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The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 1

The Morning Newsi
Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



FOURTH FAILURE. Good Economy Bailey BAR GAMS! We have these on our tables to-day:" SUITS Worth Our Price, $3000 $18.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 10.80 15.00 9.00 12.00 7.20 Odds aad Ends or A seer la tea Fre Caleanlnce. The employes of W. IL IL Roger's paper mill in Brooklyn struck on Saturday because of a 10 pr cent, reduction in William A Slaughter, a New York city dentist, tried to kill bis ife Saturday eve lag; a sight bullet wound In bar bead is the result of four shots Rhea was honored at New port oa Saturday by three receptions and a A store feQ in Chi cage oa Baiurday while being raised and killed a laborer and injured its owner and the tenant's wife The Rev. Dr.

Tel mag will tie given a reception to morrow evening in tbe Tsbercacle at Brooklyn oa bis return from The wife of tbe Rev. 8emacl Godfrey of Lafayette, led is suing for a divorce on th ground of ill treatment; he beat her brutally with a chair four days James D. Warren, chair man of tbe Republican State Committee of New York. Is getting a good many robernetoriai delegates from the western end of that tate Tbe towels for tbe Treasury Department are washed by laundries where only American laborers are Doon Piatt has been sued for 1.100. board money advanced for bis two tniatresses by Nathan Jurdan tbe women are mother aad daughter, aad the latter is said to be Piatt's own child Admiral C.

H. Baldwin's ooUage at New. port was robbed oa Haturday evening of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry while tbe family were giving a dinner party Pat Kernaa, "King of tbe Eighth ward" of Baltimore, murdered bis uncle on Saturday night by shooting blm Irfcy of Ad alrsvlUe. killed bis wife on Saturday by cutting berth Dr. J.

U. Douglas returned to New York city from Mt. Mc Gregor on Saturday, and win resume bis practice at Survey or fteaUie's in spectors at the New York Custom House are accused of blackmailing end taking le-ibes by tbe Treasury outran George st Elinhurrb on Sat. urday, 10,000 persons looking on during a pelting rainstorm; the betting bad been 5 to 2 on Oeorge Maud H. covered a mile in 2 I at Nar ragatMtt Park on Finch's oil lubricating works of Vew York were burned on Katurday.loss almost Cauileld of He.

tings. near New York city, was shot accidentally on Friday night bv a ptol kept uoder ber husbands pillow, and died tbe following Governor II -adly answered rWator Sherman recent speech at on Saturday A Mexican on Thurs day evening at BUbee, flrtd fifteen tlnws into a crowded saloon, killing one man and wounding four; next morning tbecitfzetts "ran blm down" and brgd him to a Saturday utornicg Fred. Osgood of fatally shot by Thomas A Rehbw for making lovt to the letter's wife who Is a female 8 veral thousand laborers, repre senting a score of lodustriea, ar-aded at Baltimore oo William N. Rid dle, ex president of the defunct Petto Bank of Pittsburg, was diwba gd oo Saturday; be was worth formerly klO.OOO, but In debt nowf3(00. Margaret Ioihoff of Detroit has begun suit to recover the greater portion of Uut city, worth many millions, on a government land grant of 1S07 Frank Mitchell was Indicted at Boston on Saturday for tbe tourxl of bis wife wboe mutilated body was fouud in Charles river a month ago.

Londonderry In Ireland gave the Earl of Carnarvon a rowting rvceptlon on Saturday Superintendent of toe Mint Fox of Philadelphia discharged eleven employes oo Haturday on the ground of insubordination la Massst-buseUs oo Saturday celebrated the 2Tj0tb aunivsrsary of tbe in corporation of lust M. Ketley on Saturday formally resigned bis commis sion as Minister to Frank M. Musser, a young physician of Lancaster, Pa, did on Saturday afternoon from an overdose of Alexander Steele, tbe warden of the Nor ristown (Fs.) Insane Asylum, who killed Theodore F. Castor, several months ago, was sentenced to three years imprisonment on Count" II. Wllbelm Braua of Berlin committed suicide at Montreal on Saturday because his young and truant wire refused to return to bun.

a re cent letter to the Ibchet4- (N. 1 W- XxprM Henry Ward Beecher favors bigb license as tbe only feasible and equitable solution of the liquor Judge Mehard of Metcer, derided on Saturday that tbs reading of tbe King James Bible in th jhiWIc houl of Pennsylvania Is legal; tbe case will go to the Supreme In an accident oa the Texas Pacific rUrd. near Snernvm, on Saturday one woman was killed and eight others Injured, TELKCiMAFHIC PAUH.a. Since September 1 Hjain has reixjrtvd 23,614 cases of cholera and 6,379 deaths. Smallpox is epidemic at Montreal.

On Saturday there were 05 new cas si aad 12 deaths. A iconiaiunuaic rebellion is giving much trouble to the plaoTers of tbe state of Vera Cms in Mexico. William Jones was murdered at Bucyrus, oo Haturday for bis money. He was last seen fa a bouse of 10 fame. At a meeting of Irishmen in Cincin nati yteterday 700 were eoUectsd aod fVftJO sutxeribed fur Partll mad the Irish Colonel Henry Allen diod at Brew- ford, yesterday morning.

lie was the Republican candidate for Congress in that district last fall. The cornerstone of the St. Gregory Roman Catholic Church was laid yesterday In the presence of 10,000 parsons. Area. bishop Gibbons officiated.

Charles Young, E. 8. Curtis and Ar thur Wheeler, all three young married men. were row nod la Accord pond at Rockland, yesterday afternoon. A heavy storm of lightning and wind oo Saturdsy at Canton.

killed Austin Curson, a colored farm band, end badly stunned Thomas Weatbersby, a far- Joseph Cain fSic peon's 4 -year -old stallion Antvok trottid a mil la 2. lS at Sacramento, CaL, oa Saturday. That beats tbe 4-year-old stallion record by f-jood. John Lb Sullivan pitched a poor game of ball before 4.M ople in Brooklyn Park, Cleveland, yesterday. At tb dose of the game be was arrested for violating tbs Sunday law and put nnder ff50t ball to appear to-day.

On Saturday the seventy-first anni versary of the battle A North Point, near Baltimore. James Hotfd, aged 90 years, ate the annual dlneer alone. Or jor Others of tbe volunteer heroes who defeated tU BritUi and UUed tbrir rettersjlp W.i art ts. Report ef a Dre wains Accident Fennel to be Wltkeat Feandarjeaw About 11.30 o'clock on Saturday morning ex-Police Officer oho W. Lewis of No.

1137 Walnut street we given the following despatch, which bad lost been re ceived by a neighbor; Ghat's Fxrbt, 10.41 a. 8ept. 12. 18SS. William Lewis drowned: fell off vessi Give to his friends.

J. Mqokk. Mr. Lewis at once began an investiga tion, as hie son William was at work on the schooner Mary E. Smith, thee at Phils delphla.i Captain Hickman of the boat, who lives in this ctty.eould only say that be had left the young man at -about Id 30 o'clock.

In reply to a telegram to the Chief of De tectives of Philadelphia, the answer "There is nothing In it" was received. To solve the mystery Mr. Lewis went to Philadelphia early ye.way morning. and found his son alive and much sur prised to bear the report about bis timely end. It is not known why the mes sage of drowning was sent.

There Is no one by the name of Moore connected with the schooner, and the motive for creating the anxiety and trouble that ensued Is en tirely byood conjecture. I At Police Ileaeqaartera. Judge Cummins presided at Sat urday morning's seninp of tbe City Court James Burns, Joseph Myers and Thomas Cook, who, together with ex-Hergeaat Sketly, wore drunk and' disorderly to Hedgevllle on Friday afternoon, were given a bearing. Burns was fined S3 and tbe other two men 13 each. Skelly was ar rented lale on Friday afternoon by tier- geaot MoVey and held la JU0 by tkjulre O'Neill, to appear at this morning's City Court, for bitting Brickie with a brick.

Owing to tbe death of Mr. Brickie's aunt, however, the bearing will likely be postponed. Henry Flamming, who had been arrested tor stealing fJ4 from Charles H. Sampson, was discharged, no urth testimony being adduced than that Esther Hall, colored, had seen defendant take money from 8ampsonis pocket and return it. Mayor Rhoads bad tbe entire force of police on duty on Saturday night and ex pressed his determination to break op the gangs of street loafers who habitually con gregate on Market, Front and other street.

As a eonseueeoce the cells are full of prison ers and tbe City Court will have plenty of business this morning. Cbarck Notre. A eeries of special set vices were com menced by the Iter. S. T.

Gardner In tbe Wesley M. E. Church yesterday. The Rev. E.

Hubbard preached in tbe The celebration of tbe semi-centennial of the Second Baptist Church, which has been Id progress during the peat week, clewed yes terday with a sermon in the morning by the Kev. C. Bitting, D. of Philadel phia, and an addreta by tbe same speaker in the evening on "What Baptists Have Done for the World." The dedication of Bhiloh Baptist Cburrb yesterday was attended with fitting core- monies, participated in by Urge congre gations. Large collections where taken.

many! of. tbe donors bring from other churches of this city, and some from Phila delphia. Tbe new building Is a substantial, plain, brick edifice, and is tbe first colored Baptist Church in Dataware. The services will be continued there this week with ear mons, as follows: To-nightby tbe Rev Russell; Tuesday, tbe Kev. Mr.

Dolby; Wednesday, the Rev. J. W. Becket; Thurs day, tbe Rev. Richard Cook.

D. and Friday, the Rev. J. W. T.

Boot be, D. D. Bachelor Boat CI ob. The second race between tbe crews of the gig aod shell of the Bachelor Boat Club came off on the Christiana on Satur day evening notwithstanding the announce- by an officer ot the club that the race was off. Two heats were rowed, tbe crews changing boats between.

Tbe following crew won both beats: J. N. Uarman, bow; T. Hatton. E.

E. Mitchell. J. E. Whitehead, stroke; H.

E. Frist, coxswain. The gig crew was composed of G. H. McCail, bow: T.

T. Kellum.z; E. a Jackson. 3: W. H.

Weldin. stroke; H. R. Carpenter, coxswain. Tbe raleeloataa Usawt.

The annual games of tbe Caledonian Club will be played at Mount Cuba to-day. and with fine weather will be well worth attending. Tbe various feats of strength and agility will be open to competition for prises for all persons, but this is an inno cent means of recreation, peculiar to the Scotch people, and offers tbe attraction of novelty to all other nationalities. Trains will leave foot of Market etreet at 9 and 10 05 o'clock, a. and 1 30 p.

although excursion tickets will be good on any train to-day. Jesse W. Kervee Dead. Jesse W. Rocves, for many years chief clerk at the Delaware Iron Works in New CsMtle, but mere recectly of Philadel phia, died In New Castle on Friday.

Deceased was an old soldier and a member of tbe G. A. R. He was also a member of Washington Lodge. No.

6. 1 O. O. and Harmony Castle, No 5, O. E.

His funeral will take pi ve td morning at 7.30 o'clock and tbe remains will be taken to Philadelphia for bo rial Feaeh flblptnente. Fifty-nine carload a of peaches passed through this city Saturday night, consigned as follows: Points west, 21; Jersey City, 19; Boston end points east, Chester, Syra cuse, 1 Albany, 1 Utira. I Columbus, 1 Chicago, Cleveland. total to date. 3,086.

UITEB HOTBt. I The steamer Republic will probably come to tbe yards of Tbe Harlan and HoW-lingsworth Company to-morrow to lay op for the winter. The Alert which is lying at Enoch Moore's shipyard will leave for Havre de Grace to-day nnder tbe command of bar new captain, John Hughes. The steamer Republic made her last regular excursion to Cape May yesterday. She win take Philip R.

Charles' sxeursion to Cape May. the Breakwater and outside the Capes for an ocean view of Caps May. Arrived: Steamer Vesper of the Elec tric Line from Ks York; freight packets Alice aad Minqoais of Bosh's aad Warner's lines from Philadelphia; Band Snipe with sand for The Char las Warner Com pany; Alaska from Lea's Brandy wine mills with corn meal for New York via tbe Else trio Line steamer Eaglet; Jessie HOles with sand; SeaGuU, Rebecca If. and Lillie D. with oysters at Front street wharf.

Cleared: Electric line steamer Eaglet for New York: freight packets Saunterer and Century of Warner's and Bush's line for Philadelphia. SHOT, DIHIfEO AKD OTHER WISE INCHED. Hen, Weaaea and Beys Fait VlcUass te a Series MSsbspe-Oae Fatal Reenlt. Ellwood P. Pyle, eon of Joseph Pyle, aad a clerk lo the leather sstabUshment of C.

St J. Pyle, was seriously wounded by the accidental discharge of a gun just after noon on Saturday. He and a young man named Samuel Harris wen to tho boat- boose of Brannaa McManos at the south sod of Market street bridge and took a skiff to go np tbe Christiana to gun for reed birds. Tbey bad scarcely left the wharf, with Harris in charge of the oars, and Pyle sitting la tbe stern of the boat, when the gun went t4T. It eppeers that Harris attempted to move the weapon from the bottom of the boat and put it out of tbe way when the explosion occurred.

Tbe distance between tbe muzzle of the gun and Pyle was not over ten inches, aod tbe shot took effect on the Inner side of tbe right thigh and plowed a deep wound about four Inches upward aod then outward for about ten Inches further. II was then deflec ted by tbe resistance of tbe mass of flesh aad museles aod passed backward. formieg a sort of pocket and lodging the hip bona. As quickly as possible tbe wounded man was taken ashore, placed in a carriage and driven to tbe offlce of Dr. West, where be arrived shortly before o'clock.

It was foaad necessary to remove tbe shot, wadding, by opening the pocket at the back. Tbe wound was much blackened and burned by tbe powder, es the weapon so oloae to tbe limb. After the wound had been dressed and tbe patient bad slightly recovered from the shock to bis nervous system, be was taken to bis borne on Front street west of Uuioo about 4 lie oontinaed to suffer from prostration until yesterday, when a reaction set in and the patient rallied couaiderably. Last evening Dr. West extreaed tbe opinion that be would recover atlves bluod poisoning should ensue, In which case the result would probe bly be tetanoua The young man Is about twenty one years or age and bigniy esteemed, tut parents are away from borne aad their whereabouts unknown, al bough they are expected to return to-day or to morrow.

Mr. Pyle was la Elmlra, but week attending tbe Great Council of the United State Improved Order of Red Men and there be and Mrs. Pyle started on a short pleasure tour. Everything ponible is being done for tbe wounded man by large circle of sympathising relatives aad friends. FATALLY BURS ED.

About 11 o'clock on Saturday morning John Fund to, a boy 9 years of age. fatally burned on a lot east of Eleventh street bridge. Another lad named Kane was attending to the gasoline lamps In that part of the city, when a crowd of boys begged some of the fluid from him to help start a bonfire. The oil was poured over a lot of brush and dried grass and a match applied. In an Instant tbe names shot np Into the air and young Fund In 's clothes were set on fire.

Soon be was wrapped In flames and before bystanders bad time to throw a coat about him to smother tbe flames, be was terribly burned about tbe limbs, body ana bead. He was quickly carried to bis borne. No. 1124 Heald street, and messengers sent for Dr. Btocksom, the father, Oscar Fundin, who is a cabinetmaker in tbe shops of the Jackson and Sharp Company, and for the mother, who was In market.

All was done thai could possibly be done for tbe relief of the little sufferer, but the attending phy sician at once prononitced his lo Juries fatal. as tbs boy was not only burned to a crisp on some portions of tbe body, but be bad also spparently breathed some of tbe flames. He lingered la great agony until yesterday morning, when death ensued. Deputy Coroner Smith will -Investigate the case. Great sympathy Is felt for tbs sfflicted parents, who are Swedes, and form a part of the recent Swedish settlement made in that section of tbe city.

MINOR ACCIDENTS. Harvey W. Martin, a boy 12 years of age, feH at the Cisterns' Raller Rink about 11 o'clock on Saturday morning and broke bis left arm below tbe elbow. He was taken to bis home. No.

709 East Seventh street, where the fracture was reduced by Dr. 8tubbs. Daniel Dougherty, who lives at No. 518 Walnut street, bad three fingers so badly crushed by a casting In the iron foundry of Tbe Posey and Jones Company on Saturday morning that tbey bad to be amputated. Mrs, Jams Cook, who lives in Miller's court, off French street, bad a finger torn off by machinery In a cotton mill in which she was working last She Is doing weU under the care of Dr.

Patterson. John, son of George Reed, aged fifteen years, shot himself in the left band on Sat urday evening while carelessly handling a pistol at Fifth aad French street. Dr. Brown dressed tbe wound, and says it is not dangerous. Harry Muilln, a newsboy for Tbs Moav- IKO Nawfl, was bitten on Saturday night by a vicious dog.

While at work oa Saturday, an employe of the Cold Spring Ice Company bad bis band torn by trying to catch a pair of ice-tongs. Change of Time. Tbe offlot-rs of the Philadelphia, Chester and WOmlngton River Line nounce that on and after this morning the leaving time of the steamers Wilmington and Brandy wine will be as follows: Fourth street wharf at 7 30 and 10 a. tn. aod 12.45 and 4.15 m.

Philadelphia at 1 and 10 m. and 12.45 and A 45 p. m. Ninth Wars! Tlaerartfs. Henry P.

Orubb of the Ninth ward Is raising sores very fine Concord grapes and enters the list again Joseph Graham as a grape caltariat. Tbe latter, however, claims that there is nothing in this section to equal either bis black or pink California LOCAL flBIOWtL. John J. Oallagber hi suffering from carbuncles. J.

Maaeey Eno is settled in his new home, Wilmington, N. on a revenue cutter. Mrs. James M. Bryan has gone to the moon tains.

Uuas Annie ilurphy yesterday enter tained a large oomber of visitors from Con- shobocken. Pa. Ignatius OByroe, formerly of this city, has re-engaged with the "White Slave" Cetnpany, which will open tbe season In the Natiucal Theatre la Pbiladelphia this evening. IIIS 81'DJDEH DKATII FROn HEART DISEASE. Dropped Dead Ib Ilia Carriage Wfetle Rlsllng Over Ills Fa ran an A If araarlaa.

Between 5 and 6 o'clock evening the dead body of Randolph Peters, one of the oldest and most successful nursery men in the state, was found In bis carriage in the orchard near his boose. It appears that she deceased, who was apparently in bis nsoal health when be left the bouse, bad taken his han and carriage to drive around his place to view the nurseries. When found th horse was standing among the trees and Mr. Peters was dead. He was in the 63d year of his age and bis datta Is thought to have been caused by heart dis ease; Word was sent to this city and Under taker John B.

Martin went out to take charge of the remain. Deputy Coroner Smith has been notified and will probably give a certificate of death from natural causes without the formality of an Inquest. Mr. Peters was formerly of Concord. Delaware county, but many years ago he established a nursery at Newark.

Nearly twenty years ago he bought the farm ef Henry U. Tatnall on the Hare' Corner road, about two snilrs from this city, and moved there to establish another nursery. He has long stood in the front rank of the nurserymen of the country and much of the stock of grape vine, peach trees and other fruits grown on the Peninsula i supplied from his nurseriea The bulk of the fancy fruits, In peaches, shipped from Wyoming and other points on the Peninsula during the present reason. was grown from his stock. He leaves widow and several grown children.

The arrangements for the funeral have not yt been perfected. Brutality te a Horse. About 5 o'clock last evening three drunken men from the neighborhood of Greenbank drove into Newport In a bufra-y with the horse at a full ran. The poor beast was evidently fagged out, but bis brutal drivers kept goading him on In attempt ing to turn the corner at the hotel the car riage was upset and the hone thrown. The crowd of byrtandors soon dragged tbe men from heoeath the wreck and the horse was unhitched.

One of the men suffered a aevere wound the other. were more or less bruised. The carriage was a bad wreck. Competent persons took charge of the per secute bra-it. Single Vleweg The base bail game at the Front and Union street Park on Saturday between tbe Singles and Viewog senates was attended by about 9 10 persons.

Tbe former out- batted and out fielded the Vlewegs, but the latter claim tbe game "on account of an alleged glaring error of tbe umpire in tbe ninth inning. Tbe score by innings stood as follows: Vteweg .1 1 1 0 0 0 8 S-l! Single ....1 7 1 0 0 5 1 0 115 Crowds at the Rink. Tbe Citizens' Eink was well patro nized on Saturday and Fred. orris, the skating champion, gave an exhibition in tbe evening. Splendid music was furnished by the band under Leader V.

Sponsler. Floor Manager Ginter took good care to take off his skates before making bis an nouncements in order that he might be able to bow gracefully and maintain bis balance. Craad Army Visits. Quite a number of tbe members of General Thomas A. Smyth Post, A.

on Saturday night visited General D. B. Birney Poet of New Castle Tbe depart ment commander who vinited Captain Evan S. Watson Post of New Castto the same evening will visit Captain Thomas M. Reynolds Post at Pleasant Xi ill this evening.

Sneaay street Fignt. A street fight took place about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Second and Market streets about a pair of rabbit dogs. Tbe contestants were named Barker and McHugh, each claiming that his dog was tbe better. From words they got to blows, the result of which was a Mack eye for Barker and a suit of torn clothes for McHugh. Another Pension Freud.

Isaac W. Windaor of Heaford was brought to this city by Deputy Marshal Hutchins of Dover on Friday night and lodged hi the cells at tbe United States Court rooms. He is charged Ith obtaiuing a pension by fraudulent representations and will be arraigned for trial in the United States Couit to-morrow. LOCAL POINTS. The Board of Education will meetito- nlght.

More eheruT Kales of real estate will take plaeeat the Court to morrow. Tbe plate glaiia doors of the First National Bank are Ving relettered In gold foil. Webster's dancing acadr my will be reopened in the fourth story of tbe Masonic Temple this evening. The paving of Walnut street from Third to Fifth has been completed and work is In progress between Fifth and Seventh. A horse belonging to the Foord Bot tling Company was knocked sensoieas by a fall in front of tbe office of The Morkiko Nxws on Saturday afternoon.

The order reducing the time of the laborers on tbe W. B. railroad from 10 to 0 hours and their wages proportion ately will go Into offset to-day. In a ngbt on latnail street near Fourth on Saturday evening a drunken was so badly beaten by two others that be will probably lose the sight of one Tbe pamphlet prepared by the Ar mory excursion committee was bsuea on Saturday. It Is an Interesting description of tbe beautiful ceoory at Mauch Chunk and tbe Switchback.

Deputy Coroner Smith on Saturday gave a certificate of death from natural causes hi tbe ease of the colored child re ported to have been killed at Green Springs, near Clayton, on Friday. Officer Porter was struck violently tbe face by one of a gang of roughs whom be wss trying to "move on" from Lombard street, above Front, early yester day He summoned aid st once, and after searching awhile Joseph Dugan, George Tucker, John Seville and Joseph Long were arrested. They will be beard this morning. DHIFTIWU LAZILY ON A LONU CiLABSV SJWBLL. Bat (ho Inside Mere ler the A seer- lea Cap Will he hailed To-day.

New Yobk, Sept. 13. A fourth unsuccessful ettemt to sail the first of the international races for the Amerkw'scnp was made yevterday. The Ueuesta aad Puritaa say drifting all tbe forenoon on a long, glassy swell off tbe Montlaed Lightship, but no wind came to fill their sails and tbe race was not etrted. Tbe race of twenty miles to windward and return.

wbi'-h as to bs sailed yesterday, will be ailed. if there is wind enough, oa Tuesday. To-morrow one of tbe eerie of races for tbe America's rap wUl be sailed over tbe inside course of tbe New York Yacht Club. Tbe inside course lies straight down tb Narrow to tb Hook. Here It takes a southeastern course to Sandy Hook Lightship which is aiaohed tm the north aad rounded from the east; after rounding tb tigbttbfp tbe course retano almost over tbe same line to ithin a short distance of the starting point.

Indications ar not wanting that there will be another great crowd to witness tbe yachts iu their efforts to make a race tomorrow. It has Immmi reported that there was little or no betting on the contest, but it is declared such is not the case, sad there has I wen a coosiderabl amount of money wagered. Tbe betting on Wall street is much heavier than is generally supioMd, sad a careful estimate show tb majority to be la favor of the Atuertuaa boat Tbe Puritan was hauled out oa the screw dock foot of Market etrert at 1 30 last night and put overboard again two hours later. Twenty men thoroughly cleaned ber U-Uom and pot leaded it where the bilg tJof-k bad been when she was hauled out before. Tb tog Indian towed ber to an anchorage off Clifton, Htateu Island, eoon after daylight this morning, where she baa laid all day.

surrounded by boat loads of spectators curious to see th American rep. resentauive yacht General Paine aad Mr. Burgess took a sail down to Sandy Hook in Mr. J. It.

Buck's rloop Mischief, the others, with the exception of Mr. Welch, were et the Brevoort House. Sir lUcherd Hutton and Mwiy remahaed on board tbe Geneste on Tompkiueville all day. The reus will be over the club course, JJS tniies, Tb start will bs at 10.30 sharp. litre Beenndrel Caagbt.

Nkw York. fiL 13. Yesterday Peter A. Daly, aged 23 years; Inotuas K. Patrick, aged 27 years, and David J.

Neughtoo, rnemtiers of tbe Equality Asm ciatiuo, were arrested, charged with having blown op the window of tbe Garry Brothers, dry goods merchants at Grand and Allen streets, tn this city, oa February lS-5, which created such a aation at the time. They ere the three men who were seen running away when tbe terrible explosion occurred. Inspector Byrnes, chief of de tectives, worked tbe case, and a detective wormel tbe facts on which the charges are based from the sons of Morris UerwUei, at whose saloon at No. G8 Orchard street tbe Equality Association holds its meetings. The men waived a hearing this morning.

fJ ordered by a Maddewed Itallaw. New York, Sept, 13. Miguel Zi-tx. an Italian peanut vender, fatally staUed Charles Bradley, a truckman, this morning. Bradley, with a party of drunken oomi an ions, was leaving a saloon on tbe euruer of Seventeenth street and Sevaotb avenue, in front of which Ztc kept bis stand, aod annoyed tbe Italian by tipping his bat over bis eyes.

Zai plunged his knife clean through the heart of Bradley, who died in stantly. His eompapion were too drunk to give any coherent account of th killing In court, where tbe Italian was arraigned at 9 o'clock. Zett is forty year old. Tb dirk sheath was found is bis clothing. Tbeourc-ner's autopty disclosed a clean cleft of tLe dead man's breast bone and tbe cavities filled with blood.

Rear Adawtral Llvlagetosi Barfed. New York, Sept. 13. Funeral ser vices over tbe remains of tb let Rear Ad mira! John W. Lmngstoo, U.

8. took place this afternoon at Grace Church. Interment wss iu Greenwood. Archdeacon Farrar la aaaerlca. Bet.

13. The erSardiuiaa has passed inward. Ami sir her passengers is Archdeaoon Farrar. the sauiosnt English divine.

A.feary sproeeasiesita. Tbe new lecture room of Asbury M. Church has bean completed and refur nished. Tbe floor has been lowered thirty-two Inches end covered with a naadaouM crime: carpet. Jt is furnished with asti settees, with a reversible folding chair in tbe centre of tb alternate seats for tbe tee of th teacher of Sunday school classes.

It has a eaetmg capacity of UG and is lighted by large windows by day aad wit handsome chandeliers by night. Chnrrh service are now bold la tt, as tbe auditory Is having the ceiling end walls frescoed. Oa a level with tb floor of tbe auditory the addition contain a large infant school room carpeted In green, with a seating capacity of 2T4, and tbe walls covered with artistic mottoes. Tbe third story eon tains a double parlor, with folding doors, for tb meetings of th ladies' societies, couuulttaea, quarterly conferences, etc. Tbe addition also farsisbes a handsome library room oa.

the first floor. After Twewtr-dr laws' isswrs. Simeon W. King, an old WJ- mlagtoniaa. now a prominent attorney of Chicago, is spending a few days with J.

C. Plckela Mr. King left this city to make bis fortune In tbe West over twenty five years ago. He was a graduate of the academy of T. CUrkson Taylor, situated st Eighth aad Wollaston streets.

Mr. King Is eogsged in a com tested will can in Albany. N. Y. say tb large fire in Chicago knocked him out of about IT5.0CX1.

He is much surprised at tbe improvements made In Wfimiagton in the last quarter of a century. TMe Weataer. Z. Jama Beit's thermoojever on Sat urday indicated 60 at 9 a. 72 as noon, 9 at 2 p.

m. aod C7 at p. m. Yes-day it indicated 70 at 9 a. ax.

7W st noon, at 8p. and aid p. Tan KoRxr Nxws thermometer recorded 71 st 9 p. 70 at mldttlgbt and 70 at 9 VcJor this morning. ISMtlaaUewe, for fa vicinity of UladeAia Clowd'aes aad oeoasSamal rains; soaA- tsesf triads; higher, fvUffttxi fry luwtr (TO BUY WHAT 13 NEEDED, WILES IT 8 NEEDED.

Oak Hall Stock is ready to-day. ou may need A Fall Overcoat, $5.00 to $25.00 A Dress Suit, $13.50 to $35.00 A Business Suit, $10 00 to $25.00 A School Boy's Suit: $5.00 to $12.00 A Better Suit, $10.00 to $18.00 A Small Boy's Suit, $3.00 to $12 00 Or a Suit of Scarlet Under- a a -a wear, oi wnicn we maKe a special offer $1.25 each for Shirt and Drawers. The Clothing we make ourselves: also, the larger portion of our Neckwear and Suspenders. Whatever we sell, you may expect only Reliable Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. Wanamaker Brown, Oak Hall, S.

E. Cor. Sixth and Market. Cooper Oonard's Fashion Month ly contains no continued stories Every number is complete in Itself. For sale by all newsdealers.

Price 5 cents. LOTS TO BE GIVEN away. We are author ized to gire, Tree ot charge Tor the land, two lots of good ground, and to take from responsible parties mortgage for the actual cost or the dwellings to be erected thereon. in: ALD CO. EXTRA OFFER.

About thirty dwellings, located in various parts or city, can be purchased Tor only $100 cash on each and with easy terms For balance. Slmtxsrmmts. Citizens' Rink Now Open for tho Season. Skates and floor in perfect condition. Band under leadership of Profetwr Spongier.

Three sessions daily. More lux tor instruction. C. R. OA HBETSON, Manager.

DELAWARE DAY- AT Cape May and the Breakwater. The commodious three-decked iron steamer REPUBLIC Has been chartered to make an excursion to Ott aboTe places on Monday, September 14, I enabling the ditizatnsof Wilmington and Tlclnlty to spend a pleasant day at the seaitbora, before tbe cKse or tbe season, or it preierreo, an op portunity wui be given or. vmiung we BREAKWATER. THAT GREAT NATIONAL WORK ERECTED AT CAPE HEMLOPEN. Cars to connect with tbe steamer, at WHmlcK- ton and Northern Kaiiroad Company Pier, will leave Wilmington, foot of Market street, at 6 45 a m.

Boat will leave lamie at, Dela ware City at 7.4, arriving at Cape May about 11. Leaving at 4 p. giving nearly five hours on me Doacn. Tickets, i.oo. i Children nnder soc.

Ko effort will be soared by the management to render tola a most pleasant and enjoyable trip. el tf rinUP R. CLARK. Manager. WANTED.

HOMES FOR SMALL children in families where they will re adopted, or brought up to some userui oocupa- tkn. SITUATIONS for women having one child. who are willing to work for low wages, rartlea I taking them to pay tra.i.rofrtakn. Addrs or 1 uddIv to tbe Children's Aid Society and Bureau of Information, No. 39 sjeuth Seventeenth street.

Philadelphia. "ITTANTED. A YOUNO COIX5RED I Man for waiter: none need anolv at the house; address l-y postal giving and ref erence tn aire, uenry u. Tatnait, no. iw j- feraon street si-z ANTE A GOOD GIRL wants a place for general Housework, also good cook.

Good reference. Apply at No. 907 Kast Eighth strrat sl-2t Bcariring. BOARDING. A DESIRABLE SEO ond stnry room, suitable for gentleman end wife.

Abo table boarders, at 711 Mark4 eaMmo T7OR RENT. TWO DESIRABLE JU FTRKISHED ROOMS for rent, between Fifth aad Birth, on Market screes. 818 at Appry a uam iri-c. WANTED BOARDERS. NO.

205 West Fourth street. FDrst-claas aceom- nsodatton. sl-t CLARDINO. PLEASANT FRONT rooms with or without board at tie Market Jbr.JitnL. FOR RENT, CHEAP DESIRABLE room, suitable for offices, club rooms, or jj9S-tf JO T14 Market street.

"YITANTED TO RENT A MEDIUM i sized warehouse or bouse with shed at tached, cheap. Address Morning ews. B13-11 i Cost and CTRAYED OR STOLEN. ABOUT the first of last month a targe black Hew- fonndland boar, with white) rnar around neck. white tip to taU and ottn-rwise well narked with white.

Haa ewner's name on eoUar, and named "Mac." A liberal reward wUl be paid for his re turn or isrormatioa leading to bis rereve-y. H. H. CARTER, Banks Biddle 12th Chestnut, Philadelphia re now receiving large importations or Gannaiveres Diamonds of extraordinary brilliancy, in the im proved style oi Druuant coiusg. Coal! Cirefnllj Screened and Prepared at SB STREET IffllE SOILTS.

THE Brookside Broken Goal IS THE BEST FOR GRATIS. WTRY IT. .21 Coper Conard'e Fashion Monthly for ScpienitM-r Is ooU For sale by all newsdealers. Price, 5 cents. Real Estate Either for Sale or Rent.

Taken entire charge of and Uut efforts made to. effect a sale, and also to secure good and reliable tenants- Monthly rent collections -i i i cioseiy aiienaea to, Dy one lemlly trajloyed for that purjtose. Title and other legal pajers carelully prepared. Money loaned on carefully selected first mortgage securities. special attention given to fesinesa connected with either real or personal projerty.

Estates mauatjed and set- tW. GEORGE C. MAMS. 901 8HIPLBY STREET. Life Los Vm LIt by tbe War.

KTle.tbe wett-kDOws mjTarurr. now prop. pro so tTT VRY Bferf QVAU Is n. Improvement or economy or srjrteJ or accomauitbed by "-iDVarv Uwi.v hwr. sot embodied in runt unadulterated lc Omul.

wiwihi oneem of his gnackxis and Be- tejai9 THT8 I fcSlN'l aad "'5'li invited to he prevent. Jtv n-tT attendant stM be Jw iUn KM-r. yon. ttor QUffva. I I.

1H orders hr large or small will nmit nmnnk atreetioe- part favors, I raseeorfuliy solicit TOUT UtolUM CHARLIES KYLE. corner SUtn and Oraugs gSreees. JOHHSOIT CO. a money readv for Mortgage. "per Conard'a Faaliion Month-It give 8 fuH-pae Pic art or fashion for Vor sale by all Price.

5 cents. EMGRATIMB. JDWaaoa. Kerala News POoa. George W.Bnsh and Business Suits Worth $25.00 22.00 20.00 18 00 15.00 Our Price, $15.00 14.00 12.00 10.80 9.00 Children's Suits From $4.50 up.

Good stock Full line. OVERCOATS Are plenty. We have hun dreds of them made especially for the fall trade. They will come in nnay in a wees or two tlf-r look out for one now. Tiiey will not be as cheap a month hence.

Fall Overcoats Worth $25.00 22.00 20.00 18.00 Extra Coats. Our Price, $15.00 14.00 12.00 10.80 Extra vests. Extra pants in abundance. HARRY HART, 316 Market St The New York Clothing Manufac'g Co. 7 Astral Safest and best oil for Be sure to ask family use.

dealers for the genuine arti cle and take no other. Z. JAMES BELT, Cor. Mxlh itnd Market Bts. AGENT.

$000 REWARD. Th. abova essount 11 be paid for the arrest Tlctioa ef tbe person or persona who reused the explosion oa th steamer Sasauel M. feitoav Monday, the Instant. far owners steamer 8.

M. leiton. Pratt Tenth aul Market street. 1141 rtfiaJeapbJa, Angaet 15. war at, in.

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