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Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico • Page 1

Clovis, New Mexico
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OURT CIS PERISH IN VOL. 293 (16 Pages) CLQVIS, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1950 I PRICE Week Test" es 'fl Post Until 'Installed Governor' OX, The British government fnces (hp jlfe-or-death IPS! of Its parliamentary majority Tory-inspired vote of i on the stool national- Inw. al observers on all sides should the bare edge of only seven the House of Commons, vote the JMinlslor Attlee resign, giving elect ions. Times "ay the defeat of Hie Picket! said ding to Miss will lit. on the vole, which wasithe Democrat it IH by Conservative Leader''governor.

Churchill, "must lend to Mignation." Attlee's cabinet ported by the non-partisan Association to con- lit his view. Labor members are pres- for Ihe govern- I'lien the At I lee regime will I', Government leaders have 1,1 an urgent call for all to meet the opposition SANTA FK, Piclictl's biittlr In be first lo file I noininnlinn petitions for governor of New Mexico hiis Interfrr- eel with his lioneyninnn The 51-s ear-old seven-foot stale corporation commissioner is keeping a round-the clock vigil in front of the stale capitol door closest Hie office of Secretary of Stale Alicia Romero in order to he first to file his pel it inn April 'I and. have his name first on St. Mary Ekes Out 33-31 Win TfCl'iMCAni Miiry's nf Albuquerque, champions nf District 3, (odny ndvnneed In quarter flnnl.s of (he stale basketball tourney 33-31 over The St. Mary's Cougars neve trailed, but second half slum) almost cost, them the game.

For District. 7 runner up, pulled Albuquerque's First Christian) Mexico." i Church Saturday forenoon. New Mexico's primary election: Hut. he said, he has cancelled Is June fi. Picketl, who'has four flight tickets for an old Mexico years to serve as corporation moon- 'missionrr.

said he will not. resign 'within a point of tie three times. GoOVgO Case Monday night i xc wcrc Overcome along With six Others fighting 'She understands that I am In that post "until after I am install-; Wiry Leon Palmisano paced nWfwl nrnciHonl- of ilin TWMlt.V additional officers Rlld tllcn also midst of a fight for what I cd as governor next January Mnry In the first half drive that, t-itxitu pi thiueni. 01 c( think is right," Picket! said, "and Picket! announced today that bo rolled up 21 points and put ihe Clovis ToastmaslOl'S Club, and I Oil Fed Flames Engutf Sandia Guard House By KIMS MOTMEttSHEAD ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Oll-fcd flames, leaping lightning fast through a Samlia Base guardhouse, snuffed out the lives of 14 military prisoners last night.

TrapfMjd with them in the tinder-dry wood structure, I ho prison's other two inmates Were injured critically, It Was the first major disaster in the history of the war-hullt Installation now a semi-secret assembly point for the atomic bomb. Two guards, alerted by prisoners' cries, vainly tried to rescue them from behind bars and meshed wire'windows. Monday night primary ballot, for today thai his wed- Eleanor Hendt ick. he as scheduled al can't leave now. "We're going to have our honeymoon, however.

I have, nl- rendy made reservations for trip to City June II. By Hint time, we will know if I iim just a plain slate corporation commissioner or (he Democratic candidate for governor of New Parly with only lumbers in Ihe Commons tig Ihe voting either way. 'V Laboriles fail to show lip voting set for 10 o'clock p.m. (ESTi. liberals came out flatly in Campaign against national' of industry.

But some h- felt that they might not bring on new elections ng against, labor at this referring to wail until they muster more political h. Prospect For Siask Of Excises Vaniskes will broadcast one of his regulari Cougars political "reports to Ihe people 1cn of New Mexico" from his watting 'post outside the state house's south door Friday night. Immediately afler lhat. he said he will leave for Albuquerque and his wedding Ihe following day. Picked and Secretary nf Stale Alicia Romero arc at odds over the preference his wait will or will nol give him In being to file his iHMitinn.

Mrs. Romero has said she will not his action as giving him any rights to bo first to file. Pickelt, however, contends that ahead at the clinches one ho added that kept St. Mary in Ihei the same night won the right to represent tho club in the game as the learn slumped to only'district Contest to be held at Roswcll in April. Case is becoming well known in Clovis for his speaking, and has ap- jpeared before most service last.

half. St. Marv scoring points in the Palmisano led with 11. His teammate. Dick Lucero, tallied 10.

Rangy center Bill Harper led Forrest fit 10, Both teams couldn't collect wilciubs He is connected free throws. St. Mary missed 17 of 'Eubank and Son. iloyer Response Business Clinic Nerful' So Far ('response from employers of jy In regard to registering for the business lihas been wonderful so far Sarah Jackson pivsl- ff the Clovis Altrus.a Club is sponsoring the project, lloyers have until Saturday lig, she pointed out, to mail pjr list of employees with a for their registration fee. is 50 cents per employee.

Vigh the cooperation of Die the Altrusa rommit- l-n prepare a reyisl rai ion legist ration this week- fir the majority of emplnvc? Ing to attend Ihe clinic. This facilitate and speed up the 1'egislralion to he held at Ihe ig session on Monday, Mareh fie said, nil hough employes ttill register before the meet, fgins at. p.m. business clinic, which is open of the community. J'p held March 13, March (March 27.

Special speakers the feature of each rking the opening session will I'oup discussions for various classifications. Added to l.rogifim will be a group dis- I'n for nurses led by Paul superintendent of the hospilnl. i WASHINGTOX, Any prospect fnr an eurly slush In excise taxes nil but vnnishrd In- dny. It may not come until 1 or later. Chairman Doughton (P-Ni'i of the Tax-framing Mouse Ways and Means committee doubt that a bill uill be ready fnr House action before Faster.

April Once Hie House acts, and that will take some time. I he Senate probably will lake a couple of months on the hill, But when 'he cutting starts it probably will be deeper than what President Truman There were growing indications the administration may he unable lo keep the excise flashing from breaking out of the Sfi.Vi.tWi.OOO bounds set by the Piesident. Some lawmakers the nut will be nearer with movie tickets added the! list nf items getting tax relief. The 15 Democratic mid members set (mother closed-door huddle today. The idea is to find some hi.v change agreement among themselves before thi-y inert with (lie HI Republican eommiltremeii and begin the actual of writing a lax bill.

A similar session, with Speaker Rayburn and Democratic Leader McC'ormack attending, failed yesterday to produce an agreement. The Democrats postponed from today to next Monday thp beginning of the formal and means tax sessions Mr. Truman has asked for a excise cut, but with a net tax Increase by plugging tax loopholes and raising levies on corporations, in- hetitnnces and big gifts. One Democrat said yesterday's huddle disclosed that nearly every he was the first lo get in lino and that the unwritten rule in New Mexico has been the first in line is the first to file. i "Thai was Iho rule, and 26; Forrest 15 of St.

Mary jumped into an 11-31 lead in Ihe first period on three baskets by Palmisano, a field goal, and a free thrown by Paul Gnl-! legos, and two charity tosses by 1 Lucero. i The C'ougurs widened thai lead 0 21-12 nt (he half, but Forrest closed the gup to.ZS-'M at the end of (he third. After five scoreless minutes in Sister Of Clovis Han Dies At Home Of Her Daughter Mrs. Gn.vle Talbot, 76, mother of for smoke effects. was nil over 25 minutes there were no changes the fourth, Junior Gunn scored a before I took up my stand here, free throw for Forrest.

Rex MillorjGn.vli? Talbol, Associated Press hit a long shot to put Forrest wlth-' writer, and sister of Milton in a point 28-27. i Brown. owner of the Clovis she me jury days ago." Picket! said. "Tf tries to chance the rules on' now. I'll fight it.

before of New Mexicans and I feel: certain they will guarantee vested rights to be first." The importance of being in line boils down to that Gallegos scored a free throw and Pnlmlsano from the field to put Lumher died this, morning nl after the first alarm was sounded at 7:35 p.m. (MST). Thirteen of the prisoners apparently died In the first few seconds; the other succumbed two hours later at a hospital. Most of the victims were believed to have Inhaled the intense, almost instantaneous heat and suffocated, Sandia authorises said. Guards reported there were few outcries to indicate any suffered long.

Contrary to first reports. Kenneth Kolsler, Snndla's intelligence officer, said there was no evidence of an explosion. Examination of the charred, dnnk smelling structure afterward bore him out. Damage consisted principally of badly scorched cell- ings and walls, mostly In a 100-ft L-shaped corridor and three cell ni spot on the observers sav ballot State It is good for mylSt. Mary out 31-27.

A free throwjf' 1 Mrs. Clarence Wright, Chevy jby Miller and a field goal by Harp-i ch nsp, first Pulled Forrest up again 31-30. I Funeral arrangements for Mrs. rs t' Free throws by James who succumbed to a hear! house 2 nc Pa'minsano iced the game for attack, have not been announced Mary In the last 15 second. 1 hut Mr.

Brown said today lhat. he i Forrest free iond. throw In the last sec- 20 per cent levy on movie tickets. nen is in his corporation Broad Socialism Concept Oufiined To Kiwanians commission office; lakes the day hours fice is closed. Suffers Heart Attack Mrs.

VV. VV. Slanfield, molher of Charles Slanfield, editor of the Clovis News-Journal, suffered a heart attack late Wednesday afternoon while doing some 'shopping at. Hubby's Food Market. She was taken to the Clovis Memorial Hospital for treatment and in the Clovis were to 5,000 extra votes on election tiller lhe scoring with wou be unable to go to Maryland day.

Meanwhile, Picket! is being aided by his son, Ingram 2-1, a hell captain on California- Hawaii steamship and on vacation here, and a Santa Fe friend, Max member has some special excise ITheel. The three lake turns sitting he wants cut, outside of Ihe pro-j 01 sloping on the floor of the gram the President suggested. Most vocal are the members' Young Picket! lakes Ihe night pressing for a reduction of the trick; Thee! lakes the day hours and reported to be showing Improve- for the services. Mrs. Talhot has vislled home of her brolber in many limes.

She and her late husband. Gayle Talbol, Si founders of the Artesia in 190.1. The family has continued to have close connections with the news paper world since the death of Mr. Talhot, with the son, Gayle overhead in less time than It takes to tell. The prisoners had finished their evening meal short time, before.

Some already were in bed, rending or sleeping. Bodies of two were found in a shower room; three olhers lay just outside (he door. Personal effects tillered their quarters, some scarcely touched by the Nearly a fourth of Ihe Advocate'two-liercd bunk- beds nol even scorched. Several contained when his of- jd Cross Drive Sfowinq Down Taylor Says 1950 Red Cross fund drive the few has low to point where extra will have to he added to oh. lie quoin." the rnpoit of lor, Cut iv eount.v fund IVnan Thursdav morning' er fl close chei k-up o'i all I's of i lie drive in ('miv coim- Cavlor staler lhat the exlia number 1 of and (oionia cause in I compiler! I ions to the of at lemptini; to Red ('toss for lli.M'i Seveitil of the workers find literally l.iiri- of l-ave been un- jhe weaihei and iepcat been neeessaiv in nuinv in- A broad cimcepl nf the nature of Socialisms iiml the hold which it is unlninK in American eov- ernmr-iit were phieed before members of the Clovis Kivvanis club Speaking on growth and aims of Ihe Socialist parts in t'mted Slates, fir.

II. Reid, professor' of science at N'eu Mexico pointed that "I lie gicaleM feai of socialism is that we do not know when jt starts nor' will we know where to slop it it ill be lie, hef. i we fully it." He nrlmitled that eei lam form? of socialism were necessary lo fl counliy. lie said those forms must henetii the entiie population, such as the welfare programs of the depression when unemployment was widespiead and ilhp government hnd to lake band in he sit nation I "Socialism is ijnv eminent ership of pi ddiiel ion. Fail', sup- porteis admii Iheir aim is de- si roy our ft ee i rr ei pi 1-1- '1 hei.

uliimate is to 0111 free markets, and lead tr, nn- iona 1 pro- Stales do to combat this gram?" Dr. Reid asked. "First, understand fully their program, and note the failures in other countries; second, teach other people what it means: third, know the faults of other forms of government along with Ihe of a Democracy; quit demanding that the government do something for you. fifth, protect our tree marketing system; and sixth, restore confidence in our local com n. unit government so thai it uill grow to Ihe rn levels." lie stated.

Roosevelt Cotton Action May Rest On Earlier Case mont today. connecled with Ihe Associated Press, Clarence Wright, a son- in-law, an editor of the Kipllngcr Letters. Administration Leaders Rally To Save Federal Rent Controls NVhether or not Roosevelt armers will win their court fight for additional col ton acreage WASHINGTON' Administration leaders in the Senate nil" today for hat tin to save now due Flag Flies Again Over The Arizona Before the Senate was a $750,. ,000,000 money bill containing a under the 10 0 0 cotton program, provision which would order the remains to be seen, according to office of (he housing information received by the administers rent control Journal today from Archie start paying off Its more than Vance, executive officer of the 4.000 workers, in preparation for! slate PMA Committee. closing up shop at the enrl of Juno, This order was attached by the -Senate Appropriations Committee lo measure carrying cash to keep various agencies running between now and June 30, the end of the prise move by ihe appropriations committee.

Housing Kxpedilcr Tlglm Woods estimates that 11,000,000 housing units throughout the nation remain under the federal rent. lids. Woods asked $3,600.000 to main- magazines, obviously dropped as their owners leaped In alarm. mel.s and freshly shlned shos stood under some. Clothing, hung In liead-hlgli racks, generally was part burned.

Major Homier dcscrllted five of Ihe prison Inmates as cooklns," Jnilcd lifter conviction on serious by a military court. Tho others hn labelled minor offondcM. JHo to detail ohargew on which any wero courtmartlallcd, The two guards were the bulld- Ing'es only occupants besides I lie 16 prisoners. One, Cpl. Richard A Miller, 27, of (SS24 E.

Hobarl), Stockton, was In Iho guard- louso Iho opposite end of the building from Ihe flaming slove--when fire was discovered. The other, Pvt Henry, '22. of (Rt. 2 South Xanesvill, was originally was an air filed aiid later used to store hundreds" of. war retired planes.

It became a secret Installation after World War II and has muhroomed In size and Importance In recent years. The fire was sighted at 7:35 p.m. (MSI 1 A prisoner called out to one of the guards. In approximately 15 minutes tho building wag gutted. The guard, corporation Miller, said he saw a flash of light and' called out to Private Henry to sound I ha fire alarm.

"I started to try to release the prisoners from th ce Blocks," he-related lo "Bo- fore I was able to unlock the first door, the flame and heat and smoke drove mo back." Henry said he sounded the fire iilnrm and Irled lo get the prisoners out "hut (hero was flro nil up iiml down tho Imllwuy and I couldn't get, 0 Ihe, door. When the flro department got there, i helped (hem remove tho prisoners," Tho guards were quoted by Major Kenneth Kolstor, public informal Ion officer, as saying there was little outcry front the prisoners the initial alarm. "The can be "Is (hat there fo.rlng. They must have died almost immediately from Inhaling the l.cnso heat." Flnmes were visible lo motorists on U.S. Highway 66, just off which the main entrance to Sandia Is located.

No civilian agency was called to the emergency. The Sandia fire department. located just haU a block from the prison was unable to got the trapped men through the smoke. buesslng If there a blessing," Roister said, was almost no $uf- tain rent controls at present levels The from the of i Ji on on of SlnliiiK (hut is siiuill In socinl scientist I he tin- Socinlisl Ihis pointed out PKAftl. HA American flaj; Hies ajjain battleship yravr of her i evv vv bo vv cut I the Japanese aiiack I'eail Haitioi.

Many piaiA vveie Imiiiiimg these dead Finally shining was ordeied set upon the old ship's Mlpeisl i ucl in which still shows were behind I'n-sideiil Truman's administration oo per cent 'because it vv mild iuc italil lend to a socialistic yov eminent. to socialiM of Truman'- i at el I cri ei a I a nee 1 -Oi: I hehr I of I -r f'I cunt I for -hM a' 1 con' the larmeis- the Kovcrmi.e our ei-oi-omie planning oca' iiiK si roller merit ar.rl I he I'edci is a si i All ei icall "What sl.o'ilri a i held Golden Was (Sp the POKTAI.I- den' Howl fore lie March iolden's suitiect as ici- Around Ihe U'or diM i ict PI nor of f. dent (lolflen is a o.e 'ai Inlet sei ice Speaker "IHli fir.M- Kas! CM spoke he- i 'a 11 shad uHi Serv- Pi esi- of mttee on Vance cited results of an appeal case by a group nf Texas farmers who sought to keep the Seci etary of Agrieultuie from en- fdicing 1D50 slate and county cotton acreage allotments in certain counties in Texas. Appenllerl to Ihe I'mted States District court fur the District of Columbia, the court entered a memorandum opinion holding that the allotments were ev lablished and dismissed the plaintiff's complaint. The decision was handed down for February 21.

The suit was brought by 10 Coastal Rend cnttori growers pole near Corpus Chrisli. Tex. Other courts could easily use decision us Ihe base for their decision in similar actions, observers here reported. Such is customary in courts of And if courts refused to render a verdict In favor of the (jioweiF on thai grounds, tho acreaiio al- 1 program viol he In effect until (hanged hv Congress 'hey said. 1950 fiscal year.

Senators from cities promised the rent control Legislation to until Congress passes on the question of extending them. Instead Iho Senate committee igavc him less and dl- I reeled him to use it. "in the payment of terminal leave'- Ihe i government worker collects when ibis job ends for days off that are i due him. states with large a fight against amendment. extend the fed- be- lo start without deadline.

Aside from the rent control dls- RS yPn lllfl Scnato added nearly re Mofl to Ihe bill it was passed Mosident Iruman -was Introduc- by Ihe House cd by Democratic Loader Lucas of' Mnrp hflll na nf wnu 1 Generally Prosperous Business Outook Seen walking back lo Ihe office midway Hiring the corridor. He had passed the stove five minutes earlier. Both were overcome by smoke, but attendants said Ihey 'probably would be able to leave the hospital today op tomorrow. Condition of the injured Pfc. Robert C.

Dnrsnek, 20, of and Pvl. Harry C. Handles' The cornrnlltee also told Woods 'M, of Hamilton, Ohio-remained 'his morning Aulhorilies re- Wntting for the June Mjpnrted before 8 a.m. Rod, were In I en Is. Newsmen were told neither injured prisoners nor the could interviewed.

The provost marshal, Oil. Ralph Tolve, and post police and 'prison officer LI. Stephen H. Perry, and four unidentified civilian firemen also were overcome by smoke. sur- and projects to control forrst pests.) Cop Ion GetsIS Years KKW YORK, Judith Cop- Ion was sentenced lo in prison today for plotting to spy for Russia.

He.r ox-pal, Russian Engineer Valontin A. Gubi- lohe.v received a 15-ypar suspended sentence nnd was ordered deported lo (ho Soviet Union within two weeks. The deportation order for the 33-year-old, short, clour-laced Russian was recommended by the guards! government as a result of confer- 'encos between the slate department and the attorney general's office. Federal Judge Sylvester J. Ryan sentenced brunette little Miss Coplon to five years on a conspiracy charge and 15 years on a count of attempted espionage, the sentences to run concurrently.

oxygen the es. Ih Ihe housi'- up until Ihe or and other I to sef he end of liinty carrv of II: Mil la S'll 1 n.i-lil i -'I iheri its HIP C'f of in local vv, i 1 1 oits .1 bee the i 1 I to in a I $7 use I li-' mi aid member II Re' I 1 i MI II Golden To Be incipol Speaker i' I Klos (I I 1 Ihe a 1 1 he i'lf tllg i hi Of Fiscal Year Changed, Budget Of S30 000 Is Set Up I- i- "1 IIP lovis hambr-r of uiii- mi'i-cr KOI-S on strict business IIMSIS iimncdi.iti-l\ Humid Mur- iirrsiilrnt, stilted d.iv afternoon follow inj; meet- Inn of tin- board of direi tors with -ManUKer I red MrooUshei. lit it' I I a 1 i i si ale con of thf. I'-TA fl.iv,.s. meet 'will lie held in Itrookshcr reported that Ihe rcicrx ill ions for the luiinber of ('oniiiii-rcc nitfhl were ruining in.

Iml (hut he was for -i full liirniiiil nf the of Ii, hear I.IIK-S. niaUi- (lie Hi- rcpcirlcd Ihiil fid c.irds mailed out to till- lllflnlii'rshlfl, mid tnuKiiii- reservations Influenza Outbreak In Public Schools Nof Serious Marshall Says sudden outbreak of aniong school-children is not serious and 'be number of absf-rit because of illness di'ciimng. I'. super- iniendent of publii schools ifpoit- ed Marshall said that no moi than -li'-'n i.i;[ ii-, were MOV ahsen' from because of the flu howf-vf-i ij2 were absent fmm high school alone, most of then from ness 1'hc public health offnT n-d r-ases of influence. in 'i if'd Ideie e- Mumiif-, h'l'-lC-aslliK Buster Services Set For Friday WASHINGTON, The hiiMiiess (HillooU, bndl.v clondrd by the coul slriUp, reported clearing nicely today lo forecast of nunn.v and Rpn- erally President Truman council of economic advlseis, not io.sii- ing any statements.

reportedly felt. that the mine slv.ilriown brouphl bad fright Inst- mj; Kolsler said the guardhouse a temporary type building-is least thn-e-quarl'ersi He specified thai the term mile from the nearest restrict- posed might not be served ed area, In which activities are secret. The said offK ID5tl good council, informed officials i siiu.d.h.; Us i January apprnivil HIM' "i IIP economic outlook is ild In dai irs Some federal feel 'he pent-up production which now is released may give an extra fillip to business, sales -ind employment, in the pro'-ess of catching up on deferred orders who had feared a after mid-year, now lirve a letdown may he posl- liniicd posoihly until net! when the usual seasonal upturn might rtincrl it i-iilirclv. thai loo fill force industry's iinkiiiK ecurio- ScbfduICi in i hind n.eial A i-'-i'-t; in' "nirnented air. i b.i.,.: 3 I The dangers involved were pictured by D.

Clark, a mem. her of the President's 'council, on Feb. IT) when the coal strike was beginning to choke railroad, steel and public utilities. The economy does nol expand when men are idle, Clark said. If Die strike should continue until April or after, be predicted then, it would bring serious unemployment and a "terrible demoralization" of industry.

Instead, Sundav's settlement came in time to ward off disaster. Mxcppt for the mining areas directly affected, sales were not lost but postponed. llr reported a ri'presentiitiv of Provost (ienernl'ii office in WiixhiiiKlon liihpeittpd Ihr base less than a month IIRO ml pronounced nil building's, In- cludinK the. prison, in excellent condition from a xnfcly nUnd- polnt. Sandia is a field installation of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project.

It works closely with Los Alamos Atomic Installation, RO miles to ihe north, and nearby Kirtland Field, tho Air Force's Special Weapons Command. The sprawling reservation on the Eastern Albuquerque limits and just under the shadow of Iho Sandia mountains Shoots Brother Because 'He Was Incurably III Of Cancer concurrently with a sentence of 40 months lo 10 years she' received in Washington, D. on kindred charges. The judge refused an application to release, hoi in ball. Samuel A.

Netiberger, attorney for the 28-year-old Miss Coplon, said be would file notice of appeal immediately. Miss Coplon could have received 25 years in prison and a fine. Oubllchev faced a maximum of years in jail and $20,000 fines. U. S.

Attorney Irving 11 Saypol told the court nf the government's recommendation for Gubllchev he- fore sentence was Imposed. He said it was the personal recommendation of the secretary of state and the attorney general. Foolen I Culture pearls, true pearls that jare started artifically, cannot be distinguished from natural ones even by X-ray, yet they are worth a fraction as much. AU.K.NTOW.N, I'll. "Me iiskcd me to shoot him.

pon- ilen-d It. He often hud asked me lo do tin- hiimt' thing. I finally decided do it." With words, Harold Mohr. of ncflihy C'oplay. was Bunted by Dislnci Atlornfv Kenneth II he 1 Koch saying his ear-old las! mi-ill "lie was incur- aolv ill lancer urid blind." Morn was chained with muirli-i uftei making his verbal statement to Koch and third brother.

Coplav Police Chief Ralph Mol ilct fired Into his back. Walter had receiving treatment for can- icer from Coplay physician fur 'the last six years, Dr. Boyer said. A fourth brother, Kaymond Muhr. told Kock he heard a shot about 7 p.m..

KST, and ran next! WEATHER und killed door to tint house when- Walter hrothei, Walter, and Harold lived with their father, Charles, a cigar factory work- Wallers body wiis on bed in fi second floor bt-dioum. Koch quoted Haymond as saying, while Harold was silting in the dining room. High yesterday was 51 degrees at 3:30 p.m. and the low was 27 at 6:45 a.m. today.

At 8 o'clock this morning it was 34 degrees. Partly cloudy. NEW MEXICO-Falr today, tonight and Friday; warmer today; cooler In the west und north Friday. High today 55 lo 65 in the northeast, 65 to 75 in the southwest; low tonight 10 to 15 in the northern mountains, 25 to 35 else- won in ine.r f. uo hr The Lehieh county district at lor-' Raymond summoned his brother I where in the north, 35 to 45 in'the n'-v said Harold told him Walter Ralph, who in turn notified Koch sout)l had pleaded with him frequently and asked that slate police step WEST TEXAS Partly cloudy 10 ii him and insisted he would into Ihr investigation because of anc Banner today and tonight; 1111 in rclai mn to Harold, an un- cloudiness with a few In P.ovei countv cor- veteran of four and a'sho' in the Bend country u.i, i "i killed m- half vems with the U.S.

Army in fio.u the Lower a calibre bul- World Two. eastward. by.

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