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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PACT FOUJi BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 194S Amelia Saliba, Society Editor 44G1 $rlrs. Hale Entertains Nueve Club, Guests i Hale was hostess last when she entertained with dessert bridge for members of the Nueve Club and several guests. Included Mrs. Rouse Harp, 'Mrs. Dick White, Mrs.

Robert MM. Newt Whltls, Mrs. James Brooks, Mrs. Russell H. Farr Mrs.

Johnson Blackwell. Dessert were Miss Peggy Bujarskl Mrs. John R. McDonald of St. Joe, Fla.

Spring flowers In pastel shades In silver bowls were used to dec- the entertaining rooms of the home, which took on a festive of spring. The dining table Tfrom which assorted party foods served buflet style was covered 'with handmade cloth ot lace niitl centered with an attractive ar' rangement of pansles In a low silver bowl. White topers In silver candelabra Hanked the centerpiece. McDonald, who Is a sister hostess, poured the coffee. In the evening games, Mrs.

Coleman Stevens won high score with Weldon Rainwater receivlne second high. Mrs. Farr received high for the guests. Mrs. Hopper Honored At Demiie Fowler Home Mrs.

Norman Hopper was honored last night when Mrs. Dennic Fowler and Mrs Stella Dnvls entertained with a surprise shower at Mrs. Fowler's home. Various parly games und contests were plnyed during the evening with prizes being won by Mrs. U.

Talc and Mrs. Jessie Clark. The home was decorated with nrrnngemcms of spring flowers. The hostesses served a sandwich plate with Iced drinks. Mrs.

Cauclill Hostess To Bridge Club, Guests Mrs. Giurnrd Ciuiciill was hostess yesterday when she entertained the Tri-Town Bridge Club and five guests, Mrs. Dick White, Mrs. Charles Affllck, Mrs. Mclvin Halsell, Mrs.

Mavis Scttleinlrc and Mrs. Jerry Edwards. During the bridge giunos prizes for the club members were presented to Mrs. Russell H. Farr arict Mrs.

Bits of News Mostly Coming Events Social Calendar J.H.S. Band to Present Concert Friday Night Mrs. Whitley Is Hostess To La Petite Club, Guests Mrs. Ben Harpole, Mrs. E.

M. Terry and Mrs. A. R. Wetenkamp were guests yesterday together with members of the La Petite Club Eric Whitley entertained it her home.

High went to Mrs. Harpolc in the afternoon gamas with Mrs Wetenkamp receiving second high. Potted hydrangeas plant and other spring flowers were arranged throughout the home. A dessert course was served by ttw hottesi. Birthday Party Given For Joe Lynn Atkins Jot Lynn Atkins celebrated his birthday yesterday when his James C.

Guard. Mrs, White and Mrs. Afflick received the guest prizes. Arranged throughout the home were; vases of iris, narcissi and other spring flowers. The hostess served refreshments of a sftlad plate.

Mrs. Poetz Entertains Club Eight and Guest Mrs G. Poelz was hasten yesterday wlien sh': entertained members of Club Eight anil one guest, Mr.3 Vu'non Thomas.son, at her home nt 1214 Chicknsawbn. Crystal vases of Talisman rases and mired spring flowers in soil shades were attractively arranged in the rooms where bridge was pliiy- ed. Mrs Graham Sudbury won high in the bridge games with Mrs.

Otto receiving second high A du £ert course was served by the during the allcrnoon. Condition of Mrs. Cui'MUi Alley, who underwent 1111 operation at Walls Hospital Siilurdny. is much Improved She is now at her home at the Velerans Housing Quarters In Blyti.eville. Mr.

and Mrs. R. D. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Phillips visited in WilllaiD.sbiiiJ!. Vn. While in the city, they were Kiiest.s at Wil- liiimsburg Lodfje anti viewed several of the butldlnss that have been restored or reronslnictci. us they were two centuries ano. Mrs.

Penrl Hires returnee' homo yesterday from Union City. I where she was the guest for three weeks of her daughter, Mrs. J. w. Dunn, Mr.

Dunn and hlldren. Jimmy and Mary Ann. Condition of 'Mrs. Hob White, who was dismissed yesterday from Walls Hospital where she underwent, a major operation. Is much Improved.

She Is now her home. 023 park, and Is able to have visitors. Mrs. O. O.

Harrtaway returned from Tcxarkana where she visited with friends and relatives for a week. Mrs. Chester Burnham and son Danny and Mrs. Milford Miller were the dinner guests Sunday night ol Mr. and Hays Smith and family in Wcsl Memphis.

Mr. and Mrs. Vcrnon Thomasson have as their guests. Mr. Tliom- asson's parents, Mr.

ami Mrs. George Thomasson of Sandovnl. 111. They plan to be here the remainder of the week. Mrs.

Ellis Wlicolrr Is now at her home after having dismissed from Walls Hospital where she 1ms been undergoing treatment for the past two weeks. Condition ot Mrs. Wednesday The Junior Service Auxiliary will have T. special meeting at 8 pin, hi the Chamberof Commerce rooms, Thursday TI'C Thursday Night Club will be at the home of Mrs. CTeiirge Slllvwll.

The Phebean Su School Class of the First Baptist Church will meet at the chur at 7:30 for a pot luck supper and business meeting. The School Band Banquet will be held in the school lunchroom at 6130 p.m. Nu Mi) will have call mooting nl the home of Mrs Fred Childs nt 8 p.m Btytheville Rook Clul) will meet at the hume of Mrs. Elva Poe, Mrs James Hill Jr. will entertain the Octette Club.

Mrs. Date Horn will be hostess to the Thursday Rook Club. Mrs, 15111 Cillbow will entertain the Avnlon Bunco Club The L. E. W.

Club will meet the home ol Mrs. Glen Harrington Tile Thursday Contract Club will tic entertained at the home Mrs. Rodney Banister. Mrs. II.

II. llnuchlus will be hostess to the Mld-Week Club The Gosnell w.S.C.S. will meet at the church at 2:30 p.m. Friday Ritual ol Jewels and Pledge Ritual of the Delta chapter ol I3tla f-'lijiiiii Phi will be held at Noble Hotel at 3 p.m. Childrens registration for Surtlmry School to be held at the Health Office from 1 to 2 p.m Mrs George D.

Pollock Jr. will entertain the Friday Contract Club. Mrs. Paul Bynnn will be hostess to the C.B.C. Club.

The Blytheville High School Band under direction of Robert A. jlpscomb will present Its annual ipring conceit Friday at 8:15 p.m. City Hal! auditorium. The concert Is co-sponsored by the Blythe- Ille Departing somewhat from the conventional type of concert the band will present a large lumber of popular and semi-popular featuring compositions such ns "IJtlle Rhapsody In Blue" "Embraceable You," and 'The Man 1 Love" by George Gershwin, and modern boogies. The majorettes do special dance and twirling routine to "Trombone Boogie" which features the buss section.

In another part of the program, the band will go Latin American with "Overture Argentina," "Mexican Overture," and "Badinage foi Brasses." These numbers will be balanced by the melodic strains of such selections as "When Day Is Done," and "Chapel Shrine." li addition to a roster of rousing marches. Another feature of the concer will be the specialty numbers prc ientcd by soloists, ensembles, he majorettes. mother, Mrs. Joe Atkins entertained 30 of his friends with a party at ttw home, 1513 West Ash. Each guest was presented a cellophane hat as they arrived.

During the afternoon the children played with various toys and flash pictures were made of the group. They were given favors of whistles and balloons. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with tlie traditional birthday cake topped with tiny candles. Refreshments of and cream were served. Mrs.

Atkins was assisted in serving by twelve of the childrens mothers who attended. Mrs. Ash Complimented With a Surprise Shower Mrs. Herbert Mulltns was hostess last night when she entertained with a surprise shower complimenting Mrs. Floyd Ash.

Twenty one guests attended the affair which was held at her home. During the evening bunco was played with high score being won by Mrs. Grover Whittle, bunco by Mrs. L. T.

Burnham and low score by Mrs. Hershell Croft. Following the games tlie honoree was presented her gifts and refreshments of a desert course was served by the hostess. The home was decorated with attractive arrangements of tulips iris and spirea. Tuesday Bridge Club Meets with Mrs.

Jones The Tuesday Bridge Club was en tertalned yesterday with a luncheo I at the home of Mrs. Riley Jones i Manila. Tlie two course luncheon was serv cd at the dining table which wa centered with a striking arrange ment of yellow tulips In a crysta bowl. Boquets of tulips in assorte colors were used to decorate th rooms where bridge games wer played. High score went to Mrs.

Ma Reid during the afternoon gam with Mrs. W. C. Higginson winnln second high. Regular Meeting Held By Demonstration Club TI.e T.OIIP Home Demonstration Ckrb met Monday at the community kitchen for their regular with 13 members and two new members.

Mrs. Ray Thomas and Mrs. Goldie Doran, present. The eye opener was fancy pillo-v cast's. Gertrude Ho Jim an, county home demonstration agent, pave brief talk on cancer.

Mrs. Forrest Moore presided during the bnsine.v. at which limp it was voted to have a rest camp. Following (he devotional by Mrs. Jack Robinson.

Miss Mildred prestnlc'i slides of a modern kitchen v.lilch Included the proper lighting. The gioup was dismissed with the repenting of the Lord's Prayer. During the social hour an auction o'. fids was held and refreshments were served by the hostesses Irs. H.

O'Neil and Mrs. Cecil riest. Civic Calendar Thursday Rotary Clul). Hotel Noble- 12:10 p.m. Educrtior Committee.

Chamber of Commerce p.m. Mississippi County T. B. Association p.m. Osccola, Ark.

Community Service Council. City Hai! p.m. Wheeler, who suffered heart attack at her home, Is much improved and she Is now iible to have visitors. Mrs. John R.

McDonald and three children of Port St. Joe, are spending several days here ns guests ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy W.

Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. J. n.

Brady or Manila are the parents of a daughter born April IS at Walls Hospital. The couple's first child, she has been named Jnnie Donita. Mrs. Brady is the former Miss Tuco Vench. Rcrrmt William G.

Nnlcn, son ol Mr. and Mrj. Charlie Nolen of Huffman. been assigned to the Fifth Armored Division for cicht weeks tosic training at Camp Chalice. Regular Meeting Held By Junior High P.T.A.

riendship Class Meets If Church for Program The Friendship Sunday schoo ot the First Baptist Church net I'tst nigh at the church for I egular program with Mrs. Charle Ian and Mrs. Pat Chitmon as bos esses. There were 17 members an one Client, Mr3. BUI Bnnistcr, pre sent.

Tlie devotional. "Why Do was given by Mrs. Marvin Razer. after which Mrs. James Lun.sford offered prayer.

iinnj the social hour games were played under the direction of Moore. Refresments were served by the hostesses. At The Hosoitnls nlylhcvillr Hospital Dismuscd: Billy Jean Richardson. Rt. 1.

City Walls Hospital Mrs. Bob White, city. Mrs. Fiances Alley, city. Billy Gadberry, Dell.

Mis. Ellis Wheeler. Rt. 1. city Floyd Green.

Huffman. The Junior HiBh Parent Teachers Association yesterday afternoon at the school preceded by meeting of the Executive Board Mrs. Hugh Gentry gave the de votional and Mrs. Coady Eaton read the presidents message. The Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs.

WiUon Henry, presented several selections entitled, "The Hunting "Bell Buoy." "Hymn of Praise" and "Now the Day Is 1 Mrs. J. P. OaiTOtt. program chairman.

introduced Mrs. O. W. Cop- pedgc. who spoke on "Art and Music and Their Place in Our World." A report of the recent state P.T.A.

convention at Little Rock was given by Mrs. Cecil Graves, who attended as a representative of the Junior High P.T.A. Mrs. Joe Ferguson presided over the business session, after which Mrs. Matt Monaalmn.

a past presi- dent of the P.T.A.. Installed the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Ferguson, president, Mrs O. O. Hardway.

vice-president. Mrs Ray Hall secretary. Mrs. Coppedge treasurer and Mrs. Sam Owen, hls- I tor' MI.

I The was closed with the singing "America the Beau ttflll." Youth Night Observed At Number Nine Baptist Youth Night was observed Sim day night at the Number Ntn Bnpllsl Church with the youth leing in charge of the service. Serving as officers were Bill Smith, training union dirccto rwendolyn Rhoads. pianist, Doro fly Whittle, song leader, and Mar iS'im Smith as Tlie devotional was given by Har roki Smith, after which Margi Ramsey read a poem. "Cooperation The history of the Bible was prc sentcd by Hatley and short talk entitled, "Christian Edi cation "was presented by Pron Hnlley. The junior girls gave a scriptin verse choir, led by Mrs.

Bob Sto vnll, training union director. A so was presented by Jo Ann Buckni entitled, "Living for Jesus." The Rev. Gerald Moody of th Gosnell Baptist Church gave tl message, using ns his theme. "Gi 1 Holy, without Reservation." unior Class to Present nnuat Play at Dell The Junior Class of the Dell Igh School will present their an- ual play Friday night at 8 o'clock the school auditorium. Title of ie three-act comedy Is Pro- Me" by Pete Williams.

Members of the cast Include. Dan armon. Edward Barnes. Elwyn Rid well, Feni Allen. Myrlecn John- Hi, Christine Dobbs, Charley R.

lankenshlp, Workman, onnle L. Sheppard. Delorls Mosley. Lewis and Mary B. Blair.

Christine Dobbs will act as an- ouncer with Jery Carter, Mary K. lair, Delorls Mosley and 'James to serve as ushers. Mrs. Shirley Becker is sponsor of le play. Mother of 1949 'rincess Margaret for Month's Vacation in Italy LONDON.

April 27. Princess Margaret witli a malt 1 and a Scot- and Yard guard, took off today In i special plane for a month's vaca- lon in Italy. Naples will be her first top. Ahead of the 18-year-old princess -s a month of fun and is part of the travel education required of members of the royal family. It still has been announced whether she will visit pope Plus XII.

neiiort-s i' at mlsht call on the Pontiff brought a wave of protest from British Protestants on which King George VI. temper head of the Church of England, made no comment. NOT HALF-SAFE Read News Want Ads which Mrs. Hiram Anten gave the devotional. She chose as her subject ''Why Worry." The meeting was closed with sentence prayers.

girl is mile lialf-alive-slie misses all the fun. luit'a not for me! 1 use a deodorant that stops perspiration 1 to 3 (lays and kills odor on contact. It keeps me safe up to 48 that really bolsters my self-confidence. What's more, it's safe for my skin and clothes!" How about you? Don't be hnlf- safe-tre Arrid-safc! Use Ari'id lobe sun 1 Buy new Arrid with Creamoiren. Arrid" with Cveamouen is guaranteed not to crystallize or dry out in the jur.

What's more, if you are not i completely convinced that Arrid ia one lime tried to abolish the use of cvcl miy finest cream deodorant you've ever used, return the jar with unused portion, and we'll refund the entire purchase price. Our address is on every package. (Jet a jar of the new Arrid 1 Croamogen to. Arkansas' "Mother of 1949" is Mrs. James H.

Echols. wife of a Montlcello businessman and mother if nine children. (AP Photo.) Because they regarded the customs as heathenish, the Puritan at the rim: at wedding ceremonies. Scott Alley SIGN NEON SERVICE Hclter Signs Heller Service 808 So. Franklin Phone 3203 PE NNE Program to be Presented By Miss Johnson Miss Heima Johnsen, who has en studying voice at the New York College of Music for the past and who arrived In Blytheville to visit with her parents, will a program ai the Deil High School Thursday morning at 10 D'clock Thn program is being given in connection with Moslc Week held at (he school.

MLSS Johnscti's selections will In- clurje two from the operatic pro- tiurLion "La Boheme" in which (he lending role, Mimi, Larry T. Moore will serve as accompanist- VALUES BUILT FOR YOUI Royal Service Program Held by Immanucl The Tmmnnuel Baptist Women's Missionary Union met Monday at (he church for a Royal Service Profrrmn with eight members attending. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. Barney Barnes, after Deep Necklines and the New Glamor Back Formals You Asked For Here If Is FIRST SHIPMENT A ONE HOUR SELL-OUT. MEANS A MEW LIFE A new sole to youi worn soles if applied by us means double R'ear besides footwear that Is really good looking.

H-fl LTCRS QUqLITY SHOC SHOP 121 W. MPIN ST. UUti. Continuous Shows Box Office Opens 1 :45 Show Starts 2:00 LISTEN TO KLCN a.m. 12:15 p.m.

4:,10 p.m. 1000 Yards Pre-Schoal Children To Register Friday Registration for Pre School Children who will attend Sudbury School will be held at the Health office Frklfly afternoon from 1 to 2 o'clock, was announced today by Mrs. K. E. Utley.

chairman. She also urged that one of the parent, be presented at the registration. D.iringiy revealing, Nilr-T-ife's novel cwislrurlinn carries around" yonr sluniHer antt under tlie arm almosl invisibly. Lustrous fatin laslex (W body ami filmy nylon nuuqmsette for bust. Dainly lace Black anJ while.

PROTECT YOUR PRECIOUS BLANKETS that your Wanktls and quilts dufly, freih, and clean before you them for the nmmer months. Our special cleaning process, gentle yet thorough, pins our genuine Sanitcx blanket bag service, can do tlie Job right for 701. Satisfaction Is guaranteed, call tod a jr. BUTCHER WEAVE RAYON Wednesday Thursday Friday RED RIVER with John Wayne, Montgomery Clifl, Walter Brennan, and Joanne Dru Selected Short Subject! Continuous Showing Everyday Hand Washable AH Spun Vicose Rayon Box Office Opens Show Starts 7:00 Opens Sunday 1:00: Starts 1:15 Continuous Shoivs Sat. Sun.

Bargain Night Every Night Kxeept Saturday passes honored nn Sunday a Koxy Theatre Last Time Today DOUBLE FEATURE Palooka in Fighting Mad Kirkwomt and Klysc KHOM LILAC WHITE MAIZE TAN BLUE PINK GREY AQUA To the Victor Dennis Morgan cft Liutlfors BLACK HOPKINS LAUNDRY-ALL 414 East As Always First Quality Phone 327S win WANDA HENDRIX- ANDREA KINS 1HOMAS GOMEZ CLARK Jitected by ROBERT MONTGOMERY Reduced b( IOAH HARRISON A UmVERSAUNttRNMIONM. PICTURE Also Short Subjects 1.

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