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The Holland Evening Sentinel from Holland, Michigan • Page 5

Holland, Michigan
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all all FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1972 THE HOLLAND, MICHIGAN, EVENING SENTINEL PAGE FIVE Reaction Optimistic But Muted By United Press International Reports that a Vietnam war settlement may be imminent has brought generally optimistic, but muted reaction. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said the reports were "very and House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford said the terms BANFFI winter wonderland Clear skies and white snow the real winter! Weekly Saturday departures from Jan. 13 through March 31, 1973. Special Christmas tour departing December 23, night Palliser Hotel in Calgary, 6 nights Banff Springs Hotel.

7 dinners, 7 breakfasts, sightseeing and ski resort excursions, tips and taxes. Price including round trip air fare, per person sharing a twin-bedded room: INTA Travel 396-1492 21 W. 7th Holland would keep the South Vietnamese "free to choose their own political future." U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim in Baltimore and Prince Souvanna Phouma, premier of Laos, in Washington said a Vietnam settlement could have a soothing effect on other trouble spots. News of the proposed ceasefire, which was broadcast by Radio Hanoi Thursday and confirmed by the White House.

had little effect on the stock market, which rose slightly in moderately active trading. Sen. George McGovern said he was "haunted" by the knowledge that the war should have ended four years ago and expressed hope that South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu will not block the peace efforts. McGovern's running mate, Sargent Shriver, said the voters should be aware that Nixon has pulled "an election maneuver be rather skeptical of an administration which has waited SO long to achieve peace." American party presidential candidate John Schmitz said Nixon "has joined George McGovern in selling out that country and its people." Sen. John C.

Stennis, and Rep. Edward Hebert, D- chairmen of the Armed Services Committees, were reserved. "Assuming it is substantially what we have been contending for, it certainly puts us too close to peace to turn back now," Stennis said. Hebert said there were indications that Hanoi would keep much land in South Vietnam and that the United States would help pay for the recovery of North Vietnam. Sen.

John G. Tower, a supporter of the administration's war effort, said any settlement would be "a tribute to the tough and persevering stand" of Nixon, while dovish Sen. Frank Church, -Idaho, CHANNEL TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED By Our Experts Call For Estimates Allen's Radio TV Service on All Makes of TV Complete TV Rental Service (Color and Black and White) 250 River Ave. 392-4289 said the timing was likely to help. Nixon in the Nov.

7 presidential election but "I hold peace more dear than politics." Dean Rusk, Secretary of State during the escalation of the war. declined comment. Air Force Maj. Edward K. Elias, a POW freed last month, called the reports "wonderful." First Lady Pat Nixon said she was "excited." Sen.

Edward M. Kennedy, D. said, "I think all of us want the war to end. I join all Americans in is over." Declares Dividend NEW YORK (UPI)-Chrysler Corp. directols Thursday declared a dividend of 25 cents a share on the common stock of the auto company.

It is payable Dec. 11 to shareholders of record Nov. 6. Named Probate Judge LANSING (UPI) Lt. Gov.

James H. Brickley announced Wednesday the appointment of Robert L. Miles of Big Rapids as probate judge for Mecosta County for a term ending Jan. 1, 1975. The regular meeting of the October 5, 1972 Holland Tounship Board was held October 5, 1972 to at 7 30 at the township office.

Present were Supervisor Brower. Clerk Kieun, Treasurer Rhee. Trustees Deters, Schaap. Doornik, Dike and Superintendent Gerald Michmen The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance by all present and prayer was offered by M. Van Doornik.

Minutes of the September 21, meeting were read and approved. Superintendent's Report Water main is being tested, Tank completed and approved toda County Road Commission has approved the use of polybutylene for ater service Bids are being opened October 19th at the township office for installation of Water Services. Notices for S.A.D. No 1 and 2 will be sent out Friday. October 17 will be date of first hearing Two requests for water service have been received on Douglas Ave Further discussions will be held on water for Federal Area.

With funds that are still available, we can put in another 4000 feet of pipe on Lakewood, or ue can go a whole mile possibly with some use of general funds. by Mr. Dyke and supported by Mr. Schaap that we put in another mile of a water line to 112th Avenue and that 11 provide supplemental funds af necessary. Carried.

Recreation report was presented for information. Building Inspector's report shows permits issued for 3 $540,000 00 worth of new consrtuction Bridges at Riley and Quincy streets are under construction. bill in question is legitimate $187 00 Fire Board: Tele-Rad we says the bul IS approved for payment. Moved by Mr. Schaap and supported by Mr.

Deters that we have Ruiter Roofing put a seal coat over the black top at Station No 2 and 3. Carried. Election Board: Election inspec. tors have been selected. Subdivision and Plat: Gerrit Rauch intends to sell the out lot No.

16 In Brooklane Subd. Building and Grounds: No bids on office building. Moved by Mr. Van Doormk and supported by Mr. Schaap that the matter of a display board be tabled.

Carried. Recreation: Report of meeting by Mr. Van Doornik. Rules of contest were outlined. Newsletter: No further report.

ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR CLOSE-OUT Mill Finish-M-500 M225 White Reg. 22.95 Now Net Reg. 28.95 Net $1895 M755 White M-76 White Colonial Self-Storing Cross Buck Reg. 32.95 Net Reg. 39.95 Now Net $3195 Note: Not All Sizes Available 24th STANDARD Phone and supply 396-4649 OTTAWA UMBER Open Mon.

thru Friday 7 5 Sat. 'Til Noon People count Deposits Insured to $20,000 PEOPLE'S STATE BANK of WEST SIDE 510 West 17th Stract EAST SIDE 16th and 120th Avenue DRIVE-IN OFFICE 46 East 9th Street NORTH SIDE 177 North River Avenue Supervisor's report: Neu struction appraised at $279,600 real value added to tax rolls. Plarning Commission Thinks we should look at recteation Black sites River. on Macatawa and Recommends that one or tuo bers Planning Commission be appointed 10 the Township dustual Committee. Moved by Mi.

Deters and sup. ported by Mr. Schaap that tu members of the Planning Commis. sion be appointed to the Industrial Committee Carried. The r's report was pi sented fo1 information Moved by Mr V'an Door nik and supported by Mr Kreun that the Treasurer's report be approved as printed and all bills be paid Carried.

Ottau a County Drain Commission, Roscoe De Vies joined the meet9 00 to discuss the Maplewood Dram Holland City plans to improve their diams. Mr. De Vries teels that our section of the Maplewood drain needs improving also and that this would be a good ume to do Moved by Mi Deters and supported bi Mr. Van that 1 indicate our approval of sharing 11 the improvement of the Maplewood Drain letter Caned. received relative to was sending a delegate 10 the county health planning meeting M1 Bower will attend.

.1 request has been received from the New Groningen and North Holland Cemetenes for maintenance funds Moved by M1 Deters and supported by M. Schaap that 1 approve the expenditure of $300 00 for each cemetery for maintenance pus poses Carted A resolution was presented by Mr. Schaap to set a hearing date for Special Assessment District No 1 as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Township Board has petitions requesting that the Township acquire and construct water supply facilities 111 the Township be located as hereinafter set and WHEREAS said petitions have been executed and signed by the record owners of lands constituting at least 51 of the total land area In the proposed special assessment district described hereafter: and WHEREAS, plans and specitications showing the improvement and the location thereof and an estimate of $7 000 00 as the total cost thereof have been by Prem New hof registered protessional engineers Rapids. Michigan, and have been fled with the Township Clerk: and WHEREAS, the Township Board has the power and authority pur. suant to the provision of Act 188.

Public Acts of Michigan of 1954. as amended. to proceed to make this improvement and to assess the cost of this improvement to the p1 oerties to be benefited NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF OTTAWA COUNTY, MICHIGAN.

as follows: 1 That the Township Board, acting 011 the basis of petitions received in accordance with 3 and 4 of Act 188 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1954, as amended, hereby tentatively declares its tention to make the following public improvement consisting of the acquisition and construction of water supply facilities to be supplied with water from the Wyoming water S) 5- tem Such water supply system shall consist of water mains of approximately 800 feet of 6 inch water mains and will include valves and fue hydrants. These water mains will be located as follows: main on First Avenue from Aniline Avenue to Beech Street The Township Board declares 11s intention to assess the cost thereof to a special assessment district consisting of the properties to be benefited by such improvement as to be determined hereafter That this Board does hereby tentatively designate the lands described on Exhibit A attached hereto as the special assessment district against which the cost of said improvement IS to be assessed 3 That the plans and the cost estimate for the said improvement be fled with the Township Clerk. 4. That the Township Board shall meet 111 the Township Hall. 373 120th Avenue.

Holland, Michigan, on the 17th day of October, 1972. at 7 30 o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time. to hear and consider any objections to said improvement and to said special assessment district. and that notice of said hearing shall be given by publishing the same twice prior to said hearing In the Holland Evening Sentinel a paper circulating 111 said Tounship, and also by mailing such notices.

as acquired by Act 162, Public Acts of Michigan of 1962. as amended. by first class mail postage fully prepaid to each ouner of 01 part In interest in any and all property to be assessed for said improvement In the special assessment district I tentatively established therefor, whose name appears upon the last local tax assessment records of said Tounship. addressed 10 each such ov ner or parts at his address as shou on said tav records, such mailing and the fu st such publication be at least ten (10) dais before the date of said hearing The said ta'. assessment records from which said names and addresses shall consist of the last Tounship assessment 1011 for ad em lav purposes which has been Tounship Board of Revieu AS supplemented by al11 subsequent changes in the names 01 addresses of such ounes 01 parties listed thereon AYES Messrs Brov or Tan Rhee Arcun Deters Schaap, Van Doornth and Duke NAYS None Moved bu Schaap and sup.

ported by Mr Duke that 1hc fore. gOIng resolution be approved. Car. Ned resolution was presented in Van Dominik 10 set hearing date for Special Assessment District No 2 AS follous RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Township, has received petitions requesting that the Tov nship and struct water supply facilities In the Tot hip to be located as alto: set forth and WHEREAS said petitions have the people's bank HOLLAND SOUTH SIDE Maple and 29th Street DOWNTOWN 36 East 8th Street Charged With Murder Of Four Women PROMOTED--Pedro Aquilar has been promoted to production foreman in the Zeeland Plant of Northern Fibre Products Co. Aquilar has been employed the Zeeland Plant since Nov.

8, 1966. He resides at 331 East Washington Zeeland with 1 his wife, Felisita and four children. been executed and signed bs the record ou of lands constituting at least of the total land arca 111 the proposed special assessment district described hereafter, and WHEREAS. plans and tions showing the improvement and the location thereof and estimate of $24.000 as the total cost theicot have been prepared by Prein New hof, registered pi ofessional gineers of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and have been filed with the Township Clerk and WHEREAS. the Townsmp Board has the pou er and authoutv put suant 10 the provisions of Act 188, Public Acts of Michigan of 1954, as amended, to proceed to make this improvement and to assess of this improvement to the properties to be benefited NOW.

THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLAND, OTTAWA COUNTY. MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That the Township Board, acting on the basis of petitions receiv. ed 1N1 accordance with Sections 3 and 4 of Act 188 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1954, as amended.

hereby tentatively declares its tention to make the following pubhe improvement consisting of the acquisition and construction of Water supply facilities to be pled with water from the Wyoming water system Such water supply system shall consist of water mains of approximately 3000 feet of 6 inch water mains and will include valves and fire hydrants. These water mains will be located as follows: Aniline main Avenue Fourth west to venuendrom 6'' main on Beech Street from Third Avenue to Fourth Avenue. 6 main on Third Avenue from Beech Street west to its end. The Township Board declares its intention to assess the cost thereof to a special assessment district consisting of the properties to be to be determined hereafter. benefited ed by such improvement as 2 That this Board does hereby tentatively designate lands described on Exhibit A attached hereto as the special assessment district against which the cost of said improvement iS to be assessed 3 That the plans and the cost estimate for the said improvement be filed with the Township Clerk.

4. That the Township Board shall meet in the Township Hall, 373 120th Avenue, Holland, Michigan, on the 17th day of October, 1972, at 7 30 o'clock P.M, Eastern Standaid Time, to hear and consider any objections to said improvement and to said special assessment district, and that notice of said hearing shall be given by publishing the same twice prior to said hearing in the Holland Evening Sentinel, a newspaper circulating Township, and also by mailing such notices, as required by Act 162 Public Acts A of Michigan of 1962, as amended, by fu st class mainel postage fully prepaid. 10 each of or party 111 interest 111 ans and all property to assessed for said improvement In the speical assessment district tentatively established therefor. whose name appears upon the last local tax assessment records of said Tounship addressed to each such owner or party at his addiess as shown on Said 1a1 1 ecords. such mailing and the first such publication to be at least ten 110) days before the date of said hearing The said tax assessment records from t.

hich said names and addresses dI taken shall consist of the last Township assessment roll for ad valorem tax purposes which has been revicued bi the Township Board of Review, as supplemented bu a113 subsequent changes In the names or addresses of such owners or parties listed thereon A Kreun AYES Deters, Van Rhee. Schaap. Van Door nik and Dike a NAYS. None Moved br Mr l'an Dominik and supported bu 11 Rhee that the foregoing resolution be adopted Carried 31: Van Rhee reported on the study of using computes for out and tax programs Moved by Mi Deters and supported bu 1 1r Schaap that ve have an coplanation of computers at out Board mecting at 7 00 17 allied 1 street light 11 be placed at 1 10th 11 44: 3 Quines St Moved to adjourn 11 00 vi -ubmated Charles Kreun DIAMONDS FOR THOSE WHO APPRECIATE Style Quality Value HEERSPINK'S HAVE THE SELECTION Carat Costing Less Than You Think HEERSPINK'S JEWELRY Since 1935 Washington Square Washington Square KALAMAZOO (UPI) Murder charges keep piling up against Danny A. Ranes, 28, of Portage.

Rants was charged with first-degree murder Thursday in the slaying of Pamela Fearnoy. 19, of Kalamazoo. whose decomposed body was found near Killowat Lake Oct. 17 near Galesburg. Miss Fearnoy had been reported missing since Aug.

5. Ranes demanded preliminary examination late Thursday. in District Court. The hearing date was set for Nov. 1.

Ranes is facing three other murder charges in Kalamazoo County, Circuit Court, including two those the deaths of involving, In other cases: -Ranes Wednesday W' a bound over to Circuit Court after examination in district court on first degree murder charges and charges of during the perpetration of rape. The victim in this case was Mrs. Patricia Howk, 28, of Kalamazoo Township. She was found dead last March behind an elevator company after residents saw her 17-month-old son, Cory, wandering in the area. -Ranes also is awaiting trial in Circuit Court on two first degree murder charges in the deaths of Linda Clark, 19, and Claudia Bidstrup, both of Chicago.

Their decomposed bodies, tied with ropes, were July 17 in a car near Galesburg. Also charged with murder in the deaths of the Chicago girls is Brent Eugene Koster. 15, of Kalamazoo. Probate authorities waived jurisdiction over the boy So he could be tried as an adult. last bearded president of then United Harrison.

States was Benja- Youth Charged In Baker Breakin Reuben Quintavilla, 17, of New Holland apprehended outside Baker Furniture 147 Columbia Ave. early Thursday after a breakin was reported, appeared in Holland District Court Thursday on charges of breaking and entering and possession of marijuana. Quintavilla pleaded innocent to a charge of marijuana possession and demanded a hearnig on the breakin charge. Total bond of $750 was not furnished and Quintavilla was r'Cmanded to the Ottawa county jail. Police said Quintavilla was stopped by officers as he came around a corner of the Baker building.

Police were summoned to Bakers where vending machines on the first and second floors were entered and a quantity of change and items was missing. Police said they recovered some gum and a small quantity of marijuana with the arrest ot Quintavilla. Motorist Injured Orah June Holtrust, 33, of 576 West 20th suffered minor injuries at 1:02 am. today when the car she was driving went out of control along northbound Blue Star Highway 200 feet south of the US-31 interchange and went into a ditch. 'Manchild' at GVSC ALLENDALE The musical group "Manchild" will appear in a free concert at Grand Valley State College's student coffeehouse.

upstairs at the Commons at 9 p.m., Monday, Oct. 30. Windmill Restaurant Breakfast Served All Day "PANCAKES" Our Specialty 28 W. 8th Holland Open 6 A.M. 7:30 P.M.

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Thurs. Sat. 'Til 5:30 WILLIAM G. OONK William G. Oonk is a Vice President at the People's Bank.

You'll find him in the Installment Loan Department ready to help you in every way possible. Bill attended Holland High School, Hope College, Western Michigan University and Columbia University. He also has taken courses at the Michigan School of Banking and the Graduate School of Banking. Get to know the people who work at the People's Bank Let them work for you! 0586 3 0586 3.

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