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Gettysburg Compiler from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUBSTITUTES. lie following a liil of the Substi- Iniea for drafted men in cointy: S. Kepncr for Benj. F. Kepoer, Richard Ryne for Michael llclsel, Jatob r.

McGlaughliu for Or David Peffer. BICWICK Brown for Ueorge Krolet, William U. Koonu for Jacob Mark Ic. W. Orner for Thomas Taylor, George Toot for Daniel Walter, William Crura for Jacob Howry, Conrad Linn for Daniel March, Kinanuel Myers for Jameson Myers, Emanuel Beiller for Charles A.

Hartzcl, Isniu- Crum for Crttm, John Jacobs for Gabri- Slall for Wi'tiam Tliomfts, Jacob A Boole for i i i Uttuc Lrcperlor XVmllcnry Dm iimti. 'I Mnriden for IlcnryJ Myers, George Bishop tur i i i Wolf, Lewis M'iller for Tliomna Khrharl, i i Slonnker fur Wm Meckley, William Kissel for Andrew Bream, John Dull for Pcli-r Kidler. David Wagner i on for Kpanglt-r. John Powell lor 1 i A I I A LAST. I Flour 0 00 to 6 Rye 4 i i Wheat 1 30 to 1 Red Wheat 1 25 lo 1 Public Sale A A A AT.

I'liUAV, the litii day of December next, 25 i subscriber i otfer at Public Suit, on the premises, the following property, viz 30 A SMALL FARM, on which he resides, situ- SheriflPs Sale. A. Valuable Farm 1 pursuance of sundry of Vcndjttoai A PCUL'O SATURDAY, the Exponas, iiaued out of the Court of Com-! latli day of NOVEMBER neil, by ordbr mon Pleas of Adams county, and to me i of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, directed, will be exposed to Public Suit, at the subscriber, Administrator of Jottrn RIDDLE- which bus enabled hiai to publish a mnpazine Court House, in Gettysburg, on SATCRDA i HOSIB, deceased, will offer HI PuMic Sale, for ihe tliiriy-ibree yenrs of a larger circa- Godey's Lady's litTKJMK'r'AS i A publisher if tally's Cook, thankful to that pang If Kicbolu, William A Slurncr fur Sol Stumer. I I i i Krefz- for Philip Sterner, Jacol) Groff for Andrew Sell, Willinm Sickle for Kdward Robert. George Winters for John Kite, Jacob tiullinger for Henry Holliogcr, Jno A Gcrrick for A Gerrick, Eniunuel Sell for Adam Lease, Anthony Kerch for A a a Oats Buckwheat CloTerSec-d 5 Timotny Seed 1 75 to 2 Flax Seed 1 Pluser of Paris 7 Fluster ground, per bag 1 i i of flip bn rough of.

the 15lh day of NOVEMBER next, ng 21 ACRK.S and some o'clock, P. the following de 1 described lleal on the premises, the following Real EeUte of Sftid decedent, viz A FARM, situate in Liberty townihip, Adams adjoining lands of Jacob Kiker. Andrew White, David Martin, John Weity, and others, well road, adjoining hinds of Daniel Longenecker, containing 211 Acrei, more orient, about 75 rchnrd of John Gulden and John Yeagy, contain! 35 acres of which are covered with tini witn about 40 acres ol Meadow. lation than any in America, hat made nteil on the Western GetlyiBburg. a i i perches, and adjoining D.

McMillan, J. H. Me- Estate, viz Clelbtn and others--improved with BRICK i A TRACT OF LAND, situate ia Strnhan i HOUSE and Buck Building, Brick Wash and township, Aduras county, on the Bake House, a Barn, a never-tailing water at the door, und a young Orchard of John Gulden and John Veagy, contain! acres of which are covered with (inn '863- This alone will place tbe Lady'i Book choice apple and peach treed. not sold Acres, more or less--ubout 5 in timber witn about 40 acres ol Meadow. The Farm is 'B a literary point of view far ahead ritngement with tht popular ta this country--MARIOS ilAKLAND, aethoreae of "Alone," "Hidden Pa'b," 8.4e," Nemesis," and Miriam," who will story overy number of Ihe Lady Book for BALTIMORE--FRIIMT LAST.

Myers, Ucorgt: Rhode for laaac Rhodes, John Hife, John Waller for George Buschorc, Beitlrr for Michael O. Miller, Henry Carbon Pius lleiler lor Jacob Fox, John Fletcher for Flour 87 for llenry Roth Jacob A.Trostlefor W. George Shuc, Charles bhively lor Levi Troftte, A. M. TownsU-y for Amos Myers.

Kopp for John Bunbey, Jeremiah Shine lor Edgnr Jenkins, John I. for David Eline, George J. Gitl fur William Mcngei, Lewis Battermnn for i i a Daniel Clinc for Joseph A. Heiigy, Nierterer for Jacob D. Niederer, Henry C.

Roth for Adam Roth, Joseph R. Snydt-r for Spangler, Leonard Shields for A Mebr- ing. It is not improbable that $90,000 have lecn invested in in this county, the prices i from nbotit $200 to about $600. How long ran a printer afford to furnish a for i Sensible self examining go- Vincent Obold, Pape ior John a i ty proposed the following queries, to P.vid Starry for Uufus Krug. we woul(J dircct Uje ftltention i se Hoffman for John F.

frit nd9 as mt be i Currens, A. Currens for William rend. Ltvi for Kmanucl i the apprOiiching term of Court: Itollingcr for Dnvid P. Weikcrt, Abraham it cost any i i to print a paper? titnll for John Stall. Biesecker for Lev! Pitzcr, Frederick Siflier for John Kplcy, Absalom Kramer for Jacob K.Oyler, John C.

Steinljcr- Kor for George A. Goy, John D. a for John P. Unit, Henry Peters for Isaac Bin her, John Kyler Israel Myrs, Joseph M. Shorb for Ailum Deurdorlf, John Shurry for Levi MinU-r.

Scott for William Scott, Herbert Bojd for James Uoyd, Lenn- i a for Francis i a Wheat Rye Corn 1 Oats Clover Seed, 6 i Seed 2 Beef Cattle, per Hogs, per 5 Hay 17 Whiskey 41 Guano, Peruvian, per tori A A LAST. Flonr, from wagons 6 Do. from stores 7 Wheat 1 35 to 1 Corn 00 93 03 74 64 87 to 7 45 1 9u to I 70 10 35 to 25 to 6 37 25 to 2 DO BO 9 00 50 6 25 00 to20 00 to 4'2 75 00 the property day. Also, ut the same time and place, will be Do printers eut, drink and wear i i ()(ltg If so, liow do they get i Lo I owe for my paper 1 not this particular period a time to pay first-rate Clover Seed Timothy Seed. (Master 00 00 50 HO (J2 5 00 1 75 6 25 will be offered for rent on said' and about acres in meadow--improved i a Two-story Frame Weatherboarded DWELL I HOUSE, wood shed atuehed, well of, of Ihe Tcry'best Farms'in that region.

sold, 1 WORK HORSE. I Young Cow, nearly, water near the door of the dwelling, Cellar! improvements are a Urge Two- fresh, 2 Wagons, 2 sets of Hind Gears, nearly under sniti House, Double Frame Weatherboard-! story Double Dwelling HOUSE, new, and other Gears, Plough. Double and diu-; cd Barn, Hog Pen, and young Cfchard of Bunk Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn gle-trees, Saddle and Bridle, 3 tons of Hay, and choice fruit trees. Seized and taki-n iu i Crib, large Hay Shed, Carriuge, Fodder, 20fi bundles of Straw, a i in Ihe culion as the properly of LKAU CBOJUJS. ground, and many other articles too numerous! ALSO -to mention.

No. 1 A TRACT OF LAXD, situate in to commence at 1 o'clock, P. Franklin township. Adams connly, adjoining lands of John Deardorlt and John Aiendt, Bnd the old Berlin rond, containing 3 Acres, in a good state of cultivation, (part having been limed,) and under good fencing. It is one The House.

Hog Pen, Smoke Houiv, Wash oiher magazine. Marion Harland for SM other Our other farotite vritera will all continue to lorniib articlei tbroaghovt the year. TI1R BEST LADT'S VAGA7ISK IN nt WORLD, AND THE CnBAPKST. THE LITERATURE it of that that rM be read aloud in tbc family circle, and Ihv mere or less, improved with a one and a half with Ciitcrn, LOG TENANT I10USK, and other immense numbers are for Henry 1'ctcrs for Calvin Krisc, a i want Tills, take Ayer's Pills. Nothing has over appeared in this market i that can compare with this new invention for chatting out the distempers that fasten Ileamer for Frederick (1 Pulfer, Gecrge Kizcr and grow upon us.

They are the Philoso- The for John Haufiigardncr Joseph Craver for flnd i a to I SL'BSCWIPTH John Itighaiu, Joseph H. Kiggs for John Pat- the Treasury, terson dibeiwp, and will leave us no alternative Office of Jay Cooke, AGENT, JAY COOKE A 114 SOUTH TIllliD STREET, i a i a Nov. 1, 18fi2. i having been appointed PTIOX AGENT by ihe Secretary of is now prepared to i at on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made bv E'PHRAIM HANAWAY. November 3, 1862.

Is i slorv partly log and parlly Irame Weather- I bonfded DWELLING HOUSE, willi a one and I a half slory Kitchen attached, Cellar under said House, Bake Oven, Well of Water with a in it near the door of tbe i Blacksmith Shop, Bum, part log aud purl frame, Corn Crib, and au Orchard with a variety of choice fruit trees. No. a A TRACT OF LAND, situale in said township and county, adjoining lands of Philip a and Win. Geyer, and the old buildings; a well of pood water at the bouse and another in tbe barn-yard, both ncrerfail- ing, with a in each two thriving Apple Orchards, of choice fruit, with pear, pencil, cherry nd other fruit. The Farm is well watered, and is in every respect a most desirable King for Shorb, Oto to 'He of old l.rit-c lor George StuncMfcr, Atlam Merlz Jtir Aloimii Sunders tor llcShcrry, B'-i'jinnin Fm-zc-r for A Daniel lor Amos i i i i i Sijllmiu for Itlorher.

Francis Orcu- for Kline, Obcdiah Frcct for tiyl- Jlrsrnir, Patrick i for i Sla- IPV, i i lor A i i Joseph llt-nry Kn-fer for Solomon Sell, Win for i i for Keener, Jaiob for Henry Bang, John K(-fe fur I.t-vi lliirncr, i for Amos i for John Spanker, i a for Hi-nry JMIIH'-V for Jacob 11 Iliirner. James Smith for a i a BnKt-r lor Win Smi'li for i i i McCrury for Naac I' Isaac McCluin lor Jereiinali K11Z. i for J.nuts li Lqrpcr i If A I i for A Sionn. Charles i for John Henry for Gi-tx. Ost-nr Forbes fir i i i a i i i i for Ji-s-e Bupp, r.eil XoiniHiit Cor Hiirtley, a i i i i Xot-1 Peler Hoover, i i Tor Ih-nry link.

i for i rti-r, Angel lor Dr Mine. Siiuili lor Hoover, i i for Levi Wt-Mi-r. ll.chin'l tor Bo- Hilr. SpitnpliT for Elijah i lor Higgle, i i tor i Nieki-y, Peter A a I'or i i i Wt.ih-i. i i A llainsworlh for A for Win Rei-il, -nb tor Cluuk-s l-'nincis Me- i i I Slonrr.

i i i i i i i i Jacob Itct'M-sfor i 1'c- it hi.1:1 1 .1 I bi-n for a i a Jittni- 1 i for .1 iiiics A i for Jacob A I i i i i i Jnt-ob i IVin fir A i Meals, a I lor a i i i a i i i for Vi'm a i for liu-nm, 11 f.rr George Wier- Sh.ii-efclU-r I'or )'. i (li-iirjre II Troplle lor Tnxile, A i ilium i i tor a i Yohfi. i for Gco i i i ft'uv a I i i Sam- i n-l I for -lui I' a Welsh i J'tiues I i I I I I I I a Kilcy tor A a i trr. JM)III i i i i i i i i ior Win D-init-l i I.ii i'. n'gf Bv.irrl, Ti.utiia- I ft i i I let- lor a i i i i i i i i i i ii for JuM-ph i i i i A a i i I I I i i i i i.i'iiliari, 1 i i a i for I A oh A i Ounlri-r.

A i i i Mo'les fi Cii-orvi- i i i Sm li: tin 1 J.n oli IN'ury Sipv lit-o i i Inline A-, I i i Jacob Bnv- foi Onr.ifl i i i I i A Jii-i 1 lor i i a i i lireiia- litiin. I a (Iricsl. Mursi i i lor i fr'tucl-, Ainin-w P-i-ll It.r John II i Joseph i i i for Ivinitiiiit-l i i i i a for A i I'cirr i i i lor Jno i i i i il el.i-.tT i for Petei Sir.nll for Jaini-K i John i I. i i i Wm i for NEW TWENTY A PER CT. I30NDS, of the i Slates, designated as Kive- Twcnties," redeemable at the i a of the Government, after fh years, und a i hy Act ol Conjirc-s-', i i i February 1862.

The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of $5(1, $100, $1000. The I HONDS in Eums of $50, $100, SI 000, S5000. at hii percmt. per a will com- meucc from ilale of and is A A 1 i on gold, to a I Ayer's you feeble i i Arc you out of order i your sy-tftii ill-rang'fi and a ble? These are oftcii I to serious illness. Some fit of i is i i i 3'uu, anil be averted h) a timely use of Ihc i remedy.

Take Ayer's nnd out i i ilcred -p i i i the blood, nnd let the i i i i on i i A a i is a at the ohstrih'tetl i a a i Thev i a the finictioiiii of body into vigorous a i i PKR A i i the syatc-ni from i i i i a i i a A cold somewliere in the and all who a a raonrv tr invest, lioiiy, and its a a ami remember a Bunds are, in These, if react effect, a KIU.ST A i Hail- nii'l the i erg nn, i i a roads, Canals, Bunk Stor'ks and Securities, i i i i i i siifi't i (iml disease. i in i and Ihc i products of a the Manuf.ic- i co'itlilion, opprcsseil by Uie ileran5ements, lake Ayt-r'a Pills, and how i they re- the a a a i of ihe system, and i it a I'veliiiK of a i again -W a i a a i i i i i i a and a i is also iu many of Ihe Jeep-scatt'il ami tliiuijcrous i t-ffecl e.vjicls them. Caused Teachers Wanted. HE School Directors of Slraban will meet at ihe bouse of Jacob L.

in Hunterstown, on A A XOV. a At 12 o'clock, for Ihe purpose of i 1 Teachers lo lake charge of the Schools. The County ijupcnutcndenl is expected to be present to examine applicants. By order of the Bonrd, i JOHN WERT2, Secretary. Nov.

3, 1862. Id Military Goods. TAFF AND I I am prepared lo a i nt tht lowest possible rates. Staff a i Line Officers i ilress HATS, i i a i SWORD.S, SASUKS, und equipments. Ulh'cers are especially inviled to call.

R. F. Nov. 3, J8C2. Offloera and Privates ILL find a splendid assortment of Army A Gum Blankets, Woolen i Drapers, heavy Water-proof! AT1LD1 MCII.H HOOTS, Hats nnd i and every article Unit a soldier going into camp i need, nt Nov.

3, 2 R. F. llerlin road, containing 20 Acres, more or less, 1 acre in timber the balance furm i a Seised and taken in execution as Ihu property of BtsjAV.H lil.L'tBAUOU. I AI.BO I A LOT Or GROUND, situate in the town cvf a Reading township, county, wishing to view It are roqncst- ou George Riddlemoser, residing ed to call thereon. to commence at 1 o'clock, P.

on cnid dav, attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSEPH RIDDLEMOSER, AdmiiiistTutor. By the Courl-- KICHILTE, Clerk. not sold, tbe Farm will be Rented on said day. Oct. 10, Book.

The Mnslc is all original, and would ftt (the price of tbe Book) in manic stores, but moot of i' is copy wrighted, and cannot be obtained except in "Rodey." Our Steel efforts to rival in this hare ceased, and we now stand in this department, giving, as we do.nsany and infinitely belter engravings than are published in anv oiher work. Godey immense DOUBLE SHEET FASHION-PLATES, from five to full length Colored on Oilier only two. Far nhi-ml of any Fashions in Europe or Ainerir.i. Godfy'c the only work in the world that fives immense plates, and they such as lo-have excited ihe wonder of publishers iind the pulilir. The publication of plates cnst more thnn Fathion-rlatoB of the old ytylc.

mill nothiuc but our wonderfully large circulatinn enables nt to give them. Other rnnnot Hflord it. We never spare money wluu Desirable Property A PUBLIC SATCRDAY, the T. IMIi day of ncr.t, ilie mih- on the west side of the Hanover Car- i icrib i offcr Bt ubUc on the public l.ebr.u-fited lisle, bounded ou the by lot Begf A TRAC OK LASD.coniaininjt 15 Acres, I Stephen Hemord south by lot of Dr. C.

Bluh'i uftted OI1 the Taneytown 2 from mn heirs, and west by an alley, improved with. Geltvsburp, in Cumberland Adami not two story Log Dwelling with cellnr. well of a near the door of ihe i and some fruit treei. Seiaed and taken in execution us the property of JOHI Mvitm aud G' turts, in and that the and a provision made for the payment of the interest and i i a i of principal, by Duties, Excise and I a serves to a these Bonds the Jiett, Most Available und Mail Invat- New Pall and Winter HCOTT SON have in store and are now sell as cheap as the cheapest a good of Dry Goods, consisting of Ladies' JJret- Goods, as Merinoes, Cobergs, Dt.biines. i i i Alp.iicas, c.

A Cae- simeres, i a i i Tweeds. Jeans, a to which we i i a i of we ask au vx.imliiHtion before i i i cUewhere. A. SCOTT SON. Nov.

3 1802. The interest in A LOT OF GROUND, in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, on the west side of Washington Rfrcet, bounded scuth by lot of James by an alley, and north by lot of John H. Culp, improved i a two story Frame Weather- boarded Dwelling HOUSE, i cellar, well of eourty, adjoining lands of George Sarah Patterson and Michael Frcy. The improvements are a two-story Frame Weather- boarded HOPSB, well of firs; rate water nt the young thriving fruit trees. About 4 ncres of the land are in wood.

These fashions may be relic-i on. be mile after them, and tbe HFnrcr subject herself to ridicule, us would the if she visiied the large cities dressed tbe style ut I plntig (riven ia sonic of our to cal'rd faKliion mag.iy.incs. Our Wood IvugravingF, of which we twice or three times as many other azine, arc often miKtnkcn for stiel. They ara Persons i i to view Iho properly are re- i 80 any others. to call on Adam IM.1 AT ihercon.

quested to cull on Adam Bellinger, residing At tbe mime time will be offered, about Acres of WOODLAND, adjoining Ihe above. Terms easy. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. on said dav. when attendance will be.

nnt ound water with a chain in it, near the door I gi TC n( termi made known by Oct. 37, 186J. JOHN MUSSKR. of the dwelling, frame weatherbcmided Stable, i Corn Crib, i Trees, ic. Seined and t.ikeo I in execution as the property of Joiix P.

Ilorr- I A AL80 -I No. 1: A TRACT OF A being the mansion a situate in I i i a town- shir), Adams county, a i i lands I Jacob Muiaelmnn. John, I ln nlle the 10th Proclamation. A the Hon. ROUKRT J.

FIRIITR, resident of the nevernl Courts of Com- mtnt in the Market. Subscriptions i at PAR in Legal I I i a ami for three ye.irs a Medical Uesi- liy i i a i and derangements of Tender Nolea, or notes nnd checks of bank; at den' in Ihe Baltimore City a County A Hie a a i of the body, they par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by i will a i a a of by llic receive a i and every a i i anil ex phi nation will be i on application at Uns olliee. A of Bonds will be kept on hand for iuimudiiite delivery. A COOKS, i i Agent.

Nov. 10, Jiu Peter Brooks, and 150 Acres, I more or less, about 100 ncrea being cleared farm land, (of which about 10 acres ure men- pared to a to nil calls, at any a one and ft btilf story Log Dwelling HOUSK, may be made me. Dr. Keirle has been i a one-story attached, Dou- lor one vear Clinical Assistant in the Baltimore blc Professional Card. AY1KG associated i myself Dr.

N. I i of i i I am now dow.) the balance in timber, improved with ft District, nnd of the Courts of Oycr and Termincr and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other in the i district, and A I ZIKULIR and IfcAAC K. i WiKlUf Judges ot llic of Com- mon Picas, and Justices of the Courts of Over and Termincr and General Jail Delivery, eame. who the i of these I'ilts i neglect to employ them sufT'-ring from the disorders they cure, siu'h as Headache, Foul a i i Complaints, Imligc-lion, Derangement of i i Costiveness or Constipation. As i ner Pill i are agreeable mid cITcctiiul.

I by Dr. J. C. A I'liicu 25 Vestt PKII I I by A. D.

I nnd dealers everywheie. 3, "OH. 2ni house, i I feel free to recommend him to tue confidence of i I hope, by strict at- i to i to merit for myself and a i a of tbc same patronage i has so long been accorded to the old office. S. G.

I M. D. Oct. 27, 1802. 2m On the rtulh nl Lulh.

Parsonage. i by Rt-v. S. Henry, Mr. SIMON.

PKTUKY to Miss M'AKY J. WARNER, both or Carroll Mil. On ihe i by Rev. Jacob Sechler, Mr. A i A SCI1 Alt'! i i of Adams i i i i A Ks-sick, I I 'IOOT to Miss AXX C.

WALTKI4, both of A a i i i On i hi- 2Jd by Rev. J. Fry, Mr. A I I A of a i a to Miss A I 1 A li. SI1KKTS, of York A a On "he 4th i by Rev.

A. F.ssick, Mr. A i A I I lo Miss A I.OL1SA, d.iiighli-r ol George Wolf, both of Adams JJajfObituary notices exceeding six line? i herc-tfi'-r lie a half our iisuni adv i i rates lor ail over thai of On the -llh of Octolier hist, at the residence of Mr. a i i i in i township. Mr.

I.KONA1!L A S3 years i) ami days. On i his 21st of in a Ohio, Mr. WM. II. MOHIIOW, lormerly of i On the 2Dih in Conowngo i A 1 1 aged 1 1 month aud 14 a lil-IBHOCA.

12 years and 1 mouth-- i i i of Jot and Ilebecca Itehert. Just Received, A A I OT A A- I 0 11 1 -Nov. 10, 1S02. AT I I Restaurant. HE Chambersburff Street a a (recently Kckenrode's.) is now conducted by the iindersitr'ied.

OYSTERS urc done up in a styles I I BEEF TRIPE, I I EGGS, and a nice glass of A can at all i be a A IM. The Saloon Ims boon re-painted and fitted up in i BOLLI'NGER A- BAUGHER. Gettysburg, Nov. 8, Gettysburg Female Institute, i Se.i5iou of i I i i i commence ov THE I I UF 2 In addition to the i a and i a di i 8 a i a i be attached to the I i Price nt i i i to age and a a i of i For particulars i i of i i i a MIIH. K.

R. EYSTEK, Principal. Gettysburg, 10, ISC2. Dividend. A OF 1 4, I A A I I of FOPR cent, on the Capital Stock of this hank--after a i the Government Duty-has been declared, payable on and after Mon- duy next, inst.

T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Nov. 10, 18C2.

3t fall Ready-made Clothing. EOUCiU A ha? now got up his fill and i slock i consisting Over Coats, in great variety, very cheap, DreaS Business Coals, Jackets, i i a Drawers. All of our own a a and up in the very bei-t manner, and i be buld very cheap. i us a call. Ijc-ltysbuig, Nov.

3, 18C2. Notice. ACOB test a a on the esia of a Sneely, a of (Jiiitm Adnms deceased, a i bi en a to the i ed, i i i Hnviuhip, ho hereby gives i to all persons i estate to a i i a payment, and those a i a i same lo prcger.t proper)v a i i A A I I A a i faut'ter. 3, 18U2. door of Ihe Creek i said tract; orchard with a variety of choice i trees.

NO. 2: A'TKACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, i a in said i ano county, a i i lands of Abraham Reover, and containing 8 Acres, more or of i a 5 acre are clear, the balance in limber. No. 3 A Til ACT OF I A citu- ate in a i i and a i i the County isisucl their pro- cept, bearing date Ihe 20lh day of A in the year of our LORU one thousand eight bun- dred and sixty-two, and to me directed, taken at par. holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General', etRr Q'lirter Sessions of the Peace, and ticnernl Jail Delivery and Court nf Oyer nnd Termincr, at Gettysburg, on Monday, the Hlh day of A'o- I vtnbrr next-! NOTICE 13 nKRTIRT C.1VEV to all the of thoirj.

Dial the Book is the original ttic cheapest. I i a (Jrficy, y.tu i I no other or a a ia imutc c.m bu Gouev. i TKJIMS, CASH IX ADVANCE. One copy year, Two copies nnc i year, Three copic-s one ycnr, Jii. Four copies one year Five copies one jear.

ami I an extra copy to the perion sending the- club, $10 i'ighl i-opioc one year, and nn extra ropy to the person tending llic cluli, Eieifu copies one year, and on extra copy to tbe person sending the club, And the only magazine that can be tntiwliired into the above clubs in place of Ihv Book ia Arthur's Home Magazine. I A WITH OTIIBR tiodey's Hook and M'ignriiie. both one ycnr for $:) M. Lady's Book and llarper'n Magnxiur bolli om your for $4 .10. Oodey, Harper, and A will all three be sent one year, on receipt vf $0 00.

Treasurv Notes and Notes of all solvent nd pay the postngc on yonr Utter. Address L. A. COOKY, 323 Clienul Cjlrccl, Nov. 3, 18'iJ.

hinds ol David Stewart. Lewis Bu.hman, and others, a i i 75 Acres, more or lees, of Justices of the Peace the Coroner nnd pine, poplar aud oak i Co vlt of Adam9 a No. 4: A TRACT OF A I LAND, they be then a there their proper situate ic said i a a i i ttlcir orj8 Tnqniwlioni, iiuitions, and other Remembrances, to no those Stratton, Byant ATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLKGR3, Lor.tTEn IK I A I A S. E. con.

TTII AND CHKSNCT lands of Joseph John and others, a i i 18 Acres, more or leu, of eht'snut, hickory nnd oak tiralier. No. A A OF A i a in snid i aiid a i i Unds of Jacob a Ezra Oyler, Frederick ilillei, aud others, a i i 12 Acres, mure or (atom 6 acres clear, the 'jahineo in limber.) improved one and a I Stone Dwelling HOUSE, i one. and a half story Adams, nre to be then and Iherc to prosecute them as shall bo JUKI. A WOLP, Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office, Gcltysburg, 1 Oct. 20, 18G2, 1C I A SEN per On the 5th in (icttysbur-r, MA Rf? A RET i i for Ueurife Amos I A ANN 1 A aged 6 months i i i a for Jacob Purr, Jacob 5 i ior Pett-i Milk-r, i i a Weaver Tuesday last, of tliptherift, I I A Ji-riniiiili Wenver, James Tlimnptou for a FILLMOIilO, sou of Willi im and Rosanna i Mfnges, Frederick Sin.ler for Daniel Shecly, of Slrnbnn township, 5 yems and Jacobs tor Kphraini i i a i i 2 months. for Joseph Slit-fly. a i Khuisser I'or On the 27tb GEORGE McCLELLAX, Juseph Sl.ultz, James II fur Samuel A infiint son of Henry nnd B. Lizzie Myers, aged James A Little for George llemler.

i month nnd 25 days. On the 10th of A ELLEN, aged 1 month nnd 2C days nnd on the 5th of Dividend. DK President and i a a of ihe York and i Road Company have declared' i i of One Dollar per on the a i a stock, to be paid on demand to the M.ockholders or their legal representatives, in Gettysburg bv George Swopc. and in York by I I SMYSEU, Treas. Nov.

10, 1862. 3t MOUI.TJOV.-- diaries Bushey for Henry Hrhwnm. Wcplcy Savior for AllU-d a JMI-OI- liuukry for i A Albert Klinirell lor Jacob Kidi-r, Peter Wise for J. mil's Spnlding, Thoiiuii! Bower for Jacob Hiiwrrs, Calvin Ilornt-r for Smith Burr, David for Emnnuel Fct-zer, Nonh Snyder for A A ngeti 7 yenrH and 1 month, children of Jacob and of Franklin township. On the in Arendtsvillc, MILTON BUCHER, son of Alexander and Kate Winrott.

lieiiben Boyd for Oavjj Beit- Buehcr, nged 2ycars and J5 days. ier, Boms Miller lor Worlvy Wiutrode. John 1 i for Henry Epple- rnp.n, Henry Dorheimcr lor Luther II Cashman, 1-niel Orner for Pracklin Weancr. Samuel Orner Amos Elijah Irvin lor Cornelius IJice, Jubn A fiillicks ior Henry Sillicks, J.icob for George (J Conrad for tr.och Routzuhn. Oxrono.

John Kebcl for Joseph TV Hendrix, James Fink for Francis Klunk, Aloysi- IIH Small lor Alexander 8 llimcs, William Itackmeinter for li'lnimd Gill, Adam for James Brown, William Muus for Koluiuon Brown, Andrew for Philip Hemler, Moses r'lrniing for JosephusS Roland, Lewis A Groft lor Eliot Kellenbt-rgcr, Peter Little for Henry AVieat. for James Robcgon, Jeremiah Smith for George Smith. John Sueering- for Pias Rnceringcr, Philip Kleagle for John Ceckman, Jumta Caldwell for Samuel McTaggert. John Noel for David White, George llarman for Daniel George McNabb lor Adam Myers. Thomas Melnlire foi Wm Myers, Thomas Mullock for George Hoover, John Coe for Samuel March, Wm Roach for Cyrus Myers, John Carl lor Peter Hardman, Uichael Doraheimer for Solomon Sp-mgler, I.udwigSteinle for John Criswell, Frederick for A Spangler, Peter Brook for John A Riimme), Amos Bowera for Adam Miller, Felix Labum for John Wolf, Frederick Wilkins for Solomon Miller, Lewis Decker for Robert Dicks, Jacob DeardorfTfor Smith, Henry Noel for Blias Wolf, Benjamin Shriver for Lemuel Nalaun, Allen Trostle for I Trostle, Allowees Billmnn lor Solomon Border, John Sheely for Solomon Mummert, JbOBBR for Isaiah Bushey, John Westeiicld for Michael Nell, GcrdesDasen for 'William Tudor, John Shvrtzer for Singleton Eaoolti, James Chronister for Lewis Chro- pister.

Stockston for John Felly, Samuel Cosley for William Thomas, Jacob Comfort for Isaac Pottorff, John Inhoff for Holti, George Stover for David Lockhart, JerocM Voel for Jacob Miller, Gtorf WeUmaotie for Jeremjah Sbriver, Jas Griffltk for Henry Mummert, BlnebangU for John Creeger, Allowees Noel for John Btalqr, James Tboapoit for John Bckert, William Bicbiafvr far John Bender, John Cram for Henry Weaner, Jacob -At Small for John Jlajorj, Cbarlei A Cue for Jacob Joseph Day (or Albert, Jolin On the 4th A daughter of Conrad Kckcrt, of Franklin township, aged 23 years 4 und 13 davs. On Saturday week, I I A PETER, aged 4 years 3 months nnd 9 days, and on the same day, JOHN LEWIS, ngeU I year 8 months and 7 days, children of Lewis ami Margaret Burns, of this place--both of scarlet fever. On theSOlh in Arendtsville, SOLOMON, infant son of Moses Rafi'cneperger, aged months and 2 days. At Abbottstown, on the 26th of October, MARY, consort of Joseph R. Henry, ngcd 73 yeiira 10 months nnd 15 days.

Ou the 31st A A MARY, daughter of Win. Yenttg, of Mennllen township, aged 10 yenrs 2 months and 19 days. This is the burlb child lust by death in a short lime past. In Hancock eouuly, Ohio, on the 2Gth of Seplcmber, Mri. CAROLINE FB1SER, wife of Ur.

Charles Feiser, formerly of Ajdams counly, aged 32 years 6 mouths and'18 days. Near Abbottstown, on tbe 22d ALBERT EMANUEL I10FFHE1NS, aged 3 years 6 moB. and 12 days. On the 2d SAVILLA CATHARINE, daughter of Solomon Bettmer, of Menallen township, aged 5 years and 22 day a. Communicated.

On the 3d Miss LEAH SWISHKU, daughter ot J. Franklin Swisher, aged 21 years 1 month and 22 days. The disease which carried off thii amiable young lady was consumption. All Ihroiighher sickness she exhibited the meek, submissive spirit ot the Christian and when the dying hour was at bar.d, she summoned her family around her bedside to bid them good Tbc departure of one so dear, who had been gaining a deeper and still deeper hold on their affections bs she drew nearer to tbe grave, drew tears from their already moistened eyes. But the said to them, Don't cry tor me, I'm going home." Heaven ia ray home." Tbe deceased wag a member ot the German Reformed Church, aud now she sleeps with tbe blessed dead.

PABTOB. Communicated, On the 16th in Huntington township, of diptheria, LIZZIE HATTON, daughter of 41 i chael and Elisabeth Fissel, aged 2 years 6 months and 9 days. Farewell, dearest Lizzie, till the resurrection morn-Then with triumphant songs, in shining form, Thy slumbering dust shall awake and No more to lodge in the abgde of worms, But dwell with in upper Now is the Tune BUY COATS, VESTS, PANTS, of every description, for Men nnd Boys, very ow, at PICKING'S. Jurors for November Term. i A Hamilton--Martin (Foreman,) Daniel Bender.

to s-ud i i i i a a i i i i i i i a i GMTA. House, i good Spring a near Coor of Ihe i orchard i a variety Gettysburg--Nicholas Codorl, of choice fruit trees. A small stream of wuter i a a i Lawrence. said tract. Mountjoy--I'rancin Allison, D.

Xewman. No. 7 A TRACT OF A I LAND, I Franklin--John Cole, Albert Vandyke. i a in a i i Adams Mennllen--Samuel Meals. adjoining lands of John Throne, George Germany--Abraham Bunkiwd, I a a Peter Henry, nnd others, a i i Oxford--Joseph A.

Smith. 7 Acres, more or less, of Rood chi-snut timber. Liberty--Peter Crady. i vn i TP M'T np I i i Lease, have all work done i Particular attention A I A I Or MO LA IAI.N Neiderer. fiitunte in said i and county, adjoining OOIIOWBRO--1 cier ftemcrer.

a of George a i a Joseph Reading--Israel Ttoslle. and others, coiit.iiiiing 10 Acres, more or less, Cumberland--Joseph Bailey. of good chcsnut timbor. Seized and tdken iu Miller, execution 85 the- properly of illiain Culp. Robert Martin, in the corner of the Square, at the old place.

Care will be taken to paid to i and repairing. Oct. ISG2. tit Arch Street Carpet No. 832 Arch Street, 2 door: i I A I A are now i A STOCK of' English and A i i A I corn prising all the new styles of Velvet, Brussels.

Tapestry, Brussels, Three- ply, I a i and Yeuitiaus, i a nssorlinent of OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, MATS, The attention of purchasers ami others in called to nn a i a i of i above. As buy and sell exclusively for cash we nre prepared lo sell at small profils, a hold o'-i slrong inducemeulslo CASH BUYERS. Ocl. 10, 1862. 31.1 A WOLF, i Cutlor--John Brnme.

Sheriff's ofGco, Gctivgluirg, Oct. 27, '62. Freedom-Augustus iTartzcll, per cent, of the purchase, menoy; Berwick all falos by tlie Sheriff Liuslua paid Jc ft T. i i a after the properly is struck dovru Hamilton--John Dellone, or upon failure to comply ihi-rewith lUi, licttygburg--Ocorije P. Kalbfleif David .11 i.

I 1 pondence. practically taught. Thes-e Colleges being under tbc same gearrtl and local management, and uniting in eivchUio advantages of all, offer greater fnr imparting infirm-lion than any other siiuilnr i institutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by anyone Is good in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College lias ICPII rerenily enlarged iii') refurnished in superior niHiiurr, nni is now the largest and Commcri-ial I i i i in tlieSfte.

I i Strailon' scries ol Text cmbrnciKir Buek-keeping, Cunimercial Arithmetic, and Commercial Law, for eale, au2 sent by mail. 'jjarl'or full particulars send for a Oct. 20, 18G2. ly Grain ft Grocery Warehouse. UANITE nn.lersigne.l baf leased King's Warehouse, at Granite Station, on the Gcttvsburg where he is now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE nnd GROCERY business on a targe fcale.

He pays the highest market prices for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Ost8, Clover Timothy and sells Groceries of all kinds, at tbe lowert living profits. Give him a call. Ko effort spared to render satisfaction. PHILIP Sept. 1, 1862.

3m ly i be again put up Ior eule. Dr. James Cress, dleharl, Jacob Troxel. Butler--Abraham Myers, William 8. Hamilton, ElinB Gardner.

Wouutjoy--Peter Bnohey, Jobn Hnrfmon, Jr. (F i i nit a i i i i i tf i A otters D'g Stratum--Daniel Lady Thorattg, John of Orleans Sugar nnl Mnlnsmt, wjth a JCj sional services to the citisiens of quanlily and variety of Sugars, which burg and Hiuing been associated I gclline low-eilher wholesaleorrelnil. Notice. A A SELL'S testamentary on the estate of Abraham Sell, of Union township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they nereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those i claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. PETKtt SELL, ANDREW SELL, Nov.

10, 1802. Executon. Caution. HEREBY caution all persons against bny- ing nn obligation which I held against rancis Eline and John Eline, for two dollars, payable in six monthly payments, the firsl payment to be made on the 3d of February, 1863--and one dollars to be paid only under certain conditions--dated the 3d day of 18G2; as I have lost the said obligation, and never received value for tbe same. 1 hereby caution said Francis and John Eline not to pay said obligation if presented for payment, except by myself or my authorized agent, in case I should recover the same.

FRANCIS A. ORENDORFF. Nov. 10, 1862. The Cheapest LOTHS, Cnssimcres, Coatings, Jeans, Cord, Flannels, Blankets.

Hosiery, and a large lot of CARPETING, to be had at the cheap cash store of Nov. 3, 18C2. GEO. ARNOLD. Piano Tuning.

ROF. BOWER, of Liltlcstown, a Practicr.l Tiano Tuner, informs his frien'Js and Ihc musical public in gtnernl, thai he gives hii Prof. Puiue two years, and a prndunte the Eclectic Medical College of i a i i a I am prepared to practice the reformed system of! A i i i mearn to choose or se- led. Hence we select the best, safest and most re'inble remedies from ail other sectarian medical schools, which have been iccommend- cd from the experience und ganutioncij by practice of ihe ablest ECLECTIC discard those more injurious, such as antimony, arsenic, mercury, blue pill, Ucud letting, 4c. Mcnallen--John Uarliin.

Fr JlIIBei Lim1 Huntington--Amos Little, Johu Delap. Freedom--William Biglium, Jacob Allhoff. Union--Jacob Sterner, John Crumrine. Oi ford--Philip Jlcmltr, Ueorge Shane, Jacob Single. Monntpleaiuut--Francis M.

Buddy, John Albert. Collectors, fTIARE Collwtow of I time, not otherwise occupied, to i and 1861 aud prerious ycaw, iu the differ- i i i i i nl i i ru-teHj I Repairing Pianos, at moderate prices. He promises entire satisfaction, or no pay. Orders Latest from New Orleans. UST rrccivdl and for at CODOHI It GILLESPIE'S a larsre and eiceltent suppiy IE rent we selling low--either wholesaleorretnil.

Rebert PUilip of all from 35 to 65 cents per gallon. Sept. 1, 1862. Notice. ACOB GARDNER'S of administration on the cstitt- of Jacob ncr, late of i township, deceased, having been granted Iu the unde-r- thesame township, they by give notice to all persons indebted to said to make immediate payment, aa-l against the same to present authenticated for scltlemt-nt.

Fiblier. Reading--William a QiUebrand, John Nitch- mim. Liberty--Jacob Kriee, Samnel Beard. Uarailtonban--B. J.

John II. Buumgard- received at Ibis office. Iti, 1801. Prames. ILDED FRAMES BROTHERS have just received from Philadelphia aud now offcr to the public the largest nud besl ent townships of Adnms county, ate hereby nc Daniel King.

notified that they will be required to settle up Tyrone--Jesse Sterner, Andrew Brame. their Duplicates on. or before the L7th day of Berwick Brown, next, ou which day the Cpmmis- eionTE will meet at their give tbe ut- exonerations, c. Tiie'Colleclors of the prosontyesr wilt be quired to pay over to ths County Treasurer all Oct. 20,1802.

ISAAC E. I 4 61 Aiiminittratort, assortment of Gilded Frames ever brought to monies that raay bo collected by HieNofember BUIHLKB'S Store is well worthy a visit just at this time. We doubt whether, even in our largest cities, so fine a display of Stoves can be found. Their large room is full of Stoves of every patlern; also, every variety of Hollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Ware, Planished Warp, Japan Ware--embracing, in tbe house furnishing line, deso, Sausage Cutters, Smisnge Stuffers, Lard Presses, 4c. They are prepared to sell wholesale and retail, Tin Ware aud Sheet- iron Warre of their own manufacture--keeping a sufficien, number of bands to supply any demand.

Their assortment of Lumber is very large; also Coal ot every kind. fTIYSONS' fifty cent pictures are securely I sealed. fysons' fifty cent pictures are water proof. Tysons' fifty rent pictures are entirely dnrabl Tysons' fifty cent pictures are unsurpassed. Tysons' fifty cent pictures are warranted.

Tysons' fifty cent pictures are put up in large or small cases. 21, 1831. ARPETS, splendid lot of Curpet'mp--good ano cheap--just opened New of U. SPANOLBB. prices.

Please Court. call and examine them. Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, York street, opposite the Bank, Gettysburg, Pa. 10, 1862. "Carte de Visite" HOTOGRAPHS have just introdnced a splendid massive column in our Gallery are now prepared to furnish the new style "Carte de Visite" Photographs--(our for a dollar.

TYSON BROTHERS, Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg. March 10, 1862. Notice. desire all persons indebted to us to call and make settlement, having made a change in our manner of doing business. Oct.


GAKDNEB, SPHRAIM MYKR3, Commiasiontrs of Ailaun Attest--J. M. CItrk. Oct. 27,1662.

Id Sale Notes. HB Notea given the uadereigned, for property pui-cbnsed at hie sale, ia Febtunry last, will come due on the 13th of Norerabef next, at which time payment will be eipected. If not paid promptly, interest from Ihe dale of the Notes will be charged. The Notts are in Ihe hands of ISAAC Rosiieoi, Fairfield, to whom payment ia to be made. ttKOUQB TATB.

Oct. 27. 1862. 3t FALL WINTER good assortment of Fall and Winter Goods as cheap as the cheapest at SCOTT SON'd. HE Ladies will find a good assortment of Dress Goods, cheap as usual--call and see them at A.

SCOTT SON'S. OR Gentlemen we have Cloths, Cassimerea, Cassinetts, Tweeda, Jeans, as cheap I as can be found elsewhere. A. SCOTT it SON. have jnst received a new assortment of Queen ware, to which we invite tbe attention of buyers.

A. SCOTT SON. TATIONERY, of all kinds, at Dr. R. HOSIER'S New Family Drug and Prescription Strfre.

L. SCHICK has a splendid lot of Foulard Silks, very to 62J cents per 1861. Fall Millinery. 1861. ISS McCREARY has just returned from beaut Notice.

A NDREW TRIMMER'S I.clte--* tcitiinifctitury on the rotate of 1 dicw Trimmer, of IV-ad'nig Berwick llichflel Strubinger. ct.iinty. betu lo in- Oct. SO, 1863. i undersigned, it-silling iu the same the hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to Valuable Real EStatd, I snid estate to make immediate payment, an-t PRIVATE SALB.v I those ImTingclniins ngninst the same to present 1 lug the No.

1. GREEX-MUWT FAllW, ndjola- Borough of OeHysburjr.conlnioing acres. Land good and buildings new. Ho. 9.

CUMBERLAND FARM, four south of on the Tnneylowa road, containing I3S acres. Land red soil and the buildings good. No. 3. A GOOD GRIST MILL, with 38 a rei of Land in Germany township, 1 miles from AU in good order and will be cheap.

No. 4. ACOMUODIOITS BRICK DWELLING BOUSE, in the Borough of GttlytJurg, ia order. All of which will bvsold on accommodating eicn them properly authenticated for to I.YDIA TRIMMER, Eaeuirix. Or to her Agent, Levi Hampton.

Oct. 20. 1802. Ct Gettyiborg, 1, 1803. ARNOLD.

Notice. ARRET BRINKERHOFF's testamentary on- tbe eitate ot Gairet Brinkerholf, late of Straban Adams deceased, having been granted to the under- yard. G. CARR has just received a Tery fine assortment of Geut's Cotton ttmnidv the city and is now opening a Urge and signed, residing in the same township, they liere- by give no'ice to all persons indebted to said estate lo make immediate payment, and those having against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN G.

BRINKKRHOPP, JACOB CASSATT, Oct. 6, 1802. 91 Executors. VaTTliful asKorlmentofMlLLINKTlY FANCT GOOD9, of the latest styles, which she invites the Ladies to call and examine, confident that they will be pleased with her Oct. 20, 1m A Chance for Drafted Men.

IEUT. KING, of Roberts' Artillery, for Fortress Monroe, bat received authority to enlist Drafted men. All bo desire a splendid service and to secure their $40 advance pay, hare BOW an opportunity. Apply immediately. 20, 1882.

Election. BAVE OF GITTTHDM, October OTICE hereby given to the of the Bank of Gettysburg, that Kleo- tioii for Thirteen Directors, to serve one year, will be held et the Bawling House, on UON- HE attention of the Ladiei il respectfully invited to a large and splendid assortment DAY, the 17th day of NOVKMBBR, 1862. Kid and Morocco BOOTS and! KeTA geaertU meeting of the Stockholders ilers, 4 r. at will take plare at the sane (jam Fourth Street Carpet Store, O. 47 above Chesnnt street, Philadelphia.

I solicit an examination of the prices aud quality of my Urge and well selected STOCK OF CARPEfiNGS, alt of tbe newest styles and manufactured of the best materials. Brussels, 3-ply--Ingrain and Venetian Druggets, Floor Oil Clothe, in every width. Rag, List and Cottage Carpel! ngs--together with a large stock of WINDOW SHADKS, of tbe newest and handsomest which will be sold low. J. DBLACROIX, Sept.

8, 1862. 3m 47 South 4tb St. Dissolution partnership heretofore existing between tbe undersigned, in the practice of Medicine, has this day been dissolved. Tbe books ol tbe firm will be foand in the possession of Dr. Charles Homer, who will continue the practice.

one door above tbe Drag Store of Dr. It. liuruer. CHARLKS HOIOiKft, ROUEhT HORXBtt. April 1,1868.

Auctioneering. BORGE EPLEY public that be continues the Aaelfamcer- Hie charges are always moderate, end be never effort to please. He to merit and receive a of public patronage. He refers to Isaac of Fairfield, and Robert Martin, tysbnrg, who are authorized to make engagements, for him. Mis office uddtKi Ureenmenntj Adams county.


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