Bedford Gazette from Bedford, Pennsylvania • Page 1
- Publication:
- Bedford Gazettei
- Location:
- Bedford, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE AMERICAN PEOPLE MOURN DEATH OF M'KINLEY BEDFORD'S TRIBUTE To the Martyred President- Memorial Services Held Yesterday Afternoon To the Citizens of Bedford Borough and WHEREAS, the sad intelligence has reached us that President McKinley 15 no more, baying departed this hfe at 2:15 tbis morning from the sbot of a foul assassin, thereby taking from us one of the greatest of the public men to which our institution, have given birth; one of the noblest spirits that has guided the thought, the aspirations and the impulses of a liberty loving and Chr19tian people; therefore, with 8 view to showing our respect for the honored memory of our late illustrious and beloved chief magistrate, I request that the belle of the cburches and the public buildings of Bedford be tolled at bigh noon and gunset today and at high noon each succeeding day until his remains be laid to rest; that the people assemble this evening at 7 o'clock in the court house to take appropriate steps for future action in showing our sorrow under this great national calamity. WALTER F. ENFIELD, September 14. Chief Burg-8s. In response to the above call a goodly number of our citizens assembled in the court house Saturday evening.
The meeting, was called to order by Burgess Enfeld. Hon. J. M. Reynolds was chosen chairman.
Mr. Reynolds, in accepting the position, paid a splendid tribute to the memory of the martyred president and denounced anarchy in vigorous terms. Addressc8 along the same line were made following gentlemen: Rev. M. L.
Culler, Rev. Dr. A. Miller, John H. Jordan, Esq, Hon.
R. C. McNamara, R. Op. penheimer, J.
H. Longenecker and C. Roberts. Mr. Jordan offered the following resolutions, which were adopted A national calamity has befallen us A great man, a mighty is cold in death from the assassin's hand Lighty milhons of people, patriotic in sentiment, bowed down in grief, denounce the foul crime, the causes that led to it, aud in profound sorrow mourn the untimely end of William McKinley, who stood in the trout rank of the greatest men in Amerlad's galaxy of leading statesmen.
Be it therefore resolved by the people of Bedford, in publie assembly, 1St. That the people of this country demand four national and state legislators the speedy electient of laws that will aid in crushing out anarchistic tendencies so prevalent in this conutry, and throw 3 greater safeguard alound the men who ale selected to fill the responsible positions of trust and honor 111 002 land. That in the death of President McKinley we realize the sad and irreparable loss our nation has sustained in this her hour of est prosperity, aud just at the moment when his wisdom, his wise statesmanship and maytel ful inanagement we so much needed to meet the grave questions and emergencies of our new situation, in the contest of nations for commercial suprem.icy. 32 That we recognize his directing band in the great strides made by our country in the development of her industales, the employment of lavor and the placing of these United States on A sound financial basis, that has resulted in our taking the lead an trade Lelations with other countries 4th. That the commanding position we now hold with relation to other nations in the increase of our merchant marine, the enlargewent of our navy and the respect for our flag, we 1ecoguize the great debt the nation owes our deceased chief inagistrate for his untiring extorts and eminent ability used in advocating and promoting the Vest interests of this great nation.
5th That his pure, Christian life and character, in private as well as in public stations, 1s a legacy to the American people that will ever be gratefully cherished, and we point with pride aud loving kindness to him as an example of the highest and best type of American manhood. oth That our deepest sympathy and purest love are extended to Mrs. Ida McKinley, In her bereavement, and that we pray that the great God who cares for the widows will be especially near to strengthen and comfort her as she sits in lonely vigil near the remains of bim who was known to the people as the model husband and as an exemplar of the highest ideal 1u domestic life D. Horn, presented the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee consisting of A. Wm.
Hartley, 8r Hon. J. Longenecker, Hon. E. Doty, John H.
Jordan, Esq Hon. R. McNamara, A. Little, Esq, Prof. D.
C. Stunkard, Postwaster David Prosser, Dr. A. Eafield, Prothonotary James Cleaver, Prof J. Anson Wright, Frank Colvin, Esq Hon.
J. eller and Hon. H. D. Tate be appointed by this meeting to make suitable arrangements for the observance of the day which may be set apart for the funeral of our late president.
The resolution was adopted. The members of the committee met at the Union school building Monday after1000. J.E Jordan, Dr. A. Enfeld and A L.
Little, Esq, were appointed a committee on arrangements and Stunkard was authorized to make arrangements for the music. It was decided to hold the memorial services in Assembly Hall Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and notices were posted requesting the citizens to suspend work and business and attend the meeting. The programme prepared by the committee was as follows: Singing. Prayer by Rev. Dr.
A. R. Miller, Singing Voluntary addresses by citizens. Father and Daughter Dead, A communication from Clearville, September 16, to the Cumberland Alleganian says: "This community startled yesterday morning by a was double death which occurred here. Miss Ida Weimer, bad.
been ill about four months, died. After her death her father, being worn out, went to lay down for awhile on his bed. Not seeing him about, a member of the family went to look after him and was horrified to find that Mr. Weimer was also dead. This is one of the saddest affairs that bas ever occurred here.
The father's name was Wilson Weimer." Mrs Isaac Pringle Mrs Isaac Pringle died at her home in Summerhill township, Bla'r county, on September 8 Mrs. Pringle's maiden name was Sarah Wonders. She was born near Schellsburg, April 4, 1826. She is survived by her busband and four children. Mre.
H. S. Miller, of Helixville, is a sister of the deceased. Bedford County Fair On account of the Bedford county fair, to be held at Bedford on October 1, 2 and 3, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets on those dates from all stations on the Bedford division to Bedford at reduced rates. (No rate less then 25 cents.) These tickets will be good to return until October 4, inclusive.
Postoffices Were Closed. Acting Postmaster General Shallen berger on Monday issued the following order: Out of respect to the memory of our late president, all postoffices will be closed on Thursday, September 19, after 10 o'clock a Cabinet Members Reappointed. On Wednesday President Roosevelt asked all of the members of MeKinley's cabinet to retain their portfolios throughout the former's term and it is announced upon good authority that they have all promised to remain in the cabinet. 46666660 DO 2 7. WILLIAM M'KINLEY.
monwealth, did come upon one William F. Souder then and there being, and be, the said William Fry, in company with another, whose identity is not found by the inquest, did make an assault, each of them with deadly weapons in their hands, to revolvers, and the said William Fry and his companion aforesaid in the attempt to commit a felony, to wit, to rob and to kill said William Souder, in the open day, on the railroad passenger car at the connection between the Pennsylvania railroad line and the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company's line, fired, or caused to be fired a loaded revolver at the said William F. Souder and to rob bim of his money then and there in his possesSIOD, and the said William Fry and his compapion 80 of their malice atoresaid, having made said assault with intent to kill and to rob the said William F. Souder, he, the said Souder, having no means of escape nor no other means of saving his own lite and of preventing the commission of the telony aforesaid, did for the purpose of saving b18 own life and of preventing the commission of the felony intended. shoot and instantly kill the said William Fry with a revolver, be, the said William F.
Souder, then and there bad for the purpose of protecting bimself from robbery and assault in carrying the moneys from Bedford, to Riddlesburg, the county aforesaid, which were needed and intended to be used in paythe employees at the iron works of the ing Colonial Iron company at Riddlesburg, aforesaid, and so the said William F. Souder did then and there kill him, the said Wilham Fry, in his own defense and and in so, further, the said William F. Souder preventing the commission of a felony, 19 by this inquest exonerated of all blame and responsibility for the killing aforesaid and his conduct was justifiable. M. A.
BEEGLE, ARTHUR HOLLAR. B. COOPER ARRESTED A reward of $300 was offered for the arrest and conviction of the robber who escaped. A party of four men drove from Bedford to Mt. Dallas Saturday morning and started on the trail of the fugitive.
They claim they tracked the lower portion of Sake Spring Valley to Bedford, but did not get near enough to catch Early in the evening William Cromwell's son SAW George B. Cooper, local agent of thee Singer Sewing Machine company, the foundry. The boy told his father where he had seen Cooper and Mr. Cromwell, koowing Cooper was under suspicion, went to the toundry, with the intention of, persuading him to give himself up to the authorities. Cooper agreed to do 50 if Cromwell would accompany him Mr.
Cromwell promised to go with him Cooper was very tired and the condition of his clothes indicated that he had walked through fields or woods where spanish necd'es, etc, grow. Both men went to their respective homes to get ready to visit the magistrate's office. Shortly after this, and while Cooper was brushing his shoes, F. Stiver went to his house and arrested him on the charge of implicated in the attempted hold-up at Mt Dallas. Cooper was placed in jail.
He bag waived a hearing and will be tried at the November term court. WILLIAM GARFIELD FRY. William Garfield Fry, the dead highwayman, WaS SOD of Samuel Fry (colored), of Bedford, and was one years old. He bore a good reputait tion and it is patent to all who knew him that he did not plan the attack Paymastor Souder. He joined as A.M.
E. Zion church in 1899. He had been working for Cooper, accompanying him when he went out to make collections. The body of the deceased was brought to Bedford Sunday afternoon and interred ia the Mt. Ross cemetery.
In the absence of Pastor A 1. I. Hendricks, of the Reformed church, conducted the services. Miss Katie Smith, of Bedford, on the train, on her way to JohnsI town, and saw the attempted robbery. Dr.
W. P.S Henry, of Everett, the formed the autopsy on the body Fry and explained to the jury where the bullet entered his head, the course the it took, etc. If Paymaster Souder bad been up ting with his back to the rear door the car the robbers would likely been successful in carrying out their the dastardly plans. Paymaster Souder deserves a great deal of credit for his pluck and promptness in frustrating the designs of emrobbers. in Mrs A.
Raegan, wife of Engineer saw Raegan, of Altoona, was an eye the ness to the attempted hold-up his subsequent killing of the negro. close companied by her three-year-old Cyril, she was returning from a to at Mann's Choice. the Fry was buried in the two suits when clothing he wore when he was his Wednesday the body WAs. exhumed and the clothing removed. It the likely be used as evidence at, the he rob- COOPER'S CAREER The Altoona Gazette, in its story the "affair" at Mt.
Dallas, other things, says: of "Last evening G. B. Cooper, the ly of Gaysport, was arrested in room ford and accused of being as plice. "Cooper bas had a rather county career. He studied for the ministry com- and graduated from Dickinson ELEVENTH MEETING Of the Missionary Society of Juniata ClassisHELD AT ST.
CLAIRSVILLE On Tuosday and Wednesday, September 10 and 11-Eleotion of Officers -Eocoaraging Reports--Mission Work. ing, Devotional service was conducted W. boy Rev. I. W.
Hendricks which and Rev. B. Baueman, after Levi Roudabush delivered the address welcome and Rev. D. G.
Hetrick the response The names of delegates were then rolled and thirty-two found to be present. The election of officers followed and the following persons were chosen: President, Rev. B. F. Bausman, of Cessaa; vice president, Rev.
B. Heller, of Everett; secretary, Miss Gertrude Hoenstine, Clairsville; treasurer, John M. Imler, of Pavia; corresponding secretary, John D'ehl, of Pavia. Out of the twenty charges of classis fourteen were represented by Mr from one to nine delegates. The following ministers were present at 80m3 or all of the segsions: Mo, Rev.
B. F. Bausman, of Cesena. Rev. P.
A. De Long, of Huntingdon. Rev. T. K.
Cromer, of Winchester, Va. Rev. O. Heller, of Everett. Rev.
I. W. Hendricks, of Bedford. Rev. D.
G. Hetrick, of here Rev. Lewis Robb, Rev J. D. Hicks, of Altoona.
Rev. A. F. Nace, of St. Clairaville.
Kee's Rev. Howard Obold, of Alexandria. Rev. 8. U.
Waugaman. of Claysburg Rev. C. P. Wehr, of Koontzville.
"Prayer and Missioos" war the Ars; Md, topic. It the congregations Would pay their' apportionment in full they would help the cause of miesions. We should at least be as loral as the we. is who were required to give the one Mr. tenth of their income and surely nineby cents, with the farther blessing than of God dol'ar, upon it.
will go one without His blessing. In the vian church they have a missionary in the field for every fifty-five m.mbers of their church and we can all learn 8 lesson from them. It every congrega tion and every individual member would realize their relation to the St. cause of missions there would be a larger giving. We must get a knowl in edge of the work that is being done and get acquainted with the great need of missions and then we shall become mora liberal in our contribu tions to the cause.
Our relation to the ican cause of missions should be personal and prayerful. We must know the spi it, character and life of the miselonary and learn of his great sacrifice SECOND -TUESDAY, 7:30 P. her Rev. Howard Obold conducted the devotional service Rev. Parson, of the Lutheran church, offered prayer, after which there were three addresses on the subject of "Wit- Mr.
nessing for Christ." The Arst was by Rev. J. D. Hicks, who mentioned four things as necessary, namely: Oourage, persistence, prayer, holiness. The address was excellent.
The second dress was by Rev. Lewis Robb, who said that the tour things mentioned were necessary, but above all we must come to know that we are only the whom flows the life J. channels through and light of the world. Sometimes channels get choked up and need to be reopened. So we as Christ's channels get choked up by sin, selfishness and unbelief and hence need to be ed by humility and prayer.
Rev. B. Heller gave the third address on the at topic. We have bad the things sary for witnessing for Cbrist and the channels of communication and now we must know that the grace of God flows through these channels of communication in the church, which is the pillar and ground of truth. We must have faith in order to witness for Christ and become channels of communication, Christ dwells in the church as the spirit dwells in the body.
This is more so to-day even than in Apostolic times. Because the church 18 gaining more power and more and more learning the wickedness that is in the world. A man leads a holy life if he is joined to Christ; then he multiplies himself twenty times for good. All our advancement and achievement we owe to Christianity. The church is always in the forefront of all progress and advancement in the world We cannot enjoy the greatest good until we make the whole world Christian.
Our sympathies are widening all the while, but there is not enough sacrifice. Look how the missionaries in India, China and Africa must make sacrifice. Let us give more for God's cause. THIRD -WEDNESDAY, 9 A.M The devotional service was conducted by Rev. D.
G. Hetrick, after which there was a business meeting and reports of the Missionary societies of classis were read by the delegates These reports were very encouraging and showed that the societies are in a flourishing condition. "The South as a Mission Field for Our Church," by Rev. B. Helier.
North Carolina has been called the Land of the Sky and it is surely promising field to our church for missionary work. The clay eaters and mountain whites are promising people for mission work. The south is a good seed-bed for moral and spiritual growlog. Then take the colored people of the south, who are much more easily controlled than the foreign element in our shops and factories of the north. They are very imitative.
Then take the industrial condition of the south and this draws men from the north and weat. Then there are 133 millions of of acres of timber land in the south to and many poor people can buy cheap homes. If Horace Greeley would be living to-day he would say, "Young man, go south." According to the amount of finances and members the Classis of North Carolina has done more than any corresponding classis of our church. North Carolina bas only two per cent. of foreign born eleat- ment in its population.
There are many persons who go south with 8 critical spirit and of course they are despised. But if people go in the right spirit they will be looked upon 88 leaders and will be respected. One thing is certain, that our church has a much better showing for the amount of money expended in the south than in the west. FOURTH SESSION-WEDNESDAY, 2 P. Devotional service by Rev B.
Bausman. Means o' Increasde- ing Our Offerings to Missions," by Rev Lewis Robb. First, we must have ourselves right toward the object for which we are contributing. Get interthe ested and then you will give liberally the We must believe that that is the sion of the church and know that it is more blessed to give than to receive the It is not the needs of the heathen that should cause us to give, but we should are ask whether we are respons b'e to give the heathen life and hope and peace Then, again, we must believe that the object itself is a worthy one. The church seldom makes mistakes.
Then, again, there come crises in church work. The present anarchy of our J. land, which led one of their number to by attempt to take the life of our chief executive is a crisis and no doubt out of this darkness will come some great May blessing. The mission board's debt is another crisis, which will arouse the consciousness of the church and out of ap- it will come blessing. The civil VA.
war WaS crisis in our nation's history, out of which came great blessings. All crises are blessings. Out of the arisis in Chins will come great blessinge. Rev. P.
Wehr said we should increase our benevolence year by year. If we would give liberally we must Esq set 1 the heart right and our member of offerings the will increase. Every 0c- Reformed church should be a reader of (CONTINUED ON FOURTE PAGE. PERSONAL NOTES. Who Move Hither and Thither la This Busy World.
Mra. Emily Henderson is spending fortnight at Sulphur Dr. and Mrs. A. C.
Daniels spent with relatives in Berlin. Sunday Mr. Charles Sansom, of Harrisburg, visiting his mother, Mrs. Harriet Sansom. Mrs Julian Greene Hearn, of WheelW.
Va, is visiting her father, Mr. Cromwell. Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Thompson, of Meyersdale, are visiting relatives and friends in Bedford. Mr. and Mrs Gibion Barr, of Hollidaysburg, are guests of relatives and friends' in Bedford. Mr.
and Mrs John Richards, of Clearfald, spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mantler are spending week or two at Ashland, Mantler's old home. Mrs.
James Harlin, of Kansas City, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr Jerry Ramsey. Miss Pearl Foreman and Miss Minnie Hollingshead, of Saxton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Paonie Seifert. Postmaster Bonner and wife, of MeGap, were guests of their son, Merchant Frank Bonner, last week. Mrs.
A. R. Welck, of Hagerstown, is spending a few weeks at the home of Prof. and Mrs. C.
V. S'nith. Mrs. James G. Sansom, of Pittsburg, spending some time with her father.
Edwin Hartley, of Snake Spring township. bliss Emma Henderson, the popular is assistant postmistress of Bedford, spending 8 two weeks' vacation with friends in Pittsburg. Prof. D. F.
Culler left last week for Louis, Mo, where he has accepted position to teach French and Spanish the St. Louis high schools. Druggist J. Reed Irvine attended the state convention of the "insurgent" wing of the Junior Order United held in Pittsburg this week. Mrs.
Agnes Minnis, who has been visiting for the last two months with daughter, Mrs. Henry C. Heckerman, has returned to her home in New Philadelphia, 0. Rev. M.
L. Culler, the pastor, and David Holderbaum, the delegate. from Trinity Lutheran congregation Bedford, will attend the meeting the Allegheny synod, which meets Berlin on September 20. Miss Helen Dorsey, of Sioux City, la who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs A. Cessna, has gone to Atlantic City for a few days' sojourn.
Miss Dorser expects to stop in Bedford on her re turn to her home in the west. Miss Emma Hunzeker has returned from a three weeks' pleasant sojourn Point, Bedford county, and as consequence several Pointers have scored points in her heart, 80 Dame Rumor Life. Mr. Thomas Wolfkiel, of Altoona, paying a visit to his old home here. Mr.
Wolfkiel was 8 a member of -third Infantry, which served the Philippines and was recently mustered out. He made a good record soldier. Misses Pauline and Nellie Culler for New York Thursday morning. They expect to sail for Europe, tember 21, on S. S.
"Potsdam," land America Line. They will tinue the study of Music and Modern Languages in Paris, Munich and Rome. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Fisher, of Bedford, and Mrs. Frank Skinner, of Greenleaf, went to McConnellaburg to visit relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Fisher returned home Wednesday, accompanied by niece, Miss Alice Gordon, of Littleton, who will spend some here.
Rev. John Brubaker, formerly of Schellsburg, was the guest of Mr. A. J. Otto ore day last week.
Rev. Brubaker has accepted call to the Lutheran church at East Schodack, N. and will enter upon the duties of his appointment on October 1. Rev. Brubaker is an able minister and has many friends in this county.
Mr. John A. Ling and son Percy, of Harvard, are guests of Mr. Ling's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Ling. Mr. Ling was the crack pitcher of the old Resolute baseball club of Bedford. This is bis first visit to his "native heath" since he went west, sixteen years ago, and he received Warm welcome from his host of friends here. Miss Julia Wertz, who has been teaching for the past five years in the public schools of Gettysburg, has tendered her resignation to the board of education of that city and is at her home on West Pitt street.
Miss Wertz is a model instructor and the members of the board very reluctantly accepted her resignation, as they considered her their most teacher. A Promising Player, Philadelphia Press contain- Monday's ed a photograph of Sol Metzger, of Bedford, a candidate for end on the University of Pennsylvania football team. In speaking of the probable make-up of the eleven the Philadelphia North American says: "'Of the second team men Metzger is the most promising. At left end on last year's scrub he displayed plenty of pluck and gameness, and despite the fact that he was new to the game he played througbout the year. He is very fest, an indispensable quality for a Woodruff end, and is much heavier this year than last, He tipped the scales yesterday at 164 Daniel H.
Earnest. Daniel H. Earnest, one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Bedford townsbip, died Saturday night. He was about seventy-eight years old and is survived by his wife and several children. Marriage Licenses.
William W. Feight, of Ever. tt, and Susie Wigfield, of Monroe township. Harvey A. Shaffer, of Graceville, and Myrtle Woy, of Jackson Mills Emory M.
Blankley, of Everett, and Nora Beck, of Monroe towosbip. McKinley's Life Insured. President McKinley carried $67,000 life insurance in three policies, one $50,000, another of $7,000 and third of $10 000. The vearly premiums amounted to $4,000. MENTIONED IN BRIEF, People is Town Talk and Noighbortood Notes.
MANY ITEMS OF INTEREST Gleaned From Varions Little Points Picked Up By Vigilant Reporters. "IT IS GOD'S WAY; DONE, NOT The Last Words of the As An Evidence of "LEAD, KINDLY Was Sung In Many Churches of Surgeons and ments--Theodore of Office-His William McKinley, president of the United States, died Saturday morning at fifteen minutes past two d'eleck. His death was a heavy blow to the nation. Up until within a short time of his demise encouraging reports concerning his condition came from his bedside. The eminent surgeons who had charge of the case seemed to be confident their distinguished patient would survive the cruel wounds of the anarchist and the buoyant bulletins they sent out from the Milburn house in Buffalo led the people to believe there was no doubt of the executive's ultimate recovery.
Indeed so sanguine were they that arrangements were being made for a day of rejoicing Bat it was not to be. The joy ha given place to sorrow. the American nation sincerely mourns the death of its beloved president and its heart bra's in sympathy for the bereaved widow. Mr. McKinley's last words, "It is God's way; His will be done, not will live as an evidence of his Christian courage and upright life.
The president's tragic death fur nished themes for many sermon throughout the country: on Saaday and at the services Mr. McKinley's favorite hymns, "Load, Kindly Light," "Abide With Me," etc, were sung Ms McKinley has received messages condolence from al! parts of the Uaited States and from many foreign nations. Shy is bearing up ag well as may be expected under the severe strain. Cause of Death. The surgeons and physicians who attended the president signed the following report of the autopsy upon the body of Mr.
McKinley: "The bullet which struck over the breast bone did not pass through the skin and did little harm. The other bullet passed through both walls of the stomach near its lower border. "Both holes were found to be perfectly closed by the stitches, but the tissues around each hole had become gangrenous. After passing through the stomach the builet passed into the back walls of the abdomen, hitting and tearing the upper end of the kidThis portion of the bullet track ney. was also gangrenous, the gangrene involving the pancreas.
The bullet has not been found. "There was no sign of peritonitis or disease of other orgads The beart walls were very thin. There was no evidence at any attempt at repair on the part of nature, and death resulted from gangrene which affected the stomach arcund the bullet wounds, as well as the tissues around the further course of the bullet. "Death was unavoidable by any surgical Or medical treatment, and was the direct result of the bullet wound." Funeral Arrangements. On Sunday the following announcement concerning the funeral of President McKinley WAS issued from remains of the late president of the United States after lying in state in the city aall of Buffalo during the afternoon of Sunday, September 15, will be remoxed, to Washington by speciai Monday, September 16, leaving Buffalo at 8:30 a.
m. and reaching Wasbington at 9 p. m. "The remains will then be carried, under the escort of a squadron Uaited States cavalry, to the executive mansion, where they will rest until 9 o'clock in the morning of Tuesday, September 17. They will then carried to the capitol, accompanied a military and civil escort, the detaile of which will be given in a separate notice.
Religious services will 1 held there. The remains will lie state until 8 p. Tuesday, when under a military escort, they will transferred to a funeral car and ried to Canton 0, via the Pennsylvapia railroad, arriving OD Wednesday 'at 11 a. where arrangements 'the final sepulture Thursday will committed to the charge of the zens of Canton, under the direction a committee to be selected by mayor of that city. "In compliance with the earnest wishes of Mrs.
McKinley that body of her husband shall rest in at Canton Wednesday night, in the obsequies of the president has been made from nesday to Tuesday. "No ceremonies are expected in cities and towns along the route of funeral train beyond the tolling bells. HAY, Secretary of State, "ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of War. "JOAN D. LONG, Secretary of Navy.
F. B. McFARLAND, ident of the Board of Commissioners the District of Columbia." Roosevelt Takes Oath of Office. Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt 'WAS sworn in 88 president of United States Saturday afternoon. He took the oath of office in a 3 028 HIS WILL BE OURS." Dying Martyr Will Live Christian Courage.
on Sunday--Statement Physicians--Funeral ArrangeRoosevelt Takes the Oath First Proclamation. room of the home of Ansley Wilcox, at 641 Delaware avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Judge John R. Hazel, of the United States district court, administered the oath in the presence of all but two members of President McKinley's PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT.
cabinet and some friends. President Roosevelt announced that his energies were all to be directed to continuing the policies to which President McK aler was committed and to continue then nearly as possible in the way in which he believed President McKinley would have done. There was a cabinet meeting immediately after the ceremony of the taking of oath, after which it was authoritatively announced that President Roosevelt had asked the members of President McKinley's cabinet to aid him in carrying (n ident McKinley's work by retaining their present places even at som? personal sacrifice to themselves. President Roosevelt's First Proclamation President Roosevelt Saturday night issued the following proclamation: "A terrible bereavement has befallen our people. The president of the United States has been struck down, a crime committed not only against the chief magistrate but against every la -abiding and libertyloving citizen.
"President McKin'ey crowned a life largest love for his fellow-men, of most earnest endeavor for their welfare, by death of Christian fortitude and both way in which be lived his life and in way in the supreme bour of trial he met death will remain forever a precious herito age of our people. is meet that we as a nation express our abiding love and reverence for his life. our deep sorrow for his untimely death. "Now, therefore, Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States of America do appoint Thursday next, September the day in which the body of the dead dent will be laid in ats last earthly resting place, as a day of mourning and prayer throughout the United States. "I earnestly recommend all the people assemble on that day in their respective places of divine worship, there to down in submission to the will of Almighty God, and to pay out of full bearts homage of love and reverence to the and good president whose death has stutten the nation with bitter grief.
"In witness thereof, I bave hereunto my band and caused the seal of the Umted States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington the day of September, A. thousand bundred and one, and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred twenty-sixth. ROOSEVELT. "By the President.
JOHN HAY, "Secretary of State." Arraigned. Leon Czolgosz was indicted at Buffalo, N. on Monday by the county be court grand jury for the crime of murby der in the first degree in fatally shoot ing President McKinley. When ar- LEON CZOLGOSZ, the Assassin raigned before Judge Edward K. Emery the prisoner stubbornly refused to answer questions repeatedly asked him by District Attorney Penny as to whether he had counsel or wanted counsel.
The district attorney then suggested as the defendant refused to answer, counsel should be assigned. Judge Emery assigned Hon. Loran Lewis and Hon. Robert Titus, ex-supreme court justices, of Buffalo, whose names had been suggested by the Erie County Bar association. Czolgosz was arraigned again Tuesday morning and his attorneys entered the plea of not guilty.
A DARING ATTEMPT To Kill and Rob Paymasters Souder and Kay. ONE HIGHWAYMAN KILLED Willam Fry, of Bedtord, Shot Through the -Singer Sewl Machine Agent George Cooper Arrested A bold attempt was made at Mt. Dallas Saturday morning to kill: aod Paymasters William F. Souder and Robert Kay The former is in the employ of the Colonial Iron company, Riddlesburg, the latter is manager the Morrisdale Coal company, of Coaldale. Messrs.
Souder and Key came to Bedford Friday night The next morning they drew money from banks at this place to pay the men who work for the companies above mentioned. Mr. Sonder procured $5 and Mr. Kay $1,800. They left for their respective homes on the train which arrives in Bedford at 9:25 8.
They occupied the rear car of the train, Souder sitting on the last seat with his back toward the engine and Kay on the first seat from the end the car and facing the engine, so that they commanded a view of both doors of the car. When the train stopped at Mt. Daland the trainmen of the two roads were exchanging reports Mr. Souder saw two men running down the pike, if they intended to board the train. When they came nearer he noticed that they were disguised and armed.
Before he bad time to give the alarm the two men rushed up to the car and sprang upon the platform and opened the door. One raised his revolver and, within three or four feet of Mr. Soud.r, fired, point blank, st him. The flash of the powder burned Mr. Scuder's face, but, fortunately, the bail missed him and lodged in the woodwork of the car.
Mr. Souder quickly turned his revolver toward his assailants and pressed the trigger One of the robbers fell on the platform and then rolled off the car. The bullet from Mr. Souder's pistol had struck him in the head, killing him instantly It appears that he was in a stooping posture, endeavoring to pick up the satchel containing the money when he was shot down. When the dead man fell his companion fled.
As the fugitive was running up the pike Mr. Kay took deliberate aim at him and fired twice, but missed each time and the desperado escaped. Both highwaymen had blackened their faces and wore false whiskers. The one Mr. Souder killed bad two revolvers, with 80 unex cartridge in each chamber.
Coroner Stoner went to Mt. Saturday morning and selected a jury. It viewed the corpse, after which was taken to Everett. When the disguise was removed and his face ed the dead robber was identifled William G. Fry, a young colored man of Bedford.
The coroner took the testimony of a number of persons who witnessed the attempted hold-up and adjourned the irquest to Tuesday, September 17, at which time the jury met in the court house at Bedford. large crowd of spectators was present. W. H. Clouse, Esq, of Woodbury, and Mr.
Kay were examined. The latter testified, in substance, as follows: took the train at Bedford on Saturday, the 14tb; sat on the first seat from rear end of the car, on the right hand side of the aisle with George P. Wearerling. At Mt. Dallas heard a commotion in the back part of car and heard 8 shot Bred.
Got and out in the aisle. Saw flash from the revolver in Mr. Souder's hand. Shot at man running up pike. In a voluntary statement Mr.
Souder, after telling about getting the money for the Colonial Iron company's ployees and describing his position the car on his way home, said he two colored men running down pike to catch the train. He kept eye on them and when they came enough saw that they were masked and armed. Before he had time notify Mr. Kay they rushed up platform, drew a revolver and four or five feet from him fired in face. Mr.
Souder then fired at door and his assailant ran from car. At first Mr. Jouder thought was shot, the powder from the ber's pistol having burned his face. MR. SOUDER EXONERATED.
After taking the above testimony Messre. Clouse, Kay and Souder jury retired to the petit jury and prepared its verdict, which is is follows: That one William Fry, late of the in of Bedford, in the state of Pennsylvania, in the peace of God and of the said He took a charge near Wilkesbarre and was very successful in the work. Finally he applied for the Baptist charge in Tyrone, this county, and was in that town, on the point of being accepted, when an officer arriver from Wilkesbarre and served a benck warrant on him. He was taken back to Wilkesbarre, tried and sentenced to the penitentiary on the charge o' forgery. was pardoned before the expira tion of his torm and soon afterward came to this couaty.
He was bes1 known as 80 agent for sewing ma chines, but he also figured in politics. He was finally elected justice of the in Gaysport, a position which peace he held until last May, when he resigned. are various stories afloat explaining the resignation. became prominent in 1899 by springing on the unsuspecting pub lic a new system of Saance It Was built on the endless chain plan and was supposed to make everybody rich without labor particularly G. B.
Cooper. originator and promoter of this financial revolution took it to Pittaburg, where Roger O'Mara soon smelled him out. Cooper was arrested but not 'shoved' on the promise that he would get out of Allegheny county in a given time. Then Blair county got him again. "It is not at all certain that Cooper will be involved by the law in the Bedford county case.
The companion of the negro wag so well disguised that it may be 8 difficult. matter to establish his identity. "Fry, however, WAS employed by 1 Cooper as a hostler, and they bad been together a short while before the perpetration of the crime. Cooper, when arrested, showed sigas of having been through an ordeal of some COURT NOTES. The Case of Eufeld Va.
Smith and Weaverling Continged. In re-lunacy of Ella St'ff3r, of Kimmell township, report of commissioners fled and approved. In the case of the Great Eastern Seaboard Coal Mining company va. Harry Cessna, trustee, feigned issue under sheriff's interpleader, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant $200. Motion for a new trial was filed on behalf of plaintiff.
In the case of Henry Dunn vs. Jeremiah Shaw, feigned issue, motion for a new trial was filed. In this case the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant for the sum of 889.60. The libel cage in which Dr. Americus Enfeld is plaintiff and William C.
Smith and George P. Weaverling, editors and publishers of the Everett Press, are defendants, was taken up Thursday morning and attracted great deal of attention. John Jordan, opened the case for the plaintiff. After the evidence on the part of the plaintiff had been heard M. Pennell, opened the case for the defendants, in which he stated what they expected to prove and called a member of the State Board Health, by whom they expected prove that Dr.
Enfield had not per. formed his duties as county medical inspector. John M. Reynolds, Esq objected to this evidence being admitted under the plea of "not guilty," upon which the case was being tried. M.
Pennell and F. Colvin, a torneys for the defendants, asked the court's permission to consult with their clients for a short time, which was granted, and after consultation changed the plea to that of "justification." Attorneys for the plaintiff, Messrs. Reynolds and Jordan, then filed an affidavit of surprise, which sustained the court. The case was then continued until November term, 1901, at the costa of the fendants, which will amount to about $300. The report of R.
C. Haderman, auditor to make distribution of proceeds of the sheriff's sale of property of M. J. Foggarty filed and confirmed nisi. About 82,500 is appropriated to labor claims and sheriff is directed to pay these claims unless exceptions to the report fled within five days.
The following cases were continued: Bedford Coal and Iron company, Kerr, receiver, vs. Harry Cesena, sumet al. vs. Saxton Iron company et of mons in assumpsit; Jennie M. Flynn Scire Facias Sur Mechanic's Lien; Frank Reed vs.
Dr. Enfield, appeal defendant; John H. Ezo'f vs. S. low Taylor, summons in trespass; Jacob E.
Sleek v8. E'lsworth et by defendants; Minnie Johnson va. S. Gates, sheriff, of peal by defendant; Susan Barley William L. Fyan, summons in assump ait H.
D. Tate, WAS appointed auditor in the estate of Mary Keeffe, Bed- late of Bedford borough Estate of John Stayer and Daniel Stayer, late of Woodbury township, decessed, R. S. Longenecker, was appointed auditor. Court adjourned until Tuesday, tober 15, at 1.30 m.
Read the fair ad. on fourth page. Mre. Ella Gilchrist is in the eastera cities this week purchasing a stock of millinery and fancy goods. A.
freight wreck occurred at Buffslo Milla on Monday. Ten losded coal cars were derailed and damaged. Sketches of the lives of President Mr Kialey and his successor are published on pages two and three. Charles Cessna, who has been working at the Springs during the summer. has secured a position with E.
C. Heckermun as shipping c'e: k. The Fall term of the Academy opened on Wednesday. A number of new students have been enrolled. Others will enter within a week or two.
Some of the merchants of Bedford bave decided to have exh'bits at the fair. Let the store-keepers of the county give good account of themselves at this year's exhibition Lest week Hon. John S. Weller went to Pitteburg and pursed the examination for admission to the Allegheny county bar. As soon as admitted Mr.
Weller will remove to the Smoky City and practise his profession there. The will of Hezekiab Northeraft, late of Sruthampton, has been Aled in the register's office. To each of several heirs he gives $1. He bequestha the rest of his real estate and personal property to his sop, Alfred Sidney Northeraft, who is named as executor. On Tuesday the commissioner awarded the contract for the masonry of the new county bridge over Tussey's run at J.
H. Hoover's mill, in Snake ping township, to Augustus Keller, of Kimmell township, at $3 70 a cubic yard. The work is to be completed by December 1, 1901. The Bedford county fair baa been 10 well advertired this year that the management received a letter from Mrs. Carrie Nation, the Kansas saloon smasher, who wants to exhibit berself here for the triding 3010 of $225.
Of course the association rejected Carrie's proposition, with thanks, etc. 'Squire B. Amos bas a New York Herald of April 15, 1865, containing an account of the assassination of President Lincoln. The paper contains portrait of the martyr and the details of the assassination, as well great deal of other timely information. We regret that space will not permit us to publish extracts from this interesting issue of the Herald Friday evening Tobacconist and Newsdealer J.
M. Burnham delightfully entertained the Bedford Athletic and some of its friends with gramophone concert. Mr. Burnham operated two machines and did it casily and gracefully. He has a lot of choice records.
They were so Datural that passersby thought somebody was singing in Ridenour Hall, where the entertainment was given. Invitations have been issued to the wedding of Grace Bomgarduer and J. Calvin Corle, which will take place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Bomgardner, Reading, Monday evening, September 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Corle is son of John A. Corle, of Bedford, and one of the lending business men of Reading, being member of the well-known firm of Crouse and Corle, manufacturers of five cigars A SAD ACCIDENT.
bow their great set 14th nine and Willian Sullivan Unintentionally Shoots His Wife In the Forehead. Wednesday evening William Sullivan and his wife, of Hyndman, went to the tannery near that place and' while there Mr. Sullivan took 38-calibre revolver out of hin pocket and snapped it at his wife three times. The on was not louded. He then walked away and put a cartridge i in every chamber but one.
Upon returning to his wife she playfully "made face' at him. Whereupon he pointed the pistol at her and pulled the trigger, thinking, no doubt, that the hammer wou'd strike the empty chamber, but, to his horror, the revolver went off, the bullet striking his wife in the forehead between the eyes. Physicians probed for the ball but did not God it. Mrs. Sullivan was still living when we went to press but was in a critical condition.
Her busband is almost distracted with grief. He is son of ex-Policeman Alex. Sullivan, of Hyndman, and about twenty-three years old. His wife's maiden name was Effie Bowser. She is two or three years younger than her husband.
Her mother was married twice, the second time to William McFerran. ing be in be car- for be citiof the the ber the late Wed- the the of the Presof the front The Fair of 1901. Every citizen of the county should feel it to be his duty to do his utmost to help make the coming fair a success. Let everybody who can bring some specimen from field, garden or household to make the exhibits interesting Bedford county has horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry that would grace any fair and they should be brought in and placed on exhibition. There arc many other things worthy of a place in the different departmenta and we hope they may be seen st the fair.
The exhibits this year should be a strong drawing card. The other attractions in themaelves are well worth long trip to see. Authentic reports from all parts of the county indicate that there will te record-breaking attendance' at the fair of 1901. Deeds Recently Recorded. John Adams to Daniel B.
Diebl, lot in Bedford borough; consideration $2 500. Harry Gilchrist to John E. Mowery, lot in Mann's Choice: consideration $8. C. V.
Miller and others to J. B. Deneer, lot in Byadmar; considerstion $60 William J. Burket to John ing, 10 acres in spewell townebip; consideration $150. 3 028.
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