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The Plumas Argus from Quincy, California • Page 1

The Plumas Argusi
Quincy, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PLUMAS ARGUS. THE PLUMAS ARGUS Is nubllshed ornrv Thnrs- THE PLM.P ARG-iJS. Lis b' uKi.r. inv ci. rut iiiii'k wjt cjuiaTOjr, ojlXj.

Iday at Quincy. Plumas Cal, Jj The AIKJ US will bo sent to every part of this, and yiho Atlantic Slates, t'itlicr liy mail or express as suh-acribei'a may desire, upon the following terms; Single Copies, in admince, per aimnin $5 00 mouth's S3 00 Single Copies 23 ADVERTISEMENTS fine Utire of nine lines and mora than tour lines, first insertion, $'S; each subsequent Insertion, $1 00. When advertisements are inserted at each Insertion will -be charge as the first. For hall' square of four lines, first inserikm, each subsequent one, $1. A libe ral rciluctiim made, to quarterly aud yenrlv advertisers.

Mr N'AIIH, LEWIS CO. "STATE SOYEREIG UNION." QUINCY, CAL. TZNlA'' QUINCY, ILL A HI ZONA It seems that Arizona territory is attracting considerable attention in the eastern States, and the prospect is fair that, in a short time thousands will be on their way from toward the sun's rising to tho distant land with the poetical name. We find the following iu a i i paper leiuieucu iui- iuuh- i i i tiy nua ueuu euuiuiij imunu ao u.iu..- den's inasmuch as oar Minister to Mexico of that name bought the lane of Ban-J ta Anna, ou his own responsibility, conceiving nsiouay, 1 yt THE BANKER OF THE FAUBOURG SAINT HON ORE. 11Y (ICIN'CK, Oil.

Wliat I aui about to relate occurred about the reign of Louis some years before the revolution. Notwithstanding the satire of Rosseau, the austere counsels of Turgot and the pithy sayings of Toor Richard, the people of those days were not a whit behind the aristocrats of our owu time iu luxury and extravagance. Women, as is generally the cose, wore the prime movers in the foolish extravagances of the oge, and fortunes were lavished (a supporting the claims of rival beauties. In such nn evil time nourished Jacques Gordon, well-to-do banker iu the Faubourg From bciusr a simnle arraud- bov, at the Ilotel des Fermes, he bud, after a nullir for the touthtri. it's sb respecti it was con I But there was eousidurmg its coa -0 hut he mi? tu a nulur no No but he the wanner of joom wnrrP' rtv.ivw tr.nei.

in YC ui' TfiE 1'IA'AIAS AUGl'd wH I i -p I-; fully coll tfc ultenlion of tli piiMi loiV I rc V.M I'm have a fine supply of l'riiitiiiK Watei'i-I rtl oa wilt wliuh ljy ari prepared tu xent all orders Jor JOB I in a and correct style, at prices which cannot to give eeneral sutUfe.etiori, MuNABB, LEWIS CO. O. U'JNDLtY. II LEY HA ATTOENTYy COUNSELLORS LAW, THE JtVSllER, OFFICE, AT QflNCY, PLUMAS COfHIT. R.


T. POGAX. W. D. SiWrtR.


srsviYOK, roil iiKiv, HA3 eaterc-d upoa the dUeJioi'gc ei'lli oSoiil It the tact ia isi ctairs. ti.i; ist ebe not xl-if JDIi. J. 6. VAIGIIAK, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR.

dmcs in AND QolfcCT. it C. BCULINUIMS. J. H.

ULULING3IE MOUSK, DENTISTS. TSV- OKiriit, in the li. S. BniMiuy. corner of livers and MoatevmerT streets, VII.

I. E. February 1M7. 15-if CI. BAiixEtr.

i cox. ATTORXEYS J- COUNSELORS Qt LVCT. ri.CMAS COtXTY, CALIF0RSU, Trill practice all the Courts ot the sdjoining Collectior.s promptly enforced, and lii.iiuty Laud Claims presented without delay. JaTtwing JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, For Rich Bar Township, Pli'mas Cunt: Ofiiceon. Sntth's UUl.

PEARKES MARYSVILLE. Oi street, ne.irly opposite the Herald Ofia WHOLESALE Dealertin Groceries. Liquors, Cigars. Tobacco, and all of sui. table to tl.o.MOi NTA1N and MINING TRAHH.

all. which we ere at siuul ad ance, Uli CASH. ball aud oxamme our Mock ana pricec, wlnry par. ing' usewu 11 ia no trouu. 10 ti 11 pr: EX CLIPPER GREAT REPUBLIC 01 Days from New Yorii.

DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, ic. akd WHOLESALE STREET, ARE now receiving Uic largest ad root exteneis invoice of Drugs, Mediciaes, PrfBmerr, F. Artick. rain's, Aa. ever iraoarted into Marys ville, tUh with tuM new on bind.

eonmriM as hxtt a stock in onr ISe as can be foui.d ft iaiifrrai, eti whioh thi'y te. the trade at pr WLrtwMi'iii ever rrtiiore soia iu taia city. Aicuoi, V5 per cent. WM gun. Perry Davis- Pain Killer 00 dt.

MueUiig Liuineut, assjited 490 doa. Flavo-jring ExtracM, aaortti gris. Spirits Nitre Duclue 30 1 lb. Baia! Copaiba 300 lbs. Epsoia Saltf -1000 lb Hrbi, aasorttd 3C0C H.

Heps, in balss, f.eeh 2000 lh Hops, ia 1 lb 400 lbc Sag, presd 300 lb Castile oap 1000 lot Bi Cftiooivat-e JOOO 3'arch, Pearl 100 lt Siidlicz Powders 50C dos Marysville, Match 26, 1857. Jv' PIONEER An. IK JSt, DALE LATS DOUGLASS DALE, jyi'OilTEUS AND DEALERS IN MUSiC A Nil JiL'clCAL lNSTItl'MENTi. Piano Fortes, Me'odeons, Guitars. Violincellos, Double Basses.

Fifes, Flageoletts, Flulee, Clirionetts, K-a Diuiuf, iiauj Allure Druuj Ttt.WnnHw I'astinetts. Iteeda, Bow Hair. Piusr.r tcumi i 3 T-4 that it would oe available railroad. In other screJ wortlilcM, at least of ten a -id the Senate only ralilieU iu ueuty mil- i ii iii.ij.

uuu eaiue.M Miugiv. y. "Tins tract i xtci.iis from the K.o Gs-uiiah; oti the no. tli river, g.viug It a 01 "'0u) lMS lo slxly "lilt8' Toe arena is tllUS upwards of thirty thousand miles, or about the size of Maiue. Although mainly oixup.etl by Indians, the territory is said now to be of excellent agricultural resources.

But the principal interest felt iu Arizona is owing I to Us rich mineral products. ems oi silver aud copper have been opened withiu the past year, drawing thither a number of California miners, who have thus far been successfully employed. More than odo hundred veins of rich silver oreghave been opened, while in per mining two millions of dollars aro already invested, and the ore prouonnced in London toi be the richest ever sold iu that market. These things, together with the fact that tho newlv established mail route to California will run through this territory, render it probable that the white population of Aaizona will soon rej ecive large additions. Bat they will be with out government.

A territorial bill was iutro- duced at the last session of Congress, but wiu lost in the fatal rush of last hours. But now, we understand, the residents are moving in earnest for a territorial organization, aud have sent Lieut. Mowry to the Atlantic Stat' with a petition to that effect. This officer, who is well acquainted with the region, will give to the press a series of nrtieles on the resources and importance of Arizona, which accounts, it is said by those who knew Lieut. Muwry, may be received with perfect reliance." A Roland fok an Captain Mary- tells a capital an- i i i att.

in his "Olln Fodridu." tells a capital Petiole about a citiiat old do tiiiTTi .5 Ii i i ir i--cnil1' til love for a freakish young lady, which term! ted in a brief courtship and hasty marriage. Tho doejpr detested of any kind, and regularl'hijired to bed at half yast nine P. M. Not skills young wife, who made a point of never missing single evening party to which she might chance to be invited. Wearied in spirits, his peaceful slumbers broken and interrupted by the unconscionable hours that Ids pretty wife thought propper to keep, the doctor at first remonstrated mildly, then raved aud stoi tneil, and filially vowed lo bolt his wife out if Sue was not at home before midnight.

The iv retched medico watched till that hour, then, tit stern determination and strotig ui'iii, bolted the truant out for the night. Soimwin re about four M. the ludy was iiutird in her palanquin from one of the most delightful bulls tho commandant had ever given. nd ng remonstrance and tours of no avail with the obdurate old disciple of iE-cti a us, she threatened to throw hers If into a well hard by The doctor only laughed at her threat. Suddenly, the bearers, who were set up to the dodge, let drop a huge stouo in the well, and simultaneously raised loud lamenta-tionc for their lost mistress.

Out rushed the wretched doctor, half distracted, and less than half clothed; in stepped madam, aud bolted the door securely. Alas! too late the medico discovered the ruse vainly he implored forgiveness an I admission. There, on the sharp gravel, raked footed and night shirted, that. unhappy man walked to and fro to keep circu lation, till daylight revealed his grotesque po i anion 10 iijc BLuiea ui ruuuauuuieis uuuuuiu I 5uorniiig parade, v.ho-bandied the icsa 1 lone to another, 'uutl the luckless doctor wf i 10 C0UnU7' Picket Prf.pabing for Actio.v. While th voting at the Seventh ard Polls was troini? I CO.

17, 1857. rr Iiush -In an Irish story in iKuSejfl Miscellany, a murdered schoolmaster tc liei'ii fnuiiil dead in tiu iouil i Vvh-liis v-l th head Ml of fmcthmt. think it is a said Larry. V-'1 The horse's shoe, was it allaua," eaid Larry; "shoe-aside is njii for cutting your throat." J3Ut he tjdow. lffgnre it'i But he didn't cut his throat," said the I all one," said Larry, "whether he on his throat or a Hammer shot-aside all the same." hammer lonurt.

might have hid the hammrr he did it, to throw off the disgrace of the e-aside. I But wasn' there any life in him when l.c Not a taste. The Crnwners set on him, hid ne uivo" said a word aud hi wis. tUva he would "And didu'i they find anything?" "Nothing but the verdick." "And was it that kilt him Xo my deal. the cril(k on the fc( But the verdik was' 'tivas done, and somebody done it, and they were blackguards, whoever tley whre." "Them Plagcy Indians." An old woman lived near the frontier during the lasl war with Great Brittian.

and possessed a marvelous propensity to learn the news, used frequently to make inquiries of the soldiers. On one occasion she called to one of thoso defenders oar rights, whom she had frequently saluttd bitoe. "What's tho news Why, good woman," said he, "the Indians have fixed a crow-bar under Luke Erie aud arc gating to turn it over and drown the world "0, mercy, what shall I do?" and aoy she r.m to tell Ik neighbors of tho danger, and inquire of her minister how such a might be averted. said he, "you tved not be alarmed; have our Maker's promise that ho will not aiu destroy the world by water." '1 know thut," returned the old lady, has-ti; "he's nothing to do with it; it's them p.iguy Indians." Vt'oasx. -Steele paid the finest eVWanei to a womuti thnt oiled.

Lii one woman, wnou luM' was a biKfaU'd evimet to a womuti thnt perhaps was ever am Cougrevo also Ke K.ivjlJl4.t olj' he says, in dedicating a volume to his wj'-', "has your tenderness removed pain from afflicted heart! If there are such beings angels, they are thus employed. 1 caiitjot believe one of them to be more good iu iil'inatioii or more charming iu form than my The laws regulating marriage are different in' various Slates, but ho who is legally mar-ifcl in one State, is nst as much so when he noiovcs to another, though the marriage he contracted in the first State would not be a one in the State to which he has removed beiug the ease, it will be seen that as soon i Utah becomes a State, a gentleman may go Albany to Great Salt Lake, wed the widow Smith and her eight daughters, return to Albany, open a seragho, and no lawscau touch v.m for thus indulging in the 'luxuries of Lately a gentleman of Chicago wa? accom-7-mying some ladies to the panorama of the Arctic Expedition, when, in crossing a street, he stepped on a hngshtad mop, which flew up (as hoops will do, and struck him across his Lioae. "Good heavens, ladies!" he exciaiincu, "which of you dropped that?" "Why is a thinking person like a mirror 4 Because he reflects. MERCANTILE HOUSES. B.


"tTTE still keep opea oar HOI eh, with all the con- vcaicnces ol a nrst class uoici. 3K-1f CLAUK, SHANNON Sf Co. WU0LESALE RETAIL DEALERS IN Clot hing BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS GLOVES CARPET BAGS AND urnishing GOODS SECOND STREET, Marysville. 27-tr Wm. Burkholder 1 izab WHOLESALE AND RETAIL E.VI.EK IN ALL KINDS OF MEKCHANDISE, also GOLD DUST rCRCBHED AT TUB UIOUKST UARCET rXICX.

Elizabttbtown, July llitb, 1857. 38if lf'r ft IS. I tne is are J. OFFICE ON JACKSON STREET, VOL. I.

Great was the horror of the servants when, on hearing wild shriek' of their mistress, they beheld the room in wild disorder, their mistress lying on the floor in a swoon, and the. corpse of their muster hanging from the bed, with the throat cut from car to ear. A single line in the Journal de Paris announced his ruin to his creditors. 'How well mourning becomes the widow Gorgeonl' was the exclamation whenever the beauteous Diana appeared iu public. And truly it did become her, and suitors were not slow iu telling her so, howbeit, jealous chime openly avowed that none knew it better than the wiJd'iw lieielf.

Aiumnr the many billctdoux she was oon-sta'lyJiiniina on her tablu, nho wan almost i-ru r.ui oi uorgeon. it a u. ritiug of Gorged. It' was ad dressed to 'Madame D.aua and n.t rcse to the widow Madame Gorgeim. as she was I now addressed listening to open it, she read as follows: Diana: Do not trust to appearances; a thing which one imagines lost forever, may be merely mislaid; so, also, one may simulate death and yet This was all there was no date, no signa ture.

For a while she was deeply impressed by the mysteuions tone of the strange note. But Captain De Belorgey, a retired officer, who, though old and ugly, possessed an ample fortune, soon dispelled her vague fears, and, six months after sho became the widow Gor geon, she was Mad. De Belorgey. Ten years had passed as swiftly as a day to the unhappy. Madame De Belorgey was making her toilet; the door of the boudoir open ed; a servant announced, in a trembling tone, that an nuknown gentleman wished to see Madame ou important business.

Hastily attiring herself iu a robe de cham-bre, Diana hurried to the reception room; before her stood Jacques Gorgeonl But how chungedt a poor decrepit old man, yet with sold in abundance; he came from the new world to claim his wife. Looking up at her entrance, he motionec the servant to retire, saying to Diana, 'That which I hare to say, maelame, requires no A minute elapsed. 'Now, sir, we aro "alone to what do I owe Ji' tins I I itirowing himself into a pathetic attitude, the old banker cried out, 'What! Diana, do you tut recognize your husband, The words fell upon the poor oman liko a clap of thunder. Recovering herself, she approached the bell-tope, snyiug, 'Sir, your attempt at imposture is not made in the light place, G'orgeon, my first husband, committed fuic do iu Paris, some ten years Tne old mail's only answer was a laugh; he then led her to a seat and recounted to her uli the particulars of his life since they parted for the last time. As he concluded, he told her, also, that he had returned to resume his old position, richer than ever.

Diina sat as one in a dream. sai the old villain 'why don't you embrace vour 'Have I not told replied the weeping lady, 'that I am again married? And am 1 not Then she went on to tell hint in what a situation he had left her, finishing with an account of her marriage to Captain De Belor- The dead man went out in a great rtgc, vowing vengeance and threatening all sorts of evil; Hobbling to the office of a magistrate, he related his gcievances. 'So you are the thnt uas reportoi Kiuea uy your own hand some ten since 'Yes; but it was all pretence. 'But how did vou effect years ii donga body from a grave digcrer at Prr io a erc-Ja-chaise and mutilated it, as was report v'd and then fled 'Out Of mv hon Ihnn 1.1 go! You complain of injustice! the anthorof such unheard of crime; And Monsieur Jacques Gorgeon was driven away; forced to leave not only the magistrate! house, but Paris itself, wishing, with all his heart, (if he had any,) that he had truly killed himself, and not merely pretended to do so. EMBAmuasMENT or Emus.

In Mrs. Gas-kell biognphy of Charlotte Bronte, there is a very pretty picture drawn from real life, representing that heroic and accomplished girl, the author of Wutheriug Heights," engaged in kneading bread while she studied the German grammar open before her. Domestic misery, from the misery of domestics, is uow the ru.e iu the majority of American families, but this, would not be the esse if there were more of our countrywomen who understood the art of bread-making, like the ladies of Suffolk or who studied their grammars with their delicate hands in the kneading trough, like the gtutle Charlotte Bronte. Boston Invtstigutor. MJ Be wise, for in gaining wisdom ye ako Cain au eminence from which no shaft of envy ox malice can hurl.

Bvrrow. 1 NX) E.OTELS. PLIDTAS llOVmS'iliTt.T.'.V. STA tIL, J. I).

KiTCIHR, Prop's. HAViN'G pnrcliasdj the entire interest in the l'la- mas House, in Elizabethtoivn, ne arc- now pre- pared to accooiraodcte all wbs mn7 favor us ith patronage. Our Hoiue v. ill be ccuduoti-d on very oest una approveil le. tftit t'ns wjc call oa us.

shall iro awi'v disaatVlied. OU TABLE, will be suppli.d with all the substantial and luxuries lt "an "ui died in ih mounlahis: aa we pur-1 unr j-1 a vm aoit iu i lend our table the very last. OCR BLD5, Willi tue best hair attrscs, aan tr el. lib v. atio uTicm supplied with buy and irrain.

OCR CUARGLC modi-rate, put invariably cash, as are deter xiutd lo have no bad debts. S. STA.HL. is well and favorably known rs tii late proprietor of Kitts' Hotel, in Rabbit Creek, and D. RITCHIE is well known to the citizens of Amir-lean Valley, and vicinity; try us if you think we ar guying, aud see if you don't get a "square meal'' and quiet Blum'oors.

A rejfular line of carriages convey passengers from Quinev to our House, and back desired. Elissabuthtown, 7th, 1357. 23v2tf RABBIT CREEK HOUSE. RABBIT CREEK, StEKRA CAL. uiiMr.AL depot roil I'ASSi-surr.

traim. riUIIS Hotel is now kept upon tin: m-wt approved Kuropraa. or Uet.iurant plan, mj that liavolera arriving at any hour of the day or night, cia hz served with in superior style. Parties wishing to avail themselves of a ph. ant retreat during the warm months of tho year, will Cud this House oue of the MOST PLEASANT AND CONVENIENT in the mountains.

Rooms wy aud airy. Ilailis, 4c. Travelers stopping at this House wifi lie more secure from fire than usual, in mountain (owns, from the fact that it is well supplied with water, and partially detached from the town. This House employs one of fh.J best Lacadrymea ia the country, so that boarders or Jewelers cau iave I il" i. l.iir a-ra .7.

a ilh the hnsiuitii. both cities and towns or i A.i!rorula, natters teat lie La mt. merous friends, patrunaye (together withttv- vbodv else s) he solie ts, and uU-dyes himself rure- turn, to do all in his power to a-unue aud entertain them. M. S.

SCOTT. Kabbit Creek. Sept. Cth, '57. 5-tf I5TJCK'S BANCSS "Uli-; undersigned naving madt extensive additions buimmns to the above well known Hanch, vvould say that he is now able to oiler to the traveling public, the best ol accommodations, and every possible comfort that is usually offered in the mountains.

A larire Bara is upn the premises, conjtr'itlv sup plied with hay and grain, and attended ly a careful tier. Connected with the Hotel is a liAK, supplied itu me cuoicest L.tquurs, cigars ac. .4150, Constantly la receipt of well assorted Dry, Miner's, led oilier Oootts. suitable lor tue mouutaiu market, Inch are oll'ered at the lowest Cash ltAi ts. A PASSENGER TRAIN aves the Itanch every day for Jlarysvile, ted the Asnericau Valley, at 1 o'clock.

P. 11. K. AiULtiLLU, rroprutor. Valley, June lath, m6.

U-tt JONES HOTEL. JOXFSVILLE. Ji THE undersigned hue built a large aai com- "Cj modious house, for HOTEL purposes, at th above named od is now prepared to accommo date as many us may favor him with their patronage. Every inducement, that kind attentioa to the com-foits and of mj patrons, shall be freely emended by myself, and those counectt-d with the houee in every cupucity. The BEDS are clean aud comfortable, aud the kitchen well supplied ith the bet, procurable iu the mouulaius.

The BAR shall La con stantly supplied with a rood article of Liquors aad 'Cicnra, The House is located immediately on the Trail, and is a central point for those wishing to secure rooi diggings. Call and satisly yourselves. 28-tt 1). A. LINKS.

EAGLE GULCH RANCn. "WRIGHT TTTOULl) State to the public, that thev have opon ed, at the mouth of E.i2le Hufeh, a Hotel, for the accommodation ot the traveling public, where no nains will be spared to render comlortable. those that may lavor us witu a call. A Hotel at tais point uas long been demanded, and we are determined to Ml that demand to the satisfaction of the public. OUR EAR is well supplied with good Liquors.

OUR STORE. In with our Hotel, we tare a hcavr a-Hortment of goods, suitable to the mouutain trade, which will be sold as low as the lowest. Give us call, and we will satisfy you all, that we are not jok ing 1 a. o. Eagle Gulch, Dm.

1S55. -tf SPANISH RANCH HOTEL. HAVING, during the summer, undergone the most thorough repairs, and enlargement, is now in the most complete condition to receive and accommodate its old friends, and the travelling community. The entire (second story of the building has been laid otl'ioto airy bed rooms, completely plusteftd, and furnished with choice bedding. The bar having been separated from the building, gives to the waar.v that they will not be disturbed ia repose, by the noise Incidental to most hotels iu the mountains.

CAl'J'- DE HAVEN, formerly of the Golden Gate. Onion Valley, aud long and favourably known in the mountains, having become connected with, and taken the charge of the establishment, is a full guarantee, that every attention will paid to all thai favor the house. The Table is always bountifully suppUed, aad the Barn stored with hay and grain. HARVEY, STORY December 1856. v2 6-tf -a" a.

lii A f-'iag full i of If turned his present situation, which, as Usui. with his class, he fully appreciated. But ir friend Gorgeon was so ocenpied iu amassing his little fortune, that he had bad no opportunity of marrying; and as he desired, above all things, to perpetuate the race of ho now turned bis mind towards securing a wife worthy to assist him in attaining that laudable ambition. Xi common woman would satisfy our parvenu; oh! no; the lady to suit him Bhould possess more than ordinary accomplishments; as to wealth, why, he hud enough for both. 'Tis easy to forsee that our pompous Jacques will probably eatch a Tartar.

The "Almanack des liases," the leading journal of that day, contained several "bouquets des verses, addressed to Mdlle. Diana this lady it was whom Jacques Gorgeon proposed to marry. The banker's suit was successful, and the peerless Diana became mistress of the mansion in the Faubourg Saint Honore. Intoxicated with joy was the worthy banker, and Diana failed not to take advantugc of her opportunity. Splendid dresses, of the most costly fa brics, magnificent shawls, pieces of jewelry, a now house, of the best style, and in the most aristocratic square, a carriage and horses un rivalled, in fact, everything a womuti, iinngiu- icg herself possessed of boundless wealth, could fancy, was sported by Madame Gorged: regardless of expenditure.

"Who is that in that splendid coach;" would one dandy say to another. I Why, that i the wifu of a stroll banker. Hotol des itermesr and then fie eleeant Aricer derisively, On the day of his marriage, Gordon count-t- hi'; money and found he possessed just four hundred thousand livrcs a nice little sum, but not a second Peru; gold pieces, you ki.ow, are round, and will, therefore, roll away very easily; accordingly, he had not been married a year, ere ho was involved in debt. The hon-ev-moon was pas-ed before ho thought of the enormous rate at which the pieces were disappearing. One morning, in looking over his iK'Connts, he discovered an appalling deficit almost all his capital was swallowed.

'Diana makes a brave tho'ight he, 'but then, nlie is so handsome; yet I cannot help it, my cunlit must be preserved: this extravagance must come to an end Diana, however, would listen to no argu ment; so Jacques yielded, curing not what happened after he had his day. But, uhis! his day came full soon; for on going to his treasury one morning, he was petrified with astonishment to see it empty; ho had not a cent of his own there, however, were the funds of his depositors. He looked at the money awhile and then begun to count it. Two hundred thousand livres, besides notes and bonds to a much larger amount. Ah! thought ho, if it were only mine.

The wish is father to the thought. Gorgeon depicted to himself what he would be.obliged to endure; scorn, poverty, perhaps imprisonment, and therevilings of his haughty yrife: I could never survive it, thought be. He resolved to die, not in reality, but only Ho packed coyetea guiU 1 his portmanteau; the notes and bills were quietly placed in his pocket-book, aud, going out, he sought the sexton of one of the cemeteries; with this villain ho bargained for the corpse of a man about his own size, and as much like him as possible, to be delivered at his house that night. Late in tho evening he returned home. Madame had gone to the Comedie Fran- cnise; a new piece was to be produced.

Carefully did Jacques examine his bills and his gold, and carefully re-arrange them iu his and pytniin.Toai. Tho servants, by his ordora, were enjoying themselves in the kitchen, and he himself admitted a masked man, who bore on his shoulders a long sack 'Brave fellowf said the Banker, 'here is your reward, but remember 'Ay, ay, replied the ruffian, 'mum's the word; if this night's work were known, 'twould be bad for us He was gono. Again Jacques Gorgeon peered around to assure himself of his safety, and then, drawing forth the body, placed it iu his bed. Ho then took a razor and cutting tho throat of. (he corpse, arranged everything about it so as to produce the impression that ho had perished by his own hand; after which, taking his ill-gotten (jiuiu, he departed.

i Tuning hammers. Bridges, Pegs, Rosin, Tuning PoikX on briskest, Picki tt, stiruamed the iV.mselitrVj appeared in the crowd with pencil and ubt Si WADSWORTH ACCOUDEONS ano FLUTINAS. We s. 11 flret chiss articles, and at greatly r- ducid prloea SHEET AND BOOK MUSIC. New received by every steamer.

Our assortment of Sheet Kotde is now one of the larg. in t'l-U'oi uia, embracing choice solecticus from tfce. a-lognes of every publishing bouse in the Uu.i k1 Kwvi as alfo many European publications. VIOLIN and GUITAR STRINGS. MuaiciaiiB, dealers, and others, who wants fod string will do well to send us their orders.

TOYS and FANCY GOODS. Siliiaid Balls, Cue Tips, Wsi and Chalk, Bird Ctges, Children's Carriages, Boxing gloves, Police wh'tilet, book, posing aueuuveiy at tne man uexiji and then turned to the next. Aud this he nonten mui lift pni'minri-vpil Mr Sn.ifh i.UU he emed to bo in doubt, to ho approached that gentleman "Please tell me," siid he, "what your firs; name is." "With pleasure, sir," said the other, whan cnesterntiuian in nis deportment, my name is Smith." "Thank you," said Pickett, and he maic another eulry in his note book. Mr. spit of his politeness, felt a little annoyed, at well as curious "Allow me to ask, sir," said he, "what y'i wish with my name?" i As "Certainly- I'm tukitig a list of every d-f-d man tnai see voting to pay the internal swiu iiug ciato ueui.

as soon as tne election i over I intend to commence proceedings again mem. i niieua io noia caen inaividual peon nuirily responsible for the outraire unon constitutional rights as one of the minority, sir. That's what I want with your name, sirl" Mr Smitu coiinpsea. JJuiunn. fencing tons, Masks, (Jribbage aud Backgammon Chetstaea, Ladies work baskets, 4e supplied at the lowed pvioos.

We import all our goods direct from New York and tloMoo, aud guarmtte (0 ici at loiv as ony tmUur 4M msW Cahjornii. (imfd sad repaired by an workman. DALE A Successors to Docoi.Tsa i Dalb, N'o. 155 J. street Sacramento Clrv.

LOST! A fine Gold Walch lost by the iiibrcrlltr, any person giving information where it aaoy be found rewarded for their trouble. L. H. COCiN. Elizabethtown, Aug.

ISJ7. it. BLANKS, TON, lik sale this i.

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