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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana • Page 1

The Tribunei
Seymour, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


INDIANA. FKIOA NOVEMBEU 8. PIIICE TWO CENTS i W.u,w.;. rtni nA ITT 1T7 I InAMUiriTCi ncminnl i it nnnnn in niiAnm I. KNDtCD A 11, Illillll lil.V A fl I It i'i QMrt9v.Ha lb, Aihtrf aaaaaiB tsblrt ItUhoiM.

mi uiiuijii lu uuviii i All to Ileal! yxir.vit in I aaral.MV' Hung-fhasg-s ouiet." tia 'J I.KMIKbW JlllfHpltewJM XtcI. i KW i.ow pagaa. in oroiey-coun I bishop itloTUtt of flsn franrlwo; tfca Its oitiminiuiii 4 $57,000 Tlirough a Rusli. bblng eiowlyT For a time lost con- Bctouan, but showed great tenacity, rallied at midnight, beeam emlonscoug. of aourUh-meat, aad appeared to recogalas his relatives.

-The foreign! doctors left hiss- sarly Wedassday, saying that nothing more could be doW- His per. Of-Inquiry yesterday at adjourned Ita last public s-islon. To Csptalo B. a Lemlytba. judge, advocate, had boon assigned the duty of making' the closing argument la Rt llav.

Bishop Koppea of Luxembourg, and the Kt. Rev. Bishop Orth of Thee distinguished prelates bsve In 'turn beep honored guest In the students' refectory, a ad hav been called to address ths young HIS (IIUU KNOWLKIMJE (3UARns.0VEni0WEIlKD UTHKKirKOrLES MONEY I MI the case, and aooa, after bad com iiiAIU) UUf mea of the university. Archbishop plated hi speech -Admiral Dewey, Hlordan, who waa the last to arrive, Of lbs Wuerralwmis of Poor Alio An ExceMunt Combination. Was I'ard I fc Blailou Py Charles waa tendered a rand reception la the Browaaoa refectory.

He Is aa honor Cottrrir Jlmly Waa I nad variant Twfily-SI Drvprrat rrlaonen Sue cecd li Effpfllna in Ear pa ifltr FlMkjr- p. Tlioinpsoa Whoso -Wrll'Uid -ed aeilef of Notre Dame's ammnl runs DUl Sot Malerlallia. association, la hla reply to lbs ad drees of welcome, read by on of th An I'neoaselons Admission 0a. ths gradual after the banquet, be paid glowing tribute to hla alma mater and II Has Mad Wrltlrn Confrtalon Thrjr llav Takei to th. ViwAt Md Armed UaartU Art la Mot Witness Hi aud Was ths Con Vkllug" Kvideiieo, And Is Now Awaltiar Arrest -r at His Hoin.

spoke at some length oa hla own student daya her at Notre Th archbishop are oa their way to at tend the convocation of American archbishop la Washington. They LaaveBworth. Nor. t. As a bringing his gavel down upon the big flat table, said: "There being no further business, thev court Is adjourned." As waa the case Wednesday, when Mr.

lUjmsr spoke, tb attendance was large, The eatlre time was devoted to Captain Izmir's II read hla speech la clear and distinct tonea and waa given careful attention. The speech In the. main aa anal ale of tha testimony, but occasionally a conclusion waa drawn and frequently there waa criticism of th course pur sued by tbe admiral (then commodore! Bchley, 8 peaking of Commodore Scaler's conduct, Captain Lea ly Bald: rFrom my knowledge of the man, having served under hla command on two cruisers, I have never believed, nor do elalm from the evidence that personal misconduct, or to call a apada a apade, cowardice, waa esbiblted by Commodore Bchley la both remain for soma days at result of a mutiny late yoatarday af Port Huron, Mlchn Nov. Charlea D. Thompson, supreme finance keeper of tbe supreme teat.

Knights of 'The pleasant up-Ukm! end beueflela) effect of tlit vtvl known- remedy, Wrniip or Fioe, uiumuwt by tb CALirMitNiA Fit Kviiiir illustrate theval.iaof iliuln.ii,- tliw li-uiU Uxe tfv principle of plitut Luown to medicinally liiltvc s-il prueentlng thsoila the forio i tl I' fivJiiug to th taste and auMir.r.) ll. i system. It Is the one ttrvofriuenlrg laxa live, claaoaVi? th a.v-tt.'iu efr.t-lually, dispelling joliln, Itt-aum-li a uii-l fever gently ye promt-tie Slid -iikhllngaa to overman li t'lU'tiil winv'tMiliooper manently. It fiwdom from every ob)e-tl mulilu tirjlity aad eub and lit hctln on the kidney, and boY' will out weakening or inlutiug- make It th Ideal laxative. la the prtx of manufacturing figs are need, a Ihey are pleasant the taste, but Uta nHHliulual qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, Ay a method knowa to the CAuroastA Fi Svatrr-Co.

only. In order to get It beneficial ternoon at th alta of the saw United Notre DaiUei and Archbishop Christie konal phyalclan. Dr. Watt, than took charge. The controverat between the foreign and Cblnese doctors bad bs effect oa the patient, because he wss already beyond hope ef recovery.

Tbe flames of the procession of paper sfflgiea, chairs And horses burned la th courtyard of the yamea to carry his spirit to Heaven, told ths crowd -of officials who were gathered In the narrow street outside tbs yamea that tha end bad come. Soon afterward process loa appeared bearing a costly coffin of teakwood, beautifully lacquered. This coffin LI Hung Chang took on hla trip around ths world, and as brought It from Canton when came to Pekla to settle ths Boxer -troubles. Blnce that time It had heea kept la a temple here. The body was placed la the coffin this morning with the customary rite.

On Sunday thr Will a ceremonial corresponding to a lying In state, an all the Cblaeae officials will pay their respects. A separata day will be designated for th mlnlater of th powers. Th la- tsrmsnt will b'at th birthplace th deceased A llttls vll- teg In the province ef An-HuL Th tin. has not yet been decided upon. baa expressed hla Intention of wit Bute prison, two mllea aoutheut of berer where 400 prtsonara from the Maccabaea.

la a defaulter la tbe sum of Ha baa made a written nessing (he Notre Dame-Purdue game Fort Wayne, Nov, I. Charlea Dunn, tha old man who waa, charged with the foul murder of 11 year-old Alice Cottrett, baa, been found guilty aad sentenced to prison for life. Tba jury returned a verdict of murder la th rat degree lata yesterday afternoon, Duna received ths verdict with unmoved countenance. A formal application waa mad for a now trial. Tomorrow.

federal prison. In chart ot to armed confession of his defalcation to the guard, were at work, ona man waa supreme commander of th order krnienerd a IliabefayasaN. killed, five othara dn(roaaly wound Thompson la a promlaent vessel and ad, and I(. desperate ooavlcta are at tug man of this city, and tba affair has created great excitement. Thomp OroenflcU, Nov.

K.The Jury In the case of Harry liamtitoa, who waa charged with robbory, brought in a verdict of guilty. Hamlltoa, who la 4 years old, waa Indicted with two i Tb jury took fourteen ballots aad Urge. When tba trouble begam the rebel iloua prlsoncra bad only two revol- vera. These bad beta eecrHed la one companions for robbing an old son waa heavily bonded In the National fclurety company of New Tork aad the Fidelity and Deposit company of Baltimore, and the order therefore la 'protected from loss. Thompson mad no effort to escape after hla defalcation was discovered.

ot tba alla of tka building by aoro onknowa person. There ara tw6 walla effect ana tn avoid Imitations, pleas remember tt; full Dame of tbe Company named John B. Adtson, who waa' Stopped oa ths road near his horns, sight upon the Brat thirteen the vote stood nine fur conviction and three for acquittal. On the fourteenth ballot the three men cam over. It Is learned that upon the question of punishment tb Jury Bret stood seven for tbs death penalty and flv tot life Imprisonment.

Tba crucial point to the evidence upon any part of hla career as commander In ehief of tba flying squadron. But I submit with regret that -la- the- pas-sage-from Keyj West to Clenfuegoa, while at the latter -port, aa route to pnntea on iron very package. tulles south of this city, by three mea FIG SYRUP CO. on Aug. A laL brutally assaulted end He Is now a bit bom i sax raAjroisoo, cax.

atrlpped of his money aad valuables. He reached home covered With blood UTOISVXLXX XTr raw Toax. which the conviction may be said ItKACUlXO AN AOHt.ICMa.MT ftoraai by aU per aouta and almost Insensible. Peter Fisher, Battled destination In the retrograde movement, la return to Santiago, aad In tha affair of May 31, tba commodore who wbs Indicted with Hamilton, will to took MUs IHllMJal OSsMr Rnillef be tried at the next term of court. exhibited unsteadiness In purpose and la push and failure to obey orders.

Hamlltoa attempted to provs an alibi. have been baaed was two statements of Dunn himself on the stand. While counsel for the state waa questioning him aa to the incldenta at tha bouae when neighbors demanded to search hi cistern for ths body of ths child, he wss naked why ha action of tbe bonding The first intlmatloa of tbe shortage cams lsst Tueaday afternoon, when flupreme Commander Markey and Supreme Record Keeper Oeorge J. Blgle- were checking over the finance keeper's books, Aa error was discovered, and they called Thompson's attention to It. He said that he would take the boo lea and pipers home with him that nlgbt and look It up.

Wednesday morning be came to Supreme This statement was made toward iVIite ntrlhe Failed. the close of Captain Lemly'a remarks. Indianapolis. Nov. I.Tbs striking 6ENTU, 6RIPEIES GRANULES partly completed and.

tba remainder ot tba alta of tba building la a unfunded by a high wooden stockade. Qua Parkar. Ardmora, ona of tba ringleaders of tba mutiny, under pretense of a necessity, walkod to tba corner of tba stockade where the revolvers were concealed, and under cover of aotne weeda, secured, them' without being detected. Ho turned to tba gang and paaaed on of tba revolver to Frank Thompson, a negro from 8outh McAleater, TM who aerated It about his person. When T.

Hinds, auperlatendeat of con-atruction, and two unarmed guards prepared to round up tha men at tba end of tba day'B work, tba two armed convlcta covered them with. tba ra volvera, and, encouragod by the other mutinoua convlcta, forcod tha men to walk before tbem to the north western corner of tha atockade, where they expected to make a rush through an carried la a raka without having been coremakera at th plant of lbs National Malleable Castings company hav After th adjournment tha members of the court, Admiral Schley and counsel lingered for a time about tbe hall In which they have spent so much of asked to do "To rake up the loat tbolr fight, and all ef them, body," waa th reply. Agaia, whan For Sluggish Liver, Pjf )el and fjn of Ap- asked why he stood so close ovsr the cept' those who hav found employment elsewhere, have returned to their time, and there were many affec Commander Marker's office and confessed that his accounts were short $17,000. He then and there signed a opening In th cistern walls tb men were raking It, he answered: To help lift out the These two work. Ths company made no propo altloa to discharge, the.

colored em ployes, and ths strikers grew discour written confession of the embessle-ment Vn examlaatlon of the books 1 Hrtgbtee Again. Sofia, Nov, i. Mr. Dlok-iuloa has dispatched a messeagsr with a reply to the brlgsads' proposals as formulated la Miss Btous's letter. It Is understood that aa agreement aa to ths amount of the ransom has been virtually established.

Tns settlement as to ths manner and place of payment and tha Burrendsr of tb captives presents the most difficulty, but an entente Is expected soon. Tbs brlgsads ar not willing to cross Into Turkey to obtain tha money, whlls tbs Bulgarian government would oppose releasing MUs Bton on Bulgarian soli. Negotiations Broke tig? Constantinople, I.N pre- -gross Is reported la connection with th rescua of Miss Stone. On the contrary. It appears that ths negotlatioas have been temporarily, suspended from ths Bulgarian side.

An effort tionate words of farewell spoken. Admiral Schley, aa usual waa called upon to receive the greetings of a number of admirers, and hundred or more people waited at tha door of the building to bid him adieu. Geo. F. Meyer's Drug Store.

aged when they ascertained that the statements, mads while yet he waa trying to prove that he waa positive the body wee not In the cistern, bad weight with the Jury, Strangely company could continue ths plsnt by exchanging for work from other plants llOS.Cben i followed and the shortage waa, Supreme Commander Markey yesterday afternoon gave out a statement la regard to ltThe companies that do not require, enoughrth two lapsus linguae es Snsplcton of Suicide, on Mr. Thompson's bond were then I' Kdlutr Plead Guilty. caped th attention of attorneys aad reporters alike daring th progress of notified of tbe shortage and re pre en Chicago, Nov. I. Relatives of Henry Hastings, a milk dealer, believe that a body found in a vacant lot at opeblug.

On the outside of the atockade waa an armed guard, and the con vlcts ware met at the opening by B. Burrows, a guard, who fought tbem "Wabash. Ind No v7. -In the Wa-bash circuit court yesterdajrwilllam Dunn examination. tatives of each ara now oa their way to Port Huron.

Thompson Is not un i-HU-fharpSr proprietor -of the Wabash KyT yesterday, undaa-olr- der arrest, but say i that he expecta LOOKIXU INTO IT" enejwtrajaBtaraeasaBB Aoy If g-al bmlnm entruntod to tny back, but who received two ahou In Star, who waa arrested charged with tba neck. Tb convlcta then rushed the criminal libel of Nelson Q. Hunter. Uaa CoiiauiMer at Ma nolo Are Uolag to be arreeted and prosecuted, and la prepared to pay the penalty of bis jara wll) receive rtreful aud prompt aoentloc. Offloa DVkIc.

Sej- owner of ths Wabaah Times, pleaded breach of trust to tnveetiaile. Muncfe, Nov. I. It is slated guilty and was fined' ft and costs, cumatancea that Indicate a suicide or a murder la hla. They base their belief on tho fact that he baa been missing Bine Wedneedayf that tha name, of the man found la the same aa hla; that -the desert ptlona are practically alike and that Hastings was despon I our, ina.

over to tba south wall to another opening an dare re met by Arthur Treelford, an armed guard, who Is In charge of all the convlcta. Treelford reatated tba convlcta and waa shot twice but The heavy loss sustained by the Thompson Towing and Wrecking com: that ths uncle Natural Qaa company, whoss patrons are shivering aad even amounting to 130. Mr. Hunter, who waa arrested at tbe Instance of Mr. Sharpe for criminal libel of ths latter, will atand triai.

have I go to bed a Boon as dark will be mads to resume tbem through Salonlca. Mr. Bdddy, secretary of the United legation, Is having frequent interviews with Sir Nicholas O'Connor, the. British ambassador, with a view to a resumption, and propose to go to Thorapla for a few days In order (o be In close touch with th ambaeaador. pany of tbia city, of which Thompson 1 a member, oa tha iteamer Harlem, which fbey raised from tbe bottom of Lake Superior, is for the comes on, because there Is hot enough gsa to make a light to read by, has not dangerously wounded.

Defeated In their attempt to escape at this point, tha men rushed to the guard Coat nt Bl Fair Uaildlaa. refused an offer from the America Sheet Steel company to supply them dent and had talked of suicide. Hastings soms years ago was tried for the murder of Attorney Hlllsrd and waa acquitted on an Inaanity plea. Mr. Hlllard waa attorney for Haetlnja and the latter waa not satisfied with an Lewis Lewis.

ATTOnNBYO. defalcation, said yester-dsy afternoon that used th funds St. Louis, Ndv. g. Chief Architect Taylor of ths world's fair has fur house, a "temporary frame structure where tha arme are kept The guards from the outside rushed In at this point aad drove th convlcta away.

of ths order In tbia enterprlae, which nlahed a schedule giving revised figures of ths dimensions ot ths principal vVlU rractica la all tLa eourt. CoV proved very unprofitable, aa the ex with 1,000,000 to 1,000,000 cublo feet of gss dally. It was offered nt cents a thousand. Tbs gas company at present Is getting It cents from consum ar-tion a epeolalt. Legal bualneaa pense of raising snd refitting the craft from the guardhouse.

J. P. WaJdrupe, I exposition buildings, their cost and Browned In sansr, r-Catba'logaa, Samar, Nov. First Lieutenant Robert T. Crawford of th First Infantry, a aergeant and flv then, while attempting to cross th Bsbyon river Bamar.

war drowsed. OITlje over Beckmso'i store oa Sor a guard, shot and killed Ford Qulan, formerly of Indian Territory. Tba prisoners then made a grand rush for waa wo great mat soe naq 10 oe som at a loss. It Is said, ot 78.000 Instead of a profit. It is expected an effort will be mad by Thompson's friends ond itreet.

accounting, claiming that soma 1 8,000 had disappeared. Ths milk dealer waited for tha lawyer In the Rookery building, where tbe latter bad aa office. 'When ue attorney appeared his client shdTand killed him. Hastings spent two yeare in jail, ut finally waa v.v-; ers. Tbs people still Insist that ths gaa company Is manipulating affairs to force the consumsrs to Join tbem la advocating the advance fca rates that the company demanded por mlaslon to enforce.

There Is great Indignation the mala entrance; and, la of tbem succeeded in escaping. Moat of tba eacapad man are from TOBACCO SPIT to effect a settlement with the bond Ing companies, -t APPLAUSK FtMt CLKVKLANp DON'T and 5MOKB Indian Territory. Closely followed by YourUfaawavl! tha guards, tbe men ran to nearby forest and succeeded in evading their nines the' story of refusing to accept the gaa has boon circulated. Preparatieue are being made br the cltlsens at least to accept the propo Tea ess eared of ssv form of tobecce Mine 9ily. be sasde wall, stronf, etxtirtic, full of Tbe Only Kstreldent tilvaii an Ov- pursuers.

Tba men want In the dl atktt A PHUbarg. 1 new lire sea bv tskliif ItJ-TO-BAO, th.t MikM wcsk m.e M.nv mi. rectlon of Baaton, and it la re sition of tbe gas company to Investi ton pounds la lee dsva Ont IO0.A0O curse. All drarrtMi. Cure susrsuievd.

I ported here that they have held up i'. Pittsburg. Nov. I. Tbe exercise celebrating founder's day at the Carnegie Institute, which have come to be recognised as an annual event of tri snd sdTice rkKK.

Addraes-aTKBXINU) many farmers, taking, horses ana suuutDT co, tiuoun or new York. jr gate th wells and reducing station. If It Is don th committee will secure experts from other cities and go to th clothing en route. Forty 'armed guard from tbe federal prison are in pursuit of tha convlcta. plaat whsn not expected.

Yoana utrl Warns Oaawagea. Chill renders Offleee. La Guayra, Vanesueia, Nov. via Haytied cable. Benor Harboat, the minister of Chill at Bogota, with the authorisation of hla government, baa cabled to President Castro offering the good offices of Chill In order to arrange ths differences between Vena-suela and atlpulatlng the acceptation of Colombia.

Whisky Kills Uoy. The" 5-year-old aoa of Elijah Barber, an employe 'at tb cement plant, died yeaterday from the effects ef drinking a half plat of Dont Be Fooledi Weeee Btersaeae With "I bar found a cure," said a physician, "for a person v. bo Isn't chronlcsl ly nflllcted with but wbs temporarily caanot sht-p. It Is curt- eus thing that tbs pk-ture ef a person yawning will almost invariably Induce Sleep." "Try It yourself some time' It yon com across such a photograph. th life of you yon can't help yawalng, after a moment, and persutent gsslng at the sleepy bead will almost Inevitably send you to tb conch for a nap." New York Tirol's.

l.1 colons; Tsfcr lbs tsaalne, ertglnel Armenian Reform 8t Petersburg, Nov. It Is re great Intereat not only to the people of Pittsburg but to those of other cities, were held la Music Hall yesterday afternoon. Seldom If aver before haa ths occasion been so interesting and attended by so -many- people. Long before the hour set for commencing the exercises ths capacity of tbe hall was strained and tbe doors bad to bs ROCIty MOUNTAIN TCA IMsds wly kv MndltoM Mdl -Delphi, Nov; I. la th circuit court Mlsa Floaale Fife, aged 15, la suing Miss Margaret Knettls for 3.000 damagea.

Miss Knettls Is a daughter of the late Jacob Knettle, cine Ce MtdlMO, WU. It Ises Irttt ported here that Franca and Russia have arrived at an agreement for common action with a view to the execution of reforms in Armenia and tha European provlncea of the Ottoman mmr cmi imi csta remsn. ftMM, ver sol4 who left a valuable estate. The plain hi Bulk, Ac.pi t.bMt a. vie -1st ISAAOB.

TATXOn, tiff made her home with Mlas Knettls for nearly a year. It is ailsged that empire guaranteed by tb -sultan In tba Berlin treaty. They propose to the area In acres they will after Mlus Fife loft ths home of Miss Mr. Taylor puts the total coat of tbe! Kaettle the latter circulated slander H. MONTGOMERY, janta ths signatory powerato meet let cuttiunjuiv, mi njioi vujvvw whisky.

The boy. drained the flask while bis parents were away from borne, and when found waa In a stupor from tba phyalciana could not rouse hint. llAaiii of Kate Owcnaway. Loudon, Mlaa Kate Oreena- structures at 16,750,000, but explalna oua stories about ths, girl and Dr. that this amount doea not Include that Campbell of Flora.

Dr. Campbell haa ATTOrtNCY, closed, barring out at least 1,000 disappointed people, who bad stood la lins for a long time -hoping to gain ad-mlaslon. Aside from tbe natural Interest attaching to the opening of the institute's winter setion of art and music, the presence of former President Orover Cleveland as orator of the day aud of Mrs. Cleveland aa honor guest served to augment the desire of the people to participate in the exercises. The entrance of Mr.

That there la otnethlng wrong with hi master. They have no mere romp and ramble. He trie la vala to eoad th listless youth from his chair, expected here that all th powers will accept the Invitation; but the conference could not well be held before spring. Vil! practice In all tho "ourta of the State, Careful attention glvon to ool- of sculpture, triumphal bridges, cas- also filed a suit. against Mica ICnettle cade, hanging gardena and other de-'-for tS.OOO damages.

corativ work that will beautify ths'' main picture. Woentbeiunga dlsessed. lectinna ana to probata mtaiore Ufflce over the First National Dank, In well Informed circles in St. Pe pov, s. ine iar way, tho artist, la dead.

IKIUK TKL.KOHABia soymour, inav- tersburg fear Is expressed that the present atepa of France may cauae If 1: 77? SHoabiy Fatal Inel. aanj mars of this section of tbe. stats ara tri i i Vk-Vaburi. Nn i.M forming "bunting truaU.Tand refuse matters to develop so rapidly that Tbe la4 mil hss lekl ee Ik 'siheriaa. ger waa InsUnUy killed and Matt to t0WB nUBU, on tnetr lMit Ruaala.

despite the caar's love of The trusts Include slmost everyone peace, may find herself driven Into an rslimed. The iniliMti-isl comwU-Aua 1. sow Is full i ios rsMlus lu nasi report to eongraM, physical weak-" aeas soon begina to aliow itself aad 1 th active outdoor life is rivca up. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov erf cares disease of.

the lungs snd other orMBBof rcapir- Stk, Jt cares ebatinat, deep- attitude of another kind In order to i safeguard her own Interests. Events Three tr.liim-n, all of SpriMgfteld, Uo were who haa a truck patch. The farmers are Indignant over tbe law which pre vents any man from chasing- rabbit oa bla own farm unless he haa a wrlttsn permit, and their nOw trust Is killed la a eollMou oe the 'rrteoo Cleveland Into one of the boxes wss th occasion of hearty' and prolonged applause. Hardly bad this noise subsided when another outburst greeted the appearance of tbe ex-prealdent on the atage. 'I he vast audience received the dlstlngulshd guest by rising and giving expression to Its plessure by bandalspplng and waving of handkerchiefs.

Mr. Cleveland's address wss marked by considerable BDDlause and ford probably fatally' wounded In a pistol duel in Verger's store at California Btatlon, Madison pariah, La laat nlcht. Yerger waa shot directly through tbe heart, and aa ha fell he raised bla pistol and ahot Bedford through tbe body. Both are members of the wealthiest and moat prominent a nrlleb engliw and a doabte-beeder. Vou may heed so badly you In Turkevand the Balkan are regarded in political circles with great anxiety.

Xn. J.lli Ytutn, vh Jmmod todulksnd aa iot sea what yt needs are In ber ka.beuil wrliMMly lu)nrd la dr. vkieb badly darosKed their kome at CkMssa, tbia line: This Is out business. We bellev can help you. 7.

La'twe The Water Itan tow. Commsmk-r Vr.nk A. Oarfortk, of tbe turd' hip Hotupur, wi drowsed la Ike froM uS st Ham 1 1 ton, Heratmta He I appoie4 lo ksve seated COUKita, Miss, Nov. I. Alexander a retaliatory measurs.

Mother. Loft the Children. Indlanapolla, Nov. Ir-Henry, th t-y ear-old son of Henry F. Brier, burned to death yeaterday afternoon.

Jeweler and Optician Or th. white, and two colored men. fsllea overtiosrd. Mrs. WUIikiu fowle, wife of Conimtsdor Cowlea.

ot Ike esry, itr of rmtdenl expressed In close attention to tbe apeaker throughout and In hoarty applause when he closed. namea unknown, were killed by boiler explosion at Clayton'! cotton gin, in Alabama, 25 mllea west of here, yesterday. Clayton, the owner of the tUweevell bs bees robbed of a dianoad broach Hla mother went to tbe grocery, leaving ths boy with his 1-year-old sister famlliea of North Louisiana. IIar Imaea a Al irknt. Chicago, Nor.

l.J. ft. dulld of Med-aryvllle, waa the main witness yeaterday In tha inveatlgatton which la being carried on here by tbe Interstate commerce committee, asserted that the railroad bad completely vslued at sUiet lAa ek.itlMtnM nt th. ltlMliin.ftl. bleeiling lung, etnadatio antt other conditiona which if neglected or anskii-fully, treated may And a fatal tesminatioq tn eoaauui pt 100.

Sva bottle of lr. neree'a Ooldta lH-eri7 thy buy aeem. to gin, waa aerlously wounded In the 'CbiosKosnd uii riiroat bold meetina In the bouse, th -hoy aittlng In bla high cbalr aear the atove. When she returned "in boy wa dead and Xb girl waa allgbtly burned. "tiear the ftvtery Chicago, Nov.

8.With th discovery- of a'-blood'beapatteTed bas'emcnt room at I9 North' Union avenue and head, and two negroes Were seriOUSiy, imtemsy at wau-s rmuaew mmis saaolber -'-v' ewwa4eSeeiiwe ctocled. scalded. The explosion-wWheausTed vy Shi llolraaa aad Jualo tteredltb, fitushi driven western bay out of th eastern low water in tha boiler. It. innl Tm4 M.aillv.

trouble started Vr Saatae e( card iuni, aiauan irun peaaier, xn mys- Kete In th Ail tbt.ire't of Ind.V Nov, l-At Netrs Tb Porte Aoccpta. Ill Mid arcoiunut4iplo.1 thai fkartitsb. lery aurroonuing inn dcbid oi Anionio Boya4 ftlu Stevlc-o." BASTBOUSD, Paris, NOV. Oreek minister lolutely no Amadatloa for tbe report that the new classification, asserted, tbou Dam yesterday Peter Matacko of ssnds of seres of marsh land had been Cleveland, a atudont, while wrestling -made- unproductive; another student, so Injured ths Fort demanded tbal Urea Britain Mould pro- Tbf -it aW 31' Ve. -fl arrive.

Depart, In Constantinople, according to a dls- patch to Paris newa'agency'. from detail, whose body waa found hidden In a on the prairie near West, era avenue and Rice street, is bolieved to hav been dared up. all rlf kt," wrMee Mr. I.V. rrk, ol MrV, kinirroe 1 m-hrn 1 cotnm.acTd t- I Mlical Te k.d conaampiina aad ci.

eatil he wa. t-t bhhiIIi. aim he wr JS 4 II a ro daily I'lttali'g A Col Aalatut Turkey mm rronea atiack. lira. Uur I'imbrll of NfKrwalk, at- lad that hs thought hs bsd killed him.

I 4 "NY flyer toaotod to jepleaitk tbe oil la a liKbted lame iay lie a i.ynrriniur. ttt hla tear over the hanDenlna he blew Athena, baa telegraphed the Oreek government that the port haa accepted all the demands of Franc. sad sa exploaloa raraltad wblcb cauaed tbe iMym HY faalmall. l.U 4:10 pro suoday AO Tailaaaee, Nov. 4.0llea Em- out ni, trains with a revolver.

Th dMlb of tbe womaa aa aer email Children, finger, a young white man, was assas Victim of ths friendly wrestling bout The atatlaUea of the srowth of rural fre. de Preftirfexl to Caitare. Poplar Bluff. Nov. g.

Frank Reed, a botorloua character along the JO f- am Local except Sunday, WT SOCHI). livery cervlee (how thai oa bee. 1 aiixi there Murdered Ills Bwew heart. alnated about two mllea from her while walking along the road. Jesse TWvt.

a i a mm I. nt.nnrti, nt bavlne was not aorlouaiy hurt, Horned to Death. i 1 i 1 ff WiubeejXM carrier. larooHiMMis um ennmry, 1 ravelin a total atilrace approinalin lllai Litchfield, Nov. I.

John T. Missouri-Arkansas boundary line, kill- dally HI I fart blmsolf yesterday to avoid capture i m'irt tha'ertmn A nnaae la nn anilaa dally. sad br I. la e-HMl k. ksyoa 6t ouf Accept no leal Waco very, 1 aa rood MockI, and lur-v liu" a more p-t for oi.

1 z. ri-w's i Oakland City, Ind, Nov, I. Ths f- IIayear charged with murdering hla former sweetheart, Mlas Winifred 7 8lLA KaaCty mallll.34 iiO rue tal tier ne naa torcea a snenn posae to fo, tha neero and if earw SarrenilorinsTillpiana aay that the In-nrgiat leader provlalnna are exbaa-ted arid tliatbeaad bla nea tlins-oa a atrup. retreat, and nfter ho had been shot a lynching may foltor ir: waa fatally burned while bulld. Cooke, wa found guilty of murder In the second degree last night and was to Imprisonment for Ufa.

twice, once In tho head and otco pi; ef awaet potatnea, Uikbaa Is baingatrong- guiltia eatabllshod. ing a flr 1a 'gnn9t----y- Ki. S3 wtll i-ary pftwM-nnt'ta bet wmm Key Nurth Vonm. tl J. MILLS Tlrtet Ageot through tha body.

if arged to awmniuor,.

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