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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAOI rom ELYTIIEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS THURSDAY, "APRIL 28, 1949 Mewl 'Most Eligible' Amelia Saliba, Society Editor Phone 4 JG1 ulry GIUD in WHMI- i'here he located Mrs. blltenaillS Wednesday Bridge Club Miss Borom Is Engaged Richard P. Tipton Heralding wedding ol outstaiid- jng Interest is ttie aunounctment 'made by Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Thomas Legrand Borom at Arlington. and formerly of of Hie and 'approaclung marriage of their 'daugliter, Miss Bettyt Carla Borom 'to Lieutenant Colonel Richard Pike Tipton, United States Air -Force, Washington, D.

C. He is the isou Ur. and Mrs. Paul Lijrht of Blylheville and Corpus Texas. Tnc weci(liii5 will he solemnized the lat'er part of May.

1 Miss Borom. Is the granddaughter of Thomas Legrand Borom rind the Ipte Juetge Borom of Troy, and of the lute Mr. and Mrs. ThO'iias Byrd Lamur Tyson ol 'Ala. She is a graduate of Virginia Inti-rmont College of Bristol, Va.

aiiti holds a degree rroni the Unl- vcrsi'y of Alabama, where she was 'secretary of Zeta Tan Alpha Sorority. Sirce her graduation, she lins worked as assistant home demonstration agent in Shelby County, Alabama at Colunibiana. Colonel Tipton was Elythevllle High School and -Jater aradualed from ihe University "of Arknnsns, Fayettcvillc, where hi took a prominent part in athletics. He was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Fraternity and studied at Union College In Tennessee. During the last World War Vhe served with distinct-Ion in seve- Jial theatres overseas as an officer in United States Air Force.

-He holds a membership in the 'Army-Navy Country Club in Washington, D. where he located it present in the Inspector General's Department. Miss Henderson Honored At Miscellaneous Shower The first of series ot parties being planned for Mi Ruth Henderson ol Dell, bride-elect of Ensign "Walter Xeuhn of Brooklyn, N. "was given Tuesday evening when Mrs. Udell Newsom, Mrs.

B. G. GUI, -Mrs Robert Hardln, Mrs. E. H.

'Pruitt and Mrs. W. D. Howard entertained with a miscellaneous Approximately guests -attendeo the affair which was held the Dell Clubhouse. The Club was decorated in pink white color scheme.

Pastel 'v'ahades of iris, splrea and other flowers were attractively arranged throughout the rooms. The (: table on nhich the gaily wrapped, gifti were placed was centered with arrangement of spring flowers a ciystal bowl. Refreshments of a salad plate irith iced drinki were served by the hostesses. Henderson wore for this oc- easicn, grey spring crepe suit with Her frock was complemented with corsage lilies of the valley. Chapter P.

E. 0. Meets At C. S. Lemons Residence Chapter P.E.O.

Sisterhood me yesterday at the home of Mrs. 8. Lemons. 1309 Holly, with Mrs C. 3.

Stevens as co-hostess. Nine teen members and one visitor Mrs Oscar Fendler attended the meeting The two course luncheon wa served at the dining table an smaller tables with each being cen tered with an attractive arrange ment of spring Jlowers in sol shades. Roses and pansles In crysta vases were used to decorate th entertaining rooms of the home. Mrs. Fendler was in charge the program and chose as her sub Ject, "New York City 1 in connectlo with the programs the Chapter having on cities In America.

3elphians Discuss Group Conflicts The Chickasaw Chapter of the Delphian Society met yesterday In Hotel Noble for a study program with Mrs. Hugh Whlkitt as leader In a program on "The Toll Group Conflicts" it was stated that man has traits ot mind which often iipel him to work ugalmt hij own best interests. This, it was explained, sometimes leads to conflicting problem! Involving farm groups, labor groups and business, Discussion leaders were: Mrs. Kendall Berry, Mrs. J.

Farris McCalla, Mrs, A. H. Mc- Mnnus and Mrs, C. L. McWatcrs.

Mrs. H. W. chapter president, presided over Ihe business session, The group will meet again on May 11 at 10 a.m. with the study period to be followed by a luchcon at 12:30 p.m.

Mrs. Caudill Entertains Bridge Club and Guests Mrs. Chester Caldwcll and Mrs. Marvin Robinson were RUSSIA yesterday together with members ol Ihe Town and Country Club when Mrs. G.

O. Caudill entertained at her home, 1100 West Walnut. Attractively arranged to the where bridge was played were vases of mixed spring flowers. Mrs. Cornelius Modinger wo" high 1" the afternoon Rimes with Mrs R.

M. Logan winning second Tlie hostess served refreshments ol a dessert, course. Elton Kii'by was hosles yesterday wlier. she entertained Hie of the Wednesday Bridge Cluo with a luncheon al her home, (j06 Chickasawba. Tl'e three course luncheon was served at the dining table whicn centered with a striking a' i-angrment of Talisman roses in a silver bowl.

Other vases of sprln? llowirs were used throughout the home. Following the luncheon bridge played with Mre. T. E. Black receiving high score and Mrs.

W. Pollard, second high. Condition of Mis. John Brock who has been seriously 111 at t3t Josephs Hospital In Memphis, Is slightly Improved. Mr.

Brock spent Monday In BlythcvUlc where he attended lo business and Inter returned to Memphis. Mr, and llownid Jr ot Memphis are the parents of son born yesterday at the Methodls Hospital. The couple's first child, lie has been named Howard Frlsby III Mr. Frlsby formerly made ills homi In Blylhevlllo with Ills pnrents. Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Zcllner spcn yesterday In Memphis. The Rev. and Mrs. P.

H. Pelew mid daughter Carolyn are jpendirr today in Memphis. They went es peclnlly to lake their daughter, svtv will consult her physician. C. n.

Graves went to LHile Roe' today where he will attend to bus! ness. Dr. and Mrs. Brewer wl arrive today from St. Louis, Mo room to spent! seveial days here heir daughter, Mrs.

Colenum Stev and son, Stevie. The camo es iilly to nttcnd the party (o heir grandson, who is ctlebratln ils second birthday. Mrs. Rene George was admltte the Baptist Hospital in Memph 'esterday, where she underwent operation there this morning. Mr George and his mother, Mrs.

Oeorge arc with her. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Conwny eave tomorrow for Little Hoi where they will nttcnri the weddii Saturday of Miss Peggy St. Jol of Little rtocV to Moruland vVhltc of OsLcola lo be solenmizi it the Second Presbyterian Chnrr Condilion of Mrs.

Richard Os- uorne. who underwent appendectomy a. Walls. Hospital last Saturday L' 1 much improved. She.

was dl (rom (lie nospltal yester- Program Meeting If Helt By Nine W.M.S The Women's Missionary Society the Number- Nine Baptist Church let Monday al the negro church the Royal Service Program with 1 members and 16 visitors present. The meeting opened with the of a hymn followed by the roup repeating the watchword for he year. Mrs. Bob Stovall led roup In prayer and the devotional given by Mrs. Eric Ray.

A olo entitled. "I'd Rather Have esus" was presented by Mrs. Those taking part on the program were Mrs. W. E.

Rhoads, Mrs 1. Hntley, Mrs. Hershal Rustin Mrs. Tom Dadson, Mrs. Orvll Norlh- cutt, Mrs.

Raymond Whittle, Mrs. Stovall and Mrs. Frank Coats, A negro spiritual was preiented by several negro women from the church. Following the dismissal prayer, the group helped to organize a W.M.S for the colored church. day and is now at her home, 1511 Mrs.

wnllacc Hoke. Leonard Oldhair. and Mrs. John Osborne spent in Memphis. Mrs.

N. Abdou and infant daughter. Patricia Lynn, were dismissed from Walls Hospital yesterday ann are now al their home, 301 East Davis. Coming Events Sociol Calendar Thursday Tin Phebean School ass of the First Baptist Church II meet at the chur at 1:30 in, for a pot luck supper and bust- ess Tlie Hljjh School Band Banquet III be held In the school lunuh- oom at 6:30 p.m. Nu Phi Mu Sorority will have a ill meeting at the home ol Mrs red Clillds at 8 p.m.

The 20th Century Club will have seir anniversary dance at the Hut 8:30 Host and hostesses will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bltlner, lr and Mrs. Blan Heath, Mr. and Irs; Lynn Hughes, Mr.

and Mrs. Inurlce Luttrell and Mr. and Mrs. oscpli McHancy. Friday P.

T. A. "Dnd'4 Night" at Laiige dioo ii a p.m. Ritual ol Jewels and Pledge Rlt- hl of the Alpha Delta Chapter of Bela Klgma Phi will be held at -Jolile Hotel at, 3 p.m. chlldrens registration or Sutlbury School to be held at he Health Office from 1 to 2 p.m Mrs George D.

Pollock Jr. will interlain the Friday Contract Club. Mrs. Paul Uyrmn will be hostess the C.B.C. Club.

Civic Calendar Thursday C'ouiity B. Assoc- ailoi; p.m. O.sceola, Aik. Blind Twins to See Specialist Reart Courier Want Ads. A bpll of calm winds north of the equator Is called the "horse latit- idcs" because, many sny.

In the old days ninny sailing ships laden wilh run short of water and wore forced to throw board. the animals ovec- Mariaret Truman Twice-married movie star Joan Crawford Is "the most eligible bach- elorettc in America," Just a step ahead of Margaret Truman, says the American Bachelor Congress, national fraternal organization, which picked Joan for the No. 1 spot because "she has tlie most ex- citinR face In the world with figure to match. Margaret Mrs. Smith Is Hostess To Dell Baptist W.M.U.

Circle Two of the Dell Baptist Women's Missionary Union met Monday night in the home of Mrs. A. Smith for a Royal Service Program with eight members and two new members, Mrs. Bonlta Sigman and Mrs. Chester Austin present.

Topic of tlie program was, "Christ the Answer In the Rural Community." The program was opened with tlie singing of "Steplng In the Light," followed by the devotional Biven by Mrs. Curtis Downs Sr. Mrs. Bertha Gill gave a brief talk on "Off to Her W.M.U Meeting" with Mrs. C.

A. Smith's subject being, "God's Gift of the Country," Mrs. Dane Kellner. "When Christ Dominates. There Is Greatness;" Mrs.

Udell Newsom. "A New Day for The Country:" Mrs. Dan Harmon, "The Rural Church Challenges Our City Churches" and Mrs, Curtis Downs "Christ Challenges Churches." Following the program a shorl business session was conducted. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. you Are Cordially Invited to Visit The Accessory Shopj; Feminine Apparel Mabel Hogan Jessie Srite Hotel Ul'lfi.

Ulytheville, Ark. I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Hoffmann hold their 7-month-old twin Kenny, de-It) and Denny, (right) as they prepare board a plane al New Orleans, I for a flight to New Yurk where they will consult, an eye specialist to see if an operation will restore the babies' sight.

The twins, who were born prematurely and then survived pneumonia, have been discovered blind due to rare eye disease. Two former an- force pilots, one ol whom owns the plane, volumeered to fly the family and an oil company furnished the gasoline needed for tlie trip- With the Hoffmanns is their other son, Andrew five. (AP Wirephoto.i Mrs. Michael Hostess Blast Kills Horses Iran now produces more than 500,000 L-nrels ol cruric oil daily. E'ie-s once were considered an exotic delicacy reserved only for the rich powerful.

During the 15th century In Scotland, Parliament banned Pie eating by anybody below the rank ol baron. To Demonstration Club ST MAROARKT Tlie Dogwood Home Oeniotislni-1 A of plough horses tioti Club iiK't yesterday their died in a Midden explosion here, clubhouse for a regular business The ploughman, ArLhUL 1 tlusk, suf- mecting with (3 inembiM's ruul one fered shock. He had been turning visitor, Mrs. J. Smart present.

over a wnrtime firing range. Mis. J. T. Hipp, president, presi.

ded over the business session, at which time a report ivas given by Mrs. C. FV Michael on the county council mefHing held BlackvaLcr April 23. Hymns were led by Mrs. John Burks with Mrs.

offering the devotional. Miss Mildred Haeennaii was the guest speaker and chose as her topic, ''Lighting Your Kitchen, the Workshop of Your Home." It was announced at the close or the meeting that a special meeting would be held Friday afternoon. Apt'it 29. for a spring housecleamng of the clubhouse. Refreshments were served by Mrs.

Michael, the hostess. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS. HclplSMLUsof Flush Out disorder of kidnry function poisonous matter to remnin in your blood, may cause nagging hncVBche, rheumatic pains, leg pains, Loss of and energy, gel- (iiiK UP swelling, jmlfineis uniter the eyes, hrattnchca ft ml dir-ehieaa. OP Ecanty with smarting and burninjf sometimes shows there is something wrong with your liiiiuoys or bladder. Pon't vv'ait! Ask your druginst for Doati'a Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years.

Dean's give happy i-clh-f Jind v-JU JjpJp the 15 miles of kidney flush out poisonouswaatftfrom your blood. Get ills. FOR SALE Concrete cuJverts, 12 inch to 48 mcti, plain or reenturret! Also Coin-rote Blocks cheaper than lunibei foi hams chit-ken houses, pump houses, tenatu houses, Lou I sheds We deliver CaL! us for tree estimate phone GUI. OSCEOLA TILE CULVERT CO. Hollow "poison rings" were in classical times not only for suicid- purposes, but as a weapon.

I At The Hospitals ISUthevllle HotplUl Dismissed: Mrs. V. M. Brister and baby, city. Bcttv Jean Bobo, city.

Ann Rays. city. Walb HeoplUl Dumu-sed: G. N. Abdou and bsby, city Mrs Richard Cviborne, city.

Mrs. J. D. Brady and baby, city. Mrs.

Adolphe Heine, city. THE SECRET OF A WASH DO Send your clothes to thi Blylheville Laundry and they'll come back to you cleaner, brighter than ever before. But that's not all. Your clothes will last longer because they're treated carefully, gently an important consideration today when it's so expensive to replace them. Next time call Blylheville Laundry and you'll discover what we mean by reallj "good laundry service." Blytheville Laundry Cleaners Phone 4418 i HAS HIR IN HlttH FASHION, TOO sheer hnlf size rfrcss airy with fagoting very cool, very pretty ll in "Today's TVoman" May it when yoiiM look dim and charming.

"iS'Rrco" rayon ihccr print, Mynette-iashioned to do wonrlcrs for your figure bowed Ixxlice excjuisitt with fagoting, ekirt fan-coo) wUh front Navy, black, tearosc, aqua; to Washable, too. Many other nice dresses for Mother's Day priced from $2.99 to $24.50. IFOR BETTER TWO PAIR! Be wise about your shoes! Buy 11) the neat R.ind Fret-malic with special comfort don't have to break in. Wear it during the day. Buy (2) the Hand ttelcss oxford that feels like a loafer, fits like a shoe.

Ch.inge to it at night- And ah! what a refreshing feeling. Come in and Continuous Shows Box Office Opens 1:45 Show Starts 2:00 LISTEN TO KLCN 8:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 4:30 p.m, Feinb erg's Thursday Friday RED RIVER with John Wayne, Montgomery Cllft, Walter Brennan, anrl Juanne Dm Selected Short Subject! Continuous Showing Eyerydar Bo.v Opens Show Starts 7:00 Opens Sunday Starts 1:15 Continuous Shows Sal. Sun.

Bargain Night Every Night Except Salunlay No passes honored nn Sunday Roxy Theatre Thursday Friday Cliouse two change regularly. feet feel fresher do, you gti belter wear pair. We've wide ieltciion of new spring Hand styles now. See them iuon. RIDE THE PINE HORSE wilh WANDA HENDRIX' ANDREA KING THOMAS GOMEZ FRED CURK by ROBERT MONTGOMERY Pioduud by JOAN HARBISON A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Mso Shorl Subjects NATIONALLY ADVIRIISEO IN IHI SATURDAY EVENING POST A SIYll fOT rVERY HOMl A DESIGN IOR Of tNINS DEAL'S PAINT STORE 109 East Main 4iW.

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