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Gettysburg Compiler from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I The Democracy of Philadelphia. The of Philadelphia, on 'I such aij we jo not bo- Jie've the honest people of Adams desire invited, no matter what the name which day ftn Wednesday last, nominated 1 a full Republican," weather-bpatenrjeakingand political may giye it, The whole Domocratic ticket, and unanimously adopt- drifted upon the shoals by the: political is 10 secure office's for mori who ed the following storms tlirough which, she has lately sailed, dthorwisc- could not pet them. If Tbe Democratic pofly, in Con-1 is repainted, recaulked, the old was any other by which lo succeed, vention assembled, aj this crisis in the his- craset and a more popul Ihey would not resort' to this. Wo nre, th regards it proper 1 1 (. clare that the Flag of the Lflion, the Con- in large letters however, confident in the b.elief that tbe i fln Jjjws, arid the right of tbe and honest.Pemocrat- people will not be pilled--but that they i people to peVf-goyernraent.

were extended assist in again gettuV he will elect tbe ticket of the Democracy, and over the original States and acquired terri- breaker-, upon which her Sectional crew thereby its position, which is for under a pemocnitic President, Ihomas JcfToison i tbe honor, and integrity of Sailing Under False dolors! The York tfdzelie says'. The old shjp Compiler A CABD. Having learned that it was freely rumored- in many portions of the Count? that I be a for the at the con 8 I regret (on ncrount of the nowi-iely it may give me) to THE WAR! ly A Duperale ftyht. Kannwha thftfr Col. Tyler's forces at nn'ion of union of lands-- flia Uiiion ut St.iles none sever Tiit uuisn ol 1111(011 ol hinds-- AiV'I rile King of I'nVcri H.

4. STAI1I.K, EDITOR A rllOI'RIKTOR. the count: foi law and order, and econo- hiy an affairs. and patrons will furnish us with i terests'for the welfare of the countrv when i To more eisilv deceive T.i''""''V, 1 IU 3 WI ttlc by sacrifices any good will be the by tho reh io Innre eceno of the needful i delay. If thej can- cannot think that any sacrifices I should s( rdB nr and i men, the old torn nst pay all, let them at Icusl give qg part of make of individual feeling or interest could ye be received.

ri Ko particulars my and Urfct accountability in public tl the of an(J fla, of Rppublicani-m is tempo- jn We -com-n Country, who indulgent, and Wh j-, st yiplf no jn md Tpv on the 26th. (Monday.) whfch I accuses, tbo Domocratic i of "devotion to a i ubove country." Democrats know tlint I their principles have always been --never for the couiTtry-- maintained in the last war with fl mA fl Democratic Pi esidont, James Mudi- ic with i as its motto, run up. i ftilidve Us from our think we have been very That nullification and all this will not save the concern from be- therefore hops to' meet with a ready response eronce for the Union, nnd in obedience 'j llnve beo11 Woody attain rtusb drew That tho i i iKii i i i i i i i i in i i i fnl nn(I a rious petite Mexico, Democracy over maijy a stormy sea. Seventh Ohio a distance cnn remit by mail, at country, I feel that I difler'very or ou while at break tot, Hal fiom the views and opinions of a UncKcd both flanks and in front. n.k.

Come, i i of vvho seem to mt I s1inu ld bo our men. I out by a Democratic President, An- jngdashedto pieces. The gallant Democra-' to what we conceive to be a rensunnblc request, and respect for, Hie lawful authorities of cy, who have successfully guided the "good success- nu it i i i rm i 1 i i ti" I'-r i-ii innb i never agaiMt it. hey therefore Jecl it a in the aequirfmelit of the golden aie not so easily deceived. Through longer dejay.

must have money to keep a candidate to represent them in MONDAY SEPT. 2, Ifcfil, 1 JLTV to ailliurc to their old patriotic or-' const on the Pacific woio secuiod by a i parting, that old name Republican eanizalion, i has for threc-nuaiters President. James K. Polk. is sib an thc new name And it further, declares now.

a the i i con cover it. The old hulk THE OLD FLAG I Constitution ayd Ifce TJnion Law, Order, anpl Economy 1" A I the wheels of the old CUMIMI.EII in motion. lature of the State; and believing (hatpin i TT TT nv TTT all case-, so far as is possible, the views and a century saved the country from disunion TM con't cover it. The old hulk -till -NationalOuards, C.ipt.' opinions of the Representative should cor- dieter ru.hcr a afnliatc, and di-' tU The wjhg floats over tile old and the fo Ord vide responsibility, i a party whose i tion, and tbe security of the'peoplo in tbeis old pilots who have run her upon i present distrrtrted condition of nui a Jew months of trial have, shown i i a lights thorofore, to bo ious and of the conti- and of the breakers and shoals are still at the wheel. the York and Adftms county Regiment, nhappv country, every patriot should de' ol thV Tnite.t"Stnte^ nn-1 its in nil rnment a TM professed De- and long sympathized secretly How is tlie fyur on tiir.

i i a acts in carrying on the vvlr and openly with the old crew, distrustfully country" nuostion 'lint few months aeainst rebellion, secession, and trea-snn steps on board, and is welcomed with cor- whon all true patriots a oonsenuence tbe pe-ico i stabili- diftl5t but more wise and patriotic of 1 i tv, ana the permanency ot the ad- i i pebruary, ftm in ayotl for of 'he Republican crew, ever fearful of their Capt. Company will leave this sire to accomplish. For these reasons mainly. I decline a ley haw but success. The enemy provins too powerful for Col Tyler's force he sent forward to b.igg*g^ train which was comini; up three miles tnnt.

and it back towards Gauley bridce, which place it reached in safety. Companies li, and I. suffered most severely. Thev particularly wero in the hot- place to-morrow morning, to join the same non.inat.on by any party or combination of Re.imen.-whiM, or .,,,1 i. i an honor no doubt i intended ready for sei-vicc.

aeknowledginz maik of their confi- justment ol the slavery quosfion in order to over States and Territories': tlie undisputed safety, are fully assured of their destruc- of the laws and the great ploiy tion when such seamen arc shipped, and HORVER'S Company of Cavalry left deuce, assure them from my heart that they i A ft A tin preserve the Vnion and continue peace and I supromnpy of'the laws and the great ploiy ti. VCIntviM I I lUHIO AplW Cl rtf i pnmrnnn nnifrrl rrtiM-iti'V pin nnlv COUNTY CONVENTION. i bo i itselt i by die Democracy nnd the triumph of its At ft i Ol tf.c 'I hose who to If Up Ihcir finnri; piiticiplea. Cc i i i i i i I i i HHenilPfl i ii vte understand, is almost mv i havoc in the enemy's The rebel force of 3.000 infantry and 400 cavalry and ten cuiii.

The fedei al forces, after curt ing their way Thomas's slSVtt 0 1 for rredcrick, to join Ex-' onn g' vo me no greater proof of their kind. i i tl.c of Adams Ilct.l nt Will 3 i In Get- 'i" i of i i i in They have ICsi hope of i pliticipli vain i 1 lioboi 1 HjtUlO V4C3C1 i I I i f-. j. they took wagon." and proceeded ns far us bors, devoted to the honor, the prosperity, i i Emmitsburg that evenina--reaching Fiod- and the welfare of our common ,0 i i hope of i i theicbv, 1 tt'slmrir, on he J-lth ol A 18ol, the i i Tl 0 1 i i tendon i i i may do it we shall i i icaolution was nnr.n moii-ly mloptvd i i f-owns-u nor ant it I Tr 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 -company, and, "like r.vts, they desert the erick the next rlay about iv iff, smkm" ship," "new name, vrw arid all." m. The above Companies That tho Democratic i of )b6 '(-errrnl Towp-bipt and of A county bo nre heieby re-1 to at i iisiLd i i i i i hoklmc Elp nn Jtb X'j'rlul'ii for i purpose of to ipprosont i in a County Convention, tn be hold in i biiri.

on 9tli of Hop- tember.l at I 1 o'clock, A. M', to i a it i i and i i Ticket, and tr.insact ni- IIIT tmsitioss us bt- ck-onied nc- 'I iu' 1 Elections to open ii! .1 o'fjook and close nt 5 o'clock, P. in a the i i i except tho of^--in a i i Pclejr.itp Election lo lu-ld 1'otween 7 and9 o'clock, P. conferred upon i Com- I. The titar said 'ides seventeen a is to lie made, VVP hope blv, a-Senator, Ac.

i i fi lends i I )t nop i Convention, on i i in Mich vv iv- not To i i nti-p i I I I on which i pi u- plo lit. hih ill 1'ion." 1 hid is ilu- i i i of devotion to i i Jame- Ottor-on above country. And tbesarno i fnr Associates; lion. B. Hei-kill for whieh piompled tho to -peak thus in Prc-ident of the Court of Common Tup wi- nominated for Sheriff, gb for RoL'isfor, and Dr.

Day bj day the crow grows small by dele for City TreT-urer--Ix-'prees and beautifully We warn for tbe Assem- Democrats not to ship on the new helmsmen, her now name, new flap and all, vvon't save her. The fat oof tho Peti el will be her's. A Democratic broad- Mlo i -caller her i over the waters. She bound to go down, and her crew with her. Emmitsburg that evening--reaching noon.

are made up of good material, nnd will, we are sure, give a good account of themselves. W5I. McSHERRY. Geimany August 28th, 18C1. further puruit from the enemy.

Our loss is not y-t di-linitvly ascei-Uinod, but not over 200 are the engaued. Tbo lebels lobb was feurful. Lieut. Col. Cricjihton captured the enor mv's colors and two The followinp is a list of Ihp oflicers to be killed: Dyer, Co.

II, Capt. C. of il iv. i a Hon GeoiceShaiswood i Judge of the Di-ti irt Court, 1 11.111 vi i i i i i A Of Party caucuses, party tricks of all kinds, niram McNair 4th George for the Compiler. THIEVES usually quiet learn tlint Cipt.

ITornoi'i Com- community was i i the last few days pany were sworn in and elected their offi- thrown into considerable excitement by the Oborlin C.ipt. Sterling, of Co. I A i i cers on Thursday, as follows: C.iptain. John depreciations of the light-lingered penliv. Kore-J, of Homer 1st J.

Hotter A a 2d Many of our citizens have of late sufFoiod nf Warren. Tho 1 1 othor iiPlil olhivrs are all nl. Washington Morrison; Oiderly Ser- severely from scoundrels that go prowling geant, Win. Homer; 1st Sergeant, Oscar about when honest folks are sleeping. One McMillan 2il Samuel Maxwell; niaht hist week Mr.

John Lauver had a February, prompts it now when it endoa- i a Fin man Shepherd for and all the efforts of interested party lead- Corpora i Olivor Johnston, WiKon The above tickets evoiy w.iv un- crs, will pj-ove of no avail. Republicanism'! Mo 1)eira Plonghln lni Jno a ptionable, and i is believed in under aery name doomed, and the sooner Oliver Homer. Emory Gilson, Andrew Ani i circles, be i i a sus- these leaders icaliio tlie f.iot, the bet- that paper all taincd at the polls. ter for themsi-lve- and all co'icornod. Tlie vors to paint in the most a i a i colors tho a i leaders exoo here have-set to catch Adams county Democrats.

It is a i i time--tuouuli it is now favoring valuable horse stolen from his stable. lie has since recovered the animal, but the Later accounts confirm the nhovp. Still l.ilt'r nccount. tin' niimhcr of nt 15 and tlio it 10 in the Oiiio Ilcgi- mont. No liirthvr i.inicul-i rt givon.

THE NEARER ENEMY SCOUTING WASHINGTON. Ail2Ut 2S, Von From the ChurtAnri'vvrg Vally Spirit. i i attention to tho com- l( tion Movement," i is to i the i i i i i the no party policy in oitlor lo accomplish Democratic to break it up. Nor that a purposp. a i i nre we inclined to the latter course, in tbo present i omorgonoy of tho 1 1 sovtwl 4 unfv avt a publMiod in another column.

I i Always to sectionalism, humliuirced ft eieit a unsuspecting a ti i i by a member of the ir. I or and i i i i people by it, yet it turned out to bo i an i i who rpsidos a neich- oatinsliiph a i a p.m. i IVtnoomts mott intolerant nnd pio-n a i We are at hboitv to aivo the look upon hen- ty record i prido, enquired" for i nnd adhere to i conscious a 01 I I I i i i i i 101 i i of tin- fict a the peril, of tho times do- people will hardly be deceived again, 4v the proper It vVas upon those cotidi- pnrtyin Yoi county it- stronger to-day than ever before. The a and gallant spirits of tiie p'irty, nnd the thief made good his escape. A few ni.ubts ago Mr.

John ShullS hen-roost was relieved 'nan, Wm. Wliito Quartermaster, Ale v. a fine chickens. The same night, hive 1 hoard all sorts of rumont Walker; Blacksmith, VVm. Wank Saddler cr lp i his orchard alto was Washington about fiHight over Samuel Wolf.

A lew more men are wanted robbed of a a i of One tree nitflit as such stones were circulated pippins was almost enl.rely rum- )e as b(V Jf nL rt county, except all'air- of pickets, (hough A few more men aro wanted robbed of a a i of apples, to fill up the Company. Messrs. Morrison, i preservation. i or- sir.iypd ofi'into i i.sni aiiil i Aivnkoisni, "pood old its original ground, ro- i-olvo't or "-ith tli', 1 ro'intiy and its n.lle i i i 1'iiriolplos af- a correct must be correct now, and continue to bo -o. Theie'ore every nf -in i Di-mociat- ndher'o rrin'p lo.ply i VCM to i i i i and i i ve i good pi'fifp i i 'l)s I i oie tr od of ho count i at a to gi 1 us' ir nid in placing tbo national principles ol Dt-mofiMcy onco more in (lie a sind a i a i i i Union in original i i i vi i i mini Chair'n.

TI'EO. fl'i' u'-fcF, men, in a similar w.vy. tlons a ngtood to publish it. liopublicaiis a i county i a a Republican ticket on Monday Accepting the new view i tho flnilutil has of sueli doings, DIP Mr. so fioolv Rcimblican parly in a 4 bo composed of very "smiill minds''--to bo adhering to "pii'ty," absoibed by tho loares nnd n'-lies The -C'ctet of however, that, in Warren tiir For thc V.iJley Sj'irit (The TTnion Movement.

vva- Ji'casod to soo tlilt yon exposed i i 1 have not voted foi a i rush to tho of our beloved country, and linnost, but deceived, loans, by clrc 1 Is, i joiti then' I a i i brellnen in tho glorious causo of tho Union. No fal-o flan is curried by I i Democracy. The old i flag still there. Lot all i a i rnlly undei its siured folds. i nnd McMillan, now here, will receive applications.

E. PIITR-OV having resigned the Captaincy of Adams I a i (Com- a On Wednesday Mr. John Dear- yonr lust paper. A raori i i not been i a i i a in i i for some broken down stnceis, of pirtios, struck linn 1, to under 1 guise r( i itinn In thr I'ni'in." I bv tliis eiiin ordinary coniminsillnu of Republican mnjouty is large enough to rf to Plllif or(1 int ek pt lis nlp will be cron. ahovo, tlmt (be Delo-j "union." pate Election-of the Democratic party pfj Adarn- county will bo held, in respective districts, ON" A NEXT, and tho County Convention to nomin ito a i on Monday following.

WP are wo.ll con- vir.ced that Democrats all over the county nro alive to tho importanc" of the Delegate but still cannot say- ins tbev -liould be. well attended, and 1 good men selected as Delegates. We Imve iiiith that the Convention will nominate an I excellent ticket--one that i not only eivc to th" itartv, but also 1 i sure the success of a i 'light out Republic-ill ticket. I cusp is i i -therefore i i a loaders bore drop their i i i title, i i hope of succ- under the dectptivu ciy I T. i i 1 trio respect and the peo- Republicans of Yoik ciunty, For President Judge, Tho-.

E. Cochrnn Wil-on; Assembly. Joseph Wiley, Herman Kirk Tiea-urer. Peter S. B.ium Commissioner, John Elcock A i Samuel 7j eglor, (Wm(Kor) Director, Mr.

Cochran is at present A i General Of the State. Ho noed not resign count of this Judge business. Dnes a to i War D'roet i Income taxes. a ta nnd nifiy bo taTos, i i A i C'lntvict-. Rotten C'lflen, Hot en I'oof.

1'ijior Siioos and nn.p 1 IK.MIS," i i jioiniiTitipn of a iiubre in tho b.u k- ground? If these sire the ami I iiispoot they are, tbe party will sny Atrocious Sentiment. The i a i a tn'juifir--a. Republic in organ--in ils a to i tlio attacks the Doniot i i i 1 i i i the i In, the following oil.iori il i in Ub issue of Wednes- in a sHto i tlio T'onnn i i i f. I ro.XTl'MPI. VTi: OVIA" I I OF TEACM" -ido i he law-.

thc not m- tondcd to a i i tf ot in i Tln-v onH i tl i. 't for a i nf poncp. This nt'-ooicn-doctrine mc i by a SOHIP pie- i to I js iMinugh to portion of the i law-alud ci' start hamli- off." i horror from tho toi i iblo ibv io which Tiron, A 2fi, At a mooting ot the members of Compa- ed in the eflbrt to spcure the fiuit. A few ugo a a i of tullow was yesterdiy and last night thpcn' stolon fiomthoshiughtcrhouse of J.Shaner,, a 1th1 il otvr the whole lino tup Cham Hnrlgn cloar lo i Cret-k. perhapj mile nearer a they had previously ventured.

Thoy. huwc-vi-r, dil not remain in such ndvaiKM-d positiun n-tiring back before davbrenk. It I nrni nut a they are rn trenched nt Biulov's 'if-s Koads. Th ir nearest ire- dorff's barn was entered and four bushels and accepted a position ns Aid in Gon. MeCftll's staff, the Company adopted 1 of stolon that had been left slimding on tho threshing floor.

Not finding a 1 i i more in the bnrn to suit their pur- it III! 1 i i -ll I JS I I I nv 1st P. R. follow- I' oso the i a i went lo the spring house, fence of a i for reasons sot therefore bo it Jit'snlvttt, That in his in his Resi; pro-en course he has but followed the i of his pn- I must adopt triotic a uil ho i emi-tilto 1 tho best, It is only a few months ngo that a considerable a i of bncon was stolen () 10 v.une house. a night (Wednes- v. A( roil bill bnlf milo to a i (bv tiirnpik'-.) Ihey a I wo or throe ps of Sium's spring house was 7 and I two hght interests of his i and coiT-ninoncy.

T'-mtity of butter, milk pieces (of a i i and in am! we approve and him in meat and a tree of pood apples bis choice. And bo i i I have just learned that a Mr. That deeply loirrot the no-' wa- somp timp a entered ces-ity ot a i i one has miteh ijilci'rst in a of our oomj'i- ny. who has Inbon i ot-sniitly for iU ad Sonic i since Mr. Solomon llartmali's vancement, and i i i and i i in Hilltnwn.

was bi-okn into and va- I a the Rcpiiblirnn wo aro rapid Iv; driff.u-; a law. of their out- piists, (his iliovo in our pit kot- vioilly sL-ilioiictl at i i (Voii half a nlilc i npuror Washington. In oarriod nff. tbe oour-e of i scouts 1 i across Four Mile Run. Carl ill's, and pio.

i i hall bearinc has endeared him to all that we.e nrMf ft There is Inrd'v 'i ll 'n- Cr 1 ul ich under his comm-md a i i itl.m i an-l a hall of irgm- licmlvcd. That the foregoing preamble a cnvn fio1 in i neighborhood that does in ,,) tbo ul If and lesolutions bo published 1:1 the County not to a less or greater extent bear a i they wore i i mile 'sn-l Judtfp, Joseph W. )firt should bo i i to en into any -IK but mob law, in i ot vxnr--no to papers. of foul play. In some oasos those miserable a mongrel movement as i nnder vviv.

be safe in hi- or i Is this Corporal John D. Sadler vva-week before wretches were not i i i i I of veslcrd-ir nffprnoon a Thoy bnvo all to and i to gain the i a i i ii Mt plootp( 1 0 theCompany. but added insult to injurv by wantonly oo.npnnv of' it lie erv 711011 all i ni in HUM ol par( i i i n-n i i bth 'iloHousTnion how vou are bo- now in power'-Tho of E- has boon appointed a Curpor- i pPOIM rly loved just now. i of past to bp takins; anarchy al. following Compin'e-, all from this county, pal ticipatod in the Regimental od band of them, i- not certainly A'fsandria fwnty, (Xear Parade here on Satuiday but MiinV.ent ha, ahoady to fix Kon.l,)Aiip^t Independent Blues--Gettsybura--dipt.

Biiolilpr 1st Dr. K. G. Fahiipslock sm a fmd for those i oxpoctod and confusion nnd blood-hod i su- ironic! Mav km 1 lie ivi a i the i 'ul catastrophe i i i bo rapidly hc Democrats of Fulton to cover now. minv broken lovvn.

no con upt a hacks liopo to work out i i political salvation by thy pr.ii=os, ajinioac-hing--Lin'cashr i and blovvin strovins properly. I ll Bt nn cam ao i. 4he countrv road io Mr. Soiithrrn's eate, the perpetrators of this om icki wM H(are, for there evidently must be an oijwiniz- 0 roads, half a mdo biliiv. a i hlowinj: loudly about "stabbing" thy county enemip- to tbo breast." or both 4 4 have nominated the following excellent parties could well the Union nn- Tt is Kobocrasj- roliof to know, -ays tbe Rending To defeat such a ticket ticket, which they i no doubt elect by der their nid oignnh-ntion-.

or party imps, fj that thpi-p are we Hejinblic'in a blue blou-e. and navv enp--HIP -nme thc i pretlv strongly upon certain Iv alter noon, i i d. tw-lve men sir np, at Munson Hill, a mile partie- Our citizens have -eeretly formed n. (ll vX ro KoixN. was i i I 1 xii.l- il John Culp.

i -pants, I themselves i vigilance committees for donlv by a for-p of about 3f'D leaders here will manure in handsome io rity Republican Leaders have Set their Trap. The massfs are nl- pers that have tbe courage, and mdepen- worn bv tbe three month's P. Vs. mo corrupt, nnrl denco. and to condemn act- of Gettysburg Znuuves--Capt.

protection of their lopeity. dclennin- who fire upon tbi-m. i i a thi- business shall Anollu-r by IVMIUI shot -r, i it tlie loiKiers aie nnrl clenco. and justice to conileimi tlio act- ot Numvvalt 1P onft 0 Jjisown mni.les i ry -S.

VVisbait; As-ociate -hidges, Kobort ey po i this move. I do not mob violonop that bavo on lately commit- Lieut. Win. T. Mai tin 2nd T.

D. Wo fo the luolde- wight that shall fall in- of lh twt 0 cr" capliired by ciwii.v. CampJDell, JJaj. Samuel Gordon; District mppos" tli it "0 Democrat-will follow Jtirlcp tod, in dofi.moo of bi-v. and in direct viola- Grey Uniform, neatly tiimiued with their hand- lie i bp as summarily nnd ihe other lour escaped "back to our Attorney, IT.

G. Smith, Esq. County Com- Bill's Ipadinc-. and out of this County, in tion of one of the siorod guaranties Walk inln rr.yParkr, the Spider tc thc F2y." A P'onvention expressed The Republican loaders here, nnablo to the Democratic County Committee, 4iavq, on their own hook," issued a call for a County Convention--dropping the name of "Republican," under which was Viin-jed the hist Presidential election, and luioptitig the new title of "Uoion." Their Delegate Elections arc to be held on Thursday, the rth of and their Convention lissioncr, Gco. W.

Barton Auditor," James i I Dis-tiiot, the Union movement, I of tbe Constitution. In this respect as such will have but sickly paper, present a i and lion Hams; Coroner, Daniel Lake. The jf either Nill nor Kiinrnell can command contrast to and other these norable unprin- 45 men. Adams Bifles--Opttv-burg--Capt. Mcfon- 1st Lieut.

S. G. Cook 2nd C. dealt i as eminent." truitors TTon. Roilly for subject to the decision of tho district conferees.

it- prpferenfe for the Rppublionn vote, and they ought not to c-ipled journals, that have done and are do- Presirtent JiuVe, o-poct it The former has been our oppon- 1 ing their utmost to excite the spirit of mob i ent fot life 1 and said a bitter and vonueanoe amons the people. The New fiSf-Domoorats qf Adams, tnrn out to tbe 11 TM 1 a Sa insultins thinas ol us, an i i the latter has are by the Gov-' guard (of a at Rond.s. Aug. messenger from the Virginia sido this that 40 men. B'ayWc i tlint a of -pring onr picket forces advanced to Bailej'i" Cross College Guards--composed entirely of ill the nciglibnrliood of town were rob- Roads yest-idav.

and those of tha i i 1st Liont. W. -eeescionisls mile and a half beyond, where Geis-elmen. Grey uniform, red trimming, Cashtown, Aug. 31, 18(51.

done his in tbe -ame lino for tbe past. It is an out-and-out Republican prper, an ton A i cont won't mvv earnest supporter of Administration and either of tbotn. We want siaght mt in the enjoyment of its confidence; but it be-1 1 imo Wor'd belongs to the honorable class, Wiedman 2nd do. K. W.

Roth. i uc i amo re Busman's sa id the latter have, taken Delegate Elections, ard shon that you nro Republicans to vote for, or we will vote as has no word of justification, or even palin- tier; fctill the (rwfriends of the Union-- a we please. cannot be placed in a false position, or A driven from your loyalty or your party, by buUlrdtiv following, the 7th. The call the Republicans calling you hard names. 'U not fathered by any name or names, Cl1 Is signed." JIany Friends of tbe Uni Stnnd up for your country now, as hereto- tb About Secession.

We have no sympathy or respect for ii is saiu IUIUT jiavn --Grov roundabout, trimmed i blue, Jacob Svvislior's, John Bcnd-r's, John Rinc- of a ooml) anf inc em i encp, and arc throw- and black pants. No arms. 30 men. hurt's nnd Jncob Kckort's. The losses were nn Tliore XMIS much firing during the day, but i fatnl results.

W. Witherow. 30 stalwart men, finely A D. MrCiBi.tAN will SP- q-f ic i i i generally of that section mounted. Not fully equipped or uniform- lert School in this jilacc on the luib intt.

She' ed. Rock Creak ilry--Capt. Ilor- i iy in butter and mcnt. er 1st Lieut. R.

C. i 2nd do. vV. mean's of restoring peace, re-establishing the TJnion, and spreading gladness and prosperity throughout the land. i Patriot Union thinks it "would be advisable for the Administration to i to those party organs subject to its influ- signed.

"Many STiadyup cj, supp'osc, leaders in thi-Borough. This movement 5s simpioions In severaj tispects. Thc call is extended to "all who their country uioro than party." To 'see tjio of this term as used by leaders, it must be in miniT thit the call for the Democratic Convention Appeared last Monday-- th.0 other hist Wednesday, two days jf these leaders really care nothing for party, why do they call another Convention thus inaugurate a movement which intty slir up'party strife al next elecj- tion, and result in just what they pretend they desire to avoid call is al-o printed in handbill form, and circulated through the county a -l ---nteda! lie Star, office, i that effect is not of it. The lead-s mustbe terribly racked with the fear that ar6 hoin nloro harm to tho Pause of pio. be discovered, or they would if they were open advoc not'rcsortto so small a dodge in order to 1 disarm the suspicions of Democrats as they hope to decoy into their trap.

tion. for moba. With manliness, that does it i i i credit, in times likethpse, it says: "The destruction of newspaper offices by mobs, of which several instimc'es have Arendt-villo Indopenent Riflemen--Capt. a i i i a a i a i i the last few days, is most 1 Plank; 1st Lieut. A.

,1. i 2nd do. fcl ot)1 n1 M1 be liberally patron- inciii" Democrats a- Secessionists" and earnestly reprobitod by every friend of Vincent Wilder-. Wue uniform. 56 have removed elccwhno, sotueof them is adiniriibly qualified for i charge of such a this city.

nouncing izcd. See ir nnnthcr column. nion," I fore, nnd the conservative doctrines of De- the country, simply because 'good orderand regulargovernment. the Republican These men, well drilled. oldest corn- per.) Lancaster Crammer, Republican.

Yes. "just as loyal and patriotic as its' i ate uc covertly coun-se'lled a mob ai- rival," and, we think, a great deal more so. tack on the Intelligencer office, the honor the ficnthiel, however, for utter- cratic organ of that county. In Inst Tues, day's Intelligencer, the editor, (Mayor San- i "Now, all we have? to say is, that that is a game two parties cart play at, and, per- above sentmients. i and honest--trait- we don't "often find in Republican papers.

Jlul, i I 3 I I ti i ence, and instruct others sustained by its Thos(J HppabHcan who i tlicy nro if one printing office in this city isde patronage, to cease the bitter warfare which; i fc denonncmg T)enlO crats as' molished there mny be that will not thev have been earrvin" on the fare much better before the performance is Democratic party of thS I are only erlcoura ln the real endcd deprecate, from the bottom of uemocrauc party, iviany ol these ncwspa- nf tll Rri bv mnkin? tbo.m onrl havn 0 friends MICHAEL FKEV, of Cum- beiland township, and JACOB KVKRHART, of Little Marsh Creek, last week favored us with a number of mammoth Peaches, men. No arms. i largest in each lot measuring nearly Home Gtiards-Capt James cil cumferonce We never tasted I Walter: 1st Lieut. Steward McNight; 2nd do. Geo Wilson.

Uniform--Groy Hound.i- bcUer Tliese gentlemen have our thanks, bout, trimmed with and dark pants' To friend SIIERFV, proprietor of the largo 32 men--withoutarms. orchard on thc Emmitsburg, road, we are indebted for a number of superb Star advisos the people to "ink parrj-and save the country. Why i il take the same courn last winter? Tho plunk in thc Republi- fiavefj i perf habitually maligrt and misrepresent sionists of the South by making them i ur soul, mob violence, and have labored that a large portion of the Northern day and night almost for the last four or ever since this unnatural ex- to be found at the bottom of it. e-s i ueneve iiiuij a i.iruc ijoi'noii ui me injiLut-m ne-cuiar uniform the people noumhiug bitterness nnd thize with thcm in their rebel- nve months, ever since this unnatural ex- mefen not fu I 7 on Thi3 the Ca8e aRd th RtPUb TM' 0ln a n(1 Kortli is lllini' IJ HIT t.ilT tJlt 11 encouraging he South. These Republican tho Democratio they were really determined to^.V A I Wknnf.4..1 'A Washington correspondent of The World, the Administration organ in New York, says: The Cabinet have determined that power and presence of government shall ba, felt; that, for a the little finger of om police shall le thioker than the loin of Austrian or Neapolitan.

No one shall talk or act trpavon with impunity. The ollender the first to fall. In pur-' suance of this course a labout--dark I Our frien "PniMP REDDING, of Cumber- been lately in operation, embracing all the style 40 land township, has placed us under obliga-i concomitants of niaJeaud female espionage. tions for a basket of prime Tomatoes. Al-' patrician and plebeian, which tho ITntchiii-in nnd liouibona so euectwe.

al; 1st Lieut. Baker; 2nd do. F. Kob- Oll of thcm measuring inches in cir- ler. Uniform--red white stripe, and cumferance, and all delicious to the taste, neat grey roundabout.

35 men--no arms. Mr. Shcrfy is one of the most successful Fairfipld Zonaves-Cnpt 1st Lieut. E. McGinley, 2nd do.

E. i. Rinehart. 1 6 men not fully equipped. Lieut.

McGialey thfe enemv bv insistln-r that I Thl3 1S n0t Ca8e aP a tn well knowing that no one is safe insisting tliatuie 1 a i )e i erro j. an find out his person or property when such rule rer-run with secessionists, thus whn? th supposetl thcy wer6 injur- prevails; but if the Republican leaders are A 1 1 i i 11.:.. I A A.u Nationa i Guards-Capt. Pfeifer 1st Lieut. A Martin; 2nd do.

Honry Gitt. Uniform--red pants, blue i ins, ine pany, luey were .1 journals, further remarks the same paper, i peacelul and orderly community, vpon their .1 the cause of the Lmon and giving rc vm lblktv and thev will open advocates brace of Republican leaders here to have tlie whole business in charge. They belong to that class" of party -men who last fall nnd last winter (when 1 and coji se 'ry at ve men of all par- were striving to aVett disunion) b- idMad, Viet the South go--we are better These men not only get up Washington telegraphic dispafch to the New York World states that the ftid comfort" to its enemies. they will have no right to complain if the full mea. sure of the dose is meted out to them to This is no time for party distinct ie overflowing by our Democratic i'ellow- says the course of the How then mu-t the citizens." in Lancaster, ui- Republican Twistification.

severe newspaper stricture- upon the mem-' Erie, Chester, and other heavy Republican W(j beheve the Hepublican leaders now bers of the Cabinet aro regarded as attacks viewed? They have nominated have their traps all set and their nomina- ways get them first-raie from lledding 1 tSr'fhe James Lutheran Sabbath School had a Fie Nic in Wolf'a a mile east of town, on Friday last. The day rode' Uniform--red 'roundabout, black' themselves. thc and so eflVjctive. We are compelled to adapt the mothodg tyrants to the ends of justice and liberty. Democratic newspaper offices are mobbed suppressed, not the slightest harm yet happened to any Abolition press--apwss which hasdenounc- pants.

30 men. No arms. Mir Mr. SAMUEL dupowd of Constitution and Union Major Frazier's battery, consisting of the his Livery Establishment to GRORCE violently for twenty Tho Democratic and Blue's gulls, headed the col- BEINCMAN, who now goes into partner-! which openly advocated tttcttwn Iwt win umn. upon the country." or arc about Democrats i The Boston Post says that this attempt to ub lican stifle criticism upon tbe conduct of public officers will not succeed ble on tho part of those organization ship with Mr.

NICHOLAS WEAVEB. The two ter, is still Hvmg and prospering under ATTBMPTED On combined wilt furnish a spUndid Jjivery to publican patronage. our citizens. -call for a "uniotr" meeting in It may be desira-' is lt al in Republicans to adhere to 'whose transactions i Uieirs Wil1 the Star answer? but honest men a view to hiding its Republican character. I They flatter themselves that they may suc- I ceed at the election by various false preten- ces, if they can only make the people be, we hope ij eve that they are not 4,, .4.

i. I I 1 i i uujusiiueiinsio Duinauf, neve that tiiey are not for a Union" Convention, but they court inquiry. The shallow pretence that that our Republican friends Reader, was ever a party so completely ob- to tbthe worfifor that body be-ithose who point out a remedy for-faults willdoitin Way as not to compromise literated within one year after its triumph, "They have for' the" past week I seen and the 1 wl "ich the people decided an when both State and National Admin-, caucusing day and night to fix UD try, is a paltry subterfugS-fche tMYi Ac nte Fe 1 8bL TT istrations were in its hands as to be com-' i.j L. J'--i; Casi Wltb reat truth, said, "Jle pelled to disown itseil and seek to nominate have gone so far as risy which cowardly guilt seelcs to a veil to wfco to accept 1 to pemons if they will only ngreo hide its iniquity. J)eeds are ac- m.

The probability is 'that 1 Con vention does meet 'to confirm ihe ticket as 'bf tne leaders in their private ceptable tests now, and by them must all I "tise or sinki is understood is against her." members of the opposite party upon its ticket, so that its own identity could not be ard intends to in'orm Lord that Secretary Sew- recognised It will be a strange' Lord Lyons iratne- thing, indeed, if this transparent trickery; Democrat! lin county will inlet i diately that British subjects are engaged in. is not spurned by th genuine Republicans icCon vention of Frank- -furnishing aid to our rebel enemies, in direct who fignt for something else than plunder the 3d of Septem- 1 violation of the neutrality proclamation of --Granger itill if any Democrat shall be de' i I ilio Queen of Encland. i ceived Haven Democrat. I tbe of England 1 o'clock that night, SHERKEY returned to the town without a particle of clothing on Cumberlftnd coutity is headed Union Party." The llepuWiean leadefs here mean thit "their his person except hat, and his body mcnt shallwnottwt to the same thing, but showing marks of violence. He was in an' won them to The main almost insensible condition and could abject--tne democrats- collect nothlng-thnt occurred after leaving might be frustrated by an over doseof It is 'supposed that an candor.

tempt" was made to rob and murder him'. i He is n'ow lying in a very precarious condi- Democrats of Lancaster county tion, with little hopes of recovery. Snspic- will nominate a full Democratic ticket- on ion r'ests strongly oft BOSTICK, who has been 1 18thin8t.i'- --L arrested and committed to jail in this place I to await a further hearing. SHERKEV is an' old man and formerly resided in this place. Republican ticket has n.jft»j nominated Bedford Small mind's," the out then The Boston Courier, Republican, it is "a mistake in policy" to interfere with thc freedom of the press.

Jt is in contravention of the moat elementary of civil liberty. By persecuting per you pay it a compliment you a martyr; you give an importance to iff views which nothing could B. Schnable, of cut, (formerly of this State.) bar rested and confined ttf Mr. Scbnable is one of the bjrittink speaker, in the country, and WM nent of the tionof yew.

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