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The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware • 5

The Morning Newsi
Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MORNlJSG WILMINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1898. 5 SHERIFF'S BALES. ing business in supplying the fudiana and JUDGED BY RESULTS. WITH THE SOLDIERS other troops with home papcrB, his business growing so rapidly that he bad to get a mule and wagon to deliver his papers the third day he was at it.

When the or- I Why Intelligent People Pu Congressman Botkin's Statement SHERIFF'S BALE. BY VIRTUE OP" A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at ths Court House, on Market street betwssn Tenth and Eleventh streets, In ths city of Wilmington, New Caatl county and State of Delaware. ON MONDAY, THE Wth DAY OF OCTO BER," 188S, der camo for the battery to go to Porto Rico he said to the battery boys: "Oh, yen. Officers of the Eegiment Are Hur Their Faith in Dr. Greene.

rying Work on the Pay Bolls, I'll be with you ou the island." He started at ho wm waiting at Ponce for the battery when it arrived. Now he's a His Wonderful Curative Remedy hotel manager. PREPARE FOR ENLISTMENTS Dr. Greene's Nervura. The Washington Star-says: AU Ameri WAsrrrNOTOif, D.C., April 1, 1898.

Dr. S. B. Hart man, Columbus, O. cans will be glad to learn that mi jjoitob: it trives me Bill" Anthony, the brave marine orderly Prominent Citizen of New I lamp who reported to Captain Sigbee on the pleasure to certify to the excellent Major Andrnss and Lieutenant Alexander Explain About the Ser night of February, lo that the Maine bad curative qualities of your medicines: shire Relates His Experience.

Deeu sm-uuk oy a Lorpeuo unu was sinning. vice and tbe Chances for Promo has been promoted to bo a sergeant by the "By their fruits ye shall know them, tionArtillery and the Cavalry I commanding officer of his corps. "Private Self-confident and sincere Is the man who Preferred. Hill" showed on that trying oecanion such command" of his nerves that he immediate Is willing to he judged 'by results. Sue a man is Dr.

Greene, the discoverer the following described real estate, All that certain lot or piece of "land with a three-storied brick dwelling thereon erected, situate' In the city of Wilmington aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner formed by the line of the westerly side of Lombard Btreet with the line of the southerly side of Taylor street; thence along said side of Taylor street westerly 70 feet 4 inches to the easterly side of an alley about I feet wide; thence along said side of said alley southerly parallel with Lombard street 15 feet to a corner; thence easterly parallel with Taylor street and through the middle of the division wall between this and the adjoining bsuse on the south 70 feet and 4 inches to the said westerly flde of Lombard street, and thence there by northerly 15 feet to the place of beginning, be the contents thereof what they may. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Richard Kelley, surviving mortgagor, and the said Richard Kelley and Sarah E. Kelley, his wife, terra tenants, and to be sold by WILLIAM R. FLINN, BhertT. Sheriff's Office, Wilmington, Delaware, Octolxar 7, 1898.

ly becamo, in a certain measure, a popular Nervura. the standard remedy for diseases Major Anilruss and his staff, who are lioro, yet he -was apparently unaffected by and weaknesses of the 'blood and uervei the praise heaped upon him. Ho was a true Advanced science has demonstrated that the vast majority of human ailments are mustering out the two battalions of the First Delaware Kegiment, are kept busy at present inspecting the papers, as the symptoms or weakened vitality or some type of the discipline which prevails in his corps, and, in fact, in the uavy and tha army of the. United States. His promotion is well conceived, and will doubtless prove beneficial to the corps of which ho Is so omrers of the regiment are hurrying with derangement of the nervous system thoir rolls.

Tbo ofliccrs and men who were Chronic exhaustion, dyspepsia, headaches inaiueu as citrus ana guards, are anxious neuralgia, insomnia, and resultant effect noted a member. upon the mind as manifested in irrltabil to get a furlough and if they get their rolls made out in proper form before the thirty The New York Tribune says: Tbe late ity and melancholy, are nervous disorders Secretary Bayard deserved English appre uays are up tne men can go off duty until and can only be cured by a revltalizatloa ciation. and gets it posthumously In gener the thirty-days' furlough granted the other of the nervous Mr. Alvah SHERIFF'S 8A.LB. BY VIRTUE OF A 011s measure.

It la said of him one ad men has expired. Bryant, 'Manchester, N. says: miring journal that "he had none of the Lieutenant Alexander, of the Fourth United States Artillery, who has been ap 1 brusque, bustling mannerisms we are in writ or Levari to me directed, will be exposed to public; sale at the Hotel at Newport, Christiana hundred. New Castle county. State of Delaware, ON TUESDAY, THE 25th DAY OF OCTOBER, MSS, at 10 o'clock.

fri clined to expect from his countrymen" 11 1' pointed recruiting officer at the Armorv and that "his fluent and polished oratory has received a number of applications for Paine's Celery Compound Makes PeopleWell. Tbe one true specific for diseases arising from a debilitated nervous system is Paine' celery compound, so generally prescribed tr physicians. It is probably the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research of this country has produced. Prof. Edward E.

Phelps, M. L. I. of Dartmouth college first prescribed what is now known the world over as Paine's celery compound, a positive care for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. Paine's celery eomponnd has succeeded again and again where everything else has failed.

was entirely free from the idioms peculiar Information relative to enlisting, and Hon. J. D. Botkin, from Kansas. Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin.

1 have boen ths following described real estate, vis: All that certain meseuaae or farm and to American speech," The writer probably some of the soldiers say they -will enlist at the expiration of their furloughs. Most had in mind the "brusque, bustling manner isms' of John Lothrop Motley and "the tract of land with the dwelling-house and barn and other buildings thereon erected, situate in Mill Creek hundred. New Castle county and State of Delaware, bounded of the men express a desire to join either afflicted, more or less, for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and constipation; a residence in 'Wash the artillery or cavalry, which are consid Idioms peculiar to American speech" in the discourse of James Russell Lowell, both and described as follows: ered the most interesting branches of the ministers to London before Bayard. It is ington has increased these troubles. army.

The heavy artillery is looked at Beginning at an old stone In the old Newport and Hockesstn road, a corner of lands late of Charles Feraruson. da- not every Briton -who becomes" absurd with the greatest favor, for the men in It A few bottles of your medicines have are stationed In forts or barracks in or given me almost complete relief, and I whenever he tries his hand at International civility, but that some of them do this particular eulogist of the late ambassador duly near sea coast towns, and do not very often ceased: thence along or near the mlddltf of said road these next two courses and distances, namely: south 14 degree) and 39 minutes east (according to the old deeds) 4 1-10 Derches to a. corner of land have to endure hardships that fall to the am sure that a continuation of their use will effect a permanent cure. attests. lot of men in the cavalry and infantry.

Pe-ru-na is surely a wonderful rem Some people have an idea that an en The steamer Doric, which reached San of James Clem an; thence thereby south 14 degrees east 30 88-100 perches to a new corner; thence by a new line dividing edy for catarrhal affections. listed man cannot work himself up to get Francisco on Monday, brought a letter J. I). BOTKIN. a commission, except for some great dis which contains the news that Admiral play of courage or bravery, but this is a STORM INT THE WEST.

Ask any drnggist for a free Pe mistaken idea, as was explained by Major Dewey will reach that city about December 6 on a visit, unless there should be a revival of hostilities. The letter came ru-na Almanac for the year 1809, Andruss and Lieutenant Alexander yes Snow Covers the Dakota and Gale is Blowing. terday.3 After an enlisted man has served from the admiral to friends, and It bears out what several men there have known two years In the ranks he can apply for an examination for promotion. Such exami for some time. Captain Smith, of ths Ht'RONV Dakota, Oct.

19. The snow storm which has raged during the past twenty-four hours covers most of the A year ago, this spring, I experienced nations are held once a year and if the sol Pacific Mail steamer City of Peking, knew Material dier passes his name is sent to Washing some time ago of Dewey's plan to make the trouble with my chest. It pained me at times so that I would Involuntarily raise state east of the Missouri and the Black ton as a candidate for promotion. A fe visit, and confided th news to friends. Hills regions.

my hands to srike my chest in order to months later he Is called before a board in When the City of Pekiu reached Yoko ease the depressing feeling. In addition Washington and given a final examination. From three to five inches are reported in the eastern and southern part of the state and from seven to eleven. Inches In the hama on her last trip Captain Smith found awaiting him there a letter from Admiral tne nerein grantea lanas irom lanas to be conveyed to Henry Pierce the following courses and distances, to wit: north 77 degrees and 46 minutes east 21 perches to a corner; south 4 degrees out 42 perches to a corner in the middle of the lane; thence along- the lane leading to the house, north 75 degrees east 36 perches and 72-100 to a corner opposite the barn; thence north 82 degrees and 45 minutes east 6 perches to a corner opposite the house; thence north 72 deirrees and 90 minutes east 10 perches and 68-100 to a' corner at the end of a hedge; thence down the same north 77 degrees east 33 perches and 56-100 to or near tha middle of the Gaps and Newport thence by the middle of the same tha next three courses and dfstances namely; north 32 west 44 3-10 perches to a corner; north 40 degrees west 48 perches to a corner, and north 36 degrees west 33 9-10 perches to a corner of lands lata of Charles Ferguson thence thereby south 72 degrees west 414 perches to the place of beginning, containing 50 acres and 41-100 of an acre, be the same mora or less. Seized and taken In execution as ths property of Benjamin Duncan, surviving mortgagor and to be sold by WILLIAM R.

FLINN, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Wllmlna-tan. Delawara, to my sunering in tnis direction, 1 was If he passes this his name is recommended troubled with extreme nervousness. Dr.

for a commission and he finally gets an ap Dewey, in which he said he had made all central -and northern districts, Greene's Nervura blood and nerve rem pointment from the Secretary of War. arrangements for joining the captain on Telegraph wires are down or working Reduction The examination a man has to pass to his next trip back to San Francisco. When edy was recommended, and I tried four bottles of this medicine. The result -was badly, and communication Is difficult. Rail get a commission, explained Major An the authorities at Washington intimated to roading is not interrupted.

The tempera very satisfactory. In nearly the entire di-uss, is not severe and a man with an or Admiral Dewey a while ago that his pres turs is about 10 degrees above zero. A year following I seemed to be in perfect dinary public school education can pass it ence here was desired for purposes of con wind is blowing. health. sultation, he replied that in his opinion it was best that he remain at his post in the IN THE "I have no hesitation in recommending The candidate must know how to spell, read and write, something about history, geography and arithmetic The candidate is Two Old Mem Tortured for Money.

Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve Philippines. Laffan News Bureau Special. PRICE OF remedy to afflicted ones." not examined regarding military matters. Harold Frederie, the London correspond Blood and nerve diseases are sometimes as he is supposed to learn them after he is ent of the New York Times, died yesterday so complicated that there is much satis appointed.

Some of the Delaware boys CASCADE, Oct. a9 Two masked robbers entered the home of Butter Murphy and Thomas Murphy, aged bachelor farmers, on Sunday night, and, when the at Henley, England, of heart disease. He learned how a commission can be secured faction In consulting Dr. Greene person October SHERIFFS-SALE. BY VIBTUH OF A had been ill for some time, but recently and they have expressed a desire to enlist ally, which may be done at his office, No.

had much improved in health. Harold ICEI and work for a promotion. 35 West Fourteenth street. New York city, old men refused to give up their money, tied them to bed posts and tortured them Frederic belonged to one of the old Dutch or he can be. written to in regard to any case.

Consultation is absolutely free. families of the Monawk valley and was with fire, applying flames to their feet. GENERAL tAWTON BACK. born In Utica, N. on August li, writ or Levari facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sals at the Court House on Mark at street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, In the city of New Castle county and State of Delaware, ON MONDAY, THE 24th DAY OF OCTOBER, 189S, at 2 o'clock n.

whether you call or write. They were dragged around the room; and beaten, but in sptte of all they refused to He attended the common schools until he was twelve years old, when he went to Says Santiago Has Never Been as I Beginning give up their money. The robbers finally work: on a farm. This life he did not Clean' as it is Now. released the men and left.

About a year the following described real estate, Tttt relish, however, and drifted from one trade NEW YORK, Oct. 19. General Lawton ago the Murphy brothers were similarly tortured. There is no clue to the Identity All mat certain lot or piece of land with a three-storied brick dweUliur another until he entered the service of Mason A. Green of the Rutland Herald, arrived In this city from Santiago on the thereon, situate in the city of.

Wilmington photographer. He continued in. this bus This Morning. of the assailants. who was Edward Bellamy's associate and Michigan, accompanied by his aides.

The aforesaid, bounded and described as fol iness for several years, but was finally general, who has been granted a leave of I friend, has nearly completed his biography lows, to wit: Beelnnlnar at the Intersection of the compelled to stop work entirely by reason of the dead absence for sixty days on account of ill Aetress Marries in London. Laffan News Bureau Special. of Jailing sight. The period of rest was easterly side of Kirkwood street with th southerly side of Tenth street; thence easterly alone the said southerly side of health," looked "well and said that the voyage had done him a great deal of the turning point in his career. By writing Jean Richepin, the famous French play LONDON, Oct.

19. Ella Maria Dietz few stories he found his vacation, and at Tenth street 68 feet to the westerly side good. He will go to New Haven this For liew prices apply to drivers or call tbe age of nineteen became a reporter on evening, and from thence he will start wright, was only a tew years ago a porter in a Parisian hotel. He is said to have gypsy blood in his veins and has led a wandering and picturesque life. the Utica Observer.

In three years he had Clymer, an American actress, whose professional name is Ella Dietz, -was married to-day to Webster Glynes, a solicitor of Gray's Inn, formerly under sheriff of the of a 9 feet 5 Inches wide alley; thencs southerly along aald alley side 17 feet 6 inches; thence westerly parallel with Tenth, street and passing thronah ths been advanced to the position of editor and for Washington some time to-mcnow. He will make an extensive report of the condition of affairs in the department of middle of the brick division wall between remained for three years, when he became editor of the Albany Journal. After serving Alfred M. Jones, Republican nominee for city of London. the house on this lot and the house ad TELEPHONES 150 and 287.

wh'ch he. bad charge "while in Cuba. joining on the south 68 feet to the said' easterly side of Kirkwood street, and wo years in tha capacity Mr. Frederic General Lawton said the general situa thence thereby northerly 17 feet 6 inches was appointed the European correspondent the state Senate from the thirty-third Wisconsin district, won political prominence by his managing the phenomenal campaign which placed John A. Logan in the United tion there is good, and General Wood, who of the New York Times, and had made his to tne place or Degmmng, oe uie contents thereof what they may.

is now In charge, is rushing the work to home In London for the past fifteen' years, Seized and taken In execution as the completion as fast as possible. The people States Senate in 18S5. He also made a name as a novelist. His Closing; Quotations. Furnished by H.

L. Evans Scott and ft. R. Robinson Wilmington, Del.i Oct. 20, 1898.

American Sugar Refining Com H2 Atchison. Topeka and S. Fe, Com 124 Atchison, Topeka and S. Fe, Pref 33 Baltimore and Ohio, Com 44 Brooklyn Rapid Central of New Jersey 85 property of James A. Benson and alary S.

Benson, and t-ts. and to be sold by Diamond Ice Co. down there claim that in the history of first romance, "Seth's Brother's Wife, General Kitchener, the hero of Omdur- Santiago the city was neve? So clean as it WILLIAM R. FLINN, Shsrtfr. Sheriffs Office.

Wllmineton. Delawara. was followed by "In the Valley," "The man, hs the author of a book of government is at the present time. Business is reviv October 7, 1808. Lawie-n Girl," and "The Damnation at ing also and confidence among business reports on Palestine and the synagogues of Galilee.

The work is plentifully sprink Theron Ware." His last novel was "Gloria SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTTXH OF A men is almost completely restored. Cap printed as a magazine serial. led with, quotations from the Talmud Chesapeake and Ohio 21 Chicago and Northwestern, Com .....130 Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy 1114 italists are now investing money. Tha rabbinical literature, and is about the last people have accepted the United States Chicaxo.

Mil. and St. com vmu book oe would except a soldier to writer REDUCES BATES TO PHILADEL Government with the utmost confidence. writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sals at the Court House on Market street between Tenth and Eleventh streets. In the city of Wilmington, New Caatl county, State of Delaware, ON MONDAY, THE 24th DAY OF OCTOBER, 189 at 2 o'clock t.

m. Chic, St. M. and Omaha, Com Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific 100'i Chlcairo Great Western. Com PHIA VIA PENNSYLVANIA He he was not prepared to tall: Plus IX.

was regarded as a shrewd busi about annexation. The great majority of RAILROAD, ACCOUNT PEACE Cleveland CC. and St. Com, the Cuban troops, he said, are anxious to JUBILEE. ness man, but his successor.

Pope Leo, seems to be stJll cleverer. Tbe former collected about $10,000,000 during' his ponti Delaware ana Hudson canai ii Delaware. Ladk. and Western 141 disband. He was on intimate and most Fine Printing.

For the grand Peace Jubilee at Philadel Erie, Com 12V4 the following described real estate, vis: All that certain lot or niece of land friendly terms with General, Garcia, and ficate; his successor is credited with hav phia, October 26 and 2T, the Pennsylvania this brought about a very much better General Electric Co. 78 Laclede Gas Co. 47 Lake Shore and Michuran Southern ing amassed twice as much. The money Railroad Company will sell excursion tick Is deposited in several large European state of feeling between the American troops and those in Garcia's command Louisville and Nashville at1; banks, and the Vatican budget every year Manhattan Elevated Consol with a two-story brick dwelling thereon erected, known as No. 324 West Second street, situate in said city of Wilmington, bounded and described as follows, to wltt Beginning at the southerly side of Second street between Monroe and Adams streets, at the dlBtance of 98 feet 1154 in.

from the easterly side of Adams street. ets from all ticket stations on Us line, to Philadelphia, at rate- of single fare for the than had existed before. Metropolitan Street Railway 1337; shows a surplus. Latest Designs. round trip (minimum rate, 50 Miss Helen Gould Is to be presented with The bodies of Colonel Charles A.

Wikoff, of Twenty-second Infantry, who was killed during the first day of the attack and at the centre of the westerly party Tickets will be sold and good, going, Octo ber 24 to 27, and returning leaving Philadelphia to October 31, inclusive. an album containing the autographs of as many soldiers and sailors as care to send Best Workmanship. 1-T on Santiago, and Captain A. M. Wethertll, them.

They are to be sent -in letters on of Company Sixth Cavalry, who was wau tnence soumeny inrougn tne centre of said wall and parallel with Adams Btreet 113 feet 10 Inches to the northerly side of Pleasant street at 30 feet wide; thence easterly by said side of paper suitable for pasting In the album S2'l 1'J21 This jubilee will be one of the greatest events in the history of Philadelphia. The rededication of Independence Hall, recently restored; the unveiling of the Grant which is also to contain a set of resolu killed in the charge on San Juan Hill, were brought, over on the Michigan. The former will be taken to Eastern, Pa-, for funeral services, and will then be interred tions. There will be no expense to the Missouri i-acmc Kan. and Texas.

Pref National Lead Com N. T. Central and Hudson N. Ontario and Western Northern Pacific, Cora Northern Pacific, Pref Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Chicago i. Southern Railway Com Southern Railway Pref Tennessee Coal and Iron Co.

Texas and Pacilic Union Pacific Union Pacific. Pref. Ex-div Wabash, St. L. and Com Wabash, St.

L. and Pref Wpstern Union Telegraph Pennsylvania P. and Reading. Com P. and Reading.

1st Pref senders, and the collection will form, a Equestrian Monument, Falrmount Park 264 Pleasant street 16 feet 2 Inches'; thence northerly parallel with Adams street, through the centre of the easterly party wall 113 feet 10 Inches to the aforesaid southerly side of Second street, and thence by the same westerly 16 feet inches to the blace of bs ths memorial which Miss Gorald says she will Largest and Best at Arlington. Services for Captain Weth-erell were held at Trinity Church this value highly. grand military and naval -pageant led by I E1CUIPPCQ rTintinQ Equipped Printing 63'. 1 As President McKinley entered the sta Plant in Delaware. tion at Omaha other day the crowd uenerat Miies ana otner aistmguisneu heroes of the late war, will be prominent features.

The President and his Cabinet contents thereof what they may. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Elizabeth A. Scott, executrix of John Scott, deceased, and Elisabeth A. Scott, widow, surviving mortgagor, aad 5S Victim of Culture Germs, Laffan News Bursa Special. lined up as usual upon two sides of a passage that was roped off and protected by the are also expected to be present.

8'i VIENNA, Oct 19. iA surgical attendant police. Half-way across the platform Every Republican should vote on employed In the laboratory of Professor ts. and to be sold by WILLIAM R. FLINN, Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office. WUmlnatnn. Delaware. woman with a kodalc dodged the guard and Lehigh Valley 1914 Baltimore Consol Traction 24'A Philadelphia Traction Co. Oo'i Union Traction Co.

1914 Nothnagel, the celebrated medical expert, sprang out before Mr. McKinley. The chief October 7. 1S98. November 8.

Those who have not registered should do so on Octo died yesterday from ilndian plague culture I of police, who led the procession, ordered germs, which had been recently brought I her awy, but the President interfered and SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OV A Klec. ana reopies xrusi v-us, i Electric Storage Com ber 22. to Vienna from Bombay for purposes of took off his hat so that she might get a better view of his face. Backing rapidly a few feet in advance, she got several good Investigation.

United Gas Imp. Co. tXSM Local Stock Qaatatlsu. T-r T. 'Rvsjis at bankers and hrnt.

writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sals at ths Court House, on Market street between Tenth and Eleventh streets, la the city of Wilmington, New Castla aounty and Stats of Delaware, ON TUESDAY, -THE 25th DAY OF OCTOBER, 14S4 at 2 o'clock tj. The John M. Rogers Press i Boy Who Stole a. Ride Killed. snap shots and then disappeared.

rs, furnish the following quotations for Laffan News Bureau Special. The Municipal Assembly of New York FRANKFORT, Oct. 19.Frank local stocks: Bid. Asked. National Bank of 475 city has received the following letter from Jones, a Louisville boy, while stealing Miss Helen M.

Gould: "The copy of the res First National Bank 113i ride on a train to-day, was pursued by a the following described real estate, viz: All that certain lot or pleoe of land with a two-story frame dwelllnar thereon brakeman and jumped head-first down an embankment from the flying train. He erected, situate in the city ef Wllmlnarton. xiunaea ana aescrioea as follows, io olution adopted by the Municipal Assembly of the city of New York has reached me and 1 trust you will convey to the assembly my sincere thanks for the honor they have done trie. It did not seem as though I deserved any thanks from the city, for was dashed to death on the rocks below. wit: Beginning: at a nolnt on the wentwrlv Ide of Cedar street, at the distance of Sixth and Orange Sts.

i Wilmington, Del. Jersey Gambling; Again: an American woman should stand ready to 130 feet 2 Inches northerly rim the northerly side of Brown street; thence westerly parallel with Brown street aforesaid SS TRENTON, N. Oct, 19. A writ of Central National eana iaj Wilmington and Brandywlne National Bank 74H Union National Bank 77 Farmers' Bank 64 Etiultable Guarantee and Trust Company it0 Security Trust and Safe 15- posit Co IJiH Delaware R. R.

Wilmington Coal Gas Co. Ml Wilmington City Electric Co. IVf, Wilmington ami Chester Trac. 12i Wilmington and Chester Trac- tion 6 per cent, bonds 97 luu GRAIN MARKET. error was taken out to-day carrying to the serve her country to the extent of her ability, but I shall always vajlue highly SUTHERLAND SISTERS' HAIR GROWER FOR OVER It YEARS This highly meritorious preparation has atood at the head of all hair restoratives.

-More than 3,000,000 bottles have been used by tha American people, and thousands of testimonials bear witness to its excellence, while there were never any complaint when directions were followed. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' SCALP CLEANER is the only dandruff cure. For shampooing, it has no equal feet, more or less, to a corner in a lms of land now or formerly of the estate of Court of Errors and Appeals for review Caleb Stroud: thence northwesterly alone the decision of the Supreme Court holding this expression of appreciation and good will." said line of land 15 feet 10 laches, more or less, to another comer: thence eaAterlv the anti-gambling amendment: to the state constitution to have been legally adopted. The Hartford Courant says: Mr. McKin parallel with Brown street afereeald and passing through the middle of the division wall between the house on this lot and the house adjoining on the north 57 feet 6 inches, more or less, to a point In the westerly side of Cedar street afere riraMTit.

nnntations of the OS ley is unquestionably right in saying (as he did at Abraham Lincoln's home last week) that no later President has been called upon to carry such a burden as Chicago grain market, reported by H. Evans Wheat (December. 6oK: May, 66 Abraham Lincoln did. Many of us are old enough to remember how thafc heavy bur den was made heavier by the malignant Baid, and thence thereby southerly 15 feet. 10 inches to the place of beginning, ths contents thereof what they may.

Seized and taken In execution as tks Eroperty of John Davis and Annie R. avis, his wife, mortgagors, and John Manifold, terre tenant, and to bs sold by Corn December. May, 84. Oats December, 23; May, 23T4S24. All Uvm Orupgfmtm Sell tt.

attacks of political enemies and the querulous faultfinding of opinionated, unreasonable political friends. President Lincoln went through vastly more painful experiences of that sort In his day than Presi W1L.L1AM K. JTLINN, SbertlT. Sheriffs Office. Wnnalnaton.

Delawara October 1808. WHOOPICJG One of the most distressing sights is to see a child almost choking with the dreadful whoopine-couerh. Give the child Dr. John W. Btdl's Congh Syrup, relief will be obtained at once and the sufferer will soon be cared.

COUCH SYRUP Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors fricc 25 cts. At all druggists.

dent McKinley is going through in his. THERE'S HO PE for the CONSU MPTIVE in Samuel Bckman of Indianapolis Is a hustler." He has been appointed manager To-day. Sun rises. S.16 a. sets, 5.14 p.

m. i rises. 11.5 a. sets. 9.2J p.

m. HIGH WATHK TO-DAT. A.M P.M. Iwes 10.37 11C5 Kilt's Hammock li45 Bombay Hook 132 2.00 lort Penn k. 24" Jleuth of Christiana 3.2? 3.53 SVillttingtoii 4.07- 4.35 of the American Hotel at San Juan, Porto Rico.

He tried to go to war as a member GRANT. Javne's EXPECT of the Twenty-seventh Indiana Battery.but was rejected. He followed the battery to Ctuckamagua and was soon doing a thriv-,.

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