Head and get reward. is the salest and surest cure for iu conspicuous in belonging -r, i i those dangerous affections of the ft f.n'.-.'oi'thn oldest families in tho i dangoi little whooping' cough and measles'cough Physicians proscribe it, children like Tho grandest street parade it. and the doses are small. Price over given by a traveling com- Dr. R.

Cottiughmu IIHH moved hiH oflico with Dr. 1'oolor, ovor HuHhnoH'H utoi'o. dwlm win: jinny will be ai, noon Tuesday. See usaboni wall and picture frames. Li" JJooic Store, ftcod (11 in A little child of iJuly quiiu ill at tin- home its parents in the south end of town.

Dr. Peeler, physician and sur goon. Calls answered day or night. UtJtl street. Kesi- denee 'phono 1-IU.

Dr. T. A. Cottingliam, physician, surgeon and special isi, otllcu 41:1 A Koed street, uvur IJiMti.y's K-'Sidenco til K.iurtli Gay A if you want 5j'jmillinery goods ut one half wlmtl Brothers gel. for sameguods.

d-l V-'- Brnkeinun K. A. Stanford and family have returned IX'S i Moiiios, where Mr. Sanford will Uiko treatmont for liver and j'-V-' spleen trouble. I have a full lino of the best brands oCpaint from CMC.

tin- Sfe lot of young stirln in uuo column with turir gii'in uiiski-d p-o up trunciiiiK in Qiiuilo vil litfo of wmo niHkiutf BKUHOn. praot kept, up to ibmdHy. Spowrot N-w J-FMIV, howovoi, rubtinr rolk-iv. Ni.ikfM iii 11 moat, Hopt-rior wiuun if tlm world. Int of (jir'H 'n another f.OHinui With ir IlK'k-d ijnriiitf MJ.

r- ii'i-iH ki-pt i-i. I'tin lUixd lu.wi'ver, i lilnhl'H i liu I'll. Will I o' ruhlier rollorn itn i of to one of the oldest families in tho country. Tlio Contrnlia Guard pwtw it thin Soino ol llio wlin liiivo MIII. urrivud nt Ill'o hf) piJl'HJht- ii'loiitiuiiM to MOinc cf mil 1 in public iliut Ilioy remind ono of calf, only ilioir iintion uud giiinl)olH aro inuuli inoixt ridicii- Tliuy pni'ico iipiind down Uie like pug dog iviid iiuiko i UH coiiHpicaoiiH UH luind orgun inoiikoy.

Nothing in nipro dingiiHtiiig tliun tlutHO puhlic oxhibi- tionw of Hoft-lioiulod young pooplo, wruhtliiiK with NVinptoniH of ciilf love. pr vucy of Iho purlur in llio pluio foi' lovo coufiilm From Llio. Sedalia Democrat: "The reason tho Katy dyers will not go on the IGUi of April, as at) lirsi intended, is on account of tin. 1 skeleton engines ordered for the road not being ready," say.s HI; oilicinJ. "When tho dyers Wtlklnt Floor.

Wlicn nmn io the polni where he cwinot ulccp nt nluht. where he BO Hhnttcroil of nerve tlmt tortiife to even remniii In h)n heil. nntl he to Ret up niul puce the iH time for thut nmn 10 lirinjf btinnclf np with round turn. If ilocn not. nicnim ncn-oiin prohlriitlon mul tiiontiil.

If not pttyMcnl, (Ifath. For mnn who Into conilitlon llicrn In tcmcdy Hint will brnce him up, put him on fvvl niul tniikc mnn of him nirnin. It In'Dr. 1'lercc'H Golden Mcillcnl DlHcovorv. KOCH to the bottom of thniKS.

It Hciirch'od oil the first CIUIHC. When a nmn In In thin comlitk'ii yon cnn put your fimror on one of two iipotn nml hit tlmt finti cmi-ic the Hlomach or the liver or both. Thin ifreivt medicine iietn directly on thone Hpotn. It promptly trnnitformii wrnlc Htoin- iidi Into a'hciillliy-onc. -It fncilltntcH the How of dlccxUvc'jiiiccn tnl miikcH tlon nnd perfect.

It Ktven mnn nil nppetite like boy'H. It Inviiror- men the liver. lillw the Wood with tlic Hfe-itlvlmr clcmrnU of the food, nnd innlccM it pure, rich, red nnd The blood in the life current, nnd when it filled with the clementH. thnt'biilld new nnd lienlthy timmcit, lldocH not tnku IOIIK to mnlcc ninii well nnd biiildn firin.

intiNCUlnr ncnli nnd'Htronif nnd Htcndy nerve puw llfci.viifor nnd vitality into every ntom nnd onrnn of the body. It cnroH ncfvonx exliniiHtion nnd prostration. an KoodVcntrbc found, medicine hud miffritsl nhoiit clrvpn ycnrn with pnlii In Hie linck of my nml Imclt." wrllcn Mr. Knlirrl Ililliluinl. of Viirnrr, r.lncoln Ark, 1 milfrreil for eleven ycnm nml "iiciil Krrnt dcnl of for Uociont niul incdlclnc.

Ijul did mil wet relief. Tln-n I tried four ol (lie Mi-dlcnl nlBcovcrj- 1 niul ly. 1 Koill for live more nml now inn Kind to tell thut 1 nm In t(ood licnllh." Governor Tanner looking to" something more than a tempo- rnry restoration of peoco botwepa the out union men and Pivna operators. We're a queer lot' Hqro is man who will livo off your charity and curso and rovilo you at your back. Another -will jeer at a mart, who wears a ragged coat, whilo bis own is yet unpaid for.

'One- says a college education is a useless expenditure of your money and ho will remarks by spitting tobacco trust, plug juice at your "uppers. Another will ride ahorse through tho winter weather and leave him tied outside half the- night he debates "man's- inhumanity to man" in a warm room. Here is an Ohio landlord! who was lined for kissing a lady -one day and whipping his wifo because sho waved at a brakoman the next. Wo need no in seeing tho shortcomings and imperfections- of our neighbors and aro prone to depreciate tho favors shown UK by others. An Editor's LtlH Saved by Chamber- 1 Iain's Couga Remedy.

During tho early part of October, 1890, I contracted a bad cold' which settled on my lungs and was neglected until I feared that, consumption nad appeared in Incipient state. I'was constn-nt- ly trying to expel' something which I couJd not. I i LJ i became alarmed and after giving: tho local doctor a trial bought o- candidato for tho same oflico. bottle of Chamberlain's Tho cities have had many a Remedy and the result was im- 'durnmy" placed on the ticket mediate improvement, and after votes from some other candidate. Usually the is placed in tho Held by the loaders of one of tho other parties.

for the sole purpose of talcing I hml used three bottles my lungs- wore restored to their healthy S. JSdwards, Publisher of Tho Review, VVyant, 111. For sale by John P. Curry, Ed. B.

McCun'no and Dr. Burk's Side Drug store. Good Whiskey is both doctor and t'jnic. Biitter looking than many doctors, bettor tasting than start they are going lobe thor all medicines. For general fami- oughly i f()rJ asL ly use, nothing equals whiskey, and HAK'PEl'i eminonlly the Tho control of the military is absolute in all civil authority represented by the loail police) and sheriffs having been relinquished to Colonel Culver, in command of the Fifth Illinois Infantry.

All throe of the mines resumed work yesterday morning. There is no prospect of molestation of any kind whilo tho troops aro there. It is not possible to predict, however, that peace wilJ continue upon their withdrawal. D. Jvoof, of Chicago, a member of suite board of arbitration, hus arrived from Springlield as an emissary of Governor Tanner.

His report of tho conditions may load to A Gmd'ltoingr WnJ) aud pleasing ideas in ad- yer Using always interest. Xotlj- i ng has appeared for years so atmictivo as the Hoods- ulil- Mnff proverbs and wise leadings, each followed by. homily cleverly connecting: tho proverb with tho subject. Bos.dos tins, tho quaint Jonson lic 6 lor tl10 D.sappo.nts adds tl effectiveness. A this woik action of some sort on tho pan; of running 111 ovor 000 Whiskey is pro- family.

Sold K. Sac kott, Moberly, Mo. Work will be commenced on and comfort, from sleeper. Tho train per gallon. A good mixed paint Engineer Sid Briggs' new resi for per gallon.

C. P. BKA diamond slick pin on engine to 11 be vesii billed and dust proof, ana wil irmke tho fastest time of any trail in the southwest. No move the Katy has made lately lias aarnot so much npplausc from the trav eling public as llie proposec restoration of the Myers. hear it from all over the country.

Catholic church, for return A. liberal re Tho state fair committee will moot at tho Merchants' Monday nightjit 8 o'clock. fail" to attend. hotel Don't A f-1- f'5 rnlUble ODBC In ere-ry Hy Aol under ordori. No experience Write thti Oo De- Motive AgonoT.

NtthTllle, Toon. Inolote for reply. 4-19 "The South Before tho War," a groat play in conjunction with tho famous Passion Play moving pictures at next Tuos- evening. Seats aro now selling. pEnginoer Jim Robertson is i having a now roof put on his residence on West Kcod street.

work calculated to improve tho appearance of his homo wil! bo dono during the summer. Tho "VVabash is doing a tine i freight business and the em- are working hard. Tho businosss is also on the boom. Tho 295 wont west on local yea- morning 1 on her trial trip Engineer Arcb Bntterly and donee oil Wusi Coatos street this weolc. It will bo a six-room Uigo with all the latest and best improvements and will bo a valu- i Thereisasensational story son able addition to tho many pretty out.

from Washington, occupyin; on tliat popular one or twocolumns inKopublicai thoroughfare. i newspapers, which assorts that i on one or two occasions Wobstoi Mr. E. G. Iveitor, who pro-sidos rftisod over the young hopefuls at the Usr 0 and called a halt on old Tor rill school house south of tho um os.

This story roads city, hold ono of his popular spell-1 ry smo othly, but is evidently a ing schools Friday night. A fi OO plo who had tho lilorury pro rammo ln OJ y)U1 UCCiluuintlinco with 1 1 0 James are of the opinion that ho could have taken a cornstalk and chased Webster Davis all ovor Davioss county. It is conculod that Jesse never had oc cnsion to shoot a hole in bis own hat. That ludicrous exploit, so far as wo know, ban never boon musical and in attendance and the entertainment much on joyed by all. A Him amn.

or TARTAR c-owof OR, CREAM BAKING Awarded Fair MWwInUr Fair charged Webster crat. upon any man. except Davis. Clinton Demo Independents and nonde- scripts, having, no party and representing nothing but aspiration for ollioo will not lind it so easy to get on tho oflicial ballots in Missouri hereafter. Gov.

Stephens has signed tho Vandivor bill, which is intended to cut out" tho "dummies-" It provides that the signers of cor- tillcatos of nomination must certify that they aro bona tide supporters of tho candidate, that they have not aided and will '3 in the nomination of any Buy Goods Bought for Cold CnHh undor tho btnomer from the hundred thousand dollar wholewale slock Hf Green, Joyce Co. go E. E. Collars, worth 20c for 3fnr26o. 50 dry.

Cuffs, re guJar 25c goods, 15o or 2 pair for 2Cc. 21 dozen wool knee pants EE aH sizes, 25c. 25 dozen men's overalls, rtgular 60c goods for 39c- 50 dosoen men's fancy stripe pants overalls, worth 50c for 39c. 50 dozen men's bib overalls, worth 50c for 39c. I to tall jour to new line of Spring Clothing for Mec.

Boj'i and Children. For Quality, Style utd Price Me 30 dozen men's mole bkiu pan IB, worth 75c for 48c. 20 dozen men's Percale shirts, collars and cuffs attached 7. )C for 39c. 26 dozen men's Percale collars detached, worth 75o for 39o.

100 men's good working coats, worth for 76cts- 100 pairs of men's leather working gloves worth 25c for 15c..

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