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Zanesville Times Signal from Zanesville, Ohio • Page 5

Zanesville, Ohio
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king: stuck caeen. Mis- firsts '8JOc. 60: daisies 24r. 30c: chlck- roosters Butter re- eavy rs- tur- per 350 ork TOCK ISc higher; r. $12.25 16010-160 Ibs $10.23 market ers THEZANESVILLE SIGNAL, MONDAY EVENING.

JAISUAKI ri imples, Boils Skin Eruptions OCK Kecelpts tower; top ICT: heavy iiim ht 411.85® pigs market 15 market 25o ind choice on and rne- rs $5.50 ulls feeder ker steers and heifers ma: Dice la: ijnmon 10.75- IE Armco during the md 45 low. ales at 112 CES oil New lines National 3.40: Pettn- ional Tran- Peijsylyanlt Psnsylvania grade Company in Eureka $2-60: Keis- rrade 0: Pipe lifljcs Somerset Pipe Com- grade oil npany ana $2.25: JPJyC: Waterloo 2.S1; Oil IHJCE L--Butter-- lirsts pSSc. extra firsts ial oils 2S9 v. 2SC. roosters ducks 30 geese 25M JS J101.12 UW.ll 100.24 101.12 10325 106.24 110.24 103-24 CLOSE gerleider irds' Bldg.

Low Close l.SStt 1.30% 1.27 'A .86 aged two and Mrs. Elm. street, hospital rnlng. The te The at erment etery. list church lay erenlnc torch.

The of the pro- re urged to of Scbavm ig from an at Betboc- (change cchmnge ichange cchangA eaation physicians recognize the ol pimples, bolls and Bkln eruptions as being an indication at an abnormal condition ot the system. This Is why so many have been enabled to free themselves of these unslghly blemishes and painful annoyances by taking a course ol S.S.S. "yourself to try S.S.S. You owe It to It helps Nature build up red corpuscles. It Improves the processes by which the it Is time-tried Impure weak, and I had lost so much weight.

I didn't look natural. I had pimples and was also bothered with a breaking-out that Itched terribly. I also had bolls one after another. 1 'blood Is nourished, find reliable. "I suffered from tried different kinds of remedies, but nothing did me any good until a friend advised which 1 did.

me" to" take S.B£. This was some time ago. Now I feel well, and I am getting along fine. S.S.8. stopped the Itching and It cured me of t.Hls.

1 advise all weak and run-down people to give S.S.S. a trial. It clears up skin and makes you strong and fills you with energy." Mrs. J. W.

Barker. 1337 Walnut Street, Cincinnati Ohio. S.S.S. Is made from the fresh roots of medicinal herbs and plants and is prepared in a scientific way In a modern laboratory. S.S.S.

Is sold at all good drug stores in two sizes. The larger size la more economical. We devote our entire time and thoughts to our service and to making that service better. Your credit is good here. 522 Main St.

Closing Out Odd Pieces nderfi values Berk Furniture ff Good a kinds marked down to make room for new spring arrivals. Handsome, useful articles --ones that you have wanted for a long time on sale now at bargain prices. MENNEBERG Approximately 200 employes of the American Rolling Mill members of the plant safety committee, foremen and special guests attendee 1 a banquet at the Zanesville club Saturday evening, honorins the retiring safety committee for 1926. A. P.

Murphy, local plant manager, was host of the evening. M. E. Danford. works manager of the Mlddletown division officiated as toostmaster.

The interior of the club house was attractively decorated for the event. C. G. Roll, as Interlocuter, and a corps of costumed entertainers, consisting of Win Griffith. Henry Stemm and Herbert Mercer, added the touch of mirth by their blackface stunts and songs.

Mr. Murphy, the first speaker of the evening, very aptly presented the picture of safety to his audience. He likened It to a darkened cathedral: then as candle after candle la lighted by the sexton, the cathedral grows lighter and lighter until the whole Interior Is clearly illumined. This he applied to the individual, saying that after a man once grasps the safety Idea It is not hard to keep him interested. Another reward of safety, according to Mr.

Murphy, Is the reward of happiness and worth all the effort expended, because so much suffering Is spared the safe man as well as his family. Three very outstanfllng accomplishments stand out pre-eminently in the local plant's safety record for 1920. The Zanef- vllle plant now holds the vorld's safety record, going 132 days without a major accident In the entire plant. 915 men who worked 728.000 man hours. The hot mill group went 249 Uavs without a major accident, 489 men who workfd 636,000 man hoursfl Turn No.

the Hot Mills, went 370 days without a major accident. 150 men who worked 317.190 man hours. As a testimonial of the high regard the Zanesvllle organization of the American Rolling Mill Co. holds for their leader, he was presented with a handsome watch by the safety organization. Gifts were also presented I to Miss Prances Noon, registered nurse at the local plant; Earl Allen.

Ralph Schaum, C. G. Roll, John Whitlock. Fred McCoy, Frank Dement, Janies Maxwell and L. P.

Schiele. The speaker of the evening was George M. Verity, president of the American Rolling Mill who stated that of all the records ever established by the Zanesville plant, the safety record was the most outstanding "Safetv." he said In part, "Is different light. It now uu par with and an economic side that Industrial cannot nil to recognize. The men who are giving their, time and toward tafety work are rendering the moat unselfish service In the world, a service which tends to moke them bigger and better men.

Other speakers were: R. G. Adalr, supervisor of aafety; 8. R. Rectanus, assistant manager of the Ashland division, and F.

U. Simpson, a director of the company. Other out-of- town guests were: A. K. Lewis, director of personal service: W.

J. Beck, director of research: C. W. Rust, elec- READ THE SIGNAL CLASSIFIED ADS trlcal testing engineer; James Gatherum, assistant supervisor P. of safety: Hugh W.

Wright, assistant editor Armco Bulletin; Gordon Gage, chief electrician. Mlddletown and J. S. Ferguson, Columbus, plant manager. In closing, Toastmaster Danford presented a safety pledge which all present recited, each man pledging himself to work safely, to spread the doctrine of safety and to foster a pride In safety equal to the pride In quality workmanship.

Last night's meeting was the biggest and most elaborate affair ever to be held in the comprehensive program of safety carried out by the American Rolling Mill Co. UNCLE WIGGH.Y AND UM'S UMBRELLA. Said the Pox to the Wolf one day whtn it looked like rain: 'Have you a wooden toothpick?" 'What would I be doing with a wooden toothpick?" snarled the Won who was In bad temper because he had nothing to eat. "I haven't had a meal In so long 1 can't remember." went on the Wolf, "so why should 1 want to pick my teeth" "Well, you needn't be so cross about It." spoke the Pox with a smile. "I only thought if you had a toothpick for me, and one for yourself, we might use them later, because today I am going-to catch Uncle Wlgglly and nibble his ears.

We are going to eat. my dear. Mr. Wolf!" 'Bah! I have heard that story before!" snarled the other bad chap. "1 will wait about getting a toothpick then, all of a sudden the Wolf looked down the woodland path toward Uncle Wiggily's hollow stump bungalow, and the Wolf went on: "But.

speaking of toothpicks, there goes somebody we could get one "Who or perhaps 1 should say, whom?" asked the Fox, wishing to I have found your Lucky SMkt Cigarettes very agreeable. Tluy do not hurt my throat in tht least and are very toothing to ing. "Safety," he said in part, only a part of the great national show he knew something of gram- conservation movement of the last mar. decade the conservation of life and "There goes Um, the little wooden linib. lady who lives in the Bungleump with "Human life Is the most precious -TM of all things," he said, In stressing the value of first aid worK, "and nothing is finer than for an.

individual to feel that he is prepared to save human life or reduce an injury should the occasion d-mand. Fifteen hundred Artnco men and women are now qualified to render first aid." He pointed out that industry has to regard safety in an entirely V.2- The Neglected Point in Sanitation New simple easy way to keep the bowl clean Keep your closet bowl gleaming cleanse the entire closet sys- white without touching it. tern. Like magic the inner And not only sparkling in surface of the bowl is cleanliness, but thorougly dis formed into snowy whiteness. infected and deodorized your grocer or druggist Bowlene is a wonderful for Bowlene and enjoy from powder that only needs to be today on the cleanliness and shaken in the water to re- sanitation of a spodess, odor- move all discoloration and to less closet bowl.

OWLENE CLEANS TOILET BOWLS Boppy and the Wogglejigs," went on the Wolf. "We might get some slivers off her to make toothpicks to use after we get Uncle Wlgglly's ears. How about It?" "Fine!" exclaimed the Pox, jumping up and down for joy. "You are very clever. Yes, there goes Uml" he added as he saw the little wooden woman rolling lato Uncle Wlgglly's bungalow.

"We'll soon eat now." Um had to roll along Instead of walking, as she had no feet or legs Neither did she have any bauds or arms, but she got along just as wei: without them. "Are'you sure well eat?" hungrily asked the Wolf, who, with the Pox was hiding in the bushes near Uncle Wiggily's home. "Very sure," answered the Fox. "You see Um has gone to visit the rabbit. Probably she has gone to borrow from Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuz- zy a yeast cake to 'make some molasses pudding.

Anyhow she will soon come out. When she does Uncle Wiggily will open the door for her. We will hide down near the bottom of the steps and when door Is open well leap In, get Uncle Wiggily's ears and, at the same time, bite some silvers off wooden Um to make toothpicks." "Very good!" said the Wolf, though sounded very bad. Then the two hungry chaps waited for Um to come out. The little wooden woman, wife or Boppy and mother of the Wogglejigs.

had really gone In uncle Wlgglly's bungalow. But she went to get some salt, not ft yeast cake as the Pox thought. And when Nurse Jane had given Um the salt, ana the little wooden woman was about to roll along home. Uncle Wlg- glly looked out ol the window and said. "Why, It's raining!" and so It was.

"Bain won't hurt me!" laughed Um. "I'm made of wood--I'm neither sugar nor salt!" "No. but you are carrying some salt," said the bunny gentleman. "That will get wet and melt. Tou had better let me lend you an umbrella." "I can't carry an umbrella, having no arms!" laughed Um- 'I will fasten the umbrella to you with tacks." Mr.

Longears, "I will tack It on and one of the Woggle- jigs can loosen It when you get to the Bunbleump." So the raised umbrella was tacked on Um. and then Uncle Wlgglly opened the door so that she could roll out. She was going to roll along on one edge, you understand, as a man rolls a sugar barrel. Otherwise, on account of the umbrella, Um couldn't hare rolled at all. "Now's our chancel'" the Fox to the Wolf.

"Right you are!" snarled the Wolf, seeing the bungalow door open. "Well get ears and wooden toothpicks at the same time!" But just as the bad chaps made a rush to get Uncle Wlgglly and Um. the little wooden woman saw them and. rolling hard at them, sbt stuck the points of the umbrella xlbs first In the eyes of the Fox and thea In the eyes of the Wolf, bringing tears to both- "Wowchle howled tlie Pox. and the Wolf said the same.

"Scat. Shoo! Be cried brave little Um. "Tou can't hare this rabbit nor me. either!" Then away ran the Fox and Wolf and Um went home through the rain, under her tacked on umbrella, not getting the salt vet all. So It aU happened for the best, aod tbe lamp post Jump up and down to the corner to see what is mating the milkman's horse laugh.

Ill tell TOU next about Uncle and tbe snow berrtes- The seren hibernating animals listed as skunk, woodchuci. bat. chip- iarank. Jumping mouse, nocoon and black bear. The oT Trenton place on Christmas On.

1776. Washington's anay lost only ate men. tbc GUARD AGAINST "FLIT Influenza. Grippe and Pneumonia usually start with a Cold. Hie minute you feel yourself catching cold, go to voor Druggist and get a box of DITS COLD TABLETS.

The first dose fives When Caillaux Speaks, the World Listeni His clear voice is inspiring) his tnroat ever in perfect condition AS one of the outstanding public men in France, Joseph Caillaux depends upon the power of oratory in advocating his ideas and in swaying nis colleagues. To safeguard his voice is his constant aim. His favorite among cigarettes is Lucky Strikes, both for finer flavor and throat protection. Lucky Strikes have become the favorites of men whose priceless voices thrill their audiences, as they have with the millions because, first, they afford greater enjoyment and second, they are certain not to irritate even the most sensitive throat. The world's finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged, perfectly blended, give them their richer flavor.

But in addition, a costly extra process--toasting for 45 minutes--develops the hidden flavors of the choicest tobaccos and at the same time removes all "bite" and harshness. Smoke Lucky Strikes. They give added pleasure--you'll like them. It's toasted' Your Throat Protection STURTEVANT'S Store News FOR TOMORROW ONLY Hygeno Carpet Sweepers 1.98 A metal cabinet sweeper finished in mahogany color- Rubber tread wheels, strong bristle brush, padded corners to protect furniture. Light in weight and very sold hundreds and hundreds of these sweepers and know them to be an excellent value at even double our sale price.

(Third Floors LADIES' COLORED UMBRELLAS We have just received an advantageous-purchase of these fine GLORIA covered umbrelJas in Red, Navy, Brown, Green, Purple apd Black colors. Mounting is 16-rib paragon frame with amber handles and matching tips. The new short stub Ftrst floor) Men's Genuine Crown Make OVERALL JACKETS These are the "Crown is highest grade union, made, double stitched overalls and jackets. Formerly (in regular sizes) $3.90 per suit, and in extra sizes Our clearance prices gives you of'overalls in sizes 34 to -50 and jackets 38 to 50, for, per suit-- 2.90 (Third Floor) Welsbach Radiant Gas Heaters Specially Priced No a Needed Nothing easier than lighting one of these fine gas- saving heaters. Just a twist of the self-lighter and you have a i glowing heat that brightens the room.

This is an exclusive a While a limited number last at the sale price bird now) HEAD THE SIGNAL CUSSKD PAGE FOR KST.

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