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Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico • Page 3

Albuquerque, New Mexico
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THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1909. of lctory for the Varsity. It wna a great game and the Vur ally men deserve much credit for the MniMletl, Quhw A Oovla. JO victory. Kvery man on the team MaiiUt-lL AlbwiueMoe, X.

gHere'o a played football all th time. Kvt-t'S' player wan in every play nnd that was what wdn the game. While some of the individual players, of course, played more brillianty than other, it witk because they were Just naturally cleverer men. they any hard er man tn others, ft any man on Washington Suit thut will ilcax any Man nilli good, ml IiIimmI hi his vein. It well lialanced at every mliil Ktyllsh, but not extreme Artintitt, yet comfortable.

It Is dcslgiKvl for the Muu a)reelaUss a good Hult, liul itclehK ctuggcrtitioii. The Materials are clievioti ami Worsteds In the new eolorlnc of t.ravs. I Hues and Drubs. The prices will sou ml familiar, fur every st oi quotes them, WITH AT $15 TO MO. the Varsity eleven played art unusual ly fine game.

It wan "Doc" Cornish s. the clever little quarterback. Ill better team work. Hoth teams rd't'(l 1 largely on the old styB amnshlng game? and only now and then was there a Hash of the new and more open game. Wisconsin tried the forward pass several times and only two of thes wer successful.

Northwestern did not use this play until near the end of the and this one attempt failed dismally. Anderson, the new Wisconsin end. was the star of the game. His end runs, 'On end ffike punts, gained many yuriU. SKICIOIS W'CIDKXT HS KST 1HHXT AMI" West Point, X.

Oct. A. Byrne, of Jluffalo, a member of thf senior class, of the Pulled States Military academy and tackle on the 'varsity foot bull eleven, lies' In tile cadet hospital tonight, senil-eonsclous and partly paralysed because of Injuries received today In the game with Harvard, when he was subjected lo terrific pressure In a scrimmage. His condition Is critical. The accident, following closely upon the Injury to Midshipman Wilson, who sustained a El Paso Cade to Go Down to magnificent punts were the feature of the content.

Cornish used his head well and managed the team in fine shape. Alien, Price, McConiiell und (Jalles were on the job all the time and were big factors in the game. Defeat Before Brilliant Work of Varsity Eleven To Coach McUlrnle belongs much WW) ii of credit for yesterday's victory. The difference in the team yesterday find a week ago was indeed mrprislng. The where ue win Is lit khoulug- hetler Still at these X.

prlcin than the money ever bought tiefiire. Hie proof Is slHmlng you. not telling you. Will you stop hi for a lnokf Im. mandell Fine Clothing and Furnishings The men showed a wonderfully Im FIFTEEN TO NOTHING proved form of playing.

1 I The line-up yesterday was as fol WASHINGTON CO. NEW YORK mmu m.tvnnm i I of tin- iriiiny Varsfly rooters on tin' fpec tiitors' aide of lh field, th U. X. M. nu gradually and Meudily worked i tovvunlH thidr rouI.

Yard "tiy yard, 'with fu-rce line olunses, frasliins end I I II us and pretty plow, the Varsity lioya IcircPii tht'ir way to within fif-I tern yimlH of the Wtth only lows: Varsity Selva, center: Salsbury, right guard: Arens, right tackle: Hamilton, left guard: McConnell, left tackle; Gallon, left end: McKle, right IN FAVOR OF end; Allen, right half; olero, full back; Price, left half; Cornish, quar U.M1 terback. Cadets Sorensen. center; White, three minute to ornlKn. quitr-trilmck for tin Viirhity, urn-d l.lx lu-ad and hands to the heft adxanluice. With quirk snappy niDals, he called out play after Jiluy and back titter buck, until the hatl vyhr within three yards of the coveted Ron) line.

Final- rght guard; Woods, right tackle; fracture of the fifth vertebra nt Annapolis two weeks ago today, hits aroused a feeling of uneasiness among the cadets thut the government may take some action to curtail foot ball. Pyrin- who Is CI years old. Is a son of John liyrne, former chief of police, of HufTalo. The father, who attended the game when he saw his son lying unconscious on the field, after a scrimmage, sprung from his seat nnd riii i his Inured boy and helped care for him. Mrs.

liyrne was Informed of the accident tonight and will arrive in West Point in the morning, The Johnson, left guard; (1. C. McCoy, left ftik)e; Batemitn, left end: Klliott, riglft i-nd: J. righ half; VISITORS UNABLE TO SCORE ONE POINT Locals Play Aggressive, Concentrated Game, Whitewashing Military Boys and Re- the ball panned to and he nnd "Doe" went noklntr through fur the final three yard. Pandemonium broke loose unions the Varsity roolerx.

Allen kicked a pretty Koul and the score was nx to nothing with thirty seconds to play. The Second Half. The story of the i-eeonil half is a army surgeons are attending young liyrne an ilthey hope for his ultimate recovery, but his condllton Is ex Andeuion, full back: Woolen, left half; Van Surdam, quarterback. Referee, Staab; umpire, Stainin; timekeeper, Devinc. l-'etd Last Mglit The cudetH were the guests of honor at a pleasant social dance given by the iversity students In Elks' lodge room last night.

The bulb's wore 'if-tired in Hallowe'en costume. The battle on the gridiron between the Cadets and Vursity men was forgotten in the general good time last night and the visitors left for Kl Paso at an early this morning well pleased with the treatment accorded them in Albuquerque. TEXACO RQOFIING The Roof without a leak. Made of All-wool Felt and Pure Bitumen. It withstands heat and cold, and is the most economical Roofing in the World.

The Texas Company Petroleum and Its Products. Albuquerque, N. M. tremely grave. Young liyrne weighs ITU pounds Hyrtie ami they hope for bis ultimate I Tl I repetition OI nil' iirM, lilt- uiu.v mi- UUCIIIIIIli I IICl Motived lUMferen.e being that the Varsity made and as strong and rolcist.

Loss of Contest Tuesday, The fact that a complete diagnosis lias been made leaves the possibility thai. Hyrne may have lien injured arsity One, two, three, four, live, seven, eight, nine, ten eleven. tlx, HOPK PENNSYLVANIA OUTPLAYS INDIANS nine points a touchdown, a kick from the twenty-five yard line and a punt from the field by Determined to even up the score ami go back home with something to show for their trip, the Kl Paso men commenced the second half very aggressively. The Varsity kicked oft and the ball went hounding away down near Kl Paso's goal. The Cadets carried it unite distance before being downed.

Then began series of. line plunges, forward passes and savage wedge plays which almost swept the V. X. men oft" their feet. Dili I N.I I It I I' MIDSHIPMAN' Annapolis, Oct, No hopes ure XXXXXXOOOOQCOOOOOOOC (CoiiIIiiihiI front Page 1, Col.

7.) university defeated the Culver-slty of Pittsburg today, to (t. twelve, thirteen fourteen fifteen t'a- dele nothing. I'. X. M.

Itah, j-ali, rah, hoorah, hoorali, I'. X. rail, rah. Completely Mvcpt olf their feet liy the terrific onslaughts made attainst their line, oulneneralleil in clever trick plays ami completely surprised by the manniPlcetit form of their op- -pcinepts. the Cadet team from the Kl Paso Military institute went down to Ignominious defeat before the speedy I'ltlxrrslty of Xew Mexico eleven on the Traction park gridiron yesterday The game was a spiendid exhibition rugby and the iarge crowd of lovers of the sport who witnessed the content were well repaid for their journev to the park.

It was a lean I i I entertained for the recovery of Midshipman Wilson, tile crack quarter hack of the naval academy team, ho was injured two weeks ago In the game with Vila Nova when he suiter-ed a fracture of the fifth vertebra, although he is resting quietly tonight. His Injury, is upparently similar to that suffered today by Cadet liyrne in the West Pnint-Harcurd game. The navy brigade as whole sent a telegram expressing sympathy with the corps of caib-ts at West Point when they learned that Cadet Byrne's injury was serious. Holy Cioks I'Msy for Dartinoulli. Hanover, X.

Oct. SO. Dart mouth easily defeated Holy Cross to day 12 to 0. Syractiw Hopelessly llenicii. Ann Arbor.

Oct. 30. flyra Fighting and pushing all the way the Kl Paso boys got the ball to within fifteen yards of the X. M. goal.

The Varsity took a brilliant brace right jihen and there, however, and held the Cadets for three downs. The Varsity was unable to make much headway and punted. Kl Paso tried a forward pass, which proved fatal for their side. Cornish was on the job and made big hurdle for the ball. I Fighting his way through nnd shak-' ing off enough Cadets to form a corporal's guard.

"Doc" had made a (use was beaten 43 to 0 by Michigan this afternoon. The Michigan form rl fly so demoralized week ago. was splendid. The blocking and tacking which well Tc Mis Downs Christians Austin. Oct.

Ho. In a played game this afternoon thi versity of Texas won from Christian university, 24 to fl. hiiVe, been Michigan's weak points this year were the strong points of today's cut. decisive vletory for the Varsity. Karly in Die game the Kl I'aso players saw that the I'.

X. team was in (he contest for -victory, anxious to redeem themselves for the game at Kl I'aso last Tuesday, in which the Varsity boys were worsted eleven to nothing. Hy worsting the visitors yes All aboard for the following Hotel, Summer lteort, etc. Tou can war knock-about olotheg at a drum ault, flan, hunt Kail or camp, play tennl, golf, bowl, dane or line youmelf among shady nook and quiet ratreata. Illustrated literature, maps and Information on tb following advertlaed tmorta and hotelg will IM furalabM promptly at the Morning Journal offlca.

-j playing. The game was replete with sensations. Ml second half Wasmund took a pun'ed ball on his own thirty-five yard l4e and running through the entire team, covered the beautiful twenty-yard run before, be was brought to the earth with a resounding whack. This play took the starch out of some of the Kl Paso boys and the rest was easy. With the ball within fifteen yards of the Al ill.slance to Vyractise's goal.

Ten min Dyron Hot Oprlncc utes later Borlcske, Michigan's left Oldest nnd utrongcitt In th outhwert. Kntlr yenr, any time. Poaf-tloim aeettred. Write for catalogue. K.

K. ISAACti, IVratdeqt. ami end. received 'l forward pass from Allerdicc ami rare.l down the field for yards for a touchdown. Oilier t.

allies. At St Joseph Haskc II Indians. 14: liolla School of Mines, 10. At Washington Washington and Jefferson, 4 Wayuesburg College 0. At Nashville, Teun.

Vmiderhilt 17; Mississippi, 0. At Hanover Dartmouth, 12; Holy i 'ross, 0. At Providence Proven, 12; Massachusetts Agricultural. 3. At Indlanapolis-i Depauw, 13; Butler, (5.

At Laramie, Wvo. Colorado College, 41; Cniverslty of Wyoming, At Williams' defeated Cornell 3 to 0 Hamburger linlldlng, I. on Ao-cIcm, al. (Juarant-rvd to cure rheutnatlo gout and nclatha whero no other organic dlscuee cxlstii. 3 l3 hour from Han Francisco.

Buy ticket! and cheek buggagu direct to Hyrnn, Cal. D-llg'ntful tnvlrontnent; one of California's ben hotel. Addrciw Manager, Hyroti Hot Springe Hotel Gain 'or booklet. i from a. frneturw Of tbo sikall received In a birvum bout in a toiirniimcnt held by the I'htladelphbi athletic club, HI) opponent wua Harry Haber, 21 year old.

He waa arrested. The Itrb 1st loading athletic oi-gn nlssalion. man In a power a new mark by driving luu inllea In Armiroiig in an Kxcelnlor made- a mile In I :02 3-5, declared to be the fas-lent ever made bv a ulug-le cv Under machine on a dirt -el; WELL KNOWN FIGHT PROMOTER IS DEAD HOTEL ORENA Los Anfjoloo torocr Nevcnllt ami tlitw Sla. Henutlfiilly furnished. Hlghesit cIhui.

Very lxiw Hummer Kntee. Itarii Stoi'tnet'H 1'luy Tie Cortland, Ocl. Kit III Interfered with ii sharply contented game here today between the Philadelphia Americans and the AII-Htar-NatloiialH, and nceiKsllalcd ltm being cnlleit III thf a'xth inning with the wore to I. Heore AthU-tlCH 1 f' 3 A II -Nationals 0 Mender and Thomas; t'urtln and in Willu- llrilt siiccuiulw Suddenly I'ranclwo lIOMpllnl. buquerque goal, the N.

M. men made three successful line plunges. Then Cornish seized a very opportune time to make a hole through center. Iiefore the Cadets knew what was vvhu-t "Doc" was on the other side of the goal posts chewing a blade of alfalfa grass. Allen kicked the goal and the score was twelve to zero fer-lilust the Cadets.

The final play, which netted Alliu-queruqe three more points was Indeed brilliant football. With some eight minutes to play, the Varsity got the hall on a fumble nnd carried it within twenty yards of the goal on a forward pass. The pass was disqualified because it had been made inside the scrimmage line and the bnl' was brought, back to the twenty-five yard line, to addition the Varsity wns penalized fifteen yards for the play, and it looked rather bright for I I Paso. The Caib-ts held the New Mexicans for three downs. When the soldiers got the ball they tried a punt.

A Varsity man fell on the ball. With less than a minute and a half to play the Varsity ni'-n realized tint making a touchdown from the wenty-five-yard line was no child's play. It was decided to utt'-mpt a kick from the held and Cornish placed a beautiful Princeton pulll right square between the goal posts. The punt netted the Varsity three points, making the. score a total of fifteen to nothing.

It was all over then but the shouting. With only thirty seconds to play the teams lined up, but before the ball could be kicked o(T the sharp blaat of the referee's whistle announced the ending of the game. The Varsity players Slore Tliliu In Too Mneh, To maintain henlth, a mature man or woman tieedri Jnxi enough food to repair the vvaidn and nupply energy and body heat, Tlio habitual conHiim-ptlon of more food than In nereawary for these purposes l.i the piiino cause of stomach troublea. rlicumatlion and dlHordem of the kidney. If troubled with Indigestion, your diet, lot roanon and not appetite control and take a few doses cha niberlaln'a Stoiniieb and I.lver Tablet, and you will noon In; all riKbt again, Kor ku1 by all dnn'glKtK.

San KranelMoo, (let. 30. WJllun the well known Biortin: man Outing Suits of tills city and brother of the former lightweight champion. JunieH Kdvvard ISrltl, middeilty tbia uflernooii at St. Joseph's hospital.

r.ritt wan for Navy Shows Improved Team Annapolis, (let, 30. Although defeated by two points by Princeton, the X.ivy. in the garni' this afternoon, showed such marked improvement In form as to give her supporters great encouragement. 'The score was 5 to ,1 in the Tiger favor, the Navy's tally being luade uu a neat placement goal from the 30 yard line by Dalton. Princeton's touchdown was the result of straight line plunging In which Tiger IJecf wa inure than the midshipmen could withstand.

P.alletl failed in his try for a goal. The game during its initial period was one in which the superb punting or Dalton kept the ball in Princeton's territory most of tin- time. Aside from this punting, the navy was at a dlsadva-ntage most of the time, although Dalton and Utchurdson oc-casl nally got through for good line gains. Princeton's score was made on straight plunging. Illinois Defeats Piuduc Champaign.

Oct. SO -The Cni-versity of Illinois defeated Purdue university 2 4 to today. The score at the end of tin- first half stood: Illinois Purdue, 6. In the second half the Illinois team played in whirlwind style and scored three touchdowns quickly. Purdue was continually on the defensive, Indiana ins I n-1 St.

I.ouis, Oct. 30 The rast football tam of Indiana university defeated St. I.ouis university eleven here today 30 to 0. B. H.

BRIGGS DRUGGISTS terday the I X. M. boys demonsiral-their superiority on the gridiron, healing the Cadets to a standstill and making three more points than the soldier bo made over them in tin-former game. The only thing the Kl Paso boys had over the, local boys was their forward passes. 111 several occasions Van Surdam, who was easily the star for the visitors, threw pretty forward passes, good for substantial gains.

Tin-passes, however, were worked both ways. rai times they were unsuccessful, and Varsity men got hold of the to the disaster of the Cadets. The revolving wedge plays, used with such good effect by the Cadets in Tuesday's game, went for naught yesterday. In fact, tin- Cadets were ke'pt busy guessing all the time. Whether on the offensive or defensive plays, the Varsity men were on the job the time persistent, nggres-sive and determined.

While their victory over the visitors was decisive and complete, Varsity boys earned their points by the sweat of their brows. The Cadets proved stubborn find resourceful. Van Surdam always had something new. He never gave up. Kvon when the on- was fifteen to nothing, with tin- ball on the tweii-ty-nrd line, and with on'y a half minute to play, Van insisted there was plenty of time for a touchdown, Kl I'aso kicked off in the first half and the battle was on.

It was a bat-lie Unit sent lie- blood racing through the veins of tin- spectaters. Situations that made tin- goose-flesh rise i-ame and went with the freiUeix-y of the rent collector. The Varsity managed to hold the ball for several downs, but it finally i-iianged hands. With the ball in Kl Paso's hands, nun began heir defensive work. The Cadets started to pull off brilliant forward passes and trick plays.

The failure of a forward pass and the persistency with whieh the Varsity men tackled and held the militiamen seemed to take a little of the confidence (Hit of them. With the ball well up in Kl I'aso territory, it reverted back to 1', X. M. again. Then begun an uphill fight Into which every Varsity man threw his whole heart and foul.

I'lged on by the lusty cheers and "lls merly manager of Stanley Ketchi-I. liatling Nelson und other j)tigllit. Drill became ill about a week ago but IiLm malady did not reveal tilarm-Ing- syinptoniM until y('terda. Ileal Ii was due lo hemorrhage of tint xtom- fu h. shipment are lilies cHrpetn and received, a large A Insl' i They Alhert ruber, I iirfl1.crtei".

Proprietor of Altarailo Pharmacy, Cor. tiold Fist; Highland Pharmacy, Cor. butt Central and Hroata Auto Itii-ord Iti-okcii nl llalla-. Iiiillnf. (Jet.

30. Two recordf were broken in the state fair uiitomo-bile ruei-H here today. Itobert Unr- CHICHESTER PILLS r. 1 UK 1H MOM IIB M. I 'Vj-? jf7fl.

l.adlMt (yVV l-'or Son- Tlinait. Sudden Cold and G'VtJJBbi CHI. in k4 i-l -I I wrt.ulAV 'lf-l t.otcli aod Holler laiclieil Chicago, Oct. an. Frank (ioleh, champion wrestler of the world, and I Jr.

II. I toiler of Sea I tie wer matched todav to wreytle lu the arena of tile Missouri Athletic club at annas City on the night of November The bout will be to a finish, best two In three falls catch lis catch can Covins Hunt l-'alnl. t'ougli no remedy ha.i been discovered twiwerftil to cure an Perry 1mK Painkiller. Ah a l.lnlnieiit it lias no equal In curing FthomiiBt lam or irnKi-t. mi iii.i in s-rraa tlMdOMk PIIANU I 14 yral.iM,wn 11 yKliille SOLO BY DRtf.filST VtRYlHtKC ralgia.

Inirim and bruises, and wotirnJn Of every (legorlptioti. it is the cheapest ami best roniedy offered to the public. Only 35c for big bottle. cunvvnor, GOV'T CANVAS Good for Calif or. ula.

New Mexico, or wherever yo mny wander. WIUTE Vi. ebio-l raBBaBBBBBMBBi There are other also, 2ue sino I'hllaib lphla. (Jet. J.i years old, died wore fairly mobbed by their admirers.

Soni" of them were half carried off the field. I libers ran away to escape congratulations. Th" rooters formed together and their shouts could have easily been heard in Kancho.s ile Atriseo. seven miles away, (nice hark In the elly. the inders joined fori es at Central avenue and Second street and niaiH- the air hideous with their yells.

The Kl Paso boys were not for hue. FRENCH fEULE FILLO. lingll-li Pilgrims Victorious St. Louis. Oct.

311. The Pilgrims, of 4 Bii. rm.i i tor Mrat Mawri0TtM lltVtft TMAIi. bt rhct tt j-if rMr th Kngland, tlefeuted an All-Western i team here today in a football game for the Sir Ernest Cochrane up. THE WM.

H. H0EGEE CO. tSH-40'U fi. Main LM AofekM MCOiCftL t. Pft.

UNirri SEND US gotten by the yen masters, nowever. and "What's the matter -with Paso she's fill were ylln frequently interspci sed with tin- shouts I Mold in i. Albiiqiieritne by O'Klrllr tin. valued at The score 4 to 0. Hecktcr Caxtwood.

of lie Kngllsli team suffered a severe injury to his i left eye and muy lost the sight of that member. Nebraska Defeat Hohii i Lincoln, Oct. go. won' zz Try a Morning Journal Want Ad Try a Morning Journal Want Ad I Iron) Donne at football today, 11 to 0. Kansas Im-cjh- I Good Work Toppka.

Oct 3ti. Kansas university kept her season's record clean today by defeating Washburn college, to o. Sensational tackling and fast playing characterized the game. Special Attention Given to STOVE REPAIRS NATIONAL FOUNDRY COMPANY Your old Soft and Stiff Hats to be cleaned and remodelled into the latest styles. We will return them to you made over into up-to-date shapes, in the same condition as new hats fresh from the factory.

Our Prices are Reasonable Hats made to order any Style desired. A trial will convince you that we are the only practical hatters in the southwest. Line lalnl to Iowa. tut. The t'ni EXCURSION Via National Railways of Mexico $25.00 U.

S. Currency 11 Paso to Mexico City and Return Holders of round trip ticket to Kl P.imi I'alr und Imposition, issued by all lines, can have limit eUomlecl fifteen day Tor (hi- side trip excursion l.v payment of o(t rents I S. currency ami ticket- with agent tit Kl Pft'o of is-uiiig line. TICKKTS ON M.K 1ST 111 Bill. IV I.KMVK, with lion I return limit fifteen da from date, of sale.

I'or tickets. Pullman reocriatiiuiw nnd other Information call on Ticket A-rents. Hi Ticket orficp. Postal Tele graph or iiion Station. Weak I Iowa Clt; verstu of Iowa slate I all Mi'soui i today defeated college, to 1 Iowa her iiiilnn In the second if i half.

Tows' detent was cwused pri marily by u-ea imes in the line daring the firl half and by an erratic offense. Iowa felt the absence the guard. Alexander. Ilonlon suflered onenssion the brain from a kick In the head nnd became hut recovered tonight and will recover. Albuquerque foundry Machine Works Two Good Molders Wanted Albuquerque Foundry 'Machine Works BOUTON a DUFFY Practical Hatters ALBUQUERQUE.

NEW MEXICO A. Eseontiias City Ticket Agent, A. Dulchery City Pass. Agent El Paso. Texas.

l-coii-iii Wins I'rom Vortliuexlcrn Kvanston. t. na Wisconsin defeated Northwestern 21 in II in a hard battle on the new Northwestern fl. Id today. Wisconsin displayed fnr more knowledge of both new and "id football thu did their and 1.

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