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Gettysburg Compiler from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Gettysburg, Tuesday, July 30, 1901. THE DEMOCRACY OF PHILADELPHIA Charles P. Donnelly, for some years tbe Chairman the Democratic party iu Philadelphia, resigned last Thursday. Mr. Donnelly is a prominent representative of the leadership under whose management the party vote in Philadelphia has dwindled from 100,000 to a beggarly 30,000.

And even this 30,000 has often been used to help elect Republican officials, provided, always that they wore the Quay collar. In fact the organization has become generally recognized as a mere tender to the Quay Machine. A majority of the members of the City Committee hold positions by appointment of Eepublican leaders and in exchange they barter their votes and influence. Former Governor Bobert Pattisou was unanimously elected to the vacancy and has accepted the task of straightening cut and leading the city organization. Reliable infoimation is to the effect that the change in city leadership was dictated by National Committeemau J.

M. Guffey some time ago, having been agreed to at a conference with some of the parly leaders in New York. The opinions expressed by National Committeeman Guffey and State Chairman Creasy represent, we believe, the feeling of the party generally throughout the State. Colonel Guffey is quoted as saying: "The oluntary resignation Mr. Donnelly as chairman ot the Democratic city committee of Philadelphia and the action of the committee electing ex- Governor Pattison as his successor are highly commendable and mean much good for the Democratic party, not alone in Philadelphia, but throughout the Slate.

Pattison's integrity aud ability to fill the position cannot be questioned, and it will leave no room for tactioual strife. He is fair and honorable und commands the respect of all good citizens, and the integrity of the organization under his management will not be doubted or questioned." Statf Chairman Creasy said "The unanimous election of ex-Governor Pattiaoc as leader of the Philadelphia Democracy is good news to all the people throughout the Commonwealth who aie iu favor of good government. His acceptance will add new inspiration to the party and lead to a harmonious convention and united Democracy. "With an honest organization Philadelphia it is possible to redeem the State from machine a plunder. one is (ji'tter qualified or more thoroughly equipped to straighten out the crookt-d ness ot the city's politics than is Mr.

JPiUtison." STRIKE OF THE STEEL WOKKEKS. The orders of President Shaffer for a strike in all the union mills, of the sheet steel, steel hoop and tin plate branches ot the Steel Corporation were obeyed on the loili and -less than 3,000 skilled men remained at work in the faetoiies, about becoming idle. A majority ol UTese were not members of the Amalgamated Union, but their labor depended upon that of the strikers. Cue effect was a dachas 'if values in the stock inatket. The strike reduced the output of sheet steel in the United States by oil per that ot hoop steel by 73 per that ot tin plate 9-1 per cent, and cut off the eiitirs supply of cotton ties.

There has been much contioveisy over the mean, ing and probable effect of the stiikeis' demand, representatives of the Corporation repeatedly assorting that signing of the scale for the non-union mills would have compelled the non-union men to join the union, while Shaffer contended that it would not have affected the freedom of the men, and declared that many of had been required against their will to sign contracts binding them to keep out ot the union. The cost of the i a is said to be about $210.000 a day for the Corporation, and foi the employees who are idle. In a statement given to Ihe press, Shaffer attacked the. Republican party and the iidniiuisti.itiou, threatening to i a his support trorn the party il the Administiiition should "stand iiilj by auil allow the combine to crush ut out ol existence," and cited the strike of the anlhmcite coal miners in Ihe Usl 1'H'SRlential campaign, when the Republican managers i'oiced the employers to grant. Ihe demands ot the meu to save the political situation.

The strikers Inve now, and if they avoid violence and disorder, will continue to have public sympathy, which, aftei all, is the controlling force in all iikes. A NEW MAINE. The Battleship Launched. Philadelphia July, christen thee Maine," were the words which added another vessel to the navy of the United States, and as they were spoken the mammoth hull of tbe largest fighting craft ever des'gned for the American navy slipped from the ways at Cramps' shipyard into the waters of the Delaware river. The shouts of 50,000 spectators, the.shriek of countless whistles on locomotives and river craft, and the hoarse bellowing of the syren whistles on the Setvizan and the American liner Xew York greeted the new.

battleship, which takes the name of the ill-fated craft now a wreck in Havana harbor. The launch was the most successful ever witnessed at Cramps' shipyard and the sentimental interest attached to the new craft made it one of the most remarkable. Mary Preble Anderson, the granddaughter of Commodore the fairspon- sor, aud as she dashed a bottle of champagne against the mighty steel ram which 110 possible stretch of imagination could make other than Mrs. Hill, the wife of the Chief Executive of the State of Maine, leaned forward and exclaimed, "God bless thee, Maine, and keep thee safe from harm." As though in answer to the gentle woman's benediction the great mass of steel sped without harm down the ways and out onto the broad boaom of the river. The length of the new battleship between perpendiculars is 388 length uver all, U83 feet 1(H inches; mean draught, feet; beam, 72 diplacement, 12,300 tons full load draught, 13,300 tons, and she must develop a speed of 18 knots an hour.

The armament is to consist ol four twelve-inch breach-loading cannon mounted in pairs in elliptical turrets placed on the centre line, one forward the other a sixteen U-iuch rapid fire guus mounted on the bruadhide, six 14-pounders; eight 3-pounders, six 1- pouuders, two Colt's automatic machine guns and two 3-inch lapid file field pieces. There are two submerged torpedo tubes, these being the first ever placed below the water line ou an American ship. The armor belt will be ol Kiiipp steel, 11 inches thick, tapering to 7j inches at the bottom. The casemate tumor 15 six inches thick, aud the barbette urmor is twelve inches. The protective deck i be two and half inches i while aft, where the armor boes not extend, it will be four and a half inches on the b'ope and three inches on the flat.

The engines are of the twin.dcrew, triple expansion, invertical type. i be secured from Xicalautse boilers, which i generate 10,000 horte power. There i be a capacity of 2,000 tons, which, at i speed, i give a steaming radius of knots. Wood does not enter into the it tenor fittings to any great extent, an what i ia uaed is fire proof. This precaution tue been ukeii result of the experience gained iu th Spanish-American war.

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Ambrose Dittenhafer, of near Hanters- town, was arrested Friday on the information of Constable Money, charged with assault and also tnorntariing a nuisance by leaving unburied along a public road the partly burned carcas of a horse. At the hearing Saturday evening ho waa committed to jail in default of $300 bail. HARVEST services will be held in the Reformed church at Fairfield Sunday, August 4th, at 10 a. m.

Similar services will be held in the Cashtown Reformed church August Hth at 10 a. m. lost a valuable horse THE COURT OF I I As the result of the impassioned an intemperate language used by Aiacley i his third ot "Naval History the U. Aunural Schley has abked fo the appointment of a Court or Inquiry determine the merits of the i i con mauders at the naval bUtle off Santiago Secretary Linig LM nouuced Thmsda morning that he had ordered Atimiu Dewey and Kear Admiuils ivimberly an Beubain to act as members of the court. The Secretary had i to say abou the composition of the court, except tha ba thought it spoke for itself, and to press the hope a the members chosen would be tatisiactoiy to all concerned He pointed out that none of the ollicer chosen had, so fai as he knew, express an opinion conceinmg a is known a the Sa.upion-Schley controversy, and i was, therefore, to be presumed that they would enter upon i work an impar tial and unprejudiced spirit.

The mem bers of the court are distinctively lighting men. Each has been connected i celebrated event in naval annals. Of Ad miral Dewey, the hero of the batt'e -Manila Bay, it ia unnecessary to spe.lii Rear Admiral Kimbarly and Kear A i al Beulum are both retired officers. Each hud fine records during the Uivi War. The great event i i A i al Kimberly'H name id associated id the destruction of the A i a licet in th harbor of Apia, Samoa, the terrific hurricane i occuned in 18.S9.

Admiral Benham played a a a i part at Kio de Janeiro i the a naval revolution in ltU4. The court i convene ou Sept, 12. IT is beyond all question proper thai no history of the navy should be made a text-book at the Naval Academy which abuses an a nar or a coward a Ihing ol'icer ot the uavy who has been honored for his part in the action thus incriminated. THE NEW CAPITOL I I Governor Stone on Saturday named the following commission, who will spend $4,000,000 to complete the Stale Capitol: I I A U. A A Allegheny.

I I A P. S.XYUER, Spring City. EDWAKD A I Harrisbuig. X.YTHAX C. SC1IAEFFER, Lancaster.

The first three are Republicans and I)r. Schaeffer ia a Democrat. The commission is named under the provisions of the Fox capitol completion bill. Under the act Governor Stone i be president of the commission, which ia required to complete rue present legislative bmlding by January 1, 1U05. The first meeting of the commission will be held in the Governor's office iu Harrisburg at noon on August 20 While nothing has been said iu an oflicial way it is understood that the commission i adopt the drawings and plans of the original commisnion with some modifications.

Governor Stone favors a handsome and substantial building, and it is that the entire 84,000,000 will be spent completing the building. The members of the commission are well known throughout the State. Mr. Graham succeeded Governor Stone in Congress and at one time was Speaker of the lower house of the State Legislature. Edward Bjiley is president the llar- riaburg National Bank.

Senator Snyder is a politician of prominence in Chester county, a physician by profession, and is President pro tern, of the State Senate. Dr. Schiietfur is Superintendent of Public Instruction. He ia the only Democrat on the commission, and has been continued in his present office by ex-Governor Hastings and Governor Stone. LUTHERAN RE-UNION.

The sixteenth annual re-union of Lutheran was held at Pen-Mar Park last Tuesday. Thousands were gathered there from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. The exercises begun at 1 o'clock i a concert by Piolessor Zeigler Orchettra, of Baltimore. Rev. Dr.

W. S. Frer.s, president of the General Synod, presided. An interesting featuie ol the day was the dedication of the large tabernacle i was just recently creeled at Pen Mar for use ou occasions ol this kind. The dedication conducted by Kev.

G. W. Knders, D. of siip- erintended its erection, atsMted by iiev. BEAUTIFUL Pictures, Sweet Songs, Charming Stories, in Brna Chapel, July 30th and Slat.

Dulijthtful entertainments by Prof, nud Mrs. J. J. Lowe, of Philadelphia, beautifully illustrated by picture and eong. A powerful lime light etereopticon is used to reproduce the famous paintings of the world.

Nicety to one hundred pictures will be shown each evening. Tuesday eveniog, July 30th, an evening of song and story, eacred and secular, with selections on Musical Bells as a preluda to the entertainment. Wednesday, July 31st "Home Sweet Home," or "Christie's Old Organ" and illustrated songs with selections by Prof. Unrdner's Orchestra as a prelude to the entertainment, A complete change of program each evening. HoorB open at 7.30 p.

entertainment begins at S. Adm children 5 ctcts. lightful entertainments. M. Valentine, LL.

Gettvsbu Rev. Dr. W. S. Frea-, iijitimorr Sieter Sophia a of Deaconess' Mother House, of lialtiu.

JH Kev. Dr. L. E. Albert, of Plnlade'p'ua Rev.

J. A i and Kev. Dr. I a ot Gnuter, India, a missionary Kev. 11.

i a i i i a burg, und Rev. Pioftesoi S. A. D. LL.

president of i i College and Seminary, of Springfield, Ohio. Dr. Ort, prei-identof i i who is recouized us one of the great men of Luth- eranistn, delivered an eloquent address on "Present Day Lntheiauism," which was looked forward to i keen anticipation. The committee, who made the arrangements for the large gathering, were Kev. Dr.

G. W. finders, of Voik Rev. Dr. E.

H. Leisennng, of Cbambersburjj Kev. George Beiswanger, of Baltimore John L. Bigle, of llageretown, and G. C.

Stecker, of Carlisle, Pa. Sim DIDN'T A MASK. But her beauty was completely hidden by pores, blotches and pimples i sho used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as i all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its nee Infallible lor Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scald and Piles. Cure guaranteed.

2oc at Cordori. THE annual Adams County P'C-nic will be held August 21et, at Pine Grove Park, The bicycle track, base-ball ground, merry-go-round, tha boating, ten piua and the springs of coid, sparkling water make it an attractive place for pleasure seekers. Louis Mizell, Sunday night. Dr. T.

C. Billheimer, will fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at Hunterstown, next Sunday at 10 30 a. m. 0. McDonald, of LeRoy, N.

agent for P. Gleasou, of the same place, has par- chased the apples of this season of the oichards, of the following persons Noah Adam Deardorff, Rufus Lauver, H. M. Keller, and Mrs. Lizzie Raffensberger, all ol Franklin township.

Ou Friday while some boys were standing around a reaper in Biglerville the horses started and Warren Garber, a son of i Gaber, was caught by the cutting bar and both legs were badly out Dr. Wolfe, of Arendtsville, rendered the necessary sergioal service. Wilmer H. Koser, of Biglerville, was st'nt to the hospital at Baltimore last week, to undergo an operation. The latest account shows improvement.

The Baltimore, Westminster and Gettysburg trolley company, after securing a franchise from the Cbambersburg town council permitting them to occupy the streets of that town, failed to put up the forfeit of $2,500 demanded by council aud the grant for the franchise is null aud void. Abrarn Williams lost a stack of wheat recently. The wheat was stacked in a field near York Springs, through which the Dillsburg and Meohanicsburg railroad passes, and contained the cutting of nine acres. A spark from an engine set fire to the wheat and it was totally destroyed. The Cumberland Valley Telephone company i make a decided reduction in rates about August 1st.

After that date the toll to flagprstown, Carlisle and will be but 10 cents Hanover 15 and York 20. The line to Gettysburg i be completed in a few days with new copper wires. Paul Keiffer, of Hagerstown, a graduate of i'rankliu and Marshall College, has been elected professor of Latin and Greek at the iVoman's College, at Frederick, Md. AT a meeting of the Hanover School Boai'l last week, it was decided to instruct tlie attorney to proceed in the case in which 'Maggie Gitt sued the Boaid for a salary ol A. F.

George and M. Schriver, of the Post oliiee Depaitmeut, weie in Frederick laat week, a i a i for a Free Rural Delivery in that county. The wholesale price of potatoes in the Chicago a has advanced, as a result ol the drouth, from 75 cents a bushel to $1.10. Samuel Sharpe, foreman of Hackett's i stable, iu Xewville, was killed last Wednesday i a i i down a mountain road. The backing-strap broke and the horse ran away, throwing Sharpe out.

He on his head aud broke his neck. The Western Maryland Railroad comp a irried over Sevan i Brethren ciunpmeet- iijg at 1't-nii Grove. This i a large, is low when compared i the a attended the campmeetiug on the lirst Sunday when about one thousand persona i present. DROUGHT BROKEN. Drenching rains generally distribute over the great corn belt Sunday revive the parched cropa and washed away th pessimism of the farmers.

Illinois and Ohio were not neglecte but in the Western States the ra amounted to almost a deluge, Begiunin early rn the morning, it continued steadi all day, a dr zzling downpour that eagerly lapped up by the baking earth un til it was thoroughly saturated and th overflow filled the streams and stock well Iowa, which two weeks ago claimed would not produce half a crop of corn, no expects to harvest fully 75 per cent, of a average crop. Kansas and Missouri stock raieera wi not market any more cattle or hogs at pn vailing prices, as the showers give assu ance ol an abundance of forage. Especia ly in Kansas there has been a great rue of farmers to purchase Kaffir corn, i buckwheat and other seed, which will drilled iu between the corn rows, thus aa suring a crop of late feed after the corn ba been gathered. Corn experts in the great belt are poe tive in their predictions that the corn wi speedily revive. The heavy rainfall ha lowered the temperature, and pasture fruits and all vegetation ia showing fres life.

Ia Kansas the rain continued for 4 hours, averaging two inches over the State In Weatern Kansas the farmers do not, pect much of a corn crop. There will lenty ol grass to fatten the cattle befo and there is opportunity to grow fee enough to carry the herds through th winter. In Nebraska the rainfall ranged froi one-half to three inches. Corn that ha been burned so that it will not ear wi still make good fodder. In Ohio, where the crop damage is esti mated at 10 per the rain i reduc this estimate.

Gardens, potatoes, frui and pastures have all been wonderfully re vived. Wm. H. Hunt, the present Secretary Porto Rico has been selected as Goveruo to succeed Mr. Allen.

The are umors 3. i i un th.j bj atom tli.U from i ilic iiiL-di iuc fur all humors rr' Witch Hazel Salve should bo i applied to cats, burns and ycalda. it soothes and i hpala the injured iiirt. There an- worthleae counterfeits; be sure to get De Witt's. L.

M. Buehler. heat prevails throughout ill northern Uiieaia. Tbe temperature in Vetersburg waa J17 aegises -Fahrenheit. Odt'fcea it was 103 and the rats of morality there is TO per ceut.

above the nor- aal. THE plies that annoy you so will be i and permanently healed if you ise DfWntS Witch Hazel Salve. Beware worthless counterfeits. M. Buehler.

ABOUT 20 o'clock Wednesday evening of the vertical supporting cables the Brooklyn bridge pulled out of their oekets and are now dangling in the air. he accident happened at tbe north aide the New York end of the bridge and end aagged from four to six inches. 'hia completely stopped all street car but a a temporary delay pedes- iune and wngoas were allowed to pro- A I were the rirs-t heudachp capanle.n put on the tuarket. Their i i a micceba resulted a liott of mutations a i i a i i i i a i and other injurious drugs, pin porting to be "just as good." Avoid these imitations and insist on your a i Krause's, which epeedily cure the mout fcfVfre cased and leave a effects. Price 25c.

Sold by L. Ai. Buehler. A NEW trial has been ordered in the case of former Secretary of State Caleb Powers, convicted of complicity in the shooting of Gov. William Uoebel, of Kentucky.

A I NKKVIW. Are you irritable? Do you sleep a Is it hard to concentrate your is your appetite poor? j)o von feel tired, reetleae and despondent Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound. It will do you more good from the cab window does more his ears than his eyes. The ru ble and grumble and" of his are to him. articulate speech, and a fa note in that jumble of sounds would catch liii ear as quickly aa a discord would strike the ear of the leader of an orchestta.

He thinks more his engine than hmiatlf. That is why he neglects to noUro symptoms which are full of warning. Tha foul tongue, the i taste, sour risings, nncl undue fullness after eating are but symptoms of dyspepsia or some form of disease involving the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition. In time the heart, liver, In or other organs are imolved and the engineer has to lay off. Dr.

Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach rmd of digestion and nutrition, II pun ft us tha blood awl hmlda up the body with sound healthy flesh. mod ton of Dr. OoWen. Mt-dicnl nttt Pt-Hctu il nr this spmi'; rt-1 no trou'tjle i i i MI i i "Mr W. T.

Tlioiiir-nn of Uro ulv. itt-r Co Montana fail lo tell hmv i i I am lor the i-, I h.iil tiifTt i HO i (inrl it 3teme--l tluit the i i do nu K' I sot doiru in v'lHht ti i--s J'' no' able to wc.rfc all Now I no FiLi'l CHO do a day's work on fsirni i K.LO-II men-led your mulioini; ti, sevt-ral, sli ill a have pood word say fur iJr. Pierce and hi-, i.iediciue." Dr. Pi tree'a Pleuhant PulleU cure con- stipatiuu. A BULL fired from one of the battleships lying oil Newport struck the City Hall of the town, inakiug a hole in a granite block and bursting after etrikir a tree.

Ko one was injured, although a number of people were near the flying miesile. STATIC OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY, 6 FBASK J. I I mukee that he ta the senior partner of the of F. CiiUNtrt doing Duaiiitss iu the City of Toledo, County and States aforesaid, and that 5-aitJ firm i the nm of ON'E 1 IJOLLAKri for each and case of Catarrh a a be cured by the use of HALL'S A CUKE. 3 A J.

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preeence, thieb'tb dav of December, A. D. 1885. A. GIJOASON, SBAJ, Xotruv J'uWr.

Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally and acts on the blood and uaucoua aurfaces of the system. Send for tebtimon- ials, free. F. CHENEY Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c.

Hall'a Familly Ptlla are the best. Only 50 Cents to make your babysfrcngand well. A fifty cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion will change a sick ly baby to a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, think of it. Jts as nice as cream.

Scud for a frt'c simple, tiy it. SCOTT 1JOU-XE, Cliuiiislb, 4Cxv i5 Pearl street, 50C. ii.oo. all NO CREDIT-s -HO LOSSES. THE old i from tlie Capitol waa Bold at Harrisburg Wednesday and brought good prices.

The tale netted $5,000. Senators' chaira averaged $2D apiece. "I wiaii to state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ia without queKion the best and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever coma ID coutact with and I have used many other preparations." John Beam, Went Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kndol Dyspepsia Cure aa it contains all the natural digestai IB. It will digest all kinde of food and cau't help but do you good.

L. Enehler. GESIIRALS Gorbin and Cliaffee decided npou reforms which are expected to reduce the co-t of the army in the Philippines CO per cent. IT ia easier to keep well than get cured. DeWitt's Little Eurly Kisers taken now aud then, will always keep yonr bowela in peifeet order.

Thay never gripe hut pio- mote an easy, gentle action. L. M. Buehler. AFTISH 18 months of continuous labor it is announced that work on the telegraph Hue to DawHOn will be completed on August COLDS MEM A A if you use Krause's Cold Cure.

Prepared convenient capsule form they are easy to take and effect a epeedy cure of the most obutnmie cusea. Price 20e. Wold by L. M. Buthler.

KNOW THE times are hard and how unpleasant it is to worry about buying during the hot summer mouths. We save you this worry by always keeping on hand a large and fresh line of goods at prices lower than elsewhere. We have just received our stock of NOTICE. CTOTIUK sjivun a ail a i a i -Li for Uic tiansrerof the Tavern Uieuse Kt IAS: 1'instL. of a of Ui'ttyslmru i lu T.

1.0X0, ol tbe 1st ward ol aino buioivh, has Ijiien Illed in i i a vlll be presented lo lie Court Cluarlei-Ses- IOUH ot oiinly A si, 11)01, when said tianslei- i br- made lin- ess exceptions ate tiled prior liieicto. L. H. I Si. td li.

K. Ill I tiist a and .1.1.. NOTICE. nd I i i a a i i i of D. O.

IMlNTKK IJi'-rr, Ahshaiees in enellt of crediuus of A. LIVKK.S A.MJ V'n iif Getlysbuig UonniKh, has been tiled i Ihe i of Common J'leas of A a Ta ami i bt continued by said oil SATl'ltUAY, tile 21lh (lay of UGUST, 1001, at 10 o'clock a. unless cause shown lo Uie eunttai-y. AMOS J. COLLINS, a.

td Piothnuotury. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. I I I urs i i i a i on estate of i i i a i il a i luwnship, Ad.uns unity, ileeeas'd, a Ijeeii lei the undersigned, 11 In A Ille, they hen by i tu a ptr- jns i to said tu ma i i i a i i i ami a a i tbe line tu present properly a i a it- settlement. I I A. WUjIXiSlX, AAKOM I i A i 23.

Ot KxecnUjru. and are selling them for less than we can buy more. Mackerel, 5 and 6c apiece. Jelly Tumblers 22c doz. Fruit Jars in prices as low as others pay for them.

Best Oat Meal, 2 Ibs. for 5c. Arbuckle's Coifee lie. Beat Corn Starch, 3 pks. for lOc.

Ib. Can of A'l Beets 5c. Granulated Sugar, 5 Ibs. for 28c. A full line of Canned Goods, Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, also afresh supplyof Crackers, Cakes and Pretzels.

Best Boiler Flour 40c sack. FOK A LAMP, don't fail to come here, aw we intend to close out our entire block resrardlcss ot cost. Give our store a trial and be convinced that we save you 25 per cent, on all purchases. Store 25 a i Street mil; tbou hl PUBLIO SALE --OF-VALUABLE A ESTATE. SATURDAY, I ho 21th clily of 1901, the unduiMgm-it, Axslguwsul Kr.iucls Colo mm Wile, in tuistfoi LherrfHlUorsol'wdd Pianola Colo, will soil the fullnwluir ik'sui I bed Beul I'Ntivtii: No.

1. A OP A a lu Franklin township. Admix, I'oimty, and near Lho public loiullny; lioni tin- 1 alho. He cluiiTh tu tlu' pulilk- roiid i from Acundlsvllle to tin; Clutmborsljurii -ul- joiuiiit; lands ul Tlieoiloro Kltuiik-, AbntT rtiuimt'l KfisiT, Jno. Oillon, Zullinirer, Mm.

Hugh, Mi-lVimo others, containing Acres, nuu-c or less, improved with a Two-sim l-'HA HOUSM.KOod H-nsk Uiirn, WHBOII Shed, Ilojt iincl oilier Ont- bulldlliKB. About iieres of 4 is elemw! bind und i good i a i mid unco cnvureil with llni- rlii-xluut, whil twit oak, nine, ele. ri.m jiropcuy i U) muUUn v.Uiml'le i il dt'posils. Ko.2. ATHACr UF l.ANl) in lown- Hlup, county urn! hlale, in Itnrbuii in mili north or Cuthohe i i und Ti IIM, post olllce, adjoining binds ul' Cole Theudule i I i Samuel I i wln.

couUiinlUB ISD, i i i 1,1 Improved with Twu-slory llUtJSlO Barn, iilnniHt new, Two-sun i and Stoic llonsc, Wagon hhed, und other OuWnDldlni's. A hprini; 01 Water lit A 80 tu i CHOI tins piopertyls larm land, in line state of and the biiiauee eovei-ed M-ilh tine i pine, clieMmit and oak tlnibei There Is an orchard uf about liOOtiiu 1 vonim York Imperial upplo trees on Ibis propeit? which will he in healing cuulilion lu a few yciirw. No. 3. Situate i (-nine township, county and stiite, on tbe road leading tram A i to (he a i i pike about 5 from a, i i i i lands ol Jacob lirady, Oeo.

Saniut-l lUke other lands ol Fiam Is Cole, i i 70 AeteK, more or improved i a Two- story LOG WKA 1'IlKK-lil'A I Hank Bain, Walton Mied, i J'en, Wash House and other i i i i i i Theie is a Well nl W.Uoral. the house- SJII-IIIL'F, not far i a A limit Vi.ieresul i properu- is farm land in a tine slatem i a i i a i Ihe balance covered i ehestiail, oak and pine. These properties will be sold in tile tinier named, on tbe premises, as fuMou-s' No 1 bey! minimal lOn'i lock it. in i o'clock p. m.

a No. at I lin i)'eh)ck p. in. At each property attendance and i i i tin- named hours by IX (i. I J.

U1HT, 23. Is Assignees. GROCERIES. SHERIFF'S SALES. SATURDAY, liic 17l 11)01, in jjiii.suiiiiw ol Notice in Divorce.

Cut OF COMMON CHAKLKH It-i Vuu an. lu if by noli fled, UiuL of iju-hK'-H and (ixcu-i-s bcius M.L ui i i i i i A i i i i i CDIII I to bt- i holdun lAjL'KTH I Ot 1 A IJKJl, in XL, to HIM', il ymi IMAH why yum wife, tii.LA ot i a i i nlie i iii tod i you If. W. I ".5, If ijf Adiutis mintv. PUttLIC SALE OP VAJ.UAJ11.I.-- I Estate and a Property.

"ATUltliAY, lilt 3Ist tiny cjf AUOUKT, in luirMi.mi'f un ouhT or i i t'mirl of A i i tliu Linder- A i i nor of i i l.ouKu 1-kc-mu'li. l.i u- nf i i i i i i i a i II.t following dcstubi'd TKACT OK UVM.I lu i i i i I limits ol Joljn lrl-l (lie 2'i. tc id be Cli.ihs, i li-nrs, l'i 3-d s. C.irp' laslmuiiMl ornt I r'uplioard i i i a 1 o'rUick i i made i i i d.

W. JiCKKNKODj; A i i BET That if you find prices below ours, you'll find the quality so, too. Common I'll tu me diicc o'clo in i euuuly, th day of ol writs of i' ol' tin- Court of ihuiii i i i- to 1'ublH- i i tlie! 'om1- i i i iy Kt-ui EhtfUc, i We kiveii'L said a i i about our Groceries for a long time. It was not l)eejiuBe wo didn't have any, but rather that the good people of Gettysburg and vicinity seem to know and appreciate the fact a we always keep in stock the finest line of Ooca-ios to he found in this section of the country. You know its well as we, that our goods cannot be surpassed in a i or price.

But there are a few i we a to a a i to a i a at i i i GROCERY DEPARTMENT. FIRST, OUIl- A TRACT Ob 1 i a In i Adams c-c)iiiil, i i lands of J. F. U. i ami otliL-r-- couUilnlJU J(J Acn-y, inoji- or less, flltli a FItA.MK I1OIJ.SK, a i i IV n.

Chi kvu Iloiisn and i i i i I-'ruii aiul of i and (U)HMI I a.teeutioa UM Lho projiurty of Wai, HEMIV A IJK -A TKACT OK J.ANH t-HiMlc- in llulk-r lowii- hlilp, Adiinih (n.jjl oji lic ruad IciidliiK- lion tin- i IO.M! lj A i i i C. r-tt iji- our, f-Hin'l. K. i i i Jjjiuicl Ks (M A Hhudes. At re-, I or Jc-HK.

i i a i i- 1JWK1J-JNG l.o^r a jtn.l i i Si a I Hie i i i of CoitMu.trsi and lo he i tin MOftKlMj.V, $M-'l't'n p( r- ui. (ji i i i i i i i i all UK- Sin i niusl, paid 'jr, upon a i Hi. i-rly i hhi-illl 'NOIlIci-, Green Vegetables and Fruits. We receive fresh goods two or Ihrcc times a week and always have a nice supply. We will receive a Carload of Lewi's Kirssin, CLOTHING, SHOES and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, No.

Baltimore St. Notice in Dirorce. CO.MMON PUBLIC SALE A A A ESTATE. i SATHUDAY, A 17th, liHJl, Ihe 1 i i i AHsijincc in i (01 i i J. I i and, his 1 uf an oirli-i r.J l)je (-(iLfrl )ii 1'iciis nf A i i at I'ulj- on i i i followint' A A FARM in the Vul Tna lease of the Washington Franklin railroad to the Western Maryland Kaii- road dated July 1, 190L, hag been en-1 i Uinti- i i is- Av'n-- and 101 1)1 tered for record in the register and recorder's office in Chamberaburg.

The leaee is for ninety-nine yeara. THOSE famous little piils, DeWitt's Lit-1 tie Early Kieere, compel your liver and to do their duty, tr.ud i i pure, ricb blood to recuperate your body, Are easy to take. Never gripe. L. M.

Buehler. DOUGLASS BJSEGLIE, an iron puddler of I Duncanaviile, hae icinained in a comatose condition i food i i for eight fai in, coiiuun moie or i I.HK!, nn- i .1 A A I IlOL'f-l'j, liarn, i Cm (Jt Mis i 1 nei'i Thc-M- jiiio i cm FT thf house, mil) i ul lent Wai PI by, i iViitLt The Jarm hniestdiie Inntl, been i en tiy limed and is ia i litjru of i i i Thcrf itre --cvi-rst! Liuif i i un the rtirm, ivith limestone i linml Lbe Jurin foi th. npt i il Die i Also One yuunt; ore.h,rd ol i ot i i in nil bf.iriiijj is i to chun-hc-, ImoJs', i elc. S'lle i begin at o'clock p. days, and baa mystmea four phyaicians.

1 a miaireu i be given und u-rms rimclo than any tiling you have ever tried. Sold by L. iM. Buehler. KIAIER E.

BARNKK waa hanged in the Harriaburg jail-yard last Tuesday morning for the innrdtT of his brother-in-law, Isaac Miller, last August, near Halifax. Pa. Twice he has beeu dead, but careful examination shoved him to be still living. On both of theue occayiontj the family had proceeded with tbe arrangement's for hia funeial. IK You A HEADACHES don't experiment wuh alleged cuiea.

Bay Krauze's Headache Capsules, i will cure a headache in a an hour, no matter what causes it. Price 2oc. Sold by M. Buehler. BALIIUOBB was swept by a deluge Wednesday.

The streets were turned into WILLIAM AHL'll. Auct. IN 'i rn: C'OCKT A A TO A I L. I Vuu II.M. l-y no'tnef), I i you Ijr- fa vour puipi-r person bi-foH Die I Lou i ut Coin an of A a i (Jf at i to Ij" Lti'-ie ho rlt-n on "the I i OF AUOUST, iwi, cause, if you i i i -my, vUiy your i MCOI: U.

i i i not, be i i i i I bond- of imitrimony i lie h.ilh coutrttctiid i you. F. W. MOKHISON, tc Shenil of Ailjims County, NOTICE. und flnul account of pii, J.

R. --f(N, i i i Jur bum lit oi ol TJIA K. I i i A ANIJ WIFK, of Sinti.urt i has been nied i the Court oJ of Adsims Connly, I i be fonllniicd by said Con it on i A i daj A 1 I a I a. ai i SK eaii'-e be to the. AMOS J.

COLJJNS. as. Ld PROCLAMATION. 'lo ihf Ojfoiifr, 'if the I'rncp mul Con- in tin Jloi ouyhx tttid Tvum- Tftryjs in the Cuun'y of VK. a In purstuuirr-of a precept Lo me inlet ine i 'init seui of the- I i a i H.

President jJ the i i ol Common J'ieas, hi i rA'-t ia! i i i i ins of LLccounties Adiunh und and by i oflin rjt the Court, uf Oyer and Ttinnm-r und (ienerai lor Hie i a a i i a and i i and in the General Court ot Quarter ul Hie and O. W. BK i K. KMJS ol UK Mime county ol Von and eaeli oi'vou Leioljy iLtjuin-d to be. i iijipeac In our own profit yonr ords, Kxanihuitions and re- before iiforesniri, ut i at a Court of Oyer and Terimuer and i i a i Delivery and (ieneral 'iunr- tcrKosiions ut the 'herein to in the of A a a lore-said, on the -1th A ol AUU.

the day.) at 10 o'clock, ol Mild day, then and there to do those, things to yonr several oUlces pi. 1 11. G1VJ3M under a at GettyB- on Kith day ol i the lv --t--'' year of oui Loi one thousand nine hundred uiid one. F. MOKLUSON, July23.1'.ini.

tn i oritf. PUBLIO SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. A 4 ll.n 3IM. of ACOIJST, JlflJ, tin- i i i A i i i i (I. h.

i i i i i ip, at i Sail ceawd, Jl described Iteai J. A FARM hllip, Adiiinv Jacob De; Bueher aiut mo!" or i i Ktnry KUICK 1AV Nf, I i a 1 U-lnk tin" MI i i i a i i i JSo. a. A I and i i i a i the A a eounly, fi I'M ,4 on i i i i a i i on the i i Mrx MUSJUI on tin west a i propeity on i i l.uid'- ot JewiH i i i i 1'wu slorv BlIICJv I -K, M.tljl.- oilier Oilt.bniidinL'x i js rj, w. i and i i r.

IP i A A i i i in I i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i lands of i A i i i Uavnl Ueard'ird and i i i i i It line rljcsiiuj; uid rock i i 1. A A OK A WOOD- A i a i i i i i lands oi i i nm a of i I.t-vl Speiifi-, 0 A I a Pen-bes, I tin. fin i i i The i a i i i lie M.IF! at 1 o'clueh p. in.

rfnd j. i Ul 3 p. in. on No. i i i i i i i be made by liOHS, Aclnir d.

h. n. c. t. a.

of J.nm-, E. Kos.s, c'd. 3 ts every week and can furmVh them in lots of one to one hundred at exceedingly low prices. Special prices to Picnics, Festivals or CVlebmtions. Talking about pic-nies, we have the nicest CANNED GOODS lor Lunches, just (he i for pic-nic dinners.

Potted a i a a i a a Cove Oysters, i a Baked Beans, etc. And Wafers, the itiort dchcaln and ijulni.ibli-, math- hy the National BiEctiit Kamuim, A a i i ami (iing'er Wafers and duzenu of others. i and i You your lunch ju-1 of the nicest things after a visit to our Grocery Counter, i the trouble and discomfort of heating up the slovc to prepare the pic-nic dinner. Then for the Breakfast, Luncheon i at home we have all the delicacies u.s well as the a i a for the table. a a i i of liret a at i i Switzer Cheese, Imported and I) a a Ch-ese, a a grd as low as the rest.

a Notice of Inquisition. phans'Ci lion luii ir.s of said il i tin of heeu ishiuil li shurlil oi said i of A i meet tor I )f the i'stat( ot said or nJ 1 I A A i il, i a notice a i i Oi- a i of I I I I iu hi'iil c.jiii't to tbe ret In liable on i tm a i i i on tin I I A I i i i A 19(11, 10 o'clock a. in i Urn- an place you may be pies, nl II lot, piopcr. Tbe i i i i in i i dcM-ilbed a ATr.icioi Laud i Freedom lownsbip Aluicsalil. i on the rand i a i i i Horn Ui i to i i i it! i i la mis of (jeo.

ilicrl, Our Platform Scales Millur needs, and tbe Counter Scales for the Sum- Kitclien Scales for use in wci for the jre.erve.s aud jellu--. the necessity and convenience of within reacli in preserving time. the Farmer or a have Keeper, iind the handiest i tlie I i and Migar very kumvs i i i i pair of Scales Just received a new lot of ami bu. sizes. Ask to see them and the a i and jirice i convince you that we have a rare bargain here.

MflSON FRUIT Joh more or Hi. Ill lid others, ciilJUlluillK MOUKISOX, Hber.II. TOWS PROPEH'IV PJ11VATE" SALE. A LOTOF i avenue, lect. inoiv to a i htreet and i alley, proved i a Two-story Double uoarded Fr.nne IK3USK nine apartments, and heated i i a firM-elahh hot-air furnace, a i a i Well ofSott, the place, alt-o a lot ol rhoici' i This is oim of the best-built of HIP Unvn and a a the a of a waul- iue a deKlrabie Home.

Tills property i be sold very rcaHun.tble. For lei ins a to Uee. 4. H. JOHNH.

Pints 55C per Quart- 05c Half- gullons SOc per dozen. Jcll.V Tumblers 22c per dozen. Patent Jill' WrciH'll 10(' apiece, the very best on the market. Inly 'a, la IST OP A diuwn Hi, I 0 1 i i i Si'uslotmortliV Pijuce, to be hold fit Uettyfeburii, and lor tlU' af AcianiB, i FOUKT-H HONDA ol AUGUST', A. 1.

The railroads See bills later. give excursion ratea. Tor Ini'ants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie Signature ol CoMMirrKE. Dos'r forget the G.

A. Band and the Gettysburg Fire Co. Festival to be held in Xavier Hall. August 1, 2 and 3 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). Music by the band.

iaa.St. BUCHANAN VALLEY Saturday, August 17th, 1901, the congregation of St. Tgnatiua church will hold tbuir 15th annual Pic-nio in Theodore Kimple's grove, near Trust P. 0. Dinner and sup per and Refreshments of all kinds on the grounds.

A large dancing floor and good musie will be furnished. A good time can. be expected. Tbe committee will do everything to make it a success. FESTIVAL--August 1, 2 and 3, lor benefit of G.

A. Band and Gettysburg Fire Admission, adults, 10 in XaT er Hall. Both worthy organiza- Don't miss these de-1 tions Dont fail to pasrouize them. j23.2t 1, 2 and 3rd. Aug.

J23.2t A I DiiEssisa--Misa Martin, of Baltimore, ia aguin in the city for a short time, to make up Hair Braids, Curls, Wigs, Front Pieces and Bangs. Hair shampooed at 25, 35 and 60 cents. Hair Switches made out of yonr combings, Pail's made out of your combings, 10 cents each. Hair dyed aud bleached. Would take one or two scholars to learn the required branches in the hair trade at a moderate sum.

Miss MARTIN, At Mrs. Deatrick'a, Cliambersburg St.i J23.ini Gettysburg, Pa. FESTIVAL AT account ol the rainy weather on Saturday, the 13th, the festival for the benefit of Flohr'e churob, Franklin township, waa postponed, and will be held on the church lawn on Saturday evening, August 3. Muaic by the Fairfleld band, Refreshments of all kinds will be served. The public is cordially invited.

Come and enjoy a good time together. By order of the J23.24 COMMITTEE. rivera, the sewers were unable lo carry off the floods, and the water backed into stores and cellars, causing great losa in the shopping district. It waa the worst summer etorm that haa visited Baltimore for many years. The electrical disturbance was a a severe.

"I A.M indebted to One i Cough Cure for my present good health and my life I was treated in vain by doctora lor lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga.

L. M. Buehler. TJIK Sweigart manufacturing company was organized at the Blua Mountain House for the purpose of manufacturing rural mail boxed after a design patented by W. W.

Sweigart, of York Soad, Md. The company's headquarters will be at Thurmont, Md. The incorporatora are John C. Motter, Frederick Webster W. 1'l, H( ury, lilacks-inlib.

MonmplPiXHiint lp. i farmer, IlLintitititot! twp. KIW.S, farmer, Is'p fly, Tanner, 1 twp, Jafobs K. painter, a i Jjilpp, H. 11., farjjier, Mt'niillei: uvp.

i La lib, James, fii riner, i a t.svp. Ijewin, Umner, bor. 1 DallgiKMly, J. Frarjk, clerk, OoHysburg, w. Shot EUwa rci, trenl, McKhet 1st wd Ui'amer, U.

fanner, Meualhm twp. Johnston, JameK, farmer, T.nUrnore iwp. I Kturm-r. Win. ma-oil, i a Iwp.

Hai tnian, li. merchant, LilHleslown bor. Tawuoy, N. fniniei, Uvp. i i A.

naurehant, Jiast Berlin bor. Mlckloy, Uauiel, laboior, Fairfleld bor. Sell, Wm. A fanner, Union twp. Sell, David farmer.

i twp. J-a ver-s, Job ex-Treusurer, Gettysburg: Howard, farmer, Monutjoy t-wp. Heiulcu, Joseph laborer, MounLpleasunttp. MID-SUMMER 11" 10 DRYS ONLY, I ON Saturday, July 27th. Hardware Just above the Court-house, Baltimore Gettysburg.

IN" ORDER to close everything out quickly we have reduced the prices to almost half--Note some of our prices. As we cannot mention everything, we give but a few instances of our immense cut in prices. Men's Oxford Suits that were considered cheap at $6.50 go in this sale at $3.75. -i- er, ewoia a Sweigart, York Koad, Samuel M. Group, a i i i 1ST OF PETIT JUKOlta drawn July 1C, rjOl, for Com of Quarter Sessions of tbe i (ace, Lo be held at, Gettysburg, in aud for tbe county of Adamh, tbo fOFJKTH MOIS'-DAY ol AUGUST, A.

1001. Palmer. Alfred, fatmer, Germany twp. JjitUe, SVm. obairrnaker, Mtrabau Iwp.

Warren, Thaddeuh, blacksmith, Gettysburg 2nd wd. Homer, Newton Cumberland twp. Birely, Thurmont; Vincent mitsburg; Horace G. Eeeae, Westminster. The capital etock ia $5,000.

You can never cure dypepaia dieting. What yonr boay needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants, hence must digest every class of food and aq prepare it that nature can use it in nourishing the body and replacing the wasted tissues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure Tudor, J. rlentist, Getlysburjj bor.

2J ivd. Bower. Win. farmer, iluntington twp. Meals, Abraham, mcichant, Huntlngton twp.

Keefcr, John clgarmaker, J-iHtiestown bor. Creager, Joseph. merchant, Falrfteld bor. Zimmerman, J. ISlmer, J.

1 Ijiberty twp. David, farmer, Cumberland twp. Sinsley, Wxa. furjnor, Hamiltonban twp. rjeardorll, Geo.

farmer, Ljiitlraoro twp. Oyler, farmer, Franklin twp. AllholT, Johu, eigarinaker, Mcsherryetowu 2nd wd. Rice, Calvin farmer, Bntier twp. Hull, Lntuer, farmer.

Oxford twp. Myers, Lemon, gent, Ken ding twp. Miller, Clias. farmer, StraTjan l.w Men's Blue 0 Black Serges alt wool tbat we bod no trouble in Belling alt summer at $11 go in this sale at Youth's Suits sizes 14 to 20 guaranteed lo hold their colnr, nearly all wool sold for $5 go in this sale at $2.95. blood and good healthy appetite.

M. Buehler. GUM drops are made by letting fall from a mechanical device large drops of an already prepared syrup; the drops are permitted to fall upon starch, where they dry without losing their peculiar form, A BAD Miller, CluiH. fanner, Ktraban Schwartz, farmer, New Qxlora bor. PfouLz, Adam, Janitor, Gettysburg Ski TV.

Bpalir, Milton, merchant, EatL Berlin bor. Lorevv, Jacob farmer, York Springs bor. Gtmloer, Rev. li. minister, York Springs.

JMyevs, Oliver, farmer, Hamilton twp. iieiider, Gco. farmer, fettabau twp. Mlater, J. T-, farmer, Franklin twp.

Jacob, baker, GettyKbure 3d wcl. bpantrler, Howard, fanner, FraiikiJii twp. Schwartu, Solomon, gent, uonowago twp. GlacUeltcr, printer, East Berlin bor. Robinson, Gettysburg 2d w.

Hummelljaugb, Ijeauder, gout, Gettysburg wd. i fowler, painter, Hamiltonban twp. from inactive liver and bowels. In all Yost, Mountjoy twp. Such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Eiaera Bneerlnger, farmer, Mountoleasaiit iroduce gratifying reaulta.

L. M. Bueh- i ooal-dealor, Children's Suits sizes 3, 4 and 5, all wool at 98c some of them Bold for $3, Men's $1.00 Pants 65c, meu's dresa pants 90c, good enough to wear ou Sundays. Boy's Knee Pants Sc pair. Men's Fine Dress Shirts with cuffs and collar 29c, a genuine 50o shirt.

Men's lauudried shirts without collar at 19c. H. E. RIDDLEMOSER. wnrlcimm.

Frlvillo I PA. ucl Iliii us'd x- OKAI.KK IN PJ3UTIMXKUS I MILLS. Fine Black and Brown 1-U Hose, sold at 15c a pair--4 a Z5c. All 25c caps at 1 9 SOc caps at 38o. Men's 2oc Straw Hats 15c.

Men and boy's 50c Straw Hats at 35c THIS IS a bona fide cut price sale and everything must be sold in the next ten clays. Remember to call' earljr for first choice as the quantity is limited. LIEBERMAN'S complexion generally results ive liver and bowels. In all prod bor. POPULAR PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Baltimore and Middle COUl't IIOUSC.

J. IN- Goal and Lumber, Patent Wall Plaster, Roofing Slate, Terra Cotta Tiling, Prepared Coke, Portland and Eosendale Cement. RAILROAD and CARLISLE STREETS. Gettyhbiirn, Tue.clay, PERSONALS Lir. ir on a and through juris of Canat.

i a M-tjor i i a il. I turned fr in hi- nP I J. am' and K'. A. wore .1., i- i i Lavii S.

and other I'rof. and Mrs. And two i i ol IXiii.i-, day." i reiraive- in week. Mr. and A.

daughter, W. KrtU week. of York time i Mr. and Mrs. laht TuurJav.

Mr. and tVo. ing ton. L). and Mrs.

and daughter, oi ui'timo: Miss Mary livers and Sheads. Uobert 15. McCitan, spent "-utiJay in C. H. Cre-tler Helen, of OliatuJtt-rsDurg, and Mre.

O. G. i Harry I a i of I'hili Minddy at i a Ht-r'-h, I Mr-. uf V- guects at Meadow Lir r. Norns, of visiting friends in vica time.

mother, Mrs i a uf C. an oid Gettysburg berof Co. STtli pj visiting frieud" in i vigit to otlice yetterd-iv. Mra. i i i a by Mice Xaum Myi-i-, i.aa rt home i York, Among at burg last week were i i i a i A i a Ui-jhup i i i Ninth Bethlehem H.

T. 1 tv. Evans, of Morgan, of Cuuneie. the McC me CoV. Limes chf department of tht- r.

i. ing his a i at IJr. Kit Hub Mies oi i i friends here. K. Ljng of tl.e Getty Lauudry, ia a i a Lu ilr.

and COT a Greenfield and I a the meeting at Ptnu ILirry ig at York. 1 one of of the a i i i i i i Farm. I -r, if the Miiiniid i (T. Wi.hs J. Mip.

the 15 i.riit: i iJoke. AL'iu-r i i at tiu-- Mt-iuuiore I and Lo i in trie vicinity of eentlenien are of Peter i a K. in the draft i i of fiteel at Cnrcagu, a morrow. yii.or i Htirrj. '-to, 1).

and u.i... rived at Hotfi iu ai aro to i a i.onisa i i i phia. ib hei iMrtut-, il. J. Mihs iUy 1,.

Mr. and Mr-. I VV I i ii i Kail, are at A a or a Miss May i Mrs. M. i Comfort ihd 1 of liaitmiure, i i of I ar.d Mr-.

J. aud eou, of aie H. Tnnon'a, Mite Maiyart-i ii i- her home ic tijis jiluce. panied oy her fcittLr, ih Gleti iio iias beL'i; i now imyrovtd. Catharine a Lewi-; Sowers, of i i a Wednesday i Mi-.

C-'iar'oti Bo3ty, Mr. aad Booty and utioi.i lowji, iiie r-; at connly. Migc A of Pii is the gutfct cl Mt aud i iio ley. Miss Mary i- Of i I i uitn V. t- -r an Kev uc i JUniita, of Ml J-jy, sire Mrt V.

T. KIU-. li-, tlie i in i i i ol ia epeuaing the h.iiu-ner uaut, Mrs. J. i lii.r.

conipanied by i latler part o' i i a Mrt-. Out Mi'-rC'r lieitm an i 1 i a i i near I I Mia 4 I.eiui I'oet friendfc in i i 5 IJ" tlt 1 Of la i i i ie Li wehr avenue. tlie i i a week were C. A I i i i i Me Kdgar C. Gervvis, i a i i -t-ru-u Stooe, and G.

i t.f I I Col. T. 1C -it i N. Y. W.

Harmon Muhcrobs and committee of Uth Pi. arrangeiiieLitu for tbeir visit 11' September 21 president of the Gettysburg a ington R. R. THROUGH a mistake of the Hotel Gettysburg last Thansda. belonging to one of the visitr Lutheran lie-union at Pen-Mar the wrong bnggy.

Tbe tinder i return it to Hocel Getiybburg. I AM prepared to mkeanaiysi ing water, and mnieia! Chad. T- X.egle Gottysb gir.s to work room. Apply at Centra! Kote! J. T.

Lo.v PIC-NIC--J. will firat pic-nic at 0:1 August 3d, 1001. Thw ground with a new dancing floor. Go aud rtifreehmeuta ia abucbaac ail. NEWSPAPER!.

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