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Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico • Page 4

Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Ml FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2t 1914. WEEGHMAN WAVES FLAG OF TRUCE GARRY KEEPS SILfcNT; FANS I GROAN AND PRAY THIS CROOL BASEBALL WAR MAY SOON BE OVER! OF STEEL TRUST Captain Calkins' Makes Only Government Contends Corporation Has Conspired to Advance Prices, Which Is Denied by Opposition, Colonel Says He Is Astounded Rigid Medical Examinations at Enthusiastic Reception; Employed to See That None and Predicts Pinchot's Elcc-; Except Totally Disabled Es- Score for by Place Kick; Talbot Hangs Up Two Touchdowns, tion to Senate, capes Enlistment, OUTWEIGHED 10 LAWYERS SPEAK IN'DISSOEUTION ROOSEVELT IS AUSTRIA DRAFTS TOURING PA. FOR OLD MEN -INTO BULUflODSERS FIELD SERVICE i POUNDS. VARSITY LOSES TO CADETS rT aoRNIN JOIIBNAl BMCIAL UMig WISH Philadelphia, The third anniversary of the institution by the federal government of its suit to hteak up Into independent units, the I'nited Stales Steel corporation, on the ground that it violates the Shcr- tr MOftNINQ JOUANAL BABCIAt. HASIO wirt Williamspnrt, Oct.

2. Addressing two meetings lure tonight, Col. Theodore Iioonevelt finished the first of his four das' campaign tour of Pennsylvania In the interest of the candidacy of Clifford Pittc not for DKNTCH TO MOASalN JOU.KALj Roswell, X. Oct. 26.

-The University of New Mexico football team received serious setback in the state championship race today when the Albuquerque eleven was defeated by the New Mexico Military Institute, 12 to 3. The cadets outweighed the varsity ten pounds to a man. The varsity was first Vj score. That Was In the. first quarter when Capt.

Fred Calkins, half, slummed a place kick at the twenty-yard line, soaring M1AlNO. JOUANAL IPIClAL LCAftCO WIRCI,, Oct. 'J7 (via I Truslworlhy pi hate repot Is Mom Vienna today ay that Ihe ihc.l-i -it 1 eKaminaticn.ot Hm last contingent of which Is composed of men previously cni list from set vice owing to physical disobilirb Is this iirne being conducted with extremu rigor, duly I hose ntanifcatly lump-able of performing 'Hi' simplest routine of army duty nil now permllled to cncupci' It Is said men blind of one rjn arc being uccepted man anti-trust law, was observed to- Cnlti'd States senator and of the day by the contending lawyers eon- Washington (progressive) party state. tiDUlng to fire their verbal batteries and legislative tickets, at each other. lUnrv Hp advoenled the (lection of Vance C.

McCormlck, d. atlr candidate for governor, who has the endorsement of the Washington par -between the coal posts. This, oft clal assistant to the attorney general, concluded his argument In support of the petition to dissolve the alleged trust and he was followed by David A. Heed, of Pittsburgh, of counsel for ollur Italian parts of ty. in Trieste and course, wa the university's only score.

TuJbot did all the scoring fur the The former president left Jersey the monarchy. cadets, nmking two touchdowns. Hcj Intercepted a. forward pass on the sixty -yard line and rat: the Jength of I City at 7:53 o'clock this morning ami t'nusunlly mu re measures arc le- reached here at ft o'clock tonight, iug adopted to so lire a large per-j having made more Iban a score of entage of i rails. The Austrian jthe steel corporation, pr; 1 a son of James H.

Heed, a director in the big the field for the first Itoswell score. I concern. Costs of Suit Involved. A development of the day was The attempt to kick goal failed. Tal to crowds from the rear of war office, yitspicioM.s of the hls stieelal train in addition to ad-j army doctors in their examination of the dieting meetings at fifteen cities i their own country men, has si nt at my Garry Herrmann, the Cincinnati mogul and a leading spirit among the organized baseball forces, confesset that he recently had a short talk with President Wcejrhman of the Feds.

He refuses to admit, however, that he talked peace, though it is known that Weeghman is eager to end hostilities. Both sides plan for a war of indefinite length, while the fans, who want peace, groan with anguish. bot made the last touchdown hy an nd run. The second to kick goal failed. lorwant rnsuoevssful.

The university used the forward pass without success, ino-t of its gains Among the Bowlers ODD LANGF 1 (governments announcement that inland towns during the day. lie dlrect-iview of the cancellation of the le.tsejrd his attacks almost wholly at Sen-jof the Great Northern Railway in- ator Holes Penrose, who. he is terests' ore deposits in the Iike Ru- the "prime issue In this campaign." Prior district to the steel corpora- Colonel Uoosove'a declared tonight tion, the government's nclion against that he was sstounded at the ieeep-jelghteen land companies controlled tion he id received throughout th by the Great Northern had narrowed day's tour. "I really believe Clifford 'down to a question of the costs In the Plnehol is going to do better than I present suit. (did in Pennsylvania two years ago," aurgioiis if German naiiunality, especially lo Trieste, for Inspection work.

Iial. Austrian snlijects arein-tensely li'iltated at such treatment. Sinco the la: call lo Ihe colors there li.o. been-it great ekmlus of Italians ami Austvlans fiom Trieste an1' the ''southern pans of tiic tuonan hy, The trains ami steamers ale belli closely watched but persons have escaped by crossing the moun IUTRALITI NOT I VIOLATED, SAI being made on cross-bucks. In thelw last half the university was on the de-jHi tensive, kicking repeatedly.

Once in! A. OUTPOINTED this period the visitors carried the ball 1 Colts 14 7 12 .571 12 111 11 10 .52 1 1 11 10 .521 11 l'l .438 13 is 7 14 .33 defense far-, to the five-yard line, but to penetrate the cadets' ther. Light Santa Fe me government originally wanted I ho added, 'the lease cancelled on the ground that I a 'it gave the steel corporation a mo- Wireless Plant Itc-lorod. inopolistic control of ore bod, in the Xcw York, Oct. tains at.

night, In doing tins they have hardships but ihey II JEFF CLARKE! U. S. OFFICIALS nation of the university from the Grocers avoided tile vigilance of the frontier Fiinnls. ii-aKe lienor region. Since the suit stale championship test.

The institute Royals la scheduled to play the State College! was filed nt Trenton, on October pwm.u r.di() wireless station at uic ii iisu nas oeen aupvrseueci Tuekerton which was I riineii MATCH TOM (.1 IT. Grocers vs. A. A. uj nil ui lunjieiiieiti ueiween ine Mil 'et ot Agriculture? and Mechanic- Arts Thanksgiving" duy.

Tile game was to have been played last Saturday but several Weeks ago, has been rein emiilitlnn MOMN1N9 JOUANAL BACCIAI. LIABCO Winil I MOaNINa JOUANAL fAtClAL LBAB0 Joplin. ort. 2. Pam Langfordl Washington, Oct.

2. iffielals corporation and tho ureat Northern paired and I (1 hill lll'I Kt ll was postponed on account of the condition of the of Poston was outpointed here tonight i today were unable to by Jeff Clark, negro heavyweight of breach of neutrality in the see any nicn me corporation uniJ mlss-iKos The reported Kets a comparatively small amount niivv (U-imruwM will continue li orp lrom thi't Joplin, who was given the popular de- 1 trans-snipmenl of i.erman prisoners rans-shlimient of German prisoners to exercise a strict censorship over the AUKX SHOPS WIN TWO (i.MIi Tile Santa Fc shops team In the handicap bowling league won two games and lost one last at ihe I Drummer alleys In their match with eislon at the end of ten rounds. messages handled. from ihe Japanese cruiser Hizcn toi ltallroad Oppose Occrec. jthe steamer Lock sun.

a German mer- Counsel for the ore interests, how-jehant vfssel in lloiiolulu harbor. Thcver. has announced that the Great i commander of trie Japanese warvhlp. It Northern will oppose decree assess-; lis said, is unquestionably privileged tojlng costs against the ore BIG ATTENDANCE FOR T0RRES-F0WSER BOUT, IN SANTA FE CERTAIN Clarke ia known here, tu obably better known as the 'Tighting Ghost," having- fought Al Smaulding in the HAVE DARK HAIR DELAYS SHIPMENT OF FOOD TO BELGIUM iaV MOANINO JOURNAL BPKCIAL LIAalO WIACI lAindon, Oct. 2 (7:25 p.

in.) The American ceininission fur the relief of sufferers from th- war in llelgliim Was unable to khip ils lirst ciirg. coiistltuting tops of fouilstuffs iil'lll Wed ilesilai because i the ile-lay In the board of trade In granting the necessary liecuse to exporters from Kngland. The commission will bav to replace all lood now being procured in Knslatid for shipment 1L Igiiim by an equal amount brought from some other country. the Colts. The score ef nave laniteii tne new or a vessel on the plru that it would brand these; under the auspices I Cohs The Torres-Fowscr bout will be the a.i,., Tot.

71 I 521 lub. ini- the i.NiW Mexico Athletic Clarke's showing at that time pressed the ring experts. jonn LOOK YOUNG 1 .172 .123 212 winch it had sunk In II. Hiolnlu or any i companies and officers connected-j other port if he did nut care to with them as violators of the nnti- I retain tluni lis prisoners aboard theitiust law. Another Important reason-: ship, or carry Hum to Japan.

for opposition, counsel said, Is that! Likewise of fi. ials pointed out the; under the Clayton anti-trust act re-; 'captain of the I.mlisun acted entirely Irently signed by President Wilson, a I Thurston 1ST 1 4 2 10H nr. 17: 142 I 3i i greatest fistic event In Santa Ke's ring history, according to Mark Levy, director, who was her? yesterday. Three hundred tickets for the event already have been soid and this, of 1 i -ii cm' FRENCH PRETENDER'S -I S5(l INEFFECTIVE PROTEST ttUhin his launch third person could use the decree and out to the Japanese warship lo re- it would lay as prima facie evidence ccive the German j-ailors, provided ho in any proceedings he brought fori t.o..Ha jfruoNAt cai. UAtto thcm on hi wn vessel and I trim i.n.W Crawford Morelli Tota I Santa Fe McPherso'n Wagner Morris Kequadt eourse, represents only part of the at-1 tendance.

For Instancy, probubly fifty Inveterate fans will Journey rom here to the capital to witness the i event after having seen Jack Torres and Frank Fowser so sis vicious' ibody can Tell when you Dai ken Gray, Faded Hair with Sage Tea, DRUMMER ALLEYS I "OK KAF.RCISK. Pails, kt. '2- (12:10 a. The thereby avoided any violation of the! for alleged injury to his business by Duke of Orleans, pretender to the immigration laws of the island. The reason of th'e Illegal lease, if the com breach throne, has written a letter 157 1SD 153 1S5 U5 lliii 123 180 ti 417 50 2 .205 .141.

.128 rounds i "-'v no v. i iti ii-i hi i tlv i .71 tut i tia 4i, i ii in i I ill" Jl rat-lit, itowdUcti i-ui on, aiciiiiisnoo oi i free to leave at any time If her i argument is probably the first court plus. Trj a game of ten 205 West Gold. proceeding where the new Clayton' Grandmother kept her hair darkened, glossy snd abundant It was upon that occasion that Tor-'i res scored i a clean knockdown the first that Fowser ever received in h's lomr ring career. Incidentally the tl llandlcop- Totals .870 Mrt 831 law will come under discussion.

Prices Kept l'p. I with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took rs iineiins, saying mat nis exile, wntc-n never before had been so hard to 47 1 bear, had prevented him earlier a protest against the bom-jbardnient of the Uheims cathedral. I Ileing the son of thoso who for cen- captain is disposed to run the rislc of capture on the high seas by British or Japanese warships. Mince permission was granted lo the captain of the German gunboat (Icier to make pairs in Honolulu Jiurbor the state department heard of no protest oooooooooooooooooooooooooo NATIONALS WIN AGAIN Mr.

Colton. In closing, presented figures to support the government's contention that the steel corporation, WITH VAUGHN IN BOX paries had crowned their kings in the on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking al any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." you will a lirgo bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about B0 cents. Thin along with independent manufacture- showing that Torres made against him here caused Fowser to issue the challenge at the ring side for another scrap. Director Ievy has written to Fowser at Kl Paso, and expects a reply from him within a few days.

The date of the bout will be set then. duke says that his re- jugainsl hir stay there. Regarding the I the the I cathedral, jl, ret over uumage 10 me eouice hi it the price of iron and steel uniformly high through i I rod act 'to nend to San Francisco for some of then loiiiplaius that the -the materia! necessary to repair the most of the years since the organlzii- mixture can be depended upon th ei.niwn Ho no restore natural color and beauty to is extreme. The letter law acts as France. Buy Your lumber, Glass.

Paints and Cement At the SUPERIOR LUMBER MILL CO. instances of where high prices nd 1" splendid fr dandruff. 1 irirv (phu offitn anH foil nn- V.i(r a bar to his lighting forjRhip, it was said at the state deparl-Iment that this properly may be done the Atnericen! 'with the approval of Icx-ued lYoni port officials. Two I1T WORNIfta JOURNAL 8FECIAL LCAatO Winal Pollneh. Idaho, Oct.

2 The A'l-slar Xationala romped h'jme here to-dcy, winning from the Americans, 12 to 1. The Nationals hit Mitchell offerings freely. Costly errors also helped to run tip the score for the vie. lots. Fcore R.

H. K. Nationals .12 11 2 Americans 1 5 2 Catteries: Vaughn and Clark; Mitchell and Henry. HUGHLITT WILL BE IN GAME AGAINST HARVARD SATURDAY Oct. 2H.

A rescue! Pittsburgh, maintained and said that the steel downtown drugs'st corporation sold products cheaper overybodv uses Wyeth's Sage and foreign markets than it did at home Sulphur, because it darkens so natur-and added that this was an Indica-'aiiy and evenly nobody can tell tion of the defendant's purpose to It has been applied it's so easy to use. keep prices up. -too. You simply dampen a comb or Tribute lo Carnegie brush and draw it through your HERO GETS crew from tin the bureau of Pittslnir; mines, COVETED IRON CROSS J0000000000000000C 000000000 WT WfHlM JOUVNAl atCIAU WIM1 Ann Arbor. Oct.

2. For the first time since his arm was dislocated in the gum with the Michigan Agricultural coP'-g'- ten days igo. hurning workings of the Patterson mine of the Pittsburgh Coal company at Kiizabetfi, late today, and rescin alive men. A third man, William Jolls. had been burned to death.

The men had been imprisoned for six hours. Four hundred men are employed In the- mine, but only three were working as the fan house was destroyed by lire a week ago. DUKE CITY Gcancrs- Hatters Tommy HuRhlift, the University (iury OulMdnts Wolga-t. Strealor, Oct. 2fi.

Tommy Gary of Chicago outpointed Ad Wol-(rast, former lhjhtwelght tluimplon, in a ten-round no-dcelsion contest here I Mr. Heed opened his argument f.r sirana Ul a ny i morning the gray hair disappears; af- iar MORNIN9 jouhnal aptciAL ciAteo wiii steel corporation witn a ti imiie lcr nnotncr application ot two. It is Berlin, net. 2 (via The Hague and i to Andrew Carnegie, named as an to its natural color and' looks London, p.

in.) Artificer Luick-j dividual defendant, for his pliilan- glossy, soft and abundant. hardt of a Zeppelin airtsliip crew has throplc work. He said Mr. Carnegie been decorated with the iron cross, in selling his interests to the steel AVimlil You Believe It? first class. While the Zeppelin was corporation did not have in mind any1 People often accept statements with dropping bombs on Antwerp recently monopolistic Intent upon the part of ja sort of mental ns much was detected by a searchlight in the jthe corporation and that he disposed ja.i to say, "'I am not convinced," whie-i itown and a battery showered shells i his ownership in the Carnegie us to remark that there is noth-I around It.

me of the shells shut-1 company to unburden himself of tho Jing that will so thoroughly satisfy you Plione till 220 W. Gold tonight. i of Michigan veteran quarterback, appeared on Ft rry field in football fog this afternoon. Hughlitl handled the ball for a short time and then declared he would be ready lo start i.i the game ualnt Harvard at Cambridge next Fiilurdiiy. Th; ieturn of Hughllit will greatly strengthen the Wolverines but two or three other varsity regulars are still out because of Injuries and probably will not be in shape to face the Crimson.

ti red the framework of a propel-1 heavy weight of business cares and oi me e.tcucnce oi immuci mm MICHIGAN'S LINE PROVES STRONG; YOST TO HAVE MEN AT TOP SPEED BY OCT. 31! jltr, the damage threatening to en-jtirely disable the airship. to devote his time and fortune to help j( migh Itemedy as a personal trial, his fellownicn. -Mrs. John Fishtou, Peru, who Mr.

Heed resented the govern- this remedy In her family for Ih-ment's characterization of Mr; ten years, says ot It, "I always gle us a conspirator to monopolize Chamberlain Cough Itemedy to the steel business and restrain trade. children when sick with coughs or He extended figures to Miow that the -M- 1 Iike 11 ''etter than any ether steel corporation's business is not jb wllllt'Bly and it growing as rapidly us that of inde-i's froln narcotics. It has never BALDRIDGE LUMBER COMPANY PAROID ROOFING with 15-year guarantee. fhe WM. FARR COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AMI SALT MKATN Sausage a Specialty For Cattle and Hogs tho Biggest Market Prices Am I'a Id.

I.uii khardl, when he realized this volunteered to saw off tho prop' Her, whii task he accomplished I in half an hour while clinging fo tho 'shattered framework, feet above i the guii: of the fortress. Later, when he dirigible uot under way and was He also combattid the gov- miinciiaio icnci. cu. speeding at the fate of forty miles nn) Pendents. i.

i a. i i i (r me is coiiU'iiiirn iiuii niv mi'i-i steel I con- i Lak i HARVARD BACKFIELD. EXCEPTING BRICKLEY, BACKJT PRACTICE tV MOWMINS JOUNNAL tFIOAL kCA8IO WINBI I Canilulilge, (let. 26. Har-j card's regular lackfleld.

with the cx-j ci pllon of Captain Rrlckley, who is Knoll from Jou'U nl nitt. II'MH, IjlJUMiH! til r'-IUII f'l IUI1K It'll'. made in her hull hy a shell. i corporation had a monopolistic trol of the ore reserves of the Superior regions. i RECORD-BREAKING PRICES FOR LAM BASTS LUKEWARM I WORKERS IN CHURCHES! iPl' ia HoAN.Na jouanal incut LIAaiO Wl.f I i Atlantic City.

Oct, Sfi, "The by MonieNa journal afftc.AV 1111 wiaci Scuttle, Oct. 2ti. Club 'wheal sold ill Seattle today at $1.11 per or to th? farmer, the I higher price ever paid on this niar-i ket for tile export trade. The high 1 level in Ain-'ust was thirteen ci nls tin convalescent after an operation for appendicitis, got together In practice today for the first time In many wee-Its to tune up for the Michigan game next Saturday. Hardwick, Mahan and Logan were sufficiently recovered from their Injmies to go through light practice with Uradlee.

the only one of the regular backfield ho has not been crippled. niost HcrbitiH thing faced by the churches today, particularly the Hap- CAMEL CijrareMes 20 for JOc are a blend of choice I lisi, is luniiMieu oy Mil' O'-n- 'Wlin, imanv of whom arc nothing more than ql7 lK'Sn anddomestlC Icier this, figure. Local grain buyers i ireless I tobaccos. Thev will not bite parch yoof jsiiy that purchaser for the United religious fire occa-jyour tontJUC or Kingdom, lo whom the wheat will go, fimi thincs al- iv jtKl -A J's -aJ were not particular as to the r'r''. 1 was ihe statement of! I hW "Wh i Mathews of the university You haven't money enough to He suppiliil.

(lf (-n t.lwro an lili before the. I The normal exjau basis is. seventy New delightful Cigarette to cents and buyers usually A reat num.r of deacons, I Pf-WU Of Coupons IXMJTBALIj Mt)HlS. At Okla. -Oklahoma A.

and M. College CO; Baylor University 0. At Jackeon, Miss. Cniversily of Mississippi Mississippi College 7. cease op rations, when the market, ho (JIP pnriisites who could make you change over from Camels if youll eivt I throttle the work of the minister.

reaciies the top figure, in-miany nas not yet appeared In operations on the not tii Pacille. them a try-out. Cigarettes Momlnrtar Trims i'wlirau. pes Moines. Oct.

2. Ora MoininKstar defeated Welker Coeh-j ran, 400 to 2l, In a hllliurd players' league mutch here tonight. 'BELGIAN RECRUITS, SECURED IN ENGLAND SECRETARY GARRISON SPEAKS IN TRENTON! i r-p I ti-reaU dsn ire Hut loll. Newport News, Oct. 26.

acot haefer defeated George Hulton, 40u to 304, In a players' league rnatcli here toniglit. 7 IB1 MOttN.NH JOimNAL BACClAl Lfl ABBO WllAll London, Oct. 20 (10:05 p. in.) Among the many thousands of Belgian refugees in Kngland are large numbers of officers and men of the Belgian army, and the Belgian legation has opened a bureau in order to Stake a dime on the Camel today. Do not look for premiums or coupons: as the cost of the tobaccos in Camel Cigarettes prohibits their use.

If your dealer can't supply you, end 10c for one package or $1.00 for a carton of ten packages (200 cigarette! pottage prepaid. After smoking 1 package, 'f you don't find CAMELS represented, return the other nine packages, and we will refund your money. llSlli ioc piiy 'ST MOANINa JOURNAL a.aCIAL LI ABAO W.Afl Trenton, N. Oct. 26.

Secretary of War Llndley M. Garrison spoke litre tonight at (icmooratio mass meeting and extolled the administration of President Wilson. He made a facilitate their return to active ser- plea to Jersevmen to stand by the vice with the army in the field. It Cull.f Ijoseu to Muskogee, Oct. SS.

-Calvin remrest defeated Albert Cutler. 40U to 323, in a billiurd players' league match here lonlght. has also established two stations, one in Loudon and one in Folkestone, where refugees suitable Expected to star in Harvard game. Gait (left) and Maulbetseh. With Michifran'g string of victories unhroken, the idea is gradually be-irinninu to prevail that the line cannot be as weak as was thought early in.

the season. Thus Yost has a stronir all-round team, which will be ffoing at top speed when the Wolverines meet Harvard, October Two Michigan stars who are expected to do their share toward humbling the crimson 4r Gait and Maulbetech. president, "himself a Jersey man." "To defeat the democratic party ill this election," Mr. Garrison said, "would be to discredit President Wilson and the democratc party and advertise that honest-minded, hardworking representatives were not wanted in public office." TORKKSH DOMBSTICi Ki.V- for military setvi.e in ihe Belgian army will be enlisted. It Is announced that men under 3u will be accepted and retired military men up lo years.

J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WiMtoa-Salem, N. C. Morns on fsoutli Pole.

Iluenos Aires, Oct. -The British Antarctic expedition, headed by Lieutenant Sir Krnest H. f-hackleton, departed southward today..

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