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The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 4

Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EVENING JOURNAL 'WILMINGTON, DEL, THURSDAY ATJOTJST 1G 1891. Ight. About 300 people were -preseut WOMAN SUFFRAGE. DOVER BEATS CLAYTON Family Escuraioo. Thar Is nothing Hired the people of ON KEuTRM.

GROUNDS Where Strife Between Two Towns Will P.obably End. if MAKE If jour Summer out lit needs piecing out IT a new Coat, pir of Trou3er, Shirt, LAST Shoes or a Hat jon'llmoby coming to Sixth and Market. Cash liujinp, ami cartfuUy, enables ua to offer you value you do not usually got. Then, too, we are anxious to close out broken lines whero only one or two sizes remain and to do it prices have bocn cut, in come cases half. On Summer Clothing, Straw Hats and Uussot Shoes there is a further saving 10 per cent.

(J if count. for Sweet, Orr Co. 'a celebrated Overalls, Shirts and Blouses usual prico, 90o and $1. This satuo make of Pants is as satisfactory as any working pants made. From (1 up we have their lino.

We close at p. m. except Saturdays. JAMES T. MOLLIS SON, Clothing, 6th Market, Hats, Shoes, WUmlngtc Including ex Chaniplcu Jake Kilraln, Pitcher John McMahou and Li.

Gehrlug of Baltlniore, Peter Maher comes out with a challenge to fight either Corbett or Jsckion for the hamplonshlp of the world. Sillcou won thi) grett 4 -year-old race Terra Haute, lud jesteiday, and fHi.t'Vi money, the largost sum vt-r awsnit'tl a IU; lit haineH Imrse. M. J. Kearuey, the luci light-weight puglllHt, will engage lu aix-rouud "go" with C.

P. Stretch at Kvuuett Square to morrow night. Pbyhlcsl Diiectorlljffdiau. of tb Y. M.

C. A Is traltilug the Lancaster Y. M. C. for Its field day sports.

RAILROAD COLLISION. Irtish! Train Itutia Down raatpntfer Train Wailing mi the Track. 1.KHANON, N. 11., Aug. HI.

A collision occurred at Knst which will prolmhly result in tho In. of two lives. Iheuuoii niivil south was tempor arily Mulled. Tho train hud Ikvu Hugged, ami Prakeiuun Stearns slgnuh to return, hut not bclni; ready to start lio turned to again (lag tho runt-, for tho fast freight was uhiiut due. Sienrn.4 had hardly li ft tho car when tho freight crn-dnnl into tho passenger train with torrille force.

1 ho freight was drawn by two monster 10 wheel locomotives, both txilnti badly damaged, four freight cars telescoped and two passenwr cum auitthod. Hnggngo Master Joseph Doiirottu had his head rushed, killing him instantly, llrako- man SUiarns was Mruek by flying debris ami probably fatally Injured. Tho freight ntfimvr Jumped a mi escaped. Kor a New Labor I 'arty. Coi Mill A jr.

Hi. Ono hundred nnd fifty delegates, representing organized lubor in Ohio, responding to tho call of John MoHrldo of the I'nitoil Mine Workers, mnt lu convention hero to form an Independent poliricalorganliM.lon and adopt a platform severing union lnhur men from tho old parties. Tho delegatus express a dcteiiuinul to rut loose from old party at'iliai luiis, and a ktroiiii ollort will bo made to fnrm a coalition with tho Populists. CltitritfMl With Arson. Auk.

10. Mrs. Jonnle Coe and Timothy Covert woro arretted tit Spencerport on tho charge of arson In the llrst degree. '1 ho prisoners wow brought to tho Kovhestcr jail In dufault)Sf 10, (Jul) ball. Throo children woro hurtiod to lentil in a recent lire at Sucnirrport uu dor circumstances that riivo to tho suspicion that tho llro of incendiary origin.

Spinners Throat on to Fight. New Bkpi'oiiu,, Aug. 10. Tho iplnners' union of this city voted nnani nouhly to Institute a geuoral strlko Mon day morning unless tho manufacturers roecdo ironi their dutormiuution to reduce tho waijes. Navul KendcKvous nt slontrenl.

MoNTliHAI, Aug. in. All tho vessels of bo North Atlantio Bcpiadron, with the exception of tho Make, which is too big will visit Montreal on Monday. I'aper Mills LocKI-oKT, N', Aug. 15.

The Lock- port paper mllls.oinploylng a largo numbei of hands, rosuined operations and will run night and day with a full Mount Morris a Century Old. Moi st Moittus, N. Aug. 1.

This village celoliratod Its contenuljl with up-proprlato coromouies. Miller CUluis to llr Snno. Out, Aug. 111. llogle Mil lor, who escaped from an Ogdonsburg lu untie asylum, was nrreslcd here, Imo ro fuses to return, lie claims to he a Cana dian and to bo sunt).

Ills wifo lives in Watortown, N. nnd ho Fays sho has bocn mndo to tcliove that ho is insane. htrect IiHllway Strike In San Antonio, Pax Astomo, Aug. lfi. A striko motorinen of iill lines of tho San Antonio street railway was inaugurated last night, Tho strlko Is for higher pay and tho dis charge of hoy conductors.

Twenty-seven mill's cf road nro tied up. A Plueky rong Distance Wheelman. Westkiki.h, X. Aug. 1(1.

H. Stanwood of tho Illinois Cycling club, Chicago, who Is trying to lower the Oil cngo-Xew York bleyclo record of 10 days, 4 hours and lmmites, passed through hero. Cooke Nominated I'or Congress. It ALKHilt, Aug. Pi.

At tho con ercssloniil convention for the Fourth dis triot Hon. Charles M. t'ooko of l-'ranUlu county, ox-sneaker or the hoiiso, was unnniously ncinlnalcd by arrlaiuation. $'J5 Good second hand organs, if 10 Good second hand organs. $50 Good second baud organs.

Robelen 710 Market street. Both tlio method and results tvhen Syrup of Figs ia taken; it ia pleasant md refreshing to tho taste, and acta rrcntly yet promptly on tho Kidneys Liver nnd Boweta, cleanses the sys tem cllectually, dispels coliis, hend aches and fevers iMid cures hahilua! constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy ox us kind ever pro sluced, pleasing to tho tasto and at Jeptablo to tlio Btoniacb, prompt in its Rction and fruly beneficial in ita (fects, prepared only from tho most icalthy and sgrcealno substances, iu aiany excellent qualities commend it to all ana havo mada it tlio mos popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in GOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it.

l5o not accept any onr city to compare with tbe all day trips by the Kallroad Cow-pauy to Perrv vllle. then bv big steamer down th husqnehanna river and Cheaa- peaRe bay to Tolcbeter, Baltimore famous by side resort. The sceuery is vert pictursfque. The res irt is of tbe hinheet order. The noted 50-ceut meals are a vrosder.

Tho sa't-water barllug amid the biealiera in fill, end th pne of tiuket-i is ouly $1 Olt August I Id tbe day. It surely the people's opportunity for a daj'a outing, aud be with gooa compauy. a 1 1 ii-m nil irur in verau-1 or people wno nuv uwi mnnrillft. I no goou euecis Ol this medicine are hiu felt iu Uerve slrenifth tiraiDM muii nt-iiii ifivvu. iiu, ni-Avii, mil Mill UlSeSl lou aud tones the stomach.

Try them. MA Kit I KU at St. Charlea t'lmrch, by Uev Kalher Hry an, on i -uuesnay, aukusi i nawatrcl ('uv-enlale and Jttlsa Sidie It. Patton, both of this cily, i on August 13, Ueorse Cor, an i'd ss i his. this cite, on August 15, lsui, th iiiiHin a.

iiiei-o. itKi "i jrnre HelsLlves Ki ll frii iuls are invited tnslt. nd thotuneriil from his iaie restdnui-e. No. 6oU i est revenin si reel, on ruiay, Auuunt 17, at s.p in.

iiiieru i iit at itiverview veuiett-ry, Autjustin, at No. Van street. Auua, wife of David P. fcuiyth, hited 71 vears. W.

H. ROBINSON, ONMTAKER--EMBALME Ofllce aud residence, ioi West Seventh Street. Nitht calls promptly attended to. TEETH. DR.

F. E. SMITH, SURGEON DENTIST. pFJectli Extracted, 25c roiu, CUU Beautiful set f5Jr MB Bold Filling 51 up HS Silver. 75c 35 Silver, Platina, $1 Paiules9 Extractiiifr Specialty.

All operations knowu to dentlfclry. Polite attention guaranteed. 811 Market Street. Itoiitlios, Kats, 31 ito or Iscu litiirs Pannot be found where tileutwortli's Kxierminatnr is used. Uueh will clear J-onr liouse.

Cut I his out, lave no other. ice l'nllii. free of charge. 2icenis. All ilnig.ists, or Z.

JAMES Klr, Mxih and WUiuinKtou, Deiawara. jour wardrobe and see ir tnr are not noma which proiitriy Cleaned am vyaa, win tooa a. now, A. P. liOKKOT, IIS KaCBIt 81 mm NOTIOKS.

V'OTIC'E. I'i Officr of tub PLF-na of the Peace, New Castle County, Dklawake, Wn.MiNinoN.!U. Notice Is hereby Riven hat all state license and lax not id on or before the thirtieth day of August, ism, the'e will be 25 per cent. auueu in accornanee witn cliapter 1, volume 18, Lft'vs of Delaware.

W. P. BIOGS, Clerk of the Peace. ToriCK. -TAXPAYER TAKK iNOliCE.

X' Cltv and school taxes for 1K4. The unileraigned. receivers of taxes, for the city of Wilmington, will tie at No. 10 East Blxth str'et, Is tween Market and King streets, during the months of July and August, IsiU, between the hours of 8 and 13 In the morning and from 2 toll in the afternoon, for the nurtiose of receiving taxes. On all taxes paid during July there will be a reduc tion or cents on every uollar and on all taxes paid on and after tne 1st day of Aimusi shall be oavable withont a deduction aforn.

said and nil taxes unpaid on the 1st day of September shsll be increased by the addition 01 per centum on the amount thereof. RDMUND MITCHELL, Receiver of Northern district, including ai. north of Bixth street. KUGENE PAYERS. Receiver of Southern district, Including all south ot Mxtn street- NOTICE-THK RECEIVEK OF TAXES for New Castle county, or his deputy will sit for the collection of county.

taxes at the following places and ou dates as statea: August 15-Townsend. August, 1 Blackbird, August 17 Practical Farmer, August Is Middletown. August ISI-New Castle. Auniist. Si Delaware City August 83 Hockessia.

August Si Newport, 24 Newark. August 25 Kirk wood. August 27 Townsend. Augusts I Block bird. August 0.1 Practical Farmer.

August an Middletown. August 81 Now Castle. t-eptinber 1 Delaware City. Hepti'inlier 8 Stantoti. September 5 Newport, fepUnnber 8 Newark, f'eiiteinher 1' Klrkwnnd.

September 13 Townsend. riepteinber 14 Blackbird. September 1 Practical Farmer. September 17 Middletown. September 1H Now L'astle.

Beptember III Delaware City. Repteniber 2o Hnckessin. Soptenibcr lllsiiiK hun, Thomas Toy, September Newark. Hopteuiher 24 New (Jiuitle. Scitemlmr inK rkwimd.

Koptc.niber 2 Townsend. Keptember 27 Blackbird. September 28-Odessa. September i Sharpless Schoolhouse. October Centrevltle.

Octolie.r 8 Christiana Hotel. October Odessa. October 111 Middletown, October 11 Newark. October 13 Marhallton October lit Townsend. October 15-Hlackbird.

October IB Newark station, for 1'encader hundred. Octolier 17 Klrkwood. October 1M-St. lisrges. October 111 Practical Farmer.

Octolier SO Sharpless Schoolhouae. Octolier 22 Stanton. October 24 New Castle. October US TownsenoV October October 27 New Castle, October HO-Delaware 3ty October 31 Klsiii un. Itliiawrnl Ri-ai.

rc. twv i.aoics, a.k 1 i t-VA l'ril-ll)-i for rtifwtr' ASialitft VV Url WJ! m.fallicYVty -A pi Jno olhi-i-. itanqrrtnu tuhtltfi. fyf tton nn.i At llrumln'B. nr n.n(l I'l "Intiip.i fi int Ii4-lWI lw Liiilt in truer, rrlvii IKall.

lff.lMMJ IVMImcfnlB. Jb. ('Mi lor hcnUcml In Ml kwM piuuuu. I mVm -Cv Constitutional Convention Done With the Question. DEFEATED BY A VOTE OF 00 TO 53.

The AiHerne Hrprrt tlio t'oiumlttee Was -Sun lu At I ft lose tt l.on Di liatv. Itepurt mi the ot HretailAnlsui lu St-hools Ullivr luiortaut KeporU.J Albany, Auct. in. The udvt-rso report of the sulTriiiro einiiinittee on tho proposi tion to allow tho quest lou of woman suf-fntio to go to tho people hna been iigiiH-d to by vote of lnl yeas to ua nuja. luo question Is now ili'ud.

When rroslilent notkto lot mil tne g'tvel, there wore just S7 iiieniU'in senlter- nround about tho elmmlxr, while tlio apei'tatora nuiiilioreil lllnko, AUsa Anthony, Airs, tireonh'itt uuil AIM. Aliny. The chair his doubt na to the proseucu of quorum nnd Kuid grnvoly that those nppusol to voinan woro losing tnno. rinniiytno ohnlr unnouni'i'd that there wtiro min utes lift for those favoring tho adverse report. Air.

lure uroso, unit v.n au members in tbolr Biuts Ihuii' nj spoerh nculnst the extension of tho lie belJ thitt tho convention had no right or reason to pivsont quest Ions to tho peoplo Instead of amendments in proper form. While Air. was Mr. Hoot eniuo in und raised tho point of no quorum. Tho chair refused to ontertnln tlio point.

Mr. Hoot iked tor a roll call of tho house. Air. Dean helil that Air. AleUure could not be interrupted hy cull.

Tim llmta Closes. Tho clmir upheld Mr. Dean, and Mr. Met'liiio I rocoi-deil. lio said that biilTrajfO was not a iljjlit, but a duty imposod by tho Klate.

It would bo unwisu to mako It a duty for women to voto when tlio ma jority of them did not want it. lio thought that tho sulTrao should le restricted rather than extended. Ho did not belli vo women wanted It. Messrs. Church, Philips, Ar nold, McKinstry, l.Ineoln niitl Lauterhach poko In favor of 'sulirago for women, tho chmulior iu tho meantimo illUng up with delegates nnd spectator.

Air. lioodollo, of tho comnilt-co on Euffmgo, gave up 15 minutes of his tiimv Mr. Hunt was sure that women would ho degraded and their sex per verted by lieini; put in politics. SulTrage was not an Inherent or natural right aad to grunt women tho sutTrngo would lo to destroy Institutions und tho peace that prevails. Woniorj in tholr sphere were superior to men and should remain superior.

Mr. Goouollo spoko to close tho debate. Then a voto was ordered. Those voting against sulTrago nro recorded as nyo for tho udvorse report, those in favor of suf- frngo voting no. Many members explain ed their votes.

The result was, ayes, nays. 08, killing tho appenl for feinolu suffrage. Ihe voto In detail was: Ayes Acker, AlUben, Alvord, linker, Hanks, Harnum, lie.rrow, liockcr, liow- ers. A. Urown, 1:.

ii. lirown, JJurr, t'udy, (i. W. Clnrk, Cxiklngton, Nanforth, Davenport, Davles, Davis, Dea- dy, Dcterllnir, Deyo, Doty, Durfee, Emmet, Farroll, Footo, Forbes, Francis, Andrew Frank, C. A.

Fuller, Gnllinger, Gib- noy, Giegprlcli, t.oellor, Goodolle, t7rl-wold, Hamlin, Hawley, Hockor, 111 11, lllrsohberg, Holla, Hotehklae. Hottunroth, Jnoohs, Johnson, It. Johnston, Kol- logir, Klmmey, Klnkol, Kurth, Lester, C. H. Ix-wls, M.

K. Iewis, J.yon, I.antanye, Marks, Marshall. Mct'urdy, Melntyro, C. M. McLaughlin, McMillan, Mcrencss, Mcy- enbcrg.Nlchols, Xlcoll, Nostrnnd.d'lirien, Ohmyjs, hurst, Parmentor, I'ashley, Pea body, Pock, Platzok, Porter, Pratt, Putnam, Root, Ppcncer, A.

K. Steele, VV. 11. T. A.

Storm, Sullivan. Tokul-sky, C. II. Trunx, Turner, Vogt, Wellington, Wiggins, Williams, Woodward, Choato. Nays Ahott, Ackerly.jArnold, Barl.lto, Pinko, Cnmpboll, Carter, tn''dy, Chipp, Church, Coloman.Coruwoll, Countryman, Crosby, Dean, Dioky, Durln, Fields, Floyd, Augustus Frank, Fmser, Gilbort, Gilluran, A.

II. Green, Hodges, Ilolcomb, Konvin, Laiitorhack, Lincoln, Manloy, May boo, McArthur, McDonough, MclCinley, J. W. McLaughlin, Mooro, Morton, Mulqtieen, Osborn, Parker, 1'hipps, Pool, Puwoll, Kodman, Koclio, Rowley, Schumnker, Smith, Kheor, Springweiler, VV. Sullivan, Tib-bctt, Titus, Towns, Tucker, Voddor.

Messrs. McCluro, O. K. Fullor, L. 1.

Grcon, II. A. Clark, I. S. Johnou, C.

S. Truax wero paired. Tho Kectnrlan School Qnestton. The coinmittoo on education has finally disposed of tho question of soctarlan con trol of tho schools by ogrcolng to submit to tho convention an amendment continuing the board of regents, preserving tho school and literature funds and forbidding tho state or any subdivision to use its property or credit to maintain any school whoro a religious doctrine Is taught. Tho committeo on preamble, to whloh was referred back the amendments relating to gambling, will report to tho convention today for consideration without, recommendation Mr.

Tedder's amendment forbidding tho legislature to authorlzo gambling in any form and the amendment of Mr. Tokulsky making pool selling a form of gambling and as such forbidding Its license. Tho committee agree that some restriction should bo placed on gambling, but prefer to leave to tho convention tho distinct formulation of such a prohibition. Tho conimlttoo on charities decided upon all questions of soctarlan appropriations by establishing thmo commissions, to whom shall bo Intrusted tho entire control nnd supervision of all clmritahlo eleo-mosynary and lunacy institutions. Tho section to bo reported provides for a stato board of charities, a stato board of lunacy nnd a stato board of prisons.

Tho new stato board of charities is to consist of It members appointed by tlio governor, with the consent tho to si rvo without pay. Canadian Lumbermen Jubilant. Ottawa, Aug. Pi. Lumbermen hero nro jubilant over the prospocts of free lunibor in the United States.

Last year Canada paid over 1,000,000 in duty on lumber and other l'orost products, which will now bo admitted ireo. Omaha Strike Lost. Omaha, Aug. 16. The South Omaha packing house employees' striko is After holding out throo weeks tho men loso all nnd nro now trying to got back on tlio old tonus.

Closed by Tariff Legislat ion. 11at.tim.iiie. Au (j. 1(1. Tho kilns of the Edward liennott Pottery company have been closed down ou account, it is said, of the tariff reduction pottery.

Crabs Are l'lemiful at Hat ib-n. If yon would enjoy a delightful day's outing go to Maryland's celebrated bay resort, Sunday August 10 Fare $1 00. Ooldey Commercial and Shorthand College, re-opens (Day Session) September lird. Night Sessions, October 1st. Todd, the "Invincible," Batted By the Senators.

rCOTBALL C2QAS1ZISG. Mlitilletovin I sms Ou Ou Hun Ahead ot Uiletsu is llaoeliHll (isuie Ht the Lttllnr I'laee Uover autl (I aytou flayed ao lu- terestlUK Osms- Mors Wilmington litliun la l'hllitleliliU Itacrs. ripeclnl I'oritteiKiiidenca Eveuing Journal. Duvbh, Auk 10 --Thestroug Clayton Club came here yrf'rrday and met a de feat at the luuda or the "kids Clark, with a rore arm, pit died against them ani they eouldn't toueh him outside of the that and tlghtu luulugs when the; scored their only hilt 1 he "kids played In bard luck as four heir pluyerx were hurt duriug the throe of thm plucklly nuished, Baker baviui' 'o rutiro. lu the fore part the (tame, ZrfoH, the catch, of the Dover Club, wan hurt taitiy by three sharp speedy foul tips.

W. Klchardsou was hurt by sliding io tnlvd baso in the fourth inning. Uoy Jt ckbou was also butt sliding home lu middle of the game by Gibson, the aytou catcher, wbo lu lagging him struck him accident ally ou boll ou his nook aud it was five minutes Iwlore he could jemiuie his po sition at hl base. But the worst nccldeut the day occurred in the third lunlog when Hank Baker, iover gilt edged second baseman, was spiked by Dually ue, the visitors uhortstop. Hank was steal-lug second base when the ball was thrown to catch blui, aud Deakyne, who as after the ball, eame down on one of bis fingers wlt'i bis spike, aud Baker bad retire from the game as the eud of hie finger wiis badly injured.

Denney fiulNhecktho gaum out at second, playing good hall. A Ulchardsou and Honey made two gotd fly catches tbat lueait hits aid they were made lu a good time. Stevens and Stldbam played well In the field for the visitom. Tlmrn was no heavy hit ting done by eithor fide, but Dover had little the boat ot tt. Todd, the pitober that did the Parks- ley team up last wei.k, was in the box for the visitors, and pltcl.ed a good game, but iivortheiesd, the crippled kids tousuiKl iiitu up quite lively.

while Clark, ou the othor baud, was au eulgma, be having the Clayton heavy bitters just where be wauled them. The atttudauce was about The score; K. It. 2 0 1 0 I) 0 0 1 0- 4 4 fi Dover 2 i 6 Ksrnnl rniia Clayton. 2.

Dover. 2. To- tft--e bite 1'iiftrson hikI levv. bills (III Clark, TimIiI II. I'axsnl ImllM-Uihson, -triu-k out by Clara, in; louit, i.

mplro, orKum. Mlddletown lwiets Odessa. CoiM f-'mndence Evenlmr JonrnaL MmDMtTOWik, Aug 16 The Middle- town duo ue I. vi ted the Odessa club here yeai rilnw aftei-uoon, after au exciting aa uioseiy-courestea game. it was a snappv grmn right through, aud tbe home club bad nothing to spare.

The fiold work of Bradley, Naudula, Glnn ml Kstea, of the homo team was clever, but the main features of the contest was the hsavy battlug of Carty, Bradley, lloltou and Ingram, while Naadalu, Gears and Kates distinguished them selves by great catches of ily balls. Tbe batteries were Uiun aud Uolteu for Mid dlttown, and Workman and Demorest for Odessa. Thotcore: H. H. 1-1(1 0- 7 Mlddlotowa.2 1 0 0 OdeHtta 1 Trayuor and V.

SI. The Traynor Club, rhlcb las a long list C. Game. of Philadelphia, of victories this C. A.

team at season, will play tba x. Uiverview on Saturday, be as follows: The teams will T. M. C. A.

Avails Position. TRAYNOR. Catcher MoDevitt toller. or Snyder ban Lane Second base ltcn.Uinin M.l)ninll.... SUiley I mm base vatn McCall -stop Ashley lipid Quinn Hmkley Held Uoidcn U.

Munden 'Bight held Welch Yesterday's League Scores. Baltimore, Cincinnati. 2. Boston, Pittsburg. 5 Ht.

Lauis, New York, 3. Philadelphia, 1-1; Louisville, 4. Washington, Cleveland, 0. Brooklyn, Chicago, 5. Yesterday 'a Attendance.

Baltimore Brooklyn ISew York 'hllndu uhla. Boston 1 Washington Total Iiecoid of the Clubs. o' CLCBS. Clubs. a .41 Boston Baltimore.

New York. Cleveland. St .57 XI hi uu hrooklyn. 411 45 .44 f.l .42 St. IaiuIb ...40 Ml Louisville 3 6t! .41 PhlhVp 4" Pittsburg 45 To-day's League Schedule.

n'nTiuuati at Baltimore. Pittsburg at Boston. St Lou's at New York. Cleveland at Washington. Louisville at Philadelphia.

Chicago at Brooklyn. Motes of tho Diamond. Tbe Park Athletic dub Juniors de feated the Fuhey Senate baseball team yesterday by a score of 14 to 12. St Louis was the only Western club which won yest3rday. GENERAL SPORTING NEWS.

Kockford Football Club Organized. Ibe Kockford i' cot bail Club has or gani.d for the season of '1)4 with the same players as last year. Tbey are: Ellison, right end; Johnson, right tackle; bteptoe, tight guard; Hull and Lawrence, center; Bouham, left guard; Council. tackle; Lytle and Vansant, left end; Kearney, left half-back; Maloney, right half-back; Seddous, full back; Staata (captali) quartor back. This eleven would like to moke arrangements for games with any club in or about the state under 135 pounds.

The brat game will be played In about a month. George V. Wolsteuholme, of No Union manager. Wllruliieton Wheelmen to Try for J. A.

Gebhart, Robert Weir, Clarence A. Elliott and Frank McDanlel, all wheel men of this city, have been entered in the races of the Pennsylvania wheelmen ou the Tioga track at West More land. These men are entered in tbe one-third and one mile handicap races. Kportlng News Motes. John Glyun, champion professional bantam weight of Delaware, and Frank McCall, ihe ameteur champion, boxed a 10-rouud draw In Messlck'a hall last POVES CAUDES BIT ILL E07AL Other An.

la the lUremlda Tonn. l'enuivllla Farmer 1'lento Arrest the Klver-Plenty of iaui lllrdi I Ilia Shore-Sunday School roptla la the Woode-lteporU of Shoultu at be. Bpeclal Correspondence Evening Journal. Nbw Cabtik, Aug. 10 It la understood here to day that tie two well known Kent county bafeball clubs, Dover and Camden, late abaut agreed to come to New Castle and fiuht out their bitter enmity at Battery Perk.

It seems tbat the Camden men have positively refused to co to Dover and piay the iiual and decisive genie of fieir series because the Dover club baa a young eoacher wbo yndely Insulted Pitcher Kadcllffe of Camden cn tba occasion of their laHt Dover visit. causing bUu to go to pieces Ai uo grounds south of Now Castle ran bo agreed upon tba contest will probably be pulled here within a fortnight, New Castle baa two superior qualiiica ttoua better grounds aud as good uinplr lng aa can be touud lu the state Manager Colpltts of Clayton ears Mr. llushebectt la the ouly gouuiue u-nplre that bia club has faced. (Shot nia Steward'a Thumb Off. Maritime reports bave it tbat the schooner City of Jacksonville, from Ma eoris, San Domingo, put Into the Delaware Breakwater for provisions.

Captain Ross anoldenta It uhot the steward a thumb off while on the piRg North. The vessel Is bouud to New York Will the Tables lie Turned? Saturday's baseball came at Battery Park promises to bo the greatest of the season. Inasmuch as the two stronirist clubs in the state south of Wilmington Dover and Columbia A. will be i iited against each other. The Dover Club has been winning every game of late, while the C.

A. C. team baa lost but two paine out of tbirteeu. It will ba remetubeied thataolub from Dovr was the first to play here this year and they banged out vlotory to the tune of 10 to 1. But the home team has been greatly strength ened, and while It would be a big victory, the tables may be completely turned.

The batting ordeis: DOYKH. Baker, SU. Pearson, l.f. Xeari'OKH, c. levy.

r.f. Jloney, f. tV. Kb-hardson, lb. A.

Richardson, Jackson, 3b. Clara, p. COMTMIUA A C. Montgomery, l.f. Higgius, 2h.

only, as. Lvtiie. lb. Mullock, r.f. Madden, l'.

Duff v. MoCalTerty or Foster, v.l. Loach, p. Feraonal vents. George Newlove's twenty-first birth day was made especially enjoyable by a meny crowd of young folks assembling at his uncle's home aud surpritiiug him.

Scores of happy-fared children weut out to McFarlane's woods this morning in farm wagons on the am ual harvest borne aud piculc of Iiumauuel Sunday school. Mrs. George Pustill has gone down the state for an extended visit aimug Kent county relatives. Miss Lucille H. Martiudale, secretary and treasurer of the New Castle Gas aud Water Works Company, left this morning for a three-weeks' tour North during which she will visit Saratoga aud Lake George.

John Y. Blount will probably ocoupy the secretary's dssk at the company's offices. Mrs James Shearer, of West Chester, with ber daughter, Tessie, returned borne after pleasantly speeding a few days in New Castle. This Is the great harvest home tiny at Penusvllle, just across the river, a gala day for South Jersey fanners. J.

T. aud L. E. Eliason's large draught horse, one of the heaviest cait horses in the city, is dead. Another hack Hue is now In service at the Delaware railroad station.

Sportsmen report that the river ehore just above this city, is lined with fat plover and snips. Heed birds are also appearing in great fheks. John lless has bought the score card privilege at Battery Park aud Wilberb Meredith has all the stand privileges. Lost, gold breast pin with "Pet on It. Reward if returned to Mrs.

Pustle's, iourth street. ELKTON'S SALOONS RAIDED. Husband and Wife Arrested for Viola tion of the LIiaor License Law. Elkton, Aug. 10 State's At torney Austin L.

Crothers ordered the sheriff to raid several hotels aud saloons In Elkton. The sberm omcers were engaged all Tuesday making arrests and lookiug up witnesses, etc. Warrauts were Issued yesterday for the arrest of Charles E. Pfotd ii bis wife, Louisa V. Pavord, charged w'uh selling liquor without a license.

The sheriff arrested Mrs. but her husband could not be found. The woman was held In 100 bail for court. The proprietors of the Helton House, opposite tbe depot, Edward aud Henry i. Akyroya, were arrested on the charge of selling on Sunday and to minors.

They were held ou four charges and in S1.0UO bail apiece, it is under stood tbat other places will be raided, as it has been determined to break up license law violations. The arrests caueed cou slderable excitement, as tbey were uu lcoked for. The penalty ou conviction for selling of liquor without a license is from f2UU to. 1 100 fine, not less than six months or more than nine months iu the House of Correction. The penalty for selling to minors Is from $100 to $.00 aud thirty to ninety days in the couuty ill and revocation of license.

In Service for Thlrty-flve Years. Havrk dk Grace, Aug. 10. -George Brlatow, of Havre de Grace, who was last Sunday stricken "with paralysis on the left side, entered the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1859 as engineer on the steamer Mary land, which carried the trains acres the Susquehanna river at Havre do Grace previous to the building of the first wooden bridge, which was completed In Then he was made flagman and draw tender and has continued at his post until tbe present time. Tbe present iron bridge wa3 constructed ia 1S77 without anv interruption to traffic.

Mr, BrhUow is Co years of age. H. J. Riley a Candidate. Ex-Burgess H.

J. Riley, a political hustler of South Chester, baa announced himself as a candidate for one of the vlce-Tiresiduuts ot the Penusylvauia State Republican Clubs. of of of a id J. vure A cream of tartar baking powder. Htghart all In leavening strength.

IjaUsst I.UIUjU Staioa Government rood lioporl. KOTAL liAKINO I'tlWtlEHi'O. Wall Ht.N. THE CLOSING DAYS OF CAMP. nig Thursday" I'mrcUi-s at llraudtwlii Huramlt To.dav To-murrow the Meet- tu Will Close.

Unless something new trausplres today the Brandy wine Numnill Camp meeting wIllVloBe on Friday. The trustees aud preachers In charge are opposed to continuing; it over another Sunday and their decision will rule. After the sermon by Bv. Terry, St Paul's, yesterday morning, an experience meeting was bold at whloh two rose for prayer. Uev.

J. W. lUmmersley delivered the afternoon sermon from Colosslaim, after which Uev. W. B.

O.iborue, of the New Jttrsey Conference, and at one time a missionary In Australia and India, de livered au Impressive The eveuing service was well a'-tended. Uav V. Oabanie delivered a stirring discourse from Matthew on the parable the rlob roan aud Lzrus lhls morultig's sermon was delivered by Uiv. Morgan. To day is "Big Tbutsdiy" aud there is Urge attendance, amp closes to morrow.

A photograph of the ministers ani their wives was taken yesterday lu front of the preachers' tent. A TRIP TO CHINCOTEAGUE. Trustees Iurtillge In Something DW'orent Frunt Awaidlog Hospital Contracts. Yesterday mornin adlstlngnlsh party went down the Delaware roid ou the Norfolk traiu leaving this city at 11 03 The party was fjrined last week by the trustees of the Delaware State Hospital at Faruhurst, to go to Cbinrnteaitie, Va for a fiee-and eacy time with rod aud reel on the lower end of lbt Penlnnnla, where there plenty of snort aud invigorating air. The party will remain down the Peninsula until Friday morning aud enjoy all that is possible to appreciate.

Among Ihe number were: Dr. John Black, Thomas B. Smith. H. A.

Now laud, Hopkins. J. Cooper, F. Stewart. Dr Hiram Burton, Dr.

P. Waples, of the hospital truttwa; Dr. W. 11. Hanker, tsuperlntendout of the hospital; ex Governor Stock ley of Oergt town; K.

Smith and J. Jackson Shaw of the Harlan Hollingsworth Company aud Georgd W. Roberts, of tbla city. George Wa'liloKtou Invitations Out. Ornamented and illustrated invitations for the annual fishing praise of George WitKbiuifton Finning Club wti isutd to dev.

They are great specimens ofatliaiio Viluiiagtou vork, Gaorge A Wolf having prepared the illustrations, the type set.tiug aud press work was done by the John M. U-igers Print- usr Company. I ho nshermen, after a great stroel parade at the unearthly hour of 5 o'clock, will leave King street wharf on a steamer provided by Super tendeut McCausland, a leading member of the club. Shellpot'a New Orchestra Lender. There Is a new order of things at Shell pot Park this week, even the street cars having new advertisements on the front.

Professor Sam T. Couipton has taken charge of tho orchestra there aud some hue music was played last night Professor Couipton is a Wilmington- lau by ualivlty and vow by adoption He scored a great success ou tbe road the two pant Euasons as leader and arranger of the "Tuxedo" Company. At Shellpot he succeeds George P. Luokmau. EntertatDmetit at Vulon Park.

Oa August 2S, Gllmor's Baud of seveuty five pieces will be the attraction at Union Park. It will be assisted by a chorus of fifty voices, under the direction of Professor C. B. Rboads. To night Dooley's Minstrels, a Wilming ton organization, will give an entertain ment, aud other attractious will be Will iam Connelly, iu songs and dances; the Do Acos aud the Columbian laud.

To I'reach lu Hnlvattou Army Hull. Rev. Robert Watt, of Scott M. E. church, will speak this eveumg in Sal- vatiou Army Hall.

The baud of Wllliug VVoikers of Scott Churcu will assist in tbe meeting. As a general invitation to the public is extendod a large attendance is looked for. PENINSULA NEWS PARAGRAPHS. Mrs Mollis Hornor died suddenly iu Crlstleld last uight. She went to bed ap parently in good health aud wa found dead this morning.

Her daughter was sleeping in the same bed, but heard no sound. It is supposed that the cause of death waa heart failure. A great many applications for new sohool-lu nua have been made to tbe school boarl of SomMet couuty. Maggie a valuable young mare owned by Richard Timmous, of Sassafras neck, died of loek-jiw yesterday. The mare gave promise of great speed and was well known iu trotting circles In that district.

Her loss is a blow to Mr. T'umona who took a great deal of pride In her. Susquehanna riv. rmen are being kept busy booming logi which were wnshedH ashore at Havre de Grace in the flood last May. Mr.

Speuctr, of Lapldum, has made arrangements to take awey the logs. Mx Souiers, brother of Dr. J. F. Sowers, of Crlefield, 's very sick with typhoid fever.

Dr. Somers, who is away ou his vftddlDg tour, has bteu wired to return at ouca. Gilbert Ward, of Perryvllle, died yesterday of typhoid fever. He was about 21 years of age. Numerous packers of cam will this season give their attention to the packing of tomatoes.

The market price on canned corn for tho past year has bseu lower than the goods could be packed for. Some tomatoes raised Iu Lewes weigh 15 ounces apicco. Seventeen runps have been arrcBted In Dover this week aud lodged in jail lb Is said tbat more peaches are being' shipped from Georgetown this season than any other point, aud that tbey are also of the best quality, of of of to a i LICKNSK APPLICATIONS. VOT1CS-I. ROBERT MeCADDEN.

THE 1 occupant of tbe house situated at No. 61ft Market street, iu the First ward in the cltv of of New CnUeaud State or Delaware, in compliance with the requirements of the acta of the (-teneral Assembly in such vase niade and provided, do hereby tt've notice that 1 shall apply lu wrttinir to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery of the Mate of Delnware, in and for New Castle County, on Monday, the 17ih day of September, belutf the next term of said court, lor a license lor shIU bouse, a en Inn or tavern, for tbe sale therein of Intoxl-(KtiDir liquors in Jess Humilities than one art. to be drunk ou the premises, and the lollowlnu respectable citizens of said ward, at leHst twelve of whom are substantial free holders of said ward, ri commend the eaid ap-plication, viz: Thomas McIIutth John Barker Thomas Koasiter Henrv lirebe David Cook Fdward Hark ins 1'homns Hurley Michiel K. Kyiin James Mel arlnejr Anton llauber Dudwiii Helndricks OcorKo einck Chsrles Corriitan E.J. McMmiu.) Oeorse O'Neill M.

Devlne Andrew Wilhelm Michael Riley James Urown W. It. Jack Kdward Kittell John I). Dubell Henry Ulnck P. Wallace John C.

Lavery Isaac R. Brown John H. Wile Charlca A. Vlusliiw RO LIEUT McCADDKN. ANNIE E.

CLARK. THK tenant of the house situated at No. 427 East Fourth street, in the Fourth ward of the ty of WilmlnBton, county of New Castle and State of Delaware, in compliance with the requirements of the acts of the Oeneral Assembly In such case made and provided, do hereby give notice that I shall apply in writing to the Court of Oeneral Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery of the State of Delaware, in and for New Castle county on Monday, the 17th day of September, A.D., lew, beinx the next term of said court, for a license for said house as an inn or tavern, for the sale therein of intoxicatini; liquors iu less quantities than onequart, to be urunk ou tbe premises, aud the following respectable citizens, of said ward, at least twelve of whom are substantial freeholders of said ward, recommend the said applic uication, viz: J. II. Sinnley John B.

Meaney D-nnis Reuan John Hoar Jam a D. McCoy Clayton C. Collins Edward R. Martin Charles II. Dugan James Kane (ieorije W.

Shelton Joseph R. Cross Dennis McCarthy John Heed James A. Stafford Oiorife J. Hipp John T. Lally Huith Duffy J.

H. Schsfer George Abele Emu Hertel. M. D. Andrew M.

Dettline Psttiek Campbell John II Sidney George J. Egle F. Wejl ANNIE F. CLARK. MATTHEWS.

THE tenant nd occupant of the bouse diu-atel ai No.2 0 West Second street, in the First ward, in tbe city of WilmiiKton. county of New Castle and State of Delaware, lu compliance ilh the requirements of the act of the General Assemb in such case made ar.d provided, do hereby give notice that I apply in writing to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery of the State of I elaware, in and for New Castle countv, on Monday, the 17th day of September, being the next term of said court, for a license for said hou'-e. as an inn or tavern, for the sale therein of intoxicating liquors in less quantities than one quart, to be drunk on the premises, and the tollming respectable cilizens of eaid ward, at least twelve of whom are substantial "freeholders of said ward, recommend the said application, viz: Charles A. WInslow George S'einlcken William Hnber Frederick Well, Sr. Julius Gunther James McKenna John Maguire Thomas FHgan S.

Mitchell Ludwlg Heinriuhs E. J. McMauus A. Bickta Daniel McCusker Joseob Neidermsier o. urown George W.

Koch J. P. Wallace Charles (lothrie Charles Winters Thomas I. Russell John Kader William B. Holton William McKeuzie John W.

Lee John Maley Joseph Gibson Jacob Schieber THOMAS MATTHEWS. CATHERINE T. TULLEY. 1 1 the owner and occupant of the house situated at the northweBt corner of Brown and Stroud streets, in tre Eleventh ward, in the cily of Wilmington, county of New Castle and Slate of Delaware, in compliance with the requirements of the arts of the General Assembly In such case made and provided, do hereby give notice that 1 shall apply in wilting to the Court-of General Sessions of Ihe Peace and Jail Delivery of the Stato of Delaware, in and for New Castie couuty. on Monday, the 17th day of September, 1WU, being the next term of said court, for a license for said house, as au Inn or tavern, for the sale therein of intoxicating liquors in lees quantities lhan one quart, to be drunk on the premises, and the following respectable citizens of said ward, at least twelve of whom are substantial freeholders of said ward, recommend the said application, viz: Honry D.

Smith John J. Kyan Thomis Geake James Balleutine James O. Hanlnn Thomas W. Lynch Napolion B. Woods Lonny Dnney Ernest Hnndcrer Patrick Hanev Charles Sullivan Alfred S.

Denney Charles W. Bradford Herman Hendricks John Best Harry Hawko Hugh Johnston William Hawke Howard R. Janviers George Haney August, Winkler W. Green John Edwards John F. Haley Dominick Lauhuker Robert MeGarvey Patrick s.

fctuith W. Johnston CATHERINE T. Tl'LLEY. BERNARD McHlTGH. THE owner and occupant, of the house known as the Practical Farmer, situated in School District No.

1, Brandy wine hundred, counly of New Cast In and Stale of Delaware, in compliance with the requirements oil he acts of ihe General Assembly in such case made anil provided, do hereby give notice that I shall apply In writing to the Court of General Ses-s onsof Hie Peiic.o and Jail Delivery of the Slate of and for New Cast le county, on bu 171 day of Septemher.lsui, being the next, term of said court, for a license for said house, as au Inn or tavern, for the sale therein ot intoxicating liquors in less quantities than one quart, to be drunk on the premises, and the following renpu lable citizens of ssid hundred recommend the aid application, viz: 1. F. Bet Is W.O.Vernon John 1). M. Cndeza James Hohbart Berdsale D.

raine Charles Oitey Thomas tlobbart JoFooh Volk Jacob Norrett Albert S. Edward lilrtiard W. Edwards Robert Casey, Sr. A.A.Cobb A D. Bird F.

F. Fiigliuli A. G. For wood substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.

SAN MANC1SC0, CAL, lOWSVllLC, Kt. Ht iV YORK, H.Y. win. XI. uauzotiliakor.lohn M.

Csdezi BERNARD ilcilL'tiH..

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