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The Indiana Weekly Messenger from Indiana, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Indiana, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

INDIANA, A 18G2 PAPSON BuowNLOvr'q BOOK --This much looked for book has made its appearance -It fully answers expectation in matter and typography A Kelly will let you have a copy for as dirt having Tin Ban to dispose df would do well to notice the advertisement of Bicder, in ano'bcr column Notice also tlie advertisement of loung blood Smith and that of SiNgrver EELTGIOLS --Rev George Elhanev will preach at Diamondville on the 4th Sabbath of June, and on the oth Sabbath of Indiana Rev Mr Hence will preach in the Lot! or ian church this borough, on Sunday, a June 29th I nre pained to learn thatSergt Mitchell of Company llth dead lie duel of sickness in Hospital Some of hia contributions heretofore appearelm the and other papers DEMJSTFT--Dr A Jncl Burgeon Dentist, may be ounu at 3 rooms in the Indiana House, from the 10th to the 20th each month The Doctor is prepared to put up teeth in wholf or partial to cases, ulcamte or anj other stjle i i Eire TIO --The Pepub ican Pri mnry Election vrill be heUat the elcc tion phces on the day of between the of and 7 ock in tne townships, and i and in Ihe boroughs in the county The re urn Judges will IT eet at the Court House in In diana, on a the 17ti of June TIFF ATI MOMTIII --Tl is excePent monthly has 1 cui awaiting a notice Jui The Tanuarj number contunc firti I Cam, II irmt i 1 Aldnch a others It is i i "ber Ct it nd sec for joursth i TJIF II i iir IFI EC ir --Tl is is -one of the best nh papers the The roornn 0 edition read es here -U noon contains as I news a the f'burg papers of the same Its tele graphic ia i full In i i to tlie time Hei II 11 ib fjr I i ana Ir ce cents pei HOJ 1 I i Tnraer is in oui He tame the most i nn 1 ci I cm in a few i of 1 il Is Vc one of hii feats the other 13 in front of the ml nn 3 1 succctde 1 complete I I I 1 elo i 1 tines i in 1 lu ul 1 not stai 1 ing Mr i ee ma i i him He i him v.n i ed on him put 1 his eu i ILIS vrlnp, i tlie is cile a 1 i pet a Mi 1 il (s to ue Ii i ill II ne I 1 1 i a tl it i i spfnni --n i ei 1 AV! i pretu Os i i i ml i i CH i 1 11 ni rue tioi in 1 is i Io i 1 1 I 1 i fore us letters froi I i i i 1 ii A i of Co Jv Kt inn it th i fi lends UK ev 1 ei mutters ind iMel 1 11 1 Mr Bruce enti tne i nc which nell 1 it 1 i i il I i i i 11 pi i but! i I tl 11. an 11 ot i-the rel els--wiUi rod of tl ubel ments I was a a le 1 a AVe took their amis from nul irelie I them to can a I I about clock were engine I i in fallen limber a 1m a incc il his twin brotl er a fire 1 Hit a feu rounds before a ball enter 1 a tin left eje, coming out a is i gl tr 3112 Stand making a bid i i i wlleh i (' en 1 ick was stil breathing a i i hn las fled to the other i I made my cape and bro iglit Ca ey to camp who was woun IL I in IL arin We would 1 ke to more PI. act but space will not allow LIST i i i M) i fol lowing is the official list of 1 illed and missing Comoany 1st lleg furnished Miller Company A Captain Ciepps from In liana county went into the engagement with rank andfile, 72 pnvatea A ilU a er, corporal, A McQuown Benj Neal Cessna, John Short Donaghue, Fairbanks, 0 Ellis TFounded- 1 lieutenant Jno Tollock, 21 Lieut LraJy Sergeant A Lrewer Corporal Lew Brady Pmatca Vi 1 Pierce John Allison Dn ly II Lradj TV Brewer Crawford DIMS A Lukebardt Richards Boger, Spencer Schiffer II Xtork, A "Roller Donaghuc, Mott Thoa Hissing Rol and, Serg Kmter, private lOoTII TtFSIMIM COLO'NFL have not received an official report We publish the lut so far ns learncl, of those killed and wounded in Co Captain Kirk, and Co Capt Thompson Those who have friends in any regiment will proba bly hear from them by letter sooner than through the paper Killed Co Adair Ruot Pattison, Silvis Wounded Co Capt Thompson John MGaughey, Thos Hud path John Pothel, John IVIiller, George Snyder, Clwa no John Boden, Isaac Aliller, Jonn wither, Jos Anderson, Samuel Lj dick Co Capi Sirk, 1st Lieut Geggie, 2nd Lieut Baird, James O'Bnan, Spence Geo Hoo George Hall, John Bnen We shall publish a fuller list as soon as a reliable one can be obtained The l(bth suffered severely the killed of the officers, were Capt Bowling, Lieut Cummis key, and Serg'ts Craig, Mitchell, Graj, Me Lean Many officer' were wounded of their wounds Tribute or Respect. meeting of the Lnited Piesbjtenan Con gicgation of Indiana was held in tne church in Indiana on a the Oth inst at 0 clock for taking suitab action to the high regaid and esteem of their bretnren in the church and community for tbe memory of Corporals Cilvm A a i a Robert Pattison membeis of thiscongre gallon who fell while gloriously maintaining the honor of their beloved country in tbe late battle near Richmond on Satiir day the jlst ultimo The meeting was organized by the appoint mcnt of John Allison, Esq President and miel Secretary After Prajer by the President of the meeting the following persons were appoint ed a committee on resolutions, -viz Marlm Iv er, Geo Simpson, John Thompson an 1 John Moorheid The committee reported the fol owing res which were a i adopted PCS ltd, in 11 dealh of Corporals a i i Ida ml Robert 1 Pattison this it on in common with i whole con UILI mourn the loss of 11 of our wor tl 3 aad promising i then rel i tioi to the Church and to et3 general to the of rhich were shin i meat resolute, self feicrficmg the death memorj i 1 cherish all who been acquamte 1 with the high inhties tl them wheth er the chuicli or in their public or pnvate life 7 rimt ten ler to the Parents i Is an I rel tioi of the'-e oung men so sudJei ij il en orn all a is ce ir on enrtli oui re a i i lor icn ib lo an 1 tint i ming st. i I I I we sh i 1 cheush the men 13 of i as mem bers ol liurch, as tl ends is citizens or as solj ers were so i of af i i i i their pin ite i a i a foi their emi ici ubhc services and patriot ism hrl That a of tl esc resolutions be '-e it he mil 1 of ic lecc ise 1 and to eacn the so 1 hers in tbe imy of the me Matc-j om tins 0 i gallon Purm 0 the absence of the committee Capt lien a under Messr" Adan tttiscm enh-itel being piescnt an 1 be requestel to ad Ires-i the meeting coin pheJ spcriK ng in gb teims of i and deportment of the deceased, and irt cu! oi llieir high moial religious 1 ring II meetm 0 further enter Hi mn il Mr on ch ir man ol tl ng Mi i a a hei all ecm 0 i i el i i a leep set of the lo su ime 1 in the i i of tli nil i in 1 i jn i nig Touu men i tl i allh i i i i the '-cene ol 11 ic 11011 oi oi ir i bcin I i 0 i M.r3 neai to of us and i i ers of 0 people be moie fre 1 lei in 1 fenci tli lie wou direct and eoi i tbe hetrts an 1 minds of men, that il um lu il confl ct ma3 be 'peedily i i close i c'-olution was adopted ill it the pioccelings and icsolutionb be ul i 1 I i i the a of tli ana tl luitil Pr i of Pillsburgh Secretu) CANDIDATES -We last week inadvert ently did injustice to Mr jlor by muting Ins a from the hat of Rcpub bean candidates published we therefore repubhsh the entire hat, corrected Hon JOHN COVODE STITE SENATE JAMES ALEXANDER, A WILSON TAYLOR, Maj VERY WHITE LEGISIATURF HUSTON JAMES COLEMAN PiEorsiEa A RECORDER WM THOS flIMER CoMMIbblONLR ROBERT HOPKINS, JOILN'G THOMPSON, SWAN, VMEL ROBBINS.

Co WM EVVISS, PAIGE There are othei cindidatcs, doubtless, but these aic the only ones we are au thonzcd to a YOHK, June 9 --Tne following dispatch hjs been received from City Point, Va 1 I have seen a copy of the Petersburg Express of the 4tl i which states a a dispatch from Mobile informs them that the Union fleet had attacked Fort Morgan, having tha-kmer bat tenes LATEST JCM-, General Fremont came up with Jackson a rear at Harnsonbuig, and defeated him Col Ashbj and many oth- ei rebels, and capturing great quantities of arms blankets COL JIcIvMMiT--This officer was at first reported killed and then as wounded We aic happy to state that he uninjured A ball struck his sword belt, and glazed the ckin, enough to leaden it, but inflicting no nound A narrow pe Tlic Markets. Correct Meetly from tJe most re'iabte sourrw I I A A 11, 1862 rtoiJR.rroni Stoic, at to 86,50, per barrel WHEAT, Buyers are offering fiom 90 to 95c per bnsh CORN, 40c per bushel la paid for old new ISc per bushel ears Rir Is selling a 4 0 OATS Is bought at 22(h)25c per bu Fresh lolls are bought at our stoics at a sold at 8 Eijrj'i, aie bought ind sold at 7c per dozen nlt, is selling from stores at and per biirel Suy tr, is fiom stores, at 10 and 11 cents per pound Pine lloatdt: are bought at S5c iud sold at Molaiics, 40, CO, 65, 70 and 72 cents per gilloi IT 40c cish TT7 ANTED 300 or JCO cords of Tan Bark, for which the highest price will be paid in cash by A SII DEK June 11, 18o2 -3t RICHMOKD CAPTURED HE undersigned respectfully announces to tbe citizens of Indiana and TI that he lias bis stock, and is now prepared to maue to order KooK and SbOCs of the best imternl that can be had the city wnd as low if not a little lower than can be had elsewhere His shop is four doois we'-t of the Linking House, building up -tairs a i mediate opposite the Public Oirces All work promptly attended nid neitly finished itibf ictioii rmdeied in all cases Comeone, come all II VLISC 11, 1803-Cm BEAD THIS! TOUJCrBLOOD SHITE, BOOT SHOE M4KEPS, to give people in the boot and shoe line, it i "Live and let Live:" This is their motto All woii warranted to gnc sitisfiction Their "hop may be found i few doors aboie Hildebrands Ding Stole June 11 18b2 ly A boot LiriT POT i OCK --1 his brave young officer was seTeiely wounded at the battle of Oils He is a i to hive displaced di tin guished braM-U a hand to hnnd encoun ter with a rebel captain Ihe struggle was despeiate an I fol a time even hilance hung hut the gallant Lieut ed, and nearly cut his adversary two with his swoid I pioperties adver. tired were disposed of i last, the Gth inst as follows Ihe farm of Vies meler Tnjlor in flhite tp sold io A Stewart foi j(jf) i lot storehouse Ve of said Tayloi, i i luduna borough and occup ed by Ounde kmter Lo to foi ill I right title an 1 aim of TV an Bo ce, to a tl act of 1 ind in Mdhou ng tp sold to i II In an foi ill VII the iigl title and claim of Blasius i to a house and lot in the boiough of ludiana, sold to Clam for "581 0 Vll the other sales advertised for the above diy were eilhci paid off stayed or adjourned until luesday of i i week of Court DIED. On the 27th i at McCartney's mills, in Aimstroug co Lizzie Ireshwater, aged 1 yeai and sis months At the same phce, June "id Miriam, wife of John F-cshwatci aged about 22 ears In this boiough on the Gth Miss Sa rah 1 daughter oi Dr Jas and i i Stew irt agfd yrs 8 dnyg The deceased had been afflicted with epilep sy for yeala iNear Cherry ree May 10th, Mrs Luemda Vrmstrorg aged 20 years and 1 month 'O LLILD1 ES -Pioposalsfol the election of two School Houses, in Riy le township namely school House 2 near Bell and ncai bud in ne --will be received andcontracta awaided i a June 21st at one c'oek at house of Isaac Ivmter By or'ei of the Board ROB I IHOMPbON Pi est, GLOSSTII, Secrctaiy j4 3t 1 1 i Testa -LJ mcnt on the I state of NOTL1 late of Montgomeiy township, deed having been gi anted to the notice is hereby given to all persons indel ted to said estate a i nate pay muit andtLose hav ng clnn i(ri ust the aiiuc to present them to the undersigned properly authenti cated for settlement May 7 Iiw2 JOHN Ex GET TEE BEST-' I Pi! I I A i IT TTJ for on the cor of ood in 1 streeta i i Ilia to tlie sp cnns i fiont Lull ling iso 1 sc wlncli has beer fitte 1 in end '-tjle 1 his House has ihv id i 1 i li rep ut it ion foi the beau a 11 ot the Hits nr 1 ips kept bj it and i tncieased I utilities it 1 npcs to i i its old customeia and to I gel in se if i One of the i i nnd best stocks of Hats Caps i be found at tl is estibhshmcnt and a i i pri ces than at other in the city a 2 I Pric Hatter 'l .34.1 8 Ji-i I 1 put le 1 entitle 1 i ir nt tu 11 to uith nze the i ol ll I i i ben 1 urg il 1 i lu i i pin ost a sta i ve i i i i me I the in gcrs i i i i colkcting 1 a i e' th eel fa 1) me i tlu i it 1 he I i tl i 13 i ct a i ml a i i to I i a i 1 i i 1 )i I i the debt con Ira tbe auy fui lep irs doue on Hie a 1 a i aiil In tbs nee of rect i lence on the i lion we 'v II rely say that our a it 1 st wcel vv is in accordance with a i ide to highly lespec pai ties who thoi i the ict in tl se an we a it to be Mib i i lly con be! eve tint what the i be, the same toll has been uce repeal as i i -1 1 a a done on the load Iv 1 is ti ivclle 1 it woul 1 Hugh at tl 11 1 it is worse con lit on thin inv of our township roajs To collec toll on a i oa 1 13 ar inpot on an 1 an it i 0 on i people-- i tier than i i i a i i i robbery. belie that I ought i to the i 01 There are legal to be appl I in ieh ca in 1 they ought to he resorted to at once as to abate tho nm ce -The latter clause of Indiana aiticle in i reference is nn le to he sclute ques tion is true were as much error in one ca us the other and not at all in either are not to blai ic for the correspondent lack of brims a shall not take time at ent to enlighten his daikened un derstand ng Our tion on the 'chute ques tion was and is rij't a nobody but an ig I I a a would a this late day in tl of proof and precedent be 0 fool i ns to deny it Vie hare a few extracts on tin sul ect fi om the Browns i Chfirr and oil cr i a intend to print at some future tim" but now we can not nfford space It would require no 1 an tec to guess who I i a a is Be sure he is somebody wnoae daddy or something is a Manager up the lactorj.

Gen Poitcr has well followed up the bnlli mt uctoiy ol a Oourt House i i the i a i i a i i I I liiUmioud, Cr i JiiJ 1 rudi i i i 14 cm the i i sajs In ToU i i filth IkCkl'an or deis, (jdi Porter i the necesairy foioc, proceeded to de i budges of two railroad', aoi )s the feouth Ann i i near Ilano-er Oouit House, meet nu the forces cf the rebels, who VVLR, tng gcd on i i from Ir i i and 1 i The icbcls i I the cari to march on foot to i i is tlie a i i a i been Ic below a i i i 1 A i a portion of hia cavilry furce wont to Ash! ind, cncoun tcring no scnous opposition, ind i to the bridge icios- the South I A a i covered it i i ind 6(t it on i 'Ihe i is ncii three long, very high, ind an stmcture I a i destnjcd Ai. the same i another fore" I i of Colonel Hush, and led by Ins rtvmicnt ot i i dc trowed the other bridge which vas live and i ten feet in length and sevcntj five in hue! Other budges on the railroad and i i were alsj destroyed and, as was rcpoitcd upon i i to i a i i i "ev i is iccouiphili ed vrai onlercd, and more Ihe woik is complete As I return to Hanover, I am surprise to find the number of still more increased to ncarl) 800 The number of killed is i a as bodies are brought from the wooda to the nniibcr of more a 200 I i a it may seem, the lo-i to the enemy in killed, a prisoners, cannot be less than fifteen in round numbers Congicss. Hon TOIIN CW ODE, will be supported for it the I epublican Primary lec- tiun Mi Covode ible, i anl iful 1 ibora in i times, foi the benefit of i and i on entitle him to the support ot i pood Ik puhhtan llujpiescnt of fat ite our co nn 1 tltL publ interests a the sen ces of men of ence, an I fitness and we lathe th it Mr Covodc cien re sped i an fir tniei for tl people and foi uctory I I I I I VM Jnue 1, 18t2 61atc Senate. Ti irons --1 leise announce that I ot BlairsMlle II be a candidate for the ofhce of Stiue Senator i b)ect to tl decision of the Primary Lice tion Mr Ykt aider i the two terms he represented our county in tlie liiinstlf to be an honest upright and i i membei ind we desire to him elevated to the olhte of State ilay 21 feouni A flIISON IVIL011 will be supported as a candi 1 ite for i i i a the i i i a i election Ihe public inteiests the services of meu oi und -putcd integrity and htnebS 111 I FOITOR Pie ise announce that M.IJ i a i a cmd date )r the olhce of St lie Sen ite sul to de cifaion of the Republican Plim try Election i i State Lc MFSSHS i i i SMITH Plense on nounce the name of a a i i foi the State Legisliture subject to the deci ion of the Primary Llection May 11 VMPS COLI mil he supported at the approaching Pi mary Llection for nom mation fot membei of Lcgisl iture Way 21 IS 1--- correspondent Connemaugh sends the following On luesday the 3d i a Elliott, Esq who resides near Cotme inaugh a OQ hia road to Claris burg to meet his intended, the hordes be camo frightened, near Win Coleman upset the carrnge, and threw Mr Elliott out, bruising hia face in such a horrible a that he deemed it to re turn home and put the wedding day off until Thursday the Oth On that day he had better success, as he wag at Clarks burg and got his better half and was wen ding his way towards Livermore te get the matrimonial knot tied by Rev Dickey, when I last saw taetn Now, I suppose, Mather and his Sarah dear Are joined wedlock 3 bands May happiness attend them here It El lott fill tie land ImpoiSaiit rjowi Charleston. Spiel ils to Pi of the 8th, iron) i i fulhwing dis patches fiom i i lebcl On i i I enemy's gunboats ue i up as if to engjge our batteries Ihe i excitement prevails in the citv as the gncboats are in at times Every confidence 13 in Gen i ability the i i Second Dispnrli --Jure 4, a -The enemy lus landed two thousand "trong, at James a oppo Ue the ci'y A battle took place in which the enemy were repulsed with a Io-9 of 20 men taken prisoners by the forces of Gen Gi-t I will bo sent to Ttlrna i There is still a firing in that cl rection and it is rumored that a hundred more of thelankecs a been cut off and captured Third --Gen Gist's last dispatch says The prisoners taken this morning report that the enemy has landed seventeen strong on Bat tery Island, and considerable force on John's Island He is now in front of me in foiee, a cover of his gun boats An advance is immiment Kccoidcr.

WM I I of I i a Borough will be a mdid iti for Register S. Rccoidir sulject to the decision of the Picpubhcan Pri mary Election Way 7,1802 Mrssrs FniTons --Please announce that TIlOb P. I ihomng wil be a candidate for the office of Eepistei and Recorder at the approaching Republican Pi imary 1 lection Ma; JS MINT CoimmsMoiici. I hereby announce mvself as a candidate for the ofhce of County Commissioner at the Itenubhcan Pr marv Elect on If I should he i i and dec cd I will endeavor to perform the dutiee of the office with fidelity ROBHIT South Mahonmg LJ 2 8 GOODS NEW GOODS' JOHN WEAHEE, 27, FIFTH STREET. I xirst Premium at the UNITED STATES FAIRS KJtt THE 1858, 1859 and 1860 UjreartSs of 80,000 llacliines Sold in the United States MORE THIN 20,000 SOLD THE PAT1LAR oflcr to the public WBiCPlC! Wilson's Sevs- lllir Slijio it ic.d iced pi ices, i i i ere iscd coiiddtncL in Us merits is tl bcsl and most i i 1 unily S.vvin£ Mich nc now in It cqu illy in id est and thmcst fibncb mikes the lock slilch impossibh to a lh the essuit il id a i of being alike on both aides foi mm" no ridge or chain on the undei bide is of Simple Construction, SPELDT IX MO 1 MENj More DURABLE than any otter KACHIKE give full i i to ena ik 1 pur chaer to sew or Unary i stitcl 1 em ell i jr ither bind and luck ill on the same a i i i i i -vcnis Circul 113 cont un ng tf-tirnoni iN fi om 1 a- dics of ic i st in ist in gn ng prices be furnished gratis.

on a i i i in person or 1 Dewing ichine cs 'Mlk Twist, Cotton and Oil ou hin 1 ro Teb 20 ISf 1111 I i -Having purchased my stock at lowest cash pr ces 1 am en iblc 1 to offer great luccmentb to wholes i is ers I i i then i i to my i is by lar the largest and most complete the county iirri'ruM'xD Sign of the 1 ig Morter Ifcssrs Edilo will please an nounce that JOHN of the Boiough of I i a will be ft candi late for the olhce of County Commi sionei subject to the action of the Prmiuy Election Way, 7, CoMiiiLOn I 31acK Slianlft, Bonnets. 1'jints, VniK, CIoi cs, Ribbons For sale hy BUTTON Si WILSOZT camp of instruction for 50 000 artillery and infantry in due proportion, will be immediately formed near Annapolis 31 Major General Wool will the camp, in addi tion to his duties as department commander -iffairs at Richmond are uncnanged Messrs Fililors --lou will please announce that I 4A of Washington tp will be a candidate for the office of Com missioner subject 1.0 the decision of the Pri mary Election Vi VSHISGTON Maj, 7, 1812 MESSRS WFSTI VKE SMITH --Please in- nounce a a I I of Centre tp, will be a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Primary Election I May 21 1302 Count) Sunrjoi, MFSSKS FDITORS a a inouncc that will be can 'l late for the Office of County Survevor subject to the decision of the Piimary tleciion CUEHRYIIII.I, MESSES WESILAKE SMITH --Please announce that PAIGE wul be a. candidate for County Surveyor, suoject to the decision of the Primary Election EooK aaid Sialioncjy. I I 1 anl Pocket Bibles Prajcr Pooks Po ks Dav I I a Books i ng Lettn an I ipei ifs Ll ink Books 1U lust i i a for sale at II1LULLIMND rpo BLILDERS --Ihe Board of School Di rectors oi lute tp will meet at or Geo Row in said townsh on the th rd Siturdav, the 21st, of June, at 10 clock a to receive proposals for the bull ling of one SCHOOL HOISF of Brick or Pl-nk a 0 by 24 feet aud 12 feet high, to be finished by the 1st of October By order of the Board May 28 Sec TTILBEBRAND Genuine Horse and Cat XJL tie Powder is manufactmed and ''orsale hy the Gross, Dozen Package or Poun 1 on ly by fl I May 2S or his authorize! agent Acu; Goods rece veu a complete 2ew Goods tfew Goofh dicu Goods Kew Goods Goods A tic Good Wiw Goodt, 31 ic 2 cu Good A ii Good Goodi, A u. Goo Gooas ic Goo(7s A'tit- as'-ortmeut of Spring aad Summer jv ncc Loic Prices to wliten tie ntte tion of tbe pubho i tel His stock consists in pait of DPI GOODS GRO 1 3 DU II ION 1SI Cl EM B101UI ILs III I VS VLMO raN, Hose liters Tea an 1 Coffee Su gir an 1 MoUs SLS of diliLr ent quil ities and at various puces 1 ice together iMtu otl ei art Goo 'merouo to mention Lo it, Prices Low Pric Prices on Prucs TOP- Prices LoiPn ts I OIL I nc Lam Pric Iou Paces Lou Prtcis Ton i all of Trhich ill be 1 it pr ccs to the times Hie public ire icqucsted to call and examine uur stock in 1 loi AMLll, Jk Indiana April 2 2 IST OF I I donn fir tunl a June lei commencing on "Vlundaj tbe i of June 1M rntbT rr Com for vs 11 irt I ajlor i iird 1 linston tr rb i hey I hir il -ss I for ube is "M11 us uiie ne Lewis jeiluiiJv Tcft rYhn A i i ctal Gi lif et fil TS i ndui 1 1 cdfoid use cpn Adm i CusTvcll pbdl Mitchells lh 11 01 ib on T.S f-on et al EL PEHTS, MtSLINC, DSILLS Wnolesnle and retail nt I iv 13 i i I I 1 hemp on et al line Thompson et al I 01 renter PI ilier Kelly me same Sowers ct al Bianthnger is bi i th 1 1 lu ni 1 ot al Sii psou et itl TS "NIcl unc TI et al loin it al I eitmillci -is "Mullcr Mel eetcrs vs Milki et al Miller et al Lr GOODS CESEtP TOR C4SII, JAS BURfliriLLDh 72, Cm 1th i i i i "a 1 Grcnadecns, Pmbioidcied do Orgiudie Lawns Lavrns, iv Ll ick 1 do do foi 1) ct? Tvollh 2 i 1 2 I 12 1 i 1 for worth SI 12 worth ill Sicqncs in 1 Mintill ch ip Mourning i a i i i 1 ipcs nib) I si rll 1 cbeJ mu" hrH cliPip I i I i I i llu most itlr i i ist i i i i i i i ni 1 nut witb i eick i -1, STEWART Vrc now rcceiv ng a laige and well selecte 1 stocl of G-roccrics, Iron, ZSTails "Plcnv I I at their ware room first loor from the kail Road whiui they sell for Keadj I'aj Onl3, at prices to suit the times Come and Seo.

Vpr 12" 2 CO Ts'ato of BHISON HEKEEESON" Becearoa I I I I letters of Mm trit on 1 tv ng been printt 1 to un i i ol, i i i 1 i 1 tc ot i deed, all i to su estat 0 are 1 erel r( ic te 1 to ike i i ite i mcnt i i i inst estate will present them to the unlcrsigned propeily lutl cnticatcd ior settlement lOTPim 6MI1II tndi im May-Sth From Gea. HcliecL's Army. Connttt Evacuated GLOSIOHS NEWS. Robert M. St.

Clair, (CPrOSITE THE COtRT HOUSE) TTTOljLD be happy to have eveiy man, wo- man and child call and examine his stock, ler they wish to purchase or not. lie keeps coistantly on hanu a variety of the fo'lowing articles Witches PI 1 Clock' Je-velrv of all styles and price" 10 cents per sett aiu upwards, Spoons t-cm tinea iron to silver pore as com Buttei Knives fork' Themonrcteis, spectacles Goorgles, Port Mouics Pistol', Poei et Pooks Gold Pens and Pen ci lie Vicl Cases Pine, I Pocket Lie 1 bide Puff ind Hound Cun IVwdei ilur Sha- 112 Dusting s. shoe anl Tooth Brushes, 1 i i 1 i us "lid Folks Tea Pots, sewing 1 I i i tmbroideniig and llton 1 Ic snr Dr'l Doll Heads, lunves i We- i i Cualdb and Keys, 1 i i If irps, Harmonicas, i vv i i lal Pisces 1 Ic a i pencils blltes, us fcteclkni Crotchet Needles Uotl es and I I i 1 Lills ir- I i 11 tt'cs Toy mis itch ife- 1m i j.ct 1 bpj es Inkstands, aj i i II i Oil loilet and- Sh a i other articles too lu-nuous to mention I'cnilK cn incschangs llso 0' i i vei anl Jewelry at si 1 2 pci me ii ing of ill 1 ndb pre-nptly attended to ai 1 ill v-(-' i aircnte 1 I a a' i cut the ile 01 Ismci bt i Ji I 1 Ciicaper 1 I I I i inn ni 0 Sj et 111 i Hi 1 1U that tliey ou 1 in 1 I i oltl Kilt II sot, atit3 sjjoci, wliieh 13 aic picpircel to tell at the lowest ritt 6 for i il on baiiJb nnd arc manu- factu ing lo order i 01 con Gentlemen me! Ircnch Moroc LO i I Kiel Mi i i Vc I i a i i i ill or lus ir then line of i i i mbleterms iget if wiiit to i ii i I nl 1 it the olel i I i i Diujr, Store, ll i i 1 1 i i i I MS, 1 I I 1 I I II A. 13 IM 1 3 I COMPVMe. a of onehui Jrcd ei cent on ill goods "old by our or wi pi) it I) to per month a ill expenses iorpartio Lib iJ Ritli i I 1 I Gen I tl I i ir njr 1 Lktiuit, iMitlngau rJ IE JLOOD Cfl di i 1C 1 rr vituteil 1 i I Pick 11 rver It imv 1 in in 1 nip! 01 i or in i act ve lis" ise, oi it may crely keep 30 i les 'eric 1 I an 1 goo 1 for nothing 1 al vou i i i good a whileyour bbod 11 ipui ci bai ipanll i purees cut i purit es in I timu "tcs the 01 ci I fc uit ins iction restoring the In ilth ni 1 i i Hence it rapidly ci 1 1 a lit; ol complaints which are- i 1 ly i i ot tl bloo 1, such 12 kill ill, 'JlJPr, (.

ri 1 tt tmpl I ic, RJV, i I ll i ii hilt Rli mn, 6,1 ul I i ni fi no ti, i I I JJ uch is K- II i 1 ll i i I II cl it cli i i -5 I i I I A I il I i I 1 i I I nr nil i jt If 11 and ail i i -ml coo 1111 with. 1 i and cures the 1 nOTMT, is so un i TI i i uthci rcm II I I I i vimp- i i 1 1 i i ti i i tue I i i i 1 i of t'ic liveacc lhafc ss 1 i i i nt tli deuce of i 3 1 i i I 1 i tl i I 1 i I i 1 II In i 1), i i i In lotion, DI fiunlirr, 11 i 11 Ii 1' I HI "i Urrj' II a in i all t'io purpo I i i i a i 11 i i ll ir a 1 II i It e- di i i 1) an'! 1 1 i 1 I der ri i lipc i ty I rcce i a new supply of ano I ortog from Chickenng Soi ton i zlcton Brr tl ers i I' i i i ost eoigc bteck i ni an 1 Hi Lies Lr thers of rliich vvil be sold at Lastern I i i 81 Uord 6bicct be Diamond alley and I out 1 street, Pittsburgh, Pi Ap 1 I I Vi ') i 1 ittcr on i i i il itter on an I i ill i 1 i 'i i to larri i i s- c-rc Ir I I uit i nnoi 1 1 "se of Ii ll a IK 7" teim 2 1 i couit Appoint Jolm I ovvry I 0 the mon- cv ir sing from ic sile of the defendants re il ite to and i nongst those legally enti- 1 crefo Ml p-rsor' 1 11 i-k" not cc tint I will ut i the I of a ipoirtpient, i at inj ice tl 1 ush Iiuum, on 1 i tie i i if nc next. 10 I luiitor 33ruslic. Bru a lies, fecruVbing i Sish do Uusung ('o arnish do Shoe do Tloth Jo Tooth do Nail do Fie do Just received and for sale at low pr CPS hy May 21 fl IIILDI Foreign and Domestic, Pazors, Pocket and Pen i very npm qua now opening anl dt ivi prices at No 19 bign Big Moi tar IJO 1J5IS WVY. Buyeis look to yoar Interests.

a cf the gKortar, Pf i i i i i i i 11 frrm I astern ai 1 tern e3 the largest a dcrtc stock of pools in his lir cvf 1 i it i a i i i i of D-U" 3( ll IK nucal a i lly ar'jon Oil an 1 uhoa Oil a I Pe furacrics, Necklaces, Beal a i 0 Itirore, Pocket and Pen Knives, i a large stock of a Notions gcntia iy, ill of vhicb. will be a wLole i rctai 1 cheLper i a I A i Loo btore Eri have If you desire to purch pure ire hemps at city pr ces nf itly put a a a a i 1 I 1 tf have fi I ic i at 1 i ii" Tci-n i -1 PI i rn 1 i or ng persons icat ons for License i I ekctit..

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