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The Titusville Herald from Titusville, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Titusville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JHoririnfl Tlluitlllc, A A tor Ihv Morning Hvnld. 0,1 JMifmwl-Uiciill. i'fttlxtum A NlOIOLSOH. CLARK tt Tirr llOLt, P.M. HRilllfUH o.

II WITSOK. I'. H. H. li Co.

II. W. i llmmim-ll. Umn, WALL IwriY. who (et thU Paper ky Mtll will obwrvo lh.1 Ilic Jolt on xldrm.

tabnl vf Ililfer iKipy, llm ttruliuiofl ol IMr 'I IIUHU wi.liltit to roauw, remit ul li'iwt unu week pncr to tixpirmllon of Mr. Cearie nn old newipitptr uuu, our CMtvuwIng-AvtfHt far "Ifewn the Oraek." r- ten ttiveil lilin fur prinilnK or will nwlve uiir piu'upt He Btilte 1'roprioturii CoMpllMtttury Mowbriy. at Ut C'rllMttdeii lOK of tho Mcrcbuu' A reguliri ctittlou beltl Turtday eveuluf Muy IKd, It wu rt'sulfcil to to our Q. M. Uowbrtty, Kq i supper Iu Uuu- or of his KUCCCSB In lute tuition to CougrvtM a repeal of Iho tux on crudo Iciim.

ck KU to Guide. on I I luirtioAO, Tit H4i ArHvu Coirv 725a.m. 7:10 a. m. 11 6 10 p.

m. It Knot's tMTHOI.K ANl WB8T HICKORY 1 700 i Tltueulle-- Pitliolo lOOO.u m. 4'30 p. m. TitUBvll 12 m.

7.00 iu. 0 UK LICK'S WEBT IflCKOKV Li ill. i B'SO u. m. LBIIVCH TitUBville--ArriMi W.

Hickory 14m ra. Wntcrn B. R. Table. bue I'hlludvliihiKErlt! It.

B. Time TkMo Otto tiuellck'a Lino Tiruu Table. HOl'KL MKKCTORT. Crlttenden lloine, E. II.

Cnttcnden. I'rop'r. American Hotel, Spring franklin imd W.nh- Bush HuuMi, Franklin bctw e'en I'lhe and Monroe IIoune, corner Monroe und Spring McCray corner Wathlngton ttottTjFrankllii conifer ot Pine J'omcroy House, junction with Diamond at Titutullle llouBC, IMnc at.ncj oiid Drake st. Bee cnrda ofabove hotels In another column. Usiox TiLiatirii Or-nci --Petroleum Bank.

Block, atnet, up stain. M. It. UAUIKOTOH, Manager. SaArriii AHP OIL OITT STAOI Shaffer for Oil'City na Vunkvlllv, Petroleum Cantro, Tarr Farm and KonMvtllt on arrh at of the Freitflil Accommodation Tram -t 7 Ot a.

and tho fix- proM Train, a in. Rcturnisj, nt Shattt-r with the ErpreM Tralu at 6.10 a. m. and 12 nt. A F- A Proprietor.

in tlio Bpuulous Biiloont) of tlie fjrlttemlun UOUBO, mint 1 1 o'clock were ushurcd Into tlio elegant I til iig- room where bouutiful were spread with all tiie luxuries uiid vlauds tlmt could Uiupt tlie most palate. The table's were Iu tho form of W. Ames, the McrchaiitB'-Aeaochitloti, At ttw opposite centre, A. H. Williams, Vice-President.

At tho two cnda were seated tbe Reception Committee the btcrmry of the elation, Meesra. Severance, Bub 'and C. U. Smith. About 100 Invited fcuWs were present.

About an hour was spcut iu discussing the The following was tbe iiifi, or FlitE. Turtle, Oyetcr. Fui--Bwilcd Salmon, BeiLin--Fork and Ruiiu, Corned Itotf, Leg Mutttt. caper MIUCF, Turkey, oj ster wiice, Bacon, BimokM Beef commodity of looillty, we thluk we atlnt you Ift holdlnf" approprbtiofc a portion of the Jn due legal form, lie aald that eveulBKbad been a ploueer Iu IntroducliiK our commodity the market of tlio world, aud he the time would arrive when the oil Interett ought to vote for him for t'ougrtsa. The Avtoclatlon demon thnt In Union there wai atrenftth.

We should unite mauulact Tonitui Ko.ST-Uibeof Beef, champnfne nauce, Turkey, Vritl. Matton, COLD--llam. Rout Beef Tongue, Plekled Beet i 1 Bsifsd Chicken, ostcr Boiled LobMer plain, ftbbtter Saljd, Ohlcken Salad, Ojeter Itum Omuleltei, KsLitiiiti-OlIvcrt, Cliew-Chow PUkleii, Cmnbvrrv Sauce, Krcneli Mtutard, UiZf4 Plckk-a, Worcuittcr Radieh, Club Bauct. Corn, Ort-en I'-M, Po'ateei, Wiled, b.ikfd aud nmwhcd, Boiled Klee, Coarse Hominy, Mwhcd Turiiipu, BecU, rannepa. Boilwl Oatoas, Luttucp, Asparagus, I'ASTRY-Cahinet Pudding Lemon Pud- Orecn PtMch Pie.

Blum Uangf, with crtam, If Cake-, Charlotte de lluM, DKBSXHT--Almondi, Ktullih Walnuts. IU1-' Oraigw, Sti.tvbcrries. Coffue About iixty invitations were Issued, in tin: following form: MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION, Titusville, May Dear Sir You are respect- MK. Religious Servlcea To-Morrow. First Presbyterian Church--Rev.

Win. Howcll Taylor, Vi-Ili. Vteach iu this church to-morrow morning and evening. M. E.

Church--KCT. Mr. Stubbs, Pastor. Ser vires A. 7 P.

Baptist til! further notice in Petroleum Uall, at 10tf A. and 7 Mr. Hays, Pastor. St. Paul's German Refonnod Church--Rev.

W. Ebbinghaus, Pastor. Services at A. St. Titus Church--Rev.

Mr. Mign.iult, P.titor. Services 8 A. A. 7K P.

t. Uuiversalist Church--Corner of Main and Perry. Itev. C. L.

Shlpmau, pastor. Services tt u. and 4. p. m.

Take Notice. Those who wish to the petition to Congress for the relief of Col. Drake c.m find It at the Crlttondon Honee, the Post Office, the First National Bank, K.C. Clui kuud Allen's drug stores, Cftstle Brotliors and TIIK HERALD Office. A PETITION TO roit TIIC REi.iur or COL.

in ctrcnli- i foreignntures in tho oil CoiigrebS for tlic of an act nittkhig an appropriation for the bt'iiellt of Edwin J. In the language ot'tlie paper the reasons wblch prompt the petinners to ask this turtttinonlal at. the uimtld of nrc, tbat It Is through his genius, enterprise, perseverance and cost of capital and labor to his own injury, the country nt livigo ciijojs to such extuut the IjcnuflUi ofthitt important source ot our nutioual wealth and comfort, aud the Government its Innje in- eoiuc ot niilllena of annual revenue. In 1808 Air Drake was the fiiat, unaided and aioitf, lo tho experiment of mining for pctrolrum in the wild regions of Pennsylvania. IUa after a long struggle against discouraging obstacles, resulted in the success of the expeiiment, left him ruined in muinH.nid In health, and tlioeu jniloiUuics lontimting to ilus time, dcbnired tilin from the i a i to i the (nuts ol lng(Hscovcii''s unl 1 ihor-- In vitw, then, of llicse i petitionerh cfiLecin it a duly, which, is bulii'vcil, tlio country uill rucugnizc HH unntcnlly piopei and JUKI, thai, as thu pioncci ul so i i i an Interest which hive mtulu him a public benci'iciui, enriching tboueaiulb, but not himself, i Drake should bu lewaidoil by his (imeminent, iu behalf of tbe people, iu bumu Mibatunthil nlul for his genius and sol and bacrSllcLH.

As we before remarked, tiiib petition being extensively signed, and by none is it more heartily endorsed than by those who aie putkoii' ally familiar will the early indomitable and sacrificing struggles ol Col. Dinku in hit i i whicli hivo betiLllUcd all tliu woild but their author, showering in fabulous measure upon thousands in this hind, and ill ling the coders ol the Government nt a time when it MIIS depleted by the di.iln of Taking the place of cotton ns our chief export i i the period of the rebellion, it i Inigcly to maintain the National credit. Nor nrc the most ci edible an ting of the personal ot this pioneer in ojl developments, broken in licaitii, with dependent fuinily and unable to tight longer the i of lile--a lew years since enriching tho world bj the genius of his conceptions nud tbe energy ot his character, nml now tin It ten and sinking i tbe twofold sorrow of poverty and ill hcaUli. It i-t the old story, as old as time.

Tbe benctnciurx of the cai tli, seeking alms from the charitable and from those who have entered into the enjoyment of their labors. The niu Is "not without precedent." In 1H-MS, Congress made a magnificent appropriation to the heirs ot Robert Fulton for the great liencllts Among other which Itu id con- ferrcd upon oui country in the application of steam to navigation. And what ii speed compared with light Is our Government less paternal, inland bcni'Il- to her sons now than she was a qu 11 ter of a century ago Let thu American Congress hasten to honor Itself by and rewarding the service rendered to science, to commerce nnd to civilization for the immortal Drake, tbo first succcse- ful miner for petroleum on the American contl ncnt. DEDICATION OF TIIK MhTllOPI-4T Kl'lSCOl'AL CHURCH AT PITIIOLE -The Dedication Exercises of the Methodist EpUcopal Church at Pitholc City will taku place, on Sunday next at a. in.

Bishop Simpson of Philadelphia will deliver tho sermon. This was founded in August lost and religious'services first hsM iu it on the day ofthcycarlMS. We gave ft full description of tho plan and spcciflcuiona In tbe HKHAI.U before erection. It is one of tbe finest cdificcH In (be oil region, and reflects Credit upon the liberality of the citizens of Pithole, who to It, without distinction of or fleet. Kev.

I). 8. fitcndmftn, who was the I'asio? from thr com- incucument in still In charge of tho church. The mcmtmrship Is iniftll, bnt very large. Rev.

Mr. Simpson one of tin- and eloquent dlvtni'ti In the Atncri- can pulpit and It will be ilul.vcrud the fnnernl d'mcourso or PrcniJent Lincoln at If the weather is agrcc-aMc, no doubt mfUij or our cltlrcns i thin occasion to Bishop And'we there wilt targe tutenditnCa from the mr- round in jf towns. The Morey Farm Hold clottd, bnt the best of accommodations arc furnished Tfeiton At the CbMe House. Toe Rochester Union says not than two bandred UIOMMMI paneti of glaiM wera destroyed In ttat by the late storm. One nnrnery firm lotl over ten panm.

Km It la Hn III- wtod nobody aa; good-- of 'dotlan betoff MM IkMids of ike IN EW SPA PER Im Had to uttend a Complimentary Supper to be glvea to M., Es-q at thu Crittcudeu evmiiutf, L. H. BUM-ISO, O. KEESE, Committee.

The first i Lzulnr toast given by tlio President uas-- 1 The President of the United States!" Drank stumUug A song uas thai! given by ihe Quartette Club, coufalstiug of Messrs. Lake and Little, "JMy Nitivc Land!" The second toast was-Thu Senate and Ilousu of Repretuututues ol the Suites in Confess Their pmiiipt action in repealing the odious tax on crude peti oleum, them Lo the thanks of all ho are interim ted as producers, shippers, i i i i i i i i ot tint now juditpcns.ible article. JU'sponded to by ijoi Al.itliews, who ''I feel like the man addicted to profane who, wbuu placed under ciretim- agyiavutiou, saiJ, "I mil uot equal to otc.ib.ou," In my vcliool dajs I louktd upon Conjfesrf august body, as your delegate, I UsiLcd that assembly I realized the fuel The 80th Congress, elceted during the period of tlie rebellion, rcpieaent the i the sentiment and the 'intelligence of the people The) arc a fmr and honorable body ol men, nnd eau be appi oachcd influenced on pi opei subjects ol legislation, as tbe efforts aud BIIC-CCSS of Mr. anil his coitngue abundantly dcmoiutratu 'lliirdregnlu toast Our Committee to W-isliington Persevering and they bhcd the MgUt ol theli I i i i i upuii tliu beclouded of our und niaeiit, enabling them to see, and causing them to remove tlio pall i hat so long i Listed upon our dlev, hiuothering its tiie. We honor their intelligence; admire their determined nnd rejoice En Hie eminent succehs wbieli hau ci owned their cllurts.

Hebpondcd to by (J. M. i a Esq. He resetted tlie absence of bib colleague ou thU occasion Irom anog.itmg Lo himself any special credit for the result ot their labors. Their success vtaa due to the Intriiiblc nicriU of Lheli cause.

They demonstrated to tlie Committee on and Mentis that if New York, Boston 01 nul.iddphU I laxud per cent, on Midi luisiucn-, us wero tlie oil lliey rtould (jpLi.diij buLOiuc banUi upl. This aigit- nicuL uas i i a Llie repeal simply an aU of justice. 1 Fo (nth H'giiUr to'ist A i my and vohmteer with our trado. Thej would Incrwte our proiperlty. He pruptwefl an toast: Agriculture, Manufacture! and Commerce, AD- petidiint upon each other, but tiatiunit who propci ly foster tbeiu of all.

The rett of the evenlnfc was ipent in the proposing aud great variety of vol. unteer toasts, which, owing to the lateucsa of tbe hour, we regret tbat we are unable to produce iu full. The speech of A. Durham, w.jj especially appropriate nud felleltibuf, autl elicited rounds of applause. E.

H. Crittundeii, the host of the evening, in to complimentary toast to ttic Crit- tundeu Hotel, an story beitfiug on aiwj liouse by hU humorous and iuluiluble delineations. A letter of regret for his from W. Bloss, of the HEHAI.II, wu read by the Sec. retary, Clms.

II. Smith TueBoldiewoflSlS. Responded to by H.B. Ostruin, Esq. Our New England sweethearts--J.

T. Brlggs. Drink all standing. 'Petroleum Centre. By Meyers.

Responded to by U. Committee of Arrangetaeuts. Responded to by H. Severance, Esq. Common Council of TittuvIIlc.

Responded to by Thomas Goodwin, Esq The Oil Creek Railroad-- May it's Increase, nnd its freights go down. Drank standing. J. T. Chnse--Our next Representative In tbe Legislature.

Responded to by Mr. Messrs Corustockand Zitue. Reipondrd to by Mr. Mowbray. Pipes.

Responded to by Mtasrs. Picket and Van Sickle. The Refininif Interests. Responded to by A. R.

Williams, Esq. F. W. Ames and Win. IL Abbott--men of deeds and not To thuir countul and libernlitv every social and material; Tltusvillc, indebted.

-u Drank all standing. Our National Banks. Responded to by C. C. Duflleld, Esq.

Our Street Commissioner. Responded to by Frank Wheeler. After thanks to the officers of ihe Association ttJCf4jUHl. will w'hHtf Clmuluud, the at twuo'eM In thu afternoon. All au4 regular wid co iHbalort in Weatern Pmvylvt uU uid Tork aud Ejutwu Ohio, wltltvu distinction of creed or party, are hulled to aud become of tny OMoctetkiB.

tamli tot KwuU' pnvtow to Ut IMt In privw. for aala by ilo.v. B. MoOitMOM announced iu a cai dldaUi for CoucrHa, subjtTt to the of tb Kepabllcan party of county. FLU bamli UM! KaaUjr flour, previous to late advance In ur 17 i CHOP Iu at K.

8. fowler A No. 9 Fletcher' block, it you are going away, and you railroad liekeU over any route, aud avoid tbe aud dtifer of buying a ticket at the kurels beat family Flour, purchaaed lo the in for tale by'' 1'ocket-Knivwiftitba Office. near with p. O.

M. Tht tatVi luwoy chief fcature or Clwver Mv-'riiMlhy D. O. wit STJ.TIOIIIIIT at WholCMle atthe Post Office. Jnn5 BDT our Photograph Albunu at tht Ofllce.

Toom UrushM, Comba, flnu und coarw, at the Pwt Office. aij5 A Litaa ttock ot Mirron at f. N. Sprhijt Office, aMortineat of Gold eoB-al! iliw, at FAIBTS an4 gmn cf all klr.d« for children' 11 Post Office. Jan5 9,000 NKwarAFtKH, fc'oou' aa new; for at the the assembly broke up ut a late hour, indulging in mutual rat illations over thu brilliant sue cess of the entertainment.

We regret tlmt the lateness of the hour precludes a fuller report of thecnUrtainment, which reflected the highest credit upon the host and Reception Committee of thy Merchants' Association. Cindni I eontiUy, line, prompt to leave thu plough in its iid (u ri-pul thu uncmiL'ti of his pi ompt to add to tbe ma- lal pYospcttty by return to honest toil after I I I ICiClltitl hlM lo hy Colonel -f. II. Cogswell, of Hie I A I Filth regular toast Our Pi ess-- A free and lined the I i tla-ji-ditcrKti bruin liic Icier thitL tho Responded to by II. G.

llioss, EMI, of lliu Sixth at i toast 'Ihe Mi'iolianU' AfisocI in ft miitj ol i i it broujfliL i through much 1 iboi and i i i tliiot-h ol nnd now lives in vigorous i and sirength to attest tlie pnnlueihc capabilities ol its foundere. iL i i a moiuuncnL of unity, prospenty and Itcrfpondcd to by J. T. who said: Thin well-eoiis'ulLied evpit'-bes very fully the lise and ol Llie MCI clianta 1 Association. Composed ot our oil producers, shippers, and Imiinfis nu-ii, out city may foci proud ol II Its pist history is a trti-irantee of its fn- t'lcct-BS.

Tbo Association, Lliis gowinment tax onerous aud op- pretthue, i tbe cnngy of Us members, and the ty to-operation of cillzena, have cf- Iccted iu ivpeal. So emu regular toatt; Our Young Cit--A viirorou-t specimen of lite iceull ol Ainericun t' sudden her i sbo con ol city. i i i so iapid her development that as Mi- nma i and armed from the Iciped full an to tlie proportions Kcttpondud to by II of the Common Council. He observed that the wonderful stoiy of Aluddin'ft MRS noLhing compared 10 tin- iibG and progress of Tittisvltlo, Is the of the oil re- We need only a new county to make it tho political as well as tliu social centre of aeition. Bong by the Quartette.

Eighth i egular toast: Tiie oil and oil tthtppers--Their indomilable and intelligent industry has added $100,000,000 to the wealth of Tonnaylvnnia, filled ihe Government Treasury. with gold in the time of iti greatest need and "more light" to every civilized nation on tbe Responded to C. II. Smith, Ksq. He thonsht ilic producers nnd shippers ol i i 4 country ere fairl entitled to the proud eminence conceded to them In the toast They almost fancy they verc cbntending with nn evil Genii, reiistlntf tlm invo-sion ol hi-4 i i rtncicd domain, lias the pouern of air, tire and blood to tlr'nc out the bold invaders, Yetterday 110 fool HO poor us to accept broad acres as a gift if compelled to pny the taxes thereon.

To- Jrty, where is ttie fiee born American citizen who cannot show a ccriificUu of a eltnre In tljls nlflccnt lottery Ninth riKiilar toast: The IVlrolruin I'lonuri, Tol Drake--A he- nuliti'd world ils xnccrialn way by tkc ffliibnicrint; lijrhi of "tallow dipt" owe mm now- or for Ills perncrcraiKT, retntiufrntion for the brlllhtnt i ot the protlift'L he discovered, for lu iii-e, niul yr.itiimlc foi thr bo'imdleM'wealih he i i i a lo himself opened up lo its grasp lo hyC Wheeler Knq. Mr. Whurler in htn rcsjtonse to this toast paid an eloquent lrllmlfl tp the energy and of Cot. Drake, and said ilnl (jcntlcman was now In clrcnmstAncoa which required more than mere piaise. Congrcw was to Iro petitioned for 'nppfopriatlon for relief, but we ihonld take eqnal prl1f and pteiwure in that object, Tenth regular toast; Bench and the Bur.

to by H. Lfttfcer, MM wbUM UM bur my to ten Reduction of Coat of Trail importation of Petroleum. Extract from the of Pennsylvania, February 10,1840 section IS: "Upon tbe completion of any lalhvay as aforesaid, the S4iim Chilli ue estcuiticd a public highway for the conveymive of mid the transportation of freight, subject to such rules and regu Utioiie, In relation lo tbe panic, as to the sizcaiid construction ol wheels, cars and carriages, and other and things connected i the use of lailioad, as Ilic Piesident and Dni'ctnrs nmy piesenbu and dttect: i thnt said company slut! have citluslru. eunlrol ol tlie mo- tlvr A i tho MIH! latea ol toll and motive power charges, when the cats used for buch conveyance or transportation thall be owned or furnished by shall not exceed three cents per mile fur each ton. of two thousand pounds of freight, and two cents per mile for eacii freight car, every four wheels to be computed a car." Nou It appears to the writer of this that the most profitable business a man can enter into at Ihe present time, would be to furnish cars from Miller to Titusvillc; a link car cairylng tun tons or eighty barrels of oil at legal rates, iz: Three ceiita per ton per mile, and four cents for eight wheels, making thirty-four cents periHllo for six mllca, would amount to $204, whilst for the transportation of eighty brrrcls, the Railway Company have for yciirb affardcd and been paid twenty cents per barrel, or 10.

Here la a waving of $14 per car load, to those who own or furnish their own cart. I am aware tbat an Individual owning a few cars would piobablj bo embarrassed In finding motive power when he needed It; but an or- ganiz uloii of well owners might surely In lew of such economical results oivn their own cars, employ shipping superintendent, to load und dc- Ihcr them to the company owning and control- lug the motive Dourer, aud if ifcccflsarv enforce the transmission of their own freight. I will leave this Idea for tho present to permeate the minds ol the well owners. I have Instanced the distance between Miller and as an example; necessarily the same law is applicable to every line IP Pennsylvania It may be inferred the Oil Creek Railway Company would cncour- judging from the'es- tablishment of Dtune's Tank Cur Company, Kassou's OH Creek Oompany, Empire Line, Venango Transportation Company; then why not a Well Owner's Freight Cnr Company Where there a will, there a wny, and as noon AS the Union Line is built, the A cars may then, if not freely accommodated hy the Oil Creek line, flnd a welcome on the competing rails. There a remedy, it appears, (If we the resolution to apply it,) for the prcent excessive rates of transportation.

A well owner Id Iu the same predicament as tha railroad stock owner; whatever tbe gross returns obtained for his capital, the net result la trivial, owing to the intermediate, inordi and cncewivc from those gross returns before they teich thu stockholder or the well pocket. Cut (hum down. Allen Valve accommodates iueirto au working wriel, no matter how much, worn. DuRtia of every devcription, quality and qmuitltv 1W Office. A SPLIMIUD Miortment of will be found at F.

N. I'Aoi'g, tf 68 Spring atrcct. Tai pcculUrity af thf Alfea Vmlvei7h7lU.elf.pack' Ing. Call on 'SMITH Witcoi. Ir ou want te InoreaM the prodnction our Well, the Allen VuKe.

BHITH AAYqcox Iae them, ALLKS'S PATKNT VILVB It to any other In UBU, ami can he attached to any" working barrol. For SMITH WH.CQX. Tni packing of tlm Allen will wear longer than thnt of any other pump In use, and can be replaced in five minutea. SjiitV WILOOX? THE Allvn Valve uaed In the Eureka Well, and wo tuetiinoiilali from mart of the bint oil producers In thiHBCCtiou, attesting IU superiority. BMITII Sc, i.

GIIISD TRDSK The nutflurouH nppllcunt. for TliLetHoterthe Grand Trunk: Railway c.4n now be accommodated at the office or Co, 2 Fletcher's Block, Franklin utreot. 1USSHH. I Gu. received tho agency for the Grind Tiunk linllroad Tltketn, which will be of tiroat to wfohlq); ti g.i to Oimnda.

I'licy have UtkcU mcrallolho hero at a profit, mid are The loan murkvt i a i i i a per writ but at thk rate cau get ttw thfy want ifuuk In dull but llrm with modorolo hnprou'riKMit both In (luvuriinttnU ami tliu general Hut. lliu lioan! N. Y. Ceiilnil was quoted ut Korio G7tf, Heading, llOJf. Michigan

PUtiburgh, MorthwMtcin, pro' TITMVII.LI, Muy 38. Thu jietruluuni markets nrv michanireJ from our jirc. llous quotations. Crude rt'jiorWd to bupfferlny OU City at 75 per Barrel. Tha 1'ittitunth, nuikv Mug ovi-rttockc'd without any 'demand, makes It otihitf to oil In that direction.

The con In that tho only alternative for producers lend their oil waj. Wp hear of several offeri t. tlulhcr oil on the platform hero at $4 "5, but any hujuiB. IH equivalent to J5 75 nt the wolta, Opcralorn arc lit a position of tlic grcatca uncvrtithity, not tmviuK confidence viiough to move. In he inuaiilituu our producers urvnhoultig evident af giving way.

day brings In offers tc cell at iwur At-urcfc There no what oil can thought for. Tbo quotations nrc thcrcforo merely nomi- Atany inoinvnt wu may hava ailyiccn from Kuropu which send thu market cither up or down. If tho nanctal crUlu la HkeJy to blow over, or war clouO nway, there may lie hope for our fall trade but tho contrary tho caac, no one can predict where the inarLctn will no, Kith the ImtiieiiM iiccuraa- of titock on hand. The production, although foiling oft in some localitle a Increasing in and tlio prev.tiling opinion 01 lls point appctrn to ho, that buforo It will on le Tho etimulus which the rcino'vuf of tlia ax en to development Is hnUBg an electrical cf- in ab.uulonml territory, and aslnce.t all through the oil region. The tallowing la weekly report from New York If KW YOKE, May 23.

Kelerring to tho auncxcd icport of our petroleum arlErt, for the week ending thli flay, I would remark ttingto the Ulaturhed condition of Knropc.iu financed anil cxporlcm prefer to await further quotations are nooilnal. efined, in bond, for present delnory free, for present delhery ntile for the York bbln incij Jun. 343,149 for the week from York ...15.030 clnce Jjim iry 272,435 otal exports Horn ttio I. a ainct- Jun. 1 1 very truly, J.

A. UOSTWICK. lift rcecipw and by pipea an.l riiil- il on Thrduday were follown. I. C.

Clark 1'eachbiow und "afce POTATtiKS alraott everyday, Mid can ctutomVjni'wUli any quantity, from a A car-kwl A ibi uf Patent Tif (iTr printing addrcaa They an bettor COM 7 Apply at thU Mgfc by WW.L At One Humlred Weight, dcllvercU free to any part of city. tnyMlf AttemUu Jmre MHler Farm for Wtholo City a. I2iWp, and on the arrival of the trains on the- Oil Creek a roturntnghitimeto briny and Corrj'. Fare One GEO. KARLU and beet Mock of IntaU Mil Jlejt R-U, to be founOT In Tl- tmvlllfc, 3irt.

K. OK FASHION, Ko, 43 Spring bttween WMhlngton Jinil i gtfew QoxH racelted eyery feiit per NEW A ms triinanctlon of importai til mecUDtf of U. will be hcM JCniNO at the office of the Pmiltlt-nt for the iWra order. OJKQ. J.

LUCE, Prwldent. 1 1 A SSE8SOR8' NOTICE. A8SK8SOE8 1 Onrica, Titutjvillo, May 23,1800. Is hereby given that the JJoard of Aueuoni or tliu city of Tituivllle will meet nt' Corahion CotinUl WEDNBSDAY arrf THURgDAY, and 30th at 10 o'clock a. fur hearing any tippeaU hat may be (raku aaMMmant' made -'011 ruttl and peinunal protwity, tmttitd for taien In thu city of llle.

P. WIWJON. The purcMirr will finil i i HE-ITS, VHAMBKK BCTT8, Cot mi Bed iB ucMlngof.HWnJ., MlMi of DOOKfl, HASH AJTO BABOCrtil KOKUANPIEK, OARDIN6. A few gentlemen witfliiiiy iiinll, can obtain It Iroal, corner of Main and 1 A private the store ot Vail shipment! following our tif ii 14 00 it 4 25 4 00 5 fiO 8 25.S 50 Wlti? BATH MUST us Titue, ol An It a fact bt-yond dispute thnt nil le ono story about the almost ures pcrfoimi by COC'H Dycpepnln Cure. Chronic and obstinate ease of Dynpcpaia of img itatidinp will Hiirely wny Us curative Indixcetloii, (tick lieadtichc, li burir, crampc, painH in either xtomach bowels, Kourliigatid rising of food, constipation, gem debility, flatulency, cannot wlion Coe'tt Dyspepsia Cure li uiied.

We of Ihe to tn.vfcu the port incut It can be found at nl 1 drug stores. U. J. Clark 4c No. 14 West Spring utroct, agcntx.

A DUIBLK lady to one ef the famillaa of New York, while going from one of Hi principal tucatrca, on the arm of her luwbund WUB euddenly AHRKSTKO -by im attack of cram? Bhe-wni of djapcptlc tcndcnrj, nnd hud auflercd for long fiora dobillty, heartburn, find now her fctbluBjmUjjn Buucumbcd. Hut the cramp In wiw middunly AURBSTED--by a bottle of Hi IJHKL'H QOLOKK BITTESS, ami by eanitaat thcrenfttfr tin lady iuccccdud in ultimately rollcvlnj horaolf of ilyn pcpiin tind all its hott of kindred disorders UHC Utr GOLDIN DiTTitns. New Tork depot, Undnon tlalght, Archer 4 Spring und Diamond utrcett TltiiHvlIle, a cntii. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fmihlonablo eHA, Basque or i wuni cut and IHtod or mnd it any ot tlio latMtityles, HALL'S I UNKUY and DUESS MAKING KSTAHL1SII MKNT, No 03 Spring utroot bctwoon nnd Porrv itruuU All workuitarutitoud CKNTHK OP lias heard of Watts on thu Mind," hut it sinkcth Into utter iuaignillcnnce when compared i "wat's on the L6t the render dt op into J.

A. Loftuu'a "Center of Attntctiun" nnd examine hU spring etjles or huta, and hu will rash to tliu siimu conclusion. While thrre hi: cunnot fill to cover also that utock of niudu cloth- is peculiarly ndapted to thu present exigencies of Taahlon for summer wear The goods were nil purcluiaeti qucut to the late decline In priced and manufactured with npcclai reference to the dictates of the newest styles. Mr. Loseu bus effected annngcmenu wttb one of tlie best houses in New York, and has brought on the most AttrnctlTe eninples of tlicir euniinor goods.

Evury etistomcr can leave hid nit-asuro for any article desired, select fioiu the samples olU-rcd, and hi (i few rtceivc lus ordur, executed In thu tint ntylc of eaMcrn work, nnd at New York Those who would avail thcra- Bclvea of ftuch f.icllitks, have only to call at their convenience and leave their with Mr. LO5CC. The genie 1 furnishing goodn of the aninc eat.iblliliin«nl nrc eqn.tlly worthy of notice nnd embrace evci attractive novelty. But the render ia rexpecifiilly referred to ndvcrtinc- tnent for minuter pnrtlcolnrii, and tlirn fo cull nt his hcndqimrtcrA, the well known "center of attraction" on Diamond IBIcachiDr I llounttn or Hats ULKAOI1KD, altered take thorn to K. T.

HALL'S MILLINERY and DRESS MAK1 Yd K8- TABLISUMKNTNo 63 Bprliif itroot l-ctwi-cn Ington ind Perry ttruoti. 1)ONU ON TIIK PRKMISKS, In from four to alx dnya time. m0d3m Vandcrvocr ib Thorn, WhoU'Baleand Retail Grocers, TM IM PIlOVJBIONfl AND PIIODUOK, FOB GASH. Diamond fltrrot, Titimvlllc, Pi, Extra Family Flour, Corn Mcal Hamlny, Rico, Ilarloy and Split Pcan, at VANDERVKKR THORN'S. Han Dried Beef, lUeon, White FUli, Trout aud Mnckertil, at VANDHRVKEIl A THORN'S.

Freih Butter, rdcclvcd Idillv from a Ncv Ycrk SUte Dniry, Choice aud Honey, nt VANDERVKKR A THORN'S. Frultd, Dried Apples and Peixcliua, fanned Tomatoci, Corn, at VANDKRVKKR A TIIOUN'S. Spleen, Pickles, Sauces, at VANDKRVKKR 4 THORN'S. Tcan, Coffee, Ae fit VANOKRVKKRA THORN'S Oil Platform for for his OIL PLATFORM, AT COURY, op- new Railroad lepot. A tho LAND covered bj tin plntform and lying adjacent.

Dlincnnionn, 110 feet on tinck aid feet deep. Title yunrfimpcd. PonneMlon InmedUtcly. Apply on thn orto aplUdPowSin Pa. A CAHD TO umn while renldlng In South America a mlMlonarj-, anditiuplo remedy lor the cure of Ncr- votin WeakiicuB, Ifiarlj" Decay, of the Urlnnry nnd Scmlnnl Orgnnn, and the whale train of -llsordern brought on ky baneful and vlclotithnMtn On-at niim- have been nlrnady cured by noble rumtdy.

Promoted by a drtlru to keneflt the nmictod nnd nnfor- tuimte, I will iiehd tbe rcclnr for nnd nnlng mwdlclnt, tn a neali'd envelope, to one who It, Frtt, Charge. Inclnte a envelope, nWrciwicd to yotinclf AddrcM, INMAN, STITIOH I), llooat, Nfw York City. TUB Krio Obtercer BAJH tinder (heir rity char- Mrtjor almost without power nnd i ft mere ornamental nppondaKC of the ConncH. He la denied the privilege of his own and not even required to give validity to acts of lojrlftla- Lion. It the cliarUr ia out of date and calls for one more Adapted to the progressive notion of lhat community.

We fully appreciate the dtrttt of tw and will do what we can lo relieve the of pmpW hy brotlrff Whitman the Tlimv Ufa cbartCT, wMck iwy Erie brlay harmony nwt of A Great Cat-an-Trophy-'STBAMRH 1--The Btramer now mftklntr her rcpilur trim luatwecn and Unvllle, on thfl Lake. Will leftve town on tbe arrival oftlieCorry Accoiinnoduilun truln on the A. O. W. R.

1C, ahont 10 o'clock and connect with the o'clock iTrp'n on Slioro U. which at nulTiIo, 6 o'clock p. connectinff with New York Central It 1C. Pan- Wngcn 'golnf CMI will find tMi a rotitf and make the wimi lima MI ill rail. HIM, MUUTtV, Vrnprtflort.

Trough tlekeU lo thl. line can be al TIUi.vlllr.Hh.lT.rr Important U. R. ticket oftl- CMM cheap hy all ran. Rciitnrer.

That which rmnlmalei anl Mi-Men-'Til that will toll your trcMid, Tia not that atm.etlnw will impair The oTyotir hair, ontfrom naturr'f jfml crcntloti- A -implo vtfrtabto vaton awl wtwro chvinlntry To mr.U« whM divine, A wonderoiM which In tmih fwllnf hiitra of yonr yunth And age abote .1 wanJ, OIM cMntMhrn wtih Hfa HI Thai MTUBhMUn "McaTna tnM MN! Mall tf K. CLARK CO, rude iitKuiikillli! tide nt Pel i Center Ultii ude ut Pltholu nuleat Shaflui rmh, .1 Plum, nun Tlltmillf idc it i Included 'Himl ID Hotnl, iiinif from i i ntii nulujfl to 1 00 i i i ruiok'um mid Ben- neluill to Bliaflor (We Tuiinlni: from I'lllinlt. to illu 1 00 I'll OIL MAHKCT. iSpecliil to ilic Mnrtilng Uerald.) lf May 25 The cnitle mnrkrt this a. m.

wan very qul'ot Hujt. and flclk-i-fl could not iigrot on tcnnti Holdcrn atkfntr returned and included, biit tlicr woro no purch.iscru at UICHU In the Buppl) of crutiu boliig very mui.Ii rtdarotl nttil tli nthuncn In NullciM were inducril tu hold At th clout of tiic mtirlcct hi favor of holdci Litle Inut we hoard of Bfllen ofl.OQO birrcln Ic linuoln roturni-d, and 1,700 nt 20e Immln included Bonded oil wni quiet but firti: it There In little oil offurtiiB, but the market though In wiw Htronij midHrm. The rtct tin thri'e wore 353 Imrrelc, the fuitunnlL Indhldun being Oupt. J. Wllktim.

IVKW COW STRAYED OR STOLEN 4. 5th Tw I orthcad, ilno-bncb, lute bcllv, email horns; left liind leg white. 'L'lm above ruwur 1 Will be Id for her recovery, or any Information ft here may found. SINK, nj23dlw Hounr OlniH. lAnsworthj'5'posture.

On Tuusdnj, the middling nizcd ypottud lit ihu ni4 I A i New York, Mny 26. qiilc-t mill nrtn; crildt', rcllhc I I A Tki.KUKini.| Yuiil, Mny COTTON--Active nnd 2c higher; 41c for mid. lllnif. KLOUlt-A Hhiulp hlfthur, 05 lor fxtratitatn' riortao W) foi i-xtri round hoop Ohio und fio 7 5 i i himuln, niiukct cloi-lnc dull. i 8 V-MlcnJy nt Hi with i U-rdnT'r.

jinrtiT; 70 for fm old No Milwtinki'c illy to opur it. ut ytn No '2 Uiilcow) Kprmii St 12 for old No. 1 do 1 I'll tor Ko. 1 do. 00 for HAItLKr--Oiilet.

IJAltl.liV MALT-- Oulct. (JOHN-- HlKlior; for non mixed wuHtern cjKOOf for Hiiiiml ituw fio ttllout, mid DlftftJc for wcit- ern nnd (or notttlioi yellow. OATS-- Higher, fiflftflfif) lor new wratmi am! OOQi old do. Stendy. MJQ Alt-- Finn.

for Uulin. A i a i i i iiml 70 for t31 for new JV rAHh; fJO '2ft for old do DUJ4 tor prim. almi linrrels new mvMH To hint 1 July, AiiKiiitt nnd Supiomber, HP! lura uiul luncr ut lK)gt30 7S. K--QuietHt flfl 00 for now nliiin i ami W)6U4 r.O for nuw cxtm IIUHH HTHP HAMS-Scftrto nnd firm. I VI -fei i lot It I.AltlJ-- Firm nt BUlTKlt-bower 3yCco40c for Olilti nml 32(B4ltc for Y.

MOltKV AXH STOCK JTIAKKET. Voni, Mny 25. MOKRY-- Actlvo nnd (Inner at 7 uor crnt. 8TKIIMNO KX4JHANMK-- Qitlflt'at GOLD-- Irrctculiir, iirnettloil nnd lower lo (ioHinit nt ISl opc-nlnn KItKIOHTS TO Crntrnl Clef. 60 118Ji go cent Krio Y.

Ontrnl fujt vx USfl 1 B'JO K.101, fi-20 cotlp 'lift. 10) 4 0 4 lludaon 113V 08WEGO AHKKT, i A I I I Oswioo, Uny 2fl for No. 1 JI2 0 but niikt. red but niikt. TSGZKlo for No.

1 fltlnolrt, (JATS-- iMirher atfiJc i wc-iimni. A IMPOJlTrf-Whcut, 21,000 hiinhelH. A A KXt'OItTH-Flonr 10.000 harn-lc, wheat, fifi.OOt tnwUcl? I I A IlAi.TinnitR, May 2 Fl.OUR-- Firm Block WHI5AT-- Firm nnd CO UN-- Advanced OATH-- Firm nt 4 Jc. I'ltOVISIONM-Onlct I 8 at '2 27V. Ti New York Accidental IiHnrr tho Auifdi-nln of kcry Tin LfckuH of ollior compnnlCH cov only Injury and rennll of an ncrldoiit to te public umvej nnec In wlilch thu niiNurcd in ty the me tnitAlmft.

Noli-lliu diirt-roripp. OonernI Accident id IklM, call on F. BATKS, Aif-nt, dcc2; opponlte Ituah Iltium 1 C.ra;ift of prln A a IN! trimmer -All the latext and k-. idtiM 1 and Children 1 Ircnrcr conitantly the ttranrh of Mme. Demorcnt'ii Kmj ortiim of Ka.b- JiKS- T.1ZXIK UALHrEUUY, Koom 11, KMcli.r'- lock, FrAiiLlIn alrrel.

I wo-uM nnnoiinro to the tf Titinflllo that do DHKHrf-UAKISG atmich rcdiivc.) to defy competition. call and HVU for OF GKANGCK, TUTTIJI2 JL A. CO i-H thn day dtsxolTcd ly tlic i i of M. Tiittle by a eonoenf' fn tin' iloni, the iinti n.iiiio ol Ur.ui^Lr A. Co, Mu '22, 1800.

US. 13. T. I OK KASUKKV, 01 SnrlHp otrei't hbtwpcn and IV-ny i TitUMillli-. lilllim-ij anil In h.uidi, iiiHl H.itirffjctlou imntecd.

on lisuitl thu I inoit totnplLto IIPWOI of Mil- linerj- Goods, I'fUterno, Hlblioi'c, Flow era, Mtu, OraiHx, Oiiumciite, ir to bti found Hinwlien- in the Oil lUtflotift GOODS, NJEW STORK, LOW HKNT1 aUICK. SATjEg A SMAI-T. VllOVITS Itrmcmber the phice, Mm. T. H.tH'« Mliltiicry Htorc, 83 Spring Btrcet, Tltniivltlt', Vn.

Blcnclilm; ilonoon thopromiups In from four dnjfltimc. myfldlT fcjr Agency for Wheelor lUn- chlnw. OOMGTIIINO NEW. I Would My to tho ladiu tlial'I'lmvu jiut returned from Nuw York with a now awortment of GOODS, including the little lm of bnnnoU cMk-ii UKCVD the UAKDAKIK" lint, And mnii yluH ton numerous to-tntmllon. Onll unil exiimtnu below purcliajlng cluowlioro, for 1 i i AB CIIKAP my friend in "iTamontown Btorn." MltS.

O. K. TltAOY, I'lne TmimlUi-, ami slwtl fttwij-. ready, to' my ind Hft n.y cuntonicn. A H.

LKK, 8.n Ills Iht. More. I J. JOHNflOS 4 Centre. jtprll li, 180C.

A LUSH, HOUSE, PETBOIJtBM OKNTRK, PA. a.linf recently cnlarst-d UiU now ccouimoUals two Itundrml leave tnfit TIoitHo twice a d.r. conDectlDc Oil Oreok Jt. It at Bliaffor, R. El.tOll O- W.

AWJtS, Proprietor. JAKV18. Umiurncturera Anil dimlon in I'KTIiOLKUU CENTUE. A 1 ir ft- ami oiilectcil stock of Furniture. Window iriH-tlnif, Oil Clotlm, conatftntly on band.

l.iixi "lock ut Bull, Glut. Coffin or nil conetiiiitlv on hand made 10 i'itltitlng ntlonaud to nnd pn mjttlt ii Street, usar Amwictn Ilotal. Fclnilfum Centre, TAS. i PETROLEUM CSJTTIUS, $50,000 0 C' A 8 8. I 0 It It I 0 I I HTItKKI' I of I) a 0 I) (J GKOGElinCS, bound A Hotin In 8 A I A VVHOLK8AI.E AND KKTAIL.

TlliiHvUh', Dec. 1,1 A UBNTRE, iuitentRStatIcniir.niniik Mookn, i' rlodleaK aiid MitynxliKfl All tbepnnclpnl Dnlly and Weekly Newt- frt-ili from tho TITUS VILLA aiOHMNd- HERALD formile AH mnlt. Wo keen 11 full anbrtmunt of Tubaeeo and Clitara. A VAIiBBT VtlialuHftte and retail dttalon in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wlucc. Uqnora nud Clean, at tlw Store, rctroltdim Centre, Pa.

i. VillS, raLLBT. JjWdtf SALE TO A SMAM, TO 1 tuiu! re fur two dsj at U. L. Co 'a itore, itn-cn imlldlnti, Hprtnti: mj22d2t Second if nnd Ejifrlnci, together with two llnuicm, two band Pump Band mid Tool, mi it ft!) lo, for ulnclng Welli Apply of Wm.

Lincoln CD nor depot, F. A. STALL. Kiiy 14tli, 18M-tf th JTONE ABTD STONF. 1VOKK Of nil kinds furnlMhtnl promptly nnd nt low rnti-x-- iubl)lc Ktonu for ctlliir ttlrect curbing nud pnv- ift, fttfpft, plntforinn nnd wirnlow litlcliliitt nnd tilocU, tnotiuimtiLtl e.

I Mill, Htonc nnl, Uain Htnot, Mow brnke, Pa. TO LET. This commodloui Hotel, liclng now vacant, pro- priptnrpropoflfn to rent Itfitr period of mtojea-r for thw Rum of quarterly in hotiil thruu and tlceuInK ac- cfliii(iiodittlonnfui tuo hundred Kueetd. I a the InrKt-Nt hi tho oil rcg'on. located In the centre of the town, und ta runted oin'-thlnl lew In proportion to tho Amount of room, than any hotel in tho given InnncdUtetv.

Apply to JO8BPU 1L Cltlrk Uorf KichangoPJoot. EVEItAL HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO LKT. Oui in liable for Hoarding Houifl trr Hotel, ril- n.ttul in the centra of Tltaitvllte. rtMonaMe. Apply to iilMON STBOU61C, niynif the Block CTOItE TO K12WT OR FOR SALE At Llargntn.

Turmi eaay. THAT SPLKNDI1TWOSTORT8TOIUC formerly occupied by Qulmby A Church THamood In 'i Iro tint bouao trecL 01 a mhMtr bouao cant of Washington on Pln 01 llox 2, Tlttmllie, Pa. JAMES BPRNg. LIST'S HEGIOIT COLLECTION AND CLAIH AOINCT. i- i.

w. BiTTiiwi. lULIAni.K OOLI.KCTIONS SOLICITED. --Vint Ml Nwtloim! IUnk. BloM UrtM.

A Mon- illi; llttrnlit. Kntioniil Bank, J. W. OulL Int. A.

King, aJ LJIIII, Dully I'lapateli. PMiLAiai.rHu, Pa-Iungerlch Smith, Id irm-U Totter, No. Jl Broad Buell, C. Morw, UUSS FARKr-, No 3.1 Spring iitrtcL, Titusvllle, IHilLKSS IS 'a ifKTALI.IC BURIAI- CASKS, MKTAT.MU A TtLACK WALNUT GASKETS, UOFFfN'S ot Mirloun nt) Inn SHROUDS coMNtaiilly on haihl. i Ftmrrnln attended cither with or without Hearse.

mbUdif 'I he nltove ruwanl will bo paid fur Itlcnee i (not nowumicr arrtrt)who were cr- in BLttlntc lire to the Utiltn of llenr liarley Co. Him tier on or uboul April 20th. Or ONK IIUNDIIKD DOLLARS PJ2R MAN III bo pttld for ovllcnpp mlfflclent to convict. Addillmul ti-wtimiHiy Kiininnt now wilder umat, will be myftatf Valuable Hotel Property for Orern" on, nltnate I'l the vlllaifo of Wi HUk rj-, Vimanao cwnnly, arnl at the mouth of tircfk, frontlnn the Allegheny Hivcr and 'Ithln s. few rotla 6f tho Warren Franklin Itnllwny Tho HoiMa ftct, two and nt- with htKh mAtchct) "hard llnfohrd' no cinriiM liKvlnif KparM hy thn formMr wurr to nuka II a firal nvtaeivw.

Adjoining tbn VtiiM nnd connected thorowltli a roiifth plnr nlMlng, fret, two itorlta high, with double In the li tlahlc foot Hlnrlet high, itnflo roof, mMignni nrrd DiHtr. Mkth UOUM mnt Harn fcavn bill It hmt i pwlntxnl arwl In oicfltent repair, eonfinAton with mlmlntWy lo Hotel The whole entubltahnwnl with tfrwml lor tpnrttcn will Kril npon term. Mf tttt fmm CM INSTITUTION. 1). 0.

Clark hanentiiMUhr.1 hU on ornor toprlni( and llonroe when hu it never blJlnR mipply OATS, A SALT, POTA'IOKS, ONIONS. APl'LKS, Ac aohl at LOWKST MAKKKT TRICKS, TTOLI) ON TO THAT WU1CU ttOOI). I O. OUrk'N KKKI) UTORK Dopt tan will kwniK wRh OAIH A Ho ran afford towUqrti tbcru from to flvt ceou cheaper than ihry can be void up by load fotWra. deeU VJi i T3O9TIXO.

Ifflrt Offlnvfor Bill will Irom MORIII8OX HAOB. I Tlir itnliscrlbcr liu ROOE BllfDVRT In tliu tcconil of itAi.rirs nuu.DiH», I-KANKLIS STREET, iloor hclow Sprinj itrcu, whcto he to pRpwxl lo exceuto oruvn for binding mall MAGAZINES AND MUSIC BOUND, AND OLD DUOK8 KE-BOUNO. mrk lor OU dlilpix-n DiulnM. Men. printed ud boiud to onlcr.

OXIi. A. MAKT1N. Tll.uvlllf, Mtll, ISO. SIAUFOBXIA CHEAP JOHN, Spring one iloor OBI of Frmakltu, Tmtltte, (Ik Will ttern on hand Urge iwwrtmentof ClalMB But and IkioU Mid ShM, Orak'a rirffrfltlialjntlli.

YftiiVvu Jco. Xerctiknls Pctlkn RappUcil. I will roll to one aU, giMt or dumb, cr Uxy, ntftntod OCMDIM. I pmy my Jou't Wt Haf ud MM look in my N. K-dwra clowd from to p.

(Murday. OHA8. NEWMAN. II BW LIGHT. i.

4 ATMOarilKBIC COAL OIL LMIT, A.l»ptoJ 10 DwtlUnnBMlM, fmm Ing. It tlioTuii ef iti-liM tkMoiw crat pnliw, OTlMtMi ordlOMj chimney IMP, wltkHK-lkMta lAUUti frMfmk blow out. Thl. new UiuV. MOM.

tnmltt 'T'OWSI PUMP. v.j THK TITU8VTLIJI WATINIWSU. CO, CKLKMUTID WATCB iw 10 MX) UH 19 IJM tiMHMH fl. MrttSCvC iAI MMvf oSm vllk wnrmn.

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